Fight til the last Ukrainian! Lying is an integral part of the color revolution and regime change playbook: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-execute-a-color-revolution

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In America the so-called intellectuals from the Ivy League Colleges who have run the nation for over 200 years have excelled at two things. Global war and lying to the people.

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and being exempt of fighting the wars

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I believe that none other than Aleksei Arestovich said something much to that effect.

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Wow. I don't even trust the sports page anymore.

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My next bumper sticker!

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Next up--the Republican Party, for blocking the funding...

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That's likely just a temporary situation. The USPS is backed up with Christmas deliveries, but once the kickback checks start hitting mailboxes, I'm sure the Republicans will see the light.

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I wonder what rock Woodward and Bernstein would be living under today if Nixon had been a Democrat?

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As a young adult (obsessed with Watergate) I followed everything. Every twist and turn, Congressional hearings and testimony. I remember a Democrat Congressperson (sorry, but I'm avoiding attacks) from Texas, Barbara Jordan, who just wanted the facts and the truth. Where are her heirs??

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I think they’re on Substack. Certainly not at the NYT, WaPo, CNN, NBC, NPR etc etc etc.

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Certainly not on TV, on the radio, or even running for congress; who in their right mind would want to take on an entire insane asylum inhabiting some 500 patients with no patience for the facts, any truth, or aptitude for grasping either if it accidentally came along?

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Woodward was a deep stater. The source was FBI.

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Short, sourced, and informative.


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Thank you for the courage to speak out about what the American news media is all about these days. Many people owe you a debt of gratitude for the truth. Best wishes for happy holidays, Matt....

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I am really liking these video shorts. Emphasis on shorts. Less a fan of video based programming. I prefer reading, so please don’t replace the written pieces (which I think you enjoy, being such a good writer) so I am not too worried about that. Just saying.

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Gonna be some serious “blowback” for encouraging/subsidizing the deaths of hundreds of thousands and destruction of a country. This could have been settled two weeks after it started but WE scuttled the peace process.

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Agreed. But there have been so many “off-ramps” not the least of which would have been to keep our promise of not expanding the NATO military alliance eastward as was agreed to as part of the negotiated break-up of the USSR. But then Hillary’s husband happened. From there it has been an unfortunate, but not unpredictable, train wreck to exactly where we are today.

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“We” being Biden, who needed a continuing war as a pretext to shovel billions to the Z-Man, who has all the receipts on the Biden family “business.”

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The news media, reporting on all of the news that we are paid to report on. it is not our job to vet sources, we will leave that to someone else. What we have here is the Complete and Total Failure of a Nation, its government, and the nefarious Deep State plays a huge role in this house of lies.

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Get on Rumble! Google is throttling free speech. Great work as usual sir!

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Segue....no matter what measures I take, all my Substacks ( paid and free) being delivered to my Gmail SPAM box.....GOOGLE 🖕🖕🖕

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Only in America do we have Executive level Public Servants acting like Dictator Tyrants abusing the very people they promised to represent and destroying the Bill of Rights that they promised to uphold upon inauguration. Only in America do we allow for a National Security State which has taken over all aspects of governance and has turned agencies into weapons against the people without regard to their rights. Only in America where we profess freedom do we have so much secrecy about everything which destroys the very freedoms we are supposed to have. Only in America do we have Deep Underground Military bases initially funded by 1/3rd of the GNP, and now funded by black budgets that are funded by the running of human slaves, guns and drugs in advanced antigravity craft by black ops that no one in Congress knows about. These secret governments are underground, and only in America do we have spineless cowards in Congress who refuse to run down the Deep State in its underground bases where it hides. No they allow it to proliferate unchecked committing crimes and atrocities against humanity at will, while Congress turns away while pocketing cash and selling its constituents down the river while lying to them. Only in America do we have so-called "Intellectuals and Bankers" who have run the system for over 200 years and excelled at only two things, global war and lying to the people. Only in America do we allow such cancers to form while the elite has access to technologies far beyond our wildest dreams. Only in America are the majority of people slaves to debt and a huge government that has totally outlived its usefulness. And only in America can the people rise up and take back all that is theirs, to create a new world based in equality and shared resources where we can work together hand in hand for a better world for all. Namaste Edward William Case.

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We imprison a greater proportion of the population than Stalin's Soviet Union, but we insist that not only are we the good guys, we are also entitled to make other countries follow our orders at gunpoint.

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I think you missed the gulags.

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We call them "supermax" so that makes it okay!

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We don’t summarily execute our political adversaries, unlike Stalin. I think you left that part out in your comparison.

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Actually, we do. Mainly overseas, but with enough direct involvement to satisfy the requirements for felony murder convictions in many if not all US states for non-trigger pullers. And what are the killings by militarized police forces of local dissidents- like at Cop City- if not warnings to the rest of us unknown and unwashed to keep our heads down and shut up? Stalin was different, in that he did in people on the inside whom he fancied wanted his position, as opposed to Malcolm X and MLK, who were nowhere near the point of taking power, but constituted a challenge to the powerful. But there is JFK, as well...

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Ah, you subscribe to the lone gunman conspiracy theory.

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Oh, well that makes it okay then!

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...........and people who will still vote for Biden!

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Very good summary - how do we defund all this bullshit ? Forget voting for red or blue Uniparty members - sell your dollars for Bitcoin and opt out of their system ..... stop letting them STEAL your life energy . Once the dollar is recognized as the biggest ponzi ever - there is no money for endless war and nonsense pronouns .

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This sounds like an Onion article.

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It was the same story with the Pentagon Papers and Vietnam except then it was Republicans saying it.

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As scripture says, “The truth will set you back billions.”

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I am pleased Ukraine has learned the hard lesson that every regime change recipient must at some point learn: US regime changers are not honest because 1) they are betraying every country in which they attempt regime changes; 2) a] they are betraying the US's own Declaration of Independence and actually reducing it into a sick farce; and 2) b] they are betraying the very last and only oath in the Declaration of Independence; and 3) they are now wrecking the US economy and government by daily relying more upon more regime change manufacturing of billionaires to bribe reliably voting regime-change congress peeps, thus corrupting the US Government from the inside and out by destroying the common civic faith in every US institution. Remember, your vote or non-vote either doesn't matter, or it counts for creating more corruptions. Take your choice.

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Vote for Cornel West.

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Not in thee least surprised and look how quickly Taxeira was taken down yet the orange monster is still out there.

Ukraine was never going to win this was all about sucking it to the Russians!

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