My hat's off, Matt.

I think all of this is really seeping into our collective consciousness and people are really beginning to understand that these people aren't just misguided but in fact they actively hate us and want to control every aspect of our lives.

It won't work.

Thank you for your huge role in uncovering their vile schemes.

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When the report does not align with establishment goals and values, it is labeled "disinformation".

A report that aligns with establishment goals is labeled "hard-hitting investigative journalism".

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I'm starting to think that MAGA candidates, which, let's face it, includes Vivek at this point, are the only ones who even give a single dusty fuck about us.

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The hubris of these people is staggering. Our Elite Betters really do think different rules should apply to them while also being entitled to control what we’re allowed to read.

They’re so entitled they consider questioning their control over our lives as a form of terrorism.

I almost respect censors from the CCP more than these people. At least in China they aren’t this patronizing and pretentious with their totalitarian impulses.

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The "Disinformation Scholars" have gotten awfully quiet lately.

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As with so many other things going on in our society right now - these people have weaponized and tried to make legitimate old fashioned McCarthyism and shadow banning anything/one they don’t deem worthy. And then when they get called out in it they have a hissy-fit and play the victims. The jig is up, unfortunately for them. I too have also noticed the wearing glasses thing…See AOC’s - I’d be surprised if those spectacles even have actual lenses in them and it doesn’t convey intelligence. This is all pretty rotten yet unoriginal stuff and trickery - but as Ecclesiastes 1:9 mentions…there’s nothing new under the sun.

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To illustrate how they reflexively use this claim: Here in Colorado on Tuesday we voted down the attempted repeal of TABOR, which refunds tax revenues over a certain amount. It has been on the Dems want list for a long time. Wednesday in the aftermath reporting some state-level Dem claimed it only failed because of "right-wing misinformation," not because, I dunno, people decided that having no limits on tax increases is a terrible idea. Any loss now is disinformation, not crappy ideas on their part.

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Goebbels would have been proud of these talented propagandists

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Random thought: Maybe it’s time to bring back tarring and feathering?

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Thank for continually chasing after this. Hopefully one day it will be taken as seriously as it is.

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The problem is no matter how many examples you dig up, no matter how many emails you unearth of the state and business co-mingling to censor us, the people involved and the media at large will not allow themselves to understand that they are doing anything wrong because... democracy is at stake.

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used to be much more difficult to preen one’s outlaw bona fides. now all ya gotta do is comment on the internet. [throws on black leather jacket to open twitter]

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It’s terrifying Matt. This is so obviously spot on and the leftists in power know it but they are any means to ends people. Other than winning questionable elections I don’t know what we do. This DEI stuff that Bari wrote about today is terrifying too. All we can do is to s stop paying for universities and woke companies and be loud I guess. Not sure if it’s enough. I think Kennedy would deal with this. And I know Desantis would. I hope Trump would but they are the only ones. Jim Jordan and other civil libertarians aren’t being heard. They control the media just like Stalin.

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I sincerely hope those with standing sue everyone involved in EIP whether Government or private. Protecting free speech is the hill to die upon.

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I wear glasses, Matt. You now have me wondering if I need to get contacts, lest I get accused of trying to pass off as being smart.

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