Spit-drenched cops, muchas keffiyahs, Watergate maggots, burned flags, Uncle Sam hanged, and b-words hurled, as Washington's Union Station is claimed for Palestine
Protesters aren't advocating for Muslim beliefs but rather to end the obvious genocide. Israel isn't "defending" itself, it's attempting to wipe out and seize the land of the Palestinians. Bringing radical Muslim beliefs into this is an obvious effort to muddy the waters and keep people from seeing the obvious..
The obvious is that you are clueless, you are amnestic for anything prior to say October 10, 2023, and don’t realize that there are only 3 things that keep Hamas from genociding the Israelis into the Mediterranean Sea: 1) their incompetence, 2) their corruption, and 3) the IDF.
You have typical leftist homonymous hemianopsia and don’t realize that Hamas uses the hapless Gaza civilians including their children as human shields partly to save money on feeding them and partly to avoid having to pay for actual armor, but probably primarily for the propaganda effect on naive people like you who cry about the poor Palestinians.
If you had any balls, you would go over there and offer your services to save the life of a Palestinian child.
Israel killed 5x more Palestinians between 2000 and 10/6 than vice versa. And 30x since. Make it per-capita and the multiples double. The evils of Hamas seem almost trivial by comparison to Israel’s genocide.
And like many, I actually believed Israel was downtrodden until 9 months ago!
The currently popular definition of "genocide" was written by a zionist jews and is this:
* "(a) Killing members of the group"
* "(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group"
* because of the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group".
It was obviously designed to fit in particular jews and israelis.
It has nothing to do with how many are the victims or whether they are killed, the key thing is the motivation to persecute someone because of some specific identities (and only those listed, being heterosexual or a man is not being part of a "national, ethnical, racial or religious group").
So for example exterminating all heterosexual men with blue eyes or all people who live within 10km of the equator are not "genocides", while mocking cruelly a dozen worshipers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is genocide if the intent is to destroy that religion by traumatizing its members with mockery.
I suspect you limit your information sources to those that conform to your existing biases. From the day that Jordan renounced sovereignty over the West Bank through 1990, Palestinian "liberation groups" killed 500 Muslim Arabs for every Israeli Jew murdered. Have you spent any time in the area? I paid my dues with several tons of sand in my shoes.; The vast majority of Palestine and Palestinians, 10% of whom are Christian, live in the West Bank or in Israel; others live in Lebanon or Jordan.
So are you saying that Hamas terrorists are poor shots? or don't know how to make rockets, or that the natural consequence of cowardly Hamas hiding amongst the civilian populations of Gaza is death of the civilians? Or are you arguing that the IDF is pretty damn good at protecting the Israel civilian population?
But Israel was killing mostly members of the terrorist groups. Some civilians have been killed but mostly because the terrorists were housing themselves in the same buildings with their armaments.
Are you sure about that? Most of Gaza City, and much of the rest of Gaza, has been turned to rubble. Is it not possible that the Israeli government is using the horrific attack on 10/7 as a pretext to forcibly remove the population from Gaza, so as to deny Hamas the ability to operate amongst them? What makes you think the Israelis care how many Gazans they kill after that incident?
Well, then you were kind of stupid, so your opinions now don't really matter. Israel was never "downtrodden;" they were and are "beleaguered," as they are surrounded by enemies and potential enemies. Some of it can be arguably said to be the fault of the Israeli government, but not all of it.
"Hemianopsia"? What planet are you on? Read some Plato, or try Machiavelli--Shakespeare, even. Although I would suggest Jonathan Swift, possibly Kurt Vonnegut or Vladimir Nabokov, despite the fact that you obviously hate Russians for no discernible reason whatsoever. Your total idiocy has been well displayed. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" might be a good next read for you.
Random spewing from someone who is too lazy to look up a word that he doesn’t know. I get it, I don’t always look up every word I don’t know as I am reading, but then I don’t post, so I don’t unnecessarily embarrass myself, like you just have. So you are both lazy and stupid.
Fact free rant from you. Or maybe you are just a bot, but most bots make more sense than you do.
You know nothing about who I favor or disfavor, and the only people that I have a hard time not hating are fools like you, the leftists that populate the
Populated the DNC, the MSM, and the federal alphabet agencies, though you are testing my good will.
Oh and I hate the acts of Muslim extremists, BLM, ANTIFA, and I hate child traffickers, and pedophiles, and that likely includes most of the high level DNC players. That would include Pedo Joe & his enablers.
I don't have infantry skills, ,I stick to what I have skills in. And I will save my balls for defending my family and my homeland, thank you very much.
As long as we were able to keep out the refugees, the destruction of Israel would be nothing but good for Americans. They are parasites of the first order.
You couldn't "peg" me if someone showed you a diagram. Also, read the post i was answering before you make stupid assumptions. But what else would I expect from a Dip Shit?
Rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, rockets fired from Hezbelloah into Israel, Iranian declarations that it will destroy Israel "from the river to the sea, and you say that Israel isn't defending itself, but attempting to wipe out and seize the land of the Palestinians? All this ignores the massacre of last October and the hostages that Hamas is holding. I cannot conceive of what you find "obvious" about Israeli aggression in all this.
If you think Hamas is a legitimate government, then it violated the rules of war. If you think Hamas is a terrorist organization, then it has captured Gaza and you have a better argument. However, Hamas has to go.
There is no genocide Israel to Gaza. So yes they are supporting hamas terrorism. WHO does have as their official goal. The genocide of Israel. Which they planned with Iran for 2 years with Biden blood money to Iran in 2021. Billions in tunnels android jet launchers using Gaza citizen as human shields.
This makes no sense. If Israel wants to eliminate (commit genocide on) the Arab Muslims, why haven't they started at home. There are more than 1 million Arab Muslims living in Israel. It would be a lot easier to start by eliminating them, rather than fighting them in another country.
Of course the truth is that Israel is not and does not ever want to commit Arab Muslims. These people living in Israel are full citizens, serving in the legislature and government, and laving every right of every other citizen of Israel.
The word "genocide" is obviously wrong here and should not be used about Israel.
It is of course the Iran-led terrorists who are really wanting to remove the Jewish people, a genuine genocide.
It is a question of what the Zionists think they can get away with, but they are really pushing the envelope and straining the credulity of everybody else by pretending that the Oct 7 Hamas attack is sufficient to justify what they are doing now. Have you noticed the nearly universal condemnation of it?
And have you noticed that they have begun the elimination of the "more than1 million Arab Muslims living in Israel"? The rest of humanity has, especially now that the intentions of the Zionists are in full view in Gaza.
You are absolutely correct. The anti-Islamic "Thing" is a pseudo-intellectual argument in the West, led by fake intellectuals like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. The only reason why assholes like them, who can't "reason" their way out of a paper bag, is that they are backed by Big Banks who need dumb-ass blokes to keep their Debt-based grift going.
It’s as though like Israel commenters on Racket use queer folks as a cudgel to beat down another oppressed group. Weird how bigots just can’t stop doing that.
Well he said “queer” which is just unwell politically left women for the most part. You said “gay”. Your argument is sound but is non responsive to his nonsense. Or hers. Probably “their’s”
Your jokes would land if we all didn’t have to take so many steps to make them amusing.
You have to do the work for your audience. Otherwise you seem like a hack.
I have no idea what it means that I am bragging about how clean my mirrors are. Mirrors while I’m driving? In the hallway, restroom…at the bar? Why must they be clean?
See there are too many elements here that don’t fit together. The part of the humorist is to fit disparate elements together in a novel way. And therein lies the humor.
Let’s see if I understand. The “Hamas porn” is my erection lasting over 4 hours? Wait is the porn my erection lasting over four hours and seeking medical help?
Or is the Hamas porn my watching my own erection for more than four hours?
Another keybored warrior making his opinions known. I was there and didn't see a single protestor arriving or leaving by limousine. Many from out-of-town came by bus. On the other hand, the guests of Bibi & Congress moved about in their fare share of tinted window Escalades. I walked the walk at the demonstration & I have worked in Israel. It seems like you may be the one that needs a real education. The IDF will gladly accept volunteers if you want to educate yourself in Israeli Apartheid & Mass Murder.
Well there were thousands when I was there, but foreigners needed permits to go see them. Later Sharon decided to move the Jews out in order to further his plan to keep the West Bank. You should read a history book or two.
Well even harder to visit Gaza since 2006. Israel controls the borders & visas and has turned the Strip into the world's largest open concentration camp, so what exactly do you want me to see more clearly? Bibi has also financed Hamas at the expense of the PA. Don't need to go there to understand that either. Independent Palestinian organizations keep us well informed.
So superficial. I am sure they left their Teslas & Priuses back at the university where the Soros crime family had instructed them to park them where the Soros provided busses would take them to the protests & supply them with the spray paint to deface the buildings.
Are you sure? In what state do you practice medicine? Not sure anyone suffering from such hallucinations should be treating patients. If Soros is financing the demonstrators, you need to tell him that his POTUS choice, Harris, is not following the game plan or orders.
I have just reported you for doxxing. Free speech is about opinions, not about people's personal details. If I knew your personal details, I would send them to the local law enforcement with a reminder that you are soliciting violence and may commit violence yourself, although I suspect you're too cowardly for that.
The good doctor is a strong one. I don’t think he’s worried about a thing.
Violence? Please. That’s just silly.
I suspect the good doctorhas been to hell and back. I’m guessing he’s from a generation that doesn’t do therapy or share feelings. And he comes across as a very angry man.
Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t pity him in the slightest. Also everything I wrote could be incorrect.
I don’t know him but he seems to me someone that is quite certain of who he is and what he thinks. A fine place for someone to be.
We could all be so self-aware.
The good doctor does express some pretty vile things. But I suppose the same could be said of me depending on your vantage.
We need people like the good doctor - so we can learn from his mistakes.
I worked there too, briefly. Got stopped by police (well, people with giant guns) demanding identification. At one of those detainments my Hebrew speaking colleague told me that they kept calling me a racist slur for Arab.
greyhound or private limo bus? I some how do not see “protestors in headscarves" “ boarding a greyhound and paying for a ticket to ride wiht the rest of red America
"Limousine liberal" is a phrase actually coined by segregationist, governor and presidential candidate George Wallace to describe northern liberals who demanded that the Deep South desegregate while their kids went to all-white private schools. It remains a quandry/problem in what is now called Intersectionalism.
The "movement" it seems, is nearly always led by the children of privilege- how could it be otherwise, as they are, usually, the only ones with the sufficient resources and perspectives to contemplate such sweeping change.
For some reason, this topic makes me think of Fidel Castro's, a revolutionary as well as a baseball pitcher, try-out with the New York Yankees.
I don't believe that is correct. The first time I heard the phrase "Limousine Liberal" it was applied to John Lindsay and the liberal WASP Republicans of NYC [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limousine_liberal], before George Wallace ran for POTUS. The phrase was then picked up and applied in different ways by many a populist, real and faux. While many of the children of "Limousine Liberals," especially in NYC went to private schools, those schools were among the first to institute "affirmative action" admissions.
I'm not sure to which Movements you are referring these days, but the great divide on class issues is now between the children of the haves (with expected inheritances) and the children of the precariate. Working-class movements - as opposed to establish unions - are usually still led by working-class young people.
As for Fidel Castro, more relevant than his baseball career was probably the fact that he was born a bastard to his father's servant (she was to become his 2nd wife) and then sent away as a youth for a Jesuit education.
Why do you think the older male lefties love attending them so much? They love the hero worship of the younger women who they get to "offer a place to stay while in town".
I spent weeks at the occuoy camps in a couple of cities. I’m no right winger. You just seem to be a troll against anything that does not fit your idea of “reality”. No reply needed. I ignore trolls after dealing with them.
Chris Hedges has been to the Middle East. Aaron Maté has been to the Middle East. I’ve been to the Middle East, as had my parents and grandparents, and Roger Waters, Abby Martin, and too many others to list. We walked the walk. We got a real education. Any of us would remind you that the Vietnam war was ended, not by people who had “walked the walk”, but by caring people who understood that killing is wrong. The percentage of protesters who are assholes, (or paid provocateurs), probably reflects the general population. That is not a comment on the validity of the cause.
I've lived in the Middle East, in a Muslim country, among locals and speaking their language. I was not a tourist and did not stay at hotels with guides.
Islam came along way after Judaism, way after. There used to be Jews throughout the Middle East. There used to be Christians throughout the Middle East. There used to be Zoroastrians everywhere, once the dominant religion from modern day Iran to India, until Islam came along and gave them all the choice of converting or dying. It is a religion of intolerance, and the only place in the Middle East that Jews, Christians, Druze and others are safe is in Israel. Were some Palestinians displaced? Absolutely. Peoples have constantly been displaced throughout the Middle East for many centuries. Let's have reparations for everyone. Jews aren't even safe in the West anymore. They have no place else to go. I'm not Jewish, but I support the State of Israel and the right of Jews to live without persecution. As for the Palestinians, many resettled in other Arab countries, but after they tried to overthrow the governments of Jordan and Egypt, they are persona non grata in the nations of their Arab brethren.
These whiny liberals complain about civilian deaths in Gaza, but not in Sudan. Is that because all the perpetrators are Muslim and many of their victims are Christian? What about all the women locked up and tortured in Iran for not wearing the veil, or in Afghanistan for seeking an education. Puhleez.
"Ancient" history is not unprovable. It is well-documented, and it constitutes the foundation for the present. It is not to be discarded any more than the history of slavery or the treatment of Native Americans is to be discarded. "Present crimes", political ones, are nearly all the result of Islamic intolerance, in the region from Pakistan across South Asia to Palestine.
A two state solution is fine. But when one party won't renounce the elimination of the other and even adopts that in their charter, as Hamas has emphasized many times, there is no basis for negotiation. It's fight or die for Israelis, and Israel is the last life raft for Jews from all over the world.
Why don't you do something useful and object to the murder rate in the south side of Chicago? Ask the Taliban if you can teach their young girls. Go to the Horn of Africa and tell them clitorectomies are wrong. Get those schoolgirls back from Al Qaeda in the Magreb. Why not protest in front of the Chinese Embassy about their treatment of Uighurs, of Tibetans, of Hong Kong and Chinese residents?
You're just picking on Israel because it's an easy target, it makes you feel virtuous, you have an anti-Western civilization problem and you haven't studies "unprovable ancient history".
Worse. He accused the "black" cop of being a human shield for "white" people. The guilt-ridden, adolescent mentality of so many "white" "leftist" protesters on full display.
I understand your passion, but why should they have to go elsewhere in the world in order to exercise their rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution? I don't think they claim to be mercenaries, just protesters.
If I was doing ads for this Trump campaign, I would clip the video of that (probably uncharged) person painting "Hamas is coming" with a video of people cashing in their change to pay for some groceries. The Dem Party embraces one; the other is "deplorable." If the Dems win, it is over.
I think it might be a crime. I think the cops call it vandalism, or destruction of public property. Of course, this is a small minority of protesters that people will want to focus on, thus enabling them to ignore all the other, peaceful protesters and their entire message.
because “elsewhere” they have no rights to protest.. send them to Gaza.. ask them if they will go if they are given a free ticket. who would not want to see exactly why they are protesting with their own eyes
Send them to Gaza? That's the solution? I don't want to go to Gaza right now, and I suspect you don't either, likely because we both have an aversion to being blown up by an IDF missile. Must all protesters against Putin also move to Russia? I don't get this, other than "I don't like these left-wing, punk-ass protesters, so they should go to Gaza."
The 60s called, and they want their "America, Love It or Leave It!" back.
How about protesting having no freedom to travel? Having no freedom of LIFE? LITERALLY? You all realize there are people just like you getting killed daily in Gaza? Oh, never mind, Arab/Muslim, don't count.
These idiots on here don’t care about any of this. They’re the assholes in Treblinka saying that stuff over there isn’t happening.
Everyone knows where they stand already.
Our position is wildly unpopular. The American public never stands against these horrific crimes. The American public supports it. The people on here like to pretend they’re some real truth seekers and “see through the bullshit” but they’re just like most other people in this hellhole - pretending the zionists aren’t visiting obscene terror on Palestinians, supporting all the evil this country visits on humanity historically and in the present.
For them to see these crimes for what they are would shatter their worldview.
I don’t know - the DNC has a lot of control over these histrionic tantrums. Funny how the Antifa/BLM vandals were rampaging, firebombing, trying to overthrow the government, then just magically gone after the election. Now they’ve moved on to smash and grab theft rampages at Nike stores.
If the DNC wants to chuck Kamala, they’ll have unrest, if not, the good little NPCs will just fall in line and parrot the talking points (just like the MSM did.)
I don’t understand how good people can be distracted by the irrelevant actions and opinions of the mediocre. Who cares what these people do or say? What rational observer would think that they matter, or waste time criticizing them?
There has been an illegal occupation in Palestine for eighty years, based upon a philosophy of settler colonialism going back another fifty. Zionism was designed and planned long before the Nazi Holocaust. There has been a brutal genocide in Gaza for ten months, during which time nearly every library, hospital, and place of worship has been destroyed. Universities, empty of all people, let alone Hamas fighters, have been demolished. Hundreds of dedicated journalists, along with their families, have been deliberately targeted and killed. Mass graves have been found with corpses’ hands bound, shot in the back of the head.
The Israeli slaughter in Gaza and The West Bank are by any measure the equal of the Third Reich. Any measure but one: Scale. And as Woody Allen pointed out:”The Nazis killed millions. And what scares me is that records are made to be broken.”
However, I can’t stand to read Sachs on Ukraine. He was the head of the Harvard boys in Russia back in the 90s. He has enormous responsibility for what Russia turned into….
Every fact that I cited was reported in the Israeli newspaper Ha’Aretz. Also reported there, though I didn’t quote this, is confirmation that a significant number of Israeli deaths on October 7th were caused by IDF forces carrying out the “Hannibal Directive”.
The characterization of genocide has been established by the International Court of Justice. The history of Zionism is thoroughly documented by reputable Israeli historians, and is, by the standards of journalism and scholarship, accepted as accurate.
The characterization of Zionism as a form of fascism is not my own:
“Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”—Albert Einstein
Why are there more Christian Arabs in Israel than Palestine? Do you really think Islamic fundamentalists are not a problem? I support Gideon Levy and listen to all the people mentioned by the Book Wench but the world is nuanced and this ain’t genocide. You are also wrong about the ICJ agreeing to characterize this as genocide. They found that it’s plausibly genocide and made some preliminary rulings. I have learned not to listen to anyone who thinks one side is all right the other all wrong in this issue as well as most others. But carry on. You have your narrative where you are getting one side of the story.
Having spent time in Israel as a minister , I can offer my answer ro your questions. I was there twice in the late 1980s and mid 1990s and between those years, many Christians left Palestine because they were already targeted by Israel. many were with Christian organizations working with Palestinians and left because of the increasing attacks they endured. This was long before anyone knew or cared about how the many Christians working in Palestine were becoming more and more fearful of where this was goin.g. October 7th was not the start of Israel's crackdown on Palestine and any of us who were there working with many of them had our eyes open long before the rest of the world Many of us wanted to speak of our experiences but where shut out since no one spoke ill of Israeleven then. . Perhaps there are more Christians in Israel because they are the kind of Christians Israel will tolerate - of course most dont realize that Jews will be the first to go when the RAPTURE comes.
Nice try, Sera, to reason with people who ignore the facts but accuse you of doing it. On tape, documented by the journalists the IDF haven’t killed yet, eye witness reports from Doctors Without Borders and reported in Israel’s own newspapers is overwhelming evidence of the brutality inflicted on Palestinians. But people who refuse to admit the evidence are impervious to the evidence itself.
Out of curiosity, what's your opinion about the events of October 7th -- the targeted murder of civilians, the gang rapes, the kidnapping of small infants, etc -- that precipitated Israel's response?
If their media is anything like ours is I wouldn't believe a fucking word that they spew forth. They are all narritive spreading government lapdogs, Joe was fine he has a stutter, he's as sharp as a tack, he leaves his experts behind. Oh, sorry that was Obama.
It is possible to criticize the Israeli government without celebrating Hamas but in order to do so, you must have basic critical thinking skills. And those are lacking in people like you, with binary retardation. Chip in, chip out, replace. Repeat. Yawn.
Just more "mostly peaceful protests" by the evil and unhinged left. If you are wondering how fires and assaults are considered "mostly peaceful," then you my friend get a high five for accessing your brain cells and resisting indoctrination.
Two questions regarding the video: 1. Don’t these people have jobs? Seriously. 2. Is it difficult to envision what these people would have done if they had also gained access to Israel on Oct. 7? They sure don’t seem particularly kind.
I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine that they would have wielded those hammers right alongside hamas... and then hamas would have turned on them.
They're the same 'activists' responsible for the Summer of Floyd. Well organized, well funded, and universally hated. We need to stand up against them.
The idiot demonstrators here in the US that support Hamas are mainly performing for themselves. No one else really cares what they think. I’ve yet to hear a Palestinian that doesn’t support Hamas. So why should Israel ever stop what they are doing until the job is done. Hamas broke the cease fire on 10-7 so they forfeited their chance for any civilized resolution to this conflict. You can call it genocide but if the shoe were on the other foot Israel would have been destroyed a long time ago so I see it simply as self preservation. When you back someone into a corner you can’t blame them for defending themselves. Return the hostages and get rid of Hamas and this conflict will be over, until then I fear the bloodshed will continue.
There was no “ceasefire” on October 6. You can look it up. There was a one-sided slaughter of Palestinians, and because it was only Palestinians being killed, apparently that is your definition of a ceasefire. Those lives lost didn’t count for you.
Yeah, it's totally okay to repeatedly bomb refugee camps & bomb aid workers, & to then proclaim one's nation to have no obligations under international human rights law.
I don’t really have a horse in this race, but my understanding is that there really was Hamas leadership embedded in the refugee camp, and they were killed as part of the strike. And that the civilian casualty ratio in Israel’s war in Gaza is unusually low. Obviously the situation is very ugly, but it really does seem to me that if Hamas is going to attack Israel (rather monstrously) and embed itself in the civilian population they don’t then get to cry genocide when Israel goes to root them out and kills (an unusually low number of) civilians in the process. I think the person you’re responding to is right, if they returned the hostages and got rid of Hamas, Israel is not interested in wiping out the Palestinian people, which is the point of genocide. It does seem like they’re willing to kill some Palestinian civilians so long as they support and/or are being used by Hamas or are frankly just in the way, but that is a fact of any war whatsoever and honestly seems understandable to me if the alternative is allowing Hamas and/or other Iranian proxies to wipe them out in turn (or at least try periodically).
I only speak English and a little Spanish, so I definitely rely mostly on the Western media. 🤷🏻♀️ By no horse in the race, I mean I didn’t pay much attention and didn’t have a strong opinion prior to October 7, and was somewhat pro-Palestinian based on what I knew from my college days, and my husband and I are not Jewish or Muslim and have no ethnic connections with the Middle East. But as I’ve read more and done more research, I’ve been leaning more pro-Israel. I try to find the most convincing and accurate perspectives from both sides, but so far I just haven’t found the Palestinian position convincing. And honestly the more I look into translated sources in Arabic the more damning they seem in many cases. The situation of Palestinian families is really horrifying (I have a child and am pregnant, I can’t help imagining it there), but so far I just don’t buy placing the blame squarely on Israel or calling it a genocide. My understanding is imperfect and I’ve never been to the region (my husband lived in Israel as well as multiple Arab countries, but I’m fairly provincial).
? Yes, it is my understanding. If you have some source of objective, ilfallible truth I’m certainly interested, but until then I’m stuck with my best understanding of events from the reporting and documentation I can find and access. I don’t read much mainstream media except to try to check sources, but from what I have come across the MSM seem if anything pretty anti-Israel.
You are right. That is what exactly Hamas is doing. In fact their supply of arms in Gaza is in the lower floors of the UNWRA headquarters in Gaza, with tunnels in many directions for Hamas to carry our their killing.
Hamas even has sent rockets in the direction of Israel which fell short and killed people in Gaza.
I'm not a Jewish person. I oppose the savages that murdered and tortured Jewish people that led the current war between Israel and Hamas. I oppose the fake savages that pretended to stand for Hamas. If the pretenders had any guts they would act in a way that the cops could shoot back. As such they are weaklings with big mouths and no personal integrity.
I couldn’t agree more. The correct response to genocide and genocide enablers is property destruction and violence. They don’t understand anything else but force.
then they should go where they can be effective. to the source..they can do their destruction and rain violence there.. of course both sideshave bombs and guns. so that wont happen
Love the policeman’s rejoinder. If these limousine protesters want to walk the walk, they can go to the Middle East and actually get a real education.
Yeah, and the "Gays for Gaza" will learn why Bibi likened them to, "Chickens for KFC."
Protesters aren't advocating for Muslim beliefs but rather to end the obvious genocide. Israel isn't "defending" itself, it's attempting to wipe out and seize the land of the Palestinians. Bringing radical Muslim beliefs into this is an obvious effort to muddy the waters and keep people from seeing the obvious..
The obvious is that you are clueless, you are amnestic for anything prior to say October 10, 2023, and don’t realize that there are only 3 things that keep Hamas from genociding the Israelis into the Mediterranean Sea: 1) their incompetence, 2) their corruption, and 3) the IDF.
You have typical leftist homonymous hemianopsia and don’t realize that Hamas uses the hapless Gaza civilians including their children as human shields partly to save money on feeding them and partly to avoid having to pay for actual armor, but probably primarily for the propaganda effect on naive people like you who cry about the poor Palestinians.
If you had any balls, you would go over there and offer your services to save the life of a Palestinian child.
Israel killed 5x more Palestinians between 2000 and 10/6 than vice versa. And 30x since. Make it per-capita and the multiples double. The evils of Hamas seem almost trivial by comparison to Israel’s genocide.
And like many, I actually believed Israel was downtrodden until 9 months ago!
And yet, both populations keep growing. Genocide is not what it used to be.
«Genocide is not what it used to be.»
The currently popular definition of "genocide" was written by a zionist jews and is this:
* "(a) Killing members of the group"
* "(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group"
* because of the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group".
It was obviously designed to fit in particular jews and israelis.
It has nothing to do with how many are the victims or whether they are killed, the key thing is the motivation to persecute someone because of some specific identities (and only those listed, being heterosexual or a man is not being part of a "national, ethnical, racial or religious group").
So for example exterminating all heterosexual men with blue eyes or all people who live within 10km of the equator are not "genocides", while mocking cruelly a dozen worshipers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is genocide if the intent is to destroy that religion by traumatizing its members with mockery.
Go fuck yourself.
Hasbara suuuuuucks.
I suspect you limit your information sources to those that conform to your existing biases. From the day that Jordan renounced sovereignty over the West Bank through 1990, Palestinian "liberation groups" killed 500 Muslim Arabs for every Israeli Jew murdered. Have you spent any time in the area? I paid my dues with several tons of sand in my shoes.; The vast majority of Palestine and Palestinians, 10% of whom are Christian, live in the West Bank or in Israel; others live in Lebanon or Jordan.
So are you saying that Hamas terrorists are poor shots? or don't know how to make rockets, or that the natural consequence of cowardly Hamas hiding amongst the civilian populations of Gaza is death of the civilians? Or are you arguing that the IDF is pretty damn good at protecting the Israel civilian population?
Your comment is embarrassing.
Those "cowardly Hamas" are winning the war, in case you haven't noticed. Prepare for "MIPA" ("Make Israel Palestine Again).
You have taken a Hippocratic oath? WTF?
Hope you enjoy paying Matt. Assuming you're paying Matt. If not, I am complaining to Matt.
But Israel was killing mostly members of the terrorist groups. Some civilians have been killed but mostly because the terrorists were housing themselves in the same buildings with their armaments.
Are you sure about that? Most of Gaza City, and much of the rest of Gaza, has been turned to rubble. Is it not possible that the Israeli government is using the horrific attack on 10/7 as a pretext to forcibly remove the population from Gaza, so as to deny Hamas the ability to operate amongst them? What makes you think the Israelis care how many Gazans they kill after that incident?
Well, then you were kind of stupid, so your opinions now don't really matter. Israel was never "downtrodden;" they were and are "beleaguered," as they are surrounded by enemies and potential enemies. Some of it can be arguably said to be the fault of the Israeli government, but not all of it.
"Hemianopsia"? What planet are you on? Read some Plato, or try Machiavelli--Shakespeare, even. Although I would suggest Jonathan Swift, possibly Kurt Vonnegut or Vladimir Nabokov, despite the fact that you obviously hate Russians for no discernible reason whatsoever. Your total idiocy has been well displayed. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" might be a good next read for you.
Random spewing from someone who is too lazy to look up a word that he doesn’t know. I get it, I don’t always look up every word I don’t know as I am reading, but then I don’t post, so I don’t unnecessarily embarrass myself, like you just have. So you are both lazy and stupid.
Fact free rant from you. Or maybe you are just a bot, but most bots make more sense than you do.
You know nothing about who I favor or disfavor, and the only people that I have a hard time not hating are fools like you, the leftists that populate the
You have
Populated the DNC, the MSM, and the federal alphabet agencies, though you are testing my good will.
Oh and I hate the acts of Muslim extremists, BLM, ANTIFA, and I hate child traffickers, and pedophiles, and that likely includes most of the high level DNC players. That would include Pedo Joe & his enablers.
You are blocked. Life is too short.
You’ve got to find a more constructive outlet for your rage. This can’t be good for you.
Dr. Kimber, You would have in perfectly with Dr. Josef Mengele's crew. You were born too late.
Disengage from him.
Unfortunately, the Idiot was actually a saint. But I get your point.
Dr. Kimber, If you "had any balls," you would go over there and join the IDF and support their genocidal operations with your infantry skills.
If you had balls, you'd drop everything and help the Palestinians in Gaza. They need keyboard warriors.
I don't have infantry skills, ,I stick to what I have skills in. And I will save my balls for defending my family and my homeland, thank you very much.
They don’t require infantry skills in the old men that are
Sending to the line in Ukraine.
You and your Hasbara trolls you bring here will not be out lasted, go ahead and try.
Commenter presents and Kimber, MD, delivers his usual senile prognosis and prescription for a fast recovery. Lab tests in order.
As long as we were able to keep out the refugees, the destruction of Israel would be nothing but good for Americans. They are parasites of the first order.
What is "homonymous hemianopsia," and is it contagious?
It could be if you keep repeating it--like "how much wood could a woodchuck", etc... It makes about as much sense.
Someone should tell that to the assholes yelling "allahu akbar."
You have a problem with people saying “God is Great” ?
Would of pegged you as religious.
You couldn't "peg" me if someone showed you a diagram. Also, read the post i was answering before you make stupid assumptions. But what else would I expect from a Dip Shit?
No, I will not peg you. I’m in a monogamous relationship right now.
Hasbara, hello! Not fooling anybody, but keep spewing your lies!
Watch the video, jackass.
Rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, rockets fired from Hezbelloah into Israel, Iranian declarations that it will destroy Israel "from the river to the sea, and you say that Israel isn't defending itself, but attempting to wipe out and seize the land of the Palestinians? All this ignores the massacre of last October and the hostages that Hamas is holding. I cannot conceive of what you find "obvious" about Israeli aggression in all this.
Congrats on owning your stupidity
If you think Hamas is a legitimate government, then it violated the rules of war. If you think Hamas is a terrorist organization, then it has captured Gaza and you have a better argument. However, Hamas has to go.
There is no genocide Israel to Gaza. So yes they are supporting hamas terrorism. WHO does have as their official goal. The genocide of Israel. Which they planned with Iran for 2 years with Biden blood money to Iran in 2021. Billions in tunnels android jet launchers using Gaza citizen as human shields.
This makes no sense. If Israel wants to eliminate (commit genocide on) the Arab Muslims, why haven't they started at home. There are more than 1 million Arab Muslims living in Israel. It would be a lot easier to start by eliminating them, rather than fighting them in another country.
Of course the truth is that Israel is not and does not ever want to commit Arab Muslims. These people living in Israel are full citizens, serving in the legislature and government, and laving every right of every other citizen of Israel.
The word "genocide" is obviously wrong here and should not be used about Israel.
It is of course the Iran-led terrorists who are really wanting to remove the Jewish people, a genuine genocide.
It is a question of what the Zionists think they can get away with, but they are really pushing the envelope and straining the credulity of everybody else by pretending that the Oct 7 Hamas attack is sufficient to justify what they are doing now. Have you noticed the nearly universal condemnation of it?
And have you noticed that they have begun the elimination of the "more than1 million Arab Muslims living in Israel"? The rest of humanity has, especially now that the intentions of the Zionists are in full view in Gaza.
You are absolutely correct. The anti-Islamic "Thing" is a pseudo-intellectual argument in the West, led by fake intellectuals like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. The only reason why assholes like them, who can't "reason" their way out of a paper bag, is that they are backed by Big Banks who need dumb-ass blokes to keep their Debt-based grift going.
Bull Shit.
I do love how commenters at Racket are suddenly standing up for queer folks.
From a very conservative publication in Israel we find that Israel is a society rife with the most vile homophobia. https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-734812
It’s as though like Israel commenters on Racket use queer folks as a cudgel to beat down another oppressed group. Weird how bigots just can’t stop doing that.
What nonsense. Like there is any equivalency to being gay in Israel versus being gay in Gaza.
How many gay people have been thrown off roofs in Israel for being gay? It's basically a sport in Gaza.
What is your recourse in Israel if you are the victim of a hate crime? You go to the police who will investigate and arrest the person responsible.
What is your recourse in Gaza? I would not recommend going to the police as they will probably be the ones throwing you off the roof.
No they won't, you fool. What is wrong with you clowns cheering on Holocaust 2.0. LITERALLY.
Well he said “queer” which is just unwell politically left women for the most part. You said “gay”. Your argument is sound but is non responsive to his nonsense. Or hers. Probably “their’s”
Equivalency in Israel vs. Gaza, who gives a shit? These are gay people in America. Dip Shit's right.
BLAH BLAH BLAH. I is smaerrrrrt.
Appropriate name for you.
He's just bragging about how clean his mirrors are
Your jokes would land if we all didn’t have to take so many steps to make them amusing.
You have to do the work for your audience. Otherwise you seem like a hack.
I have no idea what it means that I am bragging about how clean my mirrors are. Mirrors while I’m driving? In the hallway, restroom…at the bar? Why must they be clean?
See there are too many elements here that don’t fit together. The part of the humorist is to fit disparate elements together in a novel way. And therein lies the humor.
This must be Gaza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXPJcZID4nA
"Weird" marching orders you got.
You got me. The hated Jew George Soros has paid me for years to comment on the internet.
No, I don't got you.
I don't hate you. I don't hate GS.
I don't really care whether you got marching orders or not.
I'm not a bigot.
I just disagree, and I think it really weird that the Left moves in lockstep with the buzzwords.
You have created this figure you call “the Left.” And on this figure you place all of the disavowed parts of yourself.
It’s ok. There is help for you.
Is it a good gig? Can you put in a good word for me? I bet he pays well.
He could pay better. But it’s hard to get all my pro-terror co-workers to organize a union.
In fact Israel is the only country in the Middle East where LGBTQ+ people can live openly.
Yes, because a commenter named "Dip Shit" is a regular. FFS.
Head injury or retard?
what pro-hamas graffiti is your favorite?
My favorite is the one you hate the most.
Here's some Hamas porn for you, Dip Shit. If your erection lasts over 4 hours, stop watching and seek medical help.
Let’s see if I understand. The “Hamas porn” is my erection lasting over 4 hours? Wait is the porn my erection lasting over four hours and seeking medical help?
Or is the Hamas porn my watching my own erection for more than four hours?
Dude, you are owning these motherfuckers in this thread. My favorite is the one you hate the most! that is beautiful.
So edgy.
Good on ya, mate.
Ooooooooh! Dick Tracy, huh? Neato!
Another keybored warrior making his opinions known. I was there and didn't see a single protestor arriving or leaving by limousine. Many from out-of-town came by bus. On the other hand, the guests of Bibi & Congress moved about in their fare share of tinted window Escalades. I walked the walk at the demonstration & I have worked in Israel. It seems like you may be the one that needs a real education. The IDF will gladly accept volunteers if you want to educate yourself in Israeli Apartheid & Mass Murder.
Speaking of Apartheid , how many Jews did you see in Gaza when you were there?
And how many live ones...
Well there were thousands when I was there, but foreigners needed permits to go see them. Later Sharon decided to move the Jews out in order to further his plan to keep the West Bank. You should read a history book or two.
Maybe you should go there since hamas 2006. You'd see more clearly.
Well even harder to visit Gaza since 2006. Israel controls the borders & visas and has turned the Strip into the world's largest open concentration camp, so what exactly do you want me to see more clearly? Bibi has also financed Hamas at the expense of the PA. Don't need to go there to understand that either. Independent Palestinian organizations keep us well informed.
There are zero.
So superficial. I am sure they left their Teslas & Priuses back at the university where the Soros crime family had instructed them to park them where the Soros provided busses would take them to the protests & supply them with the spray paint to deface the buildings.
Are you sure? In what state do you practice medicine? Not sure anyone suffering from such hallucinations should be treating patients. If Soros is financing the demonstrators, you need to tell him that his POTUS choice, Harris, is not following the game plan or orders.
I have just reported you for doxxing. Free speech is about opinions, not about people's personal details. If I knew your personal details, I would send them to the local law enforcement with a reminder that you are soliciting violence and may commit violence yourself, although I suspect you're too cowardly for that.
The good doctor is a strong one. I don’t think he’s worried about a thing.
Violence? Please. That’s just silly.
I suspect the good doctorhas been to hell and back. I’m guessing he’s from a generation that doesn’t do therapy or share feelings. And he comes across as a very angry man.
Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t pity him in the slightest. Also everything I wrote could be incorrect.
I don’t know him but he seems to me someone that is quite certain of who he is and what he thinks. A fine place for someone to be.
We could all be so self-aware.
The good doctor does express some pretty vile things. But I suppose the same could be said of me depending on your vantage.
We need people like the good doctor - so we can learn from his mistakes.
I worked there too, briefly. Got stopped by police (well, people with giant guns) demanding identification. At one of those detainments my Hebrew speaking colleague told me that they kept calling me a racist slur for Arab.
I will never go there again.
The police in D.C. were speaking Hebrew?
Things that never happened for $200, Alex.
When you can’t face reality, just deny it.
It’s ok. It’s a natural response that when confronted with something that conflicts with your “view” you just deny it.
You really expect us to believe that a group of DC policemen know derogatory Hebrew slang for Arabs? You can't be serious.
Good Dip Shit, I am sure that you won’t be missed; unfortunately I have a feeling that you won’t do us the same courtesy.
I told you to watch your mouth. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I am shaking in my boots.
greyhound or private limo bus? I some how do not see “protestors in headscarves" “ boarding a greyhound and paying for a ticket to ride wiht the rest of red America
What I'm interested in is who are these people, who is organizing them, and who is subsidizing them? The protests are definitely NOT organic.
Are you trolling or just an a-hole?
All you got lol
You would be the naive a-hole.
Well I suppose that is better than suffering hallucinations such as yourself. Really not a good condition for an MD.
Israeli is the least Apartheid country in the Middle East. No dispute about that at all.
One million Muslims are citizens in Israel. They serve in the parliament and in the government. They have full rights.
That is the EXACT opposite of apartheid.
LOL. Did you decide that all on your own or just copy the meme from hasbara.com? Sourcing an international human rights organization: "Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity" https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/
"Limousine liberal" is a phrase actually coined by segregationist, governor and presidential candidate George Wallace to describe northern liberals who demanded that the Deep South desegregate while their kids went to all-white private schools. It remains a quandry/problem in what is now called Intersectionalism.
The "movement" it seems, is nearly always led by the children of privilege- how could it be otherwise, as they are, usually, the only ones with the sufficient resources and perspectives to contemplate such sweeping change.
For some reason, this topic makes me think of Fidel Castro's, a revolutionary as well as a baseball pitcher, try-out with the New York Yankees.
What if he had made the team?
I don't believe that is correct. The first time I heard the phrase "Limousine Liberal" it was applied to John Lindsay and the liberal WASP Republicans of NYC [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limousine_liberal], before George Wallace ran for POTUS. The phrase was then picked up and applied in different ways by many a populist, real and faux. While many of the children of "Limousine Liberals," especially in NYC went to private schools, those schools were among the first to institute "affirmative action" admissions.
I'm not sure to which Movements you are referring these days, but the great divide on class issues is now between the children of the haves (with expected inheritances) and the children of the precariate. Working-class movements - as opposed to establish unions - are usually still led by working-class young people.
As for Fidel Castro, more relevant than his baseball career was probably the fact that he was born a bastard to his father's servant (she was to become his 2nd wife) and then sent away as a youth for a Jesuit education.
Pick a (non-sequitor) target. Frame it. Freeze it.
You a SA boy.
Me as well. Encapsulates two ways of life: living in theory (the protestor) and living in reality (the cop). Also made me laugh, always a good thing!
Fuck protestors. Want to change things? Start a business. Or become a cop.
Or go volunteer at a hospital in Gaza.
Well they might be safe now that idf runs the hospitals. Before there were hamas terrorists and rocket launchers undernesth.
If there were any left
Yep, they all hamas hq now.
They only employ Hamas.
Now you talkin my language.
Some of those protesters were hot!
Why do you think the older male lefties love attending them so much? They love the hero worship of the younger women who they get to "offer a place to stay while in town".
I love these fantasies. The right is obsessed with the sex lives of others.
You don’t understand how well you fit in with the more conservative elements of the Islamic community.
I spent weeks at the occuoy camps in a couple of cities. I’m no right winger. You just seem to be a troll against anything that does not fit your idea of “reality”. No reply needed. I ignore trolls after dealing with them.
Partly my fault.
Sometimes I just can't help having fun and egging on those who can't seem to add at least *some* substance to their ad hominem!
I, too, shall quit this indent.
You just found the "wrong" boomers, that's all.
Chris Hedges has been to the Middle East. Aaron Maté has been to the Middle East. I’ve been to the Middle East, as had my parents and grandparents, and Roger Waters, Abby Martin, and too many others to list. We walked the walk. We got a real education. Any of us would remind you that the Vietnam war was ended, not by people who had “walked the walk”, but by caring people who understood that killing is wrong. The percentage of protesters who are assholes, (or paid provocateurs), probably reflects the general population. That is not a comment on the validity of the cause.
I've lived in the Middle East, in a Muslim country, among locals and speaking their language. I was not a tourist and did not stay at hotels with guides.
Islam came along way after Judaism, way after. There used to be Jews throughout the Middle East. There used to be Christians throughout the Middle East. There used to be Zoroastrians everywhere, once the dominant religion from modern day Iran to India, until Islam came along and gave them all the choice of converting or dying. It is a religion of intolerance, and the only place in the Middle East that Jews, Christians, Druze and others are safe is in Israel. Were some Palestinians displaced? Absolutely. Peoples have constantly been displaced throughout the Middle East for many centuries. Let's have reparations for everyone. Jews aren't even safe in the West anymore. They have no place else to go. I'm not Jewish, but I support the State of Israel and the right of Jews to live without persecution. As for the Palestinians, many resettled in other Arab countries, but after they tried to overthrow the governments of Jordan and Egypt, they are persona non grata in the nations of their Arab brethren.
These whiny liberals complain about civilian deaths in Gaza, but not in Sudan. Is that because all the perpetrators are Muslim and many of their victims are Christian? What about all the women locked up and tortured in Iran for not wearing the veil, or in Afghanistan for seeking an education. Puhleez.
It’s dishonest to try to justify contemporary crimes by citing unprovable ancient history. It’s a polemical dead end.
And many “whiny” conservatives, and “whiny” Socialists and anarchists object to murder right along with “whiny” liberals.
Jews are safe in Israel. Zionists are less so. Arabs, not at all.
"Ancient" history is not unprovable. It is well-documented, and it constitutes the foundation for the present. It is not to be discarded any more than the history of slavery or the treatment of Native Americans is to be discarded. "Present crimes", political ones, are nearly all the result of Islamic intolerance, in the region from Pakistan across South Asia to Palestine.
As Arabs there will tell you, they are safer in Israel than in Gaza or the West Bank. They also have rights in Israel, virtually none in the Palestinian territories. https://www.investigativeproject.org/4556/israel-is-the-safest-place-for-an-arab-in.
A two state solution is fine. But when one party won't renounce the elimination of the other and even adopts that in their charter, as Hamas has emphasized many times, there is no basis for negotiation. It's fight or die for Israelis, and Israel is the last life raft for Jews from all over the world.
Why don't you do something useful and object to the murder rate in the south side of Chicago? Ask the Taliban if you can teach their young girls. Go to the Horn of Africa and tell them clitorectomies are wrong. Get those schoolgirls back from Al Qaeda in the Magreb. Why not protest in front of the Chinese Embassy about their treatment of Uighurs, of Tibetans, of Hong Kong and Chinese residents?
You're just picking on Israel because it's an easy target, it makes you feel virtuous, you have an anti-Western civilization problem and you haven't studies "unprovable ancient history".
This is not the place for reason. Cut it out. Just call people assholes.
Phony tough guy cop talk. That's all that is.
Sure they can. Sure you're a real pro palestine person, huh?
did i hear it wrong or did the “white protestor” make some racsist comment about “yo mama” to the black police
Worse. He accused the "black" cop of being a human shield for "white" people. The guilt-ridden, adolescent mentality of so many "white" "leftist" protesters on full display.
I understand your passion, but why should they have to go elsewhere in the world in order to exercise their rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution? I don't think they claim to be mercenaries, just protesters.
Is there a First Amendment right to deface historical statues?
Thank you. No.
If I was doing ads for this Trump campaign, I would clip the video of that (probably uncharged) person painting "Hamas is coming" with a video of people cashing in their change to pay for some groceries. The Dem Party embraces one; the other is "deplorable." If the Dems win, it is over.
I think it might be a crime. I think the cops call it vandalism, or destruction of public property. Of course, this is a small minority of protesters that people will want to focus on, thus enabling them to ignore all the other, peaceful protesters and their entire message.
Oh, ok, so we're just not getting the real picture? From the pro-Hamas media and pro-Hamas politicians? Right.
Ms. Gorham,
There are 2, maybe 3 politicians at the national level who are pro-Palestine, but they would probably say they are not pro-Hamas.
There are no pro-Hamas people in the mainstream media. And if anyone even pipes up a bit, they get fired, like the dude who was at MSNBC, Mehdi Hasan.
In mind, there is no difference between Palestine and Hamas.
Defacing property is NOT a 1st Amendment right.
It is vandalism. Which is a crime by statute.
because “elsewhere” they have no rights to protest.. send them to Gaza.. ask them if they will go if they are given a free ticket. who would not want to see exactly why they are protesting with their own eyes
Send them to Gaza? That's the solution? I don't want to go to Gaza right now, and I suspect you don't either, likely because we both have an aversion to being blown up by an IDF missile. Must all protesters against Putin also move to Russia? I don't get this, other than "I don't like these left-wing, punk-ass protesters, so they should go to Gaza."
The 60s called, and they want their "America, Love It or Leave It!" back.
How about protesting having no freedom to travel? Having no freedom of LIFE? LITERALLY? You all realize there are people just like you getting killed daily in Gaza? Oh, never mind, Arab/Muslim, don't count.
I was just at a hospital today, and openly spewed about it, and one of the nurses said they had two residents mourning and patted me on the shoulder.
These idiots on here don’t care about any of this. They’re the assholes in Treblinka saying that stuff over there isn’t happening.
Everyone knows where they stand already.
Our position is wildly unpopular. The American public never stands against these horrific crimes. The American public supports it. The people on here like to pretend they’re some real truth seekers and “see through the bullshit” but they’re just like most other people in this hellhole - pretending the zionists aren’t visiting obscene terror on Palestinians, supporting all the evil this country visits on humanity historically and in the present.
For them to see these crimes for what they are would shatter their worldview.
So stick it up your....
Warmup act. Chicago's very nice in August, I'm told. #DNC #68Redux
✊🏾 🚧 🔥 🪖 💥 🚨 👮🏻♂️
I don’t know - the DNC has a lot of control over these histrionic tantrums. Funny how the Antifa/BLM vandals were rampaging, firebombing, trying to overthrow the government, then just magically gone after the election. Now they’ve moved on to smash and grab theft rampages at Nike stores.
If the DNC wants to chuck Kamala, they’ll have unrest, if not, the good little NPCs will just fall in line and parrot the talking points (just like the MSM did.)
I think the DNC has lost control of their violent footsoldiers. Chicago will be the test. Watch for a crackdown by police backed by National Guard.
Their "violent footsoldiers" are cops, like the agent provocatuers at J6; the guy early in the video yelling anti Semite sh*t, I would bet, is a cop.
The most disruptive violent protesters are infiltrators, I learned that many times in Viet Nam Era.
The same people orchestrated George Floyd hubub and J6; old story.
Gonna be LIT
Mrs. O'Leary rides again...!
For sure! Chicago/'68 was the warm-up for this next unpleasant encore.
I don’t understand how good people can be distracted by the irrelevant actions and opinions of the mediocre. Who cares what these people do or say? What rational observer would think that they matter, or waste time criticizing them?
There has been an illegal occupation in Palestine for eighty years, based upon a philosophy of settler colonialism going back another fifty. Zionism was designed and planned long before the Nazi Holocaust. There has been a brutal genocide in Gaza for ten months, during which time nearly every library, hospital, and place of worship has been destroyed. Universities, empty of all people, let alone Hamas fighters, have been demolished. Hundreds of dedicated journalists, along with their families, have been deliberately targeted and killed. Mass graves have been found with corpses’ hands bound, shot in the back of the head.
The Israeli slaughter in Gaza and The West Bank are by any measure the equal of the Third Reich. Any measure but one: Scale. And as Woody Allen pointed out:”The Nazis killed millions. And what scares me is that records are made to be broken.”
Let me guess. You get your information from Gabor mate and norm finkelstein.
Or maybe Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, or Professor John Mearsheimer.
There are a lot of factual sources regarding Israeli war crimes.
News sources all with the same blind spot.
Good sources for sure.
However, I can’t stand to read Sachs on Ukraine. He was the head of the Harvard boys in Russia back in the 90s. He has enormous responsibility for what Russia turned into….
Every fact that I cited was reported in the Israeli newspaper Ha’Aretz. Also reported there, though I didn’t quote this, is confirmation that a significant number of Israeli deaths on October 7th were caused by IDF forces carrying out the “Hannibal Directive”.
The characterization of genocide has been established by the International Court of Justice. The history of Zionism is thoroughly documented by reputable Israeli historians, and is, by the standards of journalism and scholarship, accepted as accurate.
The characterization of Zionism as a form of fascism is not my own:
“Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”—Albert Einstein
Why are there more Christian Arabs in Israel than Palestine? Do you really think Islamic fundamentalists are not a problem? I support Gideon Levy and listen to all the people mentioned by the Book Wench but the world is nuanced and this ain’t genocide. You are also wrong about the ICJ agreeing to characterize this as genocide. They found that it’s plausibly genocide and made some preliminary rulings. I have learned not to listen to anyone who thinks one side is all right the other all wrong in this issue as well as most others. But carry on. You have your narrative where you are getting one side of the story.
Consider the possibility that BOTH sides are odious.
It makes things much easier.
I consider that everyday. Both sides are odious and both have justice on their side. The world is nuanced.
Having spent time in Israel as a minister , I can offer my answer ro your questions. I was there twice in the late 1980s and mid 1990s and between those years, many Christians left Palestine because they were already targeted by Israel. many were with Christian organizations working with Palestinians and left because of the increasing attacks they endured. This was long before anyone knew or cared about how the many Christians working in Palestine were becoming more and more fearful of where this was goin.g. October 7th was not the start of Israel's crackdown on Palestine and any of us who were there working with many of them had our eyes open long before the rest of the world Many of us wanted to speak of our experiences but where shut out since no one spoke ill of Israeleven then. . Perhaps there are more Christians in Israel because they are the kind of Christians Israel will tolerate - of course most dont realize that Jews will be the first to go when the RAPTURE comes.
Nice try, Sera, to reason with people who ignore the facts but accuse you of doing it. On tape, documented by the journalists the IDF haven’t killed yet, eye witness reports from Doctors Without Borders and reported in Israel’s own newspapers is overwhelming evidence of the brutality inflicted on Palestinians. But people who refuse to admit the evidence are impervious to the evidence itself.
Not a word you wrote is true you anti-Semitic hate filled pustule.
All ad hominem and zero substantive counter-claims. That'll show Sera.
Yea, that's a pretty sick one
Out of curiosity, what's your opinion about the events of October 7th -- the targeted murder of civilians, the gang rapes, the kidnapping of small infants, etc -- that precipitated Israel's response?
Numerous lies about October 7 have since been refuted, often in the Israeli media itself. To see the facts go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOmgKX9mz2Q&list=PL32VRvwB-weeKBCpv8RE85U98no2iVcu8&index=9
Also see https://israelpalestinenews.org/2023-israel-gaza-war/false-claims-about-october-7/
If their media is anything like ours is I wouldn't believe a fucking word that they spew forth. They are all narritive spreading government lapdogs, Joe was fine he has a stutter, he's as sharp as a tack, he leaves his experts behind. Oh, sorry that was Obama.
They're all evil.
You might also consider the fact that many of those deaths initially attributed to Hamas savages were, in fact, committed by the IDF.
Both sides are evil.
The cops and the drunk driver who kills someone is evil. That's the pretzel logic you're using. Your moral stupidity is showing.
Read some literature..if you can read!
Yet they haven't released the hostages. When they do that, I might take their complaints more seriously.
Lol. Really. The Third Reich.
It is possible to criticize the Israeli government without celebrating Hamas but in order to do so, you must have basic critical thinking skills. And those are lacking in people like you, with binary retardation. Chip in, chip out, replace. Repeat. Yawn.
Should we vacate California, Texas, Florida, etc. etc. etc. Every country was settled by someone, how far back do you want to go?
Yes, perhaps the Byzantines would like Constantinople returned to them.
Bla bla bla
Bla bla bla
Just more "mostly peaceful protests" by the evil and unhinged left. If you are wondering how fires and assaults are considered "mostly peaceful," then you my friend get a high five for accessing your brain cells and resisting indoctrination.
Two questions regarding the video: 1. Don’t these people have jobs? Seriously. 2. Is it difficult to envision what these people would have done if they had also gained access to Israel on Oct. 7? They sure don’t seem particularly kind.
Aren't they paid by antifa?
I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine that they would have wielded those hammers right alongside hamas... and then hamas would have turned on them.
They're the same 'activists' responsible for the Summer of Floyd. Well organized, well funded, and universally hated. We need to stand up against them.
The idiot demonstrators here in the US that support Hamas are mainly performing for themselves. No one else really cares what they think. I’ve yet to hear a Palestinian that doesn’t support Hamas. So why should Israel ever stop what they are doing until the job is done. Hamas broke the cease fire on 10-7 so they forfeited their chance for any civilized resolution to this conflict. You can call it genocide but if the shoe were on the other foot Israel would have been destroyed a long time ago so I see it simply as self preservation. When you back someone into a corner you can’t blame them for defending themselves. Return the hostages and get rid of Hamas and this conflict will be over, until then I fear the bloodshed will continue.
There was no “ceasefire” on October 6. You can look it up. There was a one-sided slaughter of Palestinians, and because it was only Palestinians being killed, apparently that is your definition of a ceasefire. Those lives lost didn’t count for you.
Hamas troll in da house!
Hamas operatives did the slaughter. There is no dispute over that whatsoever.
Must suck being the dumbest person in every room you enter
Yeah, it's totally okay to repeatedly bomb refugee camps & bomb aid workers, & to then proclaim one's nation to have no obligations under international human rights law.
Totally kosher.
I don’t really have a horse in this race, but my understanding is that there really was Hamas leadership embedded in the refugee camp, and they were killed as part of the strike. And that the civilian casualty ratio in Israel’s war in Gaza is unusually low. Obviously the situation is very ugly, but it really does seem to me that if Hamas is going to attack Israel (rather monstrously) and embed itself in the civilian population they don’t then get to cry genocide when Israel goes to root them out and kills (an unusually low number of) civilians in the process. I think the person you’re responding to is right, if they returned the hostages and got rid of Hamas, Israel is not interested in wiping out the Palestinian people, which is the point of genocide. It does seem like they’re willing to kill some Palestinian civilians so long as they support and/or are being used by Hamas or are frankly just in the way, but that is a fact of any war whatsoever and honestly seems understandable to me if the alternative is allowing Hamas and/or other Iranian proxies to wipe them out in turn (or at least try periodically).
You comments are quite accurate. Hamas locates its military in hospitals and apartment buildings. Many videos have shown that.
For someone who doesn’t have a horse in this race you sure have a lot to say that sounds exactly like everything in the so called western media.
So thanks for the summation!
I only speak English and a little Spanish, so I definitely rely mostly on the Western media. 🤷🏻♀️ By no horse in the race, I mean I didn’t pay much attention and didn’t have a strong opinion prior to October 7, and was somewhat pro-Palestinian based on what I knew from my college days, and my husband and I are not Jewish or Muslim and have no ethnic connections with the Middle East. But as I’ve read more and done more research, I’ve been leaning more pro-Israel. I try to find the most convincing and accurate perspectives from both sides, but so far I just haven’t found the Palestinian position convincing. And honestly the more I look into translated sources in Arabic the more damning they seem in many cases. The situation of Palestinian families is really horrifying (I have a child and am pregnant, I can’t help imagining it there), but so far I just don’t buy placing the blame squarely on Israel or calling it a genocide. My understanding is imperfect and I’ve never been to the region (my husband lived in Israel as well as multiple Arab countries, but I’m fairly provincial).
Bravo. Thank you for injecting some calm, rational comments into this rabid discussion.
When your people return the hostages, maybe we will care.
Right. "My understanding...." from MSM.
? Yes, it is my understanding. If you have some source of objective, ilfallible truth I’m certainly interested, but until then I’m stuck with my best understanding of events from the reporting and documentation I can find and access. I don’t read much mainstream media except to try to check sources, but from what I have come across the MSM seem if anything pretty anti-Israel.
You are right. That is what exactly Hamas is doing. In fact their supply of arms in Gaza is in the lower floors of the UNWRA headquarters in Gaza, with tunnels in many directions for Hamas to carry our their killing.
Hamas even has sent rockets in the direction of Israel which fell short and killed people in Gaza.
Your moral confusion is very consistent.
Abortion is your mothers friend
I'm not a Jewish person. I oppose the savages that murdered and tortured Jewish people that led the current war between Israel and Hamas. I oppose the fake savages that pretended to stand for Hamas. If the pretenders had any guts they would act in a way that the cops could shoot back. As such they are weaklings with big mouths and no personal integrity.
I couldn’t agree more. The correct response to genocide and genocide enablers is property destruction and violence. They don’t understand anything else but force.
then they should go where they can be effective. to the source..they can do their destruction and rain violence there.. of course both sideshave bombs and guns. so that wont happen
That policeman is brilliant.
I have been impressed with dry cop humor many times.
Cool under pressure.
thank goodness. I do believe some will be killed if this keeps up.