After nearly two years of this how can you not be unreservedly convinced there's something truly sinister going on with this Covid hysteria?

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What’s the point of this new, presumably expensive 50% effective drug when cheap easily available Ivermectin has been proven, over and over, to be 80-90% effective in reducing Covid complications and death? Hell, they gave it out to just about everybody in India and it worked like a charm.

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Because Trump. He’s a bloviating, crass man, but right about all of our rot. They hate him because he doesn’t play their pseudo-sophisticated games; he may be a narcissist too, but they are sociopaths or groveling climbers more than willing to play this sociopathic game. The social culture in this nation is deteriorating by the day.

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you're right about Trump...but things he is not is 1) a communist 2) a racist 3) part of the new world order...i'll take that over this shit-show any day.

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I don't think you know what a communist is. I suggest you look it up in a dictionary. We don't even have anyone actually left wing in this country, let alone a communist or a socialist. Check out politicalcompass.com and find out what constitutes left wing right wing authoritarian or libertarian. All American politicians cluster up in the authoritarian right wing, both parties.

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I am quite well versed on what a communist is...clearly you aren't. I have spent a lot of time in China, Russia, Cuba, and Eastern block European countries. I also studied it at Northwestern and Harvard. Had a trip planned to go to Pyongyang in 2020 but couldn't go because of covid. I have studied communism for 30 years...but thanks for the trite website to clarify what communism is. Please share with me your expansive knowledge so I can better understand.

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Only an American right-winger would pass off a covid-canceled trip to Pyongyang and a "lot of time [spent] in China, Russia, Cuba, and Eastern block ("bloc"---30 years of study and none of your fellow scholars ever had the courtesy to whisper in your ear "lose the K"?) European countries" as bona fides for Red Spotting Expertise.

It's estimated that there are no more than a few thousand self-identifying "marxists" currently residing in the U.S. The vast majority of them, I'm sure, wherever they are, safely adhering to the sumptuary laws of middle America---Dockers, pleated khakis, blue 60/40 cotton-polyester blend, button-down oxfords, tastefully---if not absentmindedly---frayed about the collar, and by all accounts up to less mischief and alarming fewer people than the average insurance claims adjuster.

Unquestionably there are impressive numbers of teenagers self-identifying as "communists" in all 50 states, but that probably is an inevitable reaction to mom and dad's notoriously repressive, hard-right, authoritarian regime in place at home.

One need not consult Ms. Hagge's "trite website" to understand that, for example, the "leftiest" of the "left" of any democratic party member in the U.S., or any American politician who considers himself or herself a viable candidate for political office, would be categorized in any other civilized western nation as a slightly eccentric middle-of-the-road burgher given to sartorially mixing birkenstocks and seersucker suits, referencing Isaiah Berlin and quoting Philip Larkin ad nauseam, and probably a dabbler in eastern orthodox christianity on the weekends--a sort of "kooky" yet undeniably kind-hearted citizen perpetually engaged in heading up quixotic schemes to save and restore the cobblestone streets in the "old city."

One might as well be on the hunt for a flock of passenger pigeons in the U.S. than a cadre of "communists."

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This might be the ONE time I will stand and applaud a man throwing down the Harvard card. Bravo. Someone who was actually educated there. 😂

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Mine and my husband’s families fled the Soviet Union.It’s a very clever con, promising inclusion, freedom from persecution and equal rights, fighting the oppressors. And those who buy in, having suffered real persecution and oppression, are the first to suffer persecution and oppression far worse than they’d suffered prior.

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Oh, I bow to your obvious expertise. Tell us what a communist is, and how any American politician or public servant is one.

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Bidens banking watchdog pick sure has her Marxism 101 on display: https://jennyhatch.com/2021/10/07/toomey-doing-his-job/

Or perhaps someone who earned a soviet degree in the 80's on a Lenin scholarship who wrote her thesis on Marx was only comparing him to Adam Smith?

Your comment is ignorant and naive useless iodiot.

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LOL. Ignorant AND rude. There is NO one in Biden's group that is even left wing, let alone "communist." A communist "banking watchdog"--that's a good one. What would be the policies of a communist banking watchdog, I wonder? Again, you don't have the faintest idea what communism is. Why don't you tell us what you think it is, and how this woman personifies it?

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I love that website.

I'm just down in that bottom left corner, vibin'.

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The green square is the place to be.

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Ec 8.88 soc 9.08. Yep. I'm a leftist.

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Me too--as far left and libertarian as it is possible to get.

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"We don't even have anyone actually left wing in this country, let alone a communist or a socialist."


That's happened because Marx hijacked the normative part of Leftism in the mid-19th century and turned it into totalitarianism, with its adoption method of brute force, thus abandoning (all while giving lip service to) democracy, with its method of persuasion. Worked splendidly for warmongering -- governing, not so much. Totalitarianism, understandably, soured in the intervening century and a half. Now the "Marxist" and "communist" brands are ruined beyond repair.

But fear not, the powers that be are at it again in the West! The're trying out a new brand of totalitarianist righteousness, based on dividing the population by immutable characteristics, rather than using the unreliable shapeshifting protaletariat. "Surely we can hijack... um, rally... enough troops now!"

If people wanted totalitarianism, it would come roaring back -- whatever you wanted to call it. But people are not insect colonies.

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Okay, I'm not going to get sucked into this fantasy, but I will just say that anyone who has actually read Marx would never make such a statement. Yes, we are experiencing totalitarianism in this country right now, but no--it has nothing to do with Marxism. It is in fact corporatocracy, the complete melding of corporations and the state, which is fascism, not communism. Basic misunderstanding of terms.

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Maybe the problem is with the ideology

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Indeed, the proletariat are so unreliable they can't even spell their own name.

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No, we have pseudo-communists. Everything in America is fake! 😆

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Hagge's link is instructive: a website which presumes to measure thought! Welcome to dumbed down America, where the trivial masquerades as the serious. Because we cannot read books and assimilate facts, let alone detect nuance. And common humanity, decency - and heaven forbid a sense of humour - are way beyond us. Gotta have that "model"! Gotta have that "narrative"!

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We’ve been on the path to Communism for decades created by the globalist facade of a two-party system.

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You are a commie, no you are a Nazi. Let us use simplistic and improperly applied labels to demonstrate the paucity of our analysis. That's ok, they love it when you use these terms. it makes them safe from any real insight and thus action with real consequences. I think Marx's philosophy has many interesting and useful insights, but analyzing our present society using the Communist Manifesto is ludicrous.

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You should take it and post the results. Lol.

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That must be why it is used in so many college political science classes.

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You're right, he's not a communist, just like everyone else in our government. He does however, and has for the last 10 years or so, collected $2 million a year leasing office space in Trump Tower to The largest bank in The People's Republic of China, The Commercial and Industrial Bank of China, which, the last time I checked, was majority state owned, and regardless of what % it may now own, obviously controls what that bank does, they being both the only party and the official government of that country. Put bluntly, Trump gets paid by Communists, hardly a rarity among US businesses and businessmen, both Donald and his daughter being chump change among that lot, what with their other various products made over there being cheap consumer goods, compared to Ford, GM, Apple, Tesla etc.

Trump was right in much of his critique of US elites, but in his own small way, he behaved just as they did when it involved his own personal benefit.

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Exactly. Look at all the legislators in both parties who have smoothed the way for China to buy up huge corporations in the US.

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I just got back from seeing a great movie documentary about the income/class inequality in the PRC, called, "Ascendance". Highly recommended.

To your point, yes, and let's please remember that the same political class, of both parties, but more Repubs than Dems, that touted the opening up of the PRC to trade, ending in passing PNTR for the PRC, saying it would make relations between us closer, when all it was was way to make their corporate donors/owners even richer and faster, are now busily forgetting all that and saying that country is a threat to us, that threat being military, of course, all these draft dodgers/combat virgins understand, and not the economic rival they are, thanks to we both know who's help.

Naturally, our corporate owned media will never bring this embarrassing point up, as it might cost them access, both to insider info and delightful soirees on the Upper West Side, not to mention The Hamptons and Martha's Vineyard.

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He's in the power-position as landlord, taking their money. Sounds really weak and corrupt to me. Were you around during his presidency? The one thing for which he was universally praised was standing against China.

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Meaning he's exactly like everyone else; if it benefitted him, it was OK to do business with The People's Republic of China. Of course, it wasn't limited to that; both he and his daughter have outsourced production to the PRC, though on a small scale compared to our patriotic capitalist corporations.

You might also recall that he lifted sanctions he had put on a Chinese telecom company that had violated an embargo he had put on countries doing business with Iran or North Korea, as I recall, that Chinese company then on the brink of bankruptcy as a result of his earlier sanction against them, and lo and behold, his daughter was granted several more copyrights in the PRC, pure coincidence, I'm sure.

No doubt, had Bernie Sanders done business in any form with any Chinese entity, even one majority owned by a Communist government, you'd be the first to defend him.

As for Trump standing up to the PRC, I applaud him for that, at least as it relates to trade. For over 30 years, I've told people how foolish and short sighted it is to outsource production to places like the PRC, but these people, many of whom I know voted for Trump, would always say that American workers were lazy and wanted too much money, and they should learn to compete against other countries. Come today, and those same people, now the target of that kind of thinking, cry wolf, all a bit too late.

In other respects, Trump is late to the party about standing against the PRC. Warmonger Obama began the policy of confronting the PRC, first with his corporate wet dream, the TPP and then with a shifting of US military resources to counter the PRC, a policy Trump and now Biden have continued. The PRC, you see, are now the next target of the crumbling US Empire, and it is they who will serve as the bogeyman for the next round of useless weapons systems to feed the Military, Industrial, Congressional, Media Complex.

Nothing will fundamentally change until it all collapses.

P.S. I just saw a tremendous documentary, "Ascendance" which depicts the growing income and class divide in the PRC, with no narration, just the Chinese of different walks of life doing all the talking as they make things, or among the upper classes, how they spend their time.

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Trump could break the system by shifting gears and inviting every American of every stripe to join in the movement and depoliticize the partisan ball and chain

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In the land of the ego, a narcissist trumps a sociopath every time. (Yes, intentional.)

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You think so many people were pissed about Trump because it was a guy like that calling them out?

They didn't get a Gandhi type as their foe - must've been a real blow to their ego.


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Yes, I do. They are all climbing away from their peasant pasts, and he is there, on his golden toilet, to remind them of it. It makes them seethe.

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Trump should have stood on his bully pulpit surrounded by every whistleblower and exposed the whole goddamned thing when he had the chance. There was only so more they could threaten, persecute and sabotaged him before he could take them all down.

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The Indian province of Uttar Pradesh has completely rid itself of covid by treating its population of 240 million with ivermectin which costs around one dollar per treatment.

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Not just uttar pradesh, india generally. A few holdout states are following US procesure and are fetting plowed by covid. the indian version of the bar association is suing the indian woman who is head of, uh, who? for her demonstrably false statements on ivermectin and formally recommended criminal charges to the national government.

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Hope they throw the book at her, demonstrate how an actual concerned government deals with bad actors.

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Did you really work for the Agency because I have one up on you…

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No, but I still work for the Army in a way, shape or form.

I do have friends who do agency type work.

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I lived there for 3 years and this smells of truthfulness.

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Based on past performance, better chance of being right than the Establishment news. C'mon, you know it's true.

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It might be exaggerated, but I've seen the same claim in multiple sources. The Indian bar association suing made the news - Yahoo, if memory serves.

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But if Americans do not take the Merck drug, how will all those cute drug reps pay off their student loans?

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You raise an important issue. Cute drug reps are a national asset.

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Merck created and manufactures ivermectin.

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Also, if they were to use an old drug, they would lose their emergency use status for rushing through their new drug, which costs a bundle. Get it? Drug companies do this more times than not--a drug is off patent, so they screw around with it a little, call it new, get a new patent and charge $1000 a pill for it. Seriously, they do this 80% of the time, and usually the new drug is no better than the old one. Read any book about the pharma industry.

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This actually is a new antiviral, developed not by Merck but by a small biolab that was ignored for months while Pfizer, Moderna, et al. swallowed billions of "taxpayer" money insisting it was get vaccinated or die with the help of the feds and the media. Now it's finally registering there are actually people who won't be terrified into doing something they prefer not to do, the antiviral is announced then immediately condemned because its price was inflated by 4000% as the feds write the check to buy up a slew of it for $714 for a five-day treatment regimen. Oh, and Pfizer is now releasing information about the effectiveness of natural immunity, which you may recall it was not long ago insisting wasn't sufficient and would require at least two shots of a vaccine that will (surprise!) likely need a booster every 6-8 months because it's really just a preventative not an actual vaccine. 🙄

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My cardiologist told me about drug tweaking in order to maintain patent and retain high profits.

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I used herbal healing when Covid came knocking on our door. When the pandemic first revved up I dreamed about this cure. It worked beautifully along with prayer and priesthood blessings.


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Ivermectin is off patent and manufactured by generic drug manufacturers around the world.

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And the drug has been utterly disparaged. Time for a new drug, Ivermectin, reformulated with a new name.

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bingo - monospirvir

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Im sure the new drug contains the same stuff as ivermectin

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Not really, no. Ivermectin is almost 3 times the molecular weight of Molnupiravir; it's actually a fairly large molecule. They don't look anything alike either, molnupiravir looks like it is probably derived from modifying a sugar like glucose.

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No, we read books.

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i was going to "like" but the button disappeared? so "like"

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The student loans will just have to get prioritized over shoes. Or maybe not...

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OMG! Thought criminals on isle 3! There’s never a Thought Police officer around when you need one.

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Except ivermectin doesn’t cure or prevent Covid so what you're saying makes no sense. UP beat Covid with an extensive vaccination and track and test program. Same thing the WHO recommends. And fwiw Merck manufacturers ivermectin. I guess they’re conspiring against themselves.

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Ivermectin is off patent and manufactured by generic drug manufacturers around the world. Merck no longer makes money off of it, in my understanding.

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They still do make money from it, but since anyone can make it now, that money is declining. If they promoted it, they would lose their emergency use status for their new, more expensive drug that they are bringing out much too fast.

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120 drug trials say you're wrong. You haven't read the actual science--you've just believed a media shill, a media that depends on pharma for 80% of its funding. Check PubMed for yourself and look at meta-analyses.

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This is an outright lie. Uttar Pradesh has a vaxx rate less than 8%

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That article is a couple weeks old and says there are 18M people fully vaccinated (~10%). The 100M is the total doses, which matches roughly the other trackers I can find. So comparatively less vaccinated than America, no matter how you cut it.

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Some of the people distributing Ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh work for the WHO. Similarly, on the FDA's own official Youtube channel they host the video from this past September's vaccine and booster review where they discuss Ivermectin's success in India:


^ the part I am referring to is somewhere about 4 hours and 5 to 20 minutes in, you can just adjust the scroll a little before there and skip to it if you would like to check. These are the FDA's own approved panel of experts reviewing the vaccine results this year sometime around September 12th-14th.

But the point of fact is: behind closed doors and out of the media eye, a number of the big experts both at the FDA and WHO think there is definitely something positive to Ivermectin in regards to combating Covid, to the point where the WHO themselves is delivering it to some places with low vaccination rates like Uttar Pradesh. Similarly just a month or so ago the two leading biologics (includes vaccines) heads at the FDA resigned because they thought the vaccines are being pushed by the CDC, the media, and Biden administration harder than the existing data warranted at this time and didn't want their multi-decade reputations associated with what could be the fallout. Apparently the former heads of vaccines at the FDA are "anti-vaxers" if the standard rubric is to be believed. These *ARE* the experts we are supposed to listen to, don't *YOU* believe the science?

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I read that article. Something isn't translating right.

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If you are going to opine on ivermectin you owe it to yourself to learn something about it. A couple of good videos for you to get up the curve:

Dr. Kory: https://tinyurl.com/3ttbknet

Dr. Campbell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKa3EZqofNo&t=1189s

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You're repeating Big Pharma propaganda. Here's a major review study that finds the opposite,credit John Hohn up above, listed on the NIH: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34469921/

As I said up there, we're all being gaslit by the industry and, to their eternal shame, the Democrats.

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Do you honestly believe that the commenters here are so stupid that they cannot see through your psychologically dishonest, manipulative bs? Lol, you’re giving all of us a pretty good laugh with your insipidity and inanity. Keep going! At least it’s somewhat tepidly amusing on the amuso-meter.

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I would bet there is ivermectin's twin in this pill; the Finns just began distributing their version and it DOES have ivermectin. The Finns, who don't make a profit from medicines, are allowing the pills because they do see a significant drop in hospitalizations and serious illnesses when taken at the onset. People smell "conspiracy" or "collusion" because nothing has been transparent since the emergence of this variant of covid -- not its origins, not statistics regarding deaths (no deaths from the other flus that kill thousands each year?), not the efficacy nor serious side effects of the vaccine. Why keep the public in a panic when a pill could calm things down significantly? All part of the covid mystery.

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The Finn patent was months ago:


Daily new cases suggest (to me) that a placebo may be just as effective.


I make no judgement about Ivermectin other than it is so shrouded in claims and counter-claims and accusations of fraud on both sides of the question, that it is impossible to really know.

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The patent, but issuance of the drug in the US -- has it begun, or is it pending? Ican only say this: I'll take the pill if it is available and if I get the illness despite my vaccine, which is possible as I have zero antibodies 4 months after vaccination.

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The point is profit. The Pfizermectin covid pill which will be comprised of ivermectin and zinc will cost $87 per pill and 35 pills will be required for early treatment of covid.

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They're undoubtedly gonna sprinkle it with gold flakes too.

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Yeah, but only if it's a horse.

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Yeah, but that's from July. Where's something new to back it up? It smells of "confirmation bias" to me since the NIH has plenty of studies saying Ivermectin doesn't work.

This article describes my position best.


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I agree. The reason why ivermectin is being handed out in a pricy new pill, when Big Pharma had to have know how effective the drug was all by its own inexpensive self, is that they were working on their pill with that as its active ingredient, another get-rich quick scheme.

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The vax is free and close to 100% effective so they opt for a pill that costs over $700 and is less than 50% effective. People are not dying of the virus,. They are dying of stupidity. Is that a bad thing?

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WHAT? Effective for what? It doesn't keep you from spreading it or keep you from getting it for more than a couple of months--seriously, some countries are reporting people getting breakthrough infections eight weeks after the second shot. The more countries vax, the more their cases rise--this is true all over the world. The higher the vax rate, the higher the deaths from breakthrough infections. Have you looked at ANY data? Also, how is it free? It comes out of your tax dollars, and then pads the pockets of the big pharma investors.

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My brother-in-law's aunt was fully vaccinated. She felt safe. Then she died of Covid. They blamed her baby granddaughter for giving it to her and the baby's parents because the baby was the only one not vaccinated. The baby never got sick. But, people want to hold on to their beliefs. They wanted to believe in the vaccine even as the vaccine failed them all.

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That is horrible. If my relatives blamed me in such a way I'd never speak to them again.

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That's the point, it's psychological warfare to destroy all the way down to even individual foundations so that they can "build back better."

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"The higher the vax rate, the higher the deaths from breakthrough infections." That's a tautological argument. It has to be true no matter what - whether vaccines are effective or not.

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Yep, people are no longer dying of the virus but from the Stupids

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Geeez, as I finish up my 8th decade, I don't know. Maybe it is double vaxed with Moderna plus always wearing a mask.

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Thank you.

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Your point being apparently that we don't base our decisions on data or observable facts. Of course facts can be manipulated; of course sometimes something that seems factual later changes, so our notions change, but all we can do is base our actions on what we observe now. If you don't do that I don't know what to tell you. Do you just tell yourself a story?

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No, we shouldn't base major life decisions "on what we observe now". We should base them on conclusions drawn by studying a wide range of information from reliable, verified, qualified sources. Which the media, corporate and social, are not, and never have been.

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What can we really observe ourselves? Mostly, we hear stories from others, and make decisions on whom to trust. Sometimes, those stories involve contradictions, which are useful indicators that people are telling lies.

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The vaccine isn't free.

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"The vax is free"

As in free lunch? There's no such thing. That's something I'm going to start saying.

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It is no way close to "100 percent effective."

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You must be writing from beyond the grave.

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Stop it. The vax is nowhere near "100% effective." It appears that it may not even be effective at all.

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I agree. It is just driving variants at this point, as a number of virologists warned before it even came out.

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Didn't require a rocket surgeon to figure out that the vaccine, if effective at the rates they stated, would exercise a powerful selection for virus variants that were not affected as much by the vaccine.

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Whether you're a king or a street sweeper sooner or later you dance with the Reaper!

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So True, but not all reapers need be grim.

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The vaccine isn't free, which is another lie the media keep feeding people they lap up without taking time to question how Pfizer et al. drove their revenue up by double-digit billions these last two years. The vaccine is being paid for by the federal government, and they are paying whatever the manufacturers choose to put on the price-tag. Indeed, the fact that the vaccines are "free from the government" is likely a major reason why so many are adamant they won't have it.

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"'free from the government' is likely a major reason why so many are adamant they won't have it." If you are correct, then the plan to have the virus eradicate the stupid is working.

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Yeah, well, that kind of smug, elitist regurgitation of the establishment narrative regarding anyone who won't immediately bow to the authority and greater wisdom of their betters is another good reason why the "deplorables" distrust those demanding they get the vaccine or else.

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Just keep telling yourself that right up until they put you on ventilator

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Suggest reading the scientific literature rather than the marketing literature.

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Tucker Carlson is precious, not his life.

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Because the new drug can drag in hella huge profits for Merck and all the other little peons who kiss the butt of the rich folks hoping to "get" somewhere. A story from The Intercept said, "A FIVE-DAY COURSE of molnupiravir, the new medicine being hailed as a “huge advance” in the treatment of Covid-19, costs $17.74 to produce, according to a report issued last week by drug pricing experts at the Harvard School of Public Health and King’s College Hospital in London. Merck is charging the U.S. government $712 for the same amount of medicine, or 40 times the price."

Ivermectin? It's around six cents a pill. Also, this "vaccine" was issued under EUA. The biggest rule there is that there can NOT be another drug that would work as effective treatment. So it won't matter how safe or effective, how many lives are saved with it, government is not going to let it go. Look up Dr. Paul Marik. The man is a medical genius. He has a four page CV in all the things. He's a prof. In a teaching college in Virginia that shares the property of the hospital where he was working as the Chief of the Critical Care Unit and he's insanely high on the list of tip doctors in the WORLD. NEVER HAD A LAWSUIT, NEVER A COMPLAINT in his DECADES of practice. He just sued his hospital for forbidding the use of Ivermectin to save the patient who is basically left to die.

The kicker? The very weekend he was forbidden to use it, 4 of his patients died. If there is not some sort of large scale protest that gets attention from the asshats pulling all the strings, to remind the government WHO put it where it is and get the power back to PEOPLE,b our kids are definitely screwed.

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Excellent comment.

I am in the process of reading Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci". This is really required reading. If you think that sociopaths have been running the show for a while, you would be quite correct. Fauci and Gates have killed a lot of people. Intentionally.

I highly recommend the read. Three dollars on Amazon via Kindle. Just getting through the first chapter is enough to make the case.

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Even though Matt has written about the politicization of ivermectin, he said something on the Useful Idiots podcast to the effect that he had not much regard for it. This makes me think that he hasn't really studied it, which makes me sad because his statement influences others in their attitudes. This excellent video discusses how Uttar Pradesh crushed Covid. https://youtu.be/eO9cjy3Rydc

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Fun facts:

Merck's patent for IVERMECTIN expired 1996.

"Ivermectin has been used in humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered. Merck, the original patent holder, donated 3.7 billion doses to developing countries. In 2015 the two individuals who developed Ivermectin were awarded a Nobel Prize for medicine. While known primarily as an anti-parasitic, Ivermectin has powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Its safety is documented at doses twenty times the normal. Only 19 deaths are known...In January this year (2021), the several months long, Ivermectin research, meta-analysis of Randomized Control Trials (RCT), commissioned by WHO was released. The paper showed that Ivermectin reduces death by 74% and is 85% effective as prophylaxis."


Instead, it was vilified as "horse paste" by MSM, banned as a treatment for covid and doctors severely punished for prescribing it. Odd.

Don't mention Ivermectin; it'll upset the vaccine rollout - BizNews.com


As we know, world class doctors such as Peter McCullough have been pleading with health and govt authorities to authorize Ivermectin and other well established treatments that when properly administered would have saved countless lives, egs., hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide, quercetin, azithromycin, dexamethasone, fluvoxamine, monoclonal antibodies, zinc, Vitamin D&C:

Lack of Covid-19 Treatments: Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee.


A thinking person might wonder whether there is an ulterior motive given that the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for the mRNA vaccines could only be granted under FDA rules if there were NO EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS. And coincidentally the global health authorities IN CONCERT imposed harsh penalties upon any doctor prescribing ANY of these treatments for covid - some having been used effectively for decades - and the global media censored and ridiculed these treatments and slandered any doctors mentioning them. Odd.

Magically Merck has conjured up a "miracle pill" that seems to do exactly what IVERMECTIN does and has the other magical quality of materializing Scrooge bins full of cash. Odd.

Hope someone does an analysis/comparison of this "I can't believe it's not Ivermectin" miracle pill with Ivermectin.

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" meta-analysis of Randomized Control Trials (RCT), commissioned by WHO was released. "

Link for that? Please? That would be a game changer.

So why is WHO still opposed to it? Or has that been censored, too?

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If you follow the links in the BizNews article it seems there is a problem with the study cited. Apparently they are awaiting an "update" on the meta study.


But the following links should answer your questions regarding safety and efficacy of Ivermectin in treating covid-19:

The Story of Ivermectin


Epidemiologic analyses on Ivermectin in COVID-19 - FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance


Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 121 studies


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This one: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04529525 ? In Argentina, n=500. No reference to the WHO. Good sized study, though, sponsored by a governmental body (I think it is).

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Dr. Campbell's take on the two drugs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKa3EZqofNo&t=1189s

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Right again! Not only are you The Strongest, you are also The Smartest.

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"...expensive". Merck's patent on Ivermectin expired 1996.

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Understand that if Ivermectin works, it seems to need to be used earlier in illness than later (https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx), see the conclusion. Here's a discussion that answers your question: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02783-1

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yes, absolutely. That is why Florida set up drive through sites for those who test positive and they can have the antiviral therapeutics delivered, but I guess it is with injections still. The pills would be faster. I'm not sure if Florida's drug therapy includes ivermectin, but it has been tremenously successful in bringing down hospitalizations -- lower every day.

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Merck's drug being oral is faster and easier! So, the anti-vaxxers may be safer now, still stupid but safer.

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Thank you for sending this very well informed information.

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You're welcome!

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And they gave it out in far more areas than just India and the same thing happened. When I posted the news of it on Facebook (I'm not a business so it was a personal page) they blocked the picture and said it was false, but the "fact check" moron just put his opinion full of likely and may be in n it's place

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That’s the exact point. If people are able to use cheap, effective repurposed drugs, the “ pandemic” and the hysteria would be long over and the ruling class would be powerless. And reap the blame and punishment so long overdue

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LOL! It's always a fucking conspiracy thing with you people! There was zero proof that any of those drugs provided any benefit. That evidence is built up from trials in which data is kept, not anecdotal stories, such as the call in this paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883944120303907.

I read the original papers the posited that chloroquine provided a benefit and there wasn't much backup, which indicated that more studies were needed, as mentioned in the article that I linked to.

That said, vaccines are a known issue and they work for most people because they do precisely what pathogens do, they get the immune system to build up a defense, but without the illness. However, some people have immune systems that do not respond, but that will happen when they get infected too.

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The point is to up the count of “ Covid infections and Covid deaths”. Most which are false positives, in no way Covid related, instead, influenza, elderly people with every imaginable comorbidity, vaccine induced hospitalizations and waiting until their lungs are so inflamed, they are intimated, which is exactly what should never happen. The intubation is antithetical to treating lung inflammation when the lungs are twice their size and weight, hardened by density. It’s tantamount to shoving a pylon between a pair of overfilled water balloons encased in a too small box. This goes way beyond medical malpractice. It is psychpathic, purposeful sadism

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You are so far gone it isn't funny. There was zero "point" to "up the count".

Dr. Griffen, a doctor in NYC, is on This Week in Virology (microbe.tv/twiv) and discussed ventilator use and how bad it was a while back. He said that ventilators proved a problem and that there were far better results by keeping people off of them for as long as possible. There wasn't malpractice, there was a learning curve that led doctors to make that conclusion.

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YES - on Big Pharma and insurance industry -- authentic American Mafia.

H. pylori is a PERFECT example. A friend's wife was taking stomach acid pills for years. When he suggested a test for H. pylori bacteria her doctor was outraged. But -- she tested positive and -- has been cured -- a doctor and insurance industry "lost" a profitable patient...

Big Pharma, BTW, for years attacked Australian doctor as a charlatan and a swindler - until their patents expired and than promptly introduced "superior" antibiotic mix...

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Yup. Let's face it, the media, govt and pharmas don't want this little show to go away. Certain industries currently receiving subsidies (or just plain graft), as well as titans like Amazon and Walmart are also loathe to walk away from the biggest boost to their bottom lines since who knows when. Of course, our whole society can permanently go down the shitter with long term unemployment and mammoth deficit spending, and there won't be any way out that aren't worse (war, fragmentation, even fewer human rights).

If any alien ships come here with a half decent offer to leave, I'm taking it.

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"Whistleblower" Frances Haugen is a vital media and political asset because she advances their quest for greater control over online political discourse.

Democrats and Media Do Not Want to Weaken Facebook, Just Commandeer its Power to Censor - by Glenn Greenwald - Glenn Greenwald (substack.com)

(NOTE: She is being "guided" by a long-term Obama operative)

A shady Facebook 'whistleblower' wants more censorship -- Grayzone


DNC and Deep State are playing us like a violin.... They like and NEED the incompetent clown Trump to stay on stage -- the only way they will stay in power.

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PS: The Obama's long time operative, who "guides" the Facebook operative is - Bill Burton.

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Check out Jon Rappaport's interview with Christine Massey, yes something truly sinister is going on.

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Do you have a link? A quick search doesn't show anything.

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I'm just a concerned citizen.

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I seriously want t see the interview but can't find it so if you have a link, I'd appreciate it.

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If you go to Jon Rappaport's web site, I think the interview was on Oct.7.I tried to copy the link, but I was unable to. Interview with Christine Massey.

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"After nearly two years of this how can you not be unreservedly convinced there's something truly sinister going on with this Covid hysteria?"

Exactly. COVID vaccine mandates for 100% compliance aren't public health or medical solutions. That's only the lever by which they are sold to us. They are clearly population control solutions. The full meaning of these may take time for us to learn.

The primary general purpose of the mandates is to normalize high-volume bodily-invasive access by the government. Maybe the current specific purposes are some currently unpublished effects of the mRNA solution, or maybe they are going to be something else in the future. Use your imagination -- the spooks and other monsters who run our world sure do -- and they put their ideas into practice. Of course, there are the more obvious additional benefits for pharmaceutical rentiers.

Normalization worked wonders for surveillance. Are we still complaining that everything transmitted electronically is being stored and has been for at least a decade and a half? You at least remember that one, don't you? It also worked wonders for land enclosure laws. Do we ever complain that we (in the West) are born paying rent on the ground we were dropped on, rather than our being granted a reasonable entitlement as our natural inheritance? That started hundreds of years ago. You don't give that one a thought, do you? It was already normalized when the US founders wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. *That's* why it is missing, even though it is foundational to living in freedom.

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You gotta be kidding. The vaccines are the way for most people to avoid the risk of severe Covid-19 and death from Covid-19, nothing more, nothing sinister. You have to educate yourself because your post is utter nonsense or is that it's purpose?

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Nope. I certainly have educated myself. I'm not even arguing about the efficacy of the current vaccines. In case you haven't noticed, that is not my point.

The demonization of all non-vaccine preventative treatments, the widespread censorship of publications and comments (even by doctors and scientists!) questioning COVID management protocols, the numerous disingeuous (and even admitted) goalpost movements, the media canonization of a political creature who failed to attack AIDS in the 1980s, the money involved, and many other anomalies, point to ONE thing above all others: The gov/media/medical authorities CANNOT be trusted. Certainly, about ANYTHING related to COVID.

Despite the mantra "trust the science" and warning us of the imminent "death of democracy", the behaviors listed above are antithetical to BOTH science AND democracy. No, the rebellion didn't emerge after the election of Donald Trump, and it wasn't prompted by several thousand Russian Facebook ads.

There really *is* a limit to how long unending sophistry will fly -- and we're fast approaching it.

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"The demonization of all non-vaccine preventative treatments, the widespread censorship of publications..."

That's just false. If you read the actual research and listened to people involved in it you'd see that there is no demonization nor censorship, just a discussion of safety and efficacy and perhaps a discussion of the politization of science.

If there are problems, among the top ones are a) the GOP and its anti-science, anti-intellectual, anti-expert, etc position that has politicized the entire discussion and (b) the ignorance of the media about virology, immunology, epidemiology, etc that creates confusion from their inaccuracy and the false claim that there are "two sides" to the discussion.

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"[T]here is no demonization nor censorship"

Bullshit. The best you can say is that politically-correct "experts" sometimes paraphrased, and commented on (what I imagine you mean by "discussion"), the opponents' POVs -- WITHOUT letting them speak for themselves, and more importantly, following through with truly *interactive* discussions. You know, the way they do in science, and in democracies worthy of the name.

This COVID project was -- and continues to be -- gaslighting of the highest degree.

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Here's a TWiV episode that discusses ivermectin: https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-778/

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OK, you show me an example. I see none. I see discussions of the claims made by people versus what the official claims are, what the studies actually show and what the experience of medical professionals are.

There is no "covid project", there is Covid-19. The gaslighting is from you conspiracy theorists, including politicians with axes to grind.

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After reading through the comments in this thread, I can only lament how the level of discourse on Matt’s Substack has fallen through the basement floor.

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Yeah, looks like a handful of people got involved in a boring foodfight. It's generally best to just read the top-level comments. You can close the replies by clicking on the leftmost vertical bar on the left. Also, try sorting by "newest first." Any early comment that has a hint of "yay team" to it will get a ton of upvotes, so the "top comments" are sometimes pretty awful. Not always, though.

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I see the Twitterati made it in.

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That's the word I've been using, too. Sinister.

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By not getting hysterical about Covid hysteria. Americans do his shit to themselves and then blame sinister forces, a implicit dodge of responsibility.

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Google “ The Great Reset” and “ Event 201”

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OK, and?

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You're preaching to the converted. It's over already.

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Why aren’t our “elected officials” ignoring this? Particularly the non-Establishment Republicans?

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ouThank or absolutely worthless “ elected officials”.

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I think explains it all... https://www.bitchute.com/video/MAyqmIA2UT28/

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Thanks for that link...I think this German journalist is also of the same view: https://bluecat.media/ernst-wolff-the-digital-financial-complex-conspiracy-german-with-english-subs/

(I would love to see him proven wrong though) 😉

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Nothing any more sinister than the GOP's politization of everything that started with Nixon over blacks and college kids, the bulk of the antiwar protesters, in his "war on drugs" and his Southern Strategy; This political theater is simply a continuation of the GOP's anti-intellectualism, anti-expert program to rile up their ill-informed, poorly educated base in their us versus them worldview in which they are being victimized by liberals, they are, but it is their libertarian comrades. Conservatism is a problem that we've refused to call out.

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Hmm. I see what you mean. Conservatives aren't really people; you know, in the sense of being allowed to choose a fitting lifestyle, and voting on it. Whatever their reasons. Maybe you have a modest proposal to do something about them?

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Conservatives are antidemocratic, period. They are anti-intellectual, anti-education, anti-expert, etc. That is as modest is it gets.

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Yes, yes ... I heard you the first time around.

The question is: What are you going to DO about this? I know there's an answer in there, hiding under your cap...

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Promote education, post links to valid sources of information, confront lies, ignorance and stupidity. There's no excuse for what is happening in the US now, except for willful stupidity, divisiveness and conflict.

Scientists have arguments all the time, but they're fact based, about the evidence. Common people need to move in that direction if we are to solve problems, or maybe that's the objective of the GOP, cause enough confusion with the poorly educated that their donors aren't affected. That would be the conspiracy here, make government incompetent and incapable enough to allow the wealthy to do what they want.

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The establishment has already been "[p]romot[ing] education, post links to valid sources of information, confront lies, ignorance and stupidity" -- by my count, for more than a half century. This occurred through (currently salient again) case of racial discrimination remediation. I know, because I've lived through it.

What is now painfully obvious is that EITHER the method (promoting, and now ratcheting up, liberal racial education policy) is failing, OR the explanation (America in 2021 is still horrifically racist) is false, OR BOTH. However, the establishment will give up neither.

So ... how do you believe thinking Americans familiar with its history are going to take the establishment's so-called "[p]romot[ing] education, post links to valid sources of information, confront lies, ignorance and stupidity" with regard to COVID? BTW, already going on now for a year and a half, by the way, with little to show for it? What gives??

Maybe in the process you could you explain to me how this alleged "willful stupidity, divisiveness and conflict" come into being in the first place? Because if the actual intent is to change minds, the method has been demonstrated irrational. Something ELSE is preventing the change you seek. What is it?

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Ok, Gen Y.

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Russia-gate is far more sinister than WMD...

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What do you mean by "Russia-gate"?

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Oh I see - you have just landed from Mars... -- heard about 5-year and ongoing DNC+CIA scam of the century?

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LOL! What do you mean by "Russia-gate"?

- Trump did actively seek Russian help in his campaign

- Trump did lie about his Russian ties

- Trump did lie about his Russian "deals"

- Trump did obstruct the investigation

So, what in your mind is "Russia-gate"?

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Oh boy - and St. Miller didn't hear you and couldn't find anything. And -- only one person indicted - a lawyer for Hillary.

You need to see a doctor -- to pull your head out of your ass...

One still little recognized fact is just how much has CIA/DNC thoroughly corrupted previously "independent" media, e.g., TYT (Cenk+Ana), Democracy-Now!, Mother Jones, many other (TYT owners are now millionaires, e.g.) -- note their total silence or badmouthing of the publisher of the century and leading free-speech advocate, Assange. They are now loudspeakers for CIA/DNC propaganda -- corrupted by tens of million dollars from the infinite CIA budget.

The danger to CIA/DNC lies and fabrications is NOT only of fully unmasking the now 5-year long Russia-gate hoax. Another major and ultra-dangerous to foreign policy is unmasking of 17-year long war against secular and socialist Syria.

In this war against Syria CIA has closely collaborated with -- Al Qaeda ( !! ) -- including in the huge "White Helmets" scam. Note that ALL chemical attacks were staged by CIA/Al Qaeda as it is now fully demonstrated by OPCW whistleblowers. Note how TYT (Ana and Cenk) are now maximally activated (always without a single counterargument) against massive documentation on Syria-hoax by outstanding investigations by Grayzone.

The Russia-gate hoax and impeachment “entertainments” were concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, etc. and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military industry donors. That lying team is now back in full power -- even Kamala Harris (and her sister) is Hillary's protégé.

Remember, Clapper, Brennan & Hayden trio were among former Obama 50 intelligence officials stating that Hunter-laptop is classical “Russian disinformation”.

- They were also key promoters of the three-year Russia-gate hoax.

- They were also key intelligence executives in Obama/Biden/Hillary government – the government which hunted Snowden (forcing Bolivian plane with Bolivia’s president to land to search it) and armed Al Qaeda (including “white helmets” hoax) and staged all chemical attacks in Syria to remove its government.

When asked about Hunter's laptops Pelosi stated "All roads lead to Putin"; commenting on Capitol invasion Schumer said - "worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11"...

And -- Assange must be silenced -- all the players agree. Deranged Trump was too incompetent to realize how important was pardoning Assange now that the old lying team is back in full power again; instead he pardoned Black Water criminals who massacred Iraqis in Bagdad’s Nisour square.

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I think that DNC and Deep State are playing us like a violin. They like and NEED the incompetent clown Trump to stay on political stage -- the only possible way they can remain in power. Simply a continuation of the 5-year old Russia-gate hoax -- same lying team. And, of course, GOP and its Trump are equally abhorrent

"Whistleblower" Frances Haugen is a vital media and political asset because she advances their quest for greater control over online political discourse.

She is now “guided” by long-time Obama operative Bill Burton !!

Unlike Julian Assange, Daniel Hale or Ed Snowden, corporate media is suddenly in love with “whistleblowers”….

Democrats and Media Do Not Want to Weaken Facebook, Just Commandeer its Power to Censor - by Glenn Greenwald - Glenn Greenwald (substack.com)

A shady Facebook 'whistleblower' wants more censorship -- Grayzone


We will see more of such a slickly engineered brand creation as this Facebook "whistleblower." While ACTUAL whistleblowers linger in prison (Assange, Daniel Hale), exile (Edward Snowden) and bankruptcy… – suddenly corporate media “loves” DNC/CIA’s fake “whistleblowers”.

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"They like and NEED the incompetent clown Trump to stay on political stage"

Exactly. If the Right is to get serious about pursuing its goals, as well as the more fundamental effort to preserve/enforce the democratic republic, it had better get, fast, a new group of sufficiently competent AND courageous candidates.

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Of course, but NOT Liz Cheney, Tom Cotton, Ms. Lindsey Graham, Mark Rubio and similar utterly corrupt lunatics

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Oh yeah, I forgot to add, "AND moral"!

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I like the way you were right up front with the Trump bashing in this one. I hate when they slip it in the middle.

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The fact is, and this is THE fact, Covid-19 is a deadlier disease than the flu and the vaccine is THE way for most people to avoid the consequences of severe Covid-19 and death, that's it, nothing more. This new drug may be a solution to people who get a more severe case, nothing more. Grow up already.

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Oh, I'm sure the next Wuhan lab "surprise" disease will be deadlier, if they are unable to get a sufficient majority to submit. "See what happened?! Now when we tell you to jump, you need to jump -- or die!!" It's a long and tricky process corralling wild animals like freedom-conscious Americans.

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OK, more conspiracy theory. Watch This Week in Virology at microbe.tv/twiv to get a better understanding of the issues behind your unsupported allegation. You'll hear real researchers, scientists, medical professionals, etc, and be better off, or doesn't that matter to you?

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"You'll hear real researchers, scientists, medical professionals, etc, and be better off, or doesn't that matter to you?"

It does. You, too, can also hear "real researchers, scientists, medical professionals, etc," on alt sites proposing alternative explanations -- AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT BEING CENSORED by YouTube, Google, and others working for the establishment interests.

"Or", as you put it, "doesn't that matter to you?"

As I've mentioned elsewhere, NOTHING from the US government can be trusted any more, certainly not without a truly interactive grilling by skeptical reporters.

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@ Jeff Biss: IOW, your approach is purely partisan and you're guilty of politicizing the issue.

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The partisanship is purely due to the GOP, they politicized everything, starting at the Civil Rights Act.

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That's exactly what I mean by partisan. Keep in mind, that I'm a Green, a lefty. Actually, the Dems were worse when it comes to Covid.

For example: when the two potential treatment options came along (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin), Trump and the Republicans desperately needed good news, for political/electoral reasons, so they promoted those treatments. But the Democrats just as desperately needed Trump NOT to get good news; so when the good news of potential treatments came along, they attacked it - vitriolicly. Don't know if you've seen the video of Dr. Kory's testimony to the Senate committee, but the reaction from a couple of Dem Senators was shocking. There's a correct, human response in that situation: "This might be really good news, we look forward to results from a major study." No commitment, but an open mind. What they did, with most of the media chiming in, was try to suppress treatments thatmight have saved thousands of lives.

IOW, the Dems were willing let people die to make a political point. That's far worse than promoting them for political reasons - though Trump's role triggered everybody's TDS, a special form of stupidity that gives him control of the discourse.

This happened over and over. It's about the most morally bizarre public performance I've ever seen. The Democratic Party is morally defective - granted that the Republicans are, too. The latter just weren't as bad on this issue.

There are good reasons Taibbi - a "moderate!" - called for a new party; your reaction is agood example of the problem. Both politicized the issue, which is unforgivable; but the Dems did more damage.

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I don't agree that the Democrats are worse, as in dishonesty, moral and ethical corruption, obstructionism, etc, as a party than the GOP. IMO, they are marginally better on those types of points. However, your example of their desperation in Trump/GOP bad news shows that they just have no clue as to how to message and fight. In alignment with your testimonial example, I didn't watch it, they could have done their due diligence in reading the research papers about ivermectin like I did and would have been prepared in dealing with the lack of competency and lack of knowledge of the GOP and Trump. What the Democrats could have done was focus on funding further trials to verify claims, such as:









The Democrats allowed no one to die, the GOP did with their refusal to call their supporters to act in ways proven to reduce spread. The GOP is far, far worse in their moral defectiveness, there really is no comparison.

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Like I said, partisan. Personally, I think they're both evil. Democrats deliberately suppressed use of a promising treatment: that is letting people die to make a political point.

I don't know why Republicans are against the vaccines; they were Trump's project. Odd reversal there. But I don't really understand "conservatives", in general.

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Hanlon’s razor

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Meh. We're so far beyond that now. 2 weeks in? Sure. 2 months in? Definitely. Now? No way. Something really bad is unfolding and it's getting worse, not better as the data rolls in.

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What is your problem with Campbell?

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Useful idiot.

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Not even useful.

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You need to trade in this "imagination" for another. You've said cargo cult conspiratard in these comments at least a half dozen times before resorting to "useful retarded moron". Time to ask for a refund of your imagination.

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See my comment from moments ago. A petition needs to be got up here, with signatures gathered, to take a breather from all things covid---and start to massage a few other topics of the day.

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Yes, it is nuts. And I'd be willing to bet that my family and friends who gobble up this shit would not even have a clue as to what you are speaking about in this piece; they simply wouldn't get it! Most of them still believe in their heart of hearts that Trump was a puppet of the Russians, the virus almost certainly came from nature, Hunter Biden was the subject of a last minute bid to boost Trump's election chances, Ivermectin is only a horse paste, and I could go on. They are truly the useful idiots (and I include my own immediate family - there is no chance of convincing them otherwise). This country is marching down the path to a unique brand of totalitarianism.

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Yes. This is a very weird and ominous time. When I think "you people can't be this stupid and credulous that you believe everything that's being shoveled at you; how can you not at least suspect that you are being manipulated" I really do stop and think "hey now self, when someone has a different opinion that doesn't mean they're stupid or brainwashed, and anyway you're being manipulated yourself in ways you can't see so be careful calling people out" I really do try my best to use that filter, to be honest, to try to find my own biases and groupthink tendencies etc.

But still. Some of these people just blow me away. Otherwise smart, accomplished people who buy all of these lies and manipulation without even stopping to question. Even a little bit! Where is their skepticism? A colleague who is a high level exec posted a slobbering tongue bath of Champion for Justice Frances Haugen on LinkedInyesterday. I mean what the fuck? This woman came out of nowhere, is represented by Jen Psaki's former PR firm, was a nothingburger project manager at FB, instantly got Twitter and Google nitro boosts, is getting paraded around town as some kind of Stunning and Brave Hero, sliding into home giving Senate testimony and you people don't even stop to think "gee whiz I had never heard of her 96 hours ago but now I'm publicly jerking her off as the savior of our democracy? Maybe I'm being nudged toward and rewarded for doing that as part of someone's agenda? Maybe I should take a few minutes before firing the confetti cannon?" It's like they are little androids who just downloaded a new update and have no independent thinking ability at all!

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Like many have already said: the emperor has no clothes. Turns out our “elites”-and some of our workmates, friends and acquaintances-weren’t as insightful, liberal, patient or intelligent as we thought. But thanks to the wonderful world of SM these very human shortcomings are now on display for all the world to behold. See? They’re just like everyone else! Now, if they could just believe this uncomfortable fact-and it’s very messy implications, given the apparent moral(?) motivations behind their newly-exposed illiberalism-we may come out the other side of this coal stroll better for it.

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Vapid, stupid, pompous , insecure assholes who wrap themselves in the gaudy robes of moral superiority. These are the new(?) totalitarians.

You have to almost admire the hubris of this clan. To just abandon any attempt to make objective, rational sense end to just go all-in on the “we are just going to lie and shame and browbeat the Others until one of us stops breathing” all while laughably insisting that their brand of oppressive fascism is the One Real Truth…it’s nothing if not ambitious. I guess.

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Follow the money

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Some of my family are useful idiots too. they are highly educated but low information citizens.

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The highly educated are the most invested in the status quo and the least willing to forego reputational risk.

They will be useless in the fight to get our country back from the brink of the Great Reset/BuildBackBetter/One World Government. (They insist they're just figures of speech! Doh!)

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Two problems here with your language and your intended meaning. You write "forego," which means "before; to precede," when you mean "forgo"---"to abstain or refrain from; do without; give up; renounce."

But even with the correct usage, "forgo," the assertion that "the highly educated are the most invested in the status quo and the least willing to [forgo] reputational risk," means something I don't believe you want it to mean. Meaning that it means that the "highly educated" are unwilling to renounce the "risk" involved, and thus are more than willing to embrace the "risk" of incurring damage to their reputation you claim is inherent to the action of putting one's reputation on the line by bucking the "status quo."

In brief, you're crediting the "highly educated," whom you so casually disparage, with big-time, balls-on risk-taking by shouting out to the world, "I am highly educated and goddamn the risk to my reputation, it's time for a status quo beatdown!" That's highly intelligent.

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I am not denying that my meaning got muddied by a hasty self-edit not re-read.

A simple "don't you mean 'risk' or 'chance' instead of 'forego'?" would have done the trick. Although it's not altogether wrong if you look at the lesser ranked definitions.

Nonetheless, You appear to like to volunteer your time grading 'papers' (comments). There are firms that will pay you to do that; who doesn't like an appreciative audience.

You have also unwittingly helped to prove my point in that for those who consider themselves highly educated (you appear to), the primary mandate is always to put what they've learned on display (it's backwards reflecting), instead of inquiring and discerning, which is forward looking. The latter is what we will need to get this country out of this trap that has been laid for us.

PS. I am fine with whatever typos, grammar, and syntax errors appear in this comment. It's my comment, not my calling card.

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Understood. You're right, it was kind of a dick post.

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Correcting typos that cause confusion - as "forego" did - is worthwhile, I think. Should really be a question: "Did you really mean...?" Otherwise, gratuitous pedantry is not a good look. Speaking from experience.

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Agree 😢

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The Russo-hysteria is a distraction from the “ Great Reset”.isn’t it odd that they are frothing at the mouth about Russia, but shill for China, Iran, Qatar, the CIA,FBI,DOJ, China , Fauci and Pharma?

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"The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study that some scientists wish came with a “Don’t try this at home” label. The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19."

Even though this was published by Science magazine, uttering the results of this Israeli reserch had become an invitation to get banned online. Why are people scared of the truth?

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This is my single biggest problem with all the propaganda. That the CDC and public health doesn't recognize natural immunity; that tens of millions of people got COVID and fully recovered and have immunity and don't need a vaccine. Also, that they have misled the public as to the risks to children and young, healthy adults is wrong. I had COVID, was sick for 3 days, got better. I'm an educated professional and I'm not getting the vaccine because I still know, based on evidence, that natural immunity works. .... On another note, if Ivermectin and HQC weren't vilified last year and banned in most states, tens of thousands of people would be alive today because they'd have received early, cheap and EFFECTIVE treatment. That's the greatest scandal in all this.

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My biggest problem is Fauci. How can a guy who may well have funded research that killed millions advise two Presidents on what to do about it? He should busy testifying to the FBI, CIA, and Congress and trying to stay out of jail.

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Don’t forget his AIDS debacle. Incredible that the LBGT community slavishly worship this bureaucratic moron.

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I wonder that often...this clown did more harm to the gay community than any other...re-watch Dallas Buyers Club for an entertaining reference.

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A biting snippet from that 1988 Fauci article. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose:

“It doesn’t take a genius to set up a nationwide network of testing sites, commence a small number of moderately sized treatment efficacy tests on a population desperate to participate in them, import any and all interesting drugs (now numbering approximately 110) from around the world for inclusion in these tests at these sites, and swiftly get into circulation anything that remotely passes muster. Yet, after three years, you have established only a system of waste, chaos, and uselessness.“

What an unmitigated pharmawhore.

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Thank you for posting this. My admiration for Larry Kramer is exceeded only by my admiration for REAL history, not the revisionist flotsam that passes for history these days. If I had known then what I know now, I'd have warehouses of tangible paper copies of The NYTimes, WaPo, (back when they were reasonably honorable, objective and truthful) various magazines and of course, the Village Voice.

It's easy enough to edit (completely delete?) articles with a few keystrokes, permanently altering history. But when it's in black and white - literally - on paper, lying becomes notably more difficult.

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I don't think jail is the appropriate punishment for someone who illegally funded a Chinese bioweapons lab that unleashed a virus that has killed millions and otherwise wrecked the lives of billions, who then did everything in his power to prevent affordable and effective treatments for the disease caused by said virus from being available to people all around the world, all in order to amass profit and power from his interests via the agency he's controlled for 40 years in the patents for the vaccines that he's convinced governments around the world to force onto their populations, despite the fact that said vaccines have not only failed to arrest the spread of said virus, but have likely caused it to mutate and become more lethal and transmissible. No "jail" is not where he goes next.

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I suggest burning.

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Can I double like this?

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He should be rotting in a stinking, fume-filled jail is what should be happening to this smooth, oily career criminal.

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That would require believing the crazy conspiracy theory that the FBI, CIA, and Congress where not totally corrupt.

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I have ZERO confidence in a body of "experts" that doesn't recognize natural immunity for the first time in history...that tells us all we need to know about their motives.

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Thank ShitLibs for the resultant carnage and misery.

Misanthropes to their rotten cores.

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Odd remark from someone accusing others of being "misanthropes." I mean, I'll join a club of misanthropes rather than any club that would have a trash-talker like you as a member.

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Hmmm. Which is better, someone who trash-talks and tells the truth, or someone who's a polite liar?

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Liberals generally value words over actions. And they have to be the right words.

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Remarkably, when Trump revealed that he was taking HQL and zinc, and the anti-Trump folks immediately went nuts and declared it unapproved and even dangerous (despite decades of safe use). No one cared to notice that this prophylactic course was prescribed by arguably the world's most expert and highly qualified team of medical professionals: the personal medical team of the President of the United States.

Then ivermectin got the same treatment. And now molnupiravir. So Trump Derangement Syndrome and Big Pharma's profits-above-all ruthlessness condemned 300k to 400k Americans to death. Preventable, unnecessary death. And now with "Biden" -- which is to say his Dem handlers -- in charge, the carnage continues.

Interesting times.

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Massive lesson for all of humanity on a silver platter, and the boot lickers remain blind.

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Whoops! HCQ not HQL.

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It's now the role of the gov't , and their acolytes like NYT, CNN, CDC to rig the game in the corporations favor. If they don't, this country goes down the sewer. So look at the choices.

Live in the ignorance sponsored by the propaganda as we shut up watch Netflix and turn dumber each day. Or attempt to disarm or disable the system so it collapses into chaos and disorder

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Except, people vaccinated and post infection seem to be able to get it again--immunity in either case is not perfect and to enhance T and B cells to react to an infection and decrease risk of serious disease seem like a low risk and prudent step. You really ought to get at least one vaccine.......just like despite having good driving experience, you drive in a car with shoulder harness and airbags and maybe some mass because someone driving crazy can still T bone you.

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That's one argument, but there's little evidence that the vaccine provides better immunity than recovered patients. Until there are most studies to this effect, my choice is to trust natural immunity which has proven to be very effective. Besides, I'm not in a high risk group. Active, 50, healthy, no co-morbidities. I have been exposed a minimum of three times that I know of from people who were symptomatic positives and didn't get sick again.

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And the CDC has absolutely failed in providing any studies---leaving it all to Israel and England. Why? It's insane!

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Shhhh… lol ;-)

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Vaccines + naturally immunity build herd immunity. But if these vaccines wear off quickly, as they appear to do per multiple studies that show waning efficacy after 6 months AND the vaccinated can be infected and be infectious, they aren't doing enough to build herd immunity. I believe in vaccines -- all my kids have been vaccinated with all standard childhood vaccines. But this vaccine doesn't behave the same and there are no long-term studies to efficacy or safety. That all said ... no one who is recovered should be forced to get the vaccine.

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"no one who is recovered should be forced to get the vaccine." How many more times must this be said? LA's city council- clearly filled with "follow the science until we disagree with it" clan - is now requiring all businesses to check vaccine status of customers, vendors and visitors before they enter their business.

You have to fail an iq test to win a seat on the LA city council.

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Natural immunity is 27 times more effective and longer lasting because your body remembers the whole virus, not just the spike protein. Israeli study, and numerous others. These vaccines are utter crap, and designed to be crap that will have to be boosted over and over, destroying your immune system in the process.

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No thanks. The Israeli data (n=2.5m) demonstrates robust and durable natural immunity.

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Lol, what? Are you comparing experimental gene therapy to seatbelts?

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Scandal is much too charitable a word for what it is.

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It's best not to post while intoxicated

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. . . And we have to wait to hear the truth from a professional basketball player.

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Courage can come from any direction.

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They can't shut up everybody at once.

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But they can keep them quite divided, apparently .

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Pay close attention to 'stacks like this - that doesn't last forever either.

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It's a crappy choice. Risk the vaccines without knowing what long term consequences there are with them, being lied to (or unintentionally misled, if you like) over and over about them by people whose mantra was once 'follow the science' but now appears to be 'follow the science I pay attention to while ignoring the science from Israel and the UK'. Or don't get vaccinated and risk getting covid.

This is why risk assessments are the best tool to use. If you're old and sick, get the jab. No question. If you're young and healthy, it's harder to make the argument, certainly in light of the constant gaslighting by the very people pushing the vaccine.

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A few friends and I have concluded that one reason folks who have been jabbed are so insistent everyone receive the jab is because even though they hope it was a smart, safe decision; on the chance it was a bad decision, they want everyone to have been equally deceived. It stems from the same trait that causes their craving for “group think”.

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As a medical professional I have done many hours of research on Covid.

What I am wondering is this:

If the vaccines effectiveness is waning after 4-5 months (some stats say down to 20%) and boosters are only being recommended for seniors and those who are “high risk”, then what will the VAX Passports mean in Los Angeles and NYC if many of the jabbed are now many months out from their 2nd jab and have serious waning immunity? What does that card mean compared to a person who had Covid and has a lab result stating their robust and durable immunity with Covid T and B cells??

According to mounting evidence from Israel and other places, natural immunity is the “gold standard” not some jab received six months ago.

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the jabs should all be stopped NOW because they are NOT “safe” or “effective”:


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Let me ask you a question. In 1992 I experience a brain aneurysm. God pulled me through it with minimal residual issues.

One of the first things I heard, related to the vaccine, was there are clotting issues. Why would anyone suggest, knowing this, I should subject myself to an experiment?

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Because you don't want to be fired for not doing so. I'm not saying it's worth the risk, just offering a reason.

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I have decided I refuse to fire meself!

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That video was removed by the government censors at Youtube. Try the Rumble link:


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I wanted to watch that video but see that "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines."

That seems grimly apropos for a link in the TK comments, doesn't it?

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4:59 PST it's still up and playing.

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Maybe because YouTube takes down all of Peter McCullough's videos so they get posted on sketchy websites. Censorship is not good, and McCullough is an expert in his field, but because he advocates for early treatment he's banned. That should bother everyone, those both for and against these vaccines. So I can post different links to the same presentation but would you even listen to him? Wouldn't proving him wrong be better than removing him from the internet?

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CIA is apparently also having difficulty hiring qualified people. Even goody trolls are hard to come by. They’re not sending their best.

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You got connections at Langley? If I snag an interview, can I use you as a reference? Trollin' for The Company would be rad shit....

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But that is who you obviously are. Am I wrong here? Can't anyone else see that this hall monitor grammar nazi auntie is nothing less than a high end troll?

Whoops. Taibbi sent up a few truth bombs. Have to go send in the troops to "manage" the comments.

I have been debating you tools on the web for 26 years. Would you please go get a freaking life?

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...and the video has been removed...

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There's a Rumble link below.

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I got my vaccine in April. After seeing some of the results recently, I kinda regret it. What kind of evil fuck would want to perpetrate that on others, though? Particularly kids.

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It is absolutely immoral to push this onto children and pregnant women, at this early point in our understanding of the effects of these mRNA vaccines on human development.

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Right? It's like we are being brainwashed to reject logic and reason, the scientific method itself.

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Yes. Yes it is being recommended in both cases. Perhaps you could try doing some research and providing those answers here rather than clogging this page up with lazy drunken rants.

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Yes. My friend's obstetrician told her "I have been instructed by this medical practice to strongly recommend the vaccine to all patients.<long pause holding eye contact>You know something odd? This year I have seen more miscarriages and late-term losses than any year in the twenty-three years I've been doing this. Just thought I'd mention it, you know, making conversation."

I know. I know. Anecdote from a rando on the internet. Take it for what it's worth.

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Download this year's data, and a random pre-COVID year. I took 2019. 49k incidents that year, 586k this year up until October 1. Lots of death and disability in that data set.

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It's being MANDATED for schoolchildren in California and other enlightened places:


That's a good question about how maybe there might be a cutoff for the development of the fetus, but it hasn't occurred to the Science®-followers at the CDC:

"COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people 12 years and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future."


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You are correct. And one big issue I have is that pregnant women were specifically EXCLUDED from the vaccine trials. So there are no studies (there is a current study going on that will last 5 years) as to the impact on pregnant women or their unborn children.

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It would not be unusual to exclude pregnant women from a trial; liability and ethical issues abound. You'd want to prove it worked safely in the general population before trying that. A lot of drugs have disclaimers against using it while pregnant as a result of that. One big category of drugs with this limitation, at least back in the 90s, were benzos like Xanax.

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It's being mandated with an asterisk. If you have religious or health objections, it is not required.

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There has been so much noise related to it all I suspect everyone, in a retrospective moment, considered taking the dive into the jab. The fact that the noise isn’t starting to fade, but is instead getting louder, more invasive should give every thinking person a reason to pause.

The only good thing I can think of, related to the jab, is the possibility the loudest people supporting it actually got it; as opposed to some fake jab to go with their fake news.

Stay safe amigo!

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Great contribution. I do hope you come back here when you're sober and delete all of your spam in embarrassment.

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I hope you're able to cope when your inbox gets overwhelmed with likes from yet another stellar contribution. Keep up the good work.

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They also told you that once you had it you couldn't get covid or transmit it...you made your decision based on the lies they told you. Now they want my 6 yr old twins to take it...

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The hypothesis about the safety of the vaccine has also changed based on real life experience.

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My daughter and wife got the stab. My healthy 23 year old daughter's tongue swelled up in a horrifying way after the second stab. She's better now but it was terrifying. What's next...

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My healthy 19 year old got the J&J and was sick with a 105 degree fever, migraines, vomiting and hallucinations for three days. At least she didn't stroke out like some folks.

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A lifetime of auto immunity. The perfect patients who need all kinds of treatments as time goes on and can never be cured.

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*type 1 diabetic has entered the chat*

Hi everyone! What's going on in this thread?

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We were just talking about you!

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I had a week of flu symptoms after the first Pfizer shot. The second one just upset my stomach and made me run a fever for a night.

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My condolences

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Cognitive dissonance. I can’t possibly have been so rash as to risk devastating unknown consequences needlessly.

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Especially if they had their kids vaccinated.

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Part of the problem is that a parent who wants to do the "right thing" will drown in cognitive dissonance before they can ever deal with what they have actually exposed their child to.

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True for some, but we know a number of parents who have declined the vaccines due to unknown safety records and lack of transparency regarding safety issues.

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Well, that's all the difference right there. Proactive vs reactive.

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I asked my vaccinated mom (whom I'm glad is vaccinated) why she wants me to get the jab when she is already vaccinated. I'm like mom, don't you know how vaccines work? Her answer was "then we'd both be vaccinated". I love her, but she is in her 70s and has MSM on in her home all day long...I wish she wasn't so misled.

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I'm sure she's examined VAERS.

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I got jabbed specifically for the microchip they insert. I figure it'll be useful when I don't have my phone but want to find the directions to somewhere...

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..or when you're buried in an avalanche.

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Graphene oxide isn’t a microchip. Maybe you can get your money back ….. 💉💉😷

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I would generally agree with you on that as a general principle applicable to any number of things. My own example would be having kids, or pro-lifers. My theory is that they oppose abortion because they feel everyone should be as miserable having kids as they are.

However, i'm kind of going to disagree about the vax. I was very happy to get the vax as soon as i was able, i have COPD and if i caught the virus i was going to be toast. I wish everyone who would benefit from it would get the vax. Not because i think it might have been a bad decision on my part, but because i don't want to see people die, or put others at risk.

But i'm absolutely not about shaming. Some people have medical issues that make getting the vax riskier than for others (someone mentioned blood clotting elsewhere). I have a close relative who took a long time to get it, she wanted to do thorough research first. Which i totally respect. The scolders and shamers and the smug are going about it absolutely the wrong way. And i do feel for the sceptical too, it's not like we've had consistent information and examples set by our betters in government.

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The lack of cognitive dissonance here is impressive.

You propose an uncharitable theory as to why parents might be pro-life, then you immediately disagree with another commenter's uncharitable theory about why a vaxxed person might encourage it for others.

One might think that would cause you to pause, reflect a bit, and maybe even re-evaluate your previous theory, but one would be wrong.

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Let's break this down a bit. Conservative Contrarian seems to be an intelligent individual, who made a comment about why they think that people may insist that others get the vax. Intelligent enough, I'm guessing, to understand that their comment was a bit tongue in cheek, and that there might possibly be other reasons for people to wish others to be vaxxed. I countered with another example with a tongue in cheek theory, and actually do understand that there might possibly be other reasons why people are opposed to abortion. I'm sorry that i didn't spell that out for you all. I also countered with a reason i i got vaxxed, why i wished others did, and why i respected their decision not to. CC countered with the same downthread a bit.

So what do these two issues even have in common? Abortion is a my-body-my-choice issue. Those opposed to vaccines are using the same argument. A lot of those folks opposed to the vaccine are the same folks who are pro-life. And a lot of the same pro-choice folks are the same ones who are vaccine shamers. There are differences in the situations that both factions use to insist that they're right. I'll come down on the side of my-body-my-choice for all.

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I know many pro-choice people who are against mandating the vaccine, and a lot of pro-life people who are vaccinated. I don't like abortion as a parallel on this because it's really not the same thing (pro-choice believe that a woman has the right to decide what/who grows in her body, pro-life believes that the unborn child has a separate right to live.) However, putting aside whether the fetus has a separate right to live, every thinking individual has a right to decide what medical treatments to take or not take. We don't force cancer patients to have chemo, for example. We don't force obese people to go to the gym or smokers to quit smoking. We can encourage healthy behaviors, but we don't force them. I hear a lot of people talking about how the unvaccinated should not be given medical services. That disturbs me on multiple levels. Should we never treat a smoker because they know nicotine is bad and causes cancer? Should drug addicts be denied medical care because they chose to smoke crack or inject heroin? I had one friend post on FB that vaccinated people who get COVID should be treated over unvaccinated people who get COVID. smh.

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"I know many pro-choice people who are against mandating the vaccine, and a lot of pro-life people who are vaccinated"

Me too, that's why i said some, and left political affiliations out of it.

To follow up on your abortion reasoning, still not a perfect analogy, but i would counter that some vaxx mandaters believe anti-vaxxers still feel free to infect and possibly kill other people. So whether you're pro-choice or anti-vaxx, according to their counterpoints, it's still not just your own life you're putting at risk.

"That disturbs me on multiple levels."

Yeah, me too, and not just because i'm a smoker. It's a really slippery slope, where apparently some self-appointed body decides to get to decide who deserves treatment. Start with the unvaxxed and smokers put at the bottom of the pile. What next - fat people back of the queue, drunk people having accidents, and so on?

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I've privately noted that the argument against mandating vaccines sounds suspiciously like the argument for allowing abortion. Up until this point.

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And i should add to that that the real issue is that there seems to be some frightening levels of government overreach in both situations. It's frightening that government is mandating vaccines without allowing for individual medical conditions or circumstances that may make them untenable. And it's frightening that the government wants to go back to mandating whether or not an individual can have an abortion.

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While I don't affiliate with a political party, I have always aligned my views most closely with libertarians. They're not perfect (what party is?) but individual rights draws me in -- we voluntarily give up some rights in the social compact with government, but it's a balance and I feel that we're getting out of whack with that balance -- for years the left called Trump a fascist and authoritarian and yet the left is the same. When government takes rights they rarely, if ever, give them back.

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I'm an Independent too, some mishmash of Bernie Sanders and Libertarians (I've voted for Gary J and Bernie.) I want healthcare for all, i want the government out of our personal beeswax.

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Let's all intellectualize our favorite sins! Then they won't ever, ever matter!!

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In the matter of sin I strongly recommend praxis to theory.

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It's the only way, imo.

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I don't know what a sin is or why it would ever, ever matter to me.

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The vaccine affects one person--the person jabbed. Abortion affects two people -- YES, individuals with different DNA--- your comparison is beyond absurd!

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Um, except i wasn't comparing getting an abortion to getting a vaccine. I was comparing getting an abortion to not getting a vaccine. Which the vax mandaters would say gives not getting a vaccine the potential to affect a whole bunch of people with different DNA.

Maybe try again.

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Your analogy is still absurd. You need to try again.

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Just an aside. I don't oppose abortion because I think everyone "should be as miserable having kids". It is because, particularly with late term abortion where they are viable apart from their mother, you are killing a human being. You must live in a strange bubble if you believe your assertion.

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This does not exist. Late term abortion only happens when the fetus is no longer viable, rather than making the woman carry a dead baby to term. Another scenario might be if the fetus has no brain and would die shortly after birth. NO ONE aborts a viable fetus. This does not happen.

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Yes it does. Democrats in Virginia were contemplating the issue of what to do with babies that survive a late-term abortion. Governor Ralph Northam went on record saying they would keep the baby comfortable while discussing whether to continue the abortion or let the baby live.


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This is a what-if scenario. In actuality, a woman that had waited that long would give her baby up for adoption rather than kill it, and most abortion clinics would not do an abortion under those circumstances. Doctors who provide abortion do so at that stage because it is NECESSARY. Not to be crass, but a woman who waited a few weeks could make a great deal of money from a family who had been trying to adopt. I have never had an abortion myself, but I know a number of people who have, and I have NEVER known a woman to wait until the fetus was viable and then decide to abort. No one would do that if they had ANY choice in the matter. For one thing, it is harder on her own body to do that.

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Oh, please. Get real.

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Watch and read about Doctor Goznell.

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He is a perfect example of why I don’t trust govt over site in the abortion industry.

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I certainly think there's something to it. I've had enough females tell me that if they had to do it over again, they wouldn't have had the kids. You think a fetus is a human being, i think it's a fetus. I know for sure that i'm a human being, not a fetal place of residence. So you don't have to have an abortion if you don't want to, and i'm very glad that i did.

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Let’s try a test. For the next century have the UN mandate (hahaha) every woman who gets pregnant must have an abortion.

If that happens, and the human race continues then you are correct, a fetus isn’t a human.

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Or extract the fetus / clump of cells from every woman who gets pregnant, and build the human race from that. If they survive, and the human race continues, than you are correct, a fetus is human. If not, it's a fetus.

But honestly, i've fought this fight for decades. I'm thankfully too old to get pregnant now, so i'll put that fight to rest for myself, pass it on it to the next generation.

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That’s a bizarre approach, but whatever. I’m not the one to throw stones due to events of my youth, so please don’t think that was my intent. But to say a fetus isn’t a human is comparable to saying a tadpole isn’t a frog. Ok, without twisting ourselves into knots, eliminate the tadpole and the fetus you eliminate the frog and the human.

U can wish reality away but it will still be reality.

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Matt would do us all an enormous favor if he bounced you off his page.

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I can't even..ugh

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It's ok diddums, you don't have to.

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Sounds as though you made a thoughtful decision and concluded it was the thing to do. Ain’t nothing wring with that!

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Nothing wrong with that either. Still no edit in Substack. I wonder how much they save?????


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I'm not the type who gets upset by typos. I make more than a few myself.

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Teach me your ways, sensei.

Typos are my only trigger.

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Make a lot of them. This will induce humility, which results in compassion.

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I always violate narratives, i'm politically homeless. I like having conservatives around though, and people from all over the political spectrum. It's stultifying to be around a crowd who gets in line and stays there and all stick to the same narrative.

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In case you haven't noticed, most people commenting here are leftists.

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Through what mechanism did this thread transition suddenly from the underinformed holding forth on the coronavirus to same said sharing their opinions on abortion?

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100% this.

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I totally agree. I watched it play out with various people who were seduced by the culture into getting the jab. And then became bullish about everyone else in their sphere getting it as well.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz has standing in Florida against Pfizer and Moderna. He is suing both for racketeering: https://jennyhatch.com/2021/10/05/the-frequency-of-god-vs-evil-there-is-a-divine-design-dr-len-horowitz-on-sgt-report/

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Consider this funny fact. My brother, a retired colleague of Valarie Plame, if ya know what I mean, his wife and youngest daughter all had no interest in coming to visit lately. They wouldn’t admit it but about two weeks ago they inadvertently let it slip that the reason they wouldn’t come to my neck o’ d woods was the fact I have not submitted to the will of our GOVERNMENT.

About two weeks ago me bro called about one thing but before we hung up he made a plea for me to get jabbed; my word, not his. At that point I asked if he remembered my 1992 aneurysm and it was as if a switch was turned. All of a sudden I was no longer a heretic.

So tomorrow afternoon bro, his wife, daughter and her guy are leaving DC for SC. All because I have a legit reason to not get stabbed with the jab. The funny thing is nothing else changed related to the supposed safety of me with no jab.

And these are moderately intelligent people; I think …. 🍺

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All things being equal with the family (and they never are!) everything else ok?

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great points...

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Yes, I believe that is exactly it.

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you’ve got it, that’s how pathetic humans can be

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We all think you are right

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We all think you are right

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you seem to be quite fond of the epithet "cargo cult". I do not think that slur means what you think it means.

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Going for Taibbi ban, bro?

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Matt seems not to be taking him (?) seriously, an approach I recommend.

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Haha. You took me seriously? The only thing better than spending my own money for a good cause is making some sniveling little fool like you do it in my stead.

You’re probably lying though. Post the receipts.

Eat shit, wanker!

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I suspect you will find out if you ever come out of your mother’s basement. But you really don’t need to worry, after all, you are the strongest.

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I object to the presumption that the blue cities are somehow more intelligent than the hinterland. People are pretty stupid everywhere, and it's no surprise they just want comforting news that agrees with their existing biases, otherizing anyone who disagrees.

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The dispersion of blue cities is entirely different. Fat tails big time.

That said, hysterias seem to run through cities, often birthed from politically driven narratives, that make really educated otherwise smart individuals look like dumb MFers.

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Billy Bob might not know the cutting edge pronouns and best technique to save the world from impeding climate catastrophe, but I do find these “unwashed masses” have a stability, maturity, and anchoring that often evades big city types.

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Common sense goes a long way. Gut feeling, intuition etc…one thing I’ve noticed is people that are smart, over educated seem to lack the ability to rely on common sense. It’s something learned maybe through having an adverse childhood. I would say people who live more rural probably are more likely to have adverse childhoods than say many city slickers. Just an observation although always exceptions to anything.

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My wife grew up on a farm in the Midwest; I expected that the school system there was not the equivalent of where I went in urbanized New Jersey, including some private school stints. I was wrong, she got a better education than I did.

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My kids(3)grew up in the military. Moved around a lot and went to lots of schools. The better schools were in the more rural areas and Midwest. The one that hit it out of the park was the school in Texas. Cali schools the worst along with suburban Baltimore area. I shudder to think what my kids went through at times. I should have homeschooled. I was overwhelmed but the adversity did help them I do believe.

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I know the suburban Baltimore situation pretty well - drove my choice of where to buy a house. Just within the limits of a decent school district - Bel Air, for those interested. I've worked for the Army for the last 20 years and have lived in 11 different places during that time. I don't exactly feel your pain (my daughters were with their mom when younger and came to me as teenagers, now grown up and little impacted by my moves) but I understand what you went through.

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That's only 3 or 4 gross generalizations in one short paragraph.

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Oops sorry Aunt Martha. I hate it when I do that.

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Out here in flyover country we call some of them there folks “smart in school, but dumb on the bus”

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That’s a good one! I’ll take smart on the bus over smart in school every time.

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I’ve seen plenty of both worlds, and the ones that are supposed to be smart in the books often just chirp the correct refrains of the moment.

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I believe Thomas Jefferson agrees with you.

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Blue cities are the only ones strangling themselves with covid rules still. Everybody else is ignoring the whole thing.

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I'm vaccinated. But, for the life of me, I cannot understand the "cult of vaccine" group. Are they related to vaccine company executives? Are they just "sheep" of the left? What in the world is their motivation?

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I'm in the same boat. Completely vaccinated but so annoyed by the mainstream vaccine-absolutism. It's just bizarre.

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It's a coordinated propaganda campaign and they're not even bothering to hide it anymore.

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At least less discernable as such.

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Also same. I call myself an anti anti anti vaxer.

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Never underestimate the attraction of self-awarded virtue-signalling priviliges. Just another way to feel smug and cuts above the troglodytes.

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The non playable character is very real.

The pandemic era has revealed just how conformist many people are.

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*NPC meme

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The pandemic REAFFIRMED just how conformist MOST people are. The first campfire providing cooked meat probably "revealed" how conformist most people would become and remain...throughout their short, nasty, brutish lives.

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Well at least they got warmth and meat.

Aside from how pliant people can be, it’s also been telling just how intense some people, usually unimpressive or subversive people, desire to control others.

Hope I’m wrong, but this situation won’t work itself out until these petty hall monitor types have fear.

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Well, to start, you perpetuate it by reminding everyone of your vaccine status.

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True. It's ridiculous that I have to state it prior to making an argument, just so I'm not immediately labeled as anti-vax.

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The truly brave thing to do is never affirm your status in the face of oppression it may cause.

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Also true.

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I think the point is that there is discrimination against those who do not take the vaccine driven by the government. This has never happened before. The closest analogue to the current situation was the 1976 "swine" flu vaccine where a quarter of the country got vaccinated before it was recalled because of deaths and Guillain-Barre syndrome in vaccine recipients. No force was applied, and the government stopped vaccinating when they realized the vaccine was unsafe.

It's the force to inject something into yourself that is the issue. Link on the 1976 vaccination program is below:


This leaves aside the issue that, if the vaccine had self-evident benefits you wouldn't have to use force. 16,000 deaths already and 20k disabled people amongst the VAERS list of probable vaccination-related issues. Anything else with that many issues over 9 months would have been pulled a long time ago. Then there's the breakthrough case thing, implicating the vaccines' efficacy, particularly Pfizer, against the vaccine-induced monoculture of the Delta strain:


So yeah, while the shotgun might be a slightly higher risk than the vaccine, it's no joke either.

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What's worse than a proselytizing vegan? A vaxed proselytizing vegan.

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Vaxed is the new Vegan.

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most of my friends and family are vaccinated and I'm not...and I think they know it...and haven't been part of this vaccine cult and haven't seemed to care that I'm not vacced. The cult is real, but certainly amplified by the media who are the founding cult members.

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The disconnect is people confusing individual and collective responses. Vaccination is not all that great a mechanism unless enough people are vaccinated; the more contagious a disease is, the higher that number gets. This is why you get measles outbreaks in places where your erstwhile opponents live, like Marin County, because they are also idiotically afraid of pesticides and GMOs and the like that they demand organic treatments for rubella. Everyone on the right understands this logic in wartime: no, lads, you cannot have a brightly lit party in the East End of London while the Luftwaffe are trying to use the Thames to bomb major population centers in Britain. Doing so would be irresponsible and a betrayal to your neighbors. And the sooner we win the war, the fewer air raid sirens there will be. Why is this fairly obvious communitarian logic so impossible for the right to compute in the present crisis? I get that you’re annoyed with liberal governmentality - so are most on the left - but by intentionally prolonging a state of emergency you’re just asking for more of this shit

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Your analogy is phenomenally overloaded, and perhaps directionally wrong.

Sweden is doing solid, on counts including and in addition to health. You think an Aussie is better than a Swede now or in last 18 months? Other Nordics and E. European countries are following suit. Israel’s vax numbers are depressing to say the least.

Vaccines, at the very least, were massively oversold after 2020, from the same worthless politicians that told everyone not to take them months earlier.

If you really care about collective responsibly, organize for people to work out, put down the soda, or god forbid learn math and language. That’s what is killing us. Dumb, lazy petty tyrants worrying about everyone else.

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It’s very hard to make those comparisons metric-by-metric, country-by-country right now. In Israel, the unvaccinated are still well over represented in deaths. But it’s sobering that yes, it’s not a quick ticket out. And I think any reasonable person will object to some policies taken by any of these countries. I was not thrilled watching Australian police use anti-vaccine protestors as punching bags. But vaccination, like turning your lights off during an air raid, isn’t one of those things about which reasonable people can disagree. It is obvious. Sacrificing other people’s lives for one’s own convenience is clearly wrong.

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Getting a vaccine is not turning off your lights - reasonable people can indeed disagree. The vaccines come with many risks - the latest Oxford study demonstrates that the vaccine spike protein does tremendous damage when in the bloodstream, and we know from several studies including pfizer's own data that we are getting some spike in circulation despite the intramuscular injection. We’re seeing it with heart issues already - and due to the special nature of heart tissue, that organ behaves likes a canary in the coal-mine, and can be an indication of systemic illness. Additionally we know that the spike protein has been found to cross the blood-brain barrier, and can remain in the body for several months. Who knows what neurological, auto-immune, or other disorders may result from spike damage over time?

Additionally many scientists are concerned that the vaccines may eventually compromise our natural immunity through OAS and could make illness more severe through ADE. Plenty of peer-reviewed papers caution that these are both possible - especially if we don’t develop less targeted vaccines.

We also have peer-reviewed papers describing the relationship between the vaccines and escape variants. Anyone who gets vaccinated risks becoming a vector for new, more resistant, and potentially far more deadly variants via the same mechanism we saw with Marek’s disease.

Reasonable people can look at all that vs. the short-lived and very leaky protection offered by the vaccines and say the RBA doesn’t tilt vaxward. Especially when natural immunity is better and most people are at low risk for severe illness.

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I subscribed just so I could comment on your OAS(original antigenic sin) and ADE(antibody-dependent enhancement) observations. You're spot on, but it's a deeper and more interesting topic that merits more than just a paragraph. This will probably only be interesting to virologists and immunologists.

It's conspicuous that no updated version of the vaccines has been released even though Moderna was working on mRNA-1273.351 long ago(targeting Beta) and Pfizer on one targeting Delta. Why not? They would be more effective against that strain. I believe OAS to be one reason, and antigenic drift to be the complementary one.

First, OAS has already been demonstrated to occur with SARS-CoV-2 and with vaccinations. Vaccination is less effective if someone has been recently exposed to common betacoronaviruses that cause colds and even more distantly related viruses, and thus have developed an immune response to them.

Second, many antibodies produced by the body in response to the vaccine or infection are infection-enhancing in COVID-19: Delta has already evolved to evade all vaccine-induced NTD-targeting antibodies, *except* for the ones that enhance infection, whose effects it actually amplifies. This infection enhancement is probably due to afucosylation.

SARS-CoV-2 evolves incredibly rapidly. It's already almost got multiple serotypes: Delta infection-induced antisera only poorly neutralizes Beta or Mu. Staying as close to the center of the radial phylogenetic tree is good.

But what happens when it antigenically drifts far enough that the original center is no longer close enough to the dominant strains, which are likely to be different serotypes so they don't have to compete? OAS+ADE suddenly becomes a killer for those who have already been vaccinated or infected and (progressively? How many serotypes are viable?) polyvalent vaccines become necessary for those who haven't.

Vaccination of enough people quickly enough would deprive the virus of mutation time if it were effective enough against transmission. We couldn't have vaccinated enough people fast and well enough against this R0 and recombination/evolution rate. It should have been an obviously doomed project.

Which is where we get into the more interesting part: antibodies are easily evolved around, but T cells aren't. They last much longer. They mostly just reduce infection severity and clear infection rather than provide protection against initial infection, and killing your host is never in a virus' best interests. Just getting them as sick as necessary for optimal transmission. In this way, the vaccines actually kind-of help the virus.

SARS-CoV-2 has ways of manipulating T cells(see: ORF8, and many others) so that it can persist longer in the body and spread better, so it could evolve around this. But to what extent does it want to, at risk of killing its host?

Other viruses in the sarbecovirus family are all quite lethal, but none ever had the chance to spread for long enough in humans to determine what level is generally optimal for sarbecoviruses. More tellingly, each globally dominant variant of SARS-CoV-2 has been more lethal than the previous, so we can presume it's higher than today. The virus will aim to adjust its response to T cells according to the population it's circulating in, so it's almost certain to become as deadly as Delta is for unvaccinated people, as vaccinated people will soon become the dominant population.

Vaccines in the end may protect against severe disease, but paradoxically increase risk of infection and raise SARS-CoV-2's mortality rate higher than it would have been in their absence. We've put ourselves on a treadmill and unvaccinated people will be the collateral damage.

Sorry for the deletions. Revisions.

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(Which is all to say, Marek's Disease is a very apt metaphor, and while I hope the madness would stop before there, democracy implies it won't. However, OAS should force a stop to the progression. Vaccines targeting other proteins, such as RdRp -- IPV demonstrates cross-reactivity -- introduce a whole new dimension to the discussion.

Nonetheless, I think we concur that the current leaky vaccines suck and were a terrible idea on a population-level scale. We were foolish to go by the SNP rate of SARS-CoV-2 when its RdRp had already been demonstrated to be very error-prone, a sign that it relied heavily on recombination, which means evolution will exponentially accelerate as mutations, genotypes, and serotypes accrue.)

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Very interesting and I've read similar. But what about those who are COVID-recovered? There is evidence that those who had COVID last year (pre-Delta) are immune to the new variants -- they are not getting seriously sick or dying. The theory behind this (I am not a scientist so my understanding is very layman) is that the T-cell immunity from the previously infected recognizes the entire virus (not just the spike protein created by the vaccines) and thus and mount an effective attack against subsequent infections. ... This is my single biggest problem with mandatory vaccines. Those who had COVID and survived (99% recovery rate) seem to be as good or better off than the vaccinated. (That said -- before people jump down my throat -- I'm not advocating just getting COVID, at least for those at risk of poor outcomes. But young people have an extremely low fatality rate and building immunity as a young is a good thing. My oldest kids had the chicken pox before vaccines were widely available -- when my younger kids had the vaccine, their pediatrician didn't recommend my older kids get vaccinated because they had immunity.)

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You are making a number of unwarranted assumptions: you are assuming all vaccinations are alike--they are not. And you are assuming my lack of vaccination is selfish, when that is not at all established, or scientific. Vaccines like polio and smallpox are "perfect" vaccines, in that they confer immunity. If you have the shot, you neither catch the disease, nor pass the disease. The mRNA COVID vaccines are "leaky" vaccines--they neither protect the jabbee nor the people around them. Viral loads are similar in both. So these vaccines CANNOT halt the pandemic; all they can do is drive variants. This has been pointed out by numerous world-renowned virologists. The very notion that if we all were vaccinated the disease would be vanquished is based on an utter lie; in fact, the very opposite is true. The more vaccinated people there are, the more cases there are. This is true in every country--just look at the data yourself. We now have the examples of numerous countries that were almost 100% vaxed except for small children. In every case, the vaccines drove the delta variant and cases went up. Finally, we all willingly take polio and other vaccines because they have been tested over time. Indeed the polio vaccine itself was contaminated with simian viruses when it came out, and it was a huge national scandal that took a decade to fix. Scientists are still divided over whether those first vaccines caused a number of rare cancers decades later. So to compare a nine-month-old leaky vaccine to these other vaccines is poor logic. P.S. The unvaccinated are NOT overrepresented in hospitals in Israel. 86% of those hospitalized are vaccinated. Furthermore, we have cases like this one: Israeli hospital, everyone double vaxed, everyone wearing masks and/or PPE. One patient,masked, double vaxed, in for dialysis, infects 42 people both staff and patients, and four die. Aside from showing that masks are a joke (which any epidemiologist can tell you), this shows clearly that lack of vaccination had nothing to do with this superspreader event. Look for this case written up in the recent literature on PubMed.

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Please explain how the vaccine drives variants. I’ve heard the variants occur when the virus evolves to evade the vaccine. But didn’t Delta arise in India, as early as December 2020? - that doesn’t fit.

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India hosted numerous vaccine trials including one for Oxford-AstraZeneca and one for Covishield.

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Of course they’re not perfect, and of course there are exceptions. Arguing otherwise would be just as silly and doctrinal. That’s why having therapeutics is unambiguiusly good. But these are not good arguments against having a high level of communal immunity - they’re very questionable arguments about why you or some theoretical individual shouldn’t, which is irrelevant.

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I wasn't arguing against communal immunity. I was pointing out flaws in arguing for the vax because it does NOT provide communal immunity, as the Israeli example shows. It does the exact opposite.

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This comment section is full of data, which you and your pal never read. In fact, in some cases you mocked data and the people giving it, so it's pretty clear the two of you are just a couple of wanker trolls surfing comment sections for the trouble you can cause.

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A leaky vax isn't a great mechanism at all, because it doesn't stop spread.

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Spread doesn’t matter so much in the long run if we minimize hospitalizations and deaths. That’s always been the point. There’s no eradication strategy possible - was only possible for smallpox because it had no animal reservoir, whereas this has many.

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I've known for 18 months now the virus is going through the population, you don't have to convince me.

You have to convince the idiot 'leaders' who think we're in charge.

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Everyone will be infected. It’s then a question of whether you have some level of immunity. At first, 0 people did. Soon, almost everyone will.

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Perhaps up to 50% of people had some sort of cross immunity.

In a study by Grifoni et al.1, reactivity was detected in 50% of donor blood samples obtained in the USA between 2015 and 2018, before SARS-CoV-2 appeared in the human population. T cell reactivity was highest against proteins other than the coronavirus spike protein, but T cell reactivity was also detected against spike. The SARS-CoV-2 T cell reactivity was mostly associated with CD4+ T cells, with a smaller contribution by CD8+ T cells1. Similarly, in a study of blood donors in the Netherlands, Weiskopf et al.2 detected CD4+ T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 spike peptides in 1 of 10 unexposed subjects and against SARS-CoV-2 non-spike peptides in 2 of 10 unexposed subjects. CD8+ T cell reactivity was observed in 1 of 10 unexposed donors. In a third study, from Germany, Braun et al.3 reported positive T cell responses against spike peptides in 34% of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative healthy donors. Finally, a study of individuals in Singapore, by Le Bert et al.4, reported T cell responses to nucleocapsid protein nsp7 or nsp13 in 50% of subjects with no history of SARS, COVID-19, or contact with patients with SARS or COVID-19. A study by Meckiff using samples from the UK also detected reactivity in unexposed subjects5. Taken together, five studies report evidence of pre-existing T cells that recognize SARS-CoV-2 in a significant fraction of people from diverse geographical locations.

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An unvaxxed friend's sister is constantly in her ear about getting the jab, but was nowhere around to help when she had knee surgery.

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". . . the journalistic equivalent of child-proof caps on every paragraph . . ."

Goddammit, Matt, you did it again!

Your personal integrity and early experience in the USSR makes you very well qualified to report on contemporary media insanity. Plus you are funny as hell, and we really need that.

If was the comments section of your article from yesterday that brought me around on the ivermectin thing. I'm vaccinated, but of course now realize that doesn't mean much: I can still get COVID and pass it on to someone else. This is a fact. So wouldn't it be nice if there was some inexpensive treatment available for the day when I, like pretty much the rest of the entire population, eventually contract COVID?

There is a lot of propaganda swirling around ivermectin, so it's hard, maybe impossible, to arrive at any firm conclusions about its effectiveness. But here are some things we know (more facts):

o It is safe, having been administered to billions of humans in the last several decades. In fact, some higher-rick populations take ivermectin routinely, as a prophylactic.

o It is cheap.

o It might be effective at:

a) preventing or reducing the chances of contraction of COVID in the first place;

b) reducing the symptoms of COVID to the point that a hospital visit can be avoided;

c) speeding the course of the disease leading to recovery and (important point, this) future partial immunity; and

d) reducing the chances of spreading COVID to others.

Or it might not. Some studies say yes, others say no. But it doesn't really matter because:

o The present medically-approved alternative, should you contract COVID as so many fully vaccinated people do, is to sit home and stew until the symptoms get bad enough to send you to the hospital (I don't know for sure about this last one, but I have not been made aware of any actual treatments for COVID aside from interventions to reduce life-threatening symptoms when they appear).

So taken together, these facts make pursuit of an ivermectin prescription a no-brainer, and also make the Red State deplorables look a hell of a lot smarter than the bicoastal vaccine-addled media elites.


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I’ve recommended and assisted tens of people ages 51-88 mostly, plus a few teens, with the FLCCC ivermectin protocol right after their positive Covid tests. Not one developed Covid organizing pneumonia, not one dropped their oxygen saturations, not one had to go to hospital, and not one developed Long Covid. Does ivermectin work? To this retired internal medicine practitioner of 34 years, damn right it does!!!

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Did the same with my daughter. 2 days in she was fully recovered. 6th day tested negative.

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Great to hear, Don! Cheers. It really drops viral load quickly and brings symptoms under control.

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The most gratifying part of it is I had gone through the process and had it on hand. If not the outcome could have been bad for her.

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Can one procure ivermectin from most docs or is that massively curbed?

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Any doctor can write a prescription to use any approved drug based on their experience. This is done all the time. The problem is if they are associated with a corporation or hospital that will fire them if they do. Hospitals are taking in massive dollars because of Covid 19 er, 20 er 21. They don't want to kill the golden goose.

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I understand there are pharmacies that won't fill the scrip as well.

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True. After not wanting to fill my prescription my doctor simply pointed out he has the legal right to do so. They relinquished and filled the order. Walgreens

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I and a number of other I know also used essentially that protocol as well. I woke up feeling really awful days after my wife got it, and six hours after my first regimine, I was 80% improved and didn't look back.

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Thank you, Masada for those very kind words. My relationships with my patients were always very important to me and though it sounds corny, it was sacred to me. When the bean counters began their relentless push to force us to see more and more patients daily, I decided to refuse to be paid on “production.” Needless to say, that made me unpopular with all the MBAs and admin types. To see doctors embrace this goal and to see their patients suffer from it, was one of the very saddest things I saw with the degradation of the doctor-NP-PA/ patient relationship over time. I finally retired in exhaustion and disgust from fighting the “machine.” It’s inexorable. Blessings to you as well, Masada.

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Absolutely. Ivermectin is one of the most widely prescribed and well tolerated drugs in the history of the world, no more dangerous than Advil. If there is any reasonable indication that it might be helpful then it should be prescribed, as there is virtually no chance of ill effects at any kind of reasonable dosage.

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I ordered Ivermectin online and have it in case I need it. I am very active and healthy and have exceptional blood labs and no comorbidities and no fear of covid. If I should contract it, I have a treatment plan in place that has bee recommended by countless doctors.


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This is the best way. Have it on hand in case you need it. Very important to follow the protocols. Also key is to ingest it with slightly fatty foods so it will absorb into the blood stream.

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Thank you for the link.

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Heretic (waves pitchfork), burn him at the stake!

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Yes, it's nuts. I got the vaccine, had nasty side effects, then had to learn that it didn't prevent me from getting COVID, or passing it on to others. Evidence shows it does reduce my chances of croaking from COVID -- for another month or two. So, I really don't understand the position of Team Blue on this. If the pill is effective I'd rather have a few handy in case, rather than get endless vaccine boosters and lose more work to the side effects.

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Oh Matt, it’s balls-on, swinging, hanging-fruit nuts! A study published Sept 30th from Israel notes that even with a 96% vaccination rate, a vaccinated SICK Covid patient, came into the hospital dialysis unit and as patient zero, spread the virus to tens of vaccinated staff and patients. These vaccines will NEVER “end the pandemic.” They’re not built to do so, being non-sterilizing vaccines that allow catch and spread. Nor is Molnupiravir much of an answer- it works by causing the virus to mutate to “disable it.” It is, in other words, A MUTAGEN. Oh, what could go wrong?! Lol. It’s full-on, batshit insane what passes for novel medical “treatments” these days. And ivermectin, well, if you want to hear a REAL doctor speak, tune in to this week’s FLCCC update where Dr. Robert Jackson schools the South Carolina legislature on the very sacrosanct doctor-patient relationship and his successes with this humble, safe, effective true Covid Crusher of a drug.

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The earth is indeed, flat--just look out your window.....

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If the mainstream media's narratives were supported by evidence, logic, and reason they would not need to hysterically brow-beat the public with scripted, coordinated phrases and narratives (insert here: endless list of headlines that were blasted from every news outlet and later proved false). Sadly the "educated" class in this country appears to be by far more susceptible to such obvious propaganda - which is surprising and disappointing. Wouldn't "journalists" of all people be aware? Sadly not...they are the ones leading us off the cliff. At least we have Tiabbi, Greenwald, Atkisson, and a few others to rely on. So sad.

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Watch this Rokfin interview for an excellent analysis of mass-hypnosis. There are other interviews of Dr. Desmet that are not behind a paywall, but this one is particularly good: Foreign Agents #10 - Covid and Mass Hypnosis w/ Dr. Mattias Desmet https://rokfin.com/stream/9705/Foreign-Agents-10--Covid-and-Mass-Hypnosis-wDr-Mattias-Desmet

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Ditto. Max did a great job of letting him speak.

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I agree. I also find it sad that I have to start from the assumption that anyone I talk to is already aligned to the approved narrative. I'm not eager to lose relationships with friends and family members, or to piss anyone off for that matter. It's also sad that if you deviate from any sanctioned idea, you risk being perceived as guilty of deviating from all of them, which can quickly earn you the "monster" label.

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This line explains one of the single biggest issues with the media today:

“ the issue of whether or not there was “wrongdoing” in Hunter Biden accepting a no-show $50,000-a-month job from a crooked Ukrainian energy firm was a matter for readers to decide, not an issue of fact.”

Yes, yes, yes. Please share the facts (like Matt does) and let each of us decide how to use the facts in our individual decision-making.

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I agree 100%! Would love to ask each and every one of these MSM stenographers if they thought it would be a noble act to sit remotely on a board of a crooked a Ukrainian company for $50,000 per month (Roughly what average American earns in a year) without knowing how to speak Ukrainian while your Dad has leverage over the country as vice-president of the most powerful country in the world. No wrongdoing at all. Move along. Nothing to see here.

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and no expertise in the energy field either. Beyond blatant, in your face, sociopathic grifting.

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Well, they need to normalize grifting.

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First we had Trump derangement syndrome TDS and then we had the covid variant TDS-C. Now we have the immunization variant TDS-C-I which is morphing into the therapeutics variant TDS-C-I-T. Is there something that is in the water at major Universitys that's creating such psychosis or is this the natural process of an overly pampered and affluent society naval gazing to the point of Extinction?

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What’s going on is academics figured out it’s much easier to shut down opposition thought by crushing debate than it is to actually have a clue what you’re talking about.

To be an expert these days you need degrees from prestigious universities and those no longer are interested in intellectual rigor but instead are totally focused on work indoctrination.

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I'm not a conspiracy theorist but one doesn't have to be to see that this is mostly the IC manipulating the press through the strong cross-pollination of personnel and whatever pressure they can bring to bear.

In other words, what you are seeing and hearing about is mostly smoke with little fire behind it.

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Conspiracy theorists are underrated.

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So you're saying that I should eat parasitic horse paste? Do you know how many people your irresponsible stories have killed? Trillions.

I don't understand why you need to punch down on journalists trying to protect us Americans from ourselves. If not for mandates, censorship and ridicule of alternatives, I would have lost faith in the political class of this country whose job it is to filter truth, process it, chew it up for us and then vomit it down our throats via independent and objective journalistic institutions, guided by sagacious former heads of intelligence so that we may sustain ourselves.

How dare you try to interrupt this sacred process.

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Trillions!! lol

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Exactly. Like my job, I look forward to having my thinking outsourced to others.

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Anyone ever thought about what would be occurring right now if Trump were elected instead for Biden as far as this vaccine obsession? That’s why I don’t buy it from the left. They are a bunch of opportunistic hypocrites. Also more and more I’m convinced they want COVID forever. More opportunities for ways they can swoop in and “help”. They also like their voters fearful. Can control them easier. I have zero trust they have the ability to do anything for the greater good.

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I consider both parties corporate captured grifters.

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The US Gov't needs to be transparent, of course (awarding myself 10 pts for gratuitious buzz-wording). I suggest a new agency called "FUD". A one-stop-shop for all your official propaganda and misinformation needs.

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Trust is involves saying I don't know - but yet we have an intelligence culture who knew right away who killed the Kennedy's, MLK and who was responsible for 9/11. Yet the high frequency trades that profited off of 9/11 go un-prosecuted or the people who murdered Le Tellier and Randi Moffit in DC decades ago are not pursued.

We have been lied to on such a regular basis on just about every aspect of our formative history (from Native Americans to the Patriot Act) that it is no surprise that we have such a sizable segment of the population who does not want to be vaccinated - regardless of efficacy. Our history of the germ warfare in Korea, or the racially abusing syphilis Tuskeegee experiments or secretly importing half of the Nazi aerospace apparatus after WW2 or the toxic dumping in the love canal or tobacco industry withholding cancer research for decades or the foreclosure and robo-signing mills put in place by banks to foreclose more homeowners during the 2008 financial crisis to the massive abuses done by Sacklers in the opioid crisis.

So we have a trust issue. And when the timing between a crime and an explanation of who/why this crime happened is so small --- it is not difficult to see that the ones explaining it are the culprits.

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And we must not forget that we have not had an explanation or origin story of how CoVid came to be in the world or in the US. Nor have we had an explanation for why our testing, data collection, preparation (masks, nurses, doctors, public health officials), or political leaders have so miserably failed as to have allowed 700K + die because of incompetence.

Trust? Fuck them.

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That video yesterday of McCullough rings true: many (most) of the medical profession bought in to the standard line that it was essentially untreatable and all they could do was supportive care, if even that, and wait for the magicians in the sky to shit a vaccine on them. Many are still in that mindset. It's interesting that the holistic types who are called quacks tended to be the first to try to use off the shelf things on the sick to ameliorate the illness. Of all people.

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"...who knew right away who killed the Kennedy's..."

After all, it was you and me.

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Yes, we certainly do have a trust issue. You still trust the the bastards responsible for All Of That to pump you and everybody full of EUA experimental gene therapy. Fool you once, fool you twice, fool you forever.. looks like.

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Last week on the morning Hen Hut, two of the cackling queens were diagnosed as positive for Covid, preventing kamala from coming on the show (yeah...THAT'S what stopped her). As humiliated as the vaxholes SHOULD have been that they'd been diagnosed as having covid, they returned to their respective soapboxes the next day when it was revealed that in fact the results were 'false positives'.

This naturally - to anyone thinking past the nose on their face - demands the questions:

1) of the untold millions of those who've tested positive for covid in the last nearly 2 years, how many were false? 100% as on morning Hen Hut? And,

2) if 2 of the 4 clucking vaxholes WERE positive, how could we have been lied to so badly about vaccine efficacy?

Of course all media dropped this story almost instantly because hey... it shot holes in both narratives big enough to drive the whole pack of lies, saint faucci, and the craven dnc through.

...damn it feels good to be a gangster

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