Note to Readers: "The Fix is In"
Underscoring a point made on last week's livestream.
Last week on this site, I published, “Is the Electoral Fix Already In?” and held a livestream on the subject that same night. I wanted to make sure I clarified something mentioned on the livestream.
I asked former Department of Defense official and current Georgetown Law professor Rosa Brooks if she was involved with the “loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers” reported on by NBC News in its January 14th article, “Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House.” Brooks was the co-founder of the Transition Integrity Project profiled in the article, a “loose” group that got a lot of press in the summer of 2020.
One of the only people mentioned by name by NBC as a participant in the new group is Mary McCord, former acting head of the National Security Division at the Justice Department and also a Georgetown academic, serving as director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.
Brooks not only said she was not part of the group reported on by NBC (“Nope”), but added, “I am not sure there even is a ‘group,’ as such — just various people and organizations that occasionally coordinate or at least touch base, but often don’t do either.”
Having mentioned it on the air, I thought I should put that answer in print.
Thanks. Stay tuned for a story on different subject, momentarily.
That’s the kind of answer you get from someone who believes they have plausible deniability.
Sounds like gaslighting. Georgetown hired Fauci as well, what a cesspool. Can you ask the new CEO of NPR how much she coordinates with her “stakeholders” at WEF, CFR, and State Department?