So much contempt in that woman for ordinary people, but I must be a misogynist for noticing.

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In the gulags, Will she allow trans women to chest feed in the birthing persons’ bathrooms?

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Congratulations. You have just won the internet.

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It takes a gulag

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It takes HER gulag...She's always got to be the top dog.

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If Yuri just won the Internet today, you are a co-winner!

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YES! I KNEW all those Russianbots I hired would pay off some day

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If “Grapes of Wrath” were written today this might just be how that story would conclude.

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We will all be in line waiting for our turn for nourishment.

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The price of a can of condensed milk just went up.

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That… is a micro aggressive comment, comrade!

Off to the solitary reprogramming chamber for you. One year!

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Yes, but only through the front hole

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You’ve gotten confused about who the deplorables are and who the masters are.

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Of course, just not her bathroom.

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In my take, she's a "Patient Zero of the U.S. Fascists." If anyone is disinclined to agree with my characterization of Honorable Madame Secretary, remember her commenting on the brutal murder of Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi: 'We came, we saw, he died,” with a gleeful cackle.

That despicable monster, gloating over a murder of a foreign leader, was the United States of America Secretary of State, the country's chief diplomat.


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And the reason he died was that Obama gifted her a war so she could run for president as a tough Secretary of State.

I love that her losing the election has completely broken her and removed all connection to reality, but that it hasn’t made much difference as she has always been broken and with only a tenuous grasp on what is going on around her.

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Hillary Clinton's one and only credential -- raw, untethered ambition.

That's it. That's all she has to offer.

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Don't forget greed.

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Lust for power and insatiable greed go hand in hand.

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As we speak her Clinton foundation headed to Ukraine for the Haitian like rebuild. More incoming graft detected

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Married Bill. Otherwise she would have wouldn't have even made partner in a law firm.

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Scary Version: feldspar, the phisher, defends her. Apparently, another one of Little Rock's Elite, lawsuit-shopping for Hillary and Bill. No "bull-shit" here, just facts.

My memories of years in Arkansas; I was far safer living on the USAF Base and in the Middle East for 2 years during the height of The Cold War and just after the 6-Day War ended in nearby Israel. Drug-Trafficking and Murders in Arkansas are weekly body counts (in a State Population of around 4-million). That's a huge per-capita red flag that something is critically wrong there. Though, I do believe Governor Sarah Sanders and Senator Tom Cotton are on course to correct the historical course of corruption in the state. Years ago, I did know a handful of decent law enforcement officers there.

Most, if not all, Arkansas Courts were bought and paid for by the elite, and some by organized crime. But eventually, some of those judges became equal opportunity and would take bribes from anyone. It always was corrupt, since Capone in 1918. It's why the Clintons did so well there; quiet pockets of organized crime and their judges and lawyers there always kept folks in fear; always. And whenever they had a few decent FBI Agents in the Public Corruption Squad there, they got squeezed out just like me.

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Thanks for the Tune-up Serpico.

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Please try to pay attention: feldspar didn't defend her. He only pointed out to an ignoramus that a person who got a law degree from Yale and was professionally recognized in her field (law) isn't a stunner as a law firm partner.

Also: Huckabee's kid has demonstrated herself an idiot. And Cotton is a UNITED STATES Senator, not an Arkansas State Senator. He deals with the USA, not Arkansas. It's like blaming the shitty electric grid in Texas on its US Senators vs. state officials.

If you felt safer in the Middle East than Arkansas, why did you return?

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She graduated from Yale law. Clinton also was "twice named by The National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America—in 1988 and 1991. She was one of only four female lawyers featured on the 1988 list."

She's an accomplished barrister. You may not like her, but it's unnecessary to fill up column space here with your usual ad hominem bull shit. Read her CV. Over and out, Danno.


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Being on the 1988 "influential" list when her spouse was Governor of Arkansas had NOTHING to do with her inclusion on that list, right? And some of that crap, one can literally PAY to be included. She is a vicious narcissist, which I understand in the cutthroat world of law and political power may well be beneficial, but certainly not admirable. She also sat on the board of Wal-Mart while all those "deplorables" earning less than a livable wage were collecting food stamps and getting Medicaid. She and Bubba then proceeded to gut the social safety net; eliminate Glass-Steagall; implement the disastrous "three strikes" rule. I mean, she made it cool to be a Goldwater Girl! (actually, I prefer Barry.) She has a particularly sinister world view, has no concern over using "deplorables" from any corner of the world as canon fodder, and is, in my opinion, the epitome of a morally bankrupt human. I'm ashamed she's a woman. We can do better.

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Ok, so she was a good lawyer 35 years ago. Then she phoned it in as a Senator, created a failed state during her tenure as Secretary of State, then lost the Presidency to a mentally ill game show host. Can we please stop pretending she has done anything remotely competent in the political arena?

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If it wasn’t for Bill, Hillary would be a Senior Research Associate in the bowels of some Chicago law firm. The one who they keep in the basement and don’t allow to interact with clients.

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Rose Law Firm... didn't she have some billing issues there? Couldn't keep track of the hours she was charging clients for.

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Could just be me, but usually one's CV isn't the place to find a listing of one's crimes.

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I've read her CV (Wikipedia) and I am NOT impressed. Would the Rose Law Firm have promoted her if Bill wasn't governor of Arkansas? Would they even have hired her if he wasn't AG and in line to be governor at the time? Without Bill she would have been an average legal aid attorney at best.

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Wow feldspar, that's as dumb as a rock. Ignore her history and what she says, the old resume is what's important. No wonder people vote like they do.

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Feldspar: I thought everybody knew about Hillary’s checkered legal career.

“As journalist Carl Bernstein chronicled in his Hillary Clinton biography A Woman in Charge, much to Hillary's disappointment she received the news later that year that although she had passed the Arkansas bar exam, she had failed the one in D.C. — a piece of information that wasn't publicly revealed until thirty years later”.

The DC bar exam was not considered particularly tough at the time.

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Does it have her "Foundation" on that CV?

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Hillary nothing more than a damn criminal. It was HER bogus paid for dossier. She should be locked up for treason

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Hmm, so your point here is that a genuinely accomplished person and a legitimate leader in the Democratic Party, someone whom Democrats truly look up to, is calling for "formal deprogramming" of 70 million Americans.

I'm not sure that says what you think it does. It scares the shit out of me, anyway. And I did not and would not vote for Trump.

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damn, bro! That's definitely going to leave a mark on Danno.

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Sorry. Been a bit busy since the October 7, 2023 Hamas Attack on Israel, and just now getting back to this, feldspar situation regarding the Clintons. So, feldspar, I'm wondering if you could tell me exactly why, in or about Spring 1984 (I'm trying to locate the exact date), when at an invitational Student-Exchange Program Party at a prominent Little Rock home of a Clinton -Supporting Family, I met a visiting young lady named Claudia, from Medellin Colombia. I was a UALR Student at such time, young, very naive, and inexperienced in politics, and didn't know (until decades later, after my 2015 suspicious near death) that she was Medellin Drug Cartel KingPin Pablo Escobar's Daughter. Maybe you, Barrister Fedspar, being the wealth of knowledge you are, could maybe share with US here, exactly what Claudia was doing in Little Rock, just about 2 years before Iran-Contra Operations Air-America Pilot, Barry Seal's Murder.

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She also flunked the DC bar exam.

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perhaps the other way around....

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It’s all hypothetical, but I think she would have done great on her own. In retrospect, it’s too bad if part of her calculations were that she needed to marry an aspiring politician to “succeed.” From what I’ve read it was never a great romance... I repeat myself, but I think women would have cheered her on if she had left Bill after the final straw.... as in the POTUS getting BJs under his desk....if I’m going to take the high road, I would say she wasted much of her intelligence and time being on power trips as opposed to walking her feminist talk and possibly make a noteworthy difference

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She flunked the bar exam and then went with Bill.

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…” her losing the election has completely broken her and removed all connection to reality”… And a few million others.

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Lock her and Trump in the same max security looney bin.

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Yeah, that's what I thought when I saw that video above- that's like TRUMP level crazy- and in both cases I have to wonder WHO lets them get in front of a microphone and say this shit?

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And put Biden in the memory unit.

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She's broken because she was promised the win, but the people who actually run things saw the massive opportunity in having 4 years of a neutered Donald Trump as president. It's cute some people still think your vote at the poll actually still means anything or counts.

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Millions. Tens of them.

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That would be fine if her ravings were confined to her own basement, but she regular gets interviewed by CNN and appears on Colbert where she’s treated as a statesman.

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And the interviewers sure challenge her, don't they. Laugh, laugh.

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They keep putting her on TV for a reason, they are going to run her once one of the hundred charges against Trump stick with a politically aligned judge. That inhuman thing can never officially wield power again.

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They put her on TV every time Trump stumbles, because liberals are still mad 7 years later and will be filled with rage for 20 more years that Trump dared to deny her the White House.

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They keep putting her on TV because the Progressive left is as clueless and obedient as the MAGA right. As long as they can keep both of those bubbles in tact they can keep pushing towards their 15 minute cities, and global ID and digital control currency, and population control through domination of the food supply. All while mindless idiots scream at the TV or the clouds.

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Two words that will not be in the future obituary of HRC; “former President”. Thank you DJT.

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There's a great story about the 2016 election in which Bill Clinton is purported to through her book manuscript in the trash and tell her she doesn't have a clue and that she had no idea how to interpret polling data and she was sure to lose. I always thought Bill was smart, with issues, but smart for sure.

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In another Bill & Hillary story along those lines...

During the Clinton reign I was a pilot in the USMC. On one of forays through Quantico I stopped by to visit some friends at HMX-1 which of course included a tour of the Presidential aircraft. Of course we got on the subject of Bill & Hill. My friend, a Presidential pilot, said Bill was actually a pretty nice person and would sit and talk with them. Bill was always respectful towards them and the enlisted Marines and they could see why people liked him.

Hillary on the other hand was different. My friend said there was doubt in anyone’s mind that they were nothing more than her servants. They were not to talk to her, look at her or in anyway disturb her. She was disrespectful and one wasn’t surprised after the flight to find out the crew had somehow offended her and were facing some sort of reprimand. In short she was a total b!tch...his words not mine.

What does it say about someone in power who treats those who support them like trash? So yeah, I have no doubt she would put people in camps. She is no better than Stalin or Mao.

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Hillary is a completely insecure and deep down she knows everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. That's why she can't look people in the eye and is obnoxious to 'the help'. The truth is going to collect one day, the truth always does.

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I just noticed that Hillary talks while looking askance at her listener. She gives everyone the side eye! I'm not body language expert, but doesn't that mean that the speaker is prevaricating?

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Can't wait to read that book

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Have heard identical stories from a good friend (also USMC O-5 of that era.). LOTS of foul language, screaming, throwing things, etc.

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I have a good friend who had a part time job during grad school at a fancy boutique hotel in Seattle which was apparently Hillary’s hotel of choice when she was in Washington state. My friend was on duty at the concierge office multiple times when Hillary and her entourage arrived. She gave the exact same description of Hillary. The hotel staff was instructed that they were not allowed to speak to her or even make eye contact. She was often brought in through a back door just so that she would not have to be in the presence of the regular staff. Despite the fact that no staff had actually interacted with her she always left a long list of complaints when she departed . When I asked my friend what her overall impression of Hillary was after being around her she said “ her entire demeanor was just absolutely insufferable”.

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The actual campaign that Hillary ran was terrible.


Everybody could see Hillary Clinton was cooked in Iowa. So when, a week-and-a-half out, the Service Employees International Union started hearing anxiety out of Michigan, union officials decided to reroute their volunteers, giving a desperate team on the ground around Detroit some hope.

They started prepping meals and organizing hotel rooms.

SEIU — which had wanted to go to Michigan from the beginning, but been ordered not to — dialed Clinton’s top campaign aides to tell them about the new plan. According to several people familiar with the call, Brooklyn was furious.

Turn that bus around, the Clinton team ordered SEIU. Those volunteers needed to stay in Iowa to fool Donald Trump into competing there, not drive to Michigan, where the Democrat’s models projected a 5-point win through the morning of Election Day.

Michigan organizers were shocked. It was the latest case of Brooklyn ignoring on-the-ground intel and pleas for help in a race that they felt slipping away at the end.

“They believed they were more experienced, which they were. They believed they were smarter, which they weren’t,” said Donnie Fowler, who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee during the final months of the campaign. “They believed they had better information, which they didn’t.”

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Well, she did blame her team in the end and then pivoted to Russia for her loss.

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I remember in '08 before Obama beat her, me and a friend walked into what I guess was a fund-raiser, at a bar in downtown Pittsburgh. We just stopped for a couple of $6 beers before we had to pay PNC Park's $15/beer. Why they let us in is a mystery, maybe me and Steve looked like a gay couple or something, but it certainly was a mistake. As we drank, we started making crude jokes about Hillary, and this guy, maybe in his 30's, comes over and tries to tell us off, and then says he gave the maximum amount he could to her campaign - $5,000. Steve berated him, calling him every synonym there is for fool. Just as we were settling back into our beers, his mother comes over... Uh oh!

We chugged our beers, went to PNC and watched the Pirates suck.

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"I remember in '08 before Obama beat her, me and a friend walked into what I guess was a fund-raiser, at a bar in downtown Pittsburgh. We just stopped for a couple of $6 beers before we had to pay PNC Park's $15/beer."

And that was 2008? What are they now $26?

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Wonder how that guy feels about his donation these days.

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Bill is nothing if not smart. A corrupt corporatist, but smart as hell. Your anecdote has the whiff of truth. I'd heard that her staff had no idea what of Hillary's virtues they were supposed to extoll. They were going to make her campaign about her destruction of Libya...until they realized that the whole affair was 21st century brigandage and she was the psychopath in chief.

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Bill knew she wasn't going to win because Bill is clued into the real power center of the world, and knew there was simply no chance in hell they were going to pass up allowing Donald Trump to cement their power through division.

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I can easily stipulate this remark remark was her version of sarcasm. That does not,however, excuse her utter contempt for 70 million or more Americans about whom she knows virtually nothing. She’ll go to her grave a bitter, hate-filled, twice failed wannabe POTUS.

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Sooner rather than later. Lets hope.

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Well, sooner or later, it will be Her Turn(TM)

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But, but I thought it was HER TURN!

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I don't recommend buying her book, 'What Happened,' but look it up in the library and peek in the index for an entry on 'deplorables.' There isn't one. This individual still has no clue what happened, or the role she and the DNC played in facilitating Trump's rise in the first place.

Introspection and self-insight just aren't Mrs. Clinton's strong suits, and she isn't open to remedial input. She's going to live and die within a crafted, fantasy narrative, not having really understood a single thing that ever happened to her. Talk about a person who could benefit from deprogramming! I should feel sorry for her; but she's obviously so contemptuous of others, and such a self-righteous bag of walking fertilizer, that it's hard for me to care.

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When her slogan became "I'm with Her," I remember thinking it should be "She's with Me." That set the entire tenor of the campaign, the idea that the people were expected to serve their anointed leader. Perhaps she misunderstood JFK's request. Her ego is incomparable, and it was her undoing.

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The obvious tweak was apparently not so obvious. Because she wasn’t with us! That’s the whole secret to Trump’s appeal. Correct or not, maga folks think he gives a shit about them.

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Most tone deaf slogan in history

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Well freaking said bro.

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Very well put. I think the case can be made that it was Obama's "usurping of the throne" that put her over the edge. At one time, I had some respect for her. After Bush won reelection in 2004, I predicted she would be the next president.

That Obama basically came out of nowhere and went from winning a senate seat in 2004 (where the main argument against him was his lack of experience) to successfully running for president in 2008 after only serving a few years of his first term had to have rattled that bird's cage.

The Obama campaign correctly leveraged social media in 2008 - and I think that was the first year that social media was a critical factor. Hillary's team didn't think people would take him seriously but it was the youth vote that was particularly engaged - the people with the least perspective and experience themselves.

After the 2008 primary loss, she really seemed to lose her grip.

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She felt absolutely entitled to the 2008 presidency, then again in 2016. She's Rumpelstiltskin, furioiusly stomping her way through the floorboards to Hell and taking as much of the country with her as she can. Stop elevating this woman, consider de-platforming her (as long as we're still in that business).

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

She once had a stellar record, on paper, but it's worth remembering that she began her political life as a Republican before charmer Bill seduced her into becoming a Democrat. Apparently, people who live to tell others what to do will follow the path offering them the best opportunity for doing that, even if what they end up telling them is the opposite of what they said before. Hillary fantasized becoming America's first female president, and in 2016 that goal seemed tantalizingly within reach--in fact, in the eyes of pundits and pollsters, inevitable. I suppose we can hardly blame her for hating the man who barged in and busted up the party, especially considering the kind of unapologetically crude, macho man he is. In Hillary's mental universe, Trump can only ever be the Satanic ogre who knocked history off its proper course. Obama she could kind of understand... but Trump's appeal just isn't RIGHT, an offense against all that's holy.

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Thank you for reminding us about this.

Hillary was supposed to be coronated in 2008, but then the smooth-talking--and yes, black--Obama came out of nowhere and cancelled the coronation.

I have no doubt that Hillary bears a deep resentment of Obama, which she must painfully hide due to his popularity.

(Then the vulgar Trump came along and knocked her out in 2016.)

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I'm in Chicago and, after Obama declared his candidacy in early 2007, I was amazed at how no attention was paid to the fact that he had only been sworn into the Senate almost exactly two years earlier in 2005. When he ran for the Senate, the main argument against him was his lack of experience, which is frankly amazing: no identifiable legal career, no record of any professional appearance in an Illinois court, no academic work (published or otherwise), etc.

The viewpoint that "he's the guy" and that he "had to be elected" spread rapidly. As noted, I think the Obama campaign correctly recognized the power of the emergent social media environment. Even though the web and social media had been around for ten years, the "web 2.0" version was vastly more pervasive.

Obama's policies were pretty unpopular by the end of his second term; numerous polls indicated many people did not like the "direction" the country was headed:

1.) A stagnant economy: the "great recession" ended in June of his first year in office...before any of his policies could have taken effect.

2.) Rapid growth of the federal debt: the federal debt nearly doubled under Obama yet the military got weaker. What the heck did we get for all that debt? Goofy social programs, a disastrous healthcare policy and lots of bank bailouts.

3.) Wacky foreign war involvement: the timeline is interesting:

a.) 2011 - Unilateral and complete withdrawal from Iraq (begun in 2010)

b.) 2011 - Syrian crackdown (March) and rise of ISIS => Millions of refugees in Europe.

c.) 2011 (October) - Libyan civil war and the takedown of Gaddafi

d.) 2012 (June) - Benghazi attack

e.) 2014 - Obama refers to ISIS as a "JV team"

There has not been a stable government in Libya since then the toppling of Gaddafi. Open air slave markets and who knows what else are ongoing.

At the risk of being vulgar, I have a joke about this: Obama screwed Hillary on his way into the White House and he screwed her again on his way out.

Obama was discovered and groomed by Penny Pritzker. He's her creation. Despite the labor record of the Hyatt Hotels and her role in the collapse of Superior Bank (her uncle may have been most responsible), Obama appoints her as Secretary of Commerce. This essentially meaningless "experience" is now used as the reason Biden just appointed her "U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery". This has got to be a set-up for a fleecing on an enormous scale:

"As an accomplished public servant, former Secretary of Commerce, and transformative industry leader—with deep familial ties to Ukraine—Special Representative Pritzker brings decades of experience and expertise to this critical position."


The Pritzkers have done a brilliant job in laundering the family name. The fortune appears to have begun with the grandfather of J.B. (current governor of Illinois) and Penny: Abram Pritzker.

For entertainment, run searches on "pritzker capone", "pritzker giancana", "pritzker sidney korshak" or "pritzker mob fbi".

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Obama isn’t black. He is 1/8 black, 3/8th Arab, and 1/2 white…or in other words he is 4 times as white as he is black. He is not the first black president, but rather the first 1/8th black president. Of course, like everything else out of his mouth, his Ancestry declaration was a lie.

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it's a few centuries too late for the American historical legacy to shift from American rules to Brazilian rules. History doesn't work that way.

And yes, I get that the rules are irrational.

Obama is an itinerant academic/diplomat's kid who who spent most of his childhood overseas and his teen years in Hawaii at Punahou, an elite private prep school. No more alignment with the experiences of most ordinary African Americans than John Kerry or the heirs of the Bush dynasty have in common with most ordinary American white folks. Nonetheless, Barack Obama still qualifies as "black", by the traditional American definition.

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Kinda same with “ first black woman VP” Kamala! NOT.

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Not only does she lack insight herself, she has absolutely no clue how to draw it from others. The multiple scenes in the book where she berates her campaign STAFF for being unable to articulate HER vision and explain WHY she should be president are illuminating.

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Insight is her enemy - regonizing the unvarnished truth would undo every one of the lies she lives on.

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We’ll said.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Let me say outright what you hinted at: HRC projects her need for deprogramming onto 30% of America.

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And what a murder it was--the direct involvement of the US Government is a permanent stain on America's reputation and was duly noted by the rest of the world. That despicable decision by the Obama Administration and Secretary Clinton shapes a great deal of the way the leaders of other countries are now treating us--they know what's at stake if the US Government decides to come after them.

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That ill-conceived assassination of Qadaffi unleashed jihadist hell on the entire region. Mali still is reeling.

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But wait! There's more! Now with open air slave markets!!!

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As opposed to many decades of indirect involvement in the murder of foreign leaders? No. It’s been ages since anybody who knows anything has not seen the U.S. as having copious amounts of blood on its hands. Destabilize whole regions of the world? We do it before breakfast.

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Yes. An ambassador dragged through the streets to his death on her watch? Should have automatically disqualified her for office. What a disgrace.

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Let's not forget the, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" snort during the Benghazi hearings.

That her anger at being challenged on this point resulted in a breakdown of any appropriate decorum, gravitas or respect as evidenced in her response was genuinely mind-blowing.

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At the risk of offending, that video of Hillary in the Situation Room... im pretty sure that’s the last time she orgasmed. She s looney tunes, and why women have been so infatuated with her has stumped me pretty much from Day One of “ She Who Must be Obeyed.”....

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Your comment is hilarious. Also, for her and her posse to weigh in on what I need to believe to be a feminist makes me hurl. She insulted Tammy Wynette and said, ". . .I just don't stand by my man staying at home and baking *. . . (paraphrasing)" No, she accepts any insult or degradation to her from the Bill relationship as being part of her power structure goals. She is so not feminist; she can't get it on her own, she will do whatever.

*And, calling Dr. Freud. I bet she sort of hated being the First Lady of Arkansas.

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Oh Hi new best friend! I’m 71 and have never understood the Hillary thing or Hillary actually. So Bill gets elected Governor of Arkansas and he has a security detail that provides cover for him while he nails women in the back of State Suburbans… and Hillary turns a blind eye.. so she may not have a clue as to baking but she has stood by her man one indiscretion after another after another. I would have so respected her if she had said “ OUT you go.” Remember when Madeline Albright was campaigning with HRC and said “ there’s a special place in Hell for women who don’t support other women”… REALLY? Like you said, that’s not feminism and shame on the likes of Hillary who gladly diminish women or anyone who doesn’t see or welcome her self anointed exceptionalism. But she’s a woman of the people toting her Huarache Hot Sauce in her $15,000 Hermes Burkin Handbag….

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Hillary is a lying, grifting, murdering, vengeful 2nd rate talent. Bill was the brains & the talent, rapist that he is. The most telling part to me is everyone I know from Arkansas (I live in Memphis so just over the MS River) says Hillary is absolutely the murderer of inconvenient people In Clinton world. This is across parties, Reps and Dems alike agree on this. I usually trust boots on the ground opinions. I will not be sad when she passes.

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Have ya seen Bill lately? He seems a bit edgy.. as in, now what is this lunatic going to do next?

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She's Lady MacBeth with a nasal twang.

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It was a grisly, horrible, slow death for the man. I can't help but imagine that she was behind that part of it, too. It seemed almost personal.

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At the time I heard about it I thought "It doesn't matter what he did, because nobody deserves to die like THAT."

I thought at the time that being liberal meant not wishing torture on anyone; we had spent most of the 2000s saying that not even the people in Gitmo who were actually guilty deserved the torture they'd suffered, after all. We were all outraged about that.

People calling themselves liberals sure aren't against torture any more. They think Assange belongs in solitary (which the UN classifies as torture) and that J6 protestors belong there as well, even the ones who did absolutely nothing remotely violent.

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He was upsetting the weapons transfer program to Al Qaeda in Syria.

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I hear Hillary reprised Roman Polanski's bit part in the movie "Chinatown" right before they offed Muammar. Where Jake Geddes (Jack Nicholson/Gaddafi) gets a knife up a nostril as a warning. Obama (Clyde), I also hear, was the one who held Gaddafi's arms behind his back for Hillary (Polanski).

Hillary addressing Gaddafi while holding a knife in his face: "You're a very nosy fella, kitty cat, huh? You know what happens to nosy fellas? Huh? No? Wanna guess? Huh? No? Ok. They lose their noses (Hillary slides switchblade up Gaddafi's left nostril and slices it).

"Next time you lose the whole thing...cut it off and feed it to my goldfish. Understand?"

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I recently read that during the latter days of her campaign in 2016, she was handing out copies of Eric Hoffer's "The True Believer" to her staff to understand the MAGA crowd. how many layers of irony in that anecdote is anyones guess, especially in light of the Resistance Dems taking over the Neoliberal elite...

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She never read the book. If she did, she missed its thesis.

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Hillary Clinton patient zero for fascism? The US government has been fascist for quite a long time. When you allow human chattel slavery, commit ethnic genocide and relocate whole peoples into concentration camps ('reservations'), set up an apartheid system of life for your minority population (including regular lynching and systematic imprisonment for labor exploitation), are perpetually at war while claiming to be peaceful, worship the cops and military in all media, use police, military, and private detectives to kill thousands of workers trying to organize, effectively ban Leftist political parties, and openly assassinate or imprison Left or even moderate left leaning political leaders (JFK, MLK, RFK, Eugene Debbs). Oh yeah, and support nearly every murderous right wing military dictator and conservative religious regime around the world. In a country that does all these things, hard to describe it as anything but having a solidly Fascist heritage.

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And added to massive destabilization of the Middle East as a result.

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Mg was a big time rapist. Justice was deserved--the geopolitical chaos and slave markets left in his wake are a bigger crime.

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It's not the US State Department's job to operate the criminal justice system in other countries. The state of Lybia was toppled not because Gadaffi was a rapist but because Lybia defied Fance and the USA on financial and monetary arrangements.

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Or you are just good at recognizing psychopaths.

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She's a sociopath.

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I think sociopath would indicate that she hadn't stepped across the line (acting out in violent ways i think) that would classify her as psychopath.

I think there's enough smoke in her past to say with some amount of certainty -


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"we came, we saw. he died!"

As if she were Julius Caesar and Klaus Barbie rolled into one.

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Let's not forget the kill list that would slide across Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama's desk every Taco-Tuesday with his glowing comment "Who knew I would be so good at killing" Like some proud child taking credit for playing guitar when they're only air-jamming.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

There's a theory that he was once (and perhaps still is) a CIA operative. That seems consistent with the above.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

True. How many people do you know with over 20 friends and colleagues who committed suicide?

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Who else do you know who had 12 bodyguards who committed suicide? . . . Bill Clinton?

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As I understand it, some of them committed suicide twice!

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And they still vote Democrat.

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Primary Colors. was truer than fiction

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I was a single mother with a demanding career during Bill's presidency. My parents seemed obsessed with his faults to the point where I thought they needed another hobby. Then I saw Primary Colors and the penny dropped. My second husband loves shopping Goodwills, and during our travels since, I have whiled away the time in their book sections reading enough books about the Clintons and Hillary to be able to hold my own in any conversation about them with my parents--sadly, that will have to wait till the hereafter, if there is such a place we can meet and dish the dirt.

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Hilary is a woman scorned! Finish.

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Yes I agree.

I know a lot of 'academics' who never listen to the people on 'the ground.'

I live in a family of academics and apart from one, they assume I know nothing.

I have spent my life struggling as an artist/photographer and I know I have learned more from this than any academic.

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Seth Rich. Enough evidence that Hillary should be locked up.

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Both and much more

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Look up the word! This must be a DEM elitist.

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OH for heavens sake.......everyone in the USA is now a 'sociopath?"

How about the word 'misguided.'

This is the problem with the US.....people are so dim that they 'latch' onto a word.

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We don't know how lucky we are that she lost in 2016.

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There were two big losers in 2016 which saved the nation. Don't forget Merrick Garland. Could you imagine him on SCOTUS?

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We owe The Turtle for that. I can almost forgive him for shilling for Ukraine. Almost.

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The last good thing he ever did.

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I would not dispute that assertion.

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Hey hey hey. He took Elaine Chao off the marriage market so she couldn't torture some normal guy for 40 years.

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Did it save the nation or just delay the inevitable a few years?

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I do.

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I do too.

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I can't say I liked Trump but I did feel safer when he won the election.

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Maybe Obama felt safer, too. I'm wondering if he had anything to do with Comey shanking her campaign at the last minute by resurrecting the private server issue.

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Interesting idea. It was a really, really, weird election.

I think Obama would have wanted her to win too though. He and she both pretty much stfu during Trump's years, suggesting he did have some power.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

"We don't know how lucky we are that she lost in 2016."

I always knew that.

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Never had so munch popcorn fun on election night. 🍿

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Live shots from the Javits Center were especially satisfying.

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I wonder if the rumors are true that Hillary was so out of her mind with rage and disbelief over her crown being stolen away that she had to be tranquilized.

Madam Speaker, meet Prince Valium.

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That's a fun thought.

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Amazing that a woman responsible for so much death and destruction on a world wide level should sit in judgement of anyone. What is more disturbing is that so many Americans are unaware of how sick she is. Julian Assange in an exchange with John Pilger said she was a very sick women in her need for power although he felt sorry for her. He is too kind, since I could never find empathy within myself to feel sorry for a mass murderer, a liar and a thief.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

This is scary. https://www.newsweek.com/2023/10/13/exclusive-fbi-targets-trump-followers-2024-election-nears-1831836.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1696429326


Exclusive: Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election Nears


"Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country," President Biden tweeted last September, the first time that he explicitly singled out the former president. "MAGA Republicans aim to question not only the legitimacy of past elections but elections being held now and into the future," Biden said.

Biden's Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall said: "The use of violence to pursue political ends is a profound threat to our public safety and national security...it is a threat to our national identity, our values, our norms, our rule of law—our democracy."

Gee,. and I ways saw Biden as a proponent of violence that used his position in the Senate to push war, death and destruction. Not to mention cultivating nazis in Ukraine to ultimate fight their war against Russia using Ukrainian lives to do it. Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We’re subjects to cunts like her.

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I'm surprised someone from her Secret Service detail hasn't kicked her down a flight of stairs. That kind of restraint is an example of their high level of professionalism.

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Contempt that I, for one, am more than happy to reciprocate.

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Misogynist? But that's someone who hates women. When was the last time anyone saw Hillary act like a woman?

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Yeah, internalized. Shame on you, you should turn yourself in preemptively to be reprogrammed right now. (I always worry about being misunderstood when I'm sarcastic on the internet so, even though you probably guessed as much, that response is 100% sarcasm. Fuck her, and the whole Clinton family in fact.)

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What I've noticed that Matt's gone Alex Jones on the Democrats. How awesome is that?

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Politics is war by other means and liberals love war even against their own people.

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MAGA cultists are not ordinary people.

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Indeed. A sure sign of this very problem is if you are unaware of the extreme contempt Trump has for 'regular people'.

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While I dislike Trump, and he's probably a terrible racist, my uncle tells a story of meeting trump at his hotel and introducing himself and having a nice interaction. After some hours , he saw Trump again, said hi and Trump remembered his name. My uncle is rich but dresses modestly, so he didn't look like a rich guy. He said Trump was kind. I still dislike Trump, but IMO, any disdain he has for the common man pales in comparison to that of Hillary. And he's reflexively anti military adventurism. That alone puts him lightyears ahead of Hillary.

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I get that, and I bet he is a nice to individuals. But he put kids in cages, wanted to bomb Mexico, thought bleach might protect against covid, he treats women terrible, I mean who has an affair like that when their wife is giving birth? And he cheats. His University. He is responsible for three thousand of law suits, because throughout his career, instead of paying people, he would refuse payment and then let them try to use the courts to force him to pay. The list of troublingTrump behaviors is long indeed.

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He didn't invade Iraq. He actually criticized Bush for doing so at the time. Somehow, the mass murderer and torturer (Bush) is now accepted by Democratic politicians and voters, while the guy who was against that war (Trump) is not.

And as for kids in cages, Biden's kept putting them there, and they were put in there under Obama. So you're against putting kids in cages but you still like those guys?

If you're any kind of lefty then you should care about the drone program far more than "Trump treats women bad." You know what's worse than treating women bad? Blowing women to pieces. Obama started that. Trump continued it, and he shouldn't have, but for fuck's sake have a sense of proportion and treat war crimes as more serious than pussy-grabbing. If you have principles instead of merely being a blind partisan, then you will acknowledge that Democrats have done horrifying stuff as well, and in some cases worse stuff than Trump.

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Rob I completely agree. There is nothing worst than war. Nothing. Let us hope that, whoever is our president, we are never in another war again.

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I'm glad that we agree on that, and I'm sorry that I jumped to conclusions about you.

I've seen so many people talk about how Trump is bad while simultaneously embracing Never Trump Republicans or war hawks on the Democratic side that I've gotten into the unfortunate habit of thinking that everybody who criticizes Trump is going to be the same kind of hypocrite. You've reminded me that this isn't true of everybody, and that I should do my best to get out of that habit.

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Have you got the notification yet that you have been completely canceled? How dare you write such things where people could read them.

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Trump put kids into cages, but it was the liberals’ beloved Lying Messiah, Hussein Obama, who put the cages there and began putting kids into them. Well, along with Sloppy Joe Biden. It just didn’t become evil until Trump took office.

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This is the story you tell yourself. in order to protect your love of Trump. Obama's administration built the facility, but there were never 'children in cages.' Think of it this way: your beliefs and thoughts create reality; whatever you believe, you will find evidence for it. If you believe Trump was the greatest president or the worst, you will find oodles of 'evidence' to support that belief.

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Actually, the pictures that your leftist mainstream media was showing all of you sheep were taken during the Hussein Obama regime. Like I said, it only became evil after your beloved Lying Messiah slithered out of office… but I am OK with any story you tell yourself. Odd how often it agrees exactly with whatever you found in the Kool-Aid.

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Democrats keep upping the ante: "we have to censor and silence our political opponents"; "we have to surveil and imprison our political opponents"; "we must put our political opponents in re-education camps."

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"To protect Our Democracy"

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Democracy will never be safe as long as people are allowed to vote for whoever they want!

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I'd certainly like to have a conversation with her on that word. Until she shut it down, that is.

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Matt's gone Alex Jones on us. Appreciate that for a moment.

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Alex Jones has gotten some very important stuff right. Quit being a troll by trying to tie Matt to Alex Jones.

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how so??

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By falsely implying that Democrats want to lock 70 million people in re-education camps?

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If you're referring to this: 'What impolitic comment is next? “We have enough railway capacity for the job”? “Welcome, future deprogrammed!” banners above the entrances to decommissioned military bases?'

I wouldn't consider that "implying" in the literal sense, it is more humorous hyperbole to make a point.

I think Matt is expressing his shock over Hillary saying something obviously deranged, and calling for 70 million people to be "reprogrammed" is pretty shocking.

And it's also pretty shocking how people like her and other gentry liberals no longer hide how much they hate half the country and want to silence any and all dissent.

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Well they have arranged a demographic invasion, as well as a social war.

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Hyperbolic but not humorous. And a sizable majority of Americans wish to see Donald Trump and his MAGA flock exit stage "right" forthwith. Nothing shocking about this at all.

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I mean this:

"Hillary Clinton suggests "formal deprogramming" for seventy million"

-- the tagline of the article. Great job reading.

It's very clear what he's implying here, and it's not just that Hillary doesn't know how to talk like a politician.

From the article:

"In addition to the obvious observation that people like Hillary seem increasingly unmoored from reality, as well as wilfully deaf to the political consequences of their words — Maybe we need to formally deprogram you makes the “Basket of Deplorables” episode seem like a Valentine’s Day card — someone should point out that a month ago, on September 8th, Joe Biden renewed the original State of Emergency issued three days after 9/11 by George W. Bush. 𝐖𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟐 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥, 𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐬. 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞’𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬!"

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When we finally get an article on ‘Stop the Steal’ and Trump’s attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes your take will make sense. Hillary’s dumb comments are nothing by comparison—yet lo and behold, here’s a whole piece on it.

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Words are so damn inadequate to express an idea/concept. “Cada cabeza es un mundo.” & each of us filters “stimuli” thru our own lens. Perception & “truth” are most often highly subjective. (draw yor own conclusions!)

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Lastly, it's not just the gentry. Hillary was spot-fucking-on with that "deplorables" comment, and she was spot on saying that Trump cultists need deprogramming. It's not deranged, it's the truth, something people like you endlessly rail against politicians for not speaking.

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Also, Hillary didn't "call for 70 million people to be reprogrammed."


"𝘞𝘦'𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘨𝘶𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘢𝘹𝘦𝘴," 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥. "𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝘸𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺."

She's not saying anything about 70 million Trump voters, she's talking about the brainwashed loons who shoot up FBI buildings and think the military is going to execute a bunch of "deep state" government employees once they seize power.

Once again, good job reading.

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He implied that Hillary is speaking for whom she works for and with. He didn't imply garden-variety Democrats want re-education camps. What a garden-variety Democrat thinks isn't of concern to either side in this conflict. They will shift to the side that wins, in the end, and players on both side are behaving as if this is already inevitable. Garden-variety Democrats will experience cognitive dissonance & a recurring feeling of being talked passed, until there's a clear winner.

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fALsEly ImPLyiNg

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From the interview:

"𝘞𝘦'𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘨𝘶𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘢𝘹𝘦𝘴," 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥. "𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝘸𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺."

Is she referring to 70 million people? No, she is not.


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Kind of like liberals endlessly and falsely accuse the GOP of wanting to eliminate Medicar and Social Security??

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Yeah, exept for the part where it's not false. lol

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To be fair, they're just extending the reach of the tools given the National Security State after 9/11.

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Correct Thus the word "formal" was not put in there by accident when she said that.

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Uh, okay? Care to share how you came upon this "fact"?

Formal could mean almost anything. It's given in contrast to "informal", i.e. family members, political pundits, and randos on the internet trying and failing to dissuade MAGA lunatics.

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I think you have it backwards. Informal could be anything including all of your examples and more. Assuming she did not mean it would be done by people in tuxedos, formal would best be defined as something executed according to some set of rules or plan.

You could us the old example of "teach ins" as an example bt remember , deprogramming is not a voluntary action.

Or it could just have been a slip of the tongue?

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Total bullshit. 9/11-justified tools are not being used for any of those things.

When OP says "political prisoners", I can only assume he means all the Trumpists (including Trump himself) who have been prosecuted because they committed serious crimes -- how shocking!

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No, re-education is the complete abrogation of all civil rights. To be physically arrested and sent to a camp to be changed, to have their beliefs and thoughts molded, so that the only purpose they fill is ideological slave.

This may sound reasonable to you, but only because you are a comfortable fascist who believes none of us should have individual rights that in any way contradict the beliefs or programs of the powerful. You believe we are here to serve. So resisting your fascism means EVERYONE ELSE are the cult members.

But of course, you are the ones saying those who denounce your leaders should be essentially destroyed. We are a ragtag bunch that knows your certitude about these issues contradicts American values. We can simply read the Constitution to which people like Clinton swore loyalty. We can see how these programs of surveillance and censorship and new obsession with authoritarianism: doing as you are told even by self-contradictory and -serving “authorities”. The Democrats’ newly-claimed total authority to shape the “truth” around politics never stands up to sustained debate, logic, history or the fair application of our laws as written.

The only way you can pretend this is normal and not a terrifying slalom into dehumanizing fascism is by using your control of institutions to completely silence the majority: once all dissenting voices are gone, you can pretend your hatred and belief is normal - until they come for the next group of dissenters. Maybe you. Do you eat meat.

At the very root of this story, this is what Clinton is saying. She wants to silence everyone who disagrees with her. Permanently.

But you keep defending these people as the next horrors are feted by the glorious liberal bubble. They probably won't start killing people for their beliefs for a while yet. And if they lose the next election, it's possible we will get some control back before this evil gets any more banal.

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Drop the mic!

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"No, re-education is the complete abrogation of all civil rights."

And who's talking about re-education here? The right, only.

Anyway, thanks for telling me who I am and what I believe. Any more inane blather you'd like to fart out into the universe?

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Since you're recognizing Hillary Clinton as a rightwing politician, I think we're in agreement.

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hardy har har

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I see you share Dan Goldman's misconception that a random prosecution claim is the same thing as a reliable conviction at trial.

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Next up: "Arbeit Macht Frei" over the gate.

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cant use the word "work" - need something else

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“Woke will set you free”

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Wachte Macht frei

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While at the same time Biden is lecturing the proles about how we shouldn't be divided.

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It's all about that cognitive dissonance.

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Perhaps we should think about uniting against the elites.

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Uh oh. Now you’re on the list.

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Every subscriber to Racket or Public is already on the list.

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Yes, I figured as much. I’m expecting a bus to pull up in front of my house before long to load me up and drive me to “camp”.

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The subscriber list, yes.

Seriously though, maybe cut back your paint huffing schedule a bit.

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Please go home troll. We don't come and post BS on your Blue No Matter Who corporatist websites. Why do you bother us here?

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Your gratuitous insult is very much not appreciated.

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I’ve supported this for quite sometime.

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Biden started this at his Philadelphia Nazi speech Red and Black military uniformed fist shaking cry for unity for someone’s democracy.

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And to think it was Roger Waters not Biden who was charged for LARPing as a Nazi. 😁

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Oh, and it's Democracy for them, not us.

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I think it was officially launched as a policy at that speech. He attacked non-party members before then, because I remember dreading that speech when I heard he was planning it.

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The most charitable take on this is that she's sloshed and just playing up to her wine-mom/MSNBC base. Which is pathetic from someone with her stature. Is there such thing as a fall from disgrace?

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great line -- fall from disgrace. Hillary Clinton is testimony to the fact that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned -- at least a particular type of woman. Any man who lost two elections so disgracefully -- against a black man named Hussein and Donald Trump -- would slink away and hide. My biggest fear amongst a sea of fears is she will run again in '24 and the nation won't survive her final attempt. Her, if you will, final solution.

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“Something wicked this way comes....”Peebo. She’s gunning for it.

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The most charitable take is the truth: she's not referring to 70 million Trump supporters (as Taibbi dishonestly implies); she's explicitly referring to MAGA cultist extremists, as you will surely know if you've read/watched the interview:

"𝘞𝘦'𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘨𝘶𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘢𝘹𝘦𝘴," 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥. "𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝘸𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺."

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Right and by definition anyone that isn't 100% on board with the Borg's agenda is a MAGA cultist extremist in their eyes

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MAGA cultist extremist = Not Gonna Vote For Biden in 2024. Even if you're not planning on voting for Trump either.

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And the phrase "little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican party" doesn't contradict that impression in any way whatsoever? She is clearly, obviously, explicitly NOT referring to the majority of Republican voters.

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"It doesn't matter what she said, it only matters what 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 she said."

You're just wrong. Sorry :/

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It is clear she means Trump voter.

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Not really.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Yes but she believes a plurality of the country is "Far Right" and "Cultist MAGAts."

If we put you in charge of lining up these "extremists" it likely includes me, and I didn't even vote for Trump, along with anybody else who disagrees with you, and most of this comment section.

You need to start inventorying cattle car capacity and compare this to your deplorables count.

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"Yes but she believes a plurality of the country is "Far Right" and "Cultist MAGAts.""

Does she really? I don't think so. Why do you?

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Please go away troll. You’re absolutely 💯 wrong on every comment I’ve read. Wake up, it’s long past time. Trump isn’t the problem, he’s the RESPONSE to the problem. He’s imperfect for sure, but he gives a shit for citizens and the country, and cares what happens to ordinary people. I haven’t seen a Dem who did that since Bill.

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So, no rebuttal, just a partisan screed? Nice.

For real, though: you think Trump gives a damn about what happens to ordinary people? The narcissistic trust-fund-baby billionaire reality TV star who created a massive deficit by lowering taxes on people in *his* tax bracket cares about ordinary people?

Give me a break.

"I haven’t seen a Dem who did that since Bill."

He's called "Joe Biden". Eat your heart out, partisan asshole.

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Right, but once they arrest people for MAGA the definition will be expanded to include everyone. Just like the word “racism.”

Once they find a label they can weaponize they expand the definition to apply it to as many enemies as possible, every time.

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But who says they'll arrest people for MAGA?

This is just an argument for absolute catastrophization.

Nothing Hillary said implies that the legal system should be used against MAGA cultists. She said, to paraphrase, that when people do decide to separate from the MAGA cult, we should have a program ready to help them land on their feet, and we should make sure they realize that everyone understands what they've been through and is rooting for them to succeed, as you would with any ex-cult member.

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Plus buddy, you don’t get to decide who’s in a cult and who isn’t.

Your side believes

-gender isn’t real and you can flip flop back and forth

-Covid wasn’t formed in a lab even though its been proven and we have Faucis emails admitting it

-Russia handed Trump the first election even though its been proven Hillary Clinton invented the story out of thin air.

You guys are the misinformation brigade and it is only because you are so totally misinformed about EVERYTHING that you think the people who are correct are in some kind of cult against you.

People like Trump just like you guys went psycho for Obama. The difference is the Republicans didn’t try to label you a cult.

Fucking gross.

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"Plus buddy, you don’t get to decide who’s in a cult and who isn’t."

Uh, okay? I didn't decide they're in a cult, but it's pretty obvious they are.

"Your side believes"

Excuse me, "my side"? Please tell me, what is "my side"?

"gender isn’t real and you can flip flop back and forth"

Yeah, a bunch of dumb teenagers and 20-somethings believe that. I happen to believe that gender *is* real, and that not everyone fits neatly on the binary scale of gender = sex. So sue me.

Even if that's a false belief, it's not a *cult* belief.

"Covid wasn’t formed in a lab even though its been proven and we have Faucis emails admitting it"

Bullshit. The facts of the COVID origin are simply not knowable by the public. You accuse "my side" of being a misinformation brigade, and then you shit out blatantly false "facts" like this as evidence I'm in a cult? Give me a break.

"Russia handed Trump the first election even though its been proven Hillary Clinton invented the story out of thin air"

Wow what a stupid strawman.

- I don't think I've ever heard any leftie commentator I care about say that Russia decided the 2016 election. It's not "my side"'s fault if you exclusively follow fringe whackjobs on the left.

- Hillary Clinton did not invent that story out of thin air. Again, bullshit bullshit bullshit.

"you think the people who are correct are in some kind of cult against you"

I know you are, but what am I?

"you guys went psycho for Obama"

Uh... I voted for Mitt Romney and John McCain, asshole. Another strawman down!

"The difference is the Republicans didn’t try to label you a cult"

Well, they certainly wouldn't have tried to label *me* as being in a cult, since I was a Republican voter.

Obama's die-hard supporters weren't in a cult. Trump's die-hard supporters are in a cult. That's the difference. Sorry if you're too blinded by ideology to see that.

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Because nobody with an ounce of intelligence should trust Democrats not to try to expand the definition of a pejorative label.

It is THE ONLY THING THEY DO. Remember what racism used to mean? Thinking one race was genetically inferior to another? And now today it means disagreeing with a black person?

Give them to power to jail their opponents under Soviet style rules and in 3 years MAGA extremist will mean literally anyone who opposes them.

And I’m sorry but you’re a fool or a liar if you don’t see this.

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So you're just assuming it's true with zero evidence, basically. Nice.

It's great that we don't *have* Soviet-style rules in the US, or that might end up being a problem, huh?

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It used to be, not that long ago, that Democrats couldn’t win unless they cheated. Now, it’s they cannot win unless they oppress their opposition.

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And open the borders

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Ahhhh, you poor oppressed opposition. Perhaps the DNC can bring you a warm glass of milk before bed tonight so there's no hard feelings and to atone for all their mean oppositional oppression.

The right-wing grievance Zamboni must be gearing up for an early winter season---"snowflakes" are already flying!

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And with this comment, you reveal your utter gullibility and intellectual vacancy to the world.

You *do* need to be deprogrammed, if you actually believe this bullshit.

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It has been interesting to watch Matt's journey as he realizes what is happening and how things are escalating.

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What's happening is the balance of Mr. Taibbi's bank account is escalating. But it's really not that interesting of a journey.

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I think you meant to say,

"It has been interesting to watch Matt's journey as he realizes how much money shit-for-brains right wingers will pay him if he just says what they want to hear"

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LOL at the bitter Biden voter

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1. I didn't vote for Biden;

2. If I had, why would I be bitter? Biden won, and I have to say he's exceeding expectations (something even Taibbi acknowledged shortly after the election, before his slow descent into "I'm not gay, I just have sex with dudes" MAGA stardom really took off).

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LOL at lying about voting for Biden

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

uh, okay? I really didn't, but you can think I did if it makes you feel better.

I'm glad to see that you've conceded the point, though. Biden *has* overperformed expectations, both in getting nominated and elected, and in keep*ing the country on track despite insane MAGAts throwing sand in the gears at every opportunity.

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Aren’t you so very verbal!

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Yes? Are you literally objecting to the fact that I'm writing down words?

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Why do you assume an objection? Stick to reality.

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So you just commented, out of nowhere and for no reason, "Aren't you so very verbal!"?

Are you on drugs, lady?

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I am posting before reading your comments.

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..........because THEY are the Nazis!

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Is this satire? I can't even tell.

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I think they are trying to draw us out into open aggression. That or they don't realize that every time they do these things, they are creating the people they claim to afraid of.

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For Democracy!

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It is now apparent with their politicizing and corrupting the justice system, their chronic attempts to censor anyone who disagrees and their actions the Democrat party is equivalent to a political crime organization trying to become a dictatorship of one party controlling the nation like communist dictators. What does it mean when Democrats take the oath of office in the federal government and then try to dismantle the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

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All the while being lectured about how dehumanizing their political opponents treat people...

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Inching towards the “final solution”.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Yeah, except that's a lie, because Democrats never said any of those things. It's just pure partisan self-flagellation and projection.

I find this situation disturbingly similar to the radicalization of the German populace ahead of Nazi fascism. It's not just a harmless exercise in political rhetoric to spread the message that your opponents want to put you in re-education camps... it's dangerous, because the obvious implication is that violence is justified in order to prevent it.

Anyway, Brad, I'm looking forward to seeing your sentencing live on national TV one of these days!

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Except you're part of the good German Volk, buddy.

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Ad hominem, no rebuttal.

Classic shitstain rhetoric.

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You called me a brownshirt n@$!, you pos. I'd say look in a mirror but you probably don't cast a refection.

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Formal deprogramming was a thing in the 50s and 60s and even the 70s and eventually they gave up trying. It doesn't work. So she's an idiot as well as a maniac.

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The DC elites are mystified as to why everyone hates them. They can't think outside the beltway.

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This is much closer to my opinion.

She's not mad, crazy, fascist—or at least not on this evidence.

No, she thinks she's being witty. "We should just, like, ya' know SEND THEM TO A RE-EDUCATION CENTER! Heh-heh. Heh-heh. Or, like, come up with a FINAL SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM! Heh-heh."

She has the social and political awareness of someone far to the bad side of the spectrum. Clueless.

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See, *you* are the one using terms like "final solution" and "re-education". You're putting words in her mouth and then mocking her for them, just as Matt did.

She's explicitly talking about the "little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican party", as you would surely know if you'd actually consumed the source material. What Hillary said is 100% reasonable, and probably will need to be attempted at some point, if MAGA cultists continue shooting up FBI offices, storming government buildings, attempting to kidnap elected officials, and forming vehicular convoys to try and run opposition politicians off the road during campaign travel. THAT is dangerous, and it's not just rhetorical.

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As opposed to what, trans activists murdering little Christian schoolkids and hordes of Antifa running out of the woods attacking policemen in Atlanta?

How about we throw you in camps instead? We’ll only go for the radicals, promise 😉

Have a problem with it now? Hypocritical fuck.

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"As opposed to what, trans activists"

Blatant falsehood.

1. It was a trans *person*, not a trans *activist*. There is zero evidence the shooting was politically motivated. This is just as stupid as saying "most mass shooters are white, therefore mass shootings are inherently white supremacist".

2. It was *one* person. This happened once.

3. The overwhelming majority of politically-motivated mass shootings in America are carried out by hard-right racists. In 2022, *all* of them were.

Again: the only people using words like "camps" here are the people in your camp. As you alluded to, this is a positively Hitlerian political strategy to create moral equivalence for any kind of insane political violence the right chooses to unleash.

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The violent incidents involving so-called "MAGA cultists" always seem to be false flag events caused by government agents. The one which went to trial - the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer - turned out to be exactly that. And how about those fake nazi marches, with half a dozen fully masked participants decked out in ridiculous uniforms? Please.

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"The violent incidents involving so-called "MAGA cultists" always seem to be false flag events caused by government agents."

"seem to" is doing the heavy lifting here. Literally anything can "seem to" be a false flag if you listen to liars and propagandists.

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Found the DNC bot lol

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No rebuttal, of course.

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I don't think they care why everyone hates them. I wonder if they know we remembered Obama saying, "We must look forward."

I hope these psychopaths get what they deserve.

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And I hope I win the Powerball......

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MAGA? Oh, they will, they will.

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They would have to be much less oblivious to be mystified. They are having a ball. They are having the time of their lives riding high in their respective dream careers. Why would they distract themselves by even noticing that we hate them let alone puzzling over why?

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Why would they allow themselves to be distracted by a bunch of Racket News chuds? That seems farfetched.

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I meant "we" a bit more broadly than that, i.e. voters who aren't also partisans or Beltway hacks.

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2016 was a wake-up call.

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Wow, yeah, ok, there is a much more sinister implication here. You do realize that right?

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I think Matt realizes it and knows that we do, too.

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Wasn't his point.

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Idk what 23 is suggesting. I was thinking of the cold-war brainwashing research, you know, MKUltra and all that jazz like Deighton used in The IPCRESS File. I'm not suggesting HRC was a product of those programs, although maybe there's a fictional story one could develop from that.

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"Formal deprogramming" isn't a thing, as many people here seem to not understand, so I am not sure what the point is, thus the comment.

My point is that there is not too far of a walk between this and "re-education camps". Who cares about what happened in the 50s? People with power have been trying to figure out how to control masses since the dawn of time.

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I think we are all on similar pages here. Jargon can get in the way of communication in my opinion.

Nutshell - a high level Democrat is using Nazi like language about 70 million other citizens. A 'radical minority' doesn't seem like it would include 70 million people. That is not quite a third of the US population.

She is insane or truly Nazi like which the Democrat support of Ukraine suggests is not really an untruth.

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Probably 80M and add in RFK supporters now too. Basically anyone who supports an outsider or a reformer. Not chosen by the uniparty.

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All the RFK supporters in the country would fit between your toes and you'd still have room for the Tinea pedis. And if you're following the nation's politics, you'd know that RFK is now calculated to be more of a threat to The Donald than Biden.

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Speaking of jargon, there's another word for deprogramming, "conversion therapy," and, depending on what your values are and which direction the therapy is supposed to be taking you, it's either a good thing or a bad thing. In her case she wants the therapy to go in precisely the opposite direction that any decent person would want to go. Btw she has a personality disorder as do all psychopaths, sociopaths, and personality disorders are incurable. She'll be this way until the day she dies.

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Well put! Pay no attention to the trolls. You made that comment your bitch.

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"Speaking of jargon, there's another word for deprogramming, "conversion therapy,""

This is so stupid it hurts. Conversion therapy rests on the stupid and malicious idea that sexual orientation is a choice, and that people can be educated out of it.

Meanwhile, cults and extremist movements really *do* program people. You can take it completely out of the political context; deprogramming cult members is a legitimate area of psychological treatment that involves trying to repair the depersonalization and brainwashing imposed on them by the cult.

Such an idiotic attempt at drawing a politically convenient parallel between two things that couldn't possibly be more different.

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Or her clone puppet will be.... ;-)

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To be fair, she only proposed formally deprogramming the cult tail that's wagging the Trump-voting dog. Or maybe that's not any better 8^O

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I do happen to think that's a lot better... deprogramming people for ordinary political beliefs would be completely deplorable, but deprogramming those who've been caught up in violent extremism is both reasonable and compassionate.

Being brainwashed by a cult is something that's happened *to* you, not something you chose. Deprogramming that brainwashing is the same thing as freeing a prisoner.

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"Nazi like language"

Moron. Nazis didn't deprogram, they just disintegrated people they didn't like.

She's also not referring to 70 million people (as you would know if you'd actually consumed the source material). She's explicitly talking about a "little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican party", i.e. MAGA cultists, which are a small fraction of the Republican voter base.

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Do you talk to your mother with that mouth? I see...🤔

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"Fine people on both sides..."

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Do you not have the internet?

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Ah, a Wikipedia reference, the tell tale sign of a critical thinker.

How much do you think she is really referring to this versus just throwing out "formal deprogramming" as a pop culture meme?

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She's 75 years old. This deprogramming stuff was happening during her formative years. Of f!@#king course she's thinking about deprogramming as explained in the Wikipedia article.

She thinks Republican voters are effectively in a cult and need to be deprogrammed, exactly the same as people thought that cult members in the 60s should be deprogrammed. Are you people really this dumb.

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It's not as informed as the Townhall editorial section, I agree.

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even if all it is is a "pop culture meme", it's really bad that so many people- including those in the highest reaches of government power- feel compelled to use hipspeak hyperbole to express their thoughts. It goes back at least as far as Ronald Reagan's way with a facile quip. And by now it's turned into some rhetorical arms race, with Hillary trying to out-soundbite Donald Trump's loose cannon outbursts.

And then some of the same people go on to bemoan "polarization."

Seriously, is it over yet?

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Ah, objecting to Wikipedia references, the telltale sign of a drooling moron who can only think in binary terms and refuses to apply critical thinking on a granular level to their media diet.

"How much do you think she is really referring to this versus just throwing out "formal deprogramming" as a pop culture meme?"


"I'm not wrong, look over there for a second!"

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That article basically asserts what 23 is saying. It's not a "formal" thing... it's a "controversial tactic". Who decides who is on the right side of the deprogramming?

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What the fuck is a "formal thing?" So a "controversial tactic" is an "informal thing?" And if so how does one formalize an informal thing? And conversely, how does one casually convert a a formal thing into an informal thing? Maybe deal with it only on "casual Fridays" at the office?

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It can be formal (do you know what "formal" means?) and also a controversial tactic at the same time.

What world do you live in where all formal things are not controversial?

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The court system, most likely in this case, in conjunction with psychologists.

Cult brainwashing isn't a new thing. We have precedent on this. But no, when it's about *politics*, suddenly we forget everything we ever knew, right? Stealing classified documents isn't a crime; telling an election official to "I need 11,000 votes, find me 11,000 votes" isn't attempted election fraud, and how can we really know if Trump *knew* he lost the election, just because he got less votes in the electoral college?

Ignorance is bliss.

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All this means is that those who can think for themselves and no longer listen to anything mainstream media is saying are a threat to the Elites plans and someone better get us in line quickly. It's now not just Trump supporters, but RFK supporters too. Good Luck Killary. 👍

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Nah. Everybody hates her. They have for decades. And she can't deal with the idea that she's unlikeable.

So everybody who hates her, it must be a problem with them, not her. Hence deprogramming.

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The Elites are especially terrified of the regulars on the Racket News comment threads.

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Remember that time a MAGA lunatic shot up an FBI office? Or the time all those MAGA lunatics stormed the US capitol? Or that time a MAGA lunatic bashed Nancy Pelosi's husband's head with a hammer?

If, by "threat to the Elites", you mean people who literally want to murder politicians and public servants... yeah, I think that's what she meant.

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Wait wait wait. You still believe that Pelosi's attacker was a MAGAt?

And WE need reprogramming?

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I wish I could preserve the ignorance of your comment in a time capsule for future generations to savor.

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Remember that time a trans person shot up a school and everybody stopped caring immediately because it wasn't a MAGA person?

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"Everybody stopped caring immediately." Immediately? No lag time between the caring and the caring stoppage? And how do you know the "trans person" wasn't also a MAGA person? And maybe the caring stoppage was on account of it being a big sports day in the media and all?

And maybe the rest of organized society isn't nearly as obsessed with juxtaposing transexuals and MAGA goofs as you seem to be.

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Stopped caring about what? The risk of trans extremists going on crazy shooting sprees all over the country?

Oh right, that didn't happen.

Such an idiotic comparison.

*Any* political cause or affiliation will attract some number of unhinged lunatics. It's just that, for most political movements, those people don't form a civilian army to invade the capitol building, and the leaders of the movements don't encourage their followers to do so.

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The lefty Canadian illegal immigrants who beat Mr. Pelosi was not maga you decrepit liar. Recall the multimonth violent antifa assault on US Federal government buildings in Portland that led to...about zero long term jailing. Remember the blm burning American cities with no repurcussions. Shove off cheap poser.

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"Recall the multimonth violent antifa assault on US Federal government buildings in Portland that led to...about zero long term jailing"

No matter which "side" someone imagines that they're on in regard to these issues: can't anyone be bothered to check basic facts with an Internet search? A partial list, took me ten minutes. Why do I have to do the legwork,? Everyone else is too busy flinging ideological rhetoric and fictional mythology at each other?


BLM rioter sentenced to 5 years in prison for setting Portland police building on fire


Portland protester guilty of arson sentenced to 48 months in prison


DA Mike Schmidt announces 10 year sentence for Malik Muhammed for attempted murder, riot and other charges


Violent extremist Alan Swinney sentenced to 10 years in prison for actions in Portland-area protests


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"Prosecutors believe the attack to be politically motivated. DePape had a history of mental health issues and drug abuse; before the attack, he had embraced various far-right conspiracy theories, including QAnon, Pizzagate, and Donald Trump's false claims of a stolen election in 2020. Online, he made conspiratorial, racist, sexist, and antisemitic posts, and pushed COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. His blog also contained delusional thoughts."

Sounds like classic MAGA to me.


I'm not denying that Antifa exists, or that it's a violent extremist organization (it clearly is). It just doesn't have nearly the power or ubiquity that MAGA has on the right (remember, the leader of the MAGA cult is also leading the polls for the Republican nomination), nor does it use the kind of delusional persecution language the right does (it uses some, but again, not anywhere near the magnitude of Trumpists).

Case in point: this very article. Hillary Clinton observes that many die-hard Trump supporters are brainwashed cultists in need of deprogramming; coming out the other end of the right-wing spin machine, that translates to "Hillary Clinton wants to throw 70 million people into re-education camps!" Can you not comprehend the staggering amount of political violence that sentiment tacitly justifies?

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Right, he missed the point. Deprogramming is an easy euphemism for tyrannical behavior.

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And the point that was made is that it has been proven not to work, so she is spouting party line nonsense.

We could as easily make a case for deprogramming Democrats who can't seem to see the Nazi's in Ukraine. Supporting Nazi's used to be a bad thing.

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You can persuade and even convince people to change their beliefs. This can be done, for example, by showing them evidence. But that's not what I think HRC meant by formal deprogramming. And I would not want to make a case for formal deprogramming anyone.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.”

― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks

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The concept becomes a bit problematic when alleged “Nazis” elect a Jewish President and, according to a new Pew survey, are among the least antisemitic in Europe. Putin simply uses “Nazi” to smear anyone who opposes Russian domination.

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They're not alleged Nazis. They're actual Nazis.

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Thanks for the sensible debunk, but sadly I doubt you'll make any headway with the brianwashed cultists in this comment section :/

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Afaik, it was shown decades ago to be virtually impossible to deprogram someone's beliefs against their will without side effects. So my immediate response to HRC's remark was: What exactly does she mean by formal deprogramming? Does she know of new techniques that work and we don't? If not then she's just throwing foolish words around, which is the behavior of an idiot.

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Or she means something else. We've seen her laughing about killing Ghadafi or getting pedophiles off the hook. It's questionable that she even has morals.

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Who knows. But it would certainly be worth a follow up question. Imagine it! "What specifically do you have in mind for the formal reprogramming of voters, Ms. Clinton?" Makes me laugh to think of that ever happening. But in seriousness, the clip I watched cut off so Idk what followed that remark.

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To be fair, Ghadafi completely deserved it, and (the complete national breakdown of Libya aside) we did the world a favor by bringing that guy down. Likewise with Saddam... bad strategic choice, but 100% the right thing to do in the abstract.

I don't blame Hillary even a little for laughing about that.

The whole "getting a pedophile off the hook" thing, now... that recording gives me chills, and not in a good way.

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It's a euphemism for "gunshot to the back of the head."

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Yeah, you're wrong. Deprogramming extremists is *currently* being done with captured Jihadists in the Middle East.

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Deprogramming by changing our grain diet. Oh, us of useless eating. How we are a thorn in the sides of those that hunger over the minds and very souls of our depraved humanity.

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No, it means deprogramming. Like Tom said, the stuff from the 50s-70s that was called deprogramming. That's deprogramming.

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Nobody said re-education until you did just now. Don't confuse everything.

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I mean sure you could talk about a final solution and act like it has no historic significance. Pretend not to know what a euphemism is. Or a slippery slope.

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You mean like how somebody said the word deprogramming and you're now acting like it has no historical meaning?

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So the U.S. Army's post-World W II deprogramming (Denazification) of 45 million Germans was tyrannical behavior?

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To be clear, your statement is implicitly positing the post-WW2 de-Nazification program carried out by the victorious Allied occupiers of Germany as a model for to be employed against Americans who voted for Donald Trump in the event of a victory by...whatever side it is that you support.

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"Implicitly" to idiots, maybe.

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That comparison is the problem. I'm sure it is what she means too. But they're the ones applauding Nazis and making excuses for them.

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Shooting people in the head is a pretty solid form of deprogramming.......

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Deprogramming was going on in the 1980's, and I was a consult to an organization that was attempting to do it. It amounted to what was called "an intervention" in the alcohol recovery movement. It was in fact successful in many cases. Cult members had not thought through the silly beliefs they had swallowed whole, and when contradictory information and beliefs were presented to them they would often discard the cult's indoctrination. Unfortunately, the deprogrammers did not want to confront the fact that cult members enter cults voluntarily and that they wanted the kind of totalitarian leadership and environments that cults provide. Many of the deprogrammed found another equally extreme cult soon after they left the first one and swallowed the new set of beliefs just as mindlessly as they had swallowed the first.

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I’ve been reading books and listening to podcasts about cults, which I find fascinating, and you are 100% correct that the old “deprogramming” model fell out of favor a while ago. It was found to be not very effective, and it traumatizes cult members who are already traumatized by being in high-control cults. The sunk-cost fallacy is usually a massive barrier to getting people out of cults because they have to begin to believe that they did, in fact, waste years of their life for nothing.

What replaced it is a model where you attempt to use empathy and connection, and just ask logical questions (when you can) that make the cult members question their beliefs, which are usually contradicted by evidence. (Why did so and so predict that the world would end in 2015 and again in 2019, and yet we are still here? etc.) There is a neat trick where you pretend you or a friend is interested in joining their group, and so instead of seeming like an attack, the questions seem like legitimate interest and make the subject more willing to answer them.

As appealing as it might be to narcissists and sociopaths to imprison and torture anyone who doesn’t agree with them, if they really want to “deprogram” their enemies, they have to be willing to listen to them, and God-forbid, even be friends with them.

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Cool. Thanks for sharing Rich. This is in line with my understanding, as far as I have any.

The conversation got a bit lost in the terminology "reprogramming" of "reeducation" etc. Another mistake I think is to call Trump supporters cult members, unless we're just trying to throw zingers around in which case we can call HRC supporters cult members too. I'm not sure such zinger throwing is very productive and it smacks of dehumanizing your enemies.

As far as reeducation goes, what's the practical difference between a prison and a reeducation camp? I don't see much. One has a Stalinist aroma and the other is what we do. And that's the only practical way I can see HRC effecting formal reprogramming of her political enemies. As I said above, I don't think it will work well to change beliefs but if you need to neutralize the enemy, that's the available infrastructure.

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Deprogramming is a thing *today*. It's used on captured Islamic extremists.

So I guess that makes *you* an idiot as well as a partisan jackass.

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Maybe by the government versus foreign extremists, but my understanding is that the practice of families kidnapping and tying up family members, holding them captive for days, yelling at them and slapping them, is a lot less common today. It is more common now to use empathy, connection, and logic to try to change beliefs and get people out of cults.

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You're right, the terminology has changed. I really don't think Hillary Clinton is advocating that we tie people up and slap and yell at them.

"Maybe by the government versus foreign extremists"

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. What exactly are you disagreeing with here?

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“Lock her up!” doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. She is a menace to any residual freedom there is left in the world.

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Her Libya machinations should be considered war crimes.

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My secretary suggested that HRC be placed in irons and delivered over to the people of Libya, there to face whatever fate the locals chose to mete out for her.

I commented that she'd never make it off the tarmac.

My secretary just said one word "Good.".

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

I met a highly educated and modern Libyan woman a number of years ago. She was Muslim, didn’t wear a scarf but her sister did. It was a matter of personal choice. I have often wondered what happened to her and her family. So much for caring about women Ms HRC. We’ve destroyed almost all modern and secular leaning Muslim states while supporting the Saudis.

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Iraq also was a secular and multiconfessional republic..

Not any more.

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Yep. And enter Syria…

We also overthrew a more progressive government in Iran in 1953 or so and propped up the repressive Shah which led to the uprising we all know and love. Simplistic but mostly accurate

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Yeah, no problems in pre-invasion Iraq, nothing to see here!

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At the time, I just thought it was hyperbole over her criminal behavior and just thought it was amusing but not feasible. Now, my new perspective is that they were thinking more along the lines of involuntary commitment and its feels more like a viable option.

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"criminal behavior"

Such as?

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If you really don't know, you are not cognizant enough to have it explained to you.

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Meaning you have no examples, got it.

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If you or I mishandled classified information like she did we would have been prosecuted. Just because she wasn’t prosecuted doesn’t mean she didn’t commit a crime.

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That's the best you've got?

If you or I handled classified information at all, we'd have been prosectued, because we lack the appropriate security clearance (or at least I assume). It's just not a slam-dunk case... the government computer systems she was supposed to use were unusable. Her crime is cutting corners to get the job done in an ossified bureaucratic environment? Cry me a river.

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In other words you have no idea what you are talking about. I’ve held various levels of a TS clearance and do. “Cutting corners to get the job done in an ossified bureaucratic environment” is not a legal argument nor rationale for she still had the documents. Anyone else with a clearance who tried to cut corners would have been prosecuted. Besides that, if you believe it, your argument defends Trump as well as Hillary.

At then end of the day you asked for evidence of criminal behavior. Ot has been provided. Move the goalposts all you want but the evidence exists. Your denial is further evidence of your cultish behavior. Your savior can do no wrong in your eyes. Yeah, that’s not cult like at all is it?

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"I’ve held various levels of a TS clearance"

Argument from bullshit. lol

(no you didn't, is what I'm saying)

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If you'd care to summarize the claims contained in any of these links, I'm happy to respond. I'm not going to read a bunch of articles just on the off chance they might contain a valid response to my question.

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Yes, it does still sound crazy, particularly in the absence of a 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦.

This is exactly the Trumpist playbook: use an out-of-context quote or action to spin up a bullshit persecution narrative, then use that to justify insane and horrifying actions, within the political system or without.

This kind of hyperbolic persecution rhetoric is infinitely more dangerous, to freedom and everything else, than anything Hillary Clinton has said. It's the rationalization of future political violence, plain and simple.

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Gosh, that sorta sounds like HRC’s playbook!

My, my, u are coming off as tho you “know best” about this matter.

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No rebuttal? How predictable.

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Wow, to think, here I am waiting for you to respond to me and you’re studiously avoiding me and complaining to other people that they’re not answering you.

Little fuckin’ fascist coward.

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Fascist? Wow, you really must be running low on insults.

And still no rebuttal.

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People r so silly! 🙏🏽

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

In criminal law, an attempt to commit a crime is still a crime. She’ll get there with reprogramming aspirations like these. However, depending on who is looking into the situation, how much they investigated, and what law was applied, her involvement in the bombing of Libya, as pointed out above, could easily constitute one or more war crimes or, for that matter, her campaign's concoction of Russiagate out of whole cloth could easily demonstrate her involvement in a conspiracy to tamper with the presidential election of 2016. I agree that one should not frivolously advert to using the criminal law against political opponents because you disagree with them but she is all but doing that here.

The more important issue is that you don’t seem to have a problem with what she said that Taibbi has pointed out, as I doubt you had a problem when she asked about Julian Assange, “Can’t we just drone this guy?” or when she got her Terminator mojo on when Qaddafi was sodomized with a bayonet and all she could think to say - with a grin - was, "We came. We Saw. He Died." She may or may not be a technical criminal (yet) but she is a repulsive and dangerous figure - that is, if you're interested in political freedom - and the rankest propagandist. If you support her (that's not yet quite abundantly clear) then I'm not on your side.

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So, because you speculate that Hillary will commit crimes in the future, chanting "lock her up!" is 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 justified?

If she commits a crime, she should be prosecuted and face the full legal consequences. "Lock her up!" is a completely different message: that merely standing in opposition to certain political figures makes you worthy of jailing. THAT is chilling and dangerous, and if you can't get your head out of your ass long enough to notice that, then that's on you.

"I agree that one should not frivolously advert to using the criminal law against political opponents because you disagree with them but she is all but doing that here."

What ignorant horseshit. No, she is not. She is calling for the *extremists* within the MAGA movement to be deprogrammed. That has nothing to do with criminal law (except to the extent that MAGA extremists commit crimes and are prosecuted for them).

"The more important issue is that you don’t seem to have a problem with what she said that Taibbi has pointed out"

What the fuck are you talking about? I never said anything about her Assange comments (for the record, I'm against them). I don't have much sympathy for a guy like Qaddafi, but her saying that was still pretty disturbing.

"She may or may not be a technical criminal (yet)"

Right, so chanting "lock her up!" when she hasn't committed a crime is insane and authoritarian, right?

Anyway, the keyword "yet" here really gives away the game. The American right wing has exactly 1 strategy: smear the opposition any way they can until something sticks. "Hillary's not a criminal? Give us a few years, we'll cook something up." And morons like you eat it up with a spoon.

"that is, if you're interested in political freedom"

I cannot believe that you fail to understand how 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦 could be seen as an urgent threat to political freedom.

"If you support her (that's not yet quite abundantly clear) then I'm not on your side."

Like I give a shit what you think about me. Besides, support her for *what*? She's not running for office.

I think what she said in this case was true and reasonable, but that's it. I didn't vote for her, I don't like her, but I would have LOVED to see her beat Trump in 2016, for the reasons I've already enumerated, and so very many more. I'm guessing you see things a different way, in which case I have to tell you that I think you're completely deranged and need help.

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O dear, what a nothing rant

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Oh dear, what a nothing person.

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and by the way, what is your definition of a “crime”?

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depends, what's your definition of "is"?


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If any Republican said such a thing about any group of Democrats the media would be calling for martial law to save democracy. With Hillary it's, "Hmm. Maybe we should be thinking about this."

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"the media would be calling for martial law to save democracy"


Furthermore, there really isn't a commensurate political cult on the left (they exist, but nothing on the scale or extremism of MAGA), so by definition Republicans would be talking about deprogramming people who aren't brainwashed in the first place.

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The commensurate political cult on the left is that amorphous mass (including the media, professional radicals, academics, brainless Hollywood entertainers, people who vote for blue prosecutors and then complain about crime, gun-control fanatics, people who call abortion "health care" etc.) who seriously believe that Trump is a threat to democracy despite the fact that it's the left that literally enforces speech and thought control. Just because they don't all have blue hats doesn't mean they're not marching in the same parade.

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1. The American left is not a cult, and it's in no way commensurate to the MAGA cult

2. Abortion *is* healthcare

3. The left doesn't enforce speech and thought control

4. Trump *is* a threat to democracy. He literally tried to end it in 2020.

So yeah, more bullshit from the bullshitter. How shocking.

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It’s probs a bot

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I know you are but what am I?

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Please define “maga” “extremism”

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Anybody to the right of Bernie Sanders, probably

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people who shoot up pizza parlors and FBI offices, believing they're justified in doing so because of the "deep state".

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Does shooting members of Congress at a baseball game make your list?

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No. Lone-wolf violence against public figures has been with us forever. But there's no broader rhetorical push on the left to foment violence against right-wing politicians. MSNBC isn't running bullshit stories about the right wanting to throw 70,000,000 people into re-education camps, or attempting to ethnically cleanse black people through mass incarceration and police violence.

One side engages in violent extremist rhetoric, as a matter of course, in the mainstream; the other doesn't. I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out which is which.

Also, it's telling that your only example comes from 2017.

Off the top of my head:




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Over 70 million people voted for trump in the last election.

Every pizza parlor and fbi office in the nation would have been shot yup twice if only a very, very small percentage of that group worked by your definition.

You need to really rethink things.

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You don't know what you're talking about.

It's only the unhinged lunatics in that group who go and waste their lives in quixotic lone-wolf attacks against Pizza Parlors and FBI offices. They are, however, instructive of the insane rhetoric circulating in right-wing circles, and taken seriously by a fringe of lunatics who (not coincidentally) believe the military will eventually take over the US government and execute the "deep state".

More than 2,000 whackjobs stormed the capitol on Jan. 6. That's something like 0.003% of 70 million ("a very small percentage") that managed to change American politics forever through an act of mob violence.

Consider this: if you *really*, truly, deep down in your gut, believed that Joe Biden was going to send you and your whole family to a concentration camp... wouldn't the idea of armed resistance seem attractive to you?

It's not just sloppy partisan rhetoric, it is the 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦. "Stand back and stand by" meant what it sounded like.

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Unfortunately for your argument, I’ve researched the January 6th event so that student holds no water (the entire thing was a propaganda event orchestrated by our intelligence agencies).

I truly have no clue what point your trying to make about armed resistance.

It’s a right we all have to resist tyranny.

So please, do some research outside of the mainstream media, about the Capitol event and focus whatever your trying to say about resisting tyranny into a worthwhile point.

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“there really isn't a commensurate political cult on the left “

Actually there is but like most cultist you don’t recognize that you are indeed a cultist instead believing you are better than those who are not a part of your cult.

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Yeah, no, there isn't.

In 2022, 100% of politically-motivated mass shootings were conducted by right-wingers. The 60s were the last time the American left was anywhere near as extreme as the right is today.

You can just claim, absent any evidence, that left and right are equivalently nutty. It just isn't true. Only the right does things like attempt to shut down the government, blockade military promotions, shoot up FBI offices, storm the capitol during a legislative session, attempt to rig elections, claim the other side is preparing to lock them up in re-education camps, etc etc.

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Yeah, you’re right. It’s not as though lefties tried to burn down federal court houses and police stations (with people still in them in) 2020. And they certainly aren’t currently protesting in support of and denying what Hamas did last week.

Aside from that the examples that you listed have nothing to with cult like behavior. The actions of lefties around climate change and transgenderism would have been a better example of classic cult like behavior.

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"It’s not as though lefties tried to burn down federal court houses and police stations (with people still in them in) 2020."

Source or it didn't happen.

"And they certainly aren’t currently protesting in support of and denying what Hamas did last week."

Yeah, those people are cranks and complete assholes. What they *aren't* doing is engaging in political violence. Nice attempt at a false equivalence, though.

"the examples that you listed have nothing to with cult like behavior"

Agree to disagree, I guess.

"The actions of lefties around climate change and transgenderism would have been a better example of classic cult like behavior."

Yeah, no. There's no charismatic leader, no centralized organization, no epistemological bubble or hyper-demonization of the outside world, and no brainwashing. Sorry, you're just wrong.

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You say that like you mean it. Are you, by chance, afraid that Hillary is being misunderstood, and it is up to you to protect her?

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Uh, no. I don't think a retired stateswoman has much to fear from Substack commentors.

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Projection and inversion are the cornerstones of clown world. The people that need to be deprogrammed are the ones still lining up for new covid shots with their Ukraine flags.

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Last week they literally had to pretend that fire alarms are confusing.........

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Nope, just Jamaal Bowman.

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ep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez supported Jamaal Bowman’s decision to trigger a fire alarm during a critical vote on the Continuing Resolution spending package to prevent a government shutdown.

Appearing on CNN, host Jake Tapper said, “He says it was an accident. He thought pulling the alarm would open a door based on the fact that the doors to his right there were locked and there was a sign that he said he was.”



Before the former president, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy also compared Bowman to the people charged in relation to the events of the Capitol siege. On the other hand, several Democrats, including AOC, quickly came to defend the New York representative and his unfortunate accident.



The office of Representative Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.) sent fellow Democrats suggested talking points, one of which likened Republicans to “Nazis,” in an attempt to draw attention away from the fact that the congressman pulled a fire alarm in the Capitol during a consequential series of votes on Saturday.


You guys are so deep into the cult that you even have to lie about who defends the cult.

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Were you attempting to make a point, or did you just want to spam my feed with links?

If it makes you happy, include AOC. I don't really care about her politics either. The challenging thing is, the leftie kooks are the * fringe * like AOC and Bowman, but the right-wing kooks are pretty much everyone in right-wing politics today.

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You should know by now that I don't try to convince you of anything because you're just here to troll -- I'm just blowing up your stupid "Bowman was the only one who said it!" idiocy.

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I know that you very conveniently don't respond to arguments when you find them challenging.

Anyway, this is such a stupid distraction of a story that, you're right, I didn't do any serious research. It's just not a serious thing to be concerned about.

The larger point is true, though, and very well illustrated with the DSA schism: leftie whackjobs are the fringe, and they have *no* power on important issues. Right-wing whackjobs, meanwhile, have the power to completely shut down Congress. Leftie fringe is not the problem in American politics, it's just a convenient scapegoat to whitewash over the insanity of the right.

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Stupidity in a nutshell. I don't know if you need deprogramming, but you certainly need *something* to flush the shit out of your ears.

What's wrong with getting a covid shot? Nothing.

What's wrong with supporting Ukraine? Nothing.

Why would any sane person object to those things? They wouldn't.

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What's wrong with getting a shot that doesn't do what it's supposed to, and might actually be harmful?

What's wrong with supporting a corrupt Eastern European regime with hundreds of billions of dollars we don't have while Americans in Hawaii get next to nothing?

Found the cultist. Or it's possible Dwhy is just a paid agitator.

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Remember that scene from the The Terminator where the machine was getting hassled by the manager of the crappy hotel he was staying in, but he had learned some insults from the punks he killed earlier in the film?

Seems our resident bot is a slow learner to boot :)

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A paid agitator, and he's compensated per comment.

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Like I said, no *sane* person.

Eat my ass, loser.

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Paying to murder citizens of a nuclear power capable of vaporizing your cities so that Joe Biden saves face is actually the peak of insanity.

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Shut up, babyface.

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There is nothing wrong with supporting the Ukraine. But if you think supporting the war in Ukraine is supporting the Ukrainian people, you are a useful idiot at best.

Zelensky negotiated a peace deal in 2022 and then UK/NATO forced him to pull out. The Ukrainian death toll has been so high that Zelensky's press gangs kidnap unwilliing civilians to go die on the front lines. Press gangs are a crime against humanity. This is a genocide and it's right in the open. Ghoulish American politicians have repeatedly said they will fight to the last Ukrainian.

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"Zelensky negotiated a peace deal in 2022 and then UK/NATO forced him to pull out."

"Zelensky's press gangs kidnap unwilliing civilians to go die on the front lines."

Bullshit and bullshit. Proof or it didn't happen.

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Comment readers: Dwhy is yet another Chinese or Russian bot, commenting to foment division. No real person could be this obtuse. Dwhy-bot should be ignored.

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Isn't this the exact thing Taibbi rails against the left supposedly doing?

Don't like what someone is saying? Just call them a bot or a Russian and move on. No mental effort needed.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Quick answer: Yes, they are bullfuckingcrap crazy. Hillary Clinton remains the most toxic force in American politics. She is a veritable maelstrom of duplicity, malfeasance, and corruption.

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You forgot an important one: malevolence

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With a heavy heaping helping of narcissism.

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Along with quite a few others!

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More toxic than Trump? You cannot possibly be that supid.

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Absolutely more toxic than Trump. Did Trump use the media and the FBI/DOJ to commit the biggest fraud on the America public and the worst political scandal in U.S. history?

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It’s probably a bot

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What a stupid question.

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Over your head.

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Whatever you say, buddy. I'm still going with "what a stupid question", though.

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Since you don't seem to know the answer, the answer is: No.

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It takes exponentially more energy to cover for a lie than it does to tell the truth. The bigger the lie, the more astronomical the amount energy is required to sustain it. So rather than go down this expensive road, they'll simply plug 70 million into of us in the 'Clockwork Orange' chair, flip on the reprogramming switch, bust out some eyedrops, and call it a day.

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My parents taught me this concept when I was like 5 years old. Lies beget more lies and pretty soon you’re in such a big hole that you can’t dig your way out of it. I’d get busted for chugging a bottle of maple syrup and try to cover it up - these folks lie about killing heads of states, creating modern slave markets and cackling about it. These psychopaths need a refresher course on “Everything I Needed To Learn About Life, I Learned In Kindergarten”.

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So, what about lies like these?

"God exists"

"America is a Christian nation"

"The Republican party stands for freedom"

"The 2020 election was stolen"

"Lower taxes for the rich and less regulation for corporations is good for all of us!"

etc etc.

I guess it's only the "bad" lies that matter, huh?

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What are you babbling on about?

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You're from Texas, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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Why of course I do. After all we’re just a bunch of ignorant shit-kickers down here in Texas. Hell I still use an old milk cow as my primary mode of transport - and I sling little bibles like Chinese stars at the unwashed masses of non-believers of all of those fairy tales previously mentioned - and that’s just on my clip-clopping way to work at the old gristmill. Nope, not a lick of independent thought or critical thinking skills in these parts, parder. Yee-haw little buckaroo!

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I mean, hyperbole aside, "not a lick of independent thought or critical thinking skills" is how you elect such excellent (sarcasm) politicians as George W. Bush, Rick Perry, Greg Abbott, and Ken Paxton.

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I...I would actually like to sign up for this, if that's an option

It sounds like an improvement over the steady stream of garbage and bullshit the powers that be want me doing and consuming

I'd prefer cows and Bibles to the social media, Hollywood, mainstream media, porn, video games, intoxicants and garbage food they want me filling my brain and body with

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It’s a bot

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This response is gold. 🙂

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*tips fedora*

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*tips your mom*

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lol still buttblasted after weeks

stay angry, kid

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Didn’t Hilary Clinton also claim the 2016 election was stolen?

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Did she? I don't think so.

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Here's a fun lie: "Hillary Clinton suggests "formal deprogramming" for seventy million"

She was explicitly referring to the "little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican party". She was clearly *not* referring to the 74 million people who voted for Trump, as you would understand if you had paid any attention to the source material.

But that's not politically convenient to your worldview, so I guess that lie doesn't matter?

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Oh so it’s cool just to deprogram a few, huh? And how exactly do we determine who those few individuals “wagging the tail” are? Who sets that standard? Is it HRC herself? Because she’s such a trusted public figure and arbiter of truth and decency? Is it based on actions? Voting records? Social media posts? Your abject failure to recognize how despicable and dangerous a statement like that is, whether it refer to a large group or a small group, is very telling. Recognize your failure here and move on.

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"Oh so it’s cool just to deprogram a few, huh?"

Yes, the violent extremists in particular.

"And how exactly do we determine who those few individuals “wagging the tail” are?"

Good question. Who knows? Maybe we can start with the MAGAs already sitting in prison for seditious conspiracy and such.

"Recognize your failure here and move on."

Yeah, except I'm not wrong, genius. Good attempt, though.

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It’s a bot

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

Why do people pay attention to Hillary Clinton?

She holds no office and has no realistic chance of being elected to one.

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She is fairly well connected to the levers of power on the left.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

"She is fairly well connected to the levers of power on the left."

Um, no... The long-running organizations of the actual Left -- promoting democracy, free speech, economic fairness, privacy, gov transparency, were anti-war, etc. etc. -- were steadily killed off during the Clinton admin and then the 21st century. What have replaced it are grotesque caricatures that carry a few similarly-styled slogans, but which practice totalitarianism. By the rank-and-file, unwittingly.

The Democratic Party is our biggest modern Trojan horse.

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Your comment is appreciated, but “the left” for decades has supported the ever-expanding administrative state, which has allowed govt to secure ever more control over people, from housing building code regulations, to retirement 401k saving limits, to college bureaucracy costs.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Yes. But there can certainly be all kinds of collective projects decided by majority will that go beyond national defense and roadways, including welfare projects. The administrative state is supposed to carefully implement the majority of people's wishes for that joint action -- nothing more, nothing less, no matter whether a current majority is Leftist or Rightist.

If you're a Leftist, I don't see how that should be any problem. But to the extent it deviates, at that point there's cause not just for Rightists but also Leftists to complain, as then it is not a Left/Right thing, it's a will-of-the-people thing. The "NPC" types among the self-identified "Leftists" today are not doing that. They blindly follow their masters; i.e. they've forgotten the responsibilities of democracy, not just its rights.

Since government nearly always deviates in practice from majority will, a pro-active responsive investigative media, followed by reactive protests by the people, *should* get the incumbency to toe the line. Obviously, to work effectively (unlike now), the formula needs continual criticism and renewal of the laws and their enforcement. On that, Jefferson and others said so since early in the country's history. So we're now figuring out how it's got to happen in our current crisis.

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What happens when advocating for “the peoples’ wishes” becomes second to advocating for the bureaucracy’s wishes?

Over time, all bureaucracies grow to further the bureaucrats, whether that is in public or corporate organizations.

Most say money is the root of all evil, but it is actually “power” that corrupts. Money buys power, but many people with modest salaries/means become dictators when given control over others.

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"What happens when advocating for “the peoples’ wishes” becomes second to advocating for the bureaucracy’s wishes?"

Agreed that's a problem, no argument from me. Thing is, that's not Leftism. It's not even an ideology, it's just antisocial selfishness. It can happen whatever one's political leanings. Rightists should not confuse this disease, no matter how prevalent, with Leftism -- just as one cannot confuse the disease of obsessive and unlimited wealth accumulation with healthy capitalism.

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The grotesque seems to have replaced and excluded the good. Hence the branding problem.

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Ah, shades of 2003 in my district. All of those 'D's who had peace protestors arrested for protesting the Gulf War are still in office here.

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Yeah, trespassing is illegal. What's your objection, exactly?

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No, trespassing is an Insurrection.

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blah blah blah

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Yeah, I can see what you mean. Why, with his noble history of protesting in the trenches for civil rights and the poor, and dragged away to jail himself, that must have been Bernie's first thought -- "Get offa my lawn!!"

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

The guy revealed himself since 2016 to be breathtaking con artist and Leftist shepherd for the Democrats. This is just the latest example.

IMO, anyone on the Left with a three-digit IQ, and who is not in denial, has moved on.

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Oh gawd, not this "totalitarian left" schtick again. Don't you pay attention to fads? That one passed it's sell-by date *months* ago.

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Fun fact: making a million identical posts all over the thread doesn't make your basic bitch MSNBC ideas more compelling.

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In a thread where we are discussing a leading Democrat pol suggesting her political opponents need deprogramming?

Yeah, nothing totalitarian at all about reeducation camps.

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On the “left”

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She is NOT left.....there is no left in the US!

There are 2 Party's 1)supposedly centrist 2)Right wing maniacs.

Then there are the millionaires/billionaires so I should make this 3?

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Only the last one, aka the Uniparty, is real . The other two are filled with actors to keep the Uniparty's show going.

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No Left...uh, OK Jenny, if you say so.

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No real leftists in power. Dennis Kuchinich may have been the last one

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What "left" do you have in mind? I think Adolph Reed is a genunine leftist, in theory and practice, and he would consider the idea of Clinton being connected to the left absurd. The same for Lisa Featherstone, who edited an entire book showing what a fraud Clinton was as both feminist and politician. As for "the levers of power on the left"? Where do you see them at work. In my opinion, we don't have a "left" in the U.S. and if we did, they wouldn't be connected to Clinton, so I'm curious.

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The American left is dead.

The neocons purged from the GOP by Donald Trump are wearing their skin.

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Not really. The current POTUS is the former Vice President of the guy who froze her out of power in the Republican party. 2016 all but ensured she can never win a Democrat primary every again in her life.

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How can we ever miss her if she doesn't go away?

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I don't want her to go away. It's fun to watch her make a fool of herself.

She called millions of Americans "deplorables."

Then she acted all put out when she lost to a political novice with orange skin.


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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

point of the article is that she is an indicator of establishment thought. Her error may be saying the quiet part out loud, a she did before. she may have lost the election on the deplorable comment but it broke the dike of the barely concealed contempt of the Establishment. they no longer pretended to tolerate 1/2 of america. No doubt she was repeating what was said behind closed doors.

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Yes. Much like the “banning gas stoves” conspiracy theory that became true, this is that portentous moment in the horror movie where everyone in the audience except the unwitting victim on-screen knows what’s coming next.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

this is how it goes:

we never said that, who would say that?

ok we said it but you took it out of context, its no big deal

people have been talking about this for awhile and its a good thing

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Uncle Joe - is that you?

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I would like for her to go away because she is constantly driving that wedge between people in our country. It started with Obama and she keeps continuing to do so. She is the initial reason that I started listening to conservatives-and now am one but her divisiveness is just too much.

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What I can't stand is the gaslighting, while they continue to nudge the Overton window. I would like her to explain what policy views these supposed MAGA extremists have that are so deplorable.

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Believing Hillary behind a childmolesting ring in pizza parlor? Hitting an old man in head with a hammer is the way to solve problems? Climate change a chinese hoax, despite the opinion of the scientific community in every industrialized country on Earth. space ray guns... I could go on.

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"Believing Hillary behind a childmolesting ring in pizza parlor?" is not a policy view, and folks saying that are powerless morons.

Prominent Democrats today are saying Trump is a Russian Asset.

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Shooting up grocery stores and churches with weapons of war. Recruiting a man forced to pay millions for sexual assault and facing 91 felony changes to be speaker of the house? seems pretty extreme and deplorable to me.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Don't bother. You're referring to a few thousand people. She was referring to 70 million.

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No one will ever ask her that question

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"I don't want her to go away. It's fun to watch her make a fool of herself."

Too bad half the country doesn't, and won't, see this until they break out of denial, after an horrific storm finally passes.

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The (roughly) half that continues to call itself "Democrats". As for the storm, it's-a comin', and soon. They'll be caught like deer in the headlights.

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So you're hard Qanon-pilled now?

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"She called millions of Americans "deplorables.""

And she was completely correct. The fact that this is viewed as a slam dunk against her demonstrates the total triumph of optics over facts on the right.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Her campaign "strategy" was to say, in effect: "You're evil but vote for me anyway."

Strangely that didn't work.

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Yeah, it's a bad strategy, and yet it's still a disaster for the country that she didn't win.

Sometimes life sucks that way.

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The disaster for the country is that Hillary Clinton refused to recognize Trump as legally elected.

She fabricated Russiagate, which hobbled Trump's presidency.

Hillary Clinton is the most toxic person in politics today. Thank God, at least, that she lost.

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Love that! John Prine?

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Dennis Miller, as I recollect.

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She has the access to MSM that perpetuates the voice of nut jobs like her, Al Gore, etc. etc

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It’s an AlGore-ithm.

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Man-Bear-Pig strikes again.

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Half Man, Half Pig, Half Hillary.

Still never visited Wisconsin, though.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

So why do the networks keep putting this nobody on?

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Because roughly half the country respects her and supports totalitarian measures to vanquish political opponents. My CNN-watching relatives would nod in agreement with her.

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No lie, Holmes. Which in turn eviscerates the OP's point.

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Because she says the things they agree with.

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Because she has influence and authority, regardless of any org chart.

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Because they aren't your (grand)father's (Vietnam-Watergate) CBS.

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Can you imagine the punishment if they don’t?

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lol, wut

That's your problem: too much imagining, too little critical thinking.

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You’re a fucking NPC.

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Dude, get some new insults. jesus christ.

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No punishment involved or needed. They think they're Doing Well By Doing Good, delivering the party line, piping hot.

They certainly don't act like hostages consenting at gunpoint.

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Because she reveals the plans of the Left openly!

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Go to hell with that stupid mantra that she and all these fascists are "left" -- you need a deprogramming

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Go to hell with that stupid "Democrats are fascist" idiocy. It's not gonna stick, because most sane people already understand that it's bullshit. It just reveals faux-lefties like you as the intellectual lightweights you are.

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"Because she reveals the plans of the Democratic Party openly!"


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Because she wields a lot of influence from behind a very large curtain....

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If it's behind a very large curtain, how do you know about it, exactly?

You wouldn't perhaps be, I don't know, just throwing out guesses and speculation?

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No. It’s a figure of speech and a stab at her huge ass derrière seeing as she ridicules the Deplorables as hayseeds. She’s already met with George Soros’ son several times. She still retains on going communications with NBC, CNN, NBC … she is Machiavellian in her quest to keep Trump out. If she wasn’t so diabolical, I’d find it amusing.

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You're such a moron.

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Because they are told to pay attention.

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Hillary lost because she reminded people of the worst boss they ever had.

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read last sentence of the article

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Unless there’s an opening for official annoying DEM lickspittle.

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Those who can't hold office, pundit.

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This Formal Deprogramming brought to you by Pfizer, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin.

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And *Trump* is the totalitarian?!?

n.b. I didn't vote for Trump, not in 2016 or in 2020. I didn't vote for HRC or Evil Grandpa, either.

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The "secret" is that they won't go after Trump supporters, they'll go after the people who don't roll over for some 'important' issue of the day, like Ukraine or covid.

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Failure to support the Party in a sufficiently servile manner is the true crime.

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Who said Trump is a totalitarian?

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Clinton’s not gonna fuck you.

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He who smelt it, dealt it.

Gotta say, though, you've got some strange taste in broads.

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I know you are but what am I?

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Look dude, you don't have to explain your weird fascination with Hillary Clinton's coochie, but let's not play pretend here.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Why is this literal old bag still being given any oxygen in the press? Is she a public official, does she hold some kind of honorary title that I’m not aware of? Why do these crazy old coots feel they need to stick around until they have to be wheeled around like Diane Feinstein did until the literal moment the grim reaper calls? These people are freaking incredibly wealthy - go spend time with your grandkids and leave everyone else the hell alone, please.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

If Hillary’s $300,000 Maybach didn’t have power steering she wouldn’t even be able to drive a car - the witch has no power. Yet we let her hold some kind of sway and talk sh!t about millions of Americans who she feels are one step below cockroaches and tell us they need to be sent to reeducation camps. It’s just bizarre to me.

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She holds the title of Former Next President of the United States. And she will never, ever forget it.

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Yep, it was “her turn”. The last 7 or so years have been beyond disastrous for our country - but in a way I’m glad we’ve had to go through it. It’s exposed a monumental pile of BS that our governments have been trying to keep on the down-low. It’s been said that sunlight is the best disinfectant - and our collective society has been thoroughly douched with Three Mile Island levels of solar radiation and Pinesol over the past few years. They can’t hide who they are anymore - seems like a positive revelation on balance as we live through yet another 4th turning.

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Then why does Biden still have 50 percent approval in several swing states? I'm afraid the left has been massively successful in spreading lies, spinning by omission, indoctrination, corruption of federal agencies, and voter fraud.

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To insure their vast corruption remains buried.

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I sometimes wonder if Social Emotional Learning was specifically designed to train GenZ to be the Gulag guards, train engineers and atrocity dealers that the regime is going to need, once they've completed their Elite Revolution. "When you're an adult, you are going to be asked to do things that you might feel strange about. We're going to train you how to master your conscience now, so that you can succeed at this necessary work in the future."

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To wit and a real example, Mao's Red Guard.

"Don't make me repeat myself." - History

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Unfortunately, these guys are happy to repeat history if they think it'll keep them in power.

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Now that's some scary shit.

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But we grizzled old 50 somethings in middle America are in better shape than they are at 25. And 2A stands as a bulwark against their bullshit.

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"I sometimes wonder"

In other words, it's idle speculation with no evidence behind it whatsoever.

Aren't weasel words great?

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Weasel here. Thought I would provide a link to some evidence. After listening to this, I not only stand by my original weasely statement, but have to say, SEL is even dumber and more evil and I had imagined. Here you go. Watch this, and let me know how many weasel words you can count: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd35sdYSVDM

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I'm not gonna watch your youtube video, bruh. If you've got something to say, say it.

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Do you have some weasel-less evidence with which to rebut my statement, or are you going to stick with ad hominem insults? I'll send some evidence this direction over the weekend. Gotta go have a date night with the missus right now, which is way more fun than this. :-D

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It's not ad hominem to point out the use of weasel words.

"I sometimes wonder" is just another way of saying "I have no proof, evidence, or good reason to believe". If it were likely to be true, you wouldn't "sometimes wonder".

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lol. Goodness.

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"Hillary Clinton’s mouth [is] an accurate weathervane for establishment thinking." Spot on.

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And establishment corruption. I’d really love to see it all blow wide open... the thought of me in my 80s having to watch a four day long funeral procession for this grifting sheister would probably do me in....

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so don't watch it? geez

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And I wouldn’t. Geeze… the point is, like McCain she’s crooked as hell and yet, the networks covered his funeral (s) for hours. She’s done nothing to deserve such accolades.

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So you just enjoy imagining scenarios where you're forced to do things you hate for no particular reason?

Sounds kinda kinky.

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Hardly the point. it’s called cynical sarcasm.

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Yeah, it's you imagining scenarios where you're forced, for no particular reason, to do things you would never actually choose to do. That's not cynical sarcasm, it's masochistic fantasy.

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Has never been held accountable for Benghazi, 33,000 emails, illegal server in violation of her own government agency’s policy, Russia-gate, etc. because the FBI exonerated her before even interviewing her. But,of course, we’re told the Justice Department is trustworthy.

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"but what about Hillary's emails!!!"

lol, aren't you a little behind the times? Everyone knows, Republican smear jobs only keep for 2-3 years MAX. Whatever happened to "Obama's a secret Muslim"? You wanna bring that one back, too?

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Holy baby Jesus I am so glad you wrote this. I am still fuming. Put the deplorables in a reeducation detention camp. Hillary is deplorable, despicable, liar, phony,power hungry, blob. Yes I said it blob!

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You're factually mistaken. These two comments refer to different groups of people (although one is entirely contained within the other, just a much smaller segment).

Hillary's "deplorables" comment (which was entirely accurate and reasonable) referred to a large swathe of the American public, who (like it or not) are complete retrograde assholes. I know -- I grew up around some of the very worst of them. I could easily construe her comments as referring to a younger version of me -- and they'd be accurate!

These current comments (which are also entirely accurate and reasonable) are specifically targeted at the "little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican party" (which you would know if you'd actually consumed the source material). These are the people shooting up FBI buildings, bashing politicians' spouses on the head with hammers, invading the US capitol, and openly discussing the impending military takeover of the US government during which time most of the existing state will be summarily executed. If that's you, then maybe you *should* be worried.

She's talking about MAGA cultists, which are most definitely *not* the majority of Republicans (and thank goodness for that).

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Well good for you that you are no longer a “retrograde” asshole. You sound just like Hillary.

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Dwhy is a troll and a shill. Just ignore it.

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Do you *know* you're wrong and just don't care? Or are you really dumb enough to mistake rhetoric for rebuttal?

You. Were. Wrong. Admit it.

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