GO FOR IT Matt! At some point in time, those responsible for the Covid-19 scourge MUST be held to account.

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Only the death penalty would suffice.....for mass murder.

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18 U.S.C. Section 1901 - Genocide

18 U.S.C. Section 241 - Civil Rights Offenses Resulting in Death

18 U.S.C. Section 259 - Murder in furtherance of Racketeering Activity

18 U.S.C. 2381 - Treason

All of the above are punishable by death.

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ABSOLUTELY! That idiot who posted "seems extreme." FUUUUCK

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Seems extreme given no intention of killing all those people. BUT then there is the destruction of the economy and the origin cover-up and preventing alternative therapies and forcing vaccines. So maybe ... yeah

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Depopulation is WEF, UN, WHO - agenda.

Google Agenda2030

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OOOOOHHHHH, you are "extreme."

This is a sarcastic response, btw. You are entirely correct.

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What the fuck??? You are fucking mad.

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huh? I'm basically agreeing with you. Are you mad?

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They only destroyed, "Our" economy.

Their's is going great.

Especially since they were able to get rid of those annoying small/independently-owned businesses. That actually served people locally.

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Just please be careful of your health and that of those around you. In the new US government those that criticize or stray from the narrative find themselves in sex scandal's or driving too fast into a telephone pole.

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So very true; or, killed on the street in a 'robbery gone bad', hung from a tree on a remote farm with a shotgun blast to their chest and the 'suicide shotgun' nearby, in the basement of the D.C. Jail in solitary confinement without Due process, or flat out shot in cold blood by an officer who is thereafter promoted. The creativity of these folks is simply endless . . . and absolutely nobody cares. It's business as usual in the D.C. Beltway.

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Hi Tony!

Long time no see!


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Only drive cars which are not connected to the internet.

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Is it me or has the Substack app changed and now the order of articles appears almost random. How do I sort articles by date to see most recent first?

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yeah it’s beyond frustrating

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So it’s not just me! Good to hear as I thought it was operator error...

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Thanks for offering that. I’m having a problem finding my most recent posts as well.

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I submitted a question to support on this. Apparently, it’s a known bug and they’re working on getting it back to expected behavior where it sorts chronologically.

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It’s not just you.

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I think the author gets to choose how they're sorted.

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Held to account as in, proceedings for violating the Nuremberg Code.

Any lawyers willing to educate us on this? We need a podcast that EDUCATES THE PEOPLE ON THE LAW. Law for Laymen

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Thank you for your courageous work, Matt.

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Seconded by a fellow blue state rebel. It is amazing how MSM and MSM-adjacent Substackers have not covered this massive scandal. Racket x Public is putting them to shame by doing real journalism. All they do it bleat about Trump, yet the jabbed and masked sheep follow obediently.

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Because the MSM and adjacents are just mouthpieces - there’s no value in truth, they couldn’t care less how many people died. All they do is parrot the talking points like good little robots.

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On behalf of those of us who were branded "killers" by Joe et al, it will be a joy to read how Fauci marked the deck of cards he and others played on the world. What I've never understood is how "health and the CIA" ever belonged together in the same room or the same sentence.

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bio weapons. We arent talking about good health here.

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You beat me to it. I'm absolutely certain that Fauci is working with the CIA to create mass murder bioweapons. That's what also is happening in Ukraine. That's why they can't allow the Russians near those facilities. Hopefully, the Russians will expose to the world what fuckers the US government truly is.

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Right, We don't believe it's about health in any form but that's the cover Tony et al (many included in the et al) have been using as a cover.

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well to be fair, something he never has been, I thought bio-weapon defense was in his portfolio. No doubt a lot of alarm bells were going off at the CIA in 2020 and they probably brought him in. I can see Fauci getting off doing the "cloak and dagger" shit. What a joke he is. but a very bad joke at that.

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Power. Thats it.

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Q: "What is the difference between "conspiracy theory" and reality?"

A: "About 6 months".

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Conspiracy Theory AKA Spoiler Alert.

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Thank you for your tremendous work.

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Is there anything he didn't lie about?

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When he said he was pretty effective. Of course, he was talking about Pharma's ROI...

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"Safe from prosecution, effective at padding the bottom line."

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He didn't lie in this article, published earlier this year:


It's a bit science-y but not hard to follow. Essentially he says covid vaccines don't work and can't work, a fact due to their molecular biology (and also the same reason we don't have and never will have a vaccine for the common cold). He also says he knew this all along -- possibly because it's common knowledge among microbiologists.

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COVID19 is the common cold

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If you want to understand one of the problems we have in this country, consider that Dr. Anthony Fauci has served under seven different Presidents, four of them who served two consecutive terms.

Fauci was appointed in the final year of Ronald Reagan's first term, served through Reagan's second term, then under George H.W. Bush, two terms of Bill Clinton, two terms of George W. Bush, two terms of Barack Obama, then under Donald Trump, before retiring during Joe Biden's current term.

Once you get people ingrained into these bureaucratic positions, they have them for life. And then we wonder why nothing ever changes, regardless of who is in Congress or the White House.

Note: I'm not saying this is the only problem, but it belongs on the list.

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If you have not already, read the NYT editorial about Trump-proofing the federal government. It's basically a mask-off admission that the deep state exists and we need it to remain in control of people like Fauci. What you refer to as the problem, the NYT (and their base) thinks is the proper way the government should be run.

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But the deep state doesn't exist! It's just a conspiracy theory peddled by disinformation-MAGA-Nazi-Putin-puppets!

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Fauci and Dazsek brought covid 19 to the world and have received no condemnation or punishment. Turned down by DARPA, they funded the Wuhan lab whose lax protocols allowed the pandemic to begin. Dazsek was quoted as saying in the past that they needed a virus in the wild to impress upon the world how badly it needs their efforts. Rescind their medical licenses at least.

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Peter Daszak isn’t an MD. He has a PhD in Zoology - no big surprise

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They were also given money to fund the lab by an interdimensional being locked in a battle to destroy the human race with Joe Pesci, who is actually an avatar of a great warrior deity…

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Attacking Science: Alt-Right MAGA Bloggers Have Formed an Extremist Militia on Substack, and They Are Coming For Your Vaccines. 5 Reasons Why That's a Bad Thing. PLUS: Photos Leak of AOC's Dazzling Congressional Bikini - but Will She Wear it on The Floor of The House?

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Remember, all the Republican males are jonesing for AOC... she wouldn't want to drawn any more attention to herself, would she? All the yowza's and wooka-wooka's from the House chamber would be too distracting.

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Matt. You are a healer.

Think about it.

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Both from today. Even the #MSM can’t get its story straight. #HappyHumpDay

ABC - half of US adults to get Covid shot.


CNN - 1 in 4 adults to get Covid shot.


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I really think that, when more is revealed, Tony Fauci will be recognized as a force for evil.

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That is absolutely ridiculous. He was a man with conviction and he recognized the game the State Dept. was playing - all about desperately trying to slime China, and unable to cope with their ascendancy. He tried to counter it. Shame on you. He’s on your side.

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You’re arguing with the wrong audience. Nobody on this Substack blames China for the lab leak. Everybody blames the US for funding the research. Nobody cares about your racist State Department narrative.

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Not so fast Kemosabe - I blame the CCP AND the US. China slow walked COVID with their bullshit denials that continue to this day. So take me off your list of those don't hold China culpable. Now go get in your car and make sure you put on your mask !

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1. If you re-arrange the letters of George Cornell it is either Lord Voldemort or Xi Jinping, or both.

2. " . . . desperately trying to slime China, and unable to cope with their ascendancy . . ." OMG. We have to be being played, no?

Finally, the Kemosabe reference. That be old school. Based on a TV show from 60 years ago? What this governing party will never get is that the Lone Ranger's sidekick was respected and admired. They can't have that.

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Jay Silverheels was an underrated artist

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I believe that.

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There was no lab leak. T least that’s what the sequencing indicates and it’s hard science. Why do you want it to be true?

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Wrong - it is the sequencing that shows it had to have been created artificially. It contains a sequence that the lab was deliberately trying to embed.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Link please and what is “it”?

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Correction. He is a man hiding misdeeds, lying and cashing in. I find him repulsive

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Nope. What you’re seeing and have seen is what happens when something novel, defying prior experience comes along. It happens every time. And in the emotionally charged highly pressured and politicized world we live in, the scientific data often takes a back seat while grandstanding politicians seek exposure.

He’s sound morally and scientifically. And I’ve seen him in both milieus.

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Oh please....it wasn’t THAT novel. He was a scientist in charge of managing a health care crisis. No cover for Fauci. He was at the helm for a very long time. He should have been prepared for anything especially knowing what was going on with gain of function research in China. We all saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears his dismissive stance on some very intelligent research Doctors in this country who proposed reasonable policy for virus treatment that could have saved lives. They were stepping up and offering solutions based on their years of medical experience. These Drs voices were cancelled and some were fired from hospitals and medical boards. We were left with direction from one man. Everyday we watched him and he lied about social distancing, isolation and vaccines. You say you’ve seen him and you think you are a good character witness because of that. If you can live with that good for you, but for all of us out here, we are still picking up the pieces from his disaster. He owns every bit of it.

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Hindsight is 20/20. The gain of function work has not been linked to covid19. He didn’t lie. He was analogizing with flu. It was not like flu in terms of infectivity. That’s it. That was novel enough to derail the needed preventive measures.

But America’s awful Covid outcomes, with by far the most deaths and cases, and theoretically engendering the most mutations, is important to be remembered. And the lessons should not be forgotten. But they will be.

When China presented the Covid story to the world at the WHO meeting of Jan 5 2020, EU countries like Germany and Denmark raced home and instituted common sense measures of masking, handwashing and contact tracing, America unwisely did nothing. There was and is a large price to pay.

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MULTIPLE studies both here and in Europe have shown that masks do not work, they are actually damaging to small children who are immune anyway. Fauci and Biden lied when they claimed that the vaccine would prevent spread of the virus, 6 foot distancing is useless and was a number pulled out of thin air, contact tracing helps in some cases but is extremely labor intensive, Sweden and other countries who did not lock down were no worse off re Covid and they did not suffer the massive and so far irreversible economic damages. Fauci has made millions from his stock in Big Pharma and he utterly betrayed America by attending more to his own investments and his growing fame and by lying to cover it all up.

He knew from the start that a country-wide lockdown was inappropriate , damaging, ineffective and was NEVER part of the pre-pandemic plans formulated by the CDC/NIH/etc. long before Covid arrived. And he will retire with pantloads of our money.

Because of the way Fauci and other bigwigs in health care handled things, we Americans have lost faith in "experts" and will NEVER again believe tham should another pandemic come along.

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Oh wow, you’re serious.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Yup and you base your snark on what, your self-anointed thoughtfulness?

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How much is your grant funding?

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What’s the password to your wife’s computer?

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So 🎯

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It happens every time? Could you provide another example or two? The actual scientific data - not "The Science" that Fauci claimed he embodied - was suppressed by Fauci and his colleagues. So was every attempt to supply a more credible narrative - see what they did to the Great Barrington Declaration.

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At first I thought you were being sarcastic, but some of your other comments make me question that (as utterly absurd that would be…) No sentient being could ever seriously argue that Fauci is a man of conviction on anyone’s side but his own…

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Only someone who relies on a grant from NIH .

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He’s been on a few hot seats and I think the HIV experience taught him to cya. Sure.

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Open your eyes

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Conviction - the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law.

Yeah, he going to get a conviction alright.

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So Fauci was trying to protect China’s reputation by pushing a theory that Covid was caused by a wet market spillover? You know, because Chinese like to eat live bats and other wild animals.

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Nobody knew at the time. And it’s still uncertain but zoonotic spread which is the usual route btw, seems very likely.

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Zoonotic spread is "the usual" - the usual what? If it were a flu that came via birds or swine, yes. But this was a virus that infected an entire city that housed the very Institute where the virus was being studied, funded thanks to Fauci and his increasingly-wealthy buddies at the NIH. The "very likely" scenario is human error, and yes that DOES happen almost routinely.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

It had to start somewhere. So what happened in Kansas City where the 1918 flu pandemic started? The usual is that eventually mutations accumulate in the wild to enable jump from animal to animal and to man.

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That may be the usual for most pandemics but this one was being heavily tested in the lab in the very city where it broke out, and there is simply no credible evidence for the existence of a carrier species that started it.

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Only if you are a CCP official

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More conspiracy theories coming true

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Rather than engage in the usual sardonic, pseudo-black pill "I told ya so" that is getting to be a schtick in comments, I'm choosing to look at all of this in a positive light. I'm happy to see Matt and others shining some light - so that we can welcome the slow learners with open arms! Here-here!

There is a TON of open-source evidence done by a variety of sleuths, attorneys, and organizations to continue to shine light on what our government officials are doing. David Martin, for example, or Meryl Nass at & w/ Bobby Kennedy's CHD folks, etc. It's not that hard to connect the dots if you know where to look. Igor Chudov, eugyppius, TES, ICENI, Ed Dowd, Malone - many people in a lot of different fields know what Covid-19 really was. It will eventually all come out.

As a couple of examples, the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) algorithm is an NIH database where gene sequences can be compared. It's how you can vindicate IP and patent rights in the vaccine and virus community - the people and companies who/which actually splice genes for a living. A group of researchers ran the Covid-19 gene sequence through BLAST and it came up with a 19-character reverse transcription of a gene sequence in a 2015(? or 16) gene vaccine patent from Moderna. BLAST calculates likelihood that this was just a random chance event as 1 in 3 trillion or close to it. You have better odds of picking the winning powerball numbers... 2 or three times more likely in fact.

197 days after Steve Hahn, FDA Commissioner, approved Moderna's mRNA product he was on the board of directors for the company that owns Moderna. TOTALLY LEGIT NOTHING TO SEE HERE.

I was once a prosecutor. I would take any of the cases on to prosecute any of these guys in a heartbeat. Between FOIA and publicly available info, campaign donation sites, etc., you have a very robust money trail. Hell Pfizer and Moderna and NIH have all been in litigation w/ each other over who owns the rights to the mRNA clot shots!

The people who approve these products also profit from them - and make them. The FDA isn't a regulatory agency - it's a vaccine company with regulatory powers. It has a multi-billion dollar IP portfolio, including in vaccines. TOTALLY LEGIT. Bayh-Dole is a travesty.

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Wow...just when you think it cannot get any “fishier”.... I wonder if Fauci is worried.....

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I used to think this was all BS.

If they knew it was a leak sooner they could’ve been confident to send children back to school, because no pandemic in human history (that I am aware of except for COVID-19 in 2020) primarily affected only older and sick people. Historically, pandemics effected infants and children and old people disproportionately.

A fund needs to be set up to provide no interest loans for all young adults whose education were interrupted. And the no interest loans will be used to pay for college, additional schooling, etc.

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Yep. The entire time, covid age of death has mirrored 'normal' age of death with one exception -- very young children die of a lot of things, but not covid.

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A fund for people that died because of what Anthony Fauci did to world wide populations. This situation is so ugly it will be the ugliest US lead criminal act in world wide history next to Hitlers concentration camps.

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