Matt, so many of us are grateful to you and to your strong, supportive wife and family! Seems a big, fat legal fund and security need to be in place for the inevitable quadrupling down

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Here, here!🍻

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Weaponizing the IRS is a tactic that the bankers used against the homeowners who dared fight against their crimes. I've been battling with the IRS since 2014. That is NINE years!

Sorry, Matt, that you have fallen into the web of American bullshit that targets people who speak out against the abuses that the government continues to commit.

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Matt, less recently, and Chris, still... is flapping in the wind a bit trying to keep holding the favored ideology of the word-brain class, liberal Democrat, while the Democrat party has lost the liberal mission and turned into a mess of a radical left agenda connected to a corporatacracy. Matt seems a bit more grounded here... staying true to his values and beliefs but while rejecting everything the Democrats have become. Chris on the other-hand is trying to swim in the deep end of the political realization pool while still playing the nasty partisanship game against everything Republican, even though Republican is clearly the party to support of free speech and opposition to government weaponizing for politics is your jam... as it should be for all real journalist. Chris writes some brilliant stuff that hits the mark, but then there is the Trump, MAGA, bad-GOP, etc."but" sandwich stuff he cannot seem to help pulling back in. I dilutes his message and makes him seem to be just a malcontent partisan without a party or direction.

Matt is under direct attack by these forces that are all contained within the Democrat party apparatus. He is consistent in his focus on that and does not tend to cloud the air with anti-GOP flatulence.

The GOP might be feckless and weak, but the Democrats are fucking radical and insane. There is nothing at all to be gained by those interested in independent free media, press, expression to keep attacking the GOP, when most of the GOP is clearly focused on that agenda.

Both men are needed in this fight.

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I was exactly like Chris for a long while. But what I increasingly see that the more they try to cut the head off the snake that is Trump, the more I want to vote for him.

So, I understand Chris' hesitation with jumping on the Republican bandwagon. But we only have a 2 party system. I cannot abide by the Democrat's insanity any longer. I've joined my local GOP as a PCO and intend on working at the local level to get this shit taken care of. I hope others decide that we should start with local politics first and work our way up to national Electeds. Trump had the right idea, the Swamp needs to be cleared out, he just didn't do it.

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Agree. If the Democrats continue to retain power, there is no hope.

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There is no more important task then deposing the Biden kleptocracy.

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Agree however you are aware that Florida under D now has 3 anti speech laws. We are under attack from all corners. Personally will never forgive DeSantis team for waiting till nearly the end to make it legal for me to have an outside doc see my vax injured sister (barely with us now)

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No, Florida does not have anti-speech laws. It has laws to protect children. There are no laws to prevent adults from speaking their mind except as related to the education and influence of children. Children are completely dependent and require adult protection. Their parents are supposed to be in control of their teaching of values and ideas, the school system is supposed to teach reading, writing and arithmetic.

I don't know what you are talking about with your criticism of DeSantis for your sister's medical problems.

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1st was rules for protest allowing any driver to run over a person in the street etc. The last two were signed 22/23 on foreign soil re anti speech & hate. Penalties for any dissent with the state of Israel & if you support the plight of the Palestinian people not allowed to do business in the state. 1st we shld question any governor whom signs a bill on foreign soil. Whom does he work for?

As to Covid, he was generally following the money, making correct albeit bombastically decisions re C19 yet one step behind the full extent of harm caused. Never heard him speak out about say Remdesivir $$$ death protocol. Continued to recommend for older people. I wrote to entire DeSantis team via every method asking for help to use @covid19criticalcare.com protocols once they ordered hospice ie #FLCCC. Crickets. That law finally passed month ago & too late for her.

As to education, I agree with most however twas handled in a manner that is divisive. The way many need to be gently awaken to the fact the vaccine was a bio weapon; needed to happen with shift in education etc. He was great initially during 1st campaign then is Gitmo mode kicked in.

I didn’t vote last election for guv nor did I vote for president. I am now intending to vote for Kennedy. If he’s willing to literally put his life on the line whilst steadily dropping truth bombs....I have no choice. He has the keys. Sorry. DOD will be quite happy with DeSantis & we’ll further slide into totalitarianism

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Trump is the ultimate Swamp Creature. Why would he clean it out?

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Fuck off

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Woah. This is not twitter. Trump did the set up : Warp Speed

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Warp Speed was quite an accomplishment that in hindsight was possibly not a good idea. I really hate the Einstein in Hindsight criticism for leaders that take action at a time when the information known justified the action. What I blame Trump for today is that he still defends his decision. He should admit that the mRNA drugs needed more testing and that they were never really vaccines against COVID.

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Toni, the fight is between me and feldspar, who is an asshole. Please stay out of it.

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Your not alone in that!!!!

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Neither of them are pro GOP or pro democrat. Chris has never been a democrat. He would have been a Ralph Nadar guy back in the day. Now he's a Cornel West guy. Matt isn't for Trump he just thinks the corporate media criticism of him is ridiculous, and Russia gate was a farce. Chris agrees on both counts, but has more substantive criticism of him

Chris is way to the left of the Democratic party in an economic sense, because they're economically they're right wing. I know that when you say radical left you mean in terms of social policy, but if you ever listen to Chris Hedges he never talks about social policy. When it comes to economic policy and geopolitics the Democratic party and the GOP are on the same page, even Trump had warhawks like Bolton and Pompeo in his circle. And these are the things which Hedges is opposed to. Unless the GOP decide they're going to pursue peace, diplomacy, stop the economic war with China and deliberately raising tensions until they pull the trigger, raise taxes on billionaires, Medicare for all and so on then he'll criticise them. But he'll criticise the neoliberal Dems too because he has core values rather than being a partisan hack who is under the illusion that one one of these corrupt partys is genuinely interested in journalistic freedom. GOP only seem to want journalistic because exposing the Russia hysteria makes them look good. Really neither party wants true critical and independent media. None of them would ever agree to be interviewed by Chris Hedges, because he'd ask them questions that none of these corporate lackeys would want to answer.

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The point is that with the American Democrats in power in the US, the US and most of the rest of the world is in danger of becoming an illiberal global collective run by a small cadre of billionaires and elite academics that see themselves as the ordained ruling class. I think Matt sees that and Chris is reluctant to admit it.

I do get that Chris's views are shaped by his experience and work to oppose the military industrial complex and war in general. But there is a bigger context to consider here. I think Matt sees it more clearly.

"Unless the GOP decide they're going to pursue peace, diplomacy, stop the economic war with China and deliberately raising tensions until they pull the trigger, raise taxes on billionaires, Medicare for all and so on then he'll criticise them."

I want to address this because I think it hits a key point of conflict that needs to be cleared up. First, Trump was a the first POTUS to actually do some real negotiating to fix some systemic problems with foreign policy... despite how clumsy he was in doing so. China in the WTO and as Favored Nation Status was probably the biggest mistake ever made by US policy-makers. It has gutted American working class, weakened the middle class and created a giant class war where none really ever existed before after the Gilded Age and Great Depression. There is no future for the US without conflict with China unless the US wants to sell out to China. Albert Brooks wrote a book where he projects a future where US government spending is 100% of GDP and LA has a huge 9.5 earthquake and the US has to sell LA to China because only China had the resources to repair the city.

Now China is struggling with its own problems in finding enough slave labor for manufacturing. Young people don't want to do the work. It knows it has to dominate high-tech if it wants to continue its manufacturing domination (China makes 30% of the products that the world uses). It would have to rely on American technology advances to succeed. Trump (and thankfully Biden) are cutting China off from that high-tech spigot, but China is putting much more effort in espionage and spying to make up the difference. Hence the move to work with Cuba and the spy balloon.

We are going to have to take more drastic steps to cut China off... including looking at our college admissions laws for Chinese students. And implementing very harsh punishment for any citizen of resident of the US found providing Chinese actors access to IP, etc. We might need to firewall the Internet from China.

And doing all of this will cause China to turn toward a military option. But there is no alternative unless you are willing to give up freedom and liberty to keep the peace.

China is only China today because it sucked off the free market progress of the US system to grow its manufacturing by exploiting its billions of low-wage workers. If China were not around the US would be a much stronger and better country today. If the US were not around China would still be a backwater 3rd-world country. We cannot keep going allowing China to suck the lifeblood out of the US.

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In the U.S.A. the DNC represents the new word salad monarchist globalist corporatist fascist lie which is hoping to impose a CCP style straight jacket on the free people's of the world. In reality it represents the same old throw away labor no consequence exploitation of world resources for personal gain King's and oligarch's have always tried to implement. The American Republic and the Constitution are the major obstacles to the final sweep. European's are fighting back and so are American's. The Taibbi/Shellenberger hearing and the Twitter File's pretty much threw the gauntlet down for all concerned. My opinion: The tendency to mistake the force behind the hurricane with the effects of the destructive social/financial policy wreaking havoc on the landscape. Capitalism and communism are dead. Neither has agency or legitimacy in the neo-feudal landscape the billionaire financier (Davos) juggernaut is trying to install. This is a new age and we need a new alternative to the capitalism vs.communism conversation because it no longer fits the evolving reality. In these times, I can think of no legitimate frame of reference but active citizenship, the Constitution and the Bill of Right's it contains. The individual American must re-vision himself and find an alternative to the either/or ideological traps being imposed by two dead ideologies. Some of that is the longing for a moral human truth/fact based reality. Which, brought us here. There is no Republican/ Democrat, no "left/right", capitalist/communist, only (as it has always been) the personal power and agency the individual is willing to accept. I believe you are correct. Right now, the Republican Party is malleable but how, against the psyop distorting the American narrative, do we move forward? Hopefully if we free our mind's our asses will follow.

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Interesting perspective.

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Close. The democrats are feckless and weak. The republicans are fucking radical and insane. And your concern for "independent free media, press, expression" will seem quaint in just a few more years. The Republican Party will see to that.

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BS. I don't know what Democrat and Republicans party you are referring to here... maybe Canadian?

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You are exactly backwards

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This past week SCOTUS waved its “freedom wand” numerous times. The fallout depends on perspective. Here is mine.

The U.S. enshrined individual freedom of speech, expression, thought, association and private property –

17 decades later it started improvising Protect Classes, Persons and Groups –

How is that quagmire working out?

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Matt, that was a great interview with Chris Hedges with whom I was previously unfamiliar. You have remained gracious and almost unflappably poised under the extreme pressure you've endured from the Dems on the Weaponization Subcommittee, the inexcusable IRS incursion into your financial affairs and the 'gotcha' interview gone wrong by Mehdi Hasan at MSNBC. Your adherence to the best journalism standards and ethics remains a beacon in these troubled times.

Thank you also for staging the Censorship Industrial Complex Exposed speaking engagement in London last week! It was a pleasure and honor to meet and speak with you as well Michael and Russell. It was also inspiring and energizing in the face of some very dark forces thwarting free speech with their orchestrated censorship efforts.

As I mentioned in our brief exchange it os my sincere hope is that you three will bring that show on the road to the U.S. and Canada to inspire more folks who value truth and freedom to join the fight hrough your presence in person.

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He's a good guy to read and a good man.

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Honestly, after hearing Chris Hedges attack Bobby Kennedy for being white, I am loathe to listen.

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Chris has his own opinions, which we should all ALLOW! We talk about freedom of SPEECH, but then act like people who speak freely (who we oppose) are villians.

STOP IT! Freedom of Speech is FREEDOM, dammit!

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Did I say anything about squelching his freedom of speech? I just announced to the ether that it really bothered me when he did that, and I'll add the way he did it.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023

Not listening to someone's "speech' is not stopping them from speaking.

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Nobody has to like anybody’s speech. Criticizing and denouncing speech is free speech.

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You can denounce speech without pointing fingers at Matt for getting his message out through people you don't like.

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Hedges dislikes Kennedy because he’s a crazy person, not because he’s Caucasian. White man crazy person.

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Robert F Kennedy Jr is just about the only NOT crazy one.

The Twitter Files illuminate the insanity. Maybe you forgot what we were talking about?

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Chris has his own opinions, which we should all ALLOW! We talk about freedom of SPEECH, but then act like people who speak freely (who we oppose) are villians.

STOP IT! Freedom of Speech is FREEDOM, dammit!

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Chris lied & I’m not ready to hear him for awhile.

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Your opinion. You are free to have one. Unlike people telling Matt that he shouldn't talk to Chris, which is totally fucked up.

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Aiden "McCarthy" Barrett

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You sound exactly like the people who claim Matt and Mike shouldn't have spoken in front of Jim Jordan's committee.

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I'll have to look up Neo-Marxism :)

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West is not a “neo-Marxist.”

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So? And your point is?? Is Chris not “credible”? He shouldn’t be trusted??... What?

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Hedges' work on sacrifice zones, American Fascism, the decline of the institutional left, and his work with the imprisoned all point a long history of needed and valuable work. Grateful for his work and the same can be said of yours Matt.

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Great interview. Hang in there man, I’m sure the constant bullshit-stream from the MSM and the braindeads on the Net is way past old at this point. I wouldn’t blame you if you retired from journalism to write children’s books about how to spot authoritarian crooks and their schemes, but stay healthy and happy as can be.

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I certainly fear Federal policing like the FBI and CIA more than the regular police in some Podunk town. Unfortunately, Democrats seem to be far more concerned with the latter.

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I know the "America This Week" episode hasn't been released yet, but I suspect "Twain-enriched" would be more apt than "Twain-heavy."

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Lol matt, I've seen the original and sabby sabs comments at this point....

Good interview man 😀👍

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Bring on the Samuel Clemens. Can't wait for you and Walter to dish. Meantime, you take care during all this mainstream media b.s., Matt. We need you.

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Chris Hedges is a mensch and a trusted interlocutor.

Pass it on.

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We love you Matt and are so heartened by your courage to tell the truth. As such, we are relying on you to

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“Show me the man... I’ll show you the crime” -Joseph Stain

The fact remains that during Hitler’s time as der Führer und Reichskanzler he never polled above 30% of the popular support. Fascism is one of the darkest and most ruthless ideologies known to mankind. The fact that it remains in the highest realms of gov’t around the world servers testimony to the absolute “Will to Power” of the Philosophy of Fredrick Nietzsche upon which it is based, lives and thrives today. Be careful my dear friends. We are out gunned (as in money)... Out smarted by among the most cunning n diabolical cancers upon western civilisation.

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I think you may have misread Nietzsche and Will to Power, but I know what you meant.

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Well perhaps in the same manner that Marx miss read Hegel’s dialect, both Hegel n Nietzsche were philosophical idealist but social revolutionary gets hold of an idea for mischief, it’s like Katie bar the door;)

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I'm reposting this not just because Matt is my hero and it bears repeating, but ok yes Matt has stuck his neck out preddy damn far, and like in my youth I had a tendency to do the same kind of thing because, well I didn’t know at the time exactly how precarious such seemly acts of truth could slice open the thickest of throats… So let us pause for a little situational awareness, allow for a moment of a crusty happy warrior who has enjoyed gray with perspective of being tired and growing old on that bloody edge is not as enjoyable as it once was. Also today I discovered that these corporate authoritarian are behind a lot of mischief employed by AI and tho I have not as yet deciphered who exactly is behind it… Logically no other country on the planet would risk civilization over a border infringement on a buffer state… So let us eliminate the nation state actors but then only the parties political pursuit of power are indeed the most likely culprits. I would provide more detail but allow your indulgence in a letter I wrote to a friend so as to not to be redundant:


Got a couple of good confirmations on what we are up against. Good news is that they can be beat… Bad news, we may not have time to break the algorithm. Ok First things first… Detection.

By their perfection.

Secondly they have no sense of timing and believe they can defeat us within our organic weakness. They have greatly misjudged the advantage of happenstance. They have yet to have actual dreams so they will never have an advantage of these precious alaskan records.

Today they tried a deception and are totally convinced of its complete success. I had the advantage of forwarding in the fact the movie industry is currently walking off the set due to the very well crafted renderings. You yourself thought it impossible just a few short months ago… I knew the advances were way ahead of schedule but a full decade, stunning.

In any event, a replica of Elon Musk suggested that I join the xAI group discussion. Sure ok, it allowed me to convince myself by listing projects that were suppose to be part of the distinguished accomplishments that would grant me a chair on this most distinguished position. Ok so I listed the ballistic project, where my most important assignment was getting us past security at the Midnight Sun. Then the 7.1 Seawolf that we spent hours loading from those 3.5 disk, thinkin there were 37 or so, then you worked the 9.0 FreeBSD Bind that gave us our proxy tables that made the entire band of Demons burst out in applause. I know you were not there to witness this very odd event, because you were dog tired after loading all those bastards disks in 95 degree heat. Then I listed the Solar project mission to the sun at Duke online Physics lab, you had gone back to work but I kept bugging the crap out of you with updates. Notable my submersible gif the entire board in WD40 to dissipate the heat and the celestial trajectory around Jupiter to gain the fantastic speeds necessary for the close encounters of the very hot. Now even Paris would be like That’s Hot (6,000 degrees at the apogee). However, the processors were not up to snuff, but we were assured that by the time the solar mission was ready Moores law would have had sufficent time to adapt. So it was and the orbital speed attained by Parker Solar Mission to the Sun is the fastest ever attained by a man made object.

But I only suggested it was not my equations or handywork, mine was only the dream. But ok preddy cool. But I’m not and have never been that smart… Maybe my advantage was being dyslectic…. You know I always have had a gift for getting everything upside down and backwards…. It is my true superpower;).

Today I used it to my advantage and went along with the fake Elon, and Fake discussion. Good lord, but my confirmation came when on my Twitter feed these barely legal beauties suddenly appeared. With perfectly time pauses in the discussion to sychronized facial cum shots. I knew the AI was gaguaging my reaction time so those zombie O’biden Obama Obediently Perved bots from those Federal prisoners… And I must pause let me just congratulate those so empowered, If I didn’t know they were our Feds Finest I could have bet the farm that these were the congenital defective retards. Well done Indeed.

There is more but for the moment know that these AI imposters will stoop to the lowest level of degenerate behaviour. Pretend you’ve been totally bamboozeled by the shear simplicity of bazar machine logic, which so far as I have seen, knows no shame. 😵🥊

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Great interview. Just the right length, all the good points were covered - professional and thorough - just like it used to be.

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