I would vote for Jesse in a heartbeat if his opponents were Biden and Trump. Jesse should run with Tulsi Gabbard as his VP. What a team they'd make! Both military vets, both free-thinkers, both willing to buck the establishment.
Please, God, or Thor, or someone, give us a choice in 2024. Jesse/Tulsi in 2024! Honesty, integrity, guts.
People make mistakes. And it’s not like Biden was running against Jesus Christ--Trump brings his own brand of dumpster fire, as Jesse alludes to in the interview.
I find that people are much more willing to change when you let them identify their own mistakes rather than rubbing their noses in them.
And to be clear, tulsi did not vote for Biden. She endorsed him as was the agreement amongst all the candidates in the primary. It was a contract to support the eventual winner.
She also bucked the current Open Border Invasion. When Biden leaves he will have increased the Unauthorized by 8,000,000 poverty stricken, foreign born
The fact that she may have thought she had a better chance succeeding from within the inside of the D party was as foolish as sticking with a drooling old dementia afflicted POS. Neither decision is favorable for her credibility.
How do you know Tulsi didn't vote for Biden? I find it hard to believe that she would have voted for Trump, even though he is not nearly the neocon war hawk that Biden is.
Voting is a private thing.. i should have said we don't know who she voted for. We do know she didn't campaign for Biden. And she sure is critical of him now.
She could have gone "I agreed to endorse the winner, even one who's a senile racist sexual predator - but nobody asked me to VOTE for him!"
And like me, voted Green Party because while they stand no chance of winning? At least THEY didn't pick Joe Biden or Hillary Rodham Clinton as their standard-bearers!
Fair point on rubbing noses in it, do you how hard it is to look at biden voters in my temporary housing complex.....struggling to eat, fill the car up and NOT at least give them a lesson on cause and effect. But no.....I reach in my wallet instead.
Surely this is a snarky joke, and you can see how dumb this line of thinking is?
What you just said is akin to some upper middle class Biden voter saying “I try not to tell all those poor heroin addicts in trailer parks who voted for Trump why voting for him caused their current predicament, so I reach in my wallet instead…”
It vastly overestimates the power of a single president to determine local outcomes, and the speed of the impact of his policies. And it overlooks all the local historical factors that determine what a community looks like.
thats called a limousine liberal BTW. I have to disagree. Executive orders are increasingly becoming a very powerful weapon. Secondly, its become annoyingly evident that the government agencies are very skewed left. They seem to not push their agendas so brazenly if an R is in the house. I only gave money to 2 old vets on fixed incomes and I was extremely gracious about it.
I entirely agree with your last paragraph. Thank you. I wish I had written it. My initial response (below) was a frustrated knee jerk reaction because I believe what you wrote. My response, not well thought out. Biden’s child tax credit has made a difference however for several young families, as some of my friends benefit from it. That said, I’m not entirely supportive of that program either for several reasons.
And all that misery started with Biden. Sounds like how I felt during the Trump years about many in my neighborhood, for which Trump really did nothing. As a matter of fact, more of them are working now.
Well I'd say if thats the case its because inflation has forced them to actually look for work . If you really wanted to work in the last 5 years you certainly could have.
Yes I know it did. Again you are a riddle. Do you support anyone in general? If you dont mind , who did you vote for? I don't know what kind of neighborhood he was talking about. He said more were working under biden than trump. I doubt that and offered the only logical thing I thought of. Instead of typing stupid , offer a logical explanation.
What a lazy way to decide who you'll support or oppose. No intellectual integrity on your part. One minor little meaningless forgotten momentary thing and BAM -- "she's dead to me".
I was thinking the same thing of you, sit it out. We don't need a third party right now , it will split the vote. I'm not saying she can't change but do you think she voted for Trump? No way. Trumps dumpster fire looked so bad only because of the media. 1% inflation, 2 dollar gas and immigration enforcement is not.......a fire. What you have now......is a fire. A swampy, DC full on dumpster fire.
Here’s a dirty little secret that Trump understands and leftists never have and never will-peasants, rednecks, and rural people naturally hate the political left and the infringement on their liberties that it attempts.
Oh, you mean like the "infringement on their liberties" like in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland with far higher qualities of life than we've ever had here in the USofA?
The problem is that scum like e.pierce and his Kochsucking Masters can sold the peasants that the ONLY alternative to their destructive Ferengi Capitalism is the now-dead Soviet Union - which was about as "Socialist" as the John Birth Society. It was Fascism wearing a Karl Marx mask, full stop.
I would have added Bush to the evil death star. Yes he was an auditory nightmare. Still the best person to be in there in over 20 years exactly BECAUSE of the existence of the death star. I dont get why people have TDS. did people want Hillary instead? He was loud and obnoxious but he was on our side. You never saw the death star calling out China
A three way race between Trump, Biden, and Jesse Ventura, would split the populist vote between Ventura and Trump, giving us 4 more years of Biden.
If it were just Ventura and Biden, Biden would also prevail. The religious right would never turn out for Ventura, because Ventura would never appease the religious right. Trump may not be a true member of the religious right, but hypocrisy is the Tribute that vice pays to virtue. And Trump delivered on judges and cultural issues.
The religious right is a critical part of the Trump coalition. If Jesse doesn't get their votes, which bloc of voters will make up the deficit?
If DeSantis is the nominee, likely same outcome.
Both establishment left, and establishment right combined, would be enough to beat any divided populist pair of candidates in a three way race.
Sooooo, what? Just continue to sorta “buy in” to the two-party system? I’m so fucking sick of this “Well, even though I can’t stand this candidate, we should all vote for them, otherwise this other candidate who I also hate might win…” attitude. Vote for whoever the fuck you wanna vote for. It’s not like there’s really gonna be any difference between the Democratic and Republican candidate. Their priorities are legit the exact same (make their wealthy donors and themselves wealthier). It’s only their messaging that’s different.
the umbrella under the republican tent is restless. There is a swath of anti fox news, anti hannity anti mitch McConnell etc.......the populist like Jessie are leading the charge in the undercurrent of disgust with the old guard. If you are pro Jessie then you should be voting trump,DeSantis. I dont understand Matt's reticence to say 1 good thing about the guy who wanted to clean up the swamp as much as we all do. War makes for strange bedfellows. The sayings been around awhile for a reason.
I’d say the “umbrella” under the Democratic tent is just as restless, which means that the time is now for a third-party candidate that enough of both sides like.
As far as your reference to the “the guy who wanted to clean up the swamp,” I’m not sure who you’re talking about. Are you talking about Trump? Gimme a break. If he had any interest in doing that, he would’ve done SOMEthing. Or at least TRIED to do something. Instead, all he did was maintain status quo Republican policy. He didn’t have any ideas, he just had slogans. All he cared about was getting elected; after that, he had nothing.
I think Ventura's job would be to win the populist support away from Trump, and he could point to the fact that Trump, in office, was a standard tax-cut Republican.
Besides, events on the ground are changing so intensely, the old coalitions probably won't hold.
Exactly. I think it’s weird how everybody thinks Trump was some sorta iconoclast. Once he got in office, he didn’t do shit besides what any other run-of-the-mill Republican politician woulda done. Might as well have elected Jeb Bush.
Trump did everything he could to control immigration.
Trump was very pro gun.
Trump was very pro opening up US domestic oil and gas.
Trump made executive orders getting CRT training out of the military.
Trump confronted Nato about paying their fair share.
You may disagree with some or all of those policies, but Jeb Bush would not have taken any of those positions, or compromised greatly on many of them - as evidenced by past mainstream Republican behavior.
Mainstream Republicans - and mainstream Democrats - believe in the ideology of unrestricted free trade with mercantilist nations, no matter the outcome. Folly.
Right up until covid hit, real wages at the bottom were finally rising, due to tight labor market. I don't give Trump total credit for that - it was largely due in part to the economy finally fully recovering from the 2008 housing bubble crash. But I do believe Jeb or Hillary would have killed the economy before then, because they are anti populist. Jeb and Hillary both have clear disdain for the middle and working classes, and both share the globalist vision of a weak US with gutted industry, and lower standard of living.
Left-populists believe in raising the middle and working classes via government redistribution.
Right-populists believe that balanced trade, low regulation, and full employment can raise wages at the low end - a view which was supported by observing rising real wages at the low end in the 2 years pre covid.
Many left-populists (like Yang) support guaranteed minimum income. The difficulty in getting enough workers right now, should make any logical person reject that policy as being wacko - at least anytime soon.
Even some economists on the left - like Dean Baker - have criticized "loser liberalism", meaning liberals who ignore the ways in which the economy is tilted away from the middle and working class, and wrongly seeing welfare (givernment redistribution) as the only remedy.
IMO the left-populist vision of redistribution and increased constraints on supply would lead to inflation, labor shortages, and reduced prosperity due to lack of incentives to work.
You don't have to worry about that. Even if Biden survives his first term (which is highly problematical) he'll never get the nomination again. Of course, if the Biden Regime starts a nuclear war, we won't have another election anyway.
"If Biden survives his first term..." Unabashed ad for my blog: I deal with the 25th Amendment and the current players, 4 parts, so I'm not repeating it here. Teaser: keep your eyes on Kamela for the direction it's going.
If it were just Ventura vs. Biden.. Jesse would hoover up the leftist votes away from Biden and also get a big proportion of the libertarian right. But in what scenario would it be just between Biden and Jesse?
hmm, trump already got all those Reagan democrats to vote for him in 2016. I think he already has lefty populist vote if a Reagan Democrat IS a lefty populist
Populist right voters (including a lot of the religious right) may not have liked Walker, but the Republican establishment was very effective in making sure that the only alternative was a Democrat.
Never liked Walker. Always struck me as a typical anti populist, pro corporate Republican - in the same mold as Jeb Bush - neither of which ever had more than a small sliver of popular support. Somehow the Republican and Democratic donors were always able to keep populist politicians off the ballot. Leaving general election voters to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils every election.
Until Trump.
Trump showed that the religious right, combined with populists, and supporters of pro domestic US industry, pro growth, fair trade, controlled borders, and pro gun policies, made up a viable coalition, which wins against unpopular globalist ideology. This globalist ideology has weakened the once dominant US industry and economy. Voters know this, and aren't happy.
But having that ability would exact concessions from both parties. Bernie was and is too cowardly to hold the Sword of Damocles over the dualopoly's heads.
After the Dems cheated Bernie out of the 2016 nomination and relentlessly abused his supporters online, I, a lifelong Dem, broke with my entire voting past and voted for Republican (lite) Trump. I was overjoyed by the twin facts that a) Trump beat the Hildebeast and b) he won. He had excellent intentions and did pretty good as president until Covid came along and revealed his inexperience.
The 2020 Dem primary was a farce, Bernie had sold out years before, and the Greens were making a huge mistake in backing Howie. No way I could ever vote for a fake Green or a demented neocon Dem. So I wrote in Jesse Ventura for President and Cynthia McKinney for Veep and felt 100% good about it. Compared to the entire pool of pols out there, Jesse and Cynthia are clean as a whistle. Tulsi is complex but I still respect her. Honesty and independence are rare qualities these days, and we need them.
I like Jesse, and I believe that Jesse would do a better job than Trump or Biden. However, Jesse is 70 years old. I am not voting for another boomer. It is high time to let the younger generations take the helm.
If they run together, watch out. They will be Russian spies, collaborators, infidels, pick your words. I think it would be great to finally put a lid on the "media"
The Swamp would chew them up and spit them out. Jesse was Governor of the Socialist Republic of Minnesota. And though I really like Tulsi - but she doesn't have the chops to deal with the DC Cabal. Clinton/Wiener would have a better chance of winning in 2024.
Thank you YP for what I take as optimism in a time when some think optimism is simply foolish. But in your previous post you said, people are desperate for someone to
lead us(I'm paraphrasing) who has COMMON SENSE. Whatever part of the brain dictates
common sense, its been aversely affected by politics, and money, by those who have become politicians as a means of making money, rather than doing good.
We're not here to please the gods; we're here to entertain them. And, if our presidential elections are any indication, we're pretty damn good at making entertainment. But the deep state is our fate...until The Empire collapses, which is inevitable, if not imminent.
Damn, TK, me thinks you are right on the target. And what a loss, after good hardy men and women helped fashion this unique country into a United Philosophy of mostly Farmers and Tradesmen’s value system.
It is painful yet sobering to know and admit that we humans seem to prefer Kingly guidance over a Free but hard to maintain Republic form of governance. Afterall, we are basically mostly lazy animals of low interest in free choice and closer to our primate cousins in attitude and ambition. Our grandkids will inherit our legacy, and at this juncture, it don’t look to bright.
Thanks for the inquiry, but at this point, I’m still gathering information. And with the ‘fixed’ media so big in our country, it ain’t ez. Lots of aspects to yet consider…
Can’t argue with your point of view friend. And I’m with you; both parties display only personal profit and power concerns by most their members. Still not committed to candidates yet, but you seem to have a clear vision of a team that’s really patriotic and smart. And I really like Tulsi. And thanks for recognizing the importance of choosing according to CHARACTER…
The Green Party exchange... The Greens are for liberal voters whose politics are too holy and enlightened for the Democratic party. You can't see yourself as a normal person and fit in there.
In this particular case, I mean a person who doesn't see themselves as the moral (or intellectual) superior to others.
The Greens believe that they see something that most people don't. And who knows... maybe they do. But that's the type of person who votes for a single issue party dedicated to saving the planet.
It comes out when they get asked about something out of their wheelhouse. "What about foreign policy?" The response is something like "can't we all get along and solve our real issues?"
Little do they know, there are real issues where people legitimately disagree. The Isreal Palestine conflict isn't continuing because nobody had the idea to just get along. It can only appear that way to people who have very few real problems, which I believe makes up most of the Green party's constituency.
Re: "what about foreign policy?" check out U.S. Senate candidate Matthew Hoh running in NC as a anti-war veteran. https://www.matthewhohforsenate.org/
And here's what I said in one of four debates running as a Green against Susan Collins under ranked choice voting in 2020. MSM moderators don't ask much about foreign policy generally but Maine Public's debate had the most substantive questions in that realm: https://youtu.be/Nfybc0FT6mw
And, more relevant to the theme of this article, the 5th debate in my race kept me out despite thousands of Mainers who petitioned them to include me due to orders from on high on the Hearst Corporation that owned WMTW-TV.
Thank you Lisa. Most people don’t seem to understand how their perceptions of the Green Party are shaped by media stereotyping and smear campaigns.
The corporate owned campaign finance system is obviously fearful of any candidate outside of that system being elected and will pull out all the stops to prevent it.
Well I'm definitely glad you feel that way. It's not that I would never vote for the green party. Maybe there is a component of "image problems" not fitting reality. I guess I'd suggest you don't pick a type like Jill Stein as a standard-bearer going forward.
Great interview and article. Our proxy war to destabilize Putin, pointlessly killing as many Ukrainians as possible along the way, may not lead to World War 3, but giving Jesse Ventura the Rachel Maddow slot on MSNBC certainly would.
That's like saying the Iraq war was "Bin Laden's proxy war".
Besides which, what do you think awaits the Ukrainian populace if they surrender? Peaceful coexistence with Russia in which their human rights are respected? You think they're fighting at the behest of the U.S.? Give me a break.
I do not know why the Russians or the Ukrainians are doing what they are doing to mindlessly slighter their own people. Massive numbers of children dead from bullets, bombs, displacement, orphaning, stunting, starvation and from easily curable diseases.
But I do know why our CIA and Pentagon want this debacle. They want a proxy war to destabilize Putin. And they hope Ukraine becomes a failed state and endless quagmire with hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. Because that is the surest way to hurt a nuclear superpower.
they do NOT want a failed state. They use Ukraine like a fucking seedy playground washing billions of dollars thru it and setting up bio labs all in putins backyard
“Iraq was Bin Ladin’s proxy war” is an idiotic analogy that does not match the Ukraine situation at all. We are fighting a proxy war in a third country instead of directly between two super powers. Bin Ladin was a non-state terrorist who was holed up in Afghanistan while we invaded Iraq to get Sadam. You explain why that aid applicable.
Oh, they care about it alright. There are about 350 billion reasons why; because that's collectively what hits their pocket books each year. That is $350B that doesn't go toward health care, infrastructure improvements, government services, etc each year. I think most folks are just so manipulated by MSM propaganda that they fail to make the link. Doesn't mean the link doesn't exist. Only children should believe that covering your eyes makes the boogey man go away.
Personally, I'd prefer the bomb to be diffused by the populous demanding the debt be paid down (at least down to a debt/gdp level comparable to that of China or Russia). I can dream, can't I?
I would vote for Jesse in a heartbeat if his opponents were Biden and Trump. Jesse should run with Tulsi Gabbard as his VP. What a team they'd make! Both military vets, both free-thinkers, both willing to buck the establishment.
Please, God, or Thor, or someone, give us a choice in 2024. Jesse/Tulsi in 2024! Honesty, integrity, guts.
Uh dude, tulsi voted for biden. Thats not integrity, intellectual honesty or a winner in 2024.
People make mistakes. And it’s not like Biden was running against Jesus Christ--Trump brings his own brand of dumpster fire, as Jesse alludes to in the interview.
I find that people are much more willing to change when you let them identify their own mistakes rather than rubbing their noses in them.
And to be clear, tulsi did not vote for Biden. She endorsed him as was the agreement amongst all the candidates in the primary. It was a contract to support the eventual winner.
She also bucked the current Open Border Invasion. When Biden leaves he will have increased the Unauthorized by 8,000,000 poverty stricken, foreign born
What's the difference?
The fact that she may have thought she had a better chance succeeding from within the inside of the D party was as foolish as sticking with a drooling old dementia afflicted POS. Neither decision is favorable for her credibility.
How do you know Tulsi didn't vote for Biden? I find it hard to believe that she would have voted for Trump, even though he is not nearly the neocon war hawk that Biden is.
Voting is a private thing.. i should have said we don't know who she voted for. We do know she didn't campaign for Biden. And she sure is critical of him now.
She could have gone "I agreed to endorse the winner, even one who's a senile racist sexual predator - but nobody asked me to VOTE for him!"
And like me, voted Green Party because while they stand no chance of winning? At least THEY didn't pick Joe Biden or Hillary Rodham Clinton as their standard-bearers!
Biden's bullshit was well known, can't forgive Tulsi, she knew better.
Fair point on rubbing noses in it, do you how hard it is to look at biden voters in my temporary housing complex.....struggling to eat, fill the car up and NOT at least give them a lesson on cause and effect. But no.....I reach in my wallet instead.
Surely this is a snarky joke, and you can see how dumb this line of thinking is?
What you just said is akin to some upper middle class Biden voter saying “I try not to tell all those poor heroin addicts in trailer parks who voted for Trump why voting for him caused their current predicament, so I reach in my wallet instead…”
It vastly overestimates the power of a single president to determine local outcomes, and the speed of the impact of his policies. And it overlooks all the local historical factors that determine what a community looks like.
thats called a limousine liberal BTW. I have to disagree. Executive orders are increasingly becoming a very powerful weapon. Secondly, its become annoyingly evident that the government agencies are very skewed left. They seem to not push their agendas so brazenly if an R is in the house. I only gave money to 2 old vets on fixed incomes and I was extremely gracious about it.
I entirely agree with your last paragraph. Thank you. I wish I had written it. My initial response (below) was a frustrated knee jerk reaction because I believe what you wrote. My response, not well thought out. Biden’s child tax credit has made a difference however for several young families, as some of my friends benefit from it. That said, I’m not entirely supportive of that program either for several reasons.
And all that misery started with Biden. Sounds like how I felt during the Trump years about many in my neighborhood, for which Trump really did nothing. As a matter of fact, more of them are working now.
Well I'd say if thats the case its because inflation has forced them to actually look for work . If you really wanted to work in the last 5 years you certainly could have.
Yes I know it did. Again you are a riddle. Do you support anyone in general? If you dont mind , who did you vote for? I don't know what kind of neighborhood he was talking about. He said more were working under biden than trump. I doubt that and offered the only logical thing I thought of. Instead of typing stupid , offer a logical explanation.
What a lazy way to decide who you'll support or oppose. No intellectual integrity on your part. One minor little meaningless forgotten momentary thing and BAM -- "she's dead to me".
Maybe you should just sit this one out.
I was thinking the same thing of you, sit it out. We don't need a third party right now , it will split the vote. I'm not saying she can't change but do you think she voted for Trump? No way. Trumps dumpster fire looked so bad only because of the media. 1% inflation, 2 dollar gas and immigration enforcement is not.......a fire. What you have now......is a fire. A swampy, DC full on dumpster fire.
Actually, we DO need a third party - a LEFT party that will CRUSH NeoLiberals and Trump Nazis alike.
Here’s a dirty little secret that Trump understands and leftists never have and never will-peasants, rednecks, and rural people naturally hate the political left and the infringement on their liberties that it attempts.
Oh, you mean like the "infringement on their liberties" like in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland with far higher qualities of life than we've ever had here in the USofA?
The problem is that scum like e.pierce and his Kochsucking Masters can sold the peasants that the ONLY alternative to their destructive Ferengi Capitalism is the now-dead Soviet Union - which was about as "Socialist" as the John Birth Society. It was Fascism wearing a Karl Marx mask, full stop.
And the only thing Nazis like you can do is destroy.
BERN in Hell.
This is one of the best summaries of the last few election cycles/admins that I have seen. Well done.
I would have added Bush to the evil death star. Yes he was an auditory nightmare. Still the best person to be in there in over 20 years exactly BECAUSE of the existence of the death star. I dont get why people have TDS. did people want Hillary instead? He was loud and obnoxious but he was on our side. You never saw the death star calling out China
are you blaming trump? For the pandemic? Really?
I can’t criticize Trump much on Covid, he inherited Fauchit. He pro-vaxx, we’re gonna get this done messaging in the early part was spot on, imo.
And Jesse hated Trump so much that, if he voted, I'd bet he voted for Biden too.
Are you seriously blaming that on Trump?
A three way race between Trump, Biden, and Jesse Ventura, would split the populist vote between Ventura and Trump, giving us 4 more years of Biden.
If it were just Ventura and Biden, Biden would also prevail. The religious right would never turn out for Ventura, because Ventura would never appease the religious right. Trump may not be a true member of the religious right, but hypocrisy is the Tribute that vice pays to virtue. And Trump delivered on judges and cultural issues.
The religious right is a critical part of the Trump coalition. If Jesse doesn't get their votes, which bloc of voters will make up the deficit?
If DeSantis is the nominee, likely same outcome.
Both establishment left, and establishment right combined, would be enough to beat any divided populist pair of candidates in a three way race.
Jesse would get votes from the populist left that wouldn't vote for Trump.
Exactly. And the populist right would vote for Trump. Dividing the populist vote, and handing the election to Biden.
Sooooo, what? Just continue to sorta “buy in” to the two-party system? I’m so fucking sick of this “Well, even though I can’t stand this candidate, we should all vote for them, otherwise this other candidate who I also hate might win…” attitude. Vote for whoever the fuck you wanna vote for. It’s not like there’s really gonna be any difference between the Democratic and Republican candidate. Their priorities are legit the exact same (make their wealthy donors and themselves wealthier). It’s only their messaging that’s different.
the umbrella under the republican tent is restless. There is a swath of anti fox news, anti hannity anti mitch McConnell etc.......the populist like Jessie are leading the charge in the undercurrent of disgust with the old guard. If you are pro Jessie then you should be voting trump,DeSantis. I dont understand Matt's reticence to say 1 good thing about the guy who wanted to clean up the swamp as much as we all do. War makes for strange bedfellows. The sayings been around awhile for a reason.
I’d say the “umbrella” under the Democratic tent is just as restless, which means that the time is now for a third-party candidate that enough of both sides like.
As far as your reference to the “the guy who wanted to clean up the swamp,” I’m not sure who you’re talking about. Are you talking about Trump? Gimme a break. If he had any interest in doing that, he would’ve done SOMEthing. Or at least TRIED to do something. Instead, all he did was maintain status quo Republican policy. He didn’t have any ideas, he just had slogans. All he cared about was getting elected; after that, he had nothing.
I think Ventura's job would be to win the populist support away from Trump, and he could point to the fact that Trump, in office, was a standard tax-cut Republican.
Besides, events on the ground are changing so intensely, the old coalitions probably won't hold.
Exactly. I think it’s weird how everybody thinks Trump was some sorta iconoclast. Once he got in office, he didn’t do shit besides what any other run-of-the-mill Republican politician woulda done. Might as well have elected Jeb Bush.
Trump raised tariffs on China.
Trump did everything he could to control immigration.
Trump was very pro gun.
Trump was very pro opening up US domestic oil and gas.
Trump made executive orders getting CRT training out of the military.
Trump confronted Nato about paying their fair share.
You may disagree with some or all of those policies, but Jeb Bush would not have taken any of those positions, or compromised greatly on many of them - as evidenced by past mainstream Republican behavior.
Mainstream Republicans - and mainstream Democrats - believe in the ideology of unrestricted free trade with mercantilist nations, no matter the outcome. Folly.
Right up until covid hit, real wages at the bottom were finally rising, due to tight labor market. I don't give Trump total credit for that - it was largely due in part to the economy finally fully recovering from the 2008 housing bubble crash. But I do believe Jeb or Hillary would have killed the economy before then, because they are anti populist. Jeb and Hillary both have clear disdain for the middle and working classes, and both share the globalist vision of a weak US with gutted industry, and lower standard of living.
Left-populists believe in raising the middle and working classes via government redistribution.
Right-populists believe that balanced trade, low regulation, and full employment can raise wages at the low end - a view which was supported by observing rising real wages at the low end in the 2 years pre covid.
Many left-populists (like Yang) support guaranteed minimum income. The difficulty in getting enough workers right now, should make any logical person reject that policy as being wacko - at least anytime soon.
Even some economists on the left - like Dean Baker - have criticized "loser liberalism", meaning liberals who ignore the ways in which the economy is tilted away from the middle and working class, and wrongly seeing welfare (givernment redistribution) as the only remedy.
IMO the left-populist vision of redistribution and increased constraints on supply would lead to inflation, labor shortages, and reduced prosperity due to lack of incentives to work.
You don't have to worry about that. Even if Biden survives his first term (which is highly problematical) he'll never get the nomination again. Of course, if the Biden Regime starts a nuclear war, we won't have another election anyway.
"If Biden survives his first term..." Unabashed ad for my blog: I deal with the 25th Amendment and the current players, 4 parts, so I'm not repeating it here. Teaser: keep your eyes on Kamela for the direction it's going.
Or another pandemic to isolate everyone.
If it were just Ventura vs. Biden.. Jesse would hoover up the leftist votes away from Biden and also get a big proportion of the libertarian right. But in what scenario would it be just between Biden and Jesse?
hmm, trump already got all those Reagan democrats to vote for him in 2016. I think he already has lefty populist vote if a Reagan Democrat IS a lefty populist
Maybe in Wisconsin, but then, ever since Wisconsin elected Walker, I've had my doubts about that state. "Cheese Heads" living up to the reputation.
Populist right voters (including a lot of the religious right) may not have liked Walker, but the Republican establishment was very effective in making sure that the only alternative was a Democrat.
Never liked Walker. Always struck me as a typical anti populist, pro corporate Republican - in the same mold as Jeb Bush - neither of which ever had more than a small sliver of popular support. Somehow the Republican and Democratic donors were always able to keep populist politicians off the ballot. Leaving general election voters to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils every election.
Until Trump.
Trump showed that the religious right, combined with populists, and supporters of pro domestic US industry, pro growth, fair trade, controlled borders, and pro gun policies, made up a viable coalition, which wins against unpopular globalist ideology. This globalist ideology has weakened the once dominant US industry and economy. Voters know this, and aren't happy.
But having that ability would exact concessions from both parties. Bernie was and is too cowardly to hold the Sword of Damocles over the dualopoly's heads.
What a wonderful dream, prayer etc.
After the Dems cheated Bernie out of the 2016 nomination and relentlessly abused his supporters online, I, a lifelong Dem, broke with my entire voting past and voted for Republican (lite) Trump. I was overjoyed by the twin facts that a) Trump beat the Hildebeast and b) he won. He had excellent intentions and did pretty good as president until Covid came along and revealed his inexperience.
The 2020 Dem primary was a farce, Bernie had sold out years before, and the Greens were making a huge mistake in backing Howie. No way I could ever vote for a fake Green or a demented neocon Dem. So I wrote in Jesse Ventura for President and Cynthia McKinney for Veep and felt 100% good about it. Compared to the entire pool of pols out there, Jesse and Cynthia are clean as a whistle. Tulsi is complex but I still respect her. Honesty and independence are rare qualities these days, and we need them.
I respect your right to do that but a vote like that was a vote for a neo con dem who....if at all.....barely won.
I like Jesse, and I believe that Jesse would do a better job than Trump or Biden. However, Jesse is 70 years old. I am not voting for another boomer. It is high time to let the younger generations take the helm.
If they run together, watch out. They will be Russian spies, collaborators, infidels, pick your words. I think it would be great to finally put a lid on the "media"
The Swamp would chew them up and spit them out. Jesse was Governor of the Socialist Republic of Minnesota. And though I really like Tulsi - but she doesn't have the chops to deal with the DC Cabal. Clinton/Wiener would have a better chance of winning in 2024.
Thank you YP for what I take as optimism in a time when some think optimism is simply foolish. But in your previous post you said, people are desperate for someone to
lead us(I'm paraphrasing) who has COMMON SENSE. Whatever part of the brain dictates
common sense, its been aversely affected by politics, and money, by those who have become politicians as a means of making money, rather than doing good.
With regard to pleasing Thor: Wyrd biõ ful ãræd.
We're not here to please the gods; we're here to entertain them. And, if our presidential elections are any indication, we're pretty damn good at making entertainment. But the deep state is our fate...until The Empire collapses, which is inevitable, if not imminent.
Damn, TK, me thinks you are right on the target. And what a loss, after good hardy men and women helped fashion this unique country into a United Philosophy of mostly Farmers and Tradesmen’s value system.
It is painful yet sobering to know and admit that we humans seem to prefer Kingly guidance over a Free but hard to maintain Republic form of governance. Afterall, we are basically mostly lazy animals of low interest in free choice and closer to our primate cousins in attitude and ambition. Our grandkids will inherit our legacy, and at this juncture, it don’t look to bright.
You know, I had to sit back and think what it might be like to see those two running together...
Haven't mad up my mind, but thanks, YP: a very good comment...
How about a ticket consisting of Jesse Ventura for Prez and Howie Hawkins for VP?
Thanks for the inquiry, but at this point, I’m still gathering information. And with the ‘fixed’ media so big in our country, it ain’t ez. Lots of aspects to yet consider…
I’m with you, YP. Good comment! Taibbi once again proves his mastery of the interview!
Paul S.
Can’t argue with your point of view friend. And I’m with you; both parties display only personal profit and power concerns by most their members. Still not committed to candidates yet, but you seem to have a clear vision of a team that’s really patriotic and smart. And I really like Tulsi. And thanks for recognizing the importance of choosing according to CHARACTER…
...Substack needs a bundle option because this is getting expensive...
This is a good point, business-wise. There are plenty of substacks I like, but I’m not shelling out $30 a month for 6 or 7 of them.
Lowering the monthly fee would be one way... i'd love to subscribe to Jesse but my inbox is pretty filled already.
And my subscription list grows. Thanks a lot, Matt! 😝
The American psychosphere is ripe for another candidate who excels at pissing the commentariat off.
Yeah , like trump
Jesse Ventura 2024
The Green Party exchange... The Greens are for liberal voters whose politics are too holy and enlightened for the Democratic party. You can't see yourself as a normal person and fit in there.
Define normal.
In this particular case, I mean a person who doesn't see themselves as the moral (or intellectual) superior to others.
The Greens believe that they see something that most people don't. And who knows... maybe they do. But that's the type of person who votes for a single issue party dedicated to saving the planet.
It comes out when they get asked about something out of their wheelhouse. "What about foreign policy?" The response is something like "can't we all get along and solve our real issues?"
Little do they know, there are real issues where people legitimately disagree. The Isreal Palestine conflict isn't continuing because nobody had the idea to just get along. It can only appear that way to people who have very few real problems, which I believe makes up most of the Green party's constituency.
Re: "what about foreign policy?" check out U.S. Senate candidate Matthew Hoh running in NC as a anti-war veteran. https://www.matthewhohforsenate.org/
And here's what I said in one of four debates running as a Green against Susan Collins under ranked choice voting in 2020. MSM moderators don't ask much about foreign policy generally but Maine Public's debate had the most substantive questions in that realm: https://youtu.be/Nfybc0FT6mw
And, more relevant to the theme of this article, the 5th debate in my race kept me out despite thousands of Mainers who petitioned them to include me due to orders from on high on the Hearst Corporation that owned WMTW-TV.
Thank you Lisa. Most people don’t seem to understand how their perceptions of the Green Party are shaped by media stereotyping and smear campaigns.
The corporate owned campaign finance system is obviously fearful of any candidate outside of that system being elected and will pull out all the stops to prevent it.
Well I'm definitely glad you feel that way. It's not that I would never vote for the green party. Maybe there is a component of "image problems" not fitting reality. I guess I'd suggest you don't pick a type like Jill Stein as a standard-bearer going forward.
"A type like Jill Stein" is vague. Could you be more specific?
I guess I'd have to circle back to my original post about being normal people
I have a friend who has run for office as a Green and this doesn't describe her, but you are welcome to hold your stereotype.
Your perceptions.
Great interview and article. Our proxy war to destabilize Putin, pointlessly killing as many Ukrainians as possible along the way, may not lead to World War 3, but giving Jesse Ventura the Rachel Maddow slot on MSNBC certainly would.
"Our proxy war"
That's like saying the Iraq war was "Bin Laden's proxy war".
Besides which, what do you think awaits the Ukrainian populace if they surrender? Peaceful coexistence with Russia in which their human rights are respected? You think they're fighting at the behest of the U.S.? Give me a break.
Your analogy is not applicable at all.
I do not know why the Russians or the Ukrainians are doing what they are doing to mindlessly slighter their own people. Massive numbers of children dead from bullets, bombs, displacement, orphaning, stunting, starvation and from easily curable diseases.
But I do know why our CIA and Pentagon want this debacle. They want a proxy war to destabilize Putin. And they hope Ukraine becomes a failed state and endless quagmire with hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. Because that is the surest way to hurt a nuclear superpower.
They want a "failed state and endless quagmire" because that debacle = more big bucks for U.S. defense contractors.
they do NOT want a failed state. They use Ukraine like a fucking seedy playground washing billions of dollars thru it and setting up bio labs all in putins backyard
"Your analogy is not applicable at all."
...okay, why not? You're just gonna drop that take and move on without supporting it in any way?
“Iraq was Bin Ladin’s proxy war” is an idiotic analogy that does not match the Ukraine situation at all. We are fighting a proxy war in a third country instead of directly between two super powers. Bin Ladin was a non-state terrorist who was holed up in Afghanistan while we invaded Iraq to get Sadam. You explain why that aid applicable.
To the Biden regime, it's clearly a US proxy war. Thus the $50B.
So the scenario where the U.S. provides Ukraine with weapons because Russia invaded them doesn't enter into your calculations?
They're mostly fighting on the U.S. taxpayer (debt) dime.
Oh, they care about it alright. There are about 350 billion reasons why; because that's collectively what hits their pocket books each year. That is $350B that doesn't go toward health care, infrastructure improvements, government services, etc each year. I think most folks are just so manipulated by MSM propaganda that they fail to make the link. Doesn't mean the link doesn't exist. Only children should believe that covering your eyes makes the boogey man go away.
Personally, I'd prefer the bomb to be diffused by the populous demanding the debt be paid down (at least down to a debt/gdp level comparable to that of China or Russia). I can dream, can't I?
Lol Bin Laden baited us into an overreaction. Said so himself.
So you’re not wrong there.
You’re breathtakingly retarded.
yup, looking back on it , it really WAS about oil. Saddam threatened our oil.
Blow up the Twin Towers and watch us act the fool. Worked a treat. That was his thing.
Nah, they were tricked into it.
Not sure what’s worse.
The West wanted a flunky to help goad Russia. It’s really too bad, honestly.