Clever Pseudonym's tactics in this thread are straight out of the COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum. They include:

Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING'


Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'


Technique #5 - 'ANGER TROLLING'


Take a good look. His arguments are not arguments, they are FUD, only intended to provoke, humiliate, and derail ANY real discussion on the topic at hand. In this case, 9/11. He wants you to feel embarrassed and small for questioning the nonsense government narrative.

He dismantled this thread with these tactics. Now you know how it works.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the September 11, 2001 Official Story—The Series of Anti-Miracles that Irrevocably Changed the World:

9/11 was the day physics didn’t show up for work. Two planes managed to fell 3 skyscrapers

9/11 was the first and last time "office fires" were responsible for the disintegration of a steel framed skyscraper (WTC7)

9/11 was the day the BBC could see 23 minutes into the future—when they reported the demolition of said ^ skyscraper before it fell

9/11 was the reason the United States invaded 7 countries in the middle east, for no reason (according to General Wesley Clark)

9/11 was caused because our enemies hated our freedoms, so to solve this problem our freedoms were promptly stripped from us

9/11 was the day the Pentagon was hit by an invisible plane in the Army Budget Office which was missing 2.3 trillion dollars

9/11 was the day that a passport from one of the hijackers survived the wreckage of the fireball plane crash and landed unscathed on the ground a few blocks away—one of the biggest tragedies of all is that the planes and the buildings themselves were not made out of this indestructible material

9/11 was the day Ahriman decided to make his first televised public appearance in a BIG way

9/11 was the day the towers which spelled the number 11 were destroyed to later be replaced by a building that looks remarkably like the world's new idol—a syringe. Nineteen years after the destruction of said towers - on 3/11/2020 - the WHO declares the COVID scamdemic

9/11 was the day that 19 hijackers armed with box-cutters effortlessly caught the vast military and intelligence apparatus of the US off-guard because they happened to be running war game simulations of terrorists flying planes into skyscrapers at the exact same time the hijackers were actually doing it, and thus were rendered incapable of distinguishing fantasy from reality

● 911 was the day that objective reality threw in the towel, and the world was riven between those who believed their own eyes and those that let the government see for them

If for some unfathomable reason you don’t believe that these lies - which as predicted by PNAC handed the world to the US Government on a silver platter - are true, or if you somehow believe that the aforementioned outcome of this totally legit series of impossible events is against your best interest—your ass is going on a watch list. The American government loves you and would never lie to you and if you suspect otherwise you are a hazardous threat to freedom and justice everywhere.

References plus a lot more info here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-best-911-truth-video-you-will

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Invisible plane at Pentagon: https://tritorch.com/degradation/Pentagon911PlaneNotThereWhereIsItSeptember2001.mp4

Pentagon plane hits army budget office according to Robert Hogue (this information has been scrubbed from the search engines): https://tritorch.com/degradation/pentagonArmyBudget.webm

Hijacker's passport falls out of plane and into FBI's lap: https://tritorch.com/degradation/911HijackerPassportFoundBlocksAwayFromCrashSite.mp4

Wesley Clark: 7 countries in 5 years: https://youtube.com/shorts/RMLTmkbmRDs

WTC 7 freefall disintegration collapse: https://youtu.be/7ZiMG84hws0

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Hey, you forgot to add the 300 crisis actors who faked those phone calls to their families and then were gassed or shot by the CIA, with no witnesses and no one ever telling a friend or family member about it, unless of course they all just moved to Gilligan's Island and are living happily ever after.

You also forgot to add the hundreds of Deep State employees who orchestrated and participated in the greatest act of mass murder in American history, and who willingly signed on to a covert op to sell wars that have never been too hard to sell in the first place, and none of whom ever breathed a peep about it.

....and you also forgot to add why the world's most devious psy-opers needed to destroy that extra building (i assume detonated from elsewhere by a crack team of mass murderers), when the Twin Towers would have been more than sufficient to hand the world over to Darth Cheney.

9/11 conspiracy theories are one of the lowest forms of thought.

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Many people I encounter are so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses, and if you ever challenge them on the propaganda they find there, like Pavlov's dog they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will then turn up their nose and walk away with a heightened sense of superiority.

The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met.

Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.

It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".

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So either i believe that the American govt orchestrated and perpetrated 9/11, a massive attack on its own people and soil, which would have required many willing accomplices and massive coordination (not to mention a demented amount of bloodthirsty evil), so they could launch new wars when they've never had trouble selling old wars; or

I'm "so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses..."

Are those the only 2 choices here?

What if I just think there's a species of crank who thinks the CIA is behind every door or who can't accept that crazy things happen without an unseen omnipotent force pulling on invisible strings? Is that a possibility?

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You can believe whatever you want to believe. PNAC outlined a "New Pearl Harbor" a few years before 9/11 in order to seize control and they got it.

You want to believe that 19 hijackers with very little training could fly advanced jetliners into buildings while doing absurd maneuvers in the process, that's your business. But go sell crazy someplace else.

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lolol sell crazy!

so the PNAC signatories (who I'm sure sign multiple plans for world domination per year) agreed to a spectacular assault on their own country and a mass murder of their own citizens?

also, flying straight into the tallest building on the skyline is not an "absurd maneuver"...

this is the question you basement dwellers can never answer: why would Bush/Cheney need to do this to sell more wars? Since when is the USA reticent to start more wars? I can think of 1000 easier scenarios to start more ME wars (Sadddam sprinkles ricin on his Cocoa Puffs!) than the 9/11 attacks.

Not everything is orchestrated by unseen actors behind a curtain.

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There was a time I would agree large numbers of people wouldn't commit themselves to such social pathologies, but after the last few years, it seems almost normal.

Whether they did it, or not, 9/11 was when the security state jumped the shark. Making book on when we helicopter off the embassy roof in Kyiv.

The mother of all reality checks is in the mail.

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"9/11 was when the security state jumped the shark"....is not the same as claiming it was an inside-job conspiracy.

After the last few years, you should also see how easy it is to get the MSM to hype whatever you want them to, as long as it provides a fresh jolt of fearmongering PANIC! for their ratings and career advancement for their talking heads.

Bush/Cheney are vile war criminals, but that doesn't mean they orchestrated 9/11.

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If you want to learn how these large conspiracies are actually carried out, there are places you can learn -- from CIA documents themselves. But I don't think you really want to.

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The fact such obvious op agents are here is not a good sign. We need to start behaving as though everything we say is going into a government file. This does not mean to shut up, it just means be careful and realize that we aren't safe here, this isn't some cabin in the isolated wilderness it is a fishbowl, act accordingly.

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I think its very important to consider the roles of Zionism, Israel, and organized Jewry in all this.


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great to see the jew haters have joined the party!

what's going on here on Racket, do they stop giving out Lithium on 9/11??!

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It is necessary to go a level deeper than Zionism, Israel and organized Jewry and that is the level of Frankism, the philosophy and movement of Jakob Frank - a Ukrainian Jew who hated Judaism and the God of the Bible. Rome was his model...and these same pretenders have hijacked Judaism via Zionism and the engineered Holocaust. Jews wake up! Non-Jews, learn who Jakob Frank was...the answer is there.

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I love the Jewish. What are you gonna do about it?

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How nice. And convenient. The true All-Stars are beginning to make their presence felt here on the Racket News "threads." How nice.

How's Mike doing? Give him my (kind) regards. And of course "Vlad." Been too long for the both of them.

"Michel Chossudovsky is a University of Ottawa professor emeritus whose website has a Facebook following of more than 275,000. But ahead of the U.S. election, his website has come under renewed scrutiny as a source of Russian-aligned disinformation.

"As U.S. authorities guard against dirty tricks from foreign adversaries in the run-up to the Nov. 3 presidential election, an unlikely source has come under new scrutiny as a major conduit of Russian-linked disinformation: a Montreal-based website run by a retired University of Ottawa professor."

"The platform, Global Research, features a Canadian domain name and offers an ever-expanding collection of conspiracy theories, such as the myth that the 9/11 attacks and COVID-19 pandemic were both planned in order to control the population. The website also hosts articles experts have attributed to a Russian spy agency."

With more than 275,000 Facebook followers and a potential readership in excess of 350,000 per article, the site has the biggest reach among "Kremlin-aligned" disinformation sites, according to the U.S. State Department."


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Try forming a valid argument. You obviously never studied it.

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Well of your list of requirements, they certainly tick the "demented amount of bloodthirsty evil" box. It's the coordination problem that raises my skepticism.

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They also have no idea of the sophisticated techniques used to pull of vast conspiracies and yet they swan around like they're the sophisticates. Concepts like compartmentalization, institutional cover, hierachical spheres of knowledge. They think if "the government" commits a conspiracy it means the entire government is in on it. Mid-wit, reddit-brains who think they're intelligent. Sad.

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Hey perimeter…how do you find the perimeter of a nonagon given only the interior angle and one interior side length??

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You do realize the banking industry created the largest heist known to man, stole trillions of dollars and the people "in the know who were going to spew" were "suicided."

Yet, you think Building 7 falling upon its own footprint makes sense.

Just wow.

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yes im the demented crank here.

(also for the love of god, you can create any narrative in retrospect if you want it bad enough.)

Ok let's put our theories side by side:

1) "the banking industry created the largest heist known to man, stole trillions of dollars" and then murdered all witnesses and this was covered up (as if the banking class needs any excuse to steal trillions!); while also the people who planned the destruction of the Twin Towers said to themselves, "Ya know, I don't think destroying those 2 iconic towers with airplanes will be enough to get our point across, I think we need to rig the next building over w explosives!"


2) a bunch of terrorists w money and smarts and backing got real lucky and scored the greatest terrorist attack ever, mostly because our bloated bureaucracy was asleep at the wheel.

Just wow!

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Explain Bldg 7. Because no one has ever given a plausible explanation. I'm dying to hear yours.

If you don't believe me on the banking industry suiciding witnesses, Google "Tracy Lawrence" and "banker suicide with nail gun."

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What does "plausible" mean here though? Moon landing conspiracy theorists will point to things and say that there's no plausible explanation for them, but it's just their own lack of understanding of physics that makes then not accept the actual explanations.

Grenfell Tower in London caught on fire in 2017 and 72 people died, all from an electrical fault in a refrigerator. There was no conspiracy here, other than whatever shady deals allowed the building to be covered in flammable cladding.

Perhaps the real question you should be asking is, "how many other buildings are there that you think are safe and well made, but are actually death traps?"

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There was an earthquake across the street. You're surprised that a nearby building incurred catastrophic structural damage?

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Then google Bigfoot and chupacabra

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Are these the tactics you employed to get the Washington State legislators to do your bidding? Any YouTube videos available of you and a few WA State Reps goin' at it?

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Number 2 is really absurd.

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But the only one that passes Occam’s Razor.

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Shunned and dyspeptic Canadian academics were behind 9/11. I've got all the evidence...

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"falling on own footprint" - what is the alternative, are you suggesting that steel beam skyscrapers can topple over? I thought they all had to roughly fall on own footprint because the welds can't sustain much sideways force, and once the welds fail you just have a bunch of beams in the air under the force of gravity, and those would fall straight down. Are there buildings that have ever fallen another way?

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And FOOL, here are the Architects and Engineers who dispute the 911 report funded a study that refutes everything that our lying ass government claims: https://canada.constructconnect.com/dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report

"Under the conditions described, the displacement of the outside steel would have been only one inch, not the 6.25 NIST claimed and not enough to cause failure.”

Further, he says, the debris from WTC 1 which fell 943 feet to WTC 7 did not attain sufficient mass to cause structural damage to the steel in that building.

The bottom line, he says, is that the NIST report is flawed and of no value to future engineering or architectural learning.

The Alaska report adds new momentum to long standing claims by the AE911T that all three of the buildings should not have collapsed in the spectacular and deadly manner they did. Further, and Korol underlines this, there was nothing in the offices beyond basic desks, chairs, computers and paper that would be of such a combustible nature so as to feed a fire and raise the temperature to above 1,400 degrees Celsius and melt the steel structure."

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whenever you have that footage of a steel frame bulding toppling over on its side, i am ready to review it.

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Goddamn, for those of you incapable, it's amazing what you can find if you just search the web: https://www.theguardian.com/global/video/2023/may/25/walls-collapse-after-massive-fire-engulfs-building-in-sydney-video

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Oh, sorry, my bad - original 7 WTC was made from brick, then? I can now see that a stack of bricks falls that way.

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"9/11 conspiracy theories are one of the lowest forms of thought."

Just like Oswald, the lone gunman killing JFK, and Sirhan Sirhan, the lone gunman killing RFK?

Would the federal government lie to us?

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That the government lies with great frequency doesn’t mean or prove it lies all the time, which is what I think you are implying. Each one has to be dealt with individually to be persuasive.

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Like Obama saying, "the bankers did nothing unlawful, only immoral." When that idiot had full knowledge that the bankers had created a forgery scheme and were using those forgeries to steal people's homes across state lines. Using those forgeries across state lines meant there was widespread wire fraud/mail fraud. And Obama knew all this when he said the above.

So, no, I don't believe anything the media reports nor what the government tells me.

"Covid vaxxines will stop transmission and disease." Ooops, no they won't. They will eventually kill you by eradicating your t-cells. But that's a big oopsie, isn't it???

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Got a link for your Covid vaccine claims? Like a real one? I would love to see who said what you put in quotes

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Or the moon landing being faked? Just because the government absolutely lies about some things, doesn't mean it lies about ALL things.

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Our government: incapable of producing a car registration efficiently. But geniuses at executing intricate plots involving hundreds of people, and then keeping it secret. (Well, almost secret. Thank heaven for Kevin and his weed-smoking posse!)

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"Everyone get a Covid vaccine. These vaccines will stop you from getting the disease and will stop transmission." When they absolutely knew that they would do neither. Not only will they do neither, they knew that they would kill off your t-cells opening you up to really bad shit that will kill you.

So, you fool, keep believing in our government and I will keep living.

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So 3 years into vaccines....where are all the deaths?

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HEY IDIOT, JUST GOOGLE EXCESS DEATHS SINCE VACCINATION ROLLOUT! Wow, simple Google search will find you what you need. But idiots like you can't seem to do that.

"US reported 874,000 excess deaths." Just in US alone.


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On Sept. 11, 2006, we were in Somerset, PA. We had come to attend the fifth-year ceremony at the Flight 93 memorial. Having breakfast at a diner there, we were talking to some of the locals about what happened that day, and some said they had heard that another aircraft shot down Flight 93. I shared my opinion that our government wasn't that competent. It seemed to me we were all in agreement with the incompetence angle.

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Do you consider the CIA to be incompetent?

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William F. Buckley, who may actually have worked for the CIA, wrote a series of novels featuring a character who had. Somewhere there he wrote:

"It had all the marks of a CIA hit: Everyone was dead but the intended target."

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In case you don't notice, he edited his top level comment to include a preface with an attack against your lines of thought... I doubt he had the courtesy to note that to you so I'm flagging it for you.

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Hey thanks, I appreciate the head's up...

I saw and am honored, though if Matt's place were a bar I would be thinking to myself right about now: "That place is starting to attract the wrong kind of crowd."

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I'm going to go with that the 9/11 post attracted those drawn to the topic and hope they so much of their brain power on that topic that they won't be polluting the others... but worth watching for. Free Press had a moment like that where there was a really good article on the balance between COVID era freedom of religion and public health officer power, which illuminated the balance struck by the courts in a fascinating way. Roughly, the balance was first amendment says you can't eliminate freedom to gather and practice religion, but you can make requirements that don't disrupt the core of worship, such as limit to 16% of building capacity or require masks. But all the commenters were about was that any mask rule was Satanic, which was silly, myopic (since there are so many other varieties of requirement) and boring.

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oh yeah good call, 9/11 is to freaks what a porch light is to moths.

thanks for the nuance, is a good cleansing bath after all that muck i stepped in.

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I stopped subbing because of the freaks, I need less bs in my life and my self-control to not read it isn't all it could be. This post was public though...

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Oh look a turd just fell out of the ass of the deep state!

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For starters, read “The Cultural Cold War; The CIA and the world of Arts and Letters” by Frances S. Saunders...Didn’t anyone understand what the Ronald Ragan Movie Star Presidency revealed....all, ALL the people in front of the camera are actors reading a script shaped by those behind the camera...expand your focus, and then expand it out further...

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How to get it off this constant alarm ringing of unrest - vote for real change into the Whitehouse - Let peace 🕊️ lead - #MarianneWilliamson for US President. Marianne2024.com - look for Peace on her issues.

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Try doing some research and stop embarrassing yourself. There were no airplanes and it's easy to prove. Covid 19 and Mass Shootings Are FAKE ! The proof is at CVHOAX.COM

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Willful ignorance is the lowest form of emotional and psychological self thought protection. Sorry about your either great need for Troll payola, or an undisturbed by too many facts, mind. Good luck with that.

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TriTorch: Building 7 alone puts the lie to the entire narrative, plus the fact that no steel-framed building, including those burned to a crisp had ever collapsed before.

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Yeah, buildings in war zones in third world countries that have been hit with missiles and then engulfed in flames are still standing. But WTC7, a building made extra tough using the most advanced architects and engineers available experiences some fires for a few hours then disintegrates into its own footprint at freefall speed with zero resistance.

Seems legit.

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Jet. Fuel.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Yes, no building is "extra tough" if it wasn't made with steel that won't weaken at the temp of burning jet fuel. Now we have the Freedom Tower, it's "extra tough". I like how these people have read so much about all of this and don't get this simple concept. Once they do get it, they will be able to reframe their argument, but still, to not get it and be saying stuff like "no steel frame building..." wow.

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I'm not sure why "they" would have to "reframe" anything. WT7's "Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7: Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster" discusses the very same issues (no jet fuel, first to collapse):

"This was the first known instance of the total collapse of a tall building primarily due to fires. WTC 7 was unlike the WTC towers in many respects. It was a more typical tall building in the design of

its structural system. It was not struck by an airplane. The fires in WTC 7 were quite different from those in the towers. Since WTC 7 was not doused with thousands of gallons of jet fuel, large areas of any

floor were not ignited simultaneously. Instead, the fires in WTC 7 were similar to those that have occurred in several tall buildings where the automatic sprinklers did not function or were not present.

These other buildings did not collapse, while WTC 7 succumbed to its fires."

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Most people don’t realize this, but all steel melts at a temperature higher than burning jet fuel. And more so when that steel is encased in fire retardant insulation.

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It’s really as simple as that...but BUILDING 7...good lord the cognitive dissonance of these “patriots” is shocking. Covid broke a lot of people

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I don't care how tough the architects and engineers were, they still make lousy building materials.

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Do 9/11 vampires like you only emerge once a year for a little on-line blood sucking? A brief but intense and concentrated interval of unrelenting "refueling" necessary for crafting new and novel conspiracy theories for the rest of the calendar year?

This must be the case.

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They’ve never been hit by jet planes loaded with jet fuel. I’m pretty sure no engineer took that possibility into account lol

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You, sir, with all due respect*, are fucking nuts.

*due respect being none.

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Why not try asking a few architects what they think about 9/11 and you may change your mind.

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I AM a fucking ARCHITECT, you clueless dolt.

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Hahahaha! Sure you are.

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And I'm sure you meant I should ask structural engineers because architects do very little work when it comes to exterior forces on building torque strength.


"Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about."


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We aren't talking about architects of tyranny shill.

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Wackos in full force today!

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Yes deep state shills are annoying aren't they?

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Amazing takedown there.

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I’m in awe as well

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Was that vid of the pentagon shot on 9/11? Because, that is clearly an overcast sky, not the clear blue sky we all saw on 9/11.

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I believe Roosevelt had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor and that attack could have been prevented or at least defended against. I believe the JFK assassination was coordinated by rogue elements in the CIA. But regardless of what evidence you have for 9/11 being an inside job I refuse to allow that in my head.

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While I am flattered to receive my very first CIA collaborator badge (i'll proudly wear it with my tinfoil hat), it does make me sad that so many other people here seem to agree with this Travis Bickle-level narrative.

9/11 is like Mardi Gras for the mentally ill.

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Smears and the politics of personal destruction is the MO of government agents.

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Like saying a piece of turd fell out of the deep states butt?? Think man think. Your cognitive dissonance is something to behold

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It's not a smear if it's wholly accurate. At any rate, on-line guv-spooks are much smoother than that.

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Oh look a smear merchant smearing the person calling out the smears.


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Feldspar is too stupid even for CIA.

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He just proved it with his comment below lol

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In the world of on-line smears, I'm not a "merchant," I'm merely a middleman.

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Self admitted government informant eh? Die in a tire fire!

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I’m pretty sure there are one or two people using multiple accounts to create the impression of a much bigger group of psychos

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You sound incredibly desperate.

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What? You never studied those techniques? Look at what has happened here. A couple of people have demolished any discussion on this topic. Here's a conversation from ten minutes ago:

tritorch: Your arguments are nothing but strawmen, red herrings, and ad hominem all whipped together in a smorgasbord of fallacy. It's crazy to see how eager you are to prevent any real discussion on this topic.

Clever Pseudonym: im ok w that!

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It's a discussion in the sense that exchanging inane banter with a crazy person at the bus stop is a discussion.

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Even though I think you’re wrong on so many issues; this is a great analogy.

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"one of the biggest tragedies of all is that the planes and the buildings themselves were not made out of this indestructible material"

Okay, funny, not funny.

But thank you for your post.

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“Hey guys hey guys we found a smoking gun”

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Well said.

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Great breakdown.

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It was also the day flying butt weasels entered our airspace and created 911 truthers. Honestly.

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You honestly are probably quadruple vaxxed and believe ivermectin is only supposed to be used on horses.

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I read a little of your argument.

First, Matt is one of the best reporters out there, and after years of reading his work, I trust him. So you’re shooting yourself in the foot by posting a novella like this. Once I saw the old “enemies hating us for our freedoms” trope among your arguments, you lost me -- they hate(d) us for parking our military in Saudi Arabia and the violence we’ve wreaked in the Middle East. But your conspiracy theory that the new 911 tower was built to look like a syringe heralding an eventual pandemic... I have no words! It’s laughable, it’s so ridiculous. I stopped reading you at that point.

I’m sad though that you’re taking up so much space at the top of a comments area usually humming with interesting thoughts and observations.

Please, go sell your crazy elsewhere. :/

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Please debunk the only 3 buildings ever to fall down due to fire, wtc 7 falling down so perfectly, the single hole, two titanium jet engines 100ft apart made in the Pentagon. The fact the best pilots in the world would struggle to get 3 perfect hits, Id go on but I actually want answers which you won't have.

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What are the consequences of living in a state of fear, apprehension and uncertainty? How is the nation or individual citizen affected when living inside a lie where everything exists in a gray zone void of human trust and reason. A place in which truth and facts are malleable and no lines of honest moral demarcation exist? Where, as the movie proclaims: "..everything means everything so nothing means anything.."

Let us say, that an alien landed its spaceship in the front yard, confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt that Elvis was alive and presented insurmountable evidence that the CIA blew JFK into the next world. Furthermore, revealing that every American hand in the cookie jar conspiracy was true, presented the key to a warehouse stacked to the ceiling with evidence and announced that the very next day Joe Rogan was coming to do a special all day podcast that would expose all this and surely save the world. Would it? What would it change? And ultimately, who is the responsible party in this goat roping? The cavalry after all, is obviously not coming.

If, I as a citizen suggest, that removing money from politics would create a better America, whence comes the scoffing guffaw and smirk confirming the belief that citizens are powerlessness to change anything? If, as suggested, a handful of multi-generational grifters, conspire, at the expense of innocent lives and liberty, to destroy the Constitution and seize control of the American Republic, as a citizen of that Republic, what's my responsibility? There is certainly evidence for real time cause and concern. Witness the human damage, division and social disintegration surrounding us. Conspiracy? Start with the Wall Street financier Prescott Bush and count forward. The Federal Reserve? '08? Looted much?

There is an eyeball just beyond this screen making a judgement call on your willingness to make a stand. You know it's there and it knows you know it's there. It wants you to know it knows you know it's there. Otherwise, what's the point? We could all just be friends and have a good life. Do you have a good life?

The Trickster is inside the wire and he's wearing a mask with your face on it. As Sandburg pointed out: "It's raining, what you need is an umbrella." To conflate Solzhenitsyn and the Buddha the real razor's edge is the line of demarcation dividing good from evil within the the human heart. Or, as sez our ever faithful friend Tom Waits: "The only way down from the gallows is to swing." ... We ain't whipped. Turn on your radio and hold the line!! Because: "..Love isn't always on time..."

"..I pity the poor immigrant who wishes he would have stayed home..who uses all his power to do evil..but in the end is always left so alone..that man who with his fingers cheats and who lies with every breath..who passionately hates his life and likewise fears his death..." --B.Dylan '67

Remember the old Tom Waits line: "The only way down from the gallows is to swing."

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I notice this exchange is the top comment and first thing everyone sees.

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Well done, TriTorch!

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They usually have a nemesis too, to keep the conversation going.

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Well we can all sleep well at night since you cracked the code!

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“Two planes managed to fell 3 skyscrapers...”

Two skyscrapers. WTF are you on about anyway? Seems like you’re the conspiracy but here.

Save your “inside job” crazy bullshit for whatever echo chamber you emerged from. Goodbye.

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England, Israeli, and other countries sent warning to Bush that we were going to be attacked,

Very much like FDR was warned. The radio in the Pacific broke Japan's code. They had a front row set matching the codes to the movements of the Japanese fleet and soldiers.

The English and Ducth code breakers in Indonesia broke those codes. They sent their data to Churchill; who did not tell FDR. Since both wanted the US in the war to help England retain her Navel Supremacy.

Churchill drug the the US into WWI and WWII. With out us England would lose.

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You belong in a mental hospital.

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Governments love emergencies as much as they love wars. The pretext of an emergency gives them power, control, and the capacity to impose obedience. It allows them to sidestep public opinion and democratic deliberation by exploiting the suspension of normal rules.

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Exactly right. I would add that these agencies take on a life of their own, expanding geometrically in people and funding and, as time passes, disconnected from the elected government in terms of oversight, priorities, and policy. DHS is but one example. Look at the Department of Education, the EPA, etc. I would submit that until these little mini-governments with all this authority and no responsibility are addressed, everything else is just conversation. Politicians come and go. Bureaucracies live and grow forever.

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Bureaucracies are the new feudal system. Unelected and given power that the governed forget they must oversee. The Governed has failed to keep the balance. Maybe I'm blaming the victim, but I believe it's apt in this case.

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Bureaucracies predate feudalism by several thousand years.

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You're right, a rose is a rose... and all that jazz. :)

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A rose is not always necessarily a rose.

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A rhombus may not be a square but they’re both quadrilaterals lol

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Case in point: Canada’s odious Justin Trudeau. (Honorable mentions: Jacinda Arden of NZ, Scott Morrison of Australia, Giuseppe Conte of Italy... the list goes on and on).

Never let a crisis go to waste!

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Don’t leave out Michelle Lujan Grisham.

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Wait, you mean Justin Castro right? Because seriously, he is Castro's son.

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Seriously … really? Y’know, a DNA test would remove all doubt. You’re nominated to fetch the samples for testing. If you’re right you’ll get your name in lights and be the source of biggest story so far in the 21st Century.

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How am I going to get samples of DNA from Trudeau/Castro and Castro? WTF are you saying? But the story is very interesting if you care. Turns out that about 9 months before Justin was born, his mother and "father" Pierre traveled to Cuba to meet Castro. They spent some time there and apparently the wife had a thing for Castro. There are photos of her hanging off of him like he's her man. And if you've ever seen a photo of Pierre -- he looks nothing like Justin and Justin looks almost exactly like Castro when he was young. Exactly. Look it up.

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Seen it all my friend … everything, many times. What’s lacking is "proof". Conjecture isn’t worth much, proof is priceless. Castro has bonafide living children and grandchildren—some outside of Cuba and something Trudeau’s lips or hair have touched should be accessible by hanging around Ottawa for awhile and practicing your French. No big rewards without big effort. The bane of our existence these days is way too much conjecture and way to little proof.

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Look, this whole thing is ridiculous -- who really gives a shit if Trudeau is Castro's son? I just think its hilarious because he really does look just like him and the timeline fits. He looks nothing like his mother or "father". Fun!

As for conjecture generally being useless -- we live in such dishonest times with lying narratives about everything it would be irresponsible NOT to speculate.

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Posters getting “heavy” on this one. Your name made me smile O. Rabbit. Good one.

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We end this day by ending the unrelenting expansion of safteyism into all aspects of our lives. People need to put risk in perspective and understand the massive opportunity costs that come from living a life sheltering from fears, which are increasingly imagined, rather than real.

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I think people hide behind the concept of “safetyism” and use it as camouflage for their own political purposes. NO ONE who EVER espoused the slogan, “Defund the police and we’ll all be safer”, is ACTUALLY interested in “safety”.

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On the whole I agree. But I think perhaps you haven't encountered people in the cities who TRULY believe that trained LEOs are a greater threat to their personal safety than their mostly-peaceful community members.

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They are delusional, and we shouldn’t be expected to structure our society to suit people who aren’t firmly grounded in reality. Ask Shivanthi Sathanandan of Minneapolis: last week, she would have (falsely) believed LEOs to be the worst possible threat; this week, she learned that the real threats are the criminals. A woke got a wake up call.

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Unfortunately people obsessed with "harm" and "safety" tend to have a warped understanding of them.

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Safety for me, but not for thee.

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Honestly, the way to make it all stop is for them to go broke. This would in turn mean that US citizens will mostly go broke too. How's your 401k? Are you heavy into Blackrock? Defense contractors? Worried about your govt pension? That's what's holding it together more than anything. The "safety" of a cushy retirement, while dealing with the devil for the money.

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Lot of words to say that Ron Paul was right.....

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Ron Paul was usually right.

Gimme a minute and I might remember one time he was wrong.

Still thinking...

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How do we end this day? Can we do it like we always have: mass demonstrations, broad enlightenment of the population, general strikes if necessary?

Well, a friend who survived twenty years in East Germany recently observed: “ In East Berlin, we MINDED the surveillance, we didn’t believe our politicians, and we didn’t believe the lies.”

So, what about the US? A country of sheep, afraid of their own shadows , and pampered beyond belief by 24 hour shopping and free shipping.

I wish I had a better answer, but mass demonstrations and general strikes are the only real weapons we have. They’re still powerful, still, sort of, possible. Oh, and we still have Taibbi, Greenwald, Hedges, Hersch, Nader, and a few others. Hope is not lost. I’m sure it’s around here somewhere.

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After being involved in Occupy, and knowing now that the FBI planned to assassinate its leaders, I won't protest anymore.

But I will fly the Gadsden flag, I will never comply, I will not believe EVER the government or our media, and I will keep building my community.

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Cue the Fife-and-Drum corps...

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Interesting comment, although no idea what basis you have in believing it. It is curious that David Graeber had an untimely death…

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At the anniversary of Occupy, I did some digging and found a FOIA answer provided by the government to a nonprofit, can't remember who requested it, unfortunately. But I remember that they were planning the assassinations to happen in NYC, Oakland, Seattle, Austin and I think Portland. They were going to blame them on the Alt-right. Pretty fucked up.

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"So, what about the US? A country of sheep, afraid of their own shadows , and pampered beyond belief by 24 hour shopping and free shipping."

A very powerful and accurate assessment. I'm 66. 30 years ago I could never have fathomed that this would be what I would see in my countrymen. But here we are.

How does it end? Ingloriously at best. Enjoy the ride. I don't think it can be stopped, but have some fun trying. That's what we're all doing here, right?

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East Germany was opened by outsiders. They did not do it themselves. The US needs to wrest themselves from the tyrants from within. There is no outside to save us.

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Jello Biafra nailed it back in the 1980s:

“Give Me Convienience, Or Give Me Death.”


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We end it the same way it was started.

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I simply cannot believe that we still have the Patriot Act. It makes me pessimistic that Americans really value freedom. We live in a surveillance state and very few people seem to notice. I used to take some comfort in the government being bad at pretty much everything, but with the advent of social media and then AI, even the imbeciles running the country can be effective censors.

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We've reached the point that people value security far more than freedom. And it's worst among the youngest Americans. A poll by the Cato Institute found that 14% of Americans overall would favor government installing cameras in private residences to ferret out crime and abuse, but among Gen Z the proportion more than doubles to 30%. .

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Ridiculous, isn't it, since city officials don't seem to value security at all, even when crimes are caught on camera.

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That's actually a great point. This is the generation that is perpetually performing for the cameras. I guess there's no difference to them between between posting a video in TikTok that a few dozen strangers will gawk at, and having the government video you in your own living room. Or bedroom.

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I think this is the insight that Bin Ladin and his bunch arrived at. He probably saw the way western expats working for him demanded how to be “protected”, and realized it’s a cultural trait. (that from my own expat experience working in a north African country)

From there he (and his compadres) reasoned that had become a vulnerable flaw and just needed a small push to initiate western self-destruction. Then, 9-11 and a few other relatively easily realized acts of destruction.

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Government being incompetent just makes them even more eager to roll out more surveillance and censorship. They don’t want people to know how much of our wealth is wasted on useless programs where politically connected middlemen siphon off funds without adding value. On top of that, all legislation is a patronage opportunity. Create more and more government jobs that don’t deliver services to citizens.

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50% of Americans have been brainwashed

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100% of Americans believe 50% of Americans have been brainwashed.

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I like your handle

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Just kidding. It's more like 95%.

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But - just like advertising - we don't know which 50% it is. 😁

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“How do we end this day?” Those words gave me chills as I fear the answer. Coming back from a Palm Springs vacation last Christmas, I watched repeatedly as individuals were pulled aside for extra screening in airport security. I commented to a woman, after she was fully “patted” down, if she felt it was excessive. She assured me she didn’t mind as it kept everyone safe. Moments later, it was my turn to be scrutinized, this time in a private room for a beneath-clothing search (I am a sixty year old woman, less than 100lbs). The trigger for this additional screening? A candle I was taking home as a Xmas gift apparently had traces of “something”. It was later determined to be a benign substance and I was sent on my way. I was left feeling violated and questioning whether those measures put in place 22 years ago have really benefitted our lives today. Covid took this culture of safety-ism to new extremes. People have so bought into the guarantee of safety through surveillance, I fear it will never end.

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Drive everywhere. Bankrupt the airlines and give the TSA a bad case of redundancies.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Obama is a fraud.

And I still hate John Ashcroft.


Patriots Day is a state holiday in April in Massachusetts, celebrating the battles of Concord & Lexington. (Ask Matt--he lived in Massachusetts.)

Obama will NOT appropriate that holiday.

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Even went to school in Concord. Used to associate that word with morning baseball… not so much now.

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Hey! While I have your attention: START POSTING "America This Week" on Rumble!

I don't want to use YouTube--they're fascists.

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Let’s hear it for non-conforming genx massholes!

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I come from the home of the Raytheon Patriot Missile!!

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A friend of mine used to work for Raytheon, so every year he would send me an official Raytheon Christmas card with the words “To Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men - Raytheon Missile Systems”.

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Complete lack of self-awareness.

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Technically late baby-boomer, but I was really one of the very first gen-X kids due to my upbringing. So sad to see so many now conforming genx massholes, but I remain true to the truth, and rejecting of fake narrative.

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...but I remain true to the truth, and rejecting of fake narrative, which gives me strength in my quest to construct the next big conspiracy theory...

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I still love Patriots Day. I lived for three years at Audubon Circle, watched the Marathon there. Sometimes went to a Red Sox game (bleacher seats), and then watched the Marathon from Kenmore Square.

Ah. Those were the days.

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Obama is a fraud, a complete narcissist, a crook, and the ex-President I hate most of all.

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W still is mine, but Biden I think has overshadowed him. Obama and Clinton aren't far behind. They are all of the same treasonous club. Trump is part of the production to create more divisions.

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This post has made me think of Worst, Second-Worst, etc. president of my lifetime.

I'm starting to think I just hate them all.

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Well said!

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As a fellow Masshole, I wholeheartedly endorse this comment. Real patriots oppose Empire, regardless of which flag it wraps itself in.

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And using the attacks to start wars in Afghanistan and Iraq when it was the Saudi’s who financed the whole thing. They never paid a price.

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Never will. They run the Beltway Club.

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Still trying to get hits on your blog, eh? I always forget that 9/11 brings out the Mayor of Crazy Town to bless us with his "wisdom."

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Obama used the security state to spy on political enemies. Rules on “unmasking” of Americans were eased before the 2012 election. He spied on Trump for years using NSA intercepts and FBI “outside contractors” pre-FISA, who violated the 4th amendment rights of Americans (including Trump and other opponents) and forwarded the fruit of their illegal searches outside the government. This was never prosecuted or punished. He lied to Americans about all the spying and then spied on Congress and lied about it, too.

He knew Biden and Hillary were raising money from foreign oligarchs and governments whilst ostensibly serving the people.

In summary, Obama was a criminal and an accessory to treason.

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"He knew Biden and Hillary were raising money from foreign oligarchs and governments whilst ostensibly serving the people."

While Obama, himself, was arranging Wall Street payoff to himself post-Presidency for providing them protection.

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Ding ding ding, we have a winner

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5-6 conspiracy theories in 3 short paragraphs. Nice work.

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You wish. I wish. We all wish that what we're uncovering wasn't true. "Conspiracy theories" tends to be dismissive. What if we all became curious and studied all sides of an issue regardless of what political party we belong.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023


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To end the war you need to stop the terrorists, and the biggest terrorist organisation is the CIA military pharma industrial complex. They together have killed tens of millions of people all over the world.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/alien-terror-or-smoke-and-mirrors

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The slaughter of US citizens has started in the ensuing years: both locally in DEW fires here and there, and nationwide in COVID protocols and the VACCINATIONs.

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I liked your work with The Cure. Lol

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My sister claims to be a practical person and discounts the possibility that the official narrative (19 hijackers, etc) is all a Big Lie constructed by the Media/Military Industrial Complex on the basis that she doesn't know what to do with that information. I tell her that what you do is stop believing the MMIC, but she just goes right on listening to NPR/NYT/WAPO etc...and believing it! Boggles my mind.

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For me, it came down to three things. One, there is no way Atta's passport would have survived intact. Two, I remember the "dancing arabs" that turned out to be Israeli assets. Lastly, as reported by Jerusalem Post on 9/11, all Israelis (not JEWS as the conspiracy goes) reported themselves safe. There were about 2,000 potential Israelis. The odds of all of them being safe is remarkable. It was clear that at least some powers knew what was happening and didn't stop it. Beyond this, I cannot say.

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People who don’t traffic in conspiracy theories simply don’t know what they’re missing.

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Two pieces of legislation I remember giving me indigestion, NAFTA and The Patriot Act. Both have nearly ruined our country. One stripping us of our industry and the other stripping us of our privacy.

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Our military-intelligence-governmental defenders have turned on us.

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And have turned us on ourselves. Do you remember the exhortations for us to report each other for suspicious activity?

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Suspicious = not wearing a mask

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Which ultimately proved convenient for those choosing to steal.

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Yet another coincidence in only one direction.

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They never rescinded the order for us to treat each other that way

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Oh, sweet irony!

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Unfortunately, I do not think the Deep State ever intends to see "this day" ended. It is a FACT that, throughout history, dictatorial regimes have suspended civil rights, by declaring a 'national emergency' of one type or another. The 'emergency' never ends. Once a nation has allowed itself to go down this rabbit hole, only God can save it. And I mean that most seriously.

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It will end they have absolute unchecked total control over every aspect of every person’s life including sexual behavior

It will end when Central Bank Digital Currency allows the government to control how and even IF you spend your money

Not toeing the line on the latest government narrative? Starve because we won’t let you buy food until you surrender!

It is this to which we are careening with terrifying speed

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It's hard to like this article. Because I don't like anything about it. I liked it because I agree.

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