What a terrible trauma the Democrats have wreaked on innocent people in their zeal to hold onto power by any means necessary. We always say, "Yeah, but nothing will be done about it." Let's hope this time, the team assembled by Trump to specifically DO SOMETHING about it, will succeed. If not, America is done.

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What is being called for here is what is well known in academic circles as transitional justice, a series of actions to “do something” after a democracy succeeds a dictatorship. Trials, truth commissions, lustration (forbidding complicit officials in past lawfare/repression from holding public office again) are all part of the toolkit. If we are to break the power of the Democratic Party-aligned security state quasi-dictatorship that bared itself the last 8-10 years and restore the rule of law, then these policies will be necessary.

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Sad thing is that the MSM will continue to carry water for the establishment. They will hawk stories that the investigations are false.

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Some of them published classified information leaked to them. Include them in early investigations and convene grand juries to investigate these crimes. They may not be so open to publishing any propaganda they receive from any politician in the future. They may, as institutions, revive some journalistic standards.

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Absolutely Jerri. There is no doubt that the new administration will use all available legal tools to sever the deviant chumming between government and media that both have become accustomed to. Each will have to finally do their jobs without the venal aid from the other. I know my hopes are high, but I’m all in on forging on and pulling all the bad weeds.

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Interestingly if RFKjr can push through a ban on pharma advertising directly to consumer, something not directly related to Russiagate, the MSM will be obliterated almost overnight. Big pharma is a massive portion of their revenues.

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Side effects include massive stroke, heart attack, exploding diarrhea, and self-inflicted blunt force trauma.

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Their vessels have gotten significantly smaller over the past 4 years and, in a sane world, will shrink into oblivion.

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Of course they will, but fewer and fewer people will believe them. Look at how irrelevant they are becoming…

As the old English expression goes: “when you’re in a ‘ole, stop diggin.”

They just refuse to put down their shovels.

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If one wanted to learn more about the phenomenon of transitional justice, where would you point them? This is very interesting to me. Thank you for that post.

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Here is a (I think) free version of an academic review of the topic from 2010: https://www.scribd.com/document/178807932/annurev-2Epolisci-2E040108-2E110013

The book “Radical Evil on Trial” (1996) by Carlos Nino, a legal scholar who designed one of the most innovative transitional justice policies of the 20th century, is also good.

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Thank you, Nuremberg too.

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Chile transitioned from Pinochet by exposing the extrajudicial murders and torture that had happened during his regime. It took a while for those who had looked the other way to admit that those things had taken place. The most important aspect of that transition was the official acknowledgment that the wrongs had indeed happened. It was necessary for both perps and victims to know they are seen.

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Transitional justice.

I’ll do more reading for sure.

Syria today could benefit from this.

But their society likely isn’t sophisticated enough.

We shall see.

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Syria may have only transitioned from one brutal dictatorship to another. We shall see.

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I agree.

But for now, the money flow is cut off from Iran into the area and all of the Syrian weapons have been destroyed.

What concerns me Turkey.

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We have an entire political party in America dedicated to domestic terrorism, and while they controlled our executive branch, the FBI et al declared that by definition, only the opposing party could be guilty of domestic terrorism.

A lot needs fixing.

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12/10/24: Perfectly stated.

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12/10/24: In NYC, it was the black KKK leader Bragg who tried (and failed) to lynch Daniel Penny. The Democrats (wrong name!) in WDC for four years have done the same thing to America, and to a horrifying extent, have succeeded. How can this be reversed and repaired? How can the past victims of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate / Pelosi / Schumer / Schiff / Wray / Garland / Mayorkas / DEI Pentagon / Fauci / Mainstream Media's pervasive and lethal corruption be compensated?

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Watching Fauci be sentenced to death will make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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Whoa there. Fauci is one of the top 10 most cited scientists in the world. I worked with him in NYC. He was scrupulously honest and decent. Are you sure your murderous stance isn’t a product of scurrilous misinformation?

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That may have been the case when you knew him. But his actions during Covid wreaked havoc and likely because he was acting in self-interest. Protecting his actions in illicit support of gain-of-function research with Wuhan.

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As suspected. Covid did not originate in Wuhan. See this week’s Nature and the Laotian bat story which actually does contain the closest link. This makes the gain of function story moot. And look at all other gain of function research. How did you get to where you are on this? The story you desire seemingly is full of holes. Note how it’s never made it through peer review in a top journal.

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you mean it wasn't psyop approved? keep on anal-chugging for the oppressors

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Bunk. The scientific establishment has zero--zero--credibility on this. But there will be a whole gang of people pushing lies to cover their collective asses. With you helping them.

"Peer review": that's when some people with advanced degrees people validate the flawed work of other people with advanced degrees. I know how this game works, I've been in it for decades. It's all about jobs, grants, and publications. Scientific truth is, at best, a distant fourth.

"Top journal" huh? You mean like The Lancet, that famously came out early on in the pandemic and attacked anyone who deviated form the party line? That sort of "top journal"?

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I haven't yet read the above articles. From the start, everyone identified Wuhan as ground zero. Coincidentally, a lab only a few miles away was adding function to make base viruses find a friendly home in humans. The spike protein happened to be perfectly engineered for it. It had never been naturally created. Arriving at one with enough similarity to a naturally occurring one in order to develop a vaccine seemed like trying to find a needle in a haystack 5 miles into a cave covered in batshit. And the risks....

Comparing the two theories at the beginning pointed to a lab leak out of logic if nothing else. Yet Fauci ignored early evidence lending credibility to a lab leak. He had tremendous skin in the game, having funded it. Magically, a story appears in, yes, nature that claimed to debunk the lab theory when prevailing evidence indicated otherwise

Our government, including Fauci, and msm, big tech, etc used the piece to not just control narrative. They banned anyone from saying otherwise. In a free speech country. I guess that's what all good scientists do, right?

Fauci lied about masks. Which btw have holes hundreds of times larger than the virus molecule. A 5 year old understands chain link fences don't stop misquote. Yet our top 10 scientist successfully embedded the opposite, outright mandating a useless piece of cloth. He brainwashed half the population in the process

He lied about school closures. He lied about the danger to kids. He lied about the effectiveness of the vaccine. It would be easier to list the things he didn't lie about

He was on TV everyday. It was the most important thing in the world. Science speaks!

Now that someone questions him, gosh he really can't recall when he found out about it. Hmmm, not sure who signed off on the funding. Yeah, I don't really know that guy in North Carolina

Quoting Hillary, at this point what difference does it make!?

That's what we get from our smartest and brightest, who get to fuck up royally with no consequence

I'm glad you had a good experience with him. The American people clearly haven't, and we deserve to know everything about perhaps the world's biggest disaster. And I'm not in a very forgiving mood

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12/11/24: George, you are hilarious. Take a bow.

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Anthony Fauci may be a "top cited scientist" - but that is most assuredly because of the purse strings he controls, as he is not a brilliant scientist. He also is neither honest nor decent. I say this after observing his actions during the AIDS years and during the COVID years and then observing the truth finally come to the surface. Fauci is remarkably dishonest, and likely a criminal. RFK,jr has written 2 books, both meticulously footnoted, that describe the monster known as Anthony Fauci. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" and "The Wuhan Cover-Up" for the truth about this man; I fear you are the one who's seriously misinformed.

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He was the gold medallist in his med school class at Cornell if that helps. Purse holding came late and was in recognition of his scrupulous honesty. Shame on you.

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With respect, George, I lost trust in Dr. Fauci almost immediately when he went on TV and said N95 masks wouldn't help ordinary people, and that they should be donated to hospitals.

He admitted this was a "noble lie". Another case of which is when he self-admittedly made up the percentages of vaccination required to achieve herd immunity. He kept raising the percentages to encourage further vaccination.

And these two are just the lies he's admitted to.

One problem with Dr Fauci is that he is willing to look you in the face on TV and lie to you, in what he perceives to be the interests of Public Health. He believes that he can divine the "public good" and is willing to deceive the public in pursuit of it.

But his approach is counterproductive. He destroyed trust in Public Health using these techniques. I'll never trust anything he says again, without verification. So much for that scrupulous honesty.

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And shame on you for carrying the water for the American Dr Mengele. But I'm sure you will be rewarded in some way or another for your loyal service to the not-so-good doctor.

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RFK Jr is a fuckin' crazy person---that's about it.

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Give me one example of dishonesty, but remember hindsight is 20/20 and both HIV and Covid were novel and paradigm-changing.

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I intended to respond to this comment but mistakenly put it above. See? It's OK to admit mistakes. The covid fiasco contained a pacific ocean's worth. We're left empty handed while the covid celeb retires to a comfortable life with a Christmas collection of bobble heads

Obviously you know him. I don't. He seems like a great cocktail party guest. He may believe he did everything he could. Putting the orgin mess, the 6 foot rule (preventing loved ones from visiting dying parents), etc aside, he had a direct conflict of interest- a massive one- and he didn't disclose it despite acting as covid narrative setter. That alone is highly unethical and dishonest. That's all the rest of have to go on

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Scrupulously honest? Guess you forgot about him lying to Congress about funding Gain of Function research. And no, that is not "scurrilous misinformation."

Anybody who climbs to the top of the DC bureaucratic totem pole the way Fauci did is, by definition, not "scrupulously honest."

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"Totem Pole?" Doesn't work metaphorically. Bureaucrats, whether scrupulously honest or not, most always use ladders when climbing to the "top."

To be a successful careerist one must step "over" other competitors incrementally to get to the "top." Shimmying solo up a First Nation odoodem you take the risk of being confused for a grasping social climber, not a serious careerist.

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I doubt very much if it was a lie. What is funded is so vast and so detailed I’d bet he simply didn’t know. Most of us couldn’t recall the details of any specific proposal a few weeks after the review panels meet. You’re way off base here. Why?

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He also controls the purse and scientists must bow to receive funding. If what I believe occurred with COVID has occurred the man deserves to be executed for crimes against humanity. We don’t know 100% for sure, the media being absolutely useless doesn’t help.

He granted funding to EcoHealth. They conduct GOF research at a shoddy lab in China. Incidental (or possibly intentional) release of manifested pathogen. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ACROSS THE GLOBE DIE (this is why he must be executed for crimes against humanity). He runs cover for himself all the while being treated like a celebrity (this is why his death will make me smile).

Or maybe not… I vote for unleashing fruit flies on him after we remove his vocal cords. What you call murderous stance I call the demands of Justice.

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12/10/24: Your succinct sarcasm is duly noted.

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Dr. Mengele? Take a cold shower.

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12/10/24: Life. Do not create a martyr.

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Wonder what Caputo thinks, having worked for HHS during the pandemic.

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12/10/24: We shall soon find out.

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First we Americans must understand what kind of government we really have and how it operates. This didn’t come out of nowhere. It was merely the levers of government turned inward on domestic politics. Our dirty tricks go back a long way.

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if they are not held to account for their crimes against the people they will be back and worse than ever. it is a moral and ethical responsibility to hold them accountable for those that come after. how can we leave such a mess for the future generations.

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Trump should do something about it but he won't. How far did "lock her up!" go?

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I think Trump was honestly surprised and overwhelmed at what came his way from the deep state dems after 2016 and didn't know how to effectively fight back. I do not think the same can be said now. From eveything I am seeign, he has already hit the ground running and is going to be relentless. I can;t wait to see it.

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12/10/24: He is going to be a relentless hammer. He hears the clock at the age of 78 and every single day counts.

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I have seen no evidence of this.

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Why do you say that?

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Because I haven't seen any evidence, just wishful thinking.

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Trump has been appointing cabinet members known to oppose the swamp with alacrity. He's not President yet. What would you expect to see?

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Feral, while "lock her up" was heard at Trump rallies, Trump never said he would do so, and in fact, as president, did not pursue charges against her.

I like most of what you put out here, but I do think you might need a Trump Derangement Syndrome PCR test. You seem a tad symptomatic.

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Trump did not do so in his first term, which was the right thing to do. But now, that the plot has been revealed, don't assume the same for the second term.

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Trump did comment to HRC at one of the 2016 debates that she'd be in prison.

Even taking what you wrote as given, Trump certainly did nothuing to dissuade the idea that he was going to press charges.

As far as Trump goes - I try to call balls and strikes. He is what he is.

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C'mon Feral, Trump's debate comment was a flippant response to Hillary's comment on his "temperament." Grammar police: "You'd be in jail" is a subjunctive mode, not imperative. It was a hypothetical, not a promise.

Yes, you can call balls and strikes on Trump, but in doing so, you must remember the first principle: Take Trump seriously but not always literally. If you watch much baseball, you know that the umps don't always call balls an strikes correctly. I think that's the case here.

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You really think that Trump was playing lawyer games with words? Are you seriously arguing that this wasn't a threat, like "nice business you got there, shame if it burned down..." isn't clearly a threat.

And he certainly did nothing to discourage the idea that HRC would be (justifiably) locked up.

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Trump is a vengeful man I think. We will see.

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I haven't seen much evidence of this. Look at Haley, who was a never Trumper in 2016 until Trump won, then she ingratiated herself into his good graces and was named UN Ambassador. From this position, she worked tireless to undermine his stated agenda, until she resigned and spent the rest of the first Trump Administration badmouthing Trump.

Then she ran for President as The Great Neocon Team R Hope in 2020, then was forgiven again.

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These people have NO power yet?

We all know Trump plays his games?

IF she makes it.......which I seriously doubt....she will replaced very quickly and then where is she?

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I think you may be confusing Nikki Haley with Tulsi Gabbard.

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Was Nikki Haley writing on a bomb intended to kill Palestinians in her name??

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It appears you have confused 'thinking' with 'feeling'. To the statement "Trump is a vengeful man", I see more confusion from you. Clearing up the record and one's personal reputation is not in itself vengeful. Some would even say, it's justified.

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Trump clearly viewed the 2016 primary as a game, and that sat along with the nonsense about Ted Cruz's dad, etc. He walked back the Hillary stuff immediately and said she suffered enough. He likely still viewed himself as friends with them.

Seems pretty personal now, after they've tried to destroy him with selective justice.

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OK, so Trump was doing it all for laffs in 2016, even though he wasn't in the primary stage when he debated Clinton.

Are you sure that this is really the argument you want to make? This is really the guy you've designated as your champion?

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would have been a circular firing squad. too much collateral damage - whose hands aren't filthy?

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We have the chance to bring about a new day in America once again.

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America was done when Ford pardoned Nixon.

We’re just playing out the string.

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America was done when JFK was killed. The cabal took out Nixon cause he wouldn't play their game. It took out VP Agnew first so it could install Ford. The trap set for Nixin worked. You believe what you are told to believe.

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As long as we’re in the way back machine, it was when Truman signed the National Security Act.

No wait, before that, Wilson….

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This can get to be a bit of a game. You could go further back to the Spanish American war in 1898 as the beginning of imperial America. but yes, Wilson was when shit got real. That administration disrespected free speech and set race relations back, to put it mildly. But our current national security state was created by Truman. Eisenhower was the first enthusiastic user of its covert powers. Whoever planned and executed the JFK killing, powerful people in the USG were able to adequately cover it up, not the least because it helped cement their power. Nixon knew shit but wasn’t their boy. Ford was. Reagan was enough of an outsider that he almost got taken out, but the intel boys found a way to work within his framework. GHWB and the intel boys got another chance at big power on 911, this time to secure hegemony worldwide via the forever war on terror. At home, Americans lost even the right to know what the national security state was up to. IMO

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Actually, "imperial America" began with the Treaty of Paris in 1783 ending the Revolutionary War. Along with independence, it expanded the claims of the new US to the Mississippi River. And the rest, as they say, is history.

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I see that as a good thing for the people and the future of industry, innovation and prosperity, aside from slavery.

The revolution was not fought because of taxes. It was fought because In the mid-1700s the American Colonies were prospering, in part because they were issuing their own money called "Colonial Scrip," which was strictly regulated and did not require the payment of any interest.

When the bankers in Great Britain heard this, they turned to the British Parliament, which passed a law prohibiting the Colonial Scrip, forcing the colonists to accept the "debt" or "fiat" money* issued by the Bank of England.

According to Benjamin Franklin, it was because "the conditions so reversed that the era of prosperity ended." "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War."

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Why Wilson yes, but wait, I recollect it was Lincoln. Shame his dear wife killed him. Poor gal, Congress would not approve her pension, even after three requests.

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OK Shelley, you got me: in what world did Mary Todd Lincoln kill her husband? Yes, she was a battle axe, but I don't think she actually used it on him. Help me out here...

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Mary was an opium addict. The Rothschilds planned to kidnap Abe. Booth was to do it. There was a waiting wagon with a wood-cover down below in the street. The plan was for Booth to traverse the backstairs entrance, silently move down a hallway, and open an unlocked door to a darkened room where Mary and Abe were sitting. After entering the room, Booth would tell the President an urgent message was waiting for him at the War Department. Before descending the backstairs, Abe would be knocked out with a chloroform cloth. The kidnappers would load the limp body into the covered wagon and swiftly stow Lincoln on an opium boat for a novel 'cruise' of the Atlantic Ocean.

When Booth actually opened the door to the darkened room where Abe and Mary were sitting, he went into a panic and shock. Abe was asleep with his head on Mary's left shoulder and the First Lady had her head turned toward the left looking at the door. . . When she was sure the man who opened the door was Booth, she turned and looked at the President to be sure the pistol she was pointing would explode beneath the lower left earlobe of her husband. Before Mary pulled the trigger, John Wilkes Booth, drug supplier to the First Lady, realized he was the patsy in all this mess. But he did not know if he was only Mary's patsy or also a chump for the Rothschild family.

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Yeah, Tom, it's Woody Wilson who's most to blame for the Nat Sec State. He started the shitty ball rolling. Truman and the rest just followed his precedent.

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Since the Civil War our current federal government has been operating under the rule of National Emergency - thus the executive order. President Lincoln as military commander issued Executive order number 1. Wilson's original 1917 Act (a/k/a The Trading with the Enemy Act or War Powers Act) which was "An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes", originally excluded citizens of the United States, but the Act of March 9, 1933, Section 2 amended this to include "any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof" - under FDR.

Here is an example of the power of declaring a National Emergency: All created by FDR and NOT Congress part one:

AAA 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Administration

CCC 1933 Civilian Conservation Corps

CWA 1933 Civil Works Administration

DRS 1935 Drought Relief Service

DSH 1933 Subsistence Homesteads Division

EBA 1933 Emergency Banking Act

FAA 1933 Federal Aviation Administration

FAP 1935 Federal Art Project

FCA 1933 Farm Credit Administration

FCC 1934 Federal Communications Commission

FDIC 1933 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FERA 1933 Federal Emergency Relief Administration

FHA 1934 Federal Housing Administration

FLSA 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act

FMP 1935 Federal Music Project (part of WPA)

FSA 1935 Farm Security Administration

FSRC 1933 Federal Surplus Relief Corporation

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Part two:

FTP 1935 Federal Theatre Project (part of WPA)

FWA 1939 Federal Works Agency

FWP 1935 Federal Writers' Project (part of WPA)

HOLC 1933 Home Owners' Loan Corporation

NIRA 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act

NLRA 1935 National Labor Relations Act

NLRB 1934 National Labor Relations Board/The Wagner Act

NRA 1933 National Recovery Administration

NYA 1935 National Youth Administration

PRRA 1933 Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration

PWA 1933 Public Works Administration

RA 1935 Resettlement Administration

REA 1935 Rural Electrification Administration (now Rural Utilities Service)

SEC 1934 Securities and Exchange Commission

SSA 1935 Social Security Administration

SSB 1935 Social Security Board (now Social Security Administration)

TVA 1933 Tennessee Valley Authority

USHA 1937 United States Housing Authority

USMC 1936 United States Maritime Commission

WPA 1935 Works Progress Administration

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Exposure of the evil done by these miscreants should be the first agenda item for Kash Patel. Following that, prosecution of the most egregious criminals should be pursued, financially destroying them before their long term incarceration. This must be done to eliminate future lawfare initiated by Democrats.

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While it may not appease those who want retribution, one creative “transitional justice” (see my other comment on VanishingTribe’s post) strategy is what South Africa did post-apartheid:

Offer amnesty from prosecution in exchange for public confessions of involvement in lawfare. Prosecute those who don’t confess. This creates a win-win: getting through to the Democratic base what actually happened from 2015 onward, and holding accountable those who won’t admit their complicity in it.

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I like it, assuming Biden doesn’t pardon his closest 500 associates for anything they’ve done in their miserable lives.

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Yes - this kind of action is called a mass “self amnesty” and is something dictatorships regularly do on their way out of office. The empirical parallels to democratic transitions in foreign countries I have seen here in the last two months are uncanny.

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Any thing in the transitional justice tool box for the media ?

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Much like the Constitution, pardons are pieces of paper. Gentlemen's agreements that only bind those who play by the rules, and thus will likely become increasingly meaningless.

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^This! It would be far more effective. It prevents what will inevitably happen otherwise where the media will hyperventilate over Trumps destruction of the Rule of Law and unholy use of the justice system in retribution (no self-awareness of course) permitting the Democratic base to continue believing in some version of Russiagate (there are plenty out there who do) and Orange Man bad. As hard as it is to understand the dying legacy media still has the power.

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Well, it does disrupt "their" democracy.

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I do like this. Those confessing to avoid prosecution will be shamed and outcast forever. That is punishment too.

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It would be short term punishment at best. Swamp creatures, when threatened, just stealthily sink below the dark waters, only to rise at a later time.

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12/10/24: Now that Biden has legitimatized preemptive pardons, can Trump be persuaded to do the same on Day One for the people who (above) are innocent of any wrong-doing, whose lives have been destroyed? Or are we Russians?

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No tit for tats.

Use the laws as written.

Go after the 51 IC leaders immediately by merely revoking their security clearances entirely with no chance to appeal.

Then go after the people involved from the FBI/DOJ/NSA/CIA who were involved in the entire Crossfire Hurricane. Patel knows where the bodies are buried.

Then go after the professional class like Glenn Simpson, Marc Elias, Christopher Steele and Halper who set up the Papadopolous, Carter Page sting...then go after the swamp creatures like Vindman and the others who leaked the Ukrainian calls...then freeze out the media people entirely.

Tell George Stepinitopolous to pound a gyro...Tell Margaret Brennan she need a new Vampire lift....tell Jim Acosta and others to go pound sand.

Then start to look at the state level scum like Bragg, James, Merchan, and Fat Fannie Willis.... Make them all lawyer up.

Need to move on this fast and run it in almost a shadow FBI/DOJ team truncated from the rest of the FBI/DOJ.

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This is a very good list.

Kash Patel in his book reserved Appendix B for a list of operatives, and their titles, that must be purged from the three letter agencies ASAP.

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12/10/24: The name of the book?

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Government Gangsters.

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12/10/24: "Go pound a gyro!" Original! And the comment as a whole is exactly what Kash Patel has in mind. How long will it take to staff a brand-new DOJ in order to get all of this underway?

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Deranged people will see confessions as compelled and prosecutions as vindictive. Nothing can bring their understanding into alignment with reality. The identity of the deranged is tied to their politics, not to a recognized religion. Atheist suffer the most because they do not have a religious buffer on their identity.

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