I just took a look at my FB page. It was startling how many people I consider intelligent don't see that they have been kool=aided by the Harris campaign. Pro Choice people who don't see the Harris/Biden dismal record of eliminating safe spaces and sports for women. The Biden/Harris admin support for throwing Ukrainians into a war they can't win. Their deliberate open borders and encouragement of migrants with obscene government benefits while Americns scratch to keep a roof over the head and food on the table. I keep hearing friends say things like, "I don't know how anyone could vote for Trump." Oh, really. reminds me of a Jane austen novel where she skewers the insulated snobs around her. Thank you, Matt and Walt, for giving those of us who have tried to keep our eyes open, a safe space.
I am continually astonished that many of my very intelligent friends are completely bamboozled and cannot even talk about the possibility that they are totally blinded to reality. This phenomenon is very disturbing.
The difference is that we're right, and they're not. I'm only half kidding. To take the most glaring example, anyone who defends men playing against women in sports has been duped, or hypnotized, or brainwashed, or whatever you want to call it. In 10 years they'll realize they were wrong. I hope.
Don’t think so. Most are just weak minded and go the way the current wind blows. Truly disgusting that unsuccessful “men and boys” that can’t hack it against others,take this route no matter their justification .
Probably a lot but I think the tide is turning. The detransitioners are speaking out. The “Bg medicine” gang who endorsed this appalling and brutal “care” have been exposed by the sunlight shining on all government medical agencies——the FDA, CDC, NIH——all exposed during covid. Boston Children’s has a 6 billion dollar endowment and they did surgeries on very young children——lawyers will absolutely go after that. There’s a new firm in Texas formed by attorneys devoted to ending all gender meds and surgeries on anyone under 18. The basic science of it is that once egg and sperm meet, every cell created is either XX or XY. Every single cell in a woman is XX, every cell in a man is XY and nothing in the world can change that.
Either they’ll realize they were wrong in 10 years, or they’ll be dead and the next generation will have grown up taking that batshit business for granted and wouldn’t dream of disagreeing with it.
Democrats will let you have all the abortions you want but limit your right to safe spaces and sports , and to your tights as parents. please square this circle for me. It’s also interesting that only democrats malign anyone who votes Tepublivan as anti-America, garbage, deplorable. Has trump ever maligned dem voters?? Seems to me he has only targeted his political opponents. Says a lot about “character”
Our family no longer celebrates Thanksgiving in one location. The Dems refuse to occupy the same space as the Trump supporters. The Trump supporters will share the same space with them, but they are so feral and and consumed by irrational hatred as to be toxic. Literally. Radioactive. And they haven’t a clue what they’re talking about. They just parrot the lies. Won’t even look at articles proving it’s long been proven untrue.
I've seen a few surveys (e.g., [1] below) showing that Democrats are much less likely to seek a relationship with a Republican than vice versa.
Likewise, the recent FIRE student survey on free speech [2] shows that liberals are significantly more likely than conservatives to approve shouting down campus speakers, blocking other students from attending a campus speech, and using violence to stop a campus speech.
I would hope that universities boards finally grow a spine and expell students that use violence and intimidation to shut down other student or speakers voicing an opinion.
With no consequences they will continue and escalate.
So sorry to hear that. It is a shame that so many spend so much time disrespecting or disparaging others. American culture has lost its way in terms of political discourse. Makes me wonder - on either side of the debate -"WHY is it so important for another person to agree with us? WHY can't we just let those who think chocolate chip mint ice cream is the ONLY ice cream worth eating, just let them think that way? WHY MUST we convince her or him that they have it all wrong - it's pistachio ice cream that's the only ice cream worth eating?" 🤔
Perhaps it is because many just can't compose & express a cogent argument for their position. They'd rather disparage the other's position with a quick insult or calling them names. What's even more insane is when one expresses an opinion associated with one side of the debate, one is immediate tagged as being part of that group implying that all attributes & opinions of that group now apply to you. It's a weird form of guilt by association that has become a nasty poison in political debates, regularly rendering them moot.
I suspect it's because those who insist we must all comply with their views want an external force to make sure we do and believe they have the right to do so.
The globalist corporate deep -state Dem media is every Aldous Huxley warned of until the day he died. The psychological warfare of propaganda by a barrage of synchronized, untrue talking points. It’s quite effective.
I do think the overturning of Roe was a disastrous decision. The Dobbs case wasn’t even lawful because “ Dobbs” wasn’t yet in office, nor was he aware of any case. How Mississippi enacting a 15 week parameter became an overturn of what had been in place near 50 years became the sole focus of the GOP is anathema. The world is burning, the midterms were around the corner and they were poised to gain a majority. And lost, but refuse to admit Roe was the reason. What did they achieve? There has been an exponential rise in the number of abortions performed, likely fear and resentment driven. After the Republicans put up a front to stop the forced vaccines-based upon bodily sovereignty, religious freedom, the right to privacy, doctor / patient privilege and using “ Whatever happened to My Body, My Choice”, they did exactly what they railed against. I’m so goddamned sick of the Dem Hate and Death Cult, I have no problem with them aborting themselves to extinction. It would be a self fulfilling prophecy- Depopulation, less fossil fuel use, lower methane and carbon output, less coal produced electricity, and a large reduction of worthless eaters. A win/win.
The appropriate cutoff date for abortion has yet to be determined. Should it be heartbeat? Ability to feel pain? A lot has been learned about these since Roe vs Wade. And these should be part of the discussion now. Abortion on demand at ant point in pregnancy except in health emergencies seems to me to be unethical in light of what we know. Harris, whose campaign rests so heavily on abortion on demand fails to honor women’s right to safe spaces and sports at the same time. How so many women don’t see the hypocrisy is stunning. Btw, immediately following the reversal of Roe there was a 17% increase in vasectomies. A wake-up call for women and men about the fact that while abortion may be a right,It, like all rights, comes with responsibilities, e.,g, free speech , bearing arms. 50% of abortions are the result of unprotected sex, according to Gutmachet Institute. So, a much wider discussion than the purely political needs to happen. Thank you for responding. I really appreciated it.
I forgot to add that Harris voted against a bill that would have required doctors to provide medical care for babies who survived botched abortions. No comment. There are no words.
The circus that has become the abortion issue pains me. As a woman who came of age when RvW was passed and had 3 children, 2 born very prematurely, I am offended and disappointed in how the unborn are now treated as unwanted moles. While I believe the government should NOT be involved in a woman’s most perilous situation if they have to decide whether to have a child, it seems like the far left has turned pregnancies into flushable and forgettable events.
Why practice prenatal healthcare if these are not human beings from the beginning who deserve a healthy development while in the womb?
The lack of acknowledgment of embryological and fetal development is stunning and is always left out of this conversation by the left.
Personally, I’m delighted that men are getting more vasectomies. As I have said before advances in male medical contraception are sorely needed. Contraception must be a shared responsibility to help get women out of potentially dreadful situations.
Maybe 18 weeks. Prior to pain sensitivity.It defies anything conscionable to have an elective abortion post 18 weeks “ just because”.
So many women are devastated by a miscarriage. They mourn and suffer the loss. Which is biologically an ingrained reaction. Even women who never imagined themselves to have maternal instincts are transformed. Nature takes over. It’s automatic. Something is very wrong with our society.
A biologist gave a speech approximately 6 years ago at a forum, positing humanity had peaked 15 years prior and we’d begin heading downscale within two years. I think he was right. And one empirical theory that’s long been proven- it takes far longer to climb uphill than it does to go downhill. Seems we’re now snowballing to the nadir.
Just for perspective around the “18 weeks” statement…neonatal medicine has advanced to a point where babies as young as 22 weeks are able to survive outside the womb.
And yet Harris voted with Dems against the bill to require doctors to provide medical care for babies who survived botched abortiins. There are no words.
"...A wake-up call for women and men about the fact that while abortion may be a right,It, like all rights, comes with responsibilities, e.,g, free speech , bearing arms."
I've heard of "shotgun weddings," but this is the first I've heard of "shotgun abortions." Imbued with the Constitutional right, indeed the responsibility, to scream during the procedure. Both the 1st and 2nd amendments demand it.
I've just have to say I'm sick and tired of the "my body, my choice" rhetoric. The purveyors of this cute little mantra always, somehow dismiss the fact that an abortion isn't about "your body". It IS about the unborn human that growing inside "your body" and whether or not we should allow it to be murdered because it's an inconvenience. Sure, you can bring up all sorts of reasons why it an undue hardship on the woman carrying the child, but let's be honest, 90%+ pregnancies that are terminated are simply an attempt to correct previous bad choices. The irony, of Democrats railing against the death penalty for criminals while supporting murdering the unborn, is lost on their befuddled minds.
"my body, my choice" was essentially my answer to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
I predicted that the mandate would bring about the fall of Roe, and yet...it did. I know they aren't explicitly tied, but the impact of the primary rhetoric in support of Roe basically died overnight.
badnabor's main point is perfectly legitimate: that abortion involves two competing rights - those of the pregnant woman and those of the developing child, and that pro-choice advocates these days tend to entirely ignore the latter. The Supreme Court majority in Roe v. Wade [1] explicitly recognized this point:
"With respect to the State's important and legitimate interest in potential life, the 'compelling' point is at viability. This is so because the fetus then presumably has the capability of meaningful life outside the mother's womb."
In 1992, the justices in Planned Parenthood v. Casey [2] reaffirmed "the principle that the State has legitimate interests from the outset of the pregnancy in protecting the health of the woman and the life of the fetus that may become a child."
Roe never had federal standing. It was not overturned per se. SCOTUS did not rule if it was OK or not. It was sent back to states choice because it's a states iissue. There are 11 ( ladtvitcwas counted this dumner) states you can kill a full term baby by calling it an abortion. SO if you want to kill a baby just go to that state. It's not shut down. 65% population. Support pro choice through viability. I'm part of that number.
Never! I wonder if the woman had an ultrasound at 16 weeks and saw the baby swimming around, its skeletal system fully formed and moving reflexively… I did and at that moment , became pro-life.
The six weeks deadline is too soon, though. I learned of my pregnancy at nine months during a routine gym visit. I took birth control pills, never skipping a day, often missing a cycle or having just a spot. There were no tells. No morning sickness, hadn’t gained an ounce. Nothing. My husband and I were married 6 months, just starting out, made only enough money to scrape by, we both worked full time. I was 21, he was 24. It was such a shock. But we would make do. My mom and grandmother lived nearby and adored babies. At 16 weeks I was scheduled for and ultrasound and everything was perfect. And then things changed. At 5:00 on Friday, the diagnostic center called. It was the receptionist at the front desk. Without any ni niceties or warning, she blurted out,” Ma’am, your baby has a neural tube defect. WTF was that? “ it ( love the it part) has Spina Bifida” . Before I could even process what she’d told me, she said, “ I’ve scheduled an appointment first thing Monday morning for termination”. I was ready to faint. Said what are you talking about? She was so irritated. The spine is fused. If you don’t miscarry, you’ll have a baby who will be incontinent, in a wheelchair unable to walk, feed itself and yours and your husband’s life will be ruined. You’ll be divorced in a few months. I was sobbing , my knees buckled and I was so devasted. “ I don’t want to have an abortion on Monday. I can’t process this. I need to talk to my husband and mother . “. That was it for her. Tells me that I’m being very selfish. Can’t make this up. I saw the baby the spine looked forged. She said, “ Look, I need to go home. I hung up on her. My mom came over, my husband came home, we were all in tears. I didn’t eat or sleep by Sunday, I decided to take my chances. They would support whatever I decided. I called the on-gyn and she scheduled a second ultrasound at a different facility. This time the actual radiologist performed the ultrasound and said he didn’t see any abnormalities and would review the images in the afternoon. He called and said everything looked good, but I was eighteen, not sixteen weeks along. Which means the pregnancy had been diagnosed at 11, not 9 weeks. The other idiot had read the wrong images. If I’d terminated the pregnancy that morning, I wouldn’t have my beautiful wonderful 35 year old daughter. And more disturbing, I’d have ended the life of a healthy 18 week baby. I’d have to live with that.
However, what about a woman/girl who had the same situation. Didn’t know- which is more common than one would think? What if she had no money, no support, was abused or abandoned and had no options? Six weeks is wrong. It’s very unfair to force that on another. Pregnancy is very costly. If she had a miserable pregnancy as I did with my second, who has the right other than she does to determine her own fate? Sorry, but it isn’t Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott or a politician acting on his own religious ideology. When these bans began to be put in place, Pat Robertson, the devout Evangelical Pastor, blasted these over the top restrictions calling them cruel, overreaching and sadistic. And he was very, very pro-life, but he was compassionate. He also deemed it government overreach.
Thanks, Barbara. I have to admit that I’m confused and don’t understand that Roe never had federal standing. Can you help me with that? I’d love to wallop “pro-choice” (I hate that term - I always want to say, “You already made a choice and now you want a do-over?”) friends with that nugget, but I’d need more detail.
Yes! And Abortion should never be a national issue ever again. Robert Yates, the wise founder no one talks about predicted the divide in 1787 in Brutus I-X of the “Anti-Federalist” papers. In fact he predicted the deep state, forever wars and the national divide on all the issues because we are too big and diverse. We can’t even agree that the 14th Amendment protects the pregnant woman’s as well as the living unborn. But, Americans are too ignorant to bother learning history - and you know what happens then - the dumb ideas will be repeated.
The authorship of the anti-federalist essays written under the pseudonym "Brutus" at the time of the Constitutional Convention has never been "definitively established." Generally attributed to Robert Yates, as you contend here, recent scholarship points instead to Melancton Smith, a close associate of Yates' and a prominent anti-federalist who was also part of the New York delegation to the Constitutional Convention.
It's possible that the two of them collaborated closely in some manner. Either way, authorship has not been definitively established by the historical record.
Say what you wish about the anti-federalists, but apparently they took great pains to conceal their identity and abjured any personal renown for their efforts---unlike the preening glory-hounds Hamilton and Madison.
One last thought. As a presumed and self-identified Yates scholar, help me out here. Yates was a professional surveyor and one of the primary authors of the Northwest Ordinance. In laying out the rectangular grids in the Western Reserve, later to become the various States which comprise today's midwest, aka the "cornbelt," might Yates have in all his founding father prescience, foresight and wisdom, viewed all that potential corn acreage and anticipated the rise of high fructose corn syrup and great streams of Fords and Chevrolets powered by ethanol?
I know. The Dems had many opportunities to codify it and didn’t. I don’t know whether anybody believed it would be overturned or whether the Dems hoped it would, knowing what the reaction would be. Like anything else, people want something all the more when it’s taken away. Like narcotics. If it’s illegal, people want it all the more. Human nature. Or inhuman, depending on the level of insanity.
I don't know what your first statement is supposed to mean. The Supreme Court ruled that "Roe has standing to sue; the Does and Hallford [other plaintiffs] do not.", so if you're making a legal claim about Roe's standing, you're simply wrong. If you're saying that you don't agree with the court's decision on Roe's standing, that's fine, but it's just your personal opinion.
Your second statement is also incorrect - Roe v. Wade was overruled by the 2022 Dobbs decision [2]. The Supreme Court held that "The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives."
Roe was 50 year old precedent whether you liked it or not. I thought it was dubious but you don't get to ignore stare decisis based on your ideology. That's why the court is viewed as illegitimate now
The court did not "ignore" stare decisis in the Dobbs decision. They argued in detail why the errors in the Roe decision (as they saw them) warranted overruling Roe despite the stare decisis doctrine, which as they pointed out, "is not an inexorable command". You may disagree with their reasoning, but it's inaccurate to say that they simply ignored stare decisis. They also pointed out that "Some of the Court’s most important constitutional decisions have overruled prior precedents."
Several Supreme Court decisions celebrated by liberals (and others) overruled previous decisions, but those courts are not condemned for "ignoring stare decisis". Here's a sampling:
Brown v. Board of Education (1954): banned racial segregation in public schools; overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896; "separate but equal") in part, Cumming v. Richmond County Board of Education (1899), and Berea College v. Kentucky (1908).
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969): strengthened free speech rights; overturned Schenck v. United States (1919; upheld laws criminalizing speech against the military draft).
Lawrence v. Texas (2003): ruled that U.S. state laws criminalizing sodomy between consenting adults are unconstitutional; overturned Bowers v. Hardwick (1986).
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015): ruled that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples; overturned Baker v. Nelson (1971).
That’s flat out infanticide. Any doctor who would perform such a brutality and any woman who would opt for something so soulless deserves prison.they should have been aborted.
Regarding your claim that "There are 11 ... states you can kill a full term baby": Wikipedia [1], for what it's worth, lists six states plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. as allowing abortions at any stage of pregnancy. The six states are Colorado, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.
For Tim Walz's Minnesota, also see [2].
Walz also signed Minnesota bill SF 2995, which repealed a statute which recognized that: "A potentially viable fetus which is live born following an attempted abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person under the law." and which declared "If an abortion of a potentially viable fetus results in a live birth, the responsible medical personnel shall take all reasonable measures, in keeping with good medical practice, to preserve the life and health of the live born person."
That bill also repealed a statute that said that under Minnesota law, "the words 'person,' 'human being,' 'child,' and 'individual' shall include every infant member of the species Homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development."
Wikipedia is a disinformation site. New York passed this and maybe was the first state to do so. They all cheered. Kill a full term baby ,yippee!! Sick fucks.
Some Wikipedia articles have accurate information, and in this case the facts can be confirmed by checking individual states' laws. For New York, abortion is legal "up to and including 24 weeks of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, you can still get an abortion if your health or pregnancy is at risk." [1]
I noticed, though, that New York State's Reproductive Health Act [2], passed in January 2019, repealed New York Public Health Law Section 4164 among other things, which required life-saving measures for babies born live in failed abortion attempts. That bill also repealed the authority of coroners and medical examiners to investigate a death caused by suspected criminal abortion. Needless to say, these things are not even discussed by mainstream media.
The fund-raising industrial complex is the only thing that will change. This has been a gold-mine for them. Those who choose abortion will get the pill even if their state bans the procedure and those who choose to have the baby will.
My wife experienced a miscarriage . It was decades back. So, though I was never allowed to attended a birth, I was allowed to watch my little son removed from my wife's womb in pieces. I suppose I shouldn't feel sorrow because he wasn't really a human being. Of course women deserve, as acknowledged by every modern Western society, the right to reasonable choice. But reasonable choice and human moral reason has been seized by criminals.
The hard question of abortion in America being used as yet another tool to bludgeon the American psyche while holding progress and the national conversation in thrall is despicable. Like incarceration, abortion is an industry. As will, soon be, the euthanasia center. Birth to death, life, controlled and monitored by the ideological utopians (another industry) who serve the sterile and malignant narcissism of international billionaire criminal financiers. The life of the unborn defined by the numbered account and the need for throw away labor. As Tina Turner asked: "Whats love got to do with it" Consider the possibility that AI, genetics and the butchery of today's youth are experimentation and the beginnings of the master race creation of a new human robotics that will solve the problem of freedom and the unruly citizen. Doubt they would do it? Spend some time with the walking wounded downtown.
The perps represent (and they are criminals) the same amoral mob that killed Christ. The same A-Bomb rattling psychopathy that burned the 20th century to the ground. Let me pre-bunk, and offer as proof my necessity to do so, my following statement: I don't care who sleeps with who.
The politicization of the womb by eugenicists like Margaret Sanger and lesbian Marxist feminism laid the groundwork for today's ascending totalitarianism. The perps made fortunes from Federal, state, corporate grants and donations. They created the template: Form a committee. Create a problem or seize control and discussion of a legitimate social concern. Claim virtuosity. Demand payment. For those who don't go along? Complaint by anonymous victim. Calls for firing and dismissal. Life and career destruction. Trial by press, rumor, innuendo and character assassination. It is the working model for all the worlds ever morphing NGO's. Example: The Harris/Mayorkas driven NGO's swallowing billions in tax payer dollars in today's illegals trade. And where does all that money (American life and labor) go?
Why this rant? Because the grift I've described above is the reason comment sections across SUBSTACK are filled with refugees from the psyop seeking to reduce America to an open air prison. An anti-human LIE that simply talks over the top of the human moral reason our founding fathers struggled to enshrine in our Constitution. It believes in nothing. BE HUMAN!! DEPART THE PSYOP AND LIVE!!
I bet it would be interesting to see how a girl did at a bar picking up guys if she got just a little more specific and wore a shirt saying “My uterus, my choice”…
I'm thinking it would be even more interesting if both you and I were sitting next to her at the bar, surreptitiously monitoring her efforts and providing commentary.
You: (interjecting at key moments during pick-up time):
"...Precisely because the choice is personal, it would be presumptuous of me to pass some cosmic analytical judgment on the question of childlessness. I can only fall back on my own experience. Indulge me...as I reflect on a life that may bear little resemblance to yours..."
Nah. I’ve never posted to Truth Social. Not my thing. Substack is far more interesting and diverse in thought. I’m neither right nor left, I’m Huxleyan.
If you want to watch something startlingly uncanny, Google Aldous Huxley/ Mike Wallace 1958 interview. Promise you won’t be bored.
Way back in the day, “ Brave New World” was required reading in the high school curriculum. Two weeks were devoted to discussing the text, what we came away with, etc. Because I was stoned more often than not, it fit right into whatever one might call my “ state of mind”( or lack thereof). It was quite intriguing, but fantastical. Predating tech and psychotropic meds. Nobody had heard of ADD, ADHD, clinical depression, etc. No smart phones, pcs, if you can imagine.Then I read Anthem, Eyeless in Gaza, After Many A Summer Dies A Swan-all nifty. In the early eighties( 2 years later), I developed a fixation with Jim Morrison and The Doors. Even more so because the band was named for “ The Doors of Perception”. But of course, the books were the product of an eccentric literary genius, but “ futuristic” fiction. Nothing more. It wasn’t until about five years ago that parallels started to crop up, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the interview that I became , uh, spooked.
If you watch, let me know what you think. It freaked my husband out and were nothing alike. He’s very mainstream.
As per Trump, I know him quite well, albeit he wasn’t quite so , uh, unfiltered. I’m an interior designer and Derek Jeter was my client when he purchased The 90th floor penthouse in the then brand new NYC Trump World Tower. A two year project. Trump was a regular and he was really great. Especially when the hellscape of 9/11 hit. You wouldn’t know by his “ showmanship”, but he was always of the anti- intervention, trade rip off, America First mindset.
"Trump World Tower has 376 units. Designed by the architect Costas Kondylis, the building is 861 feet (262 m) high and has 72 constructed floors (but lists 90 stories on elevator panels)..."
I'm not going to tell Jeter and I don't think you should either. But I might crudely allude to the subterfuge next time I have lunch with Don.
And: are you aware that Aldous Huxley's official date of death is listed as Nov 22nd, 1963? Now, are we really supposed to swallow that Aldous Huxley died on the same day Kennedy was assassinated? And that he passed from one realm to another in Los Angeles County? Get the fuck outta here with that one.
Huxley went underground and lived for another 10 years...and...he's...also the author of the entire Doors' songbook. The entire ouvre. LA Woman was a paean to Marilyn Monroe. A jealous valentine. He was madly in love with her at the time of her death and, well, Monroe's death pretty much drove him over the edge, or at least to Venice Beach, so he faked his death and became a rock lyricist.
I'm serious. I have family in L.A., well, Pasadena, but close enough.
"Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light?" Huxley would sing to himself at night while laying, drunk and prone, on the beach, pining for Marilyn..."or just another lost angel?" (Sure!) the Doors formed when Morrison and Manzarek bumped into each other on Venice Beach in 1965, but the real formation occurred, just off the beach, at the Gas House, in 1964 where Huxley was tending bar, laying low, and where Morrison and Manzarek hung out, Manzarek nursing a double espresso throughout the evenings while Morrison consumed an unending volley of Huxley's famously stiff Mai Tai's (which Huxley referred to as his "roadhouse blues.")
The penthouse qualifies as 3 floors. The ceilings are soaring. There are only two residences. One belongs to Trump, and at the time, the other was Derek’s. Post 9/11, I developed a phobia of getting too near the windows. The entire crib consisted of 18’ floor to soffit panoramic glass, one of the areas had a parallel vista of the World Trade Towers. What was formerly so spectacular became a view of the entry to hell. And the imploding towers were something beyond imaginable. Even from where I stood, I could hear the screams from the crowds running in the street.
But Ilhan Omar shrugs. You know. “ Some people did something”. I cannot believe that beast occupies a congressional seat. I can’t believe what we’ve been experiencing in America. The UN really is the portal to hell. The East River should be renamed Styx and a stone pediment above the UN entrance engrave with “ Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter”. Or perhaps the Capitol.
I’m just another lost angel , but also a wild child, though not full of grace or savior of the human race. Though at the rate we’re going, the human race is dying out on this ship of fools.
I’d have loved to have met Huxley, Jimbo and Manzarek. Ditto Marshall McLuhan.
Morrison was outrageous. Iconoclastic would be an understatement. I watched an interview where Manzarek was telling such funny stories about how impossible Morrison was. They were to perform at Dinner Key Auditorium in Miami ( I live just blocks away) and of course, Jim was late. Manzarek found him smoking a blunt the size of a Cuban cigar in the bathtub. The band was furious and gave him ten minutes to get dressed. He finally appeared wearing an enormous pair of underwear rolled over the top of his leather pants. Manzarek had a really bad feeling about it. And Morrison got onstage, told the audience, I’m gonna show you something you’ve never seen before” . The rest is history. He dropped his pants, was dragged off the stage by the elbows - it took two cops- was arrested for indecent exposure and taken to jail. Manzarek and Kreiger were furious. Ready to fold the whole band .
I would love to know how many of those people who wonder how anyone can vote for Trump actually vote for Trump. It’s like my theory on scoring California Points. Have a trans child? Score a point. Solar panels on the roof? Ding! Drive a Tesla thinking you are saving the planet? You get the idea.
Worse are the parents having their kids hacked up, not because the children have a clue, but as a status statement for the “ way chic “ parents. The mothers, really. They should be hacked to pieces. I have trans friends who really struggled. Their wiring and bodies are mismatched. But they represent a scintilla of the population and were adults who made their decisions after years of postulating. They’re happy, well adjusted and not proud. Just happy. And they are sickened by this violation. They’re being used as pawns. Not what they wanted. They just want to be.
Right, well you make the same mistake everyone else does -- you assume "intelligence" means having the same opinion as you, I guess, because you must believe you are at least somewhat intelligent. Enough to have the different opinion that makes you as such.
The reality is that this has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with honesty. It's easier to talk about yourself in terms of intelligence rather than honesty, because most people are at least a little, if not fairly, dishonest.
So we keep uttering a self-hypnotic lie that this is about intelligence or strategy or something like that, but that's actually not true at all. At this point, it's all about which lie or set of lies has the most clout amongst the in-group, in order to validate whatever image makes you feel the best about yourself. That is what you are voting for.
No, I don’t judge a person’s intelligence by opinion. We human. We’re allowed to have opinions. We can agree to disagree. But there’s a difference between basing one’s opinion on convoluted information. When somebody says they hate Trump because he’s a Russian agent, rapist, antisemite, homophobe and called White Supremacists “ good people”, they’ve formed their opinion on untruths. If they can’t stand his personality and the policies he’s put forth, that’s their prerogative. It doesn’t make them ignorant.
The media really has become the enemy of the people. When we’re being fed propaganda and lies as a constant mantra, it is psychological abuse. So many are conditioned to believe everything they see and hear that they’ve ceded their God- given curiosity. It’s by design and it works. It creates a collective pack mentality and nothing good comes of it. Throughout history this has been used. It led to the Third Reich, Soviet Union, pol Pot, Political Islam , Idi Amin, Rwanda and prior to these horrors, the Inquisition and Witch Trials. Cult leaders use the same technique. But nothing compares to global media and the internet.. where before the reach was limited, it is now ubiquitous.
But upon reflection, me thinks, wait em out. Those worth knowing will get there. Not saying they will become Maga-Heads, but they might wake up to the dem party’s devolvement.
The Dem Party is no longer liberal nor Democratic. It is unrecognizable. They become so hateful, rigid and authoritarian that they’d shut down Woodstock.
They’ve ruined everything that once brought people together. Comedy, music, art, movies, sports,weddings, holiday gatherings, food… even game shows. Jeopardy is now a fucking DEI contest.
The reason anti-trans arguments don’t sway us pro-choice advocates is because gender-affirming medicine is completely irrelevant to reproductive rights. Also, the logic behind banning gender-affirming care is exactly the same as the logic behind banning abortion: the state can decide what kind of care a doctor can provide a patient. There’s also the fact that the most anti-trans people are also viciously antifeminist. Biological essentialism — the idea that everything about one’s behavior is determined by having an XX or XY chromosome — justifies keeping women out of the professions and demanding we be locked in the kitchen and in the nursery as nothing but breeders. After all, women are doomed by biology to be weak and dimwitted placental mammals whose brains are a waste of space. Men were born to be important and women to be cattle. (TERF’s are just Phyllis Schlaflys who haven’t quite mastered her exceptional hypocrisy yet. Mary Harrington is already there, though, and arguing that women should leave men alone in the halls of power while she makes a fortune speaking to the men in the halls of power.)
Right wingers hate women. It’s fundamental to their worldview that there must be a biologically-determined class of people who are just born to do nothing but shit work, and that class is women. Racism is secondary to this, and they will ally with men of color just so that those men have their own punching bags available. You, and Matt Taibbi, and Donald Trump just want to preserve your right to your punching bags. if you’re a woman, you are really exceptionally stupid to believe these men.
This is an uncannily accurate facsimile of generic early-70s radical feminist cant. It was a hugely popular way of talking/posturing back then. But by the 1980s even stand-up comedians (I know: "that's not funny!") were no longer doing parodies of it.
Software exists that uses recursive grammars to produce automated random text nearly indistinguishable from the above, at least in style. Try the "Postmodernism Generator" at https://www.elsewhere.org/journal/pomo/ for some harmless fun along these lines.
Does anyone know of a site that hosts something similar for generating blocks of arbitrary feminist-theoretical discourse salad?
You do know that pushing people to go to drugs and surgery when they are going through some struggle during puberty completely destroys their choice to be or not be parents at some point in the future. How does that square with your pro-choice stance?
The rest of your rant is just sad to equate being pro-life the equivalent to woman confined to some 30's vision of women.
That’s a medical issue that sbould be addressesd by a malpracticd suit if the doctor didn’t follow thr standard of care. It shouldn’t be a crime. Also, why do you think women are only good for breeding? Do we have any reason to exist beyond being 3D printers for new males?
Poor Matt. Write up an article denouncing the latest stupid hoax, and by the time it's ready for publication there have already been two more stupid hoaxes.
It’s too bad that few people are being enlightened about what the comedian was actually referencing: the garbage problem affecting the people of Puerto Rico. Much like Staten Island, back in the day, was always associated with garbage, as the destination for the bulk of NYC trash, leading to the curious pink-purple-orange haze that hung over it at twilight, (maybe still does, been a NYC refugee for a decade now so…), as well as the elevated respiratory and health risks the Islanders swore was associated with it, PR has a similar problem that outsiders are oblivious to and could stand to gain some empathy for the garbage afflicted. It’s also why this attack fails to land because actual Puerto Ricans get the joke.
I knew about the landfill problem, because it was featured around the time they were slammed with the two hurricanes. But Tony had to realize that wouldn't be widespread knowledge. Joe Rogan mentioned Tony is into the environment and a bit obsessed with the garbage patch. Joe had heard him tell it before.
But whoever thought a week before the election it would be useful to have a comedian famous for his roasts and insult style be given free reign to insult key voting demographics has a most interesting strategy.
I didn’t think The Impaired were allowed to vote. Then again, we have a special needs DEI hire running for president with most of the media covering for her.
I find it troubling that the plight of the Puerto Ricans is lost in all of this uproar. I wasn't aware of the fact that all the PR landfills are full until I did a search. They are facing a rather desperate situation. You would think that one reporter or talking head would want to bring that to light rather than just clutching their pearls. But it seems politics and journalism are stuck on stupid!
I just took a look at my FB page. It was startling how many people I consider intelligent don't see that they have been kool=aided by the Harris campaign. Pro Choice people who don't see the Harris/Biden dismal record of eliminating safe spaces and sports for women. The Biden/Harris admin support for throwing Ukrainians into a war they can't win. Their deliberate open borders and encouragement of migrants with obscene government benefits while Americns scratch to keep a roof over the head and food on the table. I keep hearing friends say things like, "I don't know how anyone could vote for Trump." Oh, really. reminds me of a Jane austen novel where she skewers the insulated snobs around her. Thank you, Matt and Walt, for giving those of us who have tried to keep our eyes open, a safe space.
I am continually astonished that many of my very intelligent friends are completely bamboozled and cannot even talk about the possibility that they are totally blinded to reality. This phenomenon is very disturbing.
I would hazard a guess that they think the same of you.
The difference is that we're right, and they're not. I'm only half kidding. To take the most glaring example, anyone who defends men playing against women in sports has been duped, or hypnotized, or brainwashed, or whatever you want to call it. In 10 years they'll realize they were wrong. I hope.
Or they just hate women. Profoundly.
Don’t think so. Most are just weak minded and go the way the current wind blows. Truly disgusting that unsuccessful “men and boys” that can’t hack it against others,take this route no matter their justification .
In ten years, the gender doctors will be broke or in jail. All of them. Lawyers will finally be the team to take these monsters out.
I cherish your optimism and I so hope you’re right.
But how much suffering will occur in the interim?
Probably a lot but I think the tide is turning. The detransitioners are speaking out. The “Bg medicine” gang who endorsed this appalling and brutal “care” have been exposed by the sunlight shining on all government medical agencies——the FDA, CDC, NIH——all exposed during covid. Boston Children’s has a 6 billion dollar endowment and they did surgeries on very young children——lawyers will absolutely go after that. There’s a new firm in Texas formed by attorneys devoted to ending all gender meds and surgeries on anyone under 18. The basic science of it is that once egg and sperm meet, every cell created is either XX or XY. Every single cell in a woman is XX, every cell in a man is XY and nothing in the world can change that.
Either they’ll realize they were wrong in 10 years, or they’ll be dead and the next generation will have grown up taking that batshit business for granted and wouldn’t dream of disagreeing with it.
Democrats will let you have all the abortions you want but limit your right to safe spaces and sports , and to your tights as parents. please square this circle for me. It’s also interesting that only democrats malign anyone who votes Tepublivan as anti-America, garbage, deplorable. Has trump ever maligned dem voters?? Seems to me he has only targeted his political opponents. Says a lot about “character”
They probably get their "news" from mainstream/Establishment sources.
I find my family members who will vote for Harris have every pejorative known to man attached to Trump.
So I tell them, I will vote for a slimeball who supports free speech over a pope who will grow the Censorship Industrial Complex.
Our family no longer celebrates Thanksgiving in one location. The Dems refuse to occupy the same space as the Trump supporters. The Trump supporters will share the same space with them, but they are so feral and and consumed by irrational hatred as to be toxic. Literally. Radioactive. And they haven’t a clue what they’re talking about. They just parrot the lies. Won’t even look at articles proving it’s long been proven untrue.
I've seen a few surveys (e.g., [1] below) showing that Democrats are much less likely to seek a relationship with a Republican than vice versa.
Likewise, the recent FIRE student survey on free speech [2] shows that liberals are significantly more likely than conservatives to approve shouting down campus speakers, blocking other students from attending a campus speech, and using violence to stop a campus speech.
[1] https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/04/24/most-democrats-who-are-looking-for-a-relationship-would-not-consider-dating-a-trump-voter/
[2] https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/college.pulse/viz/2025CollegeFreeSpeechRankingsData/2025CollegeFreeSpeechRankingsData
I would hope that universities boards finally grow a spine and expell students that use violence and intimidation to shut down other student or speakers voicing an opinion.
With no consequences they will continue and escalate.
So sorry to hear that. It is a shame that so many spend so much time disrespecting or disparaging others. American culture has lost its way in terms of political discourse. Makes me wonder - on either side of the debate -"WHY is it so important for another person to agree with us? WHY can't we just let those who think chocolate chip mint ice cream is the ONLY ice cream worth eating, just let them think that way? WHY MUST we convince her or him that they have it all wrong - it's pistachio ice cream that's the only ice cream worth eating?" 🤔
Perhaps it is because many just can't compose & express a cogent argument for their position. They'd rather disparage the other's position with a quick insult or calling them names. What's even more insane is when one expresses an opinion associated with one side of the debate, one is immediate tagged as being part of that group implying that all attributes & opinions of that group now apply to you. It's a weird form of guilt by association that has become a nasty poison in political debates, regularly rendering them moot.
Nail ➡️ Head
That is a great point! It does help to understand what might give rise to the vehemence of their opinions. Thanks.
I suspect it's because those who insist we must all comply with their views want an external force to make sure we do and believe they have the right to do so.
Safe spaces are only for marginalized groups. Did you not get the email?
I, for one, do not NEED a safe space.
Little girls, just reaching that awkward stage need a safe space in their locker rooms for example
The globalist corporate deep -state Dem media is every Aldous Huxley warned of until the day he died. The psychological warfare of propaganda by a barrage of synchronized, untrue talking points. It’s quite effective.
I do think the overturning of Roe was a disastrous decision. The Dobbs case wasn’t even lawful because “ Dobbs” wasn’t yet in office, nor was he aware of any case. How Mississippi enacting a 15 week parameter became an overturn of what had been in place near 50 years became the sole focus of the GOP is anathema. The world is burning, the midterms were around the corner and they were poised to gain a majority. And lost, but refuse to admit Roe was the reason. What did they achieve? There has been an exponential rise in the number of abortions performed, likely fear and resentment driven. After the Republicans put up a front to stop the forced vaccines-based upon bodily sovereignty, religious freedom, the right to privacy, doctor / patient privilege and using “ Whatever happened to My Body, My Choice”, they did exactly what they railed against. I’m so goddamned sick of the Dem Hate and Death Cult, I have no problem with them aborting themselves to extinction. It would be a self fulfilling prophecy- Depopulation, less fossil fuel use, lower methane and carbon output, less coal produced electricity, and a large reduction of worthless eaters. A win/win.
The appropriate cutoff date for abortion has yet to be determined. Should it be heartbeat? Ability to feel pain? A lot has been learned about these since Roe vs Wade. And these should be part of the discussion now. Abortion on demand at ant point in pregnancy except in health emergencies seems to me to be unethical in light of what we know. Harris, whose campaign rests so heavily on abortion on demand fails to honor women’s right to safe spaces and sports at the same time. How so many women don’t see the hypocrisy is stunning. Btw, immediately following the reversal of Roe there was a 17% increase in vasectomies. A wake-up call for women and men about the fact that while abortion may be a right,It, like all rights, comes with responsibilities, e.,g, free speech , bearing arms. 50% of abortions are the result of unprotected sex, according to Gutmachet Institute. So, a much wider discussion than the purely political needs to happen. Thank you for responding. I really appreciated it.
I forgot to add that Harris voted against a bill that would have required doctors to provide medical care for babies who survived botched abortions. No comment. There are no words.
The circus that has become the abortion issue pains me. As a woman who came of age when RvW was passed and had 3 children, 2 born very prematurely, I am offended and disappointed in how the unborn are now treated as unwanted moles. While I believe the government should NOT be involved in a woman’s most perilous situation if they have to decide whether to have a child, it seems like the far left has turned pregnancies into flushable and forgettable events.
Why practice prenatal healthcare if these are not human beings from the beginning who deserve a healthy development while in the womb?
The lack of acknowledgment of embryological and fetal development is stunning and is always left out of this conversation by the left.
Personally, I’m delighted that men are getting more vasectomies. As I have said before advances in male medical contraception are sorely needed. Contraception must be a shared responsibility to help get women out of potentially dreadful situations.
Thank you for such a thoughtful and sincere reflection
Maybe 18 weeks. Prior to pain sensitivity.It defies anything conscionable to have an elective abortion post 18 weeks “ just because”.
So many women are devastated by a miscarriage. They mourn and suffer the loss. Which is biologically an ingrained reaction. Even women who never imagined themselves to have maternal instincts are transformed. Nature takes over. It’s automatic. Something is very wrong with our society.
A biologist gave a speech approximately 6 years ago at a forum, positing humanity had peaked 15 years prior and we’d begin heading downscale within two years. I think he was right. And one empirical theory that’s long been proven- it takes far longer to climb uphill than it does to go downhill. Seems we’re now snowballing to the nadir.
Just for perspective around the “18 weeks” statement…neonatal medicine has advanced to a point where babies as young as 22 weeks are able to survive outside the womb.
Someone remind me…when is it OK to kill a baby?
And yet Harris voted with Dems against the bill to require doctors to provide medical care for babies who survived botched abortiins. There are no words.
"...A wake-up call for women and men about the fact that while abortion may be a right,It, like all rights, comes with responsibilities, e.,g, free speech , bearing arms."
I've heard of "shotgun weddings," but this is the first I've heard of "shotgun abortions." Imbued with the Constitutional right, indeed the responsibility, to scream during the procedure. Both the 1st and 2nd amendments demand it.
I've just have to say I'm sick and tired of the "my body, my choice" rhetoric. The purveyors of this cute little mantra always, somehow dismiss the fact that an abortion isn't about "your body". It IS about the unborn human that growing inside "your body" and whether or not we should allow it to be murdered because it's an inconvenience. Sure, you can bring up all sorts of reasons why it an undue hardship on the woman carrying the child, but let's be honest, 90%+ pregnancies that are terminated are simply an attempt to correct previous bad choices. The irony, of Democrats railing against the death penalty for criminals while supporting murdering the unborn, is lost on their befuddled minds.
"my body, my choice" was essentially my answer to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
I predicted that the mandate would bring about the fall of Roe, and yet...it did. I know they aren't explicitly tied, but the impact of the primary rhetoric in support of Roe basically died overnight.
You sound like a bitter old ingrown medieval incel.
You seem to be fond of petty, ad hominem remarks.
badnabor's main point is perfectly legitimate: that abortion involves two competing rights - those of the pregnant woman and those of the developing child, and that pro-choice advocates these days tend to entirely ignore the latter. The Supreme Court majority in Roe v. Wade [1] explicitly recognized this point:
"With respect to the State's important and legitimate interest in potential life, the 'compelling' point is at viability. This is so because the fetus then presumably has the capability of meaningful life outside the mother's womb."
In 1992, the justices in Planned Parenthood v. Casey [2] reaffirmed "the principle that the State has legitimate interests from the outset of the pregnancy in protecting the health of the woman and the life of the fetus that may become a child."
[1] https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/505/833/case.pdf
[2] https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/505/833/case.pdf
Ain't you the dude with the substack that threatens doomsday if the whole world don't get to more and better fuckin' and birthin' babies?
Not me
Roe never had federal standing. It was not overturned per se. SCOTUS did not rule if it was OK or not. It was sent back to states choice because it's a states iissue. There are 11 ( ladtvitcwas counted this dumner) states you can kill a full term baby by calling it an abortion. SO if you want to kill a baby just go to that state. It's not shut down. 65% population. Support pro choice through viability. I'm part of that number.
Never! I wonder if the woman had an ultrasound at 16 weeks and saw the baby swimming around, its skeletal system fully formed and moving reflexively… I did and at that moment , became pro-life.
The six weeks deadline is too soon, though. I learned of my pregnancy at nine months during a routine gym visit. I took birth control pills, never skipping a day, often missing a cycle or having just a spot. There were no tells. No morning sickness, hadn’t gained an ounce. Nothing. My husband and I were married 6 months, just starting out, made only enough money to scrape by, we both worked full time. I was 21, he was 24. It was such a shock. But we would make do. My mom and grandmother lived nearby and adored babies. At 16 weeks I was scheduled for and ultrasound and everything was perfect. And then things changed. At 5:00 on Friday, the diagnostic center called. It was the receptionist at the front desk. Without any ni niceties or warning, she blurted out,” Ma’am, your baby has a neural tube defect. WTF was that? “ it ( love the it part) has Spina Bifida” . Before I could even process what she’d told me, she said, “ I’ve scheduled an appointment first thing Monday morning for termination”. I was ready to faint. Said what are you talking about? She was so irritated. The spine is fused. If you don’t miscarry, you’ll have a baby who will be incontinent, in a wheelchair unable to walk, feed itself and yours and your husband’s life will be ruined. You’ll be divorced in a few months. I was sobbing , my knees buckled and I was so devasted. “ I don’t want to have an abortion on Monday. I can’t process this. I need to talk to my husband and mother . “. That was it for her. Tells me that I’m being very selfish. Can’t make this up. I saw the baby the spine looked forged. She said, “ Look, I need to go home. I hung up on her. My mom came over, my husband came home, we were all in tears. I didn’t eat or sleep by Sunday, I decided to take my chances. They would support whatever I decided. I called the on-gyn and she scheduled a second ultrasound at a different facility. This time the actual radiologist performed the ultrasound and said he didn’t see any abnormalities and would review the images in the afternoon. He called and said everything looked good, but I was eighteen, not sixteen weeks along. Which means the pregnancy had been diagnosed at 11, not 9 weeks. The other idiot had read the wrong images. If I’d terminated the pregnancy that morning, I wouldn’t have my beautiful wonderful 35 year old daughter. And more disturbing, I’d have ended the life of a healthy 18 week baby. I’d have to live with that.
However, what about a woman/girl who had the same situation. Didn’t know- which is more common than one would think? What if she had no money, no support, was abused or abandoned and had no options? Six weeks is wrong. It’s very unfair to force that on another. Pregnancy is very costly. If she had a miserable pregnancy as I did with my second, who has the right other than she does to determine her own fate? Sorry, but it isn’t Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott or a politician acting on his own religious ideology. When these bans began to be put in place, Pat Robertson, the devout Evangelical Pastor, blasted these over the top restrictions calling them cruel, overreaching and sadistic. And he was very, very pro-life, but he was compassionate. He also deemed it government overreach.
The woman at the diagnostic center was remarkably cold-hearted and cruel, not to mention that they were medically incompetent.
Thanks, Barbara. I have to admit that I’m confused and don’t understand that Roe never had federal standing. Can you help me with that? I’d love to wallop “pro-choice” (I hate that term - I always want to say, “You already made a choice and now you want a do-over?”) friends with that nugget, but I’d need more detail.
Yes! And Abortion should never be a national issue ever again. Robert Yates, the wise founder no one talks about predicted the divide in 1787 in Brutus I-X of the “Anti-Federalist” papers. In fact he predicted the deep state, forever wars and the national divide on all the issues because we are too big and diverse. We can’t even agree that the 14th Amendment protects the pregnant woman’s as well as the living unborn. But, Americans are too ignorant to bother learning history - and you know what happens then - the dumb ideas will be repeated.
The authorship of the anti-federalist essays written under the pseudonym "Brutus" at the time of the Constitutional Convention has never been "definitively established." Generally attributed to Robert Yates, as you contend here, recent scholarship points instead to Melancton Smith, a close associate of Yates' and a prominent anti-federalist who was also part of the New York delegation to the Constitutional Convention.
It's possible that the two of them collaborated closely in some manner. Either way, authorship has not been definitively established by the historical record.
Say what you wish about the anti-federalists, but apparently they took great pains to conceal their identity and abjured any personal renown for their efforts---unlike the preening glory-hounds Hamilton and Madison.
One last thought. As a presumed and self-identified Yates scholar, help me out here. Yates was a professional surveyor and one of the primary authors of the Northwest Ordinance. In laying out the rectangular grids in the Western Reserve, later to become the various States which comprise today's midwest, aka the "cornbelt," might Yates have in all his founding father prescience, foresight and wisdom, viewed all that potential corn acreage and anticipated the rise of high fructose corn syrup and great streams of Fords and Chevrolets powered by ethanol?
Something to ponder as we approach Election Day.
I know. The Dems had many opportunities to codify it and didn’t. I don’t know whether anybody believed it would be overturned or whether the Dems hoped it would, knowing what the reaction would be. Like anything else, people want something all the more when it’s taken away. Like narcotics. If it’s illegal, people want it all the more. Human nature. Or inhuman, depending on the level of insanity.
I don't know what your first statement is supposed to mean. The Supreme Court ruled that "Roe has standing to sue; the Does and Hallford [other plaintiffs] do not.", so if you're making a legal claim about Roe's standing, you're simply wrong. If you're saying that you don't agree with the court's decision on Roe's standing, that's fine, but it's just your personal opinion.
Your second statement is also incorrect - Roe v. Wade was overruled by the 2022 Dobbs decision [2]. The Supreme Court held that "The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives."
[1] https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep410/usrep410113/usrep410113.pdf
[2] https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf
Roe was 50 year old precedent whether you liked it or not. I thought it was dubious but you don't get to ignore stare decisis based on your ideology. That's why the court is viewed as illegitimate now
The court did not "ignore" stare decisis in the Dobbs decision. They argued in detail why the errors in the Roe decision (as they saw them) warranted overruling Roe despite the stare decisis doctrine, which as they pointed out, "is not an inexorable command". You may disagree with their reasoning, but it's inaccurate to say that they simply ignored stare decisis. They also pointed out that "Some of the Court’s most important constitutional decisions have overruled prior precedents."
Several Supreme Court decisions celebrated by liberals (and others) overruled previous decisions, but those courts are not condemned for "ignoring stare decisis". Here's a sampling:
Brown v. Board of Education (1954): banned racial segregation in public schools; overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896; "separate but equal") in part, Cumming v. Richmond County Board of Education (1899), and Berea College v. Kentucky (1908).
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969): strengthened free speech rights; overturned Schenck v. United States (1919; upheld laws criminalizing speech against the military draft).
Lawrence v. Texas (2003): ruled that U.S. state laws criminalizing sodomy between consenting adults are unconstitutional; overturned Bowers v. Hardwick (1986).
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015): ruled that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples; overturned Baker v. Nelson (1971).
That’s flat out infanticide. Any doctor who would perform such a brutality and any woman who would opt for something so soulless deserves prison.they should have been aborted.
Regarding your claim that "There are 11 ... states you can kill a full term baby": Wikipedia [1], for what it's worth, lists six states plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. as allowing abortions at any stage of pregnancy. The six states are Colorado, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.
For Tim Walz's Minnesota, also see [2].
Walz also signed Minnesota bill SF 2995, which repealed a statute which recognized that: "A potentially viable fetus which is live born following an attempted abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person under the law." and which declared "If an abortion of a potentially viable fetus results in a live birth, the responsible medical personnel shall take all reasonable measures, in keeping with good medical practice, to preserve the life and health of the live born person."
That bill also repealed a statute that said that under Minnesota law, "the words 'person,' 'human being,' 'child,' and 'individual' shall include every infant member of the species Homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development."
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_law_in_the_United_States_by_state
[2] https://www.findlaw.com/state/minnesota-law/minnesota-abortion-laws.html
Wikipedia is a disinformation site. New York passed this and maybe was the first state to do so. They all cheered. Kill a full term baby ,yippee!! Sick fucks.
Some Wikipedia articles have accurate information, and in this case the facts can be confirmed by checking individual states' laws. For New York, abortion is legal "up to and including 24 weeks of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, you can still get an abortion if your health or pregnancy is at risk." [1]
I noticed, though, that New York State's Reproductive Health Act [2], passed in January 2019, repealed New York Public Health Law Section 4164 among other things, which required life-saving measures for babies born live in failed abortion attempts. That bill also repealed the authority of coroners and medical examiners to investigate a death caused by suspected criminal abortion. Needless to say, these things are not even discussed by mainstream media.
[1] https://www.ny.gov/programs/abortion-new-york-state-know-your-rights
[2] https://legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2019/S240
The fund-raising industrial complex is the only thing that will change. This has been a gold-mine for them. Those who choose abortion will get the pill even if their state bans the procedure and those who choose to have the baby will.
Sorry to be so long winded Gail.
My wife experienced a miscarriage . It was decades back. So, though I was never allowed to attended a birth, I was allowed to watch my little son removed from my wife's womb in pieces. I suppose I shouldn't feel sorrow because he wasn't really a human being. Of course women deserve, as acknowledged by every modern Western society, the right to reasonable choice. But reasonable choice and human moral reason has been seized by criminals.
The hard question of abortion in America being used as yet another tool to bludgeon the American psyche while holding progress and the national conversation in thrall is despicable. Like incarceration, abortion is an industry. As will, soon be, the euthanasia center. Birth to death, life, controlled and monitored by the ideological utopians (another industry) who serve the sterile and malignant narcissism of international billionaire criminal financiers. The life of the unborn defined by the numbered account and the need for throw away labor. As Tina Turner asked: "Whats love got to do with it" Consider the possibility that AI, genetics and the butchery of today's youth are experimentation and the beginnings of the master race creation of a new human robotics that will solve the problem of freedom and the unruly citizen. Doubt they would do it? Spend some time with the walking wounded downtown.
The perps represent (and they are criminals) the same amoral mob that killed Christ. The same A-Bomb rattling psychopathy that burned the 20th century to the ground. Let me pre-bunk, and offer as proof my necessity to do so, my following statement: I don't care who sleeps with who.
The politicization of the womb by eugenicists like Margaret Sanger and lesbian Marxist feminism laid the groundwork for today's ascending totalitarianism. The perps made fortunes from Federal, state, corporate grants and donations. They created the template: Form a committee. Create a problem or seize control and discussion of a legitimate social concern. Claim virtuosity. Demand payment. For those who don't go along? Complaint by anonymous victim. Calls for firing and dismissal. Life and career destruction. Trial by press, rumor, innuendo and character assassination. It is the working model for all the worlds ever morphing NGO's. Example: The Harris/Mayorkas driven NGO's swallowing billions in tax payer dollars in today's illegals trade. And where does all that money (American life and labor) go?
Why this rant? Because the grift I've described above is the reason comment sections across SUBSTACK are filled with refugees from the psyop seeking to reduce America to an open air prison. An anti-human LIE that simply talks over the top of the human moral reason our founding fathers struggled to enshrine in our Constitution. It believes in nothing. BE HUMAN!! DEPART THE PSYOP AND LIVE!!
Well done Mike R.👏👏👏
I bet it would be interesting to see how a girl did at a bar picking up guys if she got just a little more specific and wore a shirt saying “My uterus, my choice”…
She’d score big with a t-shirt saying “ My penis, your choice”
Especially at women’s swim meets…
And the department of nuclear waste disposal , Miliary Health Department and topless in the Rose Garden.
I'm thinking it would be even more interesting if both you and I were sitting next to her at the bar, surreptitiously monitoring her efforts and providing commentary.
You: (interjecting at key moments during pick-up time):
"...Precisely because the choice is personal, it would be presumptuous of me to pass some cosmic analytical judgment on the question of childlessness. I can only fall back on my own experience. Indulge me...as I reflect on a life that may bear little resemblance to yours..."
Me: Uh-oh.
Good one!
Sounds like a Trump Truth Social tweet. He may be looking for a few ghostwriters soon. Get your portfolio in order.
Nah. I’ve never posted to Truth Social. Not my thing. Substack is far more interesting and diverse in thought. I’m neither right nor left, I’m Huxleyan.
If you want to watch something startlingly uncanny, Google Aldous Huxley/ Mike Wallace 1958 interview. Promise you won’t be bored.
Way back in the day, “ Brave New World” was required reading in the high school curriculum. Two weeks were devoted to discussing the text, what we came away with, etc. Because I was stoned more often than not, it fit right into whatever one might call my “ state of mind”( or lack thereof). It was quite intriguing, but fantastical. Predating tech and psychotropic meds. Nobody had heard of ADD, ADHD, clinical depression, etc. No smart phones, pcs, if you can imagine.Then I read Anthem, Eyeless in Gaza, After Many A Summer Dies A Swan-all nifty. In the early eighties( 2 years later), I developed a fixation with Jim Morrison and The Doors. Even more so because the band was named for “ The Doors of Perception”. But of course, the books were the product of an eccentric literary genius, but “ futuristic” fiction. Nothing more. It wasn’t until about five years ago that parallels started to crop up, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the interview that I became , uh, spooked.
If you watch, let me know what you think. It freaked my husband out and were nothing alike. He’s very mainstream.
As per Trump, I know him quite well, albeit he wasn’t quite so , uh, unfiltered. I’m an interior designer and Derek Jeter was my client when he purchased The 90th floor penthouse in the then brand new NYC Trump World Tower. A two year project. Trump was a regular and he was really great. Especially when the hellscape of 9/11 hit. You wouldn’t know by his “ showmanship”, but he was always of the anti- intervention, trade rip off, America First mindset.
Two things:
"Trump World Tower has 376 units. Designed by the architect Costas Kondylis, the building is 861 feet (262 m) high and has 72 constructed floors (but lists 90 stories on elevator panels)..."
I'm not going to tell Jeter and I don't think you should either. But I might crudely allude to the subterfuge next time I have lunch with Don.
And: are you aware that Aldous Huxley's official date of death is listed as Nov 22nd, 1963? Now, are we really supposed to swallow that Aldous Huxley died on the same day Kennedy was assassinated? And that he passed from one realm to another in Los Angeles County? Get the fuck outta here with that one.
Huxley went underground and lived for another 10 years...and...he's...also the author of the entire Doors' songbook. The entire ouvre. LA Woman was a paean to Marilyn Monroe. A jealous valentine. He was madly in love with her at the time of her death and, well, Monroe's death pretty much drove him over the edge, or at least to Venice Beach, so he faked his death and became a rock lyricist.
I'm serious. I have family in L.A., well, Pasadena, but close enough.
"Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light?" Huxley would sing to himself at night while laying, drunk and prone, on the beach, pining for Marilyn..."or just another lost angel?" (Sure!) the Doors formed when Morrison and Manzarek bumped into each other on Venice Beach in 1965, but the real formation occurred, just off the beach, at the Gas House, in 1964 where Huxley was tending bar, laying low, and where Morrison and Manzarek hung out, Manzarek nursing a double espresso throughout the evenings while Morrison consumed an unending volley of Huxley's famously stiff Mai Tai's (which Huxley referred to as his "roadhouse blues.")
You can pretty much fill in the blanks from here.
The penthouse qualifies as 3 floors. The ceilings are soaring. There are only two residences. One belongs to Trump, and at the time, the other was Derek’s. Post 9/11, I developed a phobia of getting too near the windows. The entire crib consisted of 18’ floor to soffit panoramic glass, one of the areas had a parallel vista of the World Trade Towers. What was formerly so spectacular became a view of the entry to hell. And the imploding towers were something beyond imaginable. Even from where I stood, I could hear the screams from the crowds running in the street.
But Ilhan Omar shrugs. You know. “ Some people did something”. I cannot believe that beast occupies a congressional seat. I can’t believe what we’ve been experiencing in America. The UN really is the portal to hell. The East River should be renamed Styx and a stone pediment above the UN entrance engrave with “ Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter”. Or perhaps the Capitol.
I’m just another lost angel , but also a wild child, though not full of grace or savior of the human race. Though at the rate we’re going, the human race is dying out on this ship of fools.
I’d have loved to have met Huxley, Jimbo and Manzarek. Ditto Marshall McLuhan.
Morrison was outrageous. Iconoclastic would be an understatement. I watched an interview where Manzarek was telling such funny stories about how impossible Morrison was. They were to perform at Dinner Key Auditorium in Miami ( I live just blocks away) and of course, Jim was late. Manzarek found him smoking a blunt the size of a Cuban cigar in the bathtub. The band was furious and gave him ten minutes to get dressed. He finally appeared wearing an enormous pair of underwear rolled over the top of his leather pants. Manzarek had a really bad feeling about it. And Morrison got onstage, told the audience, I’m gonna show you something you’ve never seen before” . The rest is history. He dropped his pants, was dragged off the stage by the elbows - it took two cops- was arrested for indecent exposure and taken to jail. Manzarek and Kreiger were furious. Ready to fold the whole band .
I would love to know how many of those people who wonder how anyone can vote for Trump actually vote for Trump. It’s like my theory on scoring California Points. Have a trans child? Score a point. Solar panels on the roof? Ding! Drive a Tesla thinking you are saving the planet? You get the idea.
Worse are the parents having their kids hacked up, not because the children have a clue, but as a status statement for the “ way chic “ parents. The mothers, really. They should be hacked to pieces. I have trans friends who really struggled. Their wiring and bodies are mismatched. But they represent a scintilla of the population and were adults who made their decisions after years of postulating. They’re happy, well adjusted and not proud. Just happy. And they are sickened by this violation. They’re being used as pawns. Not what they wanted. They just want to be.
Right, well you make the same mistake everyone else does -- you assume "intelligence" means having the same opinion as you, I guess, because you must believe you are at least somewhat intelligent. Enough to have the different opinion that makes you as such.
The reality is that this has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with honesty. It's easier to talk about yourself in terms of intelligence rather than honesty, because most people are at least a little, if not fairly, dishonest.
So we keep uttering a self-hypnotic lie that this is about intelligence or strategy or something like that, but that's actually not true at all. At this point, it's all about which lie or set of lies has the most clout amongst the in-group, in order to validate whatever image makes you feel the best about yourself. That is what you are voting for.
No, I don’t judge a person’s intelligence by opinion. We human. We’re allowed to have opinions. We can agree to disagree. But there’s a difference between basing one’s opinion on convoluted information. When somebody says they hate Trump because he’s a Russian agent, rapist, antisemite, homophobe and called White Supremacists “ good people”, they’ve formed their opinion on untruths. If they can’t stand his personality and the policies he’s put forth, that’s their prerogative. It doesn’t make them ignorant.
The media really has become the enemy of the people. When we’re being fed propaganda and lies as a constant mantra, it is psychological abuse. So many are conditioned to believe everything they see and hear that they’ve ceded their God- given curiosity. It’s by design and it works. It creates a collective pack mentality and nothing good comes of it. Throughout history this has been used. It led to the Third Reich, Soviet Union, pol Pot, Political Islam , Idi Amin, Rwanda and prior to these horrors, the Inquisition and Witch Trials. Cult leaders use the same technique. But nothing compares to global media and the internet.. where before the reach was limited, it is now ubiquitous.
First reaction: Bro/, get some new friends.
But upon reflection, me thinks, wait em out. Those worth knowing will get there. Not saying they will become Maga-Heads, but they might wake up to the dem party’s devolvement.
The Dem Party is no longer liberal nor Democratic. It is unrecognizable. They become so hateful, rigid and authoritarian that they’d shut down Woodstock.
They’ve ruined everything that once brought people together. Comedy, music, art, movies, sports,weddings, holiday gatherings, food… even game shows. Jeopardy is now a fucking DEI contest.
The reason anti-trans arguments don’t sway us pro-choice advocates is because gender-affirming medicine is completely irrelevant to reproductive rights. Also, the logic behind banning gender-affirming care is exactly the same as the logic behind banning abortion: the state can decide what kind of care a doctor can provide a patient. There’s also the fact that the most anti-trans people are also viciously antifeminist. Biological essentialism — the idea that everything about one’s behavior is determined by having an XX or XY chromosome — justifies keeping women out of the professions and demanding we be locked in the kitchen and in the nursery as nothing but breeders. After all, women are doomed by biology to be weak and dimwitted placental mammals whose brains are a waste of space. Men were born to be important and women to be cattle. (TERF’s are just Phyllis Schlaflys who haven’t quite mastered her exceptional hypocrisy yet. Mary Harrington is already there, though, and arguing that women should leave men alone in the halls of power while she makes a fortune speaking to the men in the halls of power.)
Right wingers hate women. It’s fundamental to their worldview that there must be a biologically-determined class of people who are just born to do nothing but shit work, and that class is women. Racism is secondary to this, and they will ally with men of color just so that those men have their own punching bags available. You, and Matt Taibbi, and Donald Trump just want to preserve your right to your punching bags. if you’re a woman, you are really exceptionally stupid to believe these men.
.....someone was absent or if present, didn't love you enough as you were growing up.
This is an uncannily accurate facsimile of generic early-70s radical feminist cant. It was a hugely popular way of talking/posturing back then. But by the 1980s even stand-up comedians (I know: "that's not funny!") were no longer doing parodies of it.
Software exists that uses recursive grammars to produce automated random text nearly indistinguishable from the above, at least in style. Try the "Postmodernism Generator" at https://www.elsewhere.org/journal/pomo/ for some harmless fun along these lines.
Does anyone know of a site that hosts something similar for generating blocks of arbitrary feminist-theoretical discourse salad?
So, you agree with me. You are a conservative and you think women are worthless inferior shit.
That’s what you think of yourself apparently.
You do know that pushing people to go to drugs and surgery when they are going through some struggle during puberty completely destroys their choice to be or not be parents at some point in the future. How does that square with your pro-choice stance?
The rest of your rant is just sad to equate being pro-life the equivalent to woman confined to some 30's vision of women.
That’s a medical issue that sbould be addressesd by a malpracticd suit if the doctor didn’t follow thr standard of care. It shouldn’t be a crime. Also, why do you think women are only good for breeding? Do we have any reason to exist beyond being 3D printers for new males?
Poor Matt. Write up an article denouncing the latest stupid hoax, and by the time it's ready for publication there have already been two more stupid hoaxes.
It’s too bad that few people are being enlightened about what the comedian was actually referencing: the garbage problem affecting the people of Puerto Rico. Much like Staten Island, back in the day, was always associated with garbage, as the destination for the bulk of NYC trash, leading to the curious pink-purple-orange haze that hung over it at twilight, (maybe still does, been a NYC refugee for a decade now so…), as well as the elevated respiratory and health risks the Islanders swore was associated with it, PR has a similar problem that outsiders are oblivious to and could stand to gain some empathy for the garbage afflicted. It’s also why this attack fails to land because actual Puerto Ricans get the joke.
I knew about the landfill problem, because it was featured around the time they were slammed with the two hurricanes. But Tony had to realize that wouldn't be widespread knowledge. Joe Rogan mentioned Tony is into the environment and a bit obsessed with the garbage patch. Joe had heard him tell it before.
But whoever thought a week before the election it would be useful to have a comedian famous for his roasts and insult style be given free reign to insult key voting demographics has a most interesting strategy.
It’s one thing for a simple ass comedian to say such things.
And then there is our pathetically diminished President of the United States…..
Does anyone know if he’s still going to work or is he only alert when Jill or Netanyahu tell him to come to attention?
Watch him vote for Kamala.... LOL
I didn’t think The Impaired were allowed to vote. Then again, we have a special needs DEI hire running for president with most of the media covering for her.
I find it troubling that the plight of the Puerto Ricans is lost in all of this uproar. I wasn't aware of the fact that all the PR landfills are full until I did a search. They are facing a rather desperate situation. You would think that one reporter or talking head would want to bring that to light rather than just clutching their pearls. But it seems politics and journalism are stuck on stupid!
Oh dang it was a literal garbage joke not a population joke! Thanks