Want to take a moment to note that free speech is not just the right of the speaker; it is also the right of the listener(s). If there is no audience, free speech is meaningless.

Those who wish to suppress speech are suppressing those who wish to hear something, even if they may disagree.

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Is there somewhere we can watch the video?

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"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%." - Thomas Jefferson

This is what I think about when all of the worst people talk about the need to restrict speech to protect "our democracy"

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Matt - have you considered anthologizing your longform Substack posts since 2020 in a print book? Those of us worried about the approaching end of the free internet and who see owning a print book as a bastion of freethinking against the digital censorship machine would love to have such a volume on our shelves.

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"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." -Edward Snowden

First they came for my privacy, but I didn't care because I had nothing to hide. Then they came for my free speech......

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'Elites' I think is too complimentary these days. They love that. We need to just start calling them criminals or the cartels. Traitors works for many too.

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Bravo for defending free speech in an Orwellian state that has no first amendment. Like many cities in the “liberal democratic West”, London is a hotbed of radical Wokism and Islamism. They both crush dissent and share many uncanny similarities. This marriage of convenience is heading for a messy divorce, which has consequences for all of us: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-wage-a-progressive-jihad

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Damn good speech.

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I didn't really understand the 2nd Amendment until recently. Then, I understood that we can't protect our other inalienable rights without the 2nd Amendment. Free speech- number 1, but the right to remain free---number TWO!

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Great example of doublethink. We're supposed to believe the Russians destroyed their own pipelines even as we're told the Ukrainians did it alone with U.S. knowledge but with no U.S. help. Believe both!

But we're not supposed to ask who's been making loads of money from the destruction of those pipelines. Cui bono? Well, I did hear something about record profits by U.S. companies exporting gas to Europe this past winter, but I think it's wise I should forget that. Someone said something about Room 101.

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Thankyou for the talk last night.

The part about self censorship really resonated with me.

By pure coincidence I was working in an Ophthalmology clinic and saw someone who exemplified exactly this yesterday morning.

15 months ago she developed Guillain Barr Syndrome bilaterally. It is really rare, and despite rehab she still finds walking and writing very difficult indeed.

The problem started with an upset stomach. After a week it wasn't settling, but she got her Pfizer booster anyway. A few days later her arms and legs became weak. She was admitted to hospital and kept in for several weeks.

In the 15 months under Neurology care and rehab not a single person has made the link with the vaccine she told me. Nobody had asked.

In medicine most of the diagnoses come from listening to the patient and asking the right questions.

I can't prove that it was the vaccine not the stomach infection that caused the condition, but I will send a Yellow Card to MHRA. It does at least deserve investigation and to be part of a national database of cases to see if there is a correlation and possibly causation.

My questions for everyone those who saw her is:What stopped you sending a Yellow Card? Were you scared of putting your head above the parapet? Did you simply believe what you were told by your bosses and peers about safe and effective vaccines? What happened to your medical training?

I may be wrong, but dogmatically ignoring evidence is anti-scientific and dangerous.

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It's not just censorship. They're mandating you support and even celebrate what your eyes, ears, and brain, and education tell you can't possibly be true. And they're replacing historical facts and artifacts with perverted fantasies and absurd proclamations.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

So gender is a spectrum but political opinion is binary, according to the censors/moderators/overlords, Got it.

I guess in a sense, that's true. It's the ideologically captured institutions and their useful idiots versus independent thinkers.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Don't be surprised if you get detained at the airport.

H.M. Government takes the suppression of free speech seriously, especially free speech that might not support the goals of the United States' Empire and Great Britain as America's loyalest little lackey.

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“What Michael and I were looking at was something new, an Internet-age approach to political control that uses brute digital force to alter reality itself. “

I’ve come to believe that people have always used speech to create reality, but that the internet easier for people to create their own little echo chambers that allow them to live in their own reality separate from the the elite’s agreed upon reality. The government realizes this is a problem for control and has started to crack down, but it might be too late. The elites also have the problem that their reality is obviously a fantasy. For me, TDS and Covid were the breaking points. My hope is that more people find a breaking point before the elite’s fantasy drives humanity off the cliff.

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As A Country

We Are Still

Shitting Obama Out.

The Body Politic

Will Recover.

And Our Immunity

To His Kind

Will Strengthen.


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