My hat's off, Matt.

I think all of this is really seeping into our collective consciousness and people are really beginning to understand that these people aren't just misguided but in fact they actively hate us and want to control every aspect of our lives.

It won't work.

Thank you for your huge role in uncovering their vile schemes.

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I do wish you were correct, however I still see too many people who are not awake.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

I hand out hard copies of Matt's articles to my somnambulant friends. Some actually read them and respond favorably.

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Book em Danno. Sorry couldn’t resist. Seriously, good for you. We have to persist in engaging those that do not see.

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Maybe stop using the word "awake" to describe people who don't fall for the propaganda? Too much like "woke" which, as we know, is a horrible state of mind.


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Yes, "Awake" just means "self-deluded". I would say "free speech friendly" since every other descriptor has been co-opted, and people who think Free Speech is bad are readily identifiable as full of shit.

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You’re not wrong. How about; Aware? Conscious?

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“Based” is another option that “Yuri Bezmenov” uses in his Substack.

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Just say "informed". Nobody wants to appear poorly informed.

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There are MANY people swallowing the MSM propaganda that think they are informed when they watch their CNN dude or Rachel Maddow. Hahaha. Riiiight.

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How about nothing at all but what they are? Deluded.

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Actually, the words reveal the essential difference. Awakening is something you do. Its a verb. Verbs ‘are’, meaning they happen in the moment, so its never over. Woke is a label. Its an object. It has no action on its own. No action, no power. Power is expressed in action. I mean organic power, which is personal agency. Woke is also past tense. Over. Something that happened. Not happening any more. Its a vacuous term that is as empty as the heads that drank the koolaid it represents. Embrace the power of “awakening”. Its the antithesis of woke. Instead of letting a vacuous concept change yet a legitimate word, use its power to obliterate the delusion of a “woke” aka sleeping mind.

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Never really understood the term!

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Yup. Thanks.

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Today i actually saw a license plate, "STAY WOK." Maybe it has to do with healthy cooking, but I'm thinking not.

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One set of eyeballs at a time!

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Yes. All you have to do is go to the comments in WAPO!

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People are not understanding. Look at the elections that just happened. The Democrats should have been routed. They weren't.

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Tuesday was another testing of their cover-story system. In many instances it was a two-for. First provide a year-long cover as in the “GOP just doesn't understand that the majority of people want unfetter access to killing their unborn children. They will lose every time at the ballot box with their stupid interfering in a woman's right to choose.” Then “see I told you so” as they throw out votes by republicans and independents, pad the Dem votes for their wins. Republican pundits and supporters are stupid enough to take the bait and believe it was their 'messaging' on choosing life that lost the votes. The other rigging is to make sure a marijuana measure is on the ballot so the Dems can say the younger Democrat voters came out.

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"Killing unborn children" is simply a non-sequitur. Being born is an essential element of being a CHILD. You just want to depict yourself as a "protector of "children" and a moral apostle whereby it costs you nothing, not even a bit of inconvenience. Free sainthood! What a deal. (talk about Black Friday!)

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Feel better with that off your chest? Not to speak out is condoning the murder of a helpless soul. Who is man to decide when a human being is not a human being? The death of others is of no consequence to too many people who have lost their humanity.

Abortion has been a policy of the western countries since the 1960s when it was decided that over-population needed to be curb. It had a list, a very long list, of ways to reduce birth rates and legalizing abortion was just one of them.

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That is the most skewed rendition of history I´ve ever seen: the old "over-population" ruse. Women have been aborting babies for time immemorial for a plethora of reasons, including disease, infidelity, poverty, health concerns, rape etc. etc. etc. Wake up. And, by the way, I loved how you went from "babies" to "souls" , which is a concept with no meaning outside of some medieval belief system.

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Facts on your "ruse".


And the details provided by Planned Parenthood in 1969 to the president of The Population Council https://jaffememo.com/


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Population_Affairs - Created by an Act of Congress in 1970. Title X program is designed to provide access to contraceptive services, supplies and information to all who want and need them. By law, priority is given to persons from low-income families.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

"Soul" is a common synonym for "person," tho a bit archaic in our atheistic era. That you imply Christianity to be a mere "medieval belief system" gives your game away.

You two are at odds, taking positions on the human being question that can't be reconciled. Let's say for the sake of argument that Shelley here assumes we are born with souls and you don't.

The phrase "unborn child" is not non-sequitur if you believe "child" is a synonym of "human embryo" or "zygote." "Child" connotes "juvenile human being" while the other terms connote the commonality of all sexually reproducing species.

The burden would be on Shelley to opine when a zygote is inspired with a soul.

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So is it your view that a baby crowning during childbirth is not a child, since only part of its head is sticking out? And presumably therefore it would be fine to, say, smash its skull in with a hammer at that point as it is not a child? Or if no, perhaps you can clarify the point at which you think a baby becomes a child.

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Only the idiot Republicans could throw away their advantages by touching the Third Rail of abortion access.

The last two Establishment Presidents (and many Democrats) have won elections by promising "the first thing I'll do if Elected President is codify Roe vs Wade into federal law". Even when elected with control of both the House and Senate, both Obama and Biden did absolutely nothing (Obama said it was low priority. Biden didn't even acknowledge the question.) Of course like raising the $7.25 federal minimum wage (from W's time as President), student debt relief, immigration reform, and many other issues, there is no intent by either Party/ the UniParty to resolve perfectly good Election issues that have served to elect so many politicians.

I was surprised by an article on Scheerpost ( scheerpost.com/2022/06/24/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-offers-critique-of-roe-v-wade-during-law-school-visit/ ) that Ruth Bader Ginsburg favored the states' involvement, as is now the case with SCOTUS's Dobbs decision (although surely she would object to specifics).

Rejecting the Bill of Rights seems de rigueur these days (censorship, surveillance, confiscation of personal items-- National Security!) and States Rights, the Tenth Amendment, has long been under attack. We saw what happens when the Federal Government moves beyond ADVISORY roles in Public Health to CONTROLLING and mandating useless Covid protocols and restrictions ( Omicron ended the Covid pandemic, just as natural infective immunity has kept mankind extant through the ages).

I favor bodily autonomy-- for access to abortion and vaccine decisions. With 50 states there's a chance that maybe a handful would get Public Health right? They would be oases in the great desert that is the US federal National Security police state.

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Repubs are not earning their votes. They have been lazy & not representing the people that put them there. They see what has been happening to Trump, yet they stay hidden under their desks, hoping that they can just coast back into their positions. The only way to get real representation, is to get rid of the dead wood that is there now.

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the repubes are bought and paid for corporate cokcsukcerz.

dems use money to gain power.

repubes use power to get money. two wings of the same fascist vulture.

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That doesn’t necessarily mean real people are “voting.”

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I am with you and I don't live in America. I am with Matt because I live in England where our swamp is a thousand years deeper than yours...no one here talks about MI5s role in the Russia fakes.

I have no idea of how people on the platform vote but I do know about political lies and the hild globalists have on countries here in Europe.

I also know that in our countries the police will follow orders and arrest us, the security agencies will track and harass us the army will fight us...Your country is in the early to mid stages of civil war...

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Some of your media appear to be more professional and less politically bias than ours. I like The Telegraph, especially Ambrose Evans- Pritchard articles.

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Some. But even the Daily Mail has become our equivalent of Fox and become a turncoat. The problem is that we don't have the quality or quantity of your independents not the desire for truth.

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The Telegraph is ead by old white colonialists. Give me a break!

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Well it might work in a powerful military authoritarian state called USA

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Never forget where we started from... ruled by a powerful military authoritarian state called England. :)

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Yeah and look what England has become since. Think the same can't happen here? Don't believe there's a bunch of Wizards who don't want you peeking behind the curtain?

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Spot on. Been saying it for years now: we need to kill Hanlon's Razor. These people aren't just misguided or mistaken, they are malicious. We need to face that or they will continue to "accidentally" confine us within a dystopian nightmare that just so happens to fulfill their every perverse desire while simultaneously destroying the lives and liberty of whomever falls within their Sauron-Panopticon police-state gaze.

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You are right about everything except "it won't work". It is indeed working very well and will continue to do so. The only attempts to put the brakes on are done by people like Matt, i.e. people with absolutely NO POWER.

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Never underestimate the power of the pen.

...the truth shall set us free.

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When the report does not align with establishment goals and values, it is labeled "disinformation".

A report that aligns with establishment goals is labeled "hard-hitting investigative journalism".

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Fair enough, but what I don't get is why Matt & co seem reluctant to take on amerika's longest practicing academic anti-disinformation aka censorship self-proclaimed experts, the zionist propagandists who have been destroying careers and restricting free speech for as long as my arse has been pointing to the ground. The zionist network, headed by aipac devised all the tricks & ploys the current mob of neoliberal anti-disinformation experts employ.

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Take a pill. See if your headache goes away. Are you Compost2.0 in disguise?

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...but what about?

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Oh I love the 'hard hitting investigative journalism.' Makes me not want to read it.

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I'm starting to think that MAGA candidates, which, let's face it, includes Vivek at this point, are the only ones who even give a single dusty fuck about us.

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Vivek is establishment posing as MAGA. But even that's better than the neocon/neo-lib mediocrities.

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I think Vivek is a three-letter plant. But that is just my humble opinion.

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Why? I’ve seen multiple people who hold this opinion, but am not sure why it’s such a widespread belief. He contests the affiliation with WEF that many people claim he has. Not disputing the claim, just curious why people think it?

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That was good. What I noticed some months ago was his first focus - the younger generation college types just like O. Reminds me of Yes We Can. Have a vision, Let's do this together baloney. Big pharma guy that made millions by getting a small school loan from the WEF?

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Prince Rama-salami made, or rather manufactured, his moolah by founding dead-on-arrival biotech firms "that won backing from major investors"--- and then after the easy shakedown for easy money the Prince would cash out his stock immediately before the final horn sounded, leaving the others holding the proverbial bag (of worthless stock and options) while the "bio-tech firms" themselves went the way of the dodo bird and passenger pigeon. Happens all the time. Fortunately, in these cases the hosed are as scummy as the hosers. So no biggy.

He was a stock pumper of his own stock. He's one of the many Hi-Venture capitalist $cumbag$ soiling the American landscape. Surprise, surprise.

As for Obama, one assumes that the Prince is borrowing his 2008 rhetoric because it was, and still might be, a political campaign game-winner. That's all. Please mention this to our friend WAhomeowners below who is drifting into dangerous CT territory with the CIA plant thingy...good evening.

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I knew I caught a faint odor of phoniness about Vivek. You are an example of why I love Substack comments.

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I "looked at this" and found a bunch of dumb articles claiming Nivek "plagiarised" Obama. That is perfect example of the kind of SPIN that the media uses against Trump. You take the most damning interpretation and pretend that it is a fact. I watched the debates live and chuckled at his parodying Obama (who I despise). The CIA assertion needs a lot more substance than this!!!

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"The CIA assertion needs a lot more substance than this!!!"

The great thing about freedom (and this is why we need to fight for it!) is you get to think what you want to.....and I get to think how I want to.

Have a great day!

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I can tell you exactly what he is. Seen thousands of them in my day.

Sons and daughterrs (Suella Braverman) of USUALLY rich immigrants who come to their new Country's with built in colonial mind sets. Attached is snobbery/hypocrisy and a belief they are better than others.

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But at least this one thinks he's better than democrats. That is refreshing.

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Can't say I disagree.

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He's not posing, he merely explains, clearly and rationally, how to do it by implementing policies necessary to turn the ship around, an "America First" foreign policy and a pro-growth domestic policy that includes ending the censorship bureaucracy and generally decentralizing federal control of American life and commerce. In short, Ramaswamy is Libertarian enough for me and he obviously has the charisma and intelligence to make an excellent President.

I hope Trump taps him or VP so he's a shoo-in for '28.

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I hope Trump avoids him and all of his ilk like the plague. Hire all outsiders, and send the entire swamp packing.

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Any candidate at the GOP debates would be better than anyone democrats might run, especially Joe (I’ve been bribed) Biden.

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Vivek is a plant. Did you see the compliation where he says the VERY SAME THINGS OBAMA HAS SAID???

Just eww.

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Are you sure it was a legit video? I saw a post earlier, on a different platform asking that question. I don't know one way or the other but plant or not, Vivek is lashing the MIC candidates.

Also, people forget Tim Scott first entered the US Senate not by being elected, but by being appointed by SC Governor Nikki Haley.

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At this point, AI generated video looks generated. That video compliation of Vivek looks totally authentic.

And we know Obama is a three letter plant.

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Do you have a link to the video? Totally agree about BO

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Thanks, yeah it looks legit. I will note tho, when BO said those things he was attempting to seem moderate, coming from the left. VR is going to the right trying to separate himself from the moderate field.

I say all that to ask, was that intentional, coincidence or what? I don't know but along with what is some form of BO parroting, VR is saying things BO didn't say, and much of that I like.

The lay of the land these days is pretty barren. There is no Democrat I'll vote for and only two Republicans I'll consider, DT & VR; and I would possibly hold my nose and vote RFK if those two are not on the ballot. I will not vote for a Deep State Neo-Con stooge!

Thanks again for the link.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

The MAGA candidates are a gift to the Democrats, which is why Demofatcats donated to MAGA candidates in 2022 Republican primaries, and will again in 2024.

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That's a GOP thing.

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Yup the repuglician facist party believe in democracy and the tooth fairy.

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You do realize that the entire thrust of the Twitter Files is that it's Democrats using Corporations to control narrative and political discourse about everything from Covid/health care to CRT/education to Russiagate/foreign policy.

That is EXACTLY the definition of fascism.

"A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Hate the Repuglicans?

I do.

Hate the Demonrats more?

I do.

Hate the the Uniparty that uses a rotating Villian/Hero to distract from them keeping things status quo (meaning... keeping things continuingly getting worse for most of us)?

You're fucking right I do.

With enough hatred to start a fleet of electric buses.

(Thanks for that metaphor starter, Matt Taibbi!)

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The twitter files. Wasn't that the thing where that Tom Swift electric car/rocket ship dude---Musk, that's the guy---the guy who cherry-picked his own polished up best-ofs from his own twitter file cabinet and hand-fed them to a few substackers (who will remain unnamed in this space to prevent needless blushing) one of whom previously pooh-poohed the practice of taking collated handouts from oligarchic geeks because once you do that...you're hopelessly compromised as a journalist?

This what ya talkin' about? Those twitter files?

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You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

How do you know anything about the process that produced the Twitter Files?

Because you don't.

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What do you think these supposed non-cherry-picked twitter files say? Do you think they negate anything?

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You think Twitter collated a story and gave it to Matt and Michael et al? Maybe you're just embarrassed you never suspected the extent of the collusion. Or angry your friends have been exposed. Why denigrate his scoop?

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What gives you the impression I have any friends?

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Sorry to give you the impression that we had that impression.

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This question is code for "proud to be an asshole"!

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Don't you people have anything better than childish, inane insults? Your own word choices disprove your own words.

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I think that it's sad that the only repub in the primary with balls is a woman.

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Yeah, like getting tortured to death is worse than bleeding out from a stomach wound.

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The hubris of these people is staggering. Our Elite Betters really do think different rules should apply to them while also being entitled to control what we’re allowed to read.

They’re so entitled they consider questioning their control over our lives as a form of terrorism.

I almost respect censors from the CCP more than these people. At least in China they aren’t this patronizing and pretentious with their totalitarian impulses.

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These folks are doing serious business don't you know. They are helping to save the nation so it can be handed over to the one world government as this decade winds down.

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The "Disinformation Scholars" have gotten awfully quiet lately.

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They're busy studying for exams.

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As with so many other things going on in our society right now - these people have weaponized and tried to make legitimate old fashioned McCarthyism and shadow banning anything/one they don’t deem worthy. And then when they get called out in it they have a hissy-fit and play the victims. The jig is up, unfortunately for them. I too have also noticed the wearing glasses thing…See AOC’s - I’d be surprised if those spectacles even have actual lenses in them and it doesn’t convey intelligence. This is all pretty rotten yet unoriginal stuff and trickery - but as Ecclesiastes 1:9 mentions…there’s nothing new under the sun.

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Unfortunately you have to explain what McCarthyism is to most dregs like AOC.

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That's because they are "scholars'.......

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To illustrate how they reflexively use this claim: Here in Colorado on Tuesday we voted down the attempted repeal of TABOR, which refunds tax revenues over a certain amount. It has been on the Dems want list for a long time. Wednesday in the aftermath reporting some state-level Dem claimed it only failed because of "right-wing misinformation," not because, I dunno, people decided that having no limits on tax increases is a terrible idea. Any loss now is disinformation, not crappy ideas on their part.

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Did you watch the debate? Lots of political soft-shoe and "trust us" which is off-putting..Gov, if you need to import an economist from elsewhere (Art Laffer) to make your point.. it's not a good look.

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Wonder if Laffer ever paid Peter Schiff that penny? In my house the gentleman’s bet was always one dollar like Randolph and Mortimer Duke.

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Was this the issue where it could come to be a choice of giving back record revenues to the vapor retailers vs funding head start type programs for say autistic children? Am I getting that correct?

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No, there was something on the ballot about tobacco taxes going to preschool or something. That passed. The TABOR proposition HH dangled a small, temporary propery tax relief in front of us in exchange for a slow raising of the TABOR tax limit by 1% per year forever, which slowly would eat the TABOR refunds until there were none. To "fund schools" but we've heard that one before.

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Thank you!

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Goebbels would have been proud of these talented propagandists

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as Menegele would be proud of the doctors experimenting nd disfiguring children.

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I suppose I'd be called a conspiracy theorist if I surmised there seems to be an old pattern being replayed here?

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yes ut they throw around terms to throw you off the scent

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Not proud..... Jealous

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Yes, the tools are much more advanced, these days.

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The world of journalism needs a prestigious Josef Goebbels prize. The awards banquet attended by Hollywood celebrities.

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Truly, he was a visionary of the modern era and should be recognised for his very significant contribution. Hollywood celebrities know more than anybody in modernity the importance of spinning a great fantasy, all their applause would be deeply heartfelt in the deeply caring way they are so good at performing

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Whom would you suggest be the winner of this valuable award? I don't watch mainstream media so I often don't even recognize these pundits names.

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Rather than an individual, I think the inaugural Joseph Goebbels Recognition for Disservice to Journalism should be shared between the New York Times and Washington Post. Prize, an all expenses paid weekend at Auschwitz with barbeque lunch and travelling by train cattle wagon.

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Definitely Lifetime Achievement awards. Extra points for formerly having had formidable reputations for objectivity.

Individual awards are sexier though. How about for the year 2022? There are plenty of candidates offering 100% propaganda, so maybe whoever is most influential should win. Or should it be strictly a matter of style, whoever dwells the furtherest in the land of Outrageousness? I guess 50-50, you don't want to award it to some obscure weirdo.

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Its a bit hard for me to nominate an American as I'm Australian, thus only an anxious observer of the antics of the gerontocracy. However I think the histrionic and execrable Chris Hedges would definitely be an outstanding front runner for Leftist Most Furtherest Down The Abyss of Outrageousness, or Hamas Mouthpiece Of The Year (ohhh, the Palestinian Babies!)

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Random thought: Maybe it’s time to bring back tarring and feathering?

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I given a "time out" on X/Twitter recently for saying just that.

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Maybe also add being ridden out of town on a rail, drawing and quartering, keel-hauling , stockades, the iron maiden and just public shaming in general. Those all seemed to be fairly effective at maintaining social cohesion in their respective times.

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@Someone From Texas

Drawing & quartering definitely includes killing the subject, keel hauling "fore and aft" often was fatal as well (port to starboard keel hauling just ripped the shit out of the subject rather than drowning them- usually).


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I grapple with that thought on a daily.

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Too lenient.

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@No Use For a Name

Please do it in a period correct fashion, PINE TAR is the correct adhesive rather than asphalt type tars. Smells much nicer, lower liquidus temperature, doesn't necessarily cause 2nd degree whole body burns and death either. As far as the feathers, tough to source these days since feather pillows have gone by the wayside. Wouldn't waste a good down vest on these ¢un+s!

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Good points all. Styrofoam peanuts might make a reasonable Charlie Uniform November Tango coating.

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Just don't drop a match after, OK?

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I mean, I probably wouldn't say anything if they used the other kind of tar.

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Or the Ukrainian thing of saran-wrapping people to the telephone pole...

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When the crooks on Wall Street were stealing homes, I suggested we creatively use lamp posts again. That is still an option.

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I’m long piano wire.

It’s legitimately a daily struggle to keep going through the daily routine when so many identifiable people need killing.

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Thank for continually chasing after this. Hopefully one day it will be taken as seriously as it is.

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The problem is no matter how many examples you dig up, no matter how many emails you unearth of the state and business co-mingling to censor us, the people involved and the media at large will not allow themselves to understand that they are doing anything wrong because... democracy is at stake.

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used to be much more difficult to preen one’s outlaw bona fides. now all ya gotta do is comment on the internet. [throws on black leather jacket to open twitter]

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Love this (wearing black leather jacket)

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

I wear my hater-blockers at night (when I’m usually browsing articles)

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I am thinking of doing that to follow your and Brooke’s example

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It’s terrifying Matt. This is so obviously spot on and the leftists in power know it but they are any means to ends people. Other than winning questionable elections I don’t know what we do. This DEI stuff that Bari wrote about today is terrifying too. All we can do is to s stop paying for universities and woke companies and be loud I guess. Not sure if it’s enough. I think Kennedy would deal with this. And I know Desantis would. I hope Trump would but they are the only ones. Jim Jordan and other civil libertarians aren’t being heard. They control the media just like Stalin.

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I sincerely hope those with standing sue everyone involved in EIP whether Government or private. Protecting free speech is the hill to die upon.

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I feel the same about biological sex. The trans movement is a religious cult in my eyes. It’s the hill I’ll die on.

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I wear glasses, Matt. You now have me wondering if I need to get contacts, lest I get accused of trying to pass off as being smart.

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Just tape a gauze pad to one lens. Voila! Gone is the brainy glasses, here to stay is the guy who forgets to put down the corkscrew before picking his nose.

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@Karl Hungus

I like the cut of your jib, Sir!

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I do too unfortunately, but I’m legit going blind as a bat. I don’t care how silly or stupid mine make me look - I just want to be able to see 12 inches in front of my face. Wear yours with pride!

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I get it. I'm just concerned about these people who are giving glasses a bad name (among other things).

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