Whatever ARE the odds? NBC reports that the Democrats managed a clean sweep of every single “toss-up” race. That’s even more suspicious than the miraculous last-second touchdown drive by the Buccaneers on the day Tom Brady passed 100,000 yards passing.

The Democrats really seem to like brain-damaged puppets who aren’t even capable of speaking coherently on their own. And if we are to believe the electoral Narrative, the voters just love them too!

We must get out and VOTE!! OK Boomer.

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And that's where we've been for a while. More and more anomalies with every election and they all end up favoring the Democrats. It's like a coin being flipped 30 times in a row and every time it ends up tails. But if you question whether the coin tosses are fair, you're a white supremacist and a domestic terrorist and you end up on a watch list by the absolutely non-political Department of "Justice."

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

Free speech is censorship.

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All right, I'll elaborate. You're aware that the owner of this Substack didn't vote for either major party candidate in the last general election, right Daniel? It was hard for me to fault him because it really was a vomit milkshake in 2020:


At the time I at least bothered to make a "fuck both these guys" write-in vote for Nina Turner for POTUS. The next year, when running for Congress, Nina started talking about how if she got elected she wasn't going to do everything people wanted her to do and they should just deal with it, which sounded an awful lot like she was just going to be like the rest of the Squad, or like her old boss Bernie Sanders has become. I.e., people who say that X needs to happen but vote against X when the time comes and who make ridiculous excuses for why we should still support them specifically and Democrats in general. People who unironically say that Joe Biden deserves a grade of A or A-plus.

This time I didn't bother at all. Not even symbolically.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I find myself reluctantly coming to the conclusion that the vote is indeed rigged. No reasonable person can conclude that the population is satisfied with the status quo, and yet the results of this election say that we supposedly are. There was no shakeup despite having a president in clear cognitive decline with a 55% disapproval rating, a widely despised VP by both parties, trust in congress below 10%, a flailing economy, spiraling energy costs, and rampant inflation. Not to mention the undeniable decline in services and rise in crime around most major urban population centers. With that as the backdrop, we are told to believe that Americans by and large voted for more of the same? Really? That is, except in Florida where establishment darling DeSantis had a great night for some reason. That ought to grease the wheels for his 2024 campaign against Trump. Isn't it amazing that republicans performed so well in Florida and nowhere else? Oh, and by the way, now it takes days, weeks or maybe even months to do what 2nd and 3rd world countries have had no trouble at all doing in one night, which is to tally all the votes.

It's looking to me like the uniparty wishes install DeSantis as the next president, and there will be no mistakes like there were in 2016.

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Florida has voting laws that protect voting rights while ensuring election integrity. The states where all the magic happens have widespread use of mail-in ballots, few if any requirements for voter ID, and no requirements for ballots to be mailed in any sort of timely fashion. Once vote counting goes out past a day or two, the Republicans' safe leads evaporate and the Democrats squeaks out another win. In other words, once the Dems know how many votes they need to win, the real "counting" begins.

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"I find myself reluctantly coming to the conclusion that the vote is indeed rigged."

So you're a moron, good to know.

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It's not as if that has never happened before. 2000? Or what about the 2016 Dem primary where it was rigged in Clinton's favor? And arguably the 2020 Dem primary with Iowa, but since that isn't universally acknowledged to be the truth the way my other two examples are I guess you can ignore that one if you want to.

My point is that both the Republican and Democratic parties have rigged voting this century, so it would take--to use the term you chose--a moron to believe that they would never, ever, *ever* do it again. And that it definitely didn't happen this time, anywhere people were voting.

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Wow, pretty cynical, I just thought it was about voting. You know the thing most of us pretend to do? Like hey how vote. Literally no context in the cartoon. But you guys are submasters. Tell us what to think. Do you.

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Hans-Herman Hoppe's "Democracy: The God That Failed" roundly defenestrates the mythic dogma of democracy, and (IMO) makes a strong case for the comparative advantages of monarchy and natural order.

Moreover, as we've all recently seen, "western democracies" seem to have an inexorable tilt towards totalitarianism, thanks to the seemingly limitless accretion of ever expanding legal codes, taxes, social welfare programs, permanent wars and restrictions on individual rights.

Speaking of totalitarianism, let's remember that during 2020 nearly every so-called democracy on the planet locked down its citizenry, aided by police and military and a mindlessly compliant and uncritical populace.

But yeah. Yay democracy!

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