Hi Matt. Bruce Yaffe here. (You and your dad know me) The real question is why is this drug not even being studied in western academic centers when in fact it has been vetted by some very serious infectious disease people. In fact the head biostatistician of the NHS put out a YouTube plea to Boris Johnson to encourage academic evaluation of this medicine and her plea was taken down off of YouTube.

I have been using this drug on my patients since March 2020, and have had very good clinical results across-the-board. I have been pleading with academics to research this product in an academic center. It’s inexpensive generic, safe and a very easy product to study.

A simple study would involve treatment of 50 patients with fever treated early with ivermectin versus 50 treated with placebo and after two weeks there could be a very simple outcome study at very little cost.

This has been done in centers around the world in at least 38 randomly controlled studies, but there are no studies ongoing in western academic centers and there’s no explanation as to why there is no study ongoing!

I approached a serious academic center last April before it was a political issue and I was shocked that there was no interest.

Ivermectin has in the past showed some benefit in other virus illnesses such as Mers Sars, and aids. Many studies in small far and institutions show that it works preventatively, in early disease, and even in advanced Covid.

One study even suggest a 70% decrease in mortality. Why is this not even being studied???

And why is it being suppressed and taken down like hate speech??? I do realize that this could cost the pharmacy industry billions, but I cannot personally fathom that the pharmaceutical industry’s interests are not totally focused on ending Covid‘s global holocaust.

It’s insane that Dr Marik and Dr Kory are being accused of quackery. It is equally upsetting that QAnon has adopted this cause now and accusing the deep state of suppressing a valuable product. I would hate to believe that this gives Qanon credibility.

I believe that Ultimately this drug will be proven to be of great value and in retrospect this will be one of the greatest tragedies of medicine.

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Bruce, wow, great to hear from you - we should talk, I would love to hear more. Ok to reach out?

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You might be interested in connecting with Michael Capuzzo, New York Times bestselling author, who has been chronicling the story of Ivermectin for 1 year, and convinced it could help end the pandemic if there are brave journalists like you who crack the deafening censorship: https://www.mountainhomemag.com/2021/05/01/356270/the-drug-that-cracked-covid

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The elephant in the room is that nobody in power wanted the thing to end.

Matt once said about the Federal Reserve and the 2008 fin crisis, "If you think of it as a crime, then it all makes sense."

Same thing here. If you think of it ALL as a coup, it all makes sense.

Matt, when will you begin to see it like you saw the b.s. in 2008?

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Insightful quote. It reframes a lot of things that initially didn't make sense.

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Matt, do whatever you can with your bully pulpit vis a vis ivermectin. Lives are at stake.

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Mr. Taibbi, Great Article, Thank you for covering the censorship of Ivermectin! This is a great start. Now you need to cover the drug itself and whether there is evidence backing that claims that it is materially effective at preventing and treating covid...and if so, why is NIH actively suppressing it. I know you are not a medical professional, but you are are not a financial professional either. If you can successfully cover the financial complexities with all of its complexities, then you can cover this topic. Please, please, please we need you to wade through information and provide objective reporting on this. The stakes are high. We are not out of covid yet. The Delta strain is pretty nasty and getting past vaccines in some rare cases. If this does turn out to be effective(big if), and your reporting helps turn the tide in accepting the drug for treatment or prevention, YOU WILL HAVE LITERALLY SAVED LIVES.

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100% agreed! Matt Taibbi's is our guy ... The one who can help spread the 'dirty word' IVERMECTIN ... We need to finally end this genocidal coup these Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, pretending to be "World Health" experts, who are guilty of deliberately trashing our economy, making people homeless, causing some to foreclose on their homes, an increase in suicides, halting our childrens social & emotional development : /

...  AND, the worst cruelty of all I think, is while killing us off, refusing to provide Med4All - during a pandemic, while they made themselves 543 Billion dollars wealthier.  Souless.  Shameless.

We're talking diabolical sociopaths here; like Nazi Germany psycho's. Covid-19 is a Bio-weapon. Re the silence on Ivermectin - the science is in.  It prevents, treats & cures Covid-19.  And, that's why it's been a swear word for 14 months.

Ivermectin's a naturally occurring 'molecule' made by nature; easily to reproduce in a lab, it was discovered in the 1970's - by a fluke! ... in a soil sample.   And, it has saved us all ... Just Universal intelligence flowing with the laws of Mother Nature ... it's self-correcting. Justice & Love rules over Evil & Fear.  We can finally tell Big Pharma not just to 'go to hell', but lock them all up behind bars.

And, Ivermectin's is backed by more than enough expertly researched, evidence based, peer-reviewed, published articles - with unquestionable proof Ivermectin treats Covid and there is no need for anymore vaccines.   Now that Scientists & Lawyers are stepping forward, we will have no need for hospitalizations, no need for ventilators, no need to die, no need for lockdowns.

Why has Ivermectin has become a dirty word? ... because it is a proven preventive, treatment & cure.   AND, Fauci, the CDC, the WHO & the WEF, all working for the Oligarchs, the Technocrats, Big Pharma & our covert DOD/MIC (that President Eisenhower warned us of & still has Julian Assange locked up for informing us just how bad the corruption had gotten).   Instead of the latter working for us, the tax payers, to help uis fight Covid-19 ... they instead have been working every minute, of every day, since the discovery of Ivermectin to silence the science (Ivermectin has been a swear word to the Deep State 2020-2021), and they intended  to keep it buried deep underground from where it came.

CDC & Fauci knew since April 2020 that Ivermectin killed Covid-19 dead within 24-48 hours in-vitro & did the same in lower concentrations in humans infected, by May 2020.

If the dirty word, Ivermectin got out? ... Well, there would go Bill Gates billion $ vax push.  There would go WEF's Klaus Schwab's Great Reset plans.  Wall Street sharks are sure to have plans to scoop up all the real estate. Bummer.  These guys are use to getting what they want. 

And, since the beginning of this lockdown, economists have been saying, the economy was on the verge of collapse anyway; caused by the usual suspects, corruption by Wall Street, the looting of our Treasury (2 trillion last I knew), etc.   But, they intended to blame the 2021 Market Crash on Covid instead.  The perfect place to hide their looting of the American's way of living.  Just like they did in 2008.  And, Biden would be their man to back them up (like Obama was) ... And, the public would have to pay the price. AGAIN.

MSM even dared to blame us for the deaths because some of us weren't wearing masks.  We're easier to brainwash and manipulate when they get us to turn on each other, when we're shamed, in a state of fear, shock & awe.   The way abusive parents control small children.  Shock & awe; we've been here before with the lies WMD's ... and we still didn't learn?

Why? Because most American's are really good decent people.  They want to believe in their leaders.  They are too innocent to even fathom that humans would do such things to each other.  But there are some, who are blessed to see what's going on.  The scientists, epidemiologists, medical doctors, virologists; they're all coming forward.    

The CDC, NIH, Fauci, Big Pharma (Mercks spokeperson), WHO, MSM, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter's censorship makes them complicit & responsible for the death of over 2 million people globally. And, lucky for us, Johns Hopkins University made it easy for us; they're keeping a minute to minute tally of how many thousands died by withholding life-saving information since May 2020; a tally they used to frighten us into taking their vaccine.

Now we can use JHU's #'s in court, including their experimental vaccine counts (that never should have had EUA per Helsinki's Code of Ethics); JHU kept track; country, by country, by country. And then we can bury these greedy, controlling self-serving "World Health' Experts in their own details.


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Thanks for your comment Maureen, you are spot-on and inspirational! Universal intelligence flowing through Mother Nature’s laws indeed!

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Strongly agree with the above , we so need you to provide an objective fair analysis of Ivermectin!

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Email me with your cell number and I’ll call you


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"The real question is why is this drug not even being studied in western academic centers when in fact it has been vetted by some very serious infectious disease people."


"It’s inexpensive generic, safe and a very easy product to study."

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I was told it was because if there is an existing treatment you can't get an emergency authorization for another. Meaning, if you accept IVM as a viable treatment you can't have a EUA for the vaccine, and thus no one gets to sell their vaccines because none of them have FDA approval. File under, a special place in hell.

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that is exactly why Ivermectin has become a dirty word ... A prevention, treatment & cure for $2.65 (the cost for treatment in India - used since August 2020) - would have made the billionaires 543 Billion less wealthy ...

The lockdown is/was all a Rich Man's Trick ... a total Global Covert Psyop by the Billionaire Technocrats & Big Pharma who own us & the planet.

For $2.65 India passed out what they called Ziverdoo kits (Ivermectin, zinc & tetracycline) for US citizen - they charged 12$ from Mumbai, India


the Ziverdoo Kits cut the mortality rate in half --- a medication cocktail used in India since last August 2020 - India administered it widely - making it available nationwide in every market around every corner.

... There are a group of Attorneys from India suing the WHO now for when the WHO tried to oppress their use of the medicine Ivermectin. There's still one portion of India (Goa) where it's not allowed & people are dying.

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That's part of it, but another part is the PCR "test." Why would they select a diagnostic tool they know can't isolate a virus and that is known to have 50% or more false positives at excessive cycles which they mandated?

And why would they put into an emergency law huge financial incentives for hospitals to code CV-19 as cause of death even when there's zero chance it caused the death (motorcycle crash bashes skull, but body tests positive in ER)?

It's all connected. It's too big for just big pharma. It allowed election officials to illegally change procedures that resulted in huge vote dumps at 3 a.m. in 5 swing states, all at the same time, all 90% or more for Biden (no down ballot votes).

One you see it as all connected, you will see what is happening. They're doing to America what they've done overseas to a hundred other countries - taking over the government when they don't like the leaders elected.

It's all connected. Pull on the threads...

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Exactly ... USA, Israel, Saudi & England seemed to be pulling most of the strings in 9/11 - WTC #1, #2 & #7 towers imploding into themselves (the Soloman Brother's Building where all the ENRON evidence was shredded using nanothermite encased in a "Gelitin" ignited remotely using BB-18 Littel fuses; Building #7 under "Lucky Larry" Silverstein's command; "Just pull it" ... "Pull it" ) ... "It's a B-thing" - they even wrote a book about igniting the 3 towers ... Mossad Art Student's from Austria - mocking events on 9/11/01 before it ever even happened. And AMERICAN's let it slide (except for Architects & Engineer's for 911 Truth). Most people just closed their eyes because it was too painful to see.

The Great Reset (that CEO Klauss Schwabb even wrote a book about - published July 2020 - foretelling of their plans due to Covid) ... without neither our consent, nor our vote; the Great Reset fascist plandemic is all part of "Why IVERMECTIN is a Swear Word" ... Because it threw an unexpected wrench into their 1%'s Great Reset Plans.

We've had a shutdown of our economy & life since March 2020 - for no good reason ... With a medicne that could treat Sars-CoV2 - there's would be no EAU for lockdown, no need for death, no need for children to be out of school ... Most important, there would be no EAU for an "experimental" - not even approved by the FDA, dangerous mRNA gene modulator injection ... Even Ivermectin has FDA approval for human use & has a safety record better than Tylenol & aspirin.

If the CDC, NIH & WHO did not #SilenceTheScience, none of the EUA Lockdown would have been legal (the lockdown that caused millions of small businesses to shut down). People lost their jobs, lost their health insurance, more children died from suicide than Covid, etc.

The CDC, NIH & WHO have known a molecule Mother Nature made, discovered in the 70's ... called Ivermectin, kills 95% Covid-19 dead in 24-48 hours in-vitro in high concentrations. This is irrefutable; a fact; since April 2020 they knew. And, by May 2020, the CDC, NIH & WHO all knew there was evidence in human trials across the globe - showing Ivermectin killed Covid-19, using a lower, therapeutic, very safe concentration of Ivermectin for human use in those infected w/ SarsCoV2; it worked better than any other drug they were using.

What the CDC, NIH & WHO did instead of help the world, was they obfuscated the issue, by lying and coming out with the statement; "high toxic concentration used in-vitro were dangerous for human use."

This was irrelevant & this served no place in the conversation; it worked within 24-28 hours on Covid-19 victims in low therapeutic doses. The CDC, NIH & WHO and even the Merck spokesperson (public relations) - deliberately propagandsized to keep us in lockdown & prep us to push the vaccine.

To delay the World from knowing the real science ... Because if they world knew the science - there could be NO lockdown. There could be NO Vax-push.

Is it starting to make sense yet? it's all connected. And the strings, when pulled 20 years - post 9/11 - as pre-plandemic - the fascists have all the infrastructure they need for their forced military state lockdown.

This #SilenceTheScience is no longer even worth our time disputing. Like Dr Pierre Kory & Dr. Brett Weinstein have said, the issue at hand here is why the censorship that resulted in the uneccessary sufferring, millions dying & breakdown of our economy secondary to an illegal shutdown, we have yet to see the longterm devasatating effects of.

It is all connected. The NSA post 9/11 gave the DHS the technology; GPS, Smart Phones, Social Media sites to track every thought we have & every move we make to enforce their Pre-Plandemic Great Reset.

And the push for the mass-world-vaccination is also part of the Great Reset - You can hear Klauss Schwabb on youtube discussing injecting the nanoparticles into us so we have a brain-world-interface. The man is completely insane.

Those who the people trusted to make decisions for out health censored the information that resulted in over 2-3 million deaths - just to make people think they needed a fake vaccine (an mRNA gene modulator - that permanently effects our immune systems - making it malfunction when we need it most). Hiding the statistics of all those who either died from vaccine, or live now with complications.

Maybe Matt's not ready to look at the science. And I would not blame him if he was not. I've tried to warn everyone I know not to take the vaccine & no one would listen (unless they have a science background).

There's a good reason the majority of people refusing to be vaxxed happen to be in the Military &/or are Healthcare Professionals. Even Fauci said 45% CDC employees did not get the Vax. People in Healthcare know Big Phgarma (Merck & Pfizer) doesn't give a shit about our lives; experimental mRNA that killed the ferret's & minks they used it on? ... And the Military knows the government doesn't give a shit about our lives.

The science is not disputable; it is a fact; in-vitro kills Covid-19 dead , and by April, they knew it killed it dead in humans in much lower concentrations. But they all did everything in their power to #SilenceTheScience.

And, here we are, over 3 million lives lost. And we can't even get a good journalist like Matt Taibbi to undertake a respectable investigation of the issue. It's time to get serious now about what these Drug Cartel's & their MIC/Deep State friends have done to the world in their Great Reset attempts. The WHO, the CDC, the FDA are mostly funded by Big Pharma (maybe Matt does not know this; many aren't aware of this fact) ... and the United Nations was at the World Summit (aka Agenda 21) in 1992 Rio de Jeneiro Brazil. Nancy Pelosi was there to sign it in 1992; true blue, Nancy WHO?

There's a documentary called "Trust W.H.O?" about the corruption and profit agenda of the WHO. Worth watching.

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich is suing the WHO for crimes against humanity & the India Government is holding them accountable for the deaths in India when they forbid the use of Ivermectin.

I never thought the genocide of 3 million would be degraded into being mocked as a Right Wing culture war. Just because Trump tells the truth once in a while & knows the CDC, NIH & Big Pharma are not on the side of the people. Greed, Control & Power is all that matters. Trump also told the truth once, when he said before getting into the White House; "We have no business being in Syria" ... as much as I disliked him as POTUS, I loved him for saying that. And it is those intermittent, positive reinforcement - unpreditable "truths" he would blurt out on occasion - that got AmeriKKKA to vote for him. He was right about Syria, and he was right about Hydrchloroquine working (not as effective as Ivermectin) but the point is, Trump knew enough to not trust his own government. Even though he's a total shithead & bombed Syria anyway.

Because I do not #SilenceTheScience, I told everyone & anyone I knew about Ivermectin - and many asked if I was a "Q-Non" .... that's shows what a great job MSM did in mind-screwing everyone's brains. Even Science doesn't make sense to anyone anymore, let alone politics,

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You are correct (both about the EUA and the special place in hell).

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Great point. The whole EUA has been abused by the FDA & pharma to make it mandatory to vaccinate kids where the risk/benefit is far less compelling since you are now seeing new severe side effects in young otherwise healthy people.

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Yeah, exactly. I think it might’ve been a rhetorical question. Because obviously we can’t have effective, cheap drugs that everybody can afford. How would the pharmaceutical companies ever make money???

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here is a video of us drs who did a small trial but can't get funding for a larger trial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqNH6GVAATY

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or the media companies -- have you ever seen an invermectin ad? It's a $10 lice treatment that your kid may have received.

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it's also a component in Veternarian Medicine used to give to dogs & cats once a month; aka Heartgard ... AND, Tractor Supply sells Ivermectin Horse Paste (apple flavored; yummy!) that I bought to have on hand till my Ivermectin pills arrived from a Canadian Pharmacy (after I saw Dr Pierre Kory's speech to US Senate)

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I haven’t ever seen an invermectin ad. And I don’t have kids. But why are they using it for lice treatment? I got lice when I was a kid, my mom just poured some vinegar on my head and they all went scurrying off.

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It also has veterinarian use for ringworm and similar.

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Insecticidal soap works, too, though it may not kill the eggs - you need a comb for that. Or two applications. And maybe conditioner after: it's a harsh shampoo.

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You know what isn’t a harsh shampoo? Vinegar. And a bottle of that costs like two bucks. No need for a second application, either. That shit got rid of my lice real quick. I remember when my mom poured it on my head in the bathtub, me and my brother were freaking out because we could feel the lice jumping off of our heads and on to our bodies before they disappeared haha.

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I don't think that is the only answer. Might be part of it, but not the only one.

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I recall Ben Carson noting the rarity of COVID-19 in East Africa, suggesting the common use of Ivermectin there was worthy of research. He got crickets.

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But it was Ben Carson. He worked for Trump!! Worse yet he is a successful black conservative!!!!

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Also a brain surgeon!

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yeah, annoying.

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Also brain dead

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There is another interesting case study from France - a senior care home was using Ivermectin to treat a Scabies outbreak. They did not intend for it to be used as prophylaxis against COVID-19. But, lo' and behold, that's exactly what happened:

"The rate of Covid19 infection were 1.4% in that care home compared to 22.6% in 45 home cares including 3062 resident people of the same French department of Seine et Marne near Paris."


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My family is a small case study too since my son had "scabies" and were all given 2 cycles of ivermectin at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak and had many people/families/friend around us dropping like flies with + C-19. All 6 of us stayed healthy in the pre-mask wearing days. Cause and effect, not sure, but made me wonder as a scientist/physician.

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Multiply that by many thousands of similar results...and it's still not a "randomized double-blind study conducted by a reputable first world medical facility". Glad that happened for you though.

But other people's lives are far down the list from academic reputation, pharma profits and political points so f'ing obscure I can't even keep track any more.

I have considered the covid-related "blood on your hands"/"you want to kill Grandma" hysteria to be nothing more than that...until now, when it seems much less of a logical stretch.

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Yeah, no. IMO it is a mess of throwing p-values around with a lot of messy data with a very small sample size. They did though have the right take at the end: "Given that this is not a double-blind study and the sample size is small, it is not possible to reach a conclusion about the efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID-19 in a geriatric clinical setting; further randomized studies are needed."

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Well, it depends what point you're making. The preponderance of Ivermectin data suggests non-random repeatable effect sizes at preventing covid and preventing serious outcomes. It is incredibly myopic to respond to that data by pointing out that the sample sizes are small, because the meta-analysis sample sizes are large, and that's also not how statistics works. Far too many people who don't really understand stats (not implying you) don't understand when the sample size criticism is warranted.

If you don't want to take any one study at face value, that's fine, there are hundreds.

One large sample study is not as strong as a hundred independent studies of smaller sample size. See: repeatability crisis, P-hacking, and so on.

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Are we rejecting hundreds (by now) of actual field results out of a commitment to the niceties of peer-review, claiming facts are not facts unless and until they are the result of "randomized double blind studies" (of sufficient size) (run by suitably prestigious institutions) (in the "right" part of the world, you know what I mean)?

Out of respect for Hanlon's Razor, I'd like to propose a simpler explanation for the suppression of information about Ivermectin, one that, as is often the case, involves corporations and money.

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The Bible idiot Carson (pyramids were built by St. Joseph to store wheat) was also selling oleander extract as sure prevention and cure for Covid, together with My-Pillow imbecile. It was so assuring to watch him standing next to Trump while the insane clown was lecturing on Covid - "just like flu"

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Come on Boris. I get you don't like his politics, but hes no idiot. He was chief of pediatric neurosurgery at John's Hopkins at 33, and was the first to perform several I innovative brain surgeries on children.

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Sorry Jeff- you just can't beautify who Ben Carson really is.

Facts indicate that he is an imbecile and grifter -- it illustrates just how incompetent and blind was Trump's reign surrounded by sycophants and bible-idiots.

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When dealing with people you disagree with.

First realize that they are always misinformed,

stupid, or

blinded a higher power

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You’re mentally ill.

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You dropped this /s

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I deeply respect people's faith. I would NEVER attack anybody's religion.

But, as the immortal Voltaire spoke -- Crush the despicable.

I can't stand ignorance and adoration of swindlers and grifters.

Anybody who is in 21st century, after years of education, believes that Egyptian pyramids were built by St. Joseph to store wheat is indeed -- a Bible idiot. There is simply no better word to describe Ben Carson -- a disgrace to all Americans.

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All true, then he went off a cliff into being a moron. Sad, but true.

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Just because someone thinks something stupid about one or more things doesn't necessarily make them wrong about all things. A remedial course on logic might help you.

Aristotle believed the earth was the center of the universe. Does that make all his discoveries of mathematics untrue? Answer is self-evident.

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Oleander extract was not just stupid -- it was a quick buck snake oil "medicine" concocted with the My Pillow grifter -- no moral or shame whatsoever -- disgusting.

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Are you sure there is no scientific data supporting oleandrin? Did you investigate any primary sources or did you get your information from secondary sources (who can be biased with profit motives for more expensive therapeutics)

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No - but Ben Carson did got Covid-19 and I vividly remember how scarred he was and how grateful and servile he was that he got with Trump's help top medical help and survived.... One of the more despicable characters surrounding our insane clown.

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Re. Aristotle -- he believed that women have fewer teeth than men --he didn't bother to count their teeth... ;-))

In physics Aristotle was nearly 100% wrong on practically all subjects.

The church for some reason adopted his beliefs and discarded of other Greeks -- humanity lost about 1,000 years because of resulting science paralysis - until Galileo...

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Three instances constitutes a pattern … on this case of stupidity lacking any credibility … people banging on about Carson’s value also lack credibility …

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3 strikes and your out huh. You are watching too much baseball

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Politics aside, that Lindell guy makes fantastic sheets. Somebody gave me a king set, and it’s the only set

I’ve ever had that actually fits over the super tall foam-topper-included king sized mattresses they sell now. I’ve been bitching about that for years!

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Carson is a classic red herring.

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You sound so sincere and idealistic. You can’t believe big Pharma would be motivated by money? You are shocked the elites hate Trump so much it would effect their decisions? You know we ignorant, misguided, clinging deplorables have been right about quite a few things.

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You will not believe how many people who I respected, laughed at me and called me names just because I had the audacity to think differently that what Fauci, CNN, MSNBC, Google and FB were saying about this drug. Follow the money to Merck...they are guilty of murder. There is a major reason why Merck did nothing to support this drug...look at the 1.5 Billion dollars they will get for trying to develop a similar drug to Ivermectin. God, I fucking hate America right now!

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Yes. Our elites/deep state are a disgusting corrupt lying crew. But our land is beautiful and our principles are divine. We just have to reclaim our country. Step by step

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Exactly. Reclaim our country. Step by step. Here's the order of steps: facebook, google, amazon, apple, wal-mart, wall street, the Fed, the U.S senate...

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I believe Merck has a drug in development for which it will be seeking an EUA. It didn't disclose this little fact in a statement it issued panning ivermectin (for which it once held a patent). A WHO scientist or official subsequently panned ivermectin in a tweet which included as support for her position a link to the Merck announcement. She subsequently took down her tweet , but the Indian Bar Association captured the tweet and is including it in their causes of action.

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This is proof that Merck is fucking American tax payers....they know that Ivermectin is safe, but panned that drug so that they could make more money...the black CEO is a prick!

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Merck is an evil fucking company...evil.

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That is the spirit! Anger is the first part of the solution.

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Fly the Gadsden alongside Old Glory this 4th of July. It will remind you of what this country used to be.

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not just America, we live in France now and the same misguided, blinders-on mentality exists. Dollars/euros control the world, as they always have

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I am being sarcastic

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Nice!! I am too gullible!!

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"It is equally upsetting that QAnon has adopted this cause now and accusing the deep state of suppressing a valuable product. I would hate to believe that this gives Qanon credibility."

Yeah, QAnon is really running the show around here. If only QAnon hadn't endorsed Ivermectin! Why can't people have nice things?

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Yeah, that may be true, but the “Blue Anons” are actually killing people…. So, there’s that.

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I was being sarcastic. To me, the idea that "QAnon" has more than negligible political power is risible, but the "Domestic War on Terror" crowd is chafing at the bit to name them as Enemies of the State.

"Have you ever been a member of, or have you been affiliated with a member of, the organization known as 'QAnon?'"

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QAnon is just an idea.

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QAnon is the deep state.

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The motivation there could well be to conflate wacko theories with real conspiracies in order to discredit them. If QAnon is not the deep state, it certainly looks like it was infiltrated by spooks.

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I'm currently of the mind that, following the legalization of propaganda in the 2013 NDAA, that's where the 2010s flat-earth and moon-hoax campaigns began, in order to test the limits of public gullibility.

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" in order to test the limits of public gullibility." ...test, conflate and dismiss real conspiracies

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Just as a matter of Internet history, the Moon Landing Hoax was around in the very early 2000s, if not before.

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Fair enough. I've heard of it earlier, too. But it seems new life was breathed into it lately. My favorite counterargument, because of its simplicity, is that in 1968-69 it would have been utterly impossible to generate the kind of simulations allegedly made, given the limitations of IT. It really *would* be easier to go to the moon!

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I will admit in advance to being insufficiently versed in QAnon lore, but one of the interesting things about it is that it seems to play on tensions between military intelligence and CIA (e.g. Mike Flynn as Christ figure).

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Right, and also interesting that the entire intelligence community, which is part of the most advanced and well-funded security apparatus the world has ever seen, just can’t seem to find this person (or persons).

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They sure as shit moved heaven, earth, and Evo Morales's plane to try to get Snowden, though.

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«just can’t seem to find this person (or persons).»

What they say and what they know could be very different things. I am personally sure that they know exactly who is involved, as all "net" activities are pseudonymous rather than anonymous, at least to the government of the place where someone lives. NN Taleb, who most likely has reason to know, wrote recently:


NN Taleb, 2020: “every financial transaction done on Planet Earth since 2005 is traceable (the aftermath of Sep 11). Even if one uses prête-noms. Even if one uses cryptocurrencies, art work, etc. You cannot hide anything anymore.”

and earlier in his diary ex-english-minister T Benn wrote:


T Benn 2003: “John Reid, the Leader of the House, had said that rogue elements in the security services had tried to attack the Government, which I think is a silly thing for him to have said, because security services know all about everybody and they would be quite ready to bring out scandal on anyone.”

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I have suspected so

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I have to confess much great ignorance than knowledge wrt QAnon, HOWEVER...

There is no matter of precedent of prior history that automatically precludes a person from being right about something. Someone says the sun will rise in the east, or that Ivermectin is useful in treatment of Covid, I don't care if it's QAnon, Ben Carson or the Bad Orange Man himself who says it: it's true.

I understand the mechanisms of discrediting sources that are among the tools the social media platforms use, but facts remain facts, even when delivered by someone who has been dressed up like a witch*.

*-note: in the historical record to which I refer, she actually WAS a witch. So there's that.

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“in the historical record to which I refer, she actually WAS a witch”

There are subtle points about the witch trials:

* Many witch trials were conducted with the best standards of fairness and law, not just by the standards of that time, but also by the standards of our time, and in those cases the convictions were sound, "beyond reasonable doubt".

* This was because whether or not those witches *were* witches, they believed themselves to be witches, and very passionately so; they really believed to be consorting with the devil or with pagan godlings, and of having gained supernatural powers that they could use for bad (if from the devil) or good (if from nice pagan godlings) purposes, and that their sorceries were effective.

In the "first world" we no longer have witch trials, despite there still being many witches who believes themselves witches, because we have chosen to decriminalize heresy, rather then sorcery. If someone who believes themselves a witch commits crimes, they get convicted for that, rather than for *being* a witch.

To understand that sorcery was not the issue, but heresy, witches who performed "miracles" claiming their supernatural powers were from the christian deity or angels were not (usually) prosecuted.

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+1, insightful. I not so long ago read a somewhat revisionist account of the Spanish Inquisition, which was partly to convert and steal from the Jewish populations but also partly to curb the abuses of the *local* authorities. Which latter, confronted with land/property owned solely by a powerless old widow, reliably abused the Biblical injunctions against harboring witches.

Now, it was conceded that at times the injustice meted out by local authorities was merely converted into mercy more profitable to the Inquisitors, but I was kind of amazed to read how often the accused were found "not guilty", including methods to pass the "tests" they used to conclude guilt/innocence.

Things, especially things involving human behavior, are seldom clearly binary, black/white/, good/bad, yes/no...

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Canon = the boogie man

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One of the requirements for obtaining the EUA pursuant to which the current Covid vaccines are being pumped into our arms is that there is no effective treatment available. If doctors can treat patients with inexpensive, repurposed drugs, the vaccine makers wouldn't be eligible for an EUA. Sure looks like regulatory capture of US public health bureaucracy and the WHO.

Indian Bar Association is seeking criminal and civil sanctions against officials for their misconduct re: ivermectin https://youtu.be/WenJhxVWekU

Bret Weinstein suggests we "pay off" vaccine manufacturers for the loss of anticipated profits so that doctors will be permitted to treat Covid patients with inexpensive repurposed drugs like ivermectin--and potentially save thousands of lives and end the pandemic.

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Weinstein's suggestion is a fine combination of common sense and brutal cynicism.

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Because as Matt states, there is now circular reasoning. If the elites say it isn't so, then it isn't so until it is proved it is so. but it cannot be easily proved to be so, as all discussion of it is removed from the major communication infrastructure platforms.

The question is why would folks use Youtube to disseminate information if they know they will likely be canceled if they say anything against the elite opinions?

Please folks, stop using Youtube right now. If your financial future depends on Youtube, you are a complete idiot (if you want to change the opinion/politics of the elite money makers). Stop using Youtube. Go with live content like with Zoom or Teams.

Why folks continue to try to disseminate their information using Google or Facebook or Twitter or Youtube is beyond all reason. The answer is right in front of your face. Stop allowing these platforms to monopolize your conversations.

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For better or worse, YouTube has the audience. As Bret Weinstein explained: He is risking everything to try to get the word out about "a grave danger in the misapplication of conventional wisdom to novel medical tech." He is on a hero's journey and "it can only be achieved on the platforms with the bulk of the public on them. Therein lies the rub." (Quotes from Bret's Twitter account) It is not about him making money. The alternative platforms simply don't have the audience that could possibly reach critical mass. Bret has a large enough audience that YouTube's suppression of his channel makes news.

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This may be the straw that gets the camel rolling down the hill, or whatever.

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This argument relies very heavily on the belief that nobody is finding Weinstein's videos through word of mouth, but only through YouTube's own recommendation engines. That seems very unlikely to me.

Fact is, these guys are uploading to YouTube because it's what they know. Gary Hemminger is correct. If they want to continue this (absolutely necessary) campaign, they will need to leave YouTube and either use an alternative service or, better, set one up that where they can set the moderation policy. Hosting some videos on a website with a Disqus underneath it isn't that difficult technically, many people can do this. Requesting people subscribe via a regular PayPal subscription or other form of payment, likewise. It isn't *required* that Weinstein rely on a regular cheque from advertisers routed through Google. It's just convenient.

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Try this; say you own and operate a trucking company. But the Fed decides your trucks cannot use the interstate highway system. Your trucks are banished to secondary roads. Do you think your company will be competitive in the marketplace?

It is not a perfect metaphor, but *nobody* has the perfect metaphor for being deplatformed by the majors.

The public square must remain open, galdurnit!

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It's not a public square. It's a private square. That why we need a new public square. We can start the process by breaking up the monopoly platforms. Now.

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I agree with your frustration, but the interstate system is a natural monopoly. Nobody can build an alternative regardless of energy or funding levels.

YouTube isn't like that. It's just a website. Very well funded and popular, yes, but you can build a YouTube-lite quite quickly. It's not like there's limited physical space on the internet.

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I agree. But the corruption is the least of it. It's what the corruption produces in its wake---greatly reduced public sphere, reduced opportunity for democratic movement by citizens in an effort to remake or reform their government. Voices of reform or protest go unanswered. You can at least petition a democratic government, if it still exists. A private corporation, not so much.

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Unfortunately, Zoom and Teams are not a replacement for social media. How would people find you?

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I started researching Ivermectin about 6 months ago and quickly found out that google was blocking everything about this drug that wasn’t negative. Most of what came up was just about how dangerous it was. Somebody told me about DuckDuckGo and THAT search engine retrieved the actual studies.

TechnIcally couldn’t google be held liable for a few hundred thousand, a millions of, preventable deaths? FB as well? Interesting that the FOIA emails between Fauci and Zuckerberg have entire paragraphs redacted. What possible justification is there for that?

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The most interesting redactions were under a FOIA rule that should only apply to communications between government agencies--not between for example Fauci and Zuckerberg. I expect that the original requester of the emails will successfully appeal and restore the redactions. Should be quite revealing since the 'most interesting' posts occurred during the coverup phase.

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SHOULD BE quite revealing. Unless some intern at NSA or CIA bumps the handle on the "Auto-delete everything forever" program, darn it!

Which I fully expect to also happen to the entire store room full of evidence taken from Epstein's stately (and now pristine) pleasure dome.

FOIA is a mighty thin thread to cling to against the multitude of knife-wielders in our intelligence community.

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This is the funny thing about FOIA. If you request to release something that they don't want to release, they... don't release it. There's no forcing function, unless you can afford to retain a high-powered lawyer.

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You may have to swallow the fact that qanon is a more reliable source of info than the legacy media

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The intense censorship campaign reeks of bribery, of Big Tech by Big Pharma. Or maybe common ownership - anyway, outright corruption.

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I worry that something more insidious is to blame. What if it's all the natural outcomes ofa complex network system that has evolved to serve concentration of capital? A network system in which every actor and organization behaves legally and rationally, according to its respective interests. The system evolved over decades to where we now have career hierarchies in government, academia, business, politics, media and communications that only grant ascent to people willing to go along with what the system does. That is so say, an actor in each hierarchy advances (i.e. is given more power and budget) only if loyalty to the organization come before conscience and consideration of the greater good.

Outright quid pro quo corruption is way easier to fix than this.

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Even in Science and medicine, if you want to advance in your career

Go along to get along

Don't make waves

Build a better mousetrap

but for God's sake (and your own)

don't threaten Big pharma profits or established theories that the people in the scientific establishment have built their careers on

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The totalitarian, cult-like nature of the hierarchies themselves has been best described afaik by Jeff Schmidt in a wonderful book

Disciplined Minds: A Critical Look At Salaried Professionals And The Soul Battering System That Shapes Their Lives

Available free at https://archive.org/details/jeff_schmidt_disciplined_minds

Audiobook http://www.unwelcomeguests.net/Disciplined_Minds

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Tom, thank you so much for the links. I look forward to the reading. May I also recommend:


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"an actor in each hierarchy advances (i.e. is given more power and budget) only if loyalty to the organization come before conscience and consideration of the greater good."

Sci-fi writer Jerry Pounelle identified this phenomenon as the "Iron Law of Bureaucracy": https://tinyurl.com/924r8saj

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gah, *Pournelle. Five-minute rule!

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I would say such a system is radically corrupt but that's an ethical judgement and others will point out that everything is legal and therefore not technically corruption.

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We have to change the system. The system is becoming overbearing feeding us with lies that are contra-therapeutic nudging us to change expectations. The narrative being conveyed is making us neurotic, depressed, and paranoid. Changing thinking from the age of enlightenment to Post Modern Philosophy and CRT requires nudging. Changing from living in the suburbs to moving to the city requires nudging. Creating inflation; on goods, food and energy is nudging. The US has been industrialized, had wages frozen, has a crumbling infrastructure, and let oligopolies in Silicon Valley take over the past 40 years. This nudging to change our behavior so that we don't expect more is bullshit.

At no other time in history has there been a change of wealth been greater than when COVID 19 hit. there was no The American people got $0.05 on the dollar in the trillions of dollars given to corporations. Gates, Bezos, and the others got the money and then through philanthropy fund social justice projects to divide the nation. The elites must really hate the citizens of this country and will save their empires at all costs. Get rid of decolonization, the 1619 project, CRT, the oligopoly hold on social media, and the Bayh-Dole bill that corrupts medical and the engineering of new products in this country.

There was no racism, perceived corruption, or censorship issues before the covid hit. This is a big PSYOPs exercise to get you to accept a way of being that you don't want. You are not to question or evaluate the logic of the rules. We are to wander the labyrinth of confusion, illogicality, and uncertainty being treated by negative stimuli of lies to become neurotic wretches. Acceptance and smiling, saluting for the rank but not the man are what they want. But the man needs to watch that he doesn't get fragged.

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1st rule of journalism:

Follow the money

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....right back to the paid off journalists

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Why do you think that given the wealth of published RCTs, meta-analyses, with more than 15,000 patients that we need an additional study. For large effect sizes, small studies are sufficient and the cumulative data for IVM is overwhelming--and I am qualified to judge.

I think that you and many others are too quick to dismiss studies done in third world countries and to believe that somehow the work in the US/Europe/etc is superior. This is not the case....

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I do believe these studies are enough to convince ME that ivermectin is effective. But apparently the American medical institutions are not going to accept these studies as sufficient evidence without having accredited American or British academic institutions Confirming these studies. Hence my question, why aren’t we seeing serious American or British academic studies confirm or refute what look like very promising data during a pandemic which has killed 3 million people and has injured many many more?

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The question answers itself. There are billions of dollars at stake and the NIH, FDA, and WHO are captured by Pharma. This is not a conspiracy theory-or rather is one which has multiple lines of proof. Compare the quick adoption of remdesivir to the reluctance to look at IVM. Remdesivir had one completly failed study and the second was incredibly marginal. The second was barely significant, but only if you selected patients who were on mid-level oxygen, but not either high or low oxygen. Fauci changed the endpts of the study. A statistician on the net described this as shooting a shotgun at a barn door and then drawing a target on the barn. The third larger WHO study showed no benefits. None of the three studies, with far fewer patients than IVM, showed any benefit on mortality. Yet Fauci (who has ties to Gilead Science) claimed it was a "game changer" and is still recommended by the powers that be at $3000/dose. Marik on FLCCC.com has a meta-analysis for remdesivir so you can compare it easily to the IVM data.

Bruce, I have been involved with 'accredited' American academic institutions all my life, but my view of them is much more cynical than yours. I have found superb researchers all over the globe and many clowns at the most famous American Universities. Doing a trial which shows IVM is effective is for clinical researchers a death sentence for obtaining Pharma perks and grants. As a basic scientist, my grants would be in danger if I were to suggest that Fauci sponsored a coverup of Wuhan(true) or if I show IVM to be effective and disrupt the vaccine narrative and highly expensive new drugs that Pharma is about to spring on us. The inner circle of NIH does not play around....

As an aside: The NIH guidance on IVM is that they neither recommend it nor object to it. Normally(i.e. by NIH regulations) this statement has to be the result of evidence being presented to a panel of experts and for them to vote on it. Strangely the NIH has not been able to satisfy a FOIA request for the composition of the panel nor the date they voted on it. In short, they did not consider IVM and the source of this recommendation is unknown. Do you find this strange? In a similar vein, papers on the efficacy of IVM have passed peer review at major journals only to have the editor refuse to publish them. I've published more than 100 papers and I have never had this happen; I also have not seen this happen to anyone else.

Millions of deaths did not prevent the Tobacco industry, the Oil industry, the Sackler family (oxycontin) from gaslighting us,and Pharma has no problem making 3.5 billion on a worthless drug like remdesivir. Why would we expect that 100's of millions of deaths that IVM could prevent would deter their greed?

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Great comment.

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Q gives us all credibility.

The world is being run by an international criminal gang of billionaire social engineers, funded by all of us as their banking and pharmaceutical subjects. We’re just too stupid to figure it out. Over-medicated and under-educated.

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It's a money problem. It's not just that trials of ivermectin (among other promising drugs) wont get funded by the private sector since there's no way to recoup the costs of the trials. Even if we gave the pharma companies the money to do them, they wouldn't because they want their new patented drugs to receive all the research investment.

Pharma is very big business but their money interests are quantitatively trivial in comparison to the total long term costs to the rest of us in protecting their interests.

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This is why Weinstein issued an open plea to Elon Musk for help.

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To be clear, he pleaded for anyone or any organization with the resources to buy out the pharma interests. He thought Musk might do it.

But the idea is quite worrying. Then Musk would own all those resources and that would make him the king/emperor of public health. I'm not sure I like the idea of him in that role. Or any of that gang like Larry Ellison, Bernard Arnault or, shudder, Jeff Bezos.

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The idea of buying out pharma giants is naïve and impossible to carry out.

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Probably so but it would be interesting if the idea were to spread and some billionaire desperate for a Nobel Prize were to try. That would shake the establishment narrative up a bit.

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Yes. And yes.

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Mr. Taibbi, Great Article, Thank you for covering the censorship of Ivermectin! This is a great start. Now you need to cover the drug itself and whether there is evidence backing that claims that it is materially effective at preventing and treating covid...and if so, why is NIH actively suppressing it. I know you are not a medical professional, but you are are not a financial professional either. If you can successfully cover the financial complexities with all of its complexities, then you can cover this topic. Please, please, please we need you to wade through information and provide objective reporting on this. The stakes are high. We are not out of covid yet. The Delta strain is pretty nasty and getting past vaccines in some rare cases. If this does turn out to be effective(big if), and your reporting helps turn the tide in accepting the drug for treatment or prevention, YOU WILL HAVE LITERALLY SAVED LIVES.

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“It’s inexpensive generic, safe”. There’s your answer why they won’t study it. Big Pharma runs our government.

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Theoretically the healthcare industry is there to serve us. Sounds nice in theory but in practice it doesn't always work out that way. American Business is built to make as much money as possible regardless of the human consequences.

Ask yourself:

are the Financial incentives

A) to come up with one pill that you take one time and that takes care of the problem

or are the financial incentives

to get you hooked on expensive drugs that give you just enough relief of your symptoms to get you through to your next pill


Are the Financial incentives

B) To allow you access to cheap, safe and effective methods of treating problems that do not require you taking expensive medications or partaking of  other expensive offerings from the Western Medical system

Or are the financial incentives to

1 not fund any research that would validate cheap safe and effective alternatives

2 to make sure that if any of that research does get done that it never gets published

3 and if it does get published to make sure that it gets suppressed or ridiculed

4 and to use the lobbying power of financial donations and medical organizations to make sure that governments all over the country make many of these alternatives illegal and inaccessible

5 and to make sure that anybody talking about any health issue is required by law to say "ask your doctor"


Are the financial incentives to

C) explore some of the deeper causes of illness such as nutrition and emotions and encourage and empower people to take responsibility for these

Or are the financial incentives to make sure that people are dependent on expensive drugs


Are the financial incentives to

D) train doctors in medical schools to think for themselves and to explore all aspects of healing and all potential methods of healing

or are the financial incentives to

teach students that using anything other than pills and surgery is failing their patients and that anything other than accepted medical Theory is absolute fraud and should be rejected out of hand


E) Are the financial incentives to

constantly expand the definitions of disease, including such things as ADD in children, so that children are medicated just because they fidgeted in class, with the end result of getting every man woman and child in America addicted to expensive drugs.

Or are the financial incentives to only give strong drugs when they are necessary.

F) are the financial incentives to

create an atmosphere of fear by constantly having ads everywhere telling people what illnesses they might have, and advertising drugs which the average person is totally unable to evaluate

Or are the Financial incentives to emphasize prevention so that people don't get sick in the first place.

G) are the financial incentives to address many of the environmental and social issues that cause so much of disease

Or are the financial incentives to have a society that is a factory for illness, physical, mental and emotional

H) are the financial incentives to mandate only certain vaccines and judiciously research their potentially harmful interactions and also research just how much a child's body can handle

Or are the financial incentives to mandate as many vaccines as possible without addressing any of that


And two more very important considerations

H) Do the egos of people in the medical establishment keep them from accepting new evidence and treatments which disprove theories they have built their careers on?

I) of course no theory is ever perfect or complete and there are always new developments but:

Western medical theory basically views human beings as biological machines that can be viewed as a collection of organs and tissues, which can all be treated separately, without reference to the emotions and consciousness of the person.

Is that a fundamentally correct understanding or a fundamentally wrong view of how people really work and how they can be treated.

That is an extremely important question.


Looked at objectively it is quite clear that for a variety of business reasons the healthcare industry has many Financial incentives to do things which are not in the best interest of the people coming to them for help.

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excellent, very comprehensive analysis ... Thank you, It seems the system is broken : /

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it's about the values a society holds

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Great comment. You are probably already aware of the study but this recently came out of Israel: https://youtu.be/htt1mlvBwBA?t=1640

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Simple: It's illegal to bypass the usual red tape and deploy an "emergency" vaccine unless all other alternatives have been thoroughly exhausted. And this emergency vaccine has turned out to be VERY profitable. Not to mention that mRNA "vaccines" have gone from "promising but experimental" to "largest trial of unproven medicine in human history". in order for this to happen, they had to sell the story that there were ZERO other possible alternatives. Hydroxychloroquine was easy. Just mention that Trump supported it and watch the lemmings form ranks. Ivermectin was harder and required this kind of full court press to suppress even the POSSIBILITY of its effectiveness.

I'm not against properly vetted and tested vaccines, but you won't get me to take any of these. I had a family member end up in the hospital from the Moderna one. They were told in no uncertain terms that it was the direct result of the vaccine, and they if they hadn't come to the hospital when they did, they would've died. (And I know that the J&J vaccine isn't mRNA, but it has its own problems.)

Now to be clear, I have no earthly idea if ivermectin, or hydroxychloroquine, or vitamin D, or any of the other alternative treatments are effective. But their life saving potential is irrelevant as long as they threaten profits.

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Very true: I had two family members in the hospital after pfizer.

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This is crazy! There are so many instances in comments everywhere where people are talking about people they know that are having serious reactions to these experimental vaccines.

Luckily, no one I know has had adverse effects, though my mother who took the vaccine knows of people who have.

I refuse to take the experimental vaccines because of the lack of long term testing. I’ll wait until the mass public clinical trial is over.

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I have looked into claims people say about people they know, or family members. So far, every one has been fabricated. There are rare reactions. And there are coincidences. If you gave everyone a 1 nanogram of sugar pill, there would be associations found with various conditions and claims of harm.

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"So far, every one has been fabricated."

I hate to resort to ad hominem, but please kiss my fucking ass. I lived through these reactions.

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They love to gaslight.

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For context, Brian is a virologist.

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As far as I care, he could be a quantum physicist, a circus acrobat, or a spiritual medium. I speak only from my personal experience.

My father (28 years older than me) suffered nearly identical symptoms from his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine to the ones I suffered from my second dose; nausea, dizziness, muscle aches, dry heaves. We were both laid up for about a week. Perhaps we are of inferior genetic stock.

I recognize that this is anecdotal evidence from an anonymous person on the internet and is therefore unworthy of scientific study. Maybe I am just going through a futile effort to clown an incredibly small audience; anybody can choose for themselves to assess the credibility of my comments.

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You assume Brian is who he says he is.

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"A virologist:" that is, an interested party. His career could be at stake here.

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Pfizer or Moderna?

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My mom is super pro-vaccine (she tried to convince me to take it and has thankfully given up) and she said everyone she knew had reactions. Some people were floored for a whole week. Some people got so sick from the first reaction that they refused to take the second dose and these are all elderly people who are super afraid of Covid. This is not fabricated.

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Yes, reactions happened. Hospitalizations, deaths, not so much.

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Over 5k people in the US have died alone. 2 studies have shown that VAERS reporting system only captures at most 10% of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported adverse effects. Do the math.

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My friend's father died--after having reactions for two straight weeks. Does that count? Oh, and the pharmacist in NY's SoHo who lost sight in one eye. And my friend who now has annoying tinnitus.

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Very interesting is the NYT article on how the vaccine affects women's cycles--especially the comments, reporting many side effects. Then there was the article on the virus causing tinnitus--75 comments, 8 of which reported new tinnitus, increased tinnitus, hearing loss from the VACCINE.

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From the CDC "During this time, VAERS received 5,343 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html

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I guess we will find out in due time.

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What about the potential reduced longevity resulting from the vaccine? To me it’s a risk vs

reward proposition.

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I don't know what to tell you, man. If I had a way of proving it while still preserving their privacy I would do it, but I don't really care enough what internet strangers think of me to dox the person in question. It's second hand information for the people here, fine, but it's first hand for me. I visited them in the hospital and was the one to drive them home when they left.

Maybe it's a rare reaction, but rare doesn't mean that it didn't happen, and exactly zero of the doctors she saw thought it was coincidence.

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This is a very odd comment because the trials themselves pegged the rate of serious reactions at between 10% and 20%. This feels about right given the comments I've heard from people I personally know who have taken it.

The last one was especially entertaining or aggravating depending on your perspective. I ended up arguing with an actual immunologist I am remotely acquainted with, and he finished by giving a little speech about how the word pandemic means "all" and that we're in a society and all in it together etc. He told me to take the vaccine because it's "perfectly safe". Then he mentioned it made him so sick he'd been unable to move for a day. Ah yes: "makes me so sick I can't work" is indeed the dictionary definition of "perfectly safe".

Please. It's extremely clear at this point that severe reactions including deaths are not being reported. Look at the case of Simone Scott. The parents had to go to Alex Berenson, presumably none of the other outlets would touch the story at all:


They very clearly state that they had to push hard to get this event reported to the tracking systems at all. How many other cases like that are happening where people aren't strong-willed enough to go around their doctors?

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"This is a very odd comment because the trials themselves pegged the rate of serious reactions at between 10% and 20%."

Nonsense: The incidence of serious adverse events was similar in the vaccine and placebo groups (0.6% and 0.5%, respectively).

The report on Pfizer's phase 3 trial is publicly available on the NEJM's web site. You can go read it for yourself. There's no need to simply make up bulls**t that only takes a few seconds to prove wrong. You look like an idiot.

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That is a very interesting case, and I am so sorry for Simone and her parents. Moderna vax has mRNA w/ spike and an alpha virus RNA polymerase coded. The RNAp copies the mRNA, that is detected by RIG-1 & MDA5 intracell, TLR3 & TLR10 if it gets out. Those receptors cause interferon secretion, which is what kicks up feeling "sick". This is done to signal B-cell response to generate antibodies.

To be the cause myocarditis, one of several things must happen. A. So much mRNA secreted into blood that a pseudo viremia occurs. This would be accompanied by fever and malaise which Simone did not have.

B. Somehow dsRNA/mRNA was packaged into vesicles by the muscle at the shot site. This should be expected at a very low level.

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41580-020-0251-y Then those extracellular vesicles disseminated to the heart and caused production of spike and dsRNA there. Even then, the cells should control it in not too long. Unless hers didn't for some reason.

C. The progression time suggests the possibility of autoimmunity being triggered. It would take about 30 days if that happened. I have seen a rare case of autoimmune hepatitis caused by halogen anesthetic in someone with Hashimotos. (Hashimotos is an autoimmune disorder. ) it appeared on that schedule, 3-4 weeks before liver cell destruction. Steroids help, which was accidentally discovered because patient took an oral steroid used to control Hashimotos. (Felt muddle headed from bilirubin and thought Hashimotos was back as well.)

But what cardiac antigen could it be?

D. She had a persistent infection already from her previous pneumonia. This happens. I directly interacted with a case. Caused periodic cardiac inflammation, pain, and patient couldn't do aerobic training. Patient 1st experienced it at 20. Army put him back in the field when it died down. Now, if Simone had such a condition, the interferon production could aggravate it.

E. She got a strep infection from one or both shots because of poor skin swabbing. (suggested by sore throat) But that's really a reach. Very unlikely.

F. Epstein-Barr virus caused myocarditis. It's very rare, but it happens. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7102541/ This is also suggested by tiredness and sore throat. There could be some exacerbation of symptoms from the vaccines dsRNA mechanism. Or, it could be unrelated. Mononucleosis is a common disease in college.

Best I can do now. Proving something would require access to preserved specimens from the case, a lot of money, at least 1-2 years, and may not be possible.

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Brian, I am going to be harsh not because I have any particular beef with you - I have no idea who you are - but because scientists in general need to be treated far more harshly than they currently are. The culture in public health research has become completely corrupt, meaning you are not trustworthy and you are not trustworthy as a group.

You said, "To be the cause [of] myocarditis, one of several things must happen. A. So much mRNA secreted into blood that a pseudo viremia occurs. This would be accompanied by fever and malaise which Simone did not have."

Yet the article says, "... she had a cough and stuffy nose and felt fatigued ... Kraimer noticed she seemed tired .... The next day, she had a low fever ... By Friday night she was suffering severe fatigue".

It's therefore very hard to believe you actually read the article before typing up your response, because your description of what a vaccine overdose would look like matches the description found in the article, yet somehow you ended up claiming that didn't happen.

This makes your claim to have debunked other such claims totally absurd. You can't even correctly summarize a bog standard news article, so god knows what your other "investigations" must have looked like.

This problem is completely unsurprising to me. I've read a lot of COVID-related scientific papers in the past year. Scientists very frequently cite data or papers they apparently haven't bothered to actually read, because the cited source will sometimes be about a different topic, or directly contradict them, or be long since obsoleted by better data, or have been retracted years ago, or contain the cited number but it will turn out to be a simulation output presented as if it is proven data (I saw one that was even a simulation input!).

Virology has turned out to be overrun with actual, 100% genuine honest-to-god conspiracies, like simply ignoring the government ban on GoF research, a ban explicitly intended to prevent what appears to have happened with SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan. Then virologists clubbed together to quash all discussion of the lab leak hypothesis, which they managed to suppress for a year, by claiming expert consensus on a question they very obviously couldn't have known and for which they were hopelessly conflicted, a fact they covered up by lying AGAIN by claiming there were no conflicts of interest.

Epidemiology is as a field almost entirely atheoretical, with per-outbreak curve fitting and video game style simulations being used in place of a genuine understanding of disease. They present predictions as if the underlying (non-existent) theory is proven beyond doubt decades ago and ignore all data that shows they were wrong.

How can anyone trust scientists, vaccines, new drugs or even basic claims about COVID itself when the mechanisms for truth finding are so hopelessly broken that the only scientist to surface in this thread apparently reads "she was tired and had fever" as "she didn't have malaise or fever"?

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Translation from Brian: (1) Nobody knows what's going on, because it's an experimental drug; (2) it's f'ing dangerous.

New careers as a guinea pig, going cheap.

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You’re “sorry” alright.

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Alex Berenson? insert eyeroll

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And Pope Fauci is a straight shooter? Would you like a pangolin with that burger?

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Everything is rare when they cannot be reported without fear.

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This is a calamitous comment of yours here, in and of itself. How shameful to discount the many tens of thousands who have been harmed by these products with declarative “it never happened” statements. Sweeping it under the rug with comments like yours won’t do anything to make the harms go away or to stop them from continuing to happen. They keep mounting higher and higher and this fact, will indeed come out one day for all to see. Then you will look very silly, at best…

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"So far, every one has been fabricated."

I'm struggling to take a claim like this seriously. You've been able to run down the medical history of tons of anonymous comments online to determine they were fabricated? How is that even possible?

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Obviously, I cannot chase down every such anonymous claim. I have dug into more than several. Not one has held up. The person who died had other reasons. The grieving parties want to have a specific target, and the vax is it. This report about Simone Sorenson is interesting. I would be happy to fully investigate it if I had the money to do so. I do not. To start, i would need a release from the parents of all medical records for her life.

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Read her report. UK gave 1/4 of the vaccines we gave.

Dr Tess Lawrie, Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd sent a letter June 9, to Dr Raine director of UK's MHRA, Medicines and Products Regulatory Agency, to "immediate halt to the vaccine programme" after 1,253 deaths, incl one maternal death & 12 stillbirths, 150 spontaneous abortions and over 800,000 Adverse Drug Reactions via their Yellow Card System.


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The family members who told me did so inadvertently for fear of being labeled anti-vaxx. My uncle had heart palpitations and went to the ER. Doctors there weren't surprised.

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Hello bot

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You are an ass.

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I wonder why all the hate for astraZ in Europe then

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This is an outright lie. Stop it.

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The subject cannot be discussed because it has been politicized. All that seems to matter is which tribe you're in, which side you're on. No doubt an actual, evidence-based accounting of the facts would enrage both (or all) parties because it might contained mixed evidence, as real things tend to. It's one way you can test for truth: it's gritty yet slippery, and inconsistent.

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How did you do your research ("look")?

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The common experience of adverse and serious reactions was one of the key points in the video with Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA technology), and Steve Kirsch. The video was taken down by YT.

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Yes! Taken down when I was in the middle of watching it. Is available on Apple as a podcast, however.

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A major part of this is what constitutes a serious adverse reaction. The mechanism of stimulating interferon makes a person feel sick. Some will feel sicker than others. But, it's a pseudo-illness.

Personally, I like DNA vaccines without interferon stimulation. They are protective against serious illness. But they don't create great antibody levels. Pretty low ones. The stimulate CD8 response quite well. And nobody is cured of any disease by antibodies. That is done by CD8 cells.

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"it's a pseudo-illness"

I am glad to know that a vaccine that put me in bed for a week was just a "pseudo-illness." Perhaps it is all in my imagination; an anti-placebo.

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Not in your imagination. It's a pseudo-illness because there isn't a virus replicating. There is a vaccine system making your immune system react as if there was.

FWIW - I think these doses are overpowered. The minimum dose required to produce an immune response is ~1% of the dose administered. When I administered my own DNA vax to myself, the next morning at 4 AM my shoulder was on fire, and I had a fever and chills for the morning. That dose was ~250 micrograms of DNA. So, I decided that nobody should get more than half that dose. It would be perfectly fine for protection.

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Brian, serious question.

My layman's understanding of the immune system is that basically there are two branches: the innate and the adaptive. The innate is comprised of natural killer cells, neutrophils, macrophages, etc. The adaptive side is itself comprised of two branches, one being the humoral response (antibodies), the other being the cell mediated response which is comprised of the killer T cells (CD8).

So my understanding is that the humoral and cell mediated responses are separate and independent arms of the adaptive immune system, each capable of killing pathogens. Is this not correct?

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Yes, mostly. They are not entirely independent. The immunology you read is mostly immunology of the mouse. Humans, have, for instance populations that are CD4/CD8. We have other differences.

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And this whole bit about toxic spike protein is just rubbish. I don't know where they got this nonsense. Kirsch's private fund to find repurposed medications is good. https://www.treatearly.org/

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I got laid up in bed for a week after the second dose of Pfizer. Nausea, dizziness, body-wide muscle aches, dry heaves.

Luckily I didn't get hospitalized, because I don't have health insurance. At least I have a bed to get laid up in, which a lot of people don't. God only knows what's going to happen to me or anybody else 10 or 20 years down the pike.

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I know of a person who had adverse effects severe enough to skip work. Work sitting at a computer, at home.

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"Luckily I didn't get hospitalized, because I don't have health insurance."

My sincere sympathies. I didn't most of my life until a year or two ago. Don't know what state you're in, but i'm poor enough to get MassHealth. The booger is when you're not quite poor enough to qualify, but poor enough to not be able to afford it.

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Yikes! This is where we have to hope that the effects of the vaccines are SHORT lived. What a strange world.

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I expect to turn into a zombie and/or a pile of goo circa 2030.

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New avatar, eh, grisha? Is that Easter Islanders in Devo hats? And how does that relate to the Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams?

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You can blame Kathleen McCook -- she put me on to this guy's blog: https://causticcovercritic.blogspot.com/search/label/awful

He exhaustively examines the amazingly terrible/hilarious covers used by bargain-basement publishers for public domain works. Sometimes they reach the level of sublimity and/or Dada, e.g. my new avatar.

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I'm still holding out from taking the vaccine. I believe I already had COVID after I requested water upon boarding a United flight in Newark(Oct. 2020). They brought me a glass of unfiltered water and I knew I was in trouble after one sip. When I asked for a bottle they reminded me I was on a budget fare. I'll never fly the bastards again! ...was sick with flu for 1 week after returning home.

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Much higher rate of bad effects in people who've already had Covid-19. Don't take the shot without testing for prior infection. And there is no flu this year - probably because the measures against Covid prevented flu, too.

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It's better to not drink airline tap water at all if you can avoid it. United had one of the lowest scores in this test:


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That, of course, doesn't surprise me. And I never would have drank it if I knew, but one taste and I realized it came from the tank. https://simpleflying.com/airplane-tap-water/

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Wow, don't know what to think about the weird story about the water etc. but if you believe you had it why won't you take the Titer test to see what your immunity is?

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Frankly I never heard of the Titer test, however, I will look into it. Do you think it's reliable?

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I’m a bit surprised that you have opted to participate in the covid experimental treatment. Good luck!

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My elderly parents are MSNBC zombies and bought into the whole thing -- distancing, no hugs, etc. I want to be able to spend time with them while they're still alive. I could have lied about getting the vax, I guess, but that would make me feel like shit morally.

Thanks for the good-luck wish -- I may need it.

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I know one person who dropped dead one week after taking the Pfizer shot from multiple blood clots. Granted, he was 90 years old, but he had no history of clots at all. The Salk Institute has determined that the spike protein is toxic and causes vascular damage by itself. And Harvard researchers have determined that the spike protein from the vaccine is not staying localized in the immunized shoulder and is showing up across the body. Put those two results together and you have a mechanism for the vaccine to do significant damage.

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I did also listen to Drbeen medical lectures who does give a different take on the Salk info. as in the paper says because of spike protein vaccines that bind to it should be ok, but then I hear another side as well? We have had many testimonies, but all being censored. One BBC reporter, in her forties, her death was reported as a short illness in the press, but she actually had severe headaches and a brain bleed. Scientists in Germany think they’ve figured out a way to tweak the vaccine (AZ and J&J, which we are now not recommending to women under 60, possible hormones re inflammatory response?) to try and reduce this blood clot problem. Pfizer and Morderna also have this problem, but apparently only one fifth compared to the others. There are many other severe side effects again not really being discussed. People are saying well compared to the overall number of vaccinated, but then again you have to ask the risk benefit for some, older yes, underlying health comorbidities, but younger and then having possible severe or worse complications? Problem is we do a one shot fits all, people will react differently, some need a punch to the immune system, especially the elderly, (but not the frail) others not so much so. The PEG and adjuvants usually cause the reactions in some. We could do a simple prick test before hand to check on PEG sensitivity, it’s been suggested, but we don’t. We are only beginning to look at genomics of how different people might react, but it’s a bit late now.

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Thank you for a reasonable response. The medical community and the medical bureaucracy treats us all as herd animals without regard for genetic variation. I speak from a position of some experience in this as my son has a double copy of the MTHFR defect (fairly common in autism spectrum disorders). Vaccine adjuvants such as aluminum and thimerosal pose a significant hazard to him as he cannot expel them without secondary treatments.

The simple fact of the matter is that we have no long term safety data on these treatments. And when the inventor of the technology (Robert Malone) stands up and says their use should be halted because they are not doing what they are supposed to do, we should be having a serious discussion about it. Instead, we're silencing the people who have valid concerns and ignoring data that does not meet the political needs.

All medical treatment comes with some risk, I recognize this. And I defend the right of people to take these experimental treatments if they so desire, however the attempted coercion of others to take them is wrong and the push to sell the treatments without making all safety data available is highly suspect and ill-advised. It's no wonder that there is an anti-vax movement, the industry and the bureaucracy have seemingly done everything possible to engender suspicion.

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Yes, medical professionals should be openly and freely debating with others in this type of situation, with each other. Should not just be top down decision making, but listening to those on the ground as well.

Understand your concern, very common re autism, many studies showing high toxic metal load. Even the CDC removed mercury from most, at least acknowledging because of this and not wanting to add to toxic metal burden, but still say it’s safe!? Again many studies showing sensitivity to alum adjuvants. Many anti vax, were pro vax, or still agree with some vaccines, just they or their children had severe reactions, or worse, so I empathise. There is a drive, rather insidious and certainly with a penchant to let’s just say corporates and stakeholders re anti vax repetitive messaging. Bizarrely in the Vaccine Safety meeting some raised concern that voices not being heard was not helpful, studies were poor and lacking on the issue of severe reactions and calls for an independent body as well….how far that gets we wait to see …..If you are interested in ivermectin, although you prob already know, the FLCCC and Drbeen vids are very helpful :)

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I’m actually looking into a company using a plant cell line, not human or animal and no adjuvant, I need to catch up on them, so my knowledge is not good yet as to how they are doing :)

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The quality of the grammar in my last post was substandard. Somebody please give me an edit button, preferably before my HS English teacher sees that.

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I'm coming around to favor the lack of an edit button. Sure, most of us embarrass ourselves with substandard spelling and grammar, but that's a trifle -- light as air.

An edit button lends itself to being a tool of the actively mendacious and lays the groundwork for Vanishing Commissars. "No, that's not what I ACTUALLY said."

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I'm with you. And hey, since coming to Substack, Matt's articles have regularly started picking up an extra typo or two, but they still rock.

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I shed a single tear for all of the Rolling Stone copy editors.

That was cruel, I admit -- but copy editing is a profession that is going the way of print media. In 50 years no one will care, and maybe they shouldn't.

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Oh, I agree. I’m just often guilty of hitting post before I go back and read my rambling muttering.

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Man, it's a comment section. All of this will go into the memory hole in 24 hours, if not 48. People won't remember what they wrote.

For what it's worth, I enjoy your rambling muttering.

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I like the 5-minute rule. It allows correction of a typo that inverts the meaning of what I wanted to avoid saying.

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Coronaviruses are common in human beings. They cause 10% of common colds. And they all have roughly similar spike proteins. Your body has almost certainly been flooded with coronavirus spike proteins many times in your life. It's called catching a cold.

You sound like an idiot for being afraid of them.

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Feel free to argue with the Salk Institute and call them idiots.


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Oh wow. What a bunch of geniuses. They wrote an article about how coronavirus spike proteins are bad for your health. Did anybody think it was GOOD for your health to be sick with a virus that causes the common cold?

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Mr. Bob, You strike the nail squarely on its head. Two aspects of the Emergency Use Authorizations deserve much more publicity.

1. As you state, no EAU can be permitted if an existing treatment exists. This would explain the overwhelming pressure to discredit anything that may interfere with the pharmaceutical companies profits.

2. If one looks past the efficacy results quoted in the EAU's and looks at the actual level of confidence achieved by the vaccines, the vaccines do not appear to meet the generally accepted level of significance for a medical trial which is p <=.05. In plain in English, a medical trial needs to show that the control group versus the vaccinated group have different outcomes. The Phizer and Moderna studies used in the EAU fail to show any significant (p<=.05) statistical differences between their control groups and their vaccinated groups.

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Are you insane?

During the phase 3 trial of the Pfizer vaccine, 169 people in the placebo group caught Covid seven days after the administration of the second shot, and 9 people in the vaccinated group caught Covid.

So, close to two hundred people versus... nine.

But I guess that doesn't meet your standard for statistical significance. Must have just been a BIG COINCIDENCE that hardly anybody who was vaccinated got sick.

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What were the actual o value confidence levels ?

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Ah, don't overlook the efficacy, or lack thereof, of the Chinese produced vaccines. Chile has much to say about that.

I don't think we made progress when we transformed patent medicines from the realm of snake oil into modern pharmaceuticals.

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Yeah, and the commercials have gotten way worse! I'd much rather have a father and son wearing suspenders and bowties show up one day and ascend the wooden stage in town square to start barking their pitch than a video of a lady in a sweater running through a field against a blue sky with uplifting music and a list of side effects on the soundtrack.

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Snake oil was probably more innocuous than Remdesivir.

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Feel free to drink many liters of Radithor, the elixir with radium in it! It does no harm until... ta da! Your bones start dying inside you. It's a horrible way to die. We could remove the hot spots today, and replace parts with titanium. But it's still horrible to have your jaw collapse and sides of your skull fall in, and the skull muscles come loose spasming.

Yes, that was the reason that the FDA got many of the powers it has today. And then there was thalidomide - which is a great drug, just not if you are a fetus.

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Fabulous way to miss the point Brian. The criticism was not per se of the FDA, but of the intellectual property regime underlying the modern pharma industry. In fact, thalidomide is an approved medicine by the FDA (with of course the caveats against use surrounding pregnancy). Do fuck right off at your earliest convenience.

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Thalidomide was not allowed in the US. It was excluded under procedures at the time. If the Europeans had not allowed it to be prescribed to pregnant women, it would not have caused problems, either.

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I forgot which doctor said it but in the research I did one doctor said that if this was anything other than the covid vaccine it would have been taken off the market very quickly because of all the adverse reactions right from the beginning.

I have to say this whole thing is still political. because people hated trump so much and wanted to blame him for everything, officialdom is stuck with the idea that we have to stay locked down until we vaccinate. personally I'm not willing to be a guinea pig for a new technology rushed into production with no idea of the long-term consequences, especially unexpected ones. the old phrase--what if the Cure is worse than the disease

in my research I have seen a lot of medical professionals whose voices have been silenced with very serious reservations about this vaccine

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so far tens of millions of people have gotten the vaccine and the adverse reactions especially the serious ones are very very rare. At this point if anyone choses to not get the vaccine with the data we have , and they contract covid , I have absolutely no sympathy for them . No vaccine will ever be totally safe but this one is not showing to be any more dangerous than any other. Get the vaccine because if you contract covid and die your legacy will be how stupid you were. Maybe they put that on your headstone. I speak from experience with a brother that contracted a disease that was preventable from screening , but would see a physician on a regular basis and it will probably kill him in the next few years . He was stupid too and it will cut his life short by decades.

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Well, as a retired NP who has been studying Covid treatment possibilities studiously and unrelentingly for the last year and almost half, I’ve had the pleasure of helping 20 different people, mostly in their 60s, 70s, and upper 80s, follow the FLCCC -I-Mask+ protocol for early treatment of SARSCov2 infection. Everyone has done beautifully, even people with comorbidities besides just their age. Not one person has had to go to the hospital, not one person has gotten Covid-organizing pneumonia, not one person has ever dropped their oxygen saturations and not one person has developed Long Covid. I’ve been on it for prevention since September. Yes, it works. Does it ever!! As research has progressed, I recommend adding fluvoxamine to the I-Mask+ regimen which the FLCCC recently added as well. Get well and get well fast. Or better yet, take ivermectin weekly and virtually never get infected in the first place.

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Much thanks to you and all the courageous physicians who have put their careers on the line to help make ivermectin available to their patients despite all the pressures. It's a measure of the deep greed and corruption of Big Pharma and its helpers that dedicated people like you have to even think about choosing between their dedication to their patients' well-being and their professional standing.

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Thanks Guy, it’s been a real honor to help and I mean that sincerely. I look around at too many of my medical colleagues today and see blind obedience to cookbook, checklist medical practice…. It’s astounding how vapid, incurious, and stubborn some of them are. And in the case of this pandemic, those attitudes have caused a lot of people to lose their lives. “Go home and take Tylenol, and if you can’t breathe, then get thee to a hospital.” Nuts!

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I'm a retired RN and I agree with the blind obedience or maybe it is more like group think. I have been away from that environment for years so I'm not getting all the pressure they must be getting to have themselves vaccinated as well as their families. I have been posting all of the articles I come across on FB and none of my former co-workers are paying attention.

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Mel, thanks for your information and insight on this. Very clarifying as to how to respond to what is happening.

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CBS 60 minutes did a broadcast on SSRIs and their effectiveness. They concur with what you say. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) and Fluoxetine (Prozac) both mediate the response of the immune response. Dexamethasone is also a winner of doing this. One of the big killers of COVID is throwing clots. Clots that are created by platelet factor 4 or PF-4 and antibodies attacking platelets. This is the same reaction that Heparin produces Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia HIT. That's why nurses doing kidney dialysis were finding so many clots and could not use Heparin to dissolve them. About 1% of the population gets HIT type 2 after 5-14 days of taking heparin. It shows as a low platelet count >50% and also diagnosed if a clot exists. Mediating the immune response with COVID 19 and platelet formation is one of the urforseen issues of this virus

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As a registered nurse, I thank you for your research and your service.

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Thank you, it’s been a pleasure and a thrill seeing people do so well, despite the fear-mongering of the apex predator “healthcare” agencies, who frankly, have not seemed to have the faintest interest in human health. Thank you for your service, too Maureen. Nurses are some of the best.

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Thanks for the comment. The issue is often getting your doctor to prescribe the medication. Most doctors, who are super busy themselves and don't have the time to do their own research so look to the bureaucrats for guidance, think that all of the talk about ivermectin is just so much voodoo. And then there is the challenge, once you have convinced your doctor of its efficacy, of getting him to prescribe it when he may face sanctions from his practice if he does so.

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I brought the meta analysis published in the American Journal of Therapeutics, to my own doctor and several other studies from around the world showing ivermectin’s efficacy and safety. He prescribed it for me then. But others aren’t so lucky. I recommend they go to the FLCCC.net site, find the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and in there will be a answer to how to obtain ivm. Dr. Antonatos does a lot of prescribing and many others across the country. There’s a whole list there. They will talk with you over the phone or do a televisit, then send the prescription to your pharmacy of choice. I recommend EVERYONE have their at home stash to have in case they sicken….start it on DAY ONE of symptoms as directed. It very well can save your life, keep you out of hospital, and keep you from getting Long Covid. Everyone should have easy access to this safe, cheap and available medicine. For the best price, go to GOODRX and type in your ivermectin and a coupon will come up for a pharmacy near you. I paid $30 for a course. Target had a better price of $17 bucks for a course. Check it out! Take the coupon on your phone to your pharmacy and get the deal. One pharmacy I checked wanted to charge people over $700 for a course… not kidding. Wish I were. It’s literally 3 cents a pill for the World Health Organization and is on their list of the world’s ESSENTIAL medicines. Cheers, Chester.

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Thanks very much for this. Super information!!

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This was a great article that dealt primarily with the censorship issues around scientific discussion. That is an urgent matter that needs to be highlighted. But let me focus on ivermectin as a treatment for Covid, since I have followed this drug's story very closely over the last few months.

If I have one complaint with Matt's piece it is that it is agnostic with respect to the effectiveness of ivermectin - fair enough, he is new to this issue, is not a doctor, and does not want to be tarred with the same brush as the people he is profiling. But at this point the results are in. Over the last few months the evidence for the effectiveness of the medication has been established as essentially dispositive. Many countries have started using it with - indeed - miraculous results.

The most dramatic example is India. Remember all of the hubbub a few weeks ago that India was going to be drowning in Covid corpses? The discussion around Bill Gates' refusal to drop the patents on the vaccines so that the Indians could vaccinate their people, or else disaster? You don't hear about India anymore and that is due to the wide use of ivermectin, particularly in the most populous states. Ivermectin was widely distributed in Uttar Pradesh, for example, following which Covid cases fell off a cliff. Same for Goa and Gujarat. Sadly, Tamil Nadu stayed within the medical establishment's dictates of ivermectin dismissal and they have paid a steep price. See: https://youtu.be/pQiv8I9Peqk?t=2776 for chapter and verse on how much magic ivermectin can bring to this problem.

Even the normally reserved Dr. Campbell of Covid internet fame is now frustrated at the obstinate lack of interest by the medical establishment in this medication: https://youtu.be/R0-90kvoQac?t=626 .

Ivermectin aside, this crisis has been revelatory of the corruption of our medical establishment. The larger scandal is how the scientific narrative around treating Covid has been cattle-shooted into ‘vaccination for everybody or else you are a dangerous yahoo’ as opposed to – say – an emphasis on treatments that are cheap and widely available. Specifically, if the real objective of our medical establishment is the health of our citizens (looking at you, Dr. Fauci), these three questions deserve a good reply:

1) Why no discussion about the importance of bolstering the immune system? Almost all studies show that the people most in danger of dying from this disease (the old, the fat, people of color, etc.) have very low levels of Vitamin D in their system; almost no one that has high levels of D has severe complications from the disease. (Vitamin D is key in regulating the immune system and is particularly important in moderating the ‘cytokine storm’ that takes place in the second week of the disease and that can prove fatal.) Not a peep about Vitamin D from our health thought leaders when they should be shouting it from the rooftops.

2) Why the immediate dismissal of hydroxychloroquine when it was first proposed by Didier Raoult, one of the top epidemiologists in the world, in early 2020? (Ok, yes, in the US Trump's advocacy did not help but that was not a significant factor in Europe and the establishment pushback there was just as fierce.) There was never any real curiosity about its effectiveness from the medical community; indeed, its use was actively sabotaged via fraudulent, and since retracted, studies in prominent medical journals. In fact, while not a magical cure, it is quite effective at reducing mortality when taken early in the course of the disease. Did the fact that HCQ has long been off patent and sells for pennies a pill play a role in the obstinate disinterest of Fauci and his epigones?

3) Why is ivermectin currently being ignored by the medical community?Like HCQ, ivermectin is off patent and dirt cheap; unlike HCQ, it is a magic pill. Its effectiveness against the disease, both as a treatment and a prophylactic, is remarkable (see the links above). Yet the medical community continues to oppose it and discussion from the authorities is non-existent or censored.

The lack of answers to these three questions has caused the scales to drop from my eyes regarding the medical profession in this country. It is a rigged game and Big Pharma is the house. For those seeking a good accounting of the corruption that has taken place during the Covid crisis, the best book that I have run across is “Big Pharma Démasqué” by Xavier Bazin. Unfortunately it is in French, but he footnotes everything he says and the cumulative effect is a damning chronicle of our entire western health care complex, which is an unholy alliance of captured regulators, medical authorities, and the pharmaceutical industry.

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Ivermectin pills are white, but for me watching how ivermectin has been kicked to the curb by corporate media, big pharma and now big tech, with the WHO, FDA and NIH as willing accomplices, has been a serious red pill experience. I happen to live in a country where I can buy ivermectin over the counter for about 40 cents for a 6 mg pill. I learned about it early (May 2020) when a local news magazine wrote a story about a prominent local doctor in a small city near me reporting excellent results treating his covid patients. I've been following the story since then, mostly on YouTube and the FLCCC website (www.flccc.net). In November I started taking it as a preventative using the protocol recommended by FLCCC (and a local doctor). It is widely used here and the ratio of deaths to cases here is about one fifth what it is in the USA and Europe. When vaccines became available here due to a national free vaccination program started about about three months ago, I got my first and second shots. Thank you China (Sinovac). I am still taking ivermectin as an additional preventative. No side effects from either the vaccines or ivermectin pills, but my reaction to the red pill has been significant. Early on, and after the Trump/hydroxychloroquine craziness, I could understand the establishment reluctance to embrace ivermectin. But as the positive clinical trials and epidemiological studies from around the world (although mostly not in Europe or the United States) began to accumulate over the winter I was hopeful that the scientists at WHO and HIH would change their minds, get over their "not invented here" mindset, or at least do some of the comprehensive and well-designed studies they said were still lacking. I understand they might have been worried about diverting attention from the initial rollout of vaccination efforts, but now it's clear they have no intention of ever putting ivermectin to such a genuine test. The only explanation I can see at this point is that they know it is way too likely to prove effective - which would be extremely costly and embarrassing for all involved except those who have been championing ivermectin from the beginning. The clincher came this week when I read this story in the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/17/health/covid-pill-antiviral.html. $3.2 billion dollars is a lot of money (think how much a large well-vetted clinical trial of ivermectin last year might have cost), but I guess we now now why that was out of the question and why news about ivermectin has now to be ignored, manipulated, smeared and kept off YouTube and Facebook. My hope is still that the inconvenient truth about ivermectin is already too strong and too public all over the word to be suppressed in what is still a life and death situation for billions of people around the world. I'm a former newspaper reporter and believe this story still "has legs" and is far from over. Matt, please keep on it.

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Great comment. Yes, the story of ivermectin is a story of money over lives - something that the press used to be interested in winning Pulitzer prizes writing about.

'The press' is something else these days.

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I think you know the answer to all of these questions: $$$

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I do and you do. But most people actually think that our health bureaucrats are the good guys. Including, unfortunately, most doctors.

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Thank you for that brilliant summary of what's happening. What can we do to break through the barriers the authoritarians have thrown up? The elites are in the processing of forcing the vaccines on our children. If we cannot wake our fellow citizens up when human lives are literally at stake, then when?

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I wish I knew the answer but I have to think that part of it is to start talking about the problem as we are doing here.

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Weirdly on the 9th June 2021, Tess Lawrie’s letter regarding vaccination to the MHRA.


Also on the 9th June 2021 was this piece.

“Merck revealed a deal to supply 1.7 million courses of the experimental treatment to the U.S. for approximately $1.2 billion. Molnupiravir has yet to be approved, but it's shown promise for newly diagnosed, non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients.”

(It only deals with one aspect of Covid, whereas Ivermectin I believe deals with 5, including preventing spike protein binding.)


And on 9th June 2021 this news report in India.


The Indian government removed Ivermectin and almost everything from their main treatment protocols, only citing Merck’s own paper which said it didn’t work. (And now Merck have a 1:2 billion dolllar order for an inferior product to Ivermectin, which was once under Merck’s banner, but is now generic)


“According to ‘officials’ of the DGHS - ‘Experts’ found these did not help Covid19 patients.” (No mention of who these experts are?)

“The W.H.O had warned against its use (Ivermectin) German Pharma giant had said that there was no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect from Covid19 from preclinical studies.

The FDA in April last year also recommended against the use of Ivermectin in treating Covid patients and said “taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious harm”

“The W.H.O’s Soumya Swaminathan ‘hails’ the new plan,” (in India) which removes all these treatments or therapies. She says mild Covid19 only needs some paracetamol and no major drugs are needed. Asymptomatic patients have been advised not to take any medication and there is no emergency detection needed.”

She also has a legal notice from the Indian Bar Association regarding Ivermectin.


“Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF’s, close relationship with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is no secret”

However the Indian Council of Medical Research does still recommend Invermectin and HCQ.

Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates? – The Diplomat


You also had the banning and politicisation over HAZ in the US, now bizarrely the American Journal of Medicine now (Jan. 2021) recommends Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc for the treatment of Covid 19 outpatients, as well as more reports are now seemingly being allowed showing how it has helped?

Also from a contact in the US:

“Budecinide was a Tx option as well. Which they shut down. It was super hard to find. We ended up finding some on Amazon with a price markup!! I was so disturbed at this finding. We bought some anyways for prevention. I noticed once the vaccines became available, it was back on shelves in Walmart, and also available at a regular price. Also I read a news article on CNN saying thyat Budecinide may help. So they allowed it to be published mainstream.”


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I think the fundamental problem is the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government regulators, with most of the blame falling on the latter - after all, corporations are amoral entities only charged with maximizing shareholder value. As things stand now, Big Pharma has wholly captured the regulators. Clinical tests are funded by them and, even worse, government agencies own pharmaceutical patents. The NIH, for example, claims joint ownership of the Moderna vaccine, something wholly incongruous for a regulating body and about which very little fuss, strangely, is made.

In short, the folks whose brief is to police the pharmaceutical industry are not their overseers. They are their partners.

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Good info and points. Yes a lot of us were informing John Campbell and saying to watch FLCCC and Drbeen (BIRD) concerned he might just tow the line ;)

We are going to be sharing the info with local medical centres and MPs and councillors, sort of bottom up. The more the merrier. Tess Lawrie has contacted Boris Johnson, but no response as yet I believe?There responses will tell us a lot?

A few of us are beginning to send something that includes the following with links to FLCCC, Drbeen and Tess Lawrie:

IVERMECTIN history you can read about re Merck and the Kitasato Institute. Interestingly Merck came out with a paper that said Ivermectin didn’t work.

It does. Merck has now come out with Molnupiruvar and gained an approx. 1.2 billion dollar purchase order….it also really only works on one aspect, the RdRp. Like Remdesivir which also only worked on one aspect (and is now not recommended) it’s mark up was $3,120 total for a course of treatment on private insurance, given that taxpayers spent $70-99million on its development.

AstraZeneca announced its monoclonal antibody treatment for Covid-19 did not meet the primary goal of preventing symptoms in people who have been exposed to the coronavirus”

We already have something which works and could help end this. It just won’t make as much money.

IVERMECTIN-works on not one, but multiple aspects.

- Ivermectin is known to bind an interfere between the SARS-Cov spike protein and the ACE2 receptor.

- Ivermectin also disrupts three all three virus enzymes, RdRp, 3CTL(mpro), Important alpha and beta, (the impa/b is usage or used cargo).

- Ivermectin and (NF-κB) (profound inhibition of both cytokine production and transcription of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), the most potent mediator of inflammation.

Ivermectin works on all variants to date:


Studies on Ivermectin:

Recent Peer review:


Recent study:


Other Studies:


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Ivermectin was buried because it would have voided the emergency use status of these $billions-making vaccinations. Scandal writ large. Creepy corporate psychopath-ridden Big Pharma through and through.

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Right, but wrong. Big Pharma (like all the other Bigs) simply does not traffic in conspiracies or scandals. No conspiracy. No scandal. Big Pharma is so big, it's monopoly and profits so compellingly Death-Star unimaginable, that it is immune to conspiracy or scandal, or to any of the expectations of earth-like behavior that beset lesser corporate species. This is how it operates. This is how it was designed to operate. It's really a very beautiful creature. Invermectin wasn't buried. It was vaporized out of existence between breakfast and lunch. The discussion that should be happening on this thread, and thousands of other threads across the land, is how do we slaughter this monster? Discussions like these are interesting, but at the end of the day they're diversions from the real issue. As long Big Pharma is allowed to live, our deaths will remain its profits.

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Whatever you think of Big Pharma, it is hardly the most profitable growth industry in the US. You would have made a better return in many other investments.

I have made a nice return on my investments over the years, and I haven’t been tempted to own Pharma stocks for nearly 25 years.

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Once upon a time, there was this horrible monster that came to Westernland to devour the economy. This monster was known as Too Big To Fail. Because this monster was *so* powerful, our leaders helpfully informed us, ALL that the people could do -- for the time being, until after the crisis had passed -- was to keep the monster at bay by, well ... giving it more food ...

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Actually, I don't think you can slaughter the monster (capitalism) but it might be possible to starve it. It can be replaced at a basic level, piece by piece, by finding or creating new practices and institutions. The problem is that many people, probably a majority, pretty much like what capitalism does, or they think they have no choice. Rather than suggest a program I'd like to suggest that people think up their own programs. Remember that life is made up of time, and consider where and how you're spending it.

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End medicare.

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Obviously you’re never supposed to ascribe to malice what can be explained by ignorance, but it’s too difficult to not see a conspiracy you’ve exactly described taking place.

Sadly it really doesn’t require a huge number of people being “in” on it per se — we’ve all seen how powerful groupthink & conformity reign these days once something has become entrenched — so just a couple influential people are all it could take to make it a reality. If a couple greedy & powerful psychos make enough other powerful people afraid, then that’s it 😕

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Thankfully MS Virus Bill Gates has all but disappeared since his ex-Bride threatened the totally-didn’t-kill-himself Epstein angle in the totally “amicable divorce proceedings”.

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I still think the funniest response to Epstein's "suicide" was by our own gracious host on Useful Idiots: "Epstein... was died"

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True...and he was sucking Xi Xi Ping's cock and defending China's response to the release of their BioWeapon.

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Thank you so much for covering this. I've been following the Dark Horse Podcast. This censorship cannot be allowed. It's about to get a lot worse if people don't put their foot down right now and say "no more." This should be the red line for everyone. Forcing children to get vaccinated with new experimental technology, and using ice cream to try and coerce them, is as Brett Weinstein said, evil.

However, as bad as things are now, it does get worse if nothing is done, but it's also possible to defeat this stuff. I think if we consider the discussions around the Great Reset, it's important to recognize that these discussions about healthcare and rights are part of a much broader attempt to overhaul Western society and bring it under the kind of dystopian technocratic feudalism so unabashedly promoted by the World Economic Forum crowd.

That being said, then I hear Klaus Schwab openly talking--with a straight face--about everyone getting microchips under their skin so that they can directly interact with the digital world within the next ten years:


While many don't even want to look at some of this stuff, I think of the story of the Olympian Gods and Prometheus, as told by Aeschylus in his Prometheus Bound. The titan Prometheus stole fire from the Gods in order to give it to mankind. Though Prometheus was punished by Zeus for doing so (he was chained to a rock with a crow pecking at his liver for 10,000 years), Prometheus never let up, because he foresaw the blindness of Zeus, his pride and power lust, and he understood the true nature of humankind, which was something wholly other than what Olympians saw. These Olympian types see humans as beasts, and they don't really appreciate or understand creativity.

The reality is that a lot of this censorship is now creating something very much like a Promethean impulse within society. People who would in another time not done anything, or even thought about certain things, are suddenly activated and compelled to act. This is beautiful, and I think we should approach even the darkest of these developments with a sense of optimism. The oligarchy, the "Gods of Olympus," do overplay their hands.

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Thank you; beautifully stated as well as inspiring to this person looking through the glass darkly.

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Klaus Schwab is a very frightening character ... He is in his own deluded world and completely out of touch with human relalty; "You will own nothing! And you will be happy!"

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It’s not about or ever about party, it’s about principle. And neither party has principles worth supporting fully. Hyper-partisanship blinds one to the reality of what our world has become.

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For what it’s worth, there is a revolt currently taking place within the Libertarian Party to return it to its small government roots and make it a relevant entity.

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By the way, the great Covid warrior and hero, Dr. Pierre Kory is a self-described “liberal” and has voted Dem all his voting life. But that party has gone the way of the Republican Party…. It’s long ago relinquished its role to help out the common man.

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I think people need to put their thinking caps on. That’s really what this all means. People need to free themselves from the many false binaries that have been foisted on them. They have to really show the political class that they aren’t taking the bait anymore, people are now thinking, they are activated, and involved in serious discourse on solutions.

What that comes down to is policy. Just voting for a party has not gotten America very far in recent decades. Thinking you’re on the right or left, or believing that just cutting taxes and deregulating everything is going to give you some magical result—that’s part of the problem. Anyone still thinking in terms of a two-party system is still stuck in the world of false binaries.

As only one example of concrete policy: who on the Republican or Democratic side supports breaking up the TBTF banks with Glass-Steagall? No Dodd-Frank garbage, but a real Glass-Steagall bankruptcy re-organization of the financial system?

Who actually believes that a militarily bloated and financially bankrupt US is going to be able to solve any of its major problems without a fundamental re-organization of its financial system?

As soon as you end the endless money-printing, the whole bubble pops. We’re talking hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives and other speculative financial bubbles all unwinding at once.

Why do you think they haven’t already stopped the obviously hyper-inflationary endless monetary easing since 2007-2008? It’s because those at the top know what will happen. And it will happen almost immediately.

The problem is those at the top don’t want a Glass-Steagall reorganization, they don’t want to put the system into bankruptcy re-organization because it would mean the end of the whole game.

They don’t want the zombie banks to collapse. They prefer to try and loot whatever is left, create new bubbles, and attempt to slowly wind down the greatest game of financial Jenga that has been ever attempted in the history of human civilization—all in the hopes that everything will go exactly as planned lol.

Who do you know in the Relublican party that actually knows how to deal with that?

All that to say, if we’re just thinking in terms of parties, we’re doomed. There are Zeusians on both sides. What we really need are Prometheans, those who aren’t afraid of spitting in the face of Zeus, letting the Wall Street system disappear (it will be greatly reduced in any case), declaring a debt jubilee, and rebuilding based on a 25-50 year plan.

You can hate Republicans or hate Democrats and still acknowledge that most of the Wall Street debts are basically cancerous worthless debt lol. The bailouts have achieved nothing. Farmers, families, industries, nothing was bailed out—only worthless Wall Street paper. Most of it needs to be written off and the entire investment banking system needs to be separated from the commercial banking system such that there can be genuine investment into the real economy without the looting by private merchant banking interests.

Solon essentially did this more than 2000 years ago.

Thankfully, there are some people talking about this today. There just needs to be more.


In a word: discussion should not center on the question of a party, but solutions, which should then be forced onto both parties and everyone in between.

The oligarchy believes this kind of thing can’t be done, which is their greatest blind spot. There is too much pride, too much hubris, too much disdain for creativity. In their mind, the population isn’t callable of this.

People should capitalize on that.

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"[S]olutions ... should then be forced onto both parties and everyone in between. / The oligarchy believes this kind of thing can't be done"

Maybe. But I wonder if our futures will be like our pasts:

Technology (essentially, information) always grows. Technology is power. Power tends to concentrate (the powerful are able to use their power against the less powerful to get more of it, and evidence also shows they are so motivated). Arguably, technology will, and possibly has recently reached, a watershed by which the more powerful's common interests can no longer be overcome by the less powerful's common interests.

Have any already put forth arguments about, and solutions for, this?

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“The Anti-Hip”—good name lol.

I think there’s a lot of that game theory type stuff going around. It’s perhaps true in many respects, but I would be wary of trying to use these kinds of descriptions as some kind of perfect mathematical law which all reality is bound to. The reason I say this is because there once was a dark age, and out of that emerged a Renaissance. How is that possible? What were the odds? And how was that actually made possible?

Nations did not even exist. Europe was just a collection of fiefdoms run by a hereditary ruling class, but somehow new forms of government emerged ie actual nation states whose purpose was the promotion of the general welfare. That was a revolutionary new concept back then, and there were no real institutions to defend it, but people organized, you had some genius individuals like Nicholas of Cusa, some good kings, and thinkers.

From a statistical standpoint, the chances of something like self-government and nation states emerging from the Medieval feudal world was essentially non-existent. Yet it happened. If one were thinking in terms of betting odds, the odds would be almost 100% against you. However, history is more complex and functions very unlike statistical processes ie you have individual minds capable of insight, capable of recognizing that humans aren’t beasts, they can actually make breakthroughs, change, develop, generate new concepts—this whole process is not statistical. There’s no point of trying to think in percentages.

The oligarchical types don’t really recognize the notion of actual sovereign creative individuals, they are very much like Zeus in the story of Prometheus Bound. They see everything as blank slates, people are blank slates to be written on, and to the degree there are some that don’t cooperate, those are just aberrations and we have to single them out. The assumption is basically everyone is a beast, so they don’t actually have to worry!

I really think the whole world over right now should be reading that story of Prometheus as told by Aeschylus. Because we really are in a moment of history that is unlike much that has come before, and it very much fits the kind of situation described in Prometheus Bound.

Concretely, there are certain policies that need to be adopted, like Glass-Steagall banking reorganization and a new financial architecture; there are major projects that can be launched like NAWAPA, the Bering Strait Tunnel, and countless more.

I think it’s important to consider what’s happening outside of the collapsing USA and Western Europe. That’s probably the biggest blind spot for people, which gives the appearance that everything the oligarchy is doing is going “just as planned.” There are serious axiomatic changes going on in the world, and the Western media is just not capable of communicating those. Despite the problems, Russia and China won’t be pushed around by the kind of evil rearing its head in the West. That’s a serious problem for those who want to go for a total fascist dictatorship in the West.

China has seen an economic miracle over the last decades with over 600 million people taken out of poverty. This was not part of the Kissinger and Wellsian playbook where China and the other Asian nations were supposed to remain these poor backward slave producer nations serving a technocracy-controlled consumer society in the West.

Much of the “playbook” for the powerful is actually not panning out the way they intended, and they have a giant financial black hole emerging within their Western financial system. So I think these nuances are important to recognize. The world is not a unipolar world anymore. Most people have trouble grappling with that concept and its implications. The USA could easily work with Russia, China and other nations on major nation building projects, fusion power, space exploration and science.

That’s ultimately what the Malthusians or Zeusians are trying to prevent. That is their worse nightmare.

There’s a good discussion of that here:

The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians


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Re Anti-Hip: I had hoped that one day the hypocrisy inherent in BoBo-ism would cause it to be laughed out of existence. But here we are, two decades later...

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David Brooks yet lives. It's a national disgrace.

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"...there once was a dark age, and out of that emerged a Renaissance. ... From a statistical standpoint, the chances of something like self-government and nation states emerging from the Medieval feudal world was essentially non-existent. Yet it happened."

Well, IMO it was not so unlikely. But it *did* take time.

"...you have individual minds capable of insight, capable of recognizing that humans aren’t beasts, they can actually make breakthroughs, change, develop, generate new concepts—this whole process is not statistical."

Agreed. Because life abhors entropy, it seems the dark ages were more a 'creative destruction' period of re-organization.

"Much of the 'playbook' for the powerful is actually not panning out the way they intended"

A continuation of historical cycles is where hope lies? a la "Hard times create strong humans. Strong humans create good times. Good times create weak humans. Weak humans create hard times."

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"Have any already put forth arguments about, and solutions for, this?"

Ted Kaczynski put forth both arguments and solutions. His "solutions" were ineffective as well as individually harmful.

This is the problem with being a lone rebel. You're almost guaranteed to lose.

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Agreed. Continuous cross-pollination is crucial. Unfortunately for us, privacy is dead.

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I don't think privacy's totally dead. One just has to be careful.

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Voting republican isn't the solution to any of America's problems---at least not the problems of, say, 90% of Americans. That a party as openly mendacious, duplicitous and bereft of ides as the republican party even remains viable as a functioning U.S. political party, primarily speaks to the democratic party's abandonment of its traditional constituency and base over the past 30 years.

The democratic party, rather than advocate for this traditional base---whose economic fortunes were, and are, dramatically in decline---chose instead to capitulate to the demands of traditional republican clients---primarily corporate interests. The Clintons knew where the money was, saw that is was no longer on Main St, and shifted their political priorities accordingly. The rest of party followed. The result is a two-party system wherein both parties first and foremost seek to attract money for campaigns and appease those who have the money to support those campaigns. This appeasement occurs in many forms. Regressive tax policies---cuts for the rich, the gutting of governmental regulations and oversite that previously checked the rapacious velocity of unfettered capital. The bad faith demonizing and abandonment of the safety net that for 50 years served as an integral mechanism for holding together and strengthening the fabric of the country. Add to this the overt financialization of the economy as a whole, a policy outcome that is reflected in a cascade of rents for the 90% and unchecked profits for those who run the game.

All this bad faith is now a two-party collaboration. Today I'm still amazed that so many people in this country still fail to grasp that it was this two-party governing breakdown that served as the political propellant necessary to get someone like Donald Trump elected. Neither republican nor democrat, a slick operator all his professional life, saw the opportunity of a lifetime, and took it and exploited it.

Anybody who is looking for either the democratic party or republican party to solve their problems, or for that matter a carnival barker such as D. Trump, are looking in all the wrong places.

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"a slick operator all his professional life"

I quibble only with the assertion that he is a "slick operator!" If anything, what almost universally characterizes the political class in the USA is their mediocrity and mendacity.

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Donald Trump is not, nor has he ever been, nor will he ever be, "part of the political class." You're not paying attention. This was, and might be again, the secret to his political success. By convincing millions of angry voters that what they despised he too despised, and that he was going to do something about the charlatans in Washington. It took an even shinier and well-attuned charlatan to make this message stick, and pull off an unlikely electoral victory.

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"You're not paying attention."

I disagree; I, and many others, have been paying attention.

Your haughty attitude speaks volumes. While I am loath to make prescriptions -- as a lifestyle coach, I would be a complete failure -- I politely suggest listening to what other people have to say instead of telling them that they're stupid when they say it.

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I think you're being overly sensitive. I meant no disrespect but am curious what makes you believe that you can discern my "attitude," as "haughty" or otherwise. Here I will confess to a certain "style" of presentation that might offend some. I don't feel it's a problem that requires addressing or an apology. "You"re not paying attention" referred only to your seeming characterization of Trump as part of the political class. Which I firmly believe he is not.

Trump, in my opinion, is nothing but a slick operator. That was a key point of my comment. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding here on both our parts. And I certainly have never accused anyone on this site of being "stupid." It's a false and somewhat slanderous statement. It's certainluy misapplied. Furthermore, I take great pains to "listen" to what others say in these threads. If it appears otherwise, I suggest it's because I disagree with a good portion of the comments, and am very sensitive to a lot of the demonstrably false assertions that some commenters pass off as "opinion." Nevertheless I apologize for any misunderstanding caused by my comments, and if they are the source of any ill-feeling. And if it's any consolation, I follow your comments, have read them, and sincerely believe you are "paying attention."

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Indeed. The Clintons and DLC are the root of all evil …

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Hey, a new joke of mine. An original. What do you get when you cross the DNC with a little CRT?

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Answer: North Korea governed by republicans.

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That's not what I said. But then I thinnnnnkkkkk yooooouuuu know that. Satan is the root of all evil. And evil is everywhere. Everywhere.

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Good one!

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Asked our family doctor for an Ivermectin script for prophylaxis use. She said she’d be fired. She then said her father is a doctor in Nigeria, regularly prescribes it, and has had great success beating back SARS 2.0. Follow the $$$….

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Wtf?! She’d be fired? That’s insane!

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Welcome to COVID-19(84)

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You need to trademark that quick!

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That is common. Doctors are often in large corporate practices and these corporations have quid pro quo arrangements with Big Pharma. You rock the boat, you get kicked out of the boat.

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My friend is a doctor in NYC. She says she never had issues prescribing ivermectin, and it was also used to treat COVID in her hospital without any roadblocks. She also says information and studies regarding ivermectin efficacy vs COVID were always available.

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I live in a country with "universal healthcare". What's universal in this country is a complete media blackout of Ivermectin and any other therapeutic option. Creepy doesn't begin to describe it.

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"Ivermectin was an alluring possibility, Hill said, because a course of treatment in third world countries costs just $1-$2 . . ."

I think you identified the problem right here.

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Thank you. Great article. I think time will come when you, Greenwald, Mate, Weinstein and a few others should consider joining forces under a single media brand name to crush other media and overcome tech censorship. I have nothing personal against them but it’s increasingly obvious they stand in the way of us building a thriving and balanced society because of their so many conflicts of interest.

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I'd add in Sirota and his comrades from Daily Poster.

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Good in theory perhaps but will it not end up like The Intercept given time? Even will well intensioned safeguards added.

A loosely coupled setup could work though.

I am with you on the problem though.

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I am sure they are discussing such an option. We - the public - are in desperate wont & need of such a platform that would unite the trustworthy people.

For many of us it's is also getting increasingly difficult / expensive to support Matt, Glenn, Bari, Bret but not sure how they'd fare financially if they joined forces. One should not neglect the open source techies, like SOCIETY2 built on IOTA that are creating an alternative to obscenely overpaid Neo-Bolsheviks nested in some of those tech giants.

A serious stuff on so many levels.

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I’m supporting Bari as well. I disagree with her on a number of subjects but her voice matters.

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I vomited a little in my mouth reading that.

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Convincing argument

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There is no argument. Just the facts :)

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I'd willingly pay $20-$25 bucks a month, if it became necessary, not to hear Weiss' voice.

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It's called substack.com

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Substack is great, mostly for opinion journalism (and media criticism, which is very important). But it does not offer a comprehensive alternative to the media. That would require an organization, not just a bunch of freelancing voices.

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"[A] comprehensive alternative to the media ... would require an organization, not just a bunch of freelancing voices."

Exactly. Plus a journalism revolution -- in information sourcing, vetting, synthesizing, construction, and dissemination.

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Journalists will not save you. Best you learn that now.

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No, they won't. But we have a huge problem with people living in different realities on the opposing sides of the partisan divide. It's important to have a place, fed by someone with credibility on both sides, where the alternative realities come a little closer together. I think that happens here.

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Don't you wish.

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Interesting, isn't it, how some in the TK community denounce one set of journalists out of one side of their mouth as the cause of all our ills, and then out of the other side, hold up another pack of them who they believe will deliver us to the promised land?

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Good journalists can play a useful part in saving us. But a lot of the rest of us will have to play our parts too.

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Used to be we had to rely on journalists. Not any more. Now we can access sources directly. I rarely get any new information from Taibbi, for example. Just case details. And there are many vital subjects he's not interested in for his own political reasons. The folks listed cover pretty much the same beat, and pretty much ignore or obscure others that are easily more consequential.

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https://consilienceproject.org There are several great thinkers joining forces here, including Weinstein.

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The most interesting aspect of this story(to me) is the transformation and subjugation of the open internet to this suppressed/oppressed model of controlled speech

Another interesting development is the lack of understanding of Science and the destruction of Science and Scientists credibility.

It’s a strange time.

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This is the fruit of CRT writ large.

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Not really...CRT is about "black people good white people bad", right? Which would make those African doctors putting everyone on Ivermectin the heroes against evil Pfizer/Moderna...

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You misunderstand CRT. It is a complex, viscous attack on Western Civilization and the scientific method, as embodied by "white supremacy". I'd suggest studying it more if you want to understand the enemy more fully, but honestly it's just an evil religion. Studying it makes me feel nauseous. And yeah, those African doctors are indeed heroes compared to Pfizer/Modena.

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No kidding-don’t has insult perfectly honorable and decent Nigerians and Senegalese,etc. by associating them with idiots like Kapernick or Kendi.

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Lol, what??

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I think we were heading here eventually but the anti-trump movement made it a requirement to stop him and now it is built-in to everything and almost everywhere.

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I think it started off as the anti-Trump movement but it’s really just corporate totalitarianism (aka fascism) that’s doing all of this. Surprised the lefties are so gung ho to support the corporations.

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The left is gung ho to support the FBI, CIA and DOJ too - what a strange world we live in now

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Isn’t it though? 20 year old me would think we were living in a completely backwards reality.

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It shouldn't be that strange. Leftism means increasing the power of the state. Always. Everywhere. FBI, CIA and DOJ are key elements of state power. The antiwar, civil libertarian left is almost a historical footnote at this point.

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And the right means gutting the state, and using its remains to enrich themselves and their corporate overseers. Simple.

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I've got no real argument with you there, that's pretty accurate IMHO, especially as it relates to the neoconservative right that was ascendant for decades prior to Trump/Brexit. The populist "center-right" (as distinct from the "alt-right") is I think maybe a little different, more open to using the state for social good. IMHO, if our politics were much better we'd work out a common political program that would eschew cultural Marxism and leftist authoritarianism, but also right-wing corporatism and war-mongering and end up with a strong but appropriately sized state that delivered universal public goods enjoyed by everyone and respected individual and communal liberty and freedom.

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20@20 4 Prez. I like this platform.

...I would vote for you, but speaking as a pessimist, I don't think your chances would be too good.

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The Right (as I would use the term) is not going to gut the state. The state is the way they have arranged things for themselves, and it is guarded by the government, the Gewaltmonopol, the monopoly of (supposedly legitimated) of coercive social power, i.e. violence. As conditions become more extreme, the government and the state will become larger and more active in order to keep the lid on for the benefit of their masters. We see this proceeding in the extensive surveillance, public and private, already being conducted; in the militarization of the police; and of course in the conversion of the mainstream media into a propaganda pipeline.

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In the U.S. representative democracy, the state is ostensibly a proxy for "the people". While in the real world...

- The Left "leadership" conflates the state and the people intentionally, while their "woke" marks gobble it up. They believe in a Big Brother utopia (which never existed). When they both should, instead, scream 'bloody murder', as they frequently did in the late 60s and 70s, whenever the state and the people diverge. Now, they scream 'bloody murder' instead about ... well, I think you know.

- The Right "leadership" tells us that no state is necessary, ever, to enforce anything ... such as, oh, freedom to perform actual free trades in marketplaces without some warlord swooping in to grab the goods out of your hands. (The latter would be called "crony capitalism", an anomaly that can only by Leftist leadership.) And their marks gobble it up. They believe in an anarchic utopia (which never existed).

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That was an interesting take on the nation's "left" and "right."

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As I say below, the terms seem to have been emptied of meaning. Traditionally, the Right was the party of authority, power, hierarchy, social status, private wealth, and the military virtues, while the Left was the party of freedom, equality, peace, tolerance, inclusion, and community. As one can see, almost no one uses the terms in the same way any more. I suppose people that actually want to convey meaning will have to use different words. Or just give up talking about political facts.

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Apparently the term 'Left' has now been completely emptied of meaning. I guess that's a success for somebody.

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Yes, really. Show me where a Leftist government has ever taken power anywhere on Earth, and there wasn't a substantial increase in the power of the security state.

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"...The antiwar, civil libertarian left is almost a historical footnote at this point...."

I was referencing the above assertion of yours. Could you possibly provide some evidence that might support this childishly absurd statement---since you could not possibly know that "the antiwar, civil libertarian left is almost a historical footnote at this point...." Got another cosplaying William F. Buckley here---sounds nice and tidy though, does it not. I'm curious: where do punks like you pick up this faux right wing shit. Is this the cool thing down at the video arcade? You all marinate in it.

And why don't you show me where a leftist government has taken power on earth and where there was "a substantial increase in power of the security state." It's your assertion, asshole. I love your play. Make a half-assed, meaningless assertion that I couldn't possibly give a shit about, and then damand that I go do the work to prove your point. And anyway, what the fuck makes you believe I even have the remotest interest in what you think about leftists, state power, fbi, cia, anywhere on earth, yada, fucking yada?

Or that I'm remotely interested in engaging you for even 30 seconds of debate on a topic you clearly know very little about? And especially after your snotty opening demand. And why are you pretending to be interested in this shit? Just feels good to randomly spit out some stale bread you read a week ago in the Daily Caller? Or maybe The American Thinker? Beat it.

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Indeed! They have forgotten that those very agencies destroyed the antiwar movement with COINTELPRO.

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They are centrists - not the left.

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Yes. Now say it a million times.

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Democrats are not the Left - it's a right-wing party by almost any standard, despite a few half-assed exceptions - you know, the ones that turn out to be useless when it counts.

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The left in this country was totally broken in the aughts. No the official left and it's leadership are owned by the corporate establishment, so of course they are going ho about the new owners.

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Do you think the right, formerly known as the republicans, are jealous of the new pet that their longtime masters recently brought home?

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Lefties are the original core of fascism.

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Yes they are. Fascism is just socialism run by and for the corporations.

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Hitler would have found this statement highly amusing.

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This is true, Mussolini was a hard core socialist first. He just replaced “class” with “nation”.

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I prefer to think of them as the unwitting tools of totalitarians.

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And then as the core cooled, the right began to occupy the outer core, the lower mantle, the upper mantle, the lithosphere, the continental crust, the ocean crust, until eventually the right penetrated the earth's topsoil, dirt being the logical destination for the right.

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"Surprised the lefties are so gung ho to support the corporations"--that is indeed the question of the moment, one of them anyway. Any thoughts on why this is?

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At the risk of getting sucked into a quicklime pit, I posit that "subscription corporate leftists" are not actually "left" in any meaningful economic sense.

I am embarrassed to belabor the obvious, but to me it seems all about subordinating oneself to a brand; brand identification becomes a virtue signifier -- a selfie. "I'm doing my part!"

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So it's less about politics and more about narcissism, or maybe narcissism is the politic...the aim of adopting a particular political stance is not to change the world for the better but to better position oneself, culturally and economically.

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I think the concept of being a "public servant" is long gone. I don't think much lip service even remains.

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I’d argue that the corporatists are absolutely on the left since they believe in bailouts for banks and corporations. Big government spending and anti-capitalist actions like bailouts are absolutely economically left. A true capitalist would always be against the bailouts. Let them fail! That’s actual capitalism! And capitalism is economically defined to be on the right.

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News flash: *Neither* the rank-and-file Left (who want "power to the people"), nor the rank-and-file Right (who want "pure capitalism"*) have any interest, whatsoever, in bailing out fatcats.

Oh, and you forgot to mention that inherited wealth is not capitalism, either.


*BTW, given human nature, whatever implementation of "pure capitalism" you implement would problem have half-life of maybe 5 years ... if not less than 2.

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Additionally, the reason why we see communism supported so much by the left is because they saw the socialism the banks and corporations were getting and decided everyone should get a piece of that action too. Whereas, the Tea Party movement was against the bailouts because they were against all forms of socialism and big government.

This ALL stems from the bailout in 2009. As soon as the government showed that they were willing to do socialism for the banks and GM during the financial crisis, it was over. We had been ushered into social bailouts for corporations aka fascism and both economic sides of the political axis has been fighting since.

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The bailouts were certainly not communism, and it's quite a strain to assign them to socialism. The bailout business began long before 2009; I would say in the stock market crash of 1987, when the U.S. government let the specialists know that they could have all the freshly printed money they wanted as long as they kept the markets up, or at least out of the crater. Giving bankers and brokers piles of money doesn't seem like socialism to me -- the ''ownership and control of the means of production by the workers, or by the community in general.''

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My guess is that they’re so blinded by their desire for political power that they will align with whomever to get what they want. True fascist style (it seems it’s always been projection).

They even praise neocons Bush and Cheney for endorsing Biden because at least it’s not Trump and will praise neocon Chris Wallace for questioning Manchin on why he’s not voting along with the Dems and ending the filibuster. They’ll praise anyone who aligns with their political views.

I’m surprised they haven’t had a “are we the baddies?” moment yet.

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<<I’m surprised they haven’t had a “are we the baddies?” moment yet.>>

"Have you noticed that our caps have actually got little pictures of skulls on them?"

"Maybe they're the skulls of our enemies."

"It doesn't say next to the skull; 'Yeah, we killed him, but trust us, this guy was horrid.'"

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I have some thoughts on this. I would suggest that when a politician is in a position "to support the corporations" in any fashion that the corporations find meaningful, these politicians no longer think of themselves as "righties" or "lefties" at all. Oh, they might continue to identify as democrats or republicans, but this is mostly out of tradition, and to provide a handy scorecard for the voters at home.

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Yes, I saw Matt's piece on Marcuse, and first read The Culture of Narcissism not long after it appeared in the 70s, so I am familiar with those arguments. But they do not explain the more recent phenomenon of the de facto political alignment of the cultural left with the corporate globalists. I do not see these two tendencies as "merging." Rather, it is a temporary alliance of convenience against what both tendencies see as their immediate common foe: traditional forms of nationalism, esp in the US. Both the corporate globalists and the cultural left are eager to wipe out national borders, though for different reasons. Once that is accomplished, it seems likely (at least to me) that they will turn on each other. We see this tension already manifesting in the corporatists/cultural wings of the Biden administration.

" It is astonishing that there are still "classical leftists" clinging to a grossly failed ideology that claim they do not even understand why that ideology is a failure."

I have no idea what you are trying to get at with that statement.

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That is some interesting connecting of the dots. I certainly agree that for the corporations it's all about the cheap labor and for the grievance industry people it's all about the consulting fees. But does the average Leftist foot soldier understand that they are, as of now, on the "side" of the corporations? I don't think so.

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My surprise as well. Since when has it been a hallmark of the left to be a booster of Big Pharma?

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Come on, haven't you heard? Everything bad and unpleasant is leftist. Like when an asshole cuts you off in traffic: man, that was so leftist! Or your favorite team loses on a last second shot, which is incredibly leftist. Or when your girlfriend cheats on you---really, really leftist.

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Been nine days. Beginning to think you didn't care anymore...

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No, trust me. I get that dynamic.

I was just trying to point out the ultimate irony of where that roundabout logic got them.

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Hey-Nike, Amazon, Disney, and Alphabet are key contributors to combating racial injustice and supporting BLM (the organization, not the general concept)!!! /s

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The corporations report that true liberals and progressives love what's happening, then report that liberals and progressives love what's happening. You get a handful of tweets as proof. Any doubt of this orthodoxy simply means you are a secret Trump-lover. You don't want anyone thinking you're a Trump-lover, do you? It's be a real shame if your coworkers found out and no longer felt safe, right?

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And he's gone but it perpetuates! Trump is Goldstein from "1984." The analogy is ridiculous yet apt.

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You nailed it, Grisha! He seems to qualify for the "2 minutes of hate"at DNC rallies.

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Aw, thanks for the kind words, but I didn't quite "nail it." To explicate and further embarrass myself:

- Goldstein is an obvious Trotsky analogue, just as Big Brother is an obvious Stalin analogue (to Orwell's credit, a more diffuse and universal one; it's kind of like, "What if Oswald Mosley had actually been a serious person?")

- On the face of things, one might struggle for a long time to find valid comparisons between Leon Trotsky and Donald Trump, who seem upon casual analysis to be nearly antithetical personalities;

- yet Trump is well-known for his love of gold and ormolu tchotchkes, as well as his affiliation with Jews (e.g. son-in-law), thus fulfilling the stereotype.

Trotsky + Trump = Goldstein. Alchemy!

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I think it works. Trotsky was no saint either (to put it mildly). And Trump isn’t particularly principled, just a pragmatist.

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I thought the analogy was better without the ideology, but I suppose a Trumpsky would attract a significant volley of vindictive verbosity, :)

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Trumpsky will pass into legend when he gets an ice-axe in the head whilst feeding bunnies.

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Fun stuff!

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I was thinking of the two minutes of hate also.

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It's been longer than two minutes.

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That's why the world Winston lived in is better than ours.

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That's really fucking grim, man. "It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen." 1984 always reminds me of the time I did in Connecticut.

No offense to Nutmeggers intended. Rural Connecticut is lovely.

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Right on Grisha, I've been thinking that same thing...except it wasn't the two-minute hate, more like the 7/24/365 version, across multiple platforms...

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I'm not deep into the weeds on this, but from the analysis I've read thus far Eric Adams's apparent victory in the NYC mayoral race seems to refute Bitecofer's hypothesis.

Of course, NYC is not the entirety of the USA. How do I get a Bitecofer gig? "Let's get California to go REALLY HARD BLUE this time. Pay me."

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The premier of Manitoba explained it quite well in a recent press conference. When asked why ivermectin was not being discussed as a therapeutic or prophylactic, he responded that Manitoba’s major export is drug manufacturing. In other words, he inadvertently admitted that there’s no money in it for the drug manufacturers and his job is to keep them happy.

If you had asked me two years ago whether I thought pharmaceutical companies were so malicious and our politicians so cynical that they would collaborate to suppress an inexpensive treatment in a crisis I would have said no way.

Today, I am fully convinced that they are suppressing cheap treatments and they are pushing exceedingly hazardous ones in the form of gene therapies that they call vaccines because the FDA changed the definition for them last fall so they could.

In all honesty, I can see this ending with executives and regulators hanging from lampposts because of their complete abandonment of professional and personal ethics, no matter whether it was motivated by greed or fear. Our elites have failed miserably, perhaps we’ll take note of it for next time or maybe we’ll continue to be sheep.

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I don't anticipate that any of the villains will wind up hanging from lamp posts. There are too many fearful, brainwashed Americans unwilling to even listen to anything that might contradict the official narrative to which all the smart, good people subscribe.

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Corporate and executive accountability ended in the W admin. Taibbi readers should know this.

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It's not that pharma corps are malicious. They are interested in profit and shareholder value. Maliciousness would mean they are interested in our well-being. But our well-being is just another instrument in pursuit of the main goals. This is a property of most big corporations and pretty much all publicly traded ones.

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Matt, it is my understanding that if there were known effective and available covid treatments, that it is against the law to grant an EUA for a vaccine. If this is true, it makes perfect sense why the information was so controlled, especially considering big pharma is the top contributor for commercial revenue (in non-election years) to media as well as to congress.

Please follow-up on this and report it.

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"Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), when the Secretary of HHS declares that an emergency use authorization is appropriate, FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including THERE ARE NO ADEQUATE, APPROVED, and available alternatives." (emphasis mine)

Source: https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/mcm-legal-regulatory-and-policy-framework/emergency-use-authorization

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This fact was aired on Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying's podcast based on research Heather did on the issue.

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Also, look up Dr. Zalenko. He has treated over 3k covid patients, none died, and everyone he was able to treat with his protocol within the first 5 days of symptoms experienced long haul. He's been nominated for a Nobel....

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Oops - NOBODY he treated w/in first 5 days experienced long haul...sorry

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Yeah I read these papers and they’re garbage.

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Your comment is hardly dispositive. If you have a valid critique of the methodology, state it and stop with the trash talk. You demean the very expensive education you're having.

BTW, I read several of his studies and was quite impressed.

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Yeah, we'll just take your word for it!! smh

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Matt, I've been trying to get you interested in this story for many months now. Thank you so much for digging into it. Great job!

I think this suppression of early treatment, which killed hundreds of thousands, is the Crime of the Century. I hope you will now probe the acts of bureaucrats that buried Ivermectin, and look for influence from Pharma. I've collected dozens of stories on this. If you contact me, I will select the best links for you.

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The irony here is that from all accounts ivermectin has little or no side-effects. Yet, vaccines with unknown side effects and a special exemption from lawsuits for their big pharma manufacturers have been rushed to the market; patient beware!

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I am the world's most sensitive person, cannot even take normal over-the-counter drugs like Benadry or Advil without some kind of reaction. I have been taking ivermectin for almost a year for on-label ailments and have had NO side effects. NONE. Also none of my doctor's patients on ivermectin (treated for Lyme and parasites) have caught Covid.

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I still haven't had anybody explain to me what business this is of anybody but me and my doctor? If we both think that it can help, what's the issue? Are Joe Biden & Mark Zuckerberg now in charge of our healthcare decisions?

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It appears the technocrats will dominate information, education, medicine, food...essentially every aspect of being.

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Do watch “How” and “why” Big Oil conquered the world by James Corbett. It all began with a snake oil salesman named “Devil Bill” - the father of John D. Rockefeller. You’ll be wiser, but terrified.

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Yes, sadly. (Throw in Sergey Brin as well.)

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The last time a major health care initiative came out of Silicons n Valley it was called Theranos......

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Answer yes

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"One of the challenges of the pandemic period is the degree to which science has become intertwined with politics."

And one of the most revealing things about the pandemic is how emotional, partisan, and actually primitive most Americans are. For all the claims by the enlightened that they "follow the science", in reality they are no more scientifically literate--or inclined--than primitive villagers supplicating their favorite shaman and eager to burn witches.

Perhaps its a good thing to see the veil ripped from our pseudo-educated society, and we can more openly yell at each other purely on emotional and ideological grounds. Of course, this means that other pretenses, like fair and unbiased media, have also been umasked.

Does this mean the American experiment is nearing its end? I would like to hope not, but I see too many human and institutional factors actively working against it.

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"Does this mean the American experiment is nearing its end?"

The great success of independent media like this would say otherwise. What we are seeing is the dying throes of a failed elite.

I would hope -- repeat hope -- that we will start to see more third party candidates and a rejection of Team Red and Team Blue. Then I would have 100% faith in the continuation of the American Experiment.

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The dying throes of a failed state pretty much always produces a failed state. And no number of heroic journalists will make living in that failed state any more pleasant. In fact, the heroic journalists of that failed state will be few in number, and go about their business in underground cells producing 21st century samizdat.

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Perhaps, but I'm talking about a failed elite, not a failed state. A failed elite provokes political change, and it can be for the better.

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Ok. Failed elite. From my chair, they seem to be quite well. Really well.

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Really? The media elite are failing, the political elite's old tricks aren't working any more, the academic elite are hostage to spoiled children, the scientific elite have been exposed as hucksters, liars and shameless careerists and the business elite have -- in their sheer arrogance -- overstepped to the point where even the supine American public are eager for stepped up antitrust action and increased regulation overall.

If you mean they're all doing well enough financially, fine. The elites were well-heeled on the eve of other great changes before. Unjust enrichment and shameless rent-seeking are part of the reason people are getting fed up.

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You keep repeating the same talking points over and over. We have you on record, many times over, now, claiming that the "elites" are failing. Tell me something I don't know. How are these "elites" failing? So dramatically? What evidence do have that any of these "elite" sectors are ready to implode? Share some of the vast reams of your research that you clearly have unearthed, given this alarming forecast of the collapsing "elite."

You're little more than one of those bearded, toga-wearing crazy men on the street corner. "Beware! The elite are failing!" Back your assertions up. And why do you think I even give a shit that you think the elite are "failing?" Are you trying to persuade me that the elites are failing? Do you believe that I don't believe you when you say the elites are failing? Are you trying to start an argument? Do want me to confirm your assessment that the elite are indeed failing?

You also sound like someone's grandfather, after more than few stiff ones, wandering around the living room, "unjust enrichment, shameless rent seeking'' Ok. Show me some solid evidence that ..."the academic elite are hostage to spoiled children, the scientific elite have been exposed as hucksters, liars and shameless careerists and the business elite have -- in their sheer arrogance -- overstepped to the point where even the supine American public are eager for stepped up antitrust action and increased regulation overall...." Show me the evidence. Any evidence. Or else...please...be...quiet.

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Thanks e.pierce, I'm interested to read more about this idea of the "New Clerisy", as you've mentioned it before several times and it seems to connect a lot of strands, (though "regressing to a pre-enlightenment mindset", yikes).

If there's one thing I would edit out of my previous post it would be the phrase "dying throes". It's more a panic born of fragility, a recognition of great threat if not of failure. For me it's a hopeful thing, as a harbinger of change, this failure of the elites. An opening toward a refreshing of politics. Sweeping change, but not in the hanging-the-rich-from-lamposts variety. The elite media and political actors and institutions have lost their ability to command, distract and mollify the people as before.

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<cough> climate catastrophe! believe “the” science!11! ;-)

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When I read your posts, I hear the voice of Andy Warhol, and imagine him sitting in a Flag Halyard chair inside an empty all-white room.

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