So much contempt in that woman for ordinary people, but I must be a misogynist for noticing.

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Democrats keep upping the ante: "we have to censor and silence our political opponents"; "we have to surveil and imprison our political opponents"; "we must put our political opponents in re-education camps."

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Formal deprogramming was a thing in the 50s and 60s and even the 70s and eventually they gave up trying. It doesn't work. So she's an idiot as well as a maniac.

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“Lock her up!” doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. She is a menace to any residual freedom there is left in the world.

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If any Republican said such a thing about any group of Democrats the media would be calling for martial law to save democracy. With Hillary it's, "Hmm. Maybe we should be thinking about this."

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Projection and inversion are the cornerstones of clown world. The people that need to be deprogrammed are the ones still lining up for new covid shots with their Ukraine flags.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Quick answer: Yes, they are bullfuckingcrap crazy. Hillary Clinton remains the most toxic force in American politics. She is a veritable maelstrom of duplicity, malfeasance, and corruption.

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It takes exponentially more energy to cover for a lie than it does to tell the truth. The bigger the lie, the more astronomical the amount energy is required to sustain it. So rather than go down this expensive road, they'll simply plug 70 million into of us in the 'Clockwork Orange' chair, flip on the reprogramming switch, bust out some eyedrops, and call it a day.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

Why do people pay attention to Hillary Clinton?

She holds no office and has no realistic chance of being elected to one.

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This Formal Deprogramming brought to you by Pfizer, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin.

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And *Trump* is the totalitarian?!?

n.b. I didn't vote for Trump, not in 2016 or in 2020. I didn't vote for HRC or Evil Grandpa, either.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Why is this literal old bag still being given any oxygen in the press? Is she a public official, does she hold some kind of honorary title that I’m not aware of? Why do these crazy old coots feel they need to stick around until they have to be wheeled around like Diane Feinstein did until the literal moment the grim reaper calls? These people are freaking incredibly wealthy - go spend time with your grandkids and leave everyone else the hell alone, please.

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I sometimes wonder if Social Emotional Learning was specifically designed to train GenZ to be the Gulag guards, train engineers and atrocity dealers that the regime is going to need, once they've completed their Elite Revolution. "When you're an adult, you are going to be asked to do things that you might feel strange about. We're going to train you how to master your conscience now, so that you can succeed at this necessary work in the future."

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"Hillary Clinton’s mouth [is] an accurate weathervane for establishment thinking." Spot on.

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Has never been held accountable for Benghazi, 33,000 emails, illegal server in violation of her own government agency’s policy, Russia-gate, etc. because the FBI exonerated her before even interviewing her. But,of course, we’re told the Justice Department is trustworthy.

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Holy baby Jesus I am so glad you wrote this. I am still fuming. Put the deplorables in a reeducation detention camp. Hillary is deplorable, despicable, liar, phony,power hungry, blob. Yes I said it blob!

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