News recap is a great idea. I recently had to explain what was happening to a Russian on Ukraine mess newsfeed on Telegram after a hardcore MAGA cultist swooped in spouting every nutty element of their standard script. Communication matters.
While I do understand the economics involved in making most of your articles subscribers only, I wish that they had an expiration date. You are writing things that people need to read, and it’s a shame it’s locked away forever.
There are only three Substacks to which I will always renew my subscription. Yours is one of them. Not only do you provide some of the best content out there, but I find your analyses to be as objective and cogent as one could possibly be--with sprinkles on top because you make it fun all along the way. I've been reading you since about 2008 and as long as my brain is still functioning, I don't intend to stop. Thanks Matt!
Is there any way an independent news site like yours will be able to host a debate for the 2024 race? The sickening cattle call of insipid falsity run by the usual suspects just cannot be stomached any more
I have no meaningful feedback to offer here, other than to say that your description this week of Robert Mueller as a hospice escapee made me laugh so hard I had to stop on my mail route and collect myself. Keep up the excellent work.
Wait. Why should we care about watching the Endless Prosecution of Trump? Why give the Dems the attention they crave on this? I mean, I can think of a lot of other things I’d rather see them doing; they’re not serving our interests here.
Keep up the great work!
A weekly wrap-up column at TK News sounds great. I love this kind of stuff, and this is the right place for a good one.
News recap is a great idea. I recently had to explain what was happening to a Russian on Ukraine mess newsfeed on Telegram after a hardcore MAGA cultist swooped in spouting every nutty element of their standard script. Communication matters.
thank you Matt!
While I do understand the economics involved in making most of your articles subscribers only, I wish that they had an expiration date. You are writing things that people need to read, and it’s a shame it’s locked away forever.
There are only three Substacks to which I will always renew my subscription. Yours is one of them. Not only do you provide some of the best content out there, but I find your analyses to be as objective and cogent as one could possibly be--with sprinkles on top because you make it fun all along the way. I've been reading you since about 2008 and as long as my brain is still functioning, I don't intend to stop. Thanks Matt!
What are the other two?
Greenwald and Weiss. There are many other good ones out there that I read, but these three are my personal favorites.
Matt, thank you profusely; you’re the BEST!
Still preferring your work/communications (all brilliant) in your voice/videos, while grateful for ALL your writings, of course, too!
Please take best of care of yourself & your wonderful family! Be well; keep safe❣️
Is there any way an independent news site like yours will be able to host a debate for the 2024 race? The sickening cattle call of insipid falsity run by the usual suspects just cannot be stomached any more
Help us please!
I have no meaningful feedback to offer here, other than to say that your description this week of Robert Mueller as a hospice escapee made me laugh so hard I had to stop on my mail route and collect myself. Keep up the excellent work.
Wait. Why should we care about watching the Endless Prosecution of Trump? Why give the Dems the attention they crave on this? I mean, I can think of a lot of other things I’d rather see them doing; they’re not serving our interests here.
Thanks for all you do. It’s not easy to improve an already excellent product, but these sound great. 🙌🏻
Sounds like fun, boffo is a good word, ha ha ha. #MorningJoe is about losing their cookies every morning.
Another nothing burger from the committee ...
Hope you had a great time live blogging. I'll never go back on Twitter.
I spent the morning Live Trolling the DeepState® Fuckshop™ with some successful results.