Sounds like gaslighting. Georgetown hired Fauci as well, what a cesspool. Can you ask the new CEO of NPR how much she coordinates with her “stakeholders” at WEF, CFR, and State Department?
Jesuits are all kinda weird and maybe even loosey-goosey, but I think they're still Xians.
Besides, the crosses were all put up due to a Clinton-era rise in persecution complex. There is no longstanding tradition of having crosses in all of the Georgetown classrooms. And apparently Bill Clinton is less threatening today.
Vivek Ramaswamy and I are alums of the same Jesuit HS. I don’t know about Georgetown, but St. Xavier HS taught us both that God didn’t give you a brain to be an idiot with.
'Brooks not only said she was not part of the group reported on by NBC (“Nope”), but added, “I am not sure there even is a ‘group,’ as such — just various people and organizations that occasionally coordinate or at least touch base, but often don’t do either.”'
What was the phrase the Clinton's used to avoid transparency into her health care working group? I think the term was "amorphous crowd". You know, just a group that spontaneously gets together without any planning just to shoot the shit. It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.
Kudos Matt for mentioning Mary McCord. As the conservative tree house site repeatedly warns she is a key player (if not THE key player) in this intrigue.
Yes! I’m so glad Matt took this topic and went in depth on n his reporting on it. TIP was the start of a the 2020 election shenanigans and a guide map for everything the Dems have done the last three years in their quest for forever power.
When people repeat this absurd fear mongering tactic of, "Trump will be dictator" please ask then what rights they lost under Trump? I lost no rights, but under Democratic rule I lost my women's rights, that were fought for and won. Safety used to be my right in my public bathrooms, changing rooms, prisons, rape centers, spa, saunas, locker rooms etc. Fairness in spots was achieved with Title 1X where male bodies were taken off the field. Joe Biden put them back on, in the name of equality. What is this equal to? How is male body different from the male body of a male sexed person who "feels" like a woman? I lost freedom of speech. In other counties you can be jailed or killed for standing up for your rights. Now, in America you can lose your livelihood, which is a type of death, all for exercising your first amendment right. And women who dare to speak out can be bullied, threatened or terrorized by an angry mob of lunatics with too much free time on their hands. I fear the Democrats way more than Donald Trump.
Thanks, Matt. We can always count on NBC for surefire truths. I've been in New Orleans since Katrina and recall when their Nightly News anchorman Bryan Williams reported that, just after the storm, he saw bodies floating in the floodwaters that washed into the French Quarter, a location spared from any flooding. He was eventually fired after being outed in another incident of lying in which a U.S. Army officer denied that his claim of being aboard a helicopter during an exercise in Iraq. NBC is Rockerfeller's propaganda outfit and always has been.
Right. We just exchange Slack messages from time to time, you know, chat about grandchildren. Kind of like Bill Clinton on the plane with Loretta Lynch.
I’ve some really nice mountain property in Florida to sell as well a a few beachfront lots left in both North Dakota and Kansas. Sorry, the Nebraska beachfront lots are already sold.
SHAPIRO: Rosa Brooks is a professor of law at Georgetown. She worked in the Defense Department during the Obama administration, and she is co-organizer of the Transition Integrity Project.
That’s the kind of answer you get from someone who believes they have plausible deniability.
...and the moral right to lie.
Exactly!! Mietzsche
LOL the Mafia doesn't exist, either, Rosa.
I think it's safe to acknowledge that she could be telling the truth about herself, that she's not part of any such group.
But especially if she isn't, how could she possibly know that no such group was in operation?
Phisto, evidently your faith in NBC News’ conspiracy theories is greater than mine …
What? Exactly the opposite. They’re obviously all full of shit.
Phisto, your comment about “plausible deniability” implies that you believe the story.
Which I (and Matt, I think) see as just another poorly sourced, grasping at straws attack on Orange Hitler …
Was thinking the same thing.
Sounds like gaslighting. Georgetown hired Fauci as well, what a cesspool. Can you ask the new CEO of NPR how much she coordinates with her “stakeholders” at WEF, CFR, and State Department?
Georgetown also removed crosses from classrooms
Isn't Georgetown Jesuit?
Ok, JINO's as a subset as well
Jesuits are all kinda weird and maybe even loosey-goosey, but I think they're still Xians.
Besides, the crosses were all put up due to a Clinton-era rise in persecution complex. There is no longstanding tradition of having crosses in all of the Georgetown classrooms. And apparently Bill Clinton is less threatening today.
Vivek Ramaswamy and I are alums of the same Jesuit HS. I don’t know about Georgetown, but St. Xavier HS taught us both that God didn’t give you a brain to be an idiot with.
'Brooks not only said she was not part of the group reported on by NBC (“Nope”), but added, “I am not sure there even is a ‘group,’ as such — just various people and organizations that occasionally coordinate or at least touch base, but often don’t do either.”'
And how is that not a "loose group"?
"The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing people that he didn't exist"
-- Keizer Söze.
Keyser Söze does not exist.
Precisely. (and thanks for the umlaut!)
This and Keyser Söze (movie script author standin) simply requoted this line from somebody who did exist.
Precisely.....some attribute this to Frenchaman Charles Baudelaire and it was featured in the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.
Thanks! I knew the phrase existed, but didn't know the origin exactly.
"She's my little loose group, you don't know what they got....."
Oh yeah! The Beach Boys! You gotta flesh that one out and write the whole song. Then turn it over to The Babylon Bee to record and post it! 😂
needs an edit or two - The Bee can have at it - ;)
It's the Clinton sex defense all over again. Define "group."
What was the phrase the Clinton's used to avoid transparency into her health care working group? I think the term was "amorphous crowd". You know, just a group that spontaneously gets together without any planning just to shoot the shit. It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.
Kudos Matt for mentioning Mary McCord. As the conservative tree house site repeatedly warns she is a key player (if not THE key player) in this intrigue.
Stochastic jamboree.
Plan? We don't need no stinkin' plan.
We're from the government, and we're here to save you!
define "loose".
"but often don't do either" means "but sometimes they do one or the other, or both".
That answer sounds more like, "Nope. Well sort of, yes."
Thanks Matt - and I can't wait until you find the trove of emails that blows Ms. Brooks' response to hell!
That was one of your best pieces in my opinion. Been thinking about it since you penned it. Impressive work.
Yes! I’m so glad Matt took this topic and went in depth on n his reporting on it. TIP was the start of a the 2020 election shenanigans and a guide map for everything the Dems have done the last three years in their quest for forever power.
I'm glad you follow up like this. More than anything, I value your standards as a reporter first.
In terms of his professional practices and standards, Matt is the most legit journalist at work in America today.
Taibbi? That you?
Good one, feldspar. Kinda low hanging, but still...
In times of scarcity and austerity, low-hanging...
When people repeat this absurd fear mongering tactic of, "Trump will be dictator" please ask then what rights they lost under Trump? I lost no rights, but under Democratic rule I lost my women's rights, that were fought for and won. Safety used to be my right in my public bathrooms, changing rooms, prisons, rape centers, spa, saunas, locker rooms etc. Fairness in spots was achieved with Title 1X where male bodies were taken off the field. Joe Biden put them back on, in the name of equality. What is this equal to? How is male body different from the male body of a male sexed person who "feels" like a woman? I lost freedom of speech. In other counties you can be jailed or killed for standing up for your rights. Now, in America you can lose your livelihood, which is a type of death, all for exercising your first amendment right. And women who dare to speak out can be bullied, threatened or terrorized by an angry mob of lunatics with too much free time on their hands. I fear the Democrats way more than Donald Trump.
What? Issuing a correction? Sharing someone's quote?
Matt, you're really making today's MSM look bad.
Maybe Matt's more careful about that now for some reason.
Thanks, Matt. We can always count on NBC for surefire truths. I've been in New Orleans since Katrina and recall when their Nightly News anchorman Bryan Williams reported that, just after the storm, he saw bodies floating in the floodwaters that washed into the French Quarter, a location spared from any flooding. He was eventually fired after being outed in another incident of lying in which a U.S. Army officer denied that his claim of being aboard a helicopter during an exercise in Iraq. NBC is Rockerfeller's propaganda outfit and always has been.
I remember a lot of outrage at his embellishments. Imagine if people got that angry about the lies of politicians.
Or even today's legacy media.
What was the AOC-speak for this: it's just some people doing things?
(I think that was Ilhan Omar..?)
same difference, but maybe Kamala can explain, like collective bargaining.
Right you are. Thanks. For an old guy like me, one vacuous young Congress-critter sounds like another.
Your curmudgeon is admirably restrained.
Right. We just exchange Slack messages from time to time, you know, chat about grandchildren. Kind of like Bill Clinton on the plane with Loretta Lynch.
a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires and babies 📯 🎶
" was a slow day..the sun was beating on the soldiers by the side of the road..."
Holy shit. "Staccato signals of constant information" could very well be the name of their "unofficial" handbook...
And, there are definitely lasers in the jungle somewhere.
Staccato- performed with each note sharply detached or separated from the others.
Plausible deniability out the ass.
F'ing A-holes.
I’ve some really nice mountain property in Florida to sell as well a a few beachfront lots left in both North Dakota and Kansas. Sorry, the Nebraska beachfront lots are already sold.
Wait, what? She didn’t found the group? Someone is not being truthful. Was what she said on NPR untrue? I am confused.
I mean this was her exact quote;
SHAPIRO: Rosa Brooks is a professor of law at Georgetown. She worked in the Defense Department during the Obama administration, and she is co-organizer of the Transition Integrity Project.
Thank you for talking with us about your work.
BROOKS: Thank you so much.
Slight clarification. MSM is CIA.
NBC specifically is the place where the CIA leaks for TV. CBS is more MIC, and ABC is the voice of oligarchs and Hollywood. Just my observation.
Yeah I can agree with that. They are all employees of the Empire, with various areas of specialities. Add in Fox, CNN, NPR, ad. Nauseum.