What do you mean, Matt? Regime change doesn't work? I don't know, does it cause disruptions in the world creating more enemies of the United States so the Pentagon can justify an increase in their obscene budgets? Does it mean more profit for the bottom lines of Raytheon and General Dynamics? Does it result in forever wars that we have no real chance of winning because there is no goal set that can be called a win?

I'd say, for the interested parties, regime change is a great strategy.

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Morons is too kind. Sociopaths and Phychopaths is more accurate!

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sad, but accurate. No way out through politics or war or any external effort. We are the agents of disaster we , individually, need look no further for who or what must change.

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The Cheaters are running all the asylums. That NEVER ends well.

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I don't know whether regime change works or not. I do know that we cannot deal effectively with Putin until we acknowledge who he is.

KGB was never a spy agency. That was the GRU. KGB was internal security, the "Sword and Shield of the Party. His real enemy was Russian citizens.

Second, he has found religion. His pre-invasion statements talk about renewing the Russian Orthodox Church, which he believes began in Ukraine, and bringing Poland and Estonia back into the Orthodox fold, reversing their defection to Roman Catholicism. We’ve known his plan all along, and he will not stop until he uses every weapon in his arsenal to carry out his crusade.

We’re not dealing with a madman; we’re dealing with a crusader. We all know that crusaders fight to the death. Biden, be prepared.

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Hopefully the syphilis shuts you up soon.

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I'd respect the argument more without the obligatory "POO-'IN??" condemnation at the beginning. You're all starting to sound like Muslims, peppering every sentence with "pbuh," except in your version the "p" stands for "pox."

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This is a very important article. Our CIA and a pentagon are more than happy to sacrifice Ukraine to create a quagmire and proxy war risking WW3.

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