Share this postRacket NewsListen to This Article: "Regime Change" Doesn't Work, You MoronsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreRacket To GoListen to This Article: "Regime Change" Doesn't Work, You Morons140Share this postRacket NewsListen to This Article: "Regime Change" Doesn't Work, You MoronsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore81×--:--Current time: --:-- / Total time: --:----:--Audio playback is not supported on your browser. Please upgrade.Listen to This Article: "Regime Change" Doesn't Work, You MoronsNarrated Version Matt TaibbiApr 01, 2022140Share this postRacket NewsListen to This Article: "Regime Change" Doesn't Work, You MoronsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore8ShareHow many examples of "regime change" blowing up in our faces do we really need before realizing that it's a disastrous policy? Will we really try it with a nuclear-armed adversary?Narrated by Jared MooreText originally published 3/30/2022:TK News by Matt Taibbi"Regime Change" Doesn't Work, You MoronsNot long ago, candidate Joe Biden’s most troubling behavioral tendency was the surprise outburst of belligerence. Campaigning, he’d challenge questioners to push-up contests, jam fingers in the sternums even of supporters, and plunge into rambling monologues about leg hairs and chain-fights…Read more3 years ago · 873 likes · 908 comments · Matt TaibbiDiscussion about this podcastCommentsRestacksShare this postRacket NewsListen to This Article: "Regime Change" Doesn't Work, You MoronsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreRacket To GoAudio versions of articles from Racket News, found at Taibbi.Substack.comAudio versions of articles from Racket News, found at Taibbi.Substack.comSubscribeListen onSubstack AppRSS FeedAppears in episodeMatt TaibbiRecent EpisodesListen to This Article - The Media is BustedFeb 11 • Matt Taibbi and Racket StaffListen to This Article - Nation Shrugs as Godzilla Eats WashingtonFeb 7 • Matt Taibbi and Racket StaffListen to This Article - America's Smear Machine Put on Trial Feb 7 • Matt Taibbi and Racket StaffListen to This Article - About Those OnesiesFeb 6 • Matt Taibbi and Racket StaffListen to This Article - Goodbye to Joe Biden, and Whoever Was President the Last Four YearsJan 22 • Matt Taibbi and Racket StaffListen to This Article - Hollywood's Dumb ScareJan 19 • Matt Taibbi and Racket StaffListen to This Article - Why is Russiagate's Origin Story Redacted?Jan 9 • Matt Taibbi and Racket StaffListen to This Article - Woke Elvis ResignsJan 9 • Matt Taibbi and Racket Staff
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