It's a sad commentary on the state of journalism today that I am so thrilled by the facts that Mr. Taibbi (1) has talked to multiple parties on the ground in VA to try to understand what is going on (2) is wary of publishing an over-simplified story and - 24 hour news cycle be damned! - tells his readership that a more fulsome account is forthcoming, after he's had more time to marshal his information, and (3) needs to return to VA to confirm various details. God bless investigative journalists, the kind that care about getting facts straight as opposed to advancing a simplistic narrative, and thank you Matt Taibbi!

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One of my favorites these days is watching prog journalists move to Substack only to be left hanging with few subscribers while they continue spewing lefty lies, assuming the big payouts will come because they have now graced the site with their delicate and beautifully crafted prose.

They do not realize that the American electorate has lurched to the middle demanding truth amidst the bald faced lying about important stories like Russiagate and Critical Race Theory.

And parents of young daughters do NOT want their girls raped in the school bathroom by a dude in a skirt while the school board and administrators cover it up and the Dad who showed up to demand justice is pegged as a terrorist and video of him is unfairly played nationwide and HE is being prosecuted by local government. It is madness!

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He wasn't just prosecuted by the local government, the school board and the Biden administration sicked the FBI on him!

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The story was covered in my video report last week: https://youtu.be/efxwuALz72k

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Overall, it's hard not to conclude that the Dems' policies are intentionally sabotaging America---open borders, reversing energy independence, lenience on crime, CRT in gov't and schools. The political center doesn't dig it.

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Dems policies are perfectly consistent with the interests of their owners - create as many divisions as possible (hence identity politics, now Covid "mandates" on top of it) to distract from common problems of 99%: debt peonage, socio-economical insecurity, lack of social mobility (esp. for next generation), urban blight etc etc. Once divided (and demographically weakened, hence uncontrolled immigration) the elite arbitrates between the groups (handing this or that sop "benefit" based on the perceived degree of "oppression" in woke hierarchy). Classic "divide and impera" tweaked for the post-industrial, globalized era. This way they hope to keep status quo as long as possible.

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I agree with this 100%. But it's not like the Republicans are any better.

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TBF they both work for the same money in most instances and for the sake of argument here it's fair to say that their threatened hegemony is at stake. Surprise, surprise... they can tilt the tables at election time to keep the corporate puppets in places of power. R or D... doesn't matter to them and it shouldn't matter to us.

I'm all for keeping my mind on the long game of this and not being trapped by this cuntery.

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Yes. Maintaining the establishment duopoly is their №1 goal

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That’s the problem.If they were any better, when they had the White House, Senate and Congress, there would have been no “ Russia Hoax” Special Council,No Ukraine bullshit impeachment,Mike Flynn would have exposed, purged the Deep State, State Dept, members of both parties and a hell of a lot of them would be prosecuted for treason and sedition..

I never liked Pence and was very disappointed when he was chosen as Trump’s running made. It seemed a wild gamble and really expected it to backfire.Apparaently, the non-ideological crossovers saw it for what it was. He needed the Evangelical vote because the Establishment were all in to help Hillary and the globalists.

Pence lost the scintilla of hope Id had of being somewhat invisible when he allowed Flynn to be removed .

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The same Flynn that wanted to suspend the Constitution, impose martial law and "silence the destructive media?" He is the biggest turd in the punch bowl to me.

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10 were charged with seditious conspiracy today. Doubt that will change your mind. Would a conviction do so?

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They have no moral high ground, nor do they care about any of what they lay claim to. It’s globalism, power, multilateral , multinational corporatism, Parma,technocracy,war, personal gain . W/ China and DAVOS,NATO,OPEC,WEF- their power is limitless and their absolute disdain for mere American citizens has become unbridled. The Dems are the Bush Cartel. They just have better acting coaches, casting agents and makeover consultants

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Oh, it has limits... they'd be hard pressed to fight a guerilla war at home and in ALL of the vassal states they think they control.

I bet the end will be sore for them and I do hope people yoink them out of their cushy offices and behead them.

They've been partying in Marseilles for too long now and the rubes are sick of eating cake.

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Spot on, but there is a larger scope that is under reported.The self proclaimed progressive left isn’t working alone to destroy America top down, bottom up, outside and within. The supposed Conservative anti-Trump Biden supporters have a major stake in the effort to takedown the GOP.All one needs to focus on is who they aren’t attacking. Romney,Cheney,Kinzinger,Graham,Burr,Ghristie,Raffenberger,Dicey,Portman,Cassidy,Murkowski,Thune,Mitch,Kemp,Ryan,McMullin, Cofer Black,Corker,Bush,Amash,Koch ..There’s The Bulwark,Lincoln Project,George Will,Jennifer Rubin,Mona Charen,David French,Jonah Goldberg,,Orrin Hatch,Hayden,Petraeus,Fiorina,Mueller,Wray,McCain,Baker,Rosenstein,… These self proclaimed bastions of moral righteousness and lawful Constitutionality

This isn’t about Trump’s personality or partisan ideology. It’s about the threat Trump posed to their global corporate interests, foreign lobbying,entanglement w/ China,shareholder wealth including Pharma, tech, foreign investments in rare earth and minerals,mercantile consumerism,importation of cheap labor,steel,the military industrial complex war machine,ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Deep State,Soros,Vanguard,Blackrock,Goldman Sachs,Deutsce Bank,CitiBanc,Berkshire Hathaway,Disney,Silicon Valley,Bloomberg and profiteering from foreign nations that are among the most corrupt violators of human rights.They will pound their chests about R v W, pretend to support Israel’s right to exist and pledge to defend her sovereign rights, claim to support a lawful society and a scrupulous justice system, but they stand for nothing but self predervati regardless of the cost to America,humanity and innocent animals. Including dogs.

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Yeah I completely agree that both sides of the aisle are China whores. There corporate donors are all China whores too so it stands to reason. Our entire culture sucks because it’s been hi-jacked by greedy China whores. Sad

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The one candidate who called it out with extremely riveting details was Virginia’s Winsome Sears, the newly elected Lt. Governor.

During her acceptance speech, she called out the Pentagon and DOD claiming China’s development of a more technologically sophisticated nuclear development system “ Caught them by surprise”and the failure of our education system, particularly among black students and lowering expectations for all students deliberately.But the particular targets of exclusion and isolation are Asian American students” Why do you think that is? Because Asian culture is hyper-focused on education, particularly higher education and family values. They aren’t burning down cities, engaging in violent, anarchic Antifa and BLM mobs. They respect the elderly. It’s a cultural norm. They aren’t screaming about inequality. Because their families knew real oppression. Maoism, Xi, surveillance, murder. Tiananmen Square massacre of protesters crying out for freedom. China’s own students rank highest in education. She also called out the denigration and purge of the military using Stalinist propaganda. The expulsion of the most able, disciplined military elite. The Navy Seals. Long serving trained active enemy combatants.The soldiers who are unabashedly patriotic and loyal to America. Disparaged as “extremists”. Meanwhile, Xi is “masculinizing” China’s military. Genetically engineering. China is a mono cultural nation. Blacks, Browns are neither welcome nor embraced. They are tolerated because pro-sports puts more money and power in Communist China’s coffers. And now the pro-sports industry is using black players to promote Communist talking points. Ethnic minorities are placed in “re-education Camps”. Sterilized, tortured, forced organ harvesting, their heads shaven, the hair sold to Americans as wigs, extensions,weaves. They are forced into slave labor.

And no, the increasing violent attacks on Asians in broad daylight are being perpetrated by “ White Supremacists”. The attackers are black.

Winsome Sears is a black, female Jamaican immigrant and veteran. She arrived here in 1963, prior to the Civil Rights Movement. She loves America and is an activist within underprivileged black communities to give them the tools necessary for a better life.

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Huxley warned of globalism and the loss of individual freedom and rights that would manifest. Ditto Welch,Moynihan,Scoop Jackson,Goldwater, Gandhi,Tibet,Rod Serling,Bradbury,Asimov,Solzhenitsyn,Eisenhower,Patton,Nixon( fucked up underestimating where the next admins would take it), Orwelll

The most formidable global enemy is headquartered smack dab in America’s most famous locale, the UN, which belongs in the already polluted East River.With all of its inhabitants.

Rod Serling’s infamous Twilight Zone episode, “ To Serve Man”was an amazing metaphorical warning.

I don’t know whether you’ve seen it. A foreign spacecraft landed in NYC and several aliens alit. Of course the reactions were a mixture of fear, panic , skepticism and curiosity. Curiosity with a healthy measure of skepticism outweighed the panic and fear. The aliens were given the stage at the UN to explain who they were, where did they come from and why.

They were able to communicate telepathically, claiming to bring peace, friendship, advance our technological capabilities.

Some remained skeptical, but the majority, as is the case with human gullibility welcomed them. They were here “ To Serve Man”.Many were so giddy they boarded the spaceship, excited to be the first to explore a new horizon. The doors closed, hermetically locked and the craft lifted off. And then they realized “ To Serve Man” was a cookbook!

Serling was yet another prophet. Each of his allegorical Twilight Zone episodes have come to fruition.

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The corporations are desperate for Chinese markets, and the politicians are desperate for corporate donors. When you view US politics and US media through the lens that everything is being done for China -then suddenly everything makes perfect sense. Viewed through any other lens it is insanity. They are cashing in our nation while enriching themselves with Chinese money. God help us. We need someone like trump back soon or there will be nothing left. Sorry a lot of folks don’t like his style, I get that but you won’t like the alternative either.

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Watch a lot of James Lindsay.

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I do. He pointed out recently that schools may not be 'teaching' CRT, but they are "doing" CRT to kids. They've simply changed the terminology (big surprise)---social and emotional learning, whiteness, etc. It's all the same stuff.

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They're not teaching CRT they're implementing it.

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That's what I've been trying to get people to say as well. When we say the school systems are *teaching* CRT, it gives CRT proponents the "out" of claiming we're lying, because it's true that the K-12 curriculum does not include the works of people like Derrick Bell and Kimberle Crenshaw. However, the public schools' entire approach to education is now being guided by the tenets of CRT, and university schools of education are completely immersing their students, almost all of whom will go on to be public school teachers or administrators, in it (as well as similar far left-wing thought on gender, colonialism, etc.). If your child is being taught by a recent ed school grad, God help you.

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Sorry, but telling a child they are bad because of the color of their skin sort of goes against the concepts of "teaching racial theory to help make the world a more equitable place". If that is their real goal... which anyone can see is NOT.

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It’s beyond nefarious.The bigger problem is what Fox fails to include in it’s reporting. The most poignant plea was a black mother’s speech before the school board. Her husband is white and her young daughter, biracial.What made her speech so important was calling out the damage being done to her family. Teaching the child to hate her white father and her mother as a traitor for marrying the oppressor.Tearing apart a loving, functional family and a formerly happy, well adjusted , high achieving child with friends from every walk of life. On purpose.

Sexualizing a child who was loving being a girlie girl who hadn’t even reached pubescence and told America was a garbage, colonizer slave nation. Systemically racist, ruled by a white Christian supremacist patriarchy of xenophobia, misogyny, Islamophobia,oppression of black, brown,Indigenous people and immigrantshomophobic,transphobic, Eurocentric supporters of Zionist apartheid.

The mother is Muslim, the father, Jewish. And they were what they once thought liberal Democrats

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Agree. There are a lot of theories about the true aim of CRT, but it seems to be the perfect tool to undermine the patriotism of white America, the great resistance. If you can get whites to question themselves, their legacy, and their country, it's a lot easier to assimilate America into the NWO.

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I hated McCain and had a bad vibe about Obama in ‘08. Just before the election, My husband and I celebrated a friend’s birthday bash at The Palm. Seated at an adjacent table we’re the Mayor, who I knew personally, General Tommy Franks and Colin Powell.The mayor was a Republican, but socially liberal, Powell and Frank were major players in the W admin. I butted in, as usual. My husband at the other table looked like he wanted to sink beneath it.

I asked them who I should. vote for, expressing my hatred for McCain, though I was really unsure of Obama. They shared the same sentiment and concern, but we’re going to vote Obama.McCain was corrupt and a warmonger and we’re sick of the wars. Obama was a coin toss, but they didn’t think he’d get us involved in yet another war.

I reluctantly voted for Obama and when he made his acceptance speech, immediately regretted it. Regretted voting at all. The words” Fundamentally change America” was tantamount to the warning sirens of a nuclear attack.

I wasn’t wrong about McCain or Obama.Every awful action Obama enacted was given McCain’s blessing.Ukraine,Egypt,Syria,Libya,Yemen,Afghanistan, NATO buildup, FISA,extending the Patriot Act, Mueller, Brennan,Clapper, embracing the Muslim Brotherhood, droning American citizens, wiretaps, warrantless searches, combining the entire IC, the IRS scandal( yes, McCain was a player. Fast and Furious. Yes, McCain was a player. Soros. Yes, he’s owned McCain since Keating

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The McCain that the media recently lionized.

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They are "doing" CRT in corporate mandatory DEI training.

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Or the military, Deep State dark money corporate CCP media. Xi is laughing unstoppable and deservedly..

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Psychological warfare. Remove the partisan politics. Emphasize the propandized devastation designed to impact every American and how,why it’s being done and the endgame.

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He’s fabulous!

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Have you read Douglas Murray’s “ The Maddening Of Crowds” and “ The Strange Death Of Europe”? He’s a gay Brit and former liberal. He’s now a classic liberal /conservative

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One word endlessly repeated says it all” Transformational”. And it sure as hell isn’t for the greater good.

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Name one DNC agenda item in the last 5 years that doesn’t benefit China. Coincidence? I think not

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They love oppressive dictatorships that use surveillace to imprison, torture and kill dissenters, suspected dissenters, religious minorities , forced abortion, forced organ harvesting, slave labor, censorship, expansionism and the destruction of coral reefs, the natural Eco-system,are the greatest polluters globally, racist and mono cultural and are rapidly overtaking our military capabilies, forced technology transfer, create bioweapons, and the entire supply of the necessary components to produce every medical necessity that we are dependent upon to remain alive.

But there are many Republicans who are complicit

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When we ( and our NATO ( EU) besties continue to invade theocratic nations that have never experienced western style democracy( which as is becoming obvious are longer democratically elected sovereign republics)), the result is a given. Mass migration, increased extremism, more chaos and war and attacks on our homeland. And the inevitable integration of extremism within our borders. Including every government entity.

Trump,during his anti-intervention 2016 campaign platform nailed it:”We are forcing our way of life in regions that never experienced or wanted it. And then expect them to thank us. So why are we surprised when they attack us?What good has come from invasion and nation building ? None.Look at Libya.They have no government, but have been taken over by brutal Islamist extreme terrorist factions,no sovereignty,their natural resources were plundered, it is now a slave market, borderless terror tunnelWho benefits? Our soldiers? Their civilians? The American people?Who benefits from death,misery, chaos,mass refugee migration? The global elites, multinationals, political Establishment, oligarchs,and tyrants.Who shoulders the economic burden?The middle class taxpayers.

Who armed the terrorists , broke the longstanding treaty that we would not invade if they ceded their weapons of war? We did w/ our “allies France and Great Britain.Illegally.Brutally murdered their leader and his sons like the savages we denounce and laughed.And we abandoned Americans who were begging for help.

Everybody focused on Benghazi, but nobody questioned why we invaded Libya. Shouldn’t that be the real focus?”

That was one of the major reasons I voted for Trump. He exposed the enormous topics that have sold out America we never contemplated.

Corporate inversion, multinationals, unfair trade, manufacturing job loss, infrastructure, highest drug prices, NATO not paying its fair share, Hospital costs, energy dependence,NAFTA,TPP,OPEC, the forgotten American, hyper-regulation, foreign lobbying, pay for play, illegal immigration, foreign worker visas vs hiring Americans, the corrupt, failed IC and agencies, destruction of small businesses, black communities living in hell, long ignored and without opportunity , incentives, lousy schools and isolated because businesses were afraid to locate or invest in said communities.

Halting NATO build up and trying to forge an equally beneficial relationship with Russia that instead of provocation that pushed Russia to align w/Iran and Syria for self preservation.Ironically, Pat Moynihan warned of NATO buildup creating the very provocation and unholy alliance . Thank Clinton, Bush,Obama and the globalist vultures.

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It exacerbated the surveillance state exponentially, Obama took it to a level I thought could not be exceeding. But now, China has nothing on the abusive of it citizens that we haven’t matched. Or possibly transcended.

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Oh, I wish the DNC was even remotely smart enough to do this. It's the analogue of the people who think Trump is the next Hilter, although he lacks half the evil intellect of the Fuehrer

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They have become the party of Hitler. They just don’t know enough about Hitler to realize it.

There is much deserved criticism of Trump, most of it self inflicted, but he sure as hell wasn’t anything representative of Hitler. Unfortunately, his complete refusal to tone down his speech, stop tweeting and attacking often overshadowed his message and policies.

I worked alongside him for two years and while he was larger than life, funny and didn’t mince words, I never saw him once behave that way. I wish I could explain it, but I can’t.

What makes it stranger still, he has always expressed the same platform and issues that he ran on, but for the exaggerated religiosity. He’s also extremely generous and protective of anybody he believes has been victimized. He just didn’t behave so combatantly. He could have pulled it off as a Democrat because they are always ready to pick a fight and hurl insults.And get a pass.

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Trump isn’t evil, but his personality overshadows his really good ideas and achievements.When he is being sabotaged by his party, the Dems, global,Deep State, corporate elites, lobbyists, tech,Pharma, media, NGOs,UN and all the powers that exist, he didn’t need to pick unnecessary fights.I wish he had flipped Independent and with the right team, quietly drained the Swamp bottom up, top down

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I was reflecting on something like this with a vision of the wealthy silver-haired media star screaming lies at the plebeians like a demented ape from the balcony of his Central Park apartment. Someone is paying him to lie, and it's not his viewers. Would anyone pay him directly to rant arrant bullshit? How long would he be living with a Central Park view if he had to solicit direct donations from his viewers?

Do any of us actually want to pay a subscription to read lies?

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If you're talking about Matt, your comment is pretty unintentionally hilarious.

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He's talking about 'Sir' Keith Olbermann.

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Probably, but also Vanderbilt heir on CNN

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Everybody knows Anderson Cooper was a CIA intern, right? Weird coincidence. Surely nepotism had nothing to do with his subsequent career.

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He could be talking about Howard Beale, as portrayed by Peter Finch, in the film “Network”. Paddy Chayefsky, the brilliant screenwriter, saw the noxious future of mass media four decades ago.

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The best!

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We need an army of Howard Beales.

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Olbermann is insane. Certifiably. It boggles my mind that anybody , regardless of personal ideology, race, creed, religion or scope-economic status can watch and listen to these absurd,hyper-angst ridden D-list echo chambers without laughing or taking personal offense.They are so self important and theatrical in their exaggerated, fictitious spew as to be sickening.

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I like (sincerely) your style. Thanks for bringing it. And 'bringin' it.'

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Matt doesn’t have any hair. That lets him off the hook. Sorry, Matt, it’s for the sake of accuracy only.

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He still looks better without some dumb hat.

Be bald. Who gives a shit.

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I might be alone here, but I think MT should grow a Bonnie Prince Billy beard.

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We don’t even notice

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Enlighten me. No sarcasm intended.

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"important stories like...Critical Race Theory"

Critical Race Theory is important..? Wh, what?

"And parents of young daughters do NOT want their girls raped in the school bathroom by a dude in a skirt"

Good God, there's a LOT to unpack here.

First, it's obscene that you would imply that wanting people to use gender-affirming bathrooms means you want children raped.

Second, that's not what happened in the Loudoun case. It keeps getting bandied about that this kid, who is by all accounts a violent offender, was able to stealth his way into the bathroom because he was wearing a skirt. Nope. Not the case. He had a preexisting consensual relationship with her. Allegedly, he met her at her own invitation THEN he raped her. That has NOTHING to do with gender.

Third, unfortunately, this case was mishandled, but if CHILDREN are involved in crimes, they are afforded privacy. It seems like this was an extreme case that got mishandled and is the perfect intersection of where our culture is right now.

Using it as a case-in-point or synecdoche for our entire society and gender relations is at best lazy, and at worst, playing to the cheap seats to repackage transphobia. You're basic and weak. Fuck off, Jenny.

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A passionate defense of child rape.

No one is “phobic.” They’re sick of the lies and bullshit you’ve been spewing and the consequences will be severe. Severe.

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Sevender Severe?

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Again, how am I defending child rape? I abhor that. No one should be raped.

What are the lies and bullshit?

And they will be severe? What does that mean? Please be explicit. Unless, of course, that's the point because you mean to imply something that, if stated outright, would constitute a threat or hate speech. Am I wrong about that?

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The lie that Trans Women are Women. Intersex is a true objectively factual reality, but the denial of the 5M years of the homo.sapiens biological sexual binary is not. The female sex is not determined by "feelings," it is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman's egg. #Science

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Yes. I, too, support science. Did you know they're still updating the DSM? They're up to V. What was the last one you read?

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I am a mother and grandmother deeply concerned about school safety. I am not afraid of anyone.

I am also a sexual abuse victim who has been gang raped several times.

The perps mother stuck up for him in this Daily Mail report:


She said some really interesting things.


"What is the end game on this?' she added. 'My son's going to be going on the sexual registry and be committed to Meghan's Law for the rest of his life because he had 15-year-old hormones."

No lady, your son is an obvious menace to society and he is going to be locked up for his predatory ways.

As much as I ache for her and the bad choices of her son, I am much more concerned about the girls father being called a domestic terrorist and the heavy handed response from the authorities.

I believe it was this side of the story that rankled all parents.

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It’s become a battle of how abhorrently unconscionable acts people are willing to rationalize to prove allegiance to a political party… until they become victims of what they’ve rationalized.And even then , many will still blame the “ other side”.Mocking a rape victim speaks volumes.

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It has been such a polarizing time. I hope we can all get back to being Americans sooner than later.

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I'm deeply sorry for your past victimization. That's awful.

Sure. I can accept that. I had a family member murdered, and the murderer's mother was the same way. Unfortunately, I think the tendency to see the best side of their child is the protective maternal instinct taken to the extreme.

Can we please separate the crime, which is awful, from the trans community and the use of gender affirming restrooms, which has not resulted in any increase in sexual violence?

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I can understand how frustrated the trans community must feel being unfairly attached to this nationwide story.

I do not hate or judge anyone. I especially do not hate the troubled child abusing girls.

I look at him and his mother and think there but for the grace…

None of us have this figured out. I do appreciate your passion and your words.

We have to keep the lines of communication open and I know eventually we will create a safe nationwide scholastic environment for all children.

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I appreciate you saying that. I hope you are right, but please, while I know it will grate against the community you speak to, try to avoid language like "And parents of young daughters do NOT want their girls raped in the school bathroom by a dude in a skirt." I mean, yes, that premise is true, but it gets misconstrued and helps reinforce close minded narratives. Look no further than the comments that followed mine about how the consequences for being trans "will be severe." That's screwed up.

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"First, it's obscene that you would imply that wanting people to use gender-affirming bathrooms means you want children raped."

I agree that the crucial issue there is not gender-flexible bathroom policy. But the perpetrator of the rape was already a known offender who was allowed to transfer to a different school rather than being expelled, and that's a clear indication that Virginia schools have slipshod policies toward discipline that even extend to students who perpetrate blatant transgressions of basic standards of social conduct.

Compare that case with the recent phenomenon of resort to preemptive suspensions and expulsions of college students that have resulted simply on the basis of an accusation of sexual assault that isn't proven or admitted.

Also, at least some of us are dismayed by another frequent feature of the conversations about this event: the implicitly expressed laissez-faire attitude, in regard to couples appropriating school bathrooms during open school hours in order to engage in sexual acts, as long as both parties are "consenting." At least some of us find that attitude of passive assent to be not just an awfully slippery slope, but a telling indication that disciplinary standards in regard to the social environment in the high schools have already gone completely over the edge. What is someone who walks in to witness two students actively engaged in a sex act to do- give them the benefit of the doubt? Simply go about their business, using the adjoining facilities? At some point, lines need to be drawn between the mission of public high schools as learning environments for teenagers, and the opportunity for students to take advantage of a lack of enforcement of standards for social conduct- and the legal privileges of "juvenile" status- to convert a school building into a porno fantasyland environment for their personal gratification. (After which, presumably, some of those who act on that impulse may well find themselves in college and office environments where they're liable to be judged for so much as one "inappropriate touch"...the mixed messages are practically vertigo-inducing.) My sensibilities are basically libertarian. But sexual activity by students in a public high school building is not to be hand-waved aside as if the place were an after-hours nightclub for adults with proof of ID.

"if CHILDREN are involved in crimes, they are afforded privacy."

Yeah, within the controllable boundaries of the courts and the news media. But the CHILDREN cajoled or intimidated into public sex acts- including by their "partners" of minor status- are often NOT afforded privacy in their social environments; word has a way of getting out among their teenage peers. Far and wide. Sometimes there are even photos, or video. Which also has a way of encouraging silence on the part of those participants whose "consent" was actually to some extent coerced. We're all someone's "children", by the way. The word "children" is not a synonym for "fresh-faced innocent."

I'll concede that it's questionable how much the issue of (the lack of) disciplinary standards in the public schools has to do with the responsibilities and priorities of the office of Governor. But neither side's campaign particularly distinguished itself in this race, as illustrated by the McAuliffe ads that sought to portray Glenn Youngkin as if he were Steve Bannon in a fleece vest. Both sides can claim that they're simply drawing broad comparisons that highlight contrasting political leanings, in that field of political discourse that clings so fervently to being reduced to a contest between Blue and Red. I don't find either side convincing, but undoubtedly some voters did, given the jejune political climate established by those game rules.

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Matthew Yglesias and Noah Smith are doing just fine, as is Freddie deBoer. You might be referring to other, less talented writers though.

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Aaron Rupar: https://jennyhatch.com/2021/10/09/censored-by-aaron-rupar-on-substack/

Aaron who banned me less than 24 hours after I commented. Also Clint Watts, Talia Lavin, and Charlie Warzell. These are the propagandists I was referring to.

I love Free Speech anarchists. And I love Andrew Sullivan, Lyz Lentz, and Yglesias.

So it is not all lefty writers. Just the censorious ones.

They appear to be saddened to not have Twitter mods here deplatforming people like me for them.

The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.

I live for the clash!

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Amen Sister! Twitter has banned me twice already. Telling the truth is increasingly forbidden in society.

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Your first mistake is getting on Twitter.

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I had a rock solid account with 90,000 tweets over ten years and they pulled the whole thing in January. Maddening. It was/is my favorite platform.

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90,000 tweets over a ten year period is almost 24 tweets a day. That’s insane.

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Have you been reading Matty lately? He's coming across as frighteningly moderate.

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I recommend Freddie DeBoer substack to everyone, he is fantastic a tutor for me, I’m learning so much.

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Yes, that is one of the reasons I subscribe to him. He is a radical leftist (an unrepentant Marxist even) who is pro-free speech. To be honest I agree with him on many things, even though my leftism is more of the anarchist variety.

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Anarchy. Wow that’s really edgy, constructive stuff. Not.

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The Wobblies did more for the American worker than any other group.

I am not a big A Anarchist I just have anti-authoritarian tendencies. Don't trust the government or Big Corporations. They don't have your best interests at heart. Throw Organized religion in that bucket.

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Wow, I just looked at your substack subs; it is an all-star lineup of leftist ideology. LOL at least you’re not woke! Hehe see ya e.pierce

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Glenn Greenwald, Yasha Levine, John McWhorter. Try harder.

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Except that Drumpf had a giant advantage over Klinton going into the election: she was more unpopular than he was... which is really saying something.

Also... Medium?!?

Virtual toilet paper/

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Isn’t BAP Curtis Yarvin?

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Geez lots of replies to a simple riposte. It wasn’t a criticism or anything, simply an observation, (Dusty Rhodes accent) “if you will”…

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Upon reading another article the press is not reporting she had met with the boy twice before and had sex in that bathroom consentionally. All of this was not reported and covered up.

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But the 2nd girl he attacked was just a fluke? Most people aren't accused twice for the same crime. He is. He's been convicted of the 1st.

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It’s true the Daily Wire blew that part of the story. A bad oversight, but the actual fact is kind of tangential to the conflict between the parents and the school board.

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I don't think those details came out until the actual trial; so I'm not quite so sure the Daily Wire could have gotten all of that. But, I could be wrong.

More annoying is that those on the Left who for years have been saying "believe all women" but now that there *may* be a bit of nuance, they're ready to victim blame.

As a father of teenage girls in the Virginia school system, if my daughter comes home saying she said no, then no means "NO!!" end of story.

Also, just want to reiterate my appreciation for your on-the-ground journalism. Thank God it's not completely dead in this country.

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Just imagine if the kid doing the raping was an open Trump supporter.

For me the coverup and the media and justice department going after righteously indignant Dad is the story.

The nuance of non consensual vs consensual sex is a secondary issue/detail that boils down to he said/she said.

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I agree that the cover-up (and in my case as a Virginian, the lack of investigation at the state level once the cover-up was discovered) was certainly egregious.

I am sure I am not alone when, during the course of events (and the past 2 years of "Defund the Police" etc) that Democrats were on the side of criminals. I have no idea WHY, exactly, but those are the cards they are playing.

Obviously, the political fallout couldn't be plainer. Due to Democrat policies (and inaction) - if you want your kid protected, vote Republican. Obviously, I wasn't the only one to feel that way.

If the Democrats want any hope of not losing 60 seats in the House in a year, they better do a 180 on that idea, or other states are going to feel the same way.

As to the nuance of consensual vs. non consensual - it is secondary in many circumstances, but not here, not for that girl and her family. Besides, the he said/she said kind of blows up when you consider he *did it again in another school*.

Sides, with the girl in question, it sounds to me like she was okay with certain things (who knows, kissing? some other handsy stuff that kids shouldn't be doing in bathrooms regardless?) - and when the girl said "NO!" he kept on. A rape kit was used after the fact. The girl was obviously in a different situation than the "two prior times".

AFAIC, there was no "he said/she said" in this at all. There was incontrovertible PROOF.

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it's also possible they had consensual sex twice and then he raped her.

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Absolutely. I thought we'd established that years ago. But maybe not?

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If you're not for Joe Biden, you ain't been raped.

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Most people aren't accused twice for the same crime for no reason. An edit feature would be great.

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Accused 2x for the same crime-just ask what happens if a cop gets acquitted by a state jury in a use of force case…..

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This is true. There's also some debate if the kid wore a dress or is trans. But still, no means no, and rape is rape.

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From what I have read I would guess he is gender fluid. But we don't have any statements from him on the matter, so it is a guess.

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"gender fluid" sounds accurate enough. After all, he also sent naked pics of himself to victims so he likely has an immoral view of sex and sexuality.

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That covers most millenials and kids today. Or do you live under a rock?

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Hi won mother confirmed that he was wearing a skirt that day.

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I used to have sex with my ex’s, but I ever broke into their bedrooms and forced them to have sex with me, does her consenting in the past nullify her claim that I raped her in the present? After all, we did, at one point, have a romantic relationship. Precedent and all that.

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It's bullshit to slut-shame this girl and I think everyone knows it. She's allowed to have sex when and where she chooses, without fear that it is an excuse to rape her later.

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Yeah, was it clear that there was affirmative consent? Was it F0reely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic and Specific? (FRIES is the acronym....kid you not) If even one of these boxes is not ticked then it is not/ consent according to the sexual assault dogma. Plenty of young men have had their lives turned upside down because the young woman had regrets and decided it was not FRIES. To those of you who now want to diminish this bathroom rape story, sorry - live by the sword, die by the sword.

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She's entitled to change her mind. We all do that occasionally.

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I knew about it.

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So, if she said yes once that means yes forever? Irrespective of previous consent to vaginal sex. Saying no to anal? Yes, I buy it. In the words of Joe Biden, 'Come on man.'

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So what? He forcibly sodomized her. What does previous consent have to do with anything?

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can you provide the article? I'm genuinely interested. I haven't heard that element reported anywhere.

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I'm trying to remember if it was a local paper. It was pointing out the omissions including the guy going to another school and doing it again. I think the kid would be doing this anywhere he could. The school has a big problem of letting him go to another school.

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3. It violates the privacy of many for the feelings of a handful.

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So is gay marriage.

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think the NY times wrote this.

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I can’t paste link for some reason but there was a recent WAPO article about the case.

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Ny Times, do a search in articles history.

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And they also don't like the lying on the right. Truth is truth.

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Humans love an enemy.

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We have lurched to the middle. Too bad the political parties haven’t.Brett Weinstein had a very interesting proposal. A presidential ticket comprised of one left of center and one right of center candidate. The required ideology is patriotic allegiance to America,the Constitution , Bill Of Rights , a blind, apolitical, lawful justice system and the American people above all else.

A ticket with a candidate who has signed the front of a paycheck and the other having served in our military versus the Pentagon or sits on a corporate board.

I’d add abolishing the UN Fed, CIA, Patriot Ct, FISA, replacing the FBI w/ US Marshals, FISA,eliminating many other agencies and moving the remaining out of DC , relocating them to states throughout the country inhabited by real America and purging them by at least 60 percent.Term limits, no immunity or perks and prosecution, imprisonment in Supermax facilities. No NGOs, corporate, tech,Pharma, foreign lobbyists or donors that influence policies, no more NATO buildup, foreign interventions, protected bureaucrats, forced retirements, back door deals, open borders, unvetted refugees, bureaucrats,politicians, tax free non-profits , no stock purchases while in office, no perks after leaving office and no more super-pacs.

Complete transparency in legislative bills. And follow the money. We are now a third world kleptocracy and soon to be ruled by a New World Order central government ruled by billionaire elite fiefs and the rest of us, a fiefdom that owns nothing, has no power, no privacy , no nuclear family, no voice and no ability to defend ourselves

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It’s ironic that Matt, Greenwald, Andy Ngo, Rogan,Weinstein,Ron Paul,Sharyl Attkisson,Posobiec ,Russell Brand , Tucker,White Coat Waste Project,Frontline Doctors are all creating a movement in uniting people who otherwise wouldn’t have spoken to one another. Long overdue. We all have a shared purpose. Freedom

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Good point

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Great comment, Maggie. Wish his approach was contagious!

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Personally, I was a little annoyed at all the teasing what's to come, but you make good points, Maggie.

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Not me

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I missed it. Now I shall die.

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Hi. I'm Frank Waters.

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You are so right

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There’s something much deeper that we’ve failed to address. Matt is conveying a scenario that is in no way new. We’re just better able to realize how deceitful the corrupt cabal of media, government iis and has long been as an entirety .

It was just better concealed because prior to 24/7 cable news and so many avenues of propaganda didn’t exist. But it was always pro panda. Our beloved and trusted Walter Cronkite, Edward R Murrow broadcast what they were directed to by government and its agencies.

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Hah! You expect some real analysis from Taibbi on this? Don't hold your breath. This article was a drive by and whatever followup visit he takes is going to be more of the same. Loudoun is not the whole of VA. There is a whole lot more to the governor's race than Loudoun.

You write about "investigative journalists"? Doing a drive by assessment to analyze a statewide race is anything but "investigative". It is a guy with an existing narrative seeking to fluff it up a bit.

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Well, until the Kwisatz Haderach of journalists shows up, we will just have to make do.

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I like that you also took up the term 'drive by', twice. Can you expand on what you think this guy's existing narrative is that he's fluffing?

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Terrible comment. Matt said he is trying to investigate it and I believe him. I think Running Burning Man is a group of 100 monkeys just typing at a keyboard.

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Spot on Maggie, thank you

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Right on!

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Journalism defined.

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D-E-A-D O-N "

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Money well spent.

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Hear Hear!

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Why bother investigating anything when your "followers" want to believe you whether you are correct or not.

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"Vote for us, you racists!" Somehow it didn't work.

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Standing for an illustrated school textbook giving pubescent boys instructions for giving BJs to adult men...? Whoa! That's a real knee-slapping, down home way to go too!

Terry McAuliffe is Bill Clinton's doppelgänger. Two of the most lowdown and loathsome characters to ever piss on a good thing and they thought they could keep doing this to this country? GTFOH! And speaking of: I wouldn't piss on either of them if they were on fire!

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MCAuliffe was an advisor or mouthpiece for the Clintons no pun intended

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Wait. No. I don't believe it. Nope.

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I saw it on a Rokfin video just last week. A schoolboard meeting. I don't think EeewTube would have allowed it. Want to hear some otherworldliniess something else? I was just going to type in a search for the person who posted it (on Rokfin) and I hadn't even begun to type anything and the search header had "bj training' up in the search bar.... (Sometimes I think they're not telling us 'all' that "They' are up to....


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What could have possibly gone wrong.

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Yet many of these idiots have doubled down after losing! If only we'd called those opposing us racist more and louder surely we'd have won. Please keep it up morons!

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Telling parents that they should have no say in what their kids are learning at school was the death of Terry McAuliffe. Even all the Democrat heavy weights could not save him. Unfortunatley, Terry forgot who employed him……it was those parents. Politicians need to back up and remember who pays their wages.

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Just like the death of Hillary was the basket of deplorables comment. If Democrats keep talking down to the people, the people will walk away.

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It's not ONLY the way they talk. The way they talk simply reveals how they think, and govern. We're really all just background NPCs to help the credentialed classes live their best lives.

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"We're really all just background NPCs" mmm that was very well said

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They need diverse background NPCs too. Just look at the one black dude they used for their tiki torch mafia false flag.

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diversity is a global bonus independent of faction, the backdrop of any televised address is carefully chosen to make use of it

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I'm old enough to remember when "NPC" was a term from OD&D.

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did that set come with a d20?

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Red-box Basic with the Larry Elmore cover did. To date myself more precisely, I am neither old or cool (uncool?) enough to have the original Brown Boxes, Holmes Basic, or BX.

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Or maybe it was the "grab'em by the pussy" tape, which was a couple of guys having locker room talk. Most women I knew were not impressed with that, because as one said, "That happens before how everyone comes into this world." Or maybe it was the fairly widespread knowledge that Hillary liked to do exactly that.

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"A couple guys having locker room talk" - bullshit. Trump is a scumbag who treats women like objects and was bragging about how he gets away with sexual assault. No decent person talks like that, in a locker room or not. If he was a teenager, then perhaps a bit of forbearance could be made for youthful stupidity. Trump had no excuse, he was just revealing his character and thought he would sound awesome.

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Sigh. Paul. What you committed there is called, the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman

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So vote for a clinton? LOL.. Hypocrite.

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Well, dear, you do need to get out more. Not that your circular definition that no decent person talks like that doesn't clearly define your mentality.

How about: No decent person judges. There. Now nobody can contradict ME.

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Well, considering we have what, 40+ years of Trump being very publicly sleazy, I think it is safe to judge. And no. No decent person talks like that. Again, I've never heard anyone say shit like that, and if I did, then judging that person to be a scumbag would be 100% right, fair and just. Guess you are into this sort of behavior and have, presumably, made similar comments.

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Hell, my 70 year old mother was completely non-plussed about that tape.

Said she'd hear it all her life in Corporate America.

And I'm surprised to find the perfect guy online! You win, Paul!

Although, I find it hard to believe you've never made a sexual remark out of earshot of the subject of your attention. Never joked about how nice that ass is... never told a funny but crude joke...

Wokesters aren't much fun. :)

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No true German talks like that. Yes, I have heard many such comments. Why do you think people go to strip clubs? Etc.

Yeah, you're that sort of jackass. No true Scotsman.

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I'm guessing people see you as the uptight judgy type and would never dream of saying things like that in front of you. We all have friends and acquaintances who only see a severely filtered version of us.

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I can’t imagine you even reach in long enough for them to feel it.

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Donald Tr5ump actually treats women quite well. He has always been an encourager for the women he has employed. Already 40 years ago he appointed a women as CEO of the Trump Tower project. And his administration was strongly pro women. He stopped the funding of Iran that Obama had started, in which almost all of the money went in one way or another to suppress women (funding Hezbollah and Hamas, two of the worst oppressors of women, strengthening their own countries extreme bad treatment of women, speeding up their nuclear weapons program (70% more uranium ore, 50% more centrifuges in the three years before Trump stopped the funding). He negotiated the Abraham Accord, which aligned several Muslim countries with Israel, the one full supporter of women's rights in the Middle East. Bahrain has already improved the rights of its women, and so has Saudi Arabia', although they have not yet recognized Israel, they are working more closely with them.

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Oh pulease. Listen to the tapes of past presidents. Better yet, listen to or read WikiLeaks and see what your "betters" talk about. Trump isn't the only one who talks like that, be happy you don't have an open mike around you all the time unless, of course, you're the second coming and even JC and Mohammed said and did things that just ain't kosher.

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Oh wow, @sevender! More pussy grabbing going on. But, Joe hasn't been recorded bragging about it. So! https://www.vox.com/2020/3/27/21195935/joe-biden-sexual-assault-allegation

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It is funny how it's only a problem for some when scumbag Trump does it. Not many words from these folks when we bring up Billy Clinton, either.

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Well, Clinton (both of them) proved their decency by not talking about it.

Back in the 50's and 60's, a president could have nude pool parties and take starlets to bed -- at the White House -- and invite the press to the parties. And the press wouldn't report on it because that was private life and nobody else's business. But, they would report on substantive matters that made a difference to the country that came from such parties.

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Bill Clinton is a scumbag and probably a rapist (just like Trump!). There, better?

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One complaint vs. 40 or so?

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I hate to burst your bubble but women talk like that also. It's actually pretty 1950s to think they're these demur defenders of innocence & sexual tact.

Geez, 40 years ago a couple buddies & I worked as waiters at a local dive bar that had a weekly lady's night with a group of Chippendale knock offs. A big room filled with loud, horny women who wanted to grab some cock and weren't picky about whose cock that was. We all constantly had warm friendly hands on our junk. I don't remember any of them asking permission. We just didn't complain about it because it usually led to an even friendlier hummer in the bathroom.

Anyway, Trumpski is literally the mirror image of Hillary's hubs, the Bilbo, who is a pussy grabber from way back who pathologically used his position to get laid while Hillary sat at home dreaming about being CEO of the American corporation. The only difference between them is ol' Billy boy didn't brag about it around microphones. But you know Slick Willy was bragging to someone, somewhere.

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Dude, chicks ain’t gonna smash just become you’re simping on substack.

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Joe Biden sticks his finger into women's vaginas.

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um, so do I. But by invitation only.

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Where's your pussy hat, bro?

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The point was he said they ‘let him’ because he was a celebrity Maybe, maybe not. But not unheard of Paul. Still sucks.

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And suck they do! ;-) I was the target of this kind of attention from female humans in Washington DC when I spent some time on the hill for a cause. There are so many beautiful women who are attracted to power. Mostly it's not even a matter of 'let him' it's whether a guy can avoid being cornered or not. And there was that day I was pretty clearly propositioned in a female congress person's office.

Deal with it. This is basic primate behavior. Human females want to mate with males that have power and prestige. Same as baboons. It's reality.

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Let’s go Brian

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Widespread knowledge? Says who? I know people love to say that but I've never read anyone. Actually. Saying it.

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Brian's confusing Hillary with Bill.

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I suppose you think Hillary's relationship with Huma Abedin is just 2 gals that happen to be friends.

Not that I give a damn about whether Hillary pokes pussy, or likes to boink with men. The point here is the hypocrisy.

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Abedin might not appreciate your comment - she could do MUCH better - but i'll leave you to your own fantasies.

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https://youtu.be/ftUItehaIoo?t=91 "Bill told me." Bill told Sally Miller that Hillary was a lesbian from their time college.

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That actually is reminiscent of Eleanor Roosevelt's later relationship with her husband, so it would be unsurprising.

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Yeah. The story was wiped by the sycophant press machine to allow Hillary to run without having to 'splain herse'f' to them thar voters. I am rather sure it was a cold calculation by a political consultant who told her that she would lose more votes by coming out than she would gain by staying in the closet. And lo' she did not lose any votes from LGBTQ people.

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I have friends who had lesbian experiences in college who are not gay. Even if she is, who gives a shit? She should of left him regardless. But she takes her vows seriously.

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Politicians are suppose to reflect their constituency not dictate to it.

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Journalists are supposed to discover reality before asserting it.

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Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin are currently hated by the left for doing exactly that.

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And they are tormenting us here in Arizona with out of state ads demanding we cal Sinema right now. We are sick of it, sick of dems, sick of politics, and I used to be dem, now I'm independent.

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We need more moderates in the Senate, not fewer of them.

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And yet the ”left” via the DSCC keeps showering POS’s like Manchin and Sinema with campaign cash.

You don’t get to call Manchin an obstructionist when you literally paid him to be an obstructionist. No one seems to be pointing that out.

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Manchin is just protecting his seat. He won with under 50% last time, in the as-favorable-as-possible 2018 electorate. It's going to be harder next time.

If you want to get your way, elect 60 senators or a subset thereof that can choke off a filibuster. Or nuke it at that point, but get ready for the backlash.

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