It makes me physically ill to watch these clowns pretend to do journalism. They have to attack you, Matt, because otherwise what does that say about them? That they were complicit in all of it, that they work for the administrative state. They should hang their heads in shame. I would call them whores but that's an insult to whores.

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Desperate grasping by the armies of sycophantic wanna bes. Pathetic.

You know you scored, when they circle the wagons!

Well played Matt!

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Reading Taibbi, I feel like the little kid in the school yard, standing behind the cool guy who can actually stand up to a bully and do it well. And I shout "yeah get 'em, Matt!". It feels good.

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When MSNBC puts out a hit piece on three of the sources I trust the most, I know I am getting my information from the right places.

The cognitive dissonance of these folks is downright comical.

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And these sneering bluenoses wonder why they have such a richly deserved credibility problem with a massive swath of the country.

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When I look at your 'Stack, I see "tens of thousands of paid subscribers".

I don't see that on the 'Stacks of drone reporters, and for good reason -- the value of their reporting is basically zero because they only repeat what they've been told to say. OF COURSE they aren't covering the Twitter Files, because there's also a CBS Files and an ABC Files, etc.........and government is still in control of those places.

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Between the woke takeover of universities and the takeover of media by the intelligence community I am starting to feel like I live in some version of Soviet Russia.

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Dirty pool, Deep State! But it’s kinda peak 21st Century that the only rebuttal these empty-headed shills have to Matt’s journalism is essentially “I know you are but what am I?”

Sadly there are still lots of old people who loyally watch that MSM shit and believe the propaganda. And the Pelosi “documentary”... I need to go vomit until I feel clean again. Keep up the good work Mr. Taibbi.

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So wait a minute: by exposing government efforts to control the narrative, Taibbi is leading people *to* authoritarianism?!?


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One thing for certain: Not a single one of these individuals deserves to claim membership in the profession of journalism.

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I had an LOL reading this article. Here is Matt a lefty, however unlike the MSM lefties he mentioned, his followers, even conservatives like me, actually trust and believe his writings are based on facts you can bet money on. I’m really looking forward how he will report on all the proposed House investigations. My bet is he’ll stick to honest and truthful reporting wherever the Chios might fall.

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“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.”

― Lysander Spooner

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Im listening to 1984 right now, and the nerve of authoritarians to point a finger in any direction but their own is astounding

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Once upon a time, you could tell the quality of a person by his friends. Today, it's by his enemies. And by that standard, you're definitely one of the good ones.

And it's not gall or nerve. It's desperation.

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I would call it a temper tantrum. They are throwing a fit because they can’t control the narrative and they don’t have a substantive, constructive way to react.

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The Good Will Hunting clip was perfect! Made up names for “intelligence” 😂 ghouls pretending to be experts on themselves...yes, what a joke

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