Thank you for the excellent content. Looking forward to your growth that benefits us all.

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As a severely hearing impaired subscriber, please consider accessibility for the deaf and hearing impaired in any improvements you do. The deaf and hearing impaired need to have access to information like everyone else, but much of the media falls short of inclusion. Often some one recommends something to me, and I find I am unable to get the benefit. It will be a joy to me if as your plans are realized that they are something I can use too.

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Much appreciation for all you do. Useful Idiots is so much fun! My favorite podcast.

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Eagerly anticipating the growth ahead. Can anyone imagine NYT or WashPO asking readers if they'd like to help .... and say it seriously?

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No. Thanks for putting yourself out there for us.

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As a retired detective who handled political corruption cases (for the defense) in the US, and as jazz musician living in Ecuador, I could give you some context on US criminal justice matters as well as the political situation in Ecuador if these subjects come within your field of interest in the future.

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Contact me.

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Do you have a private email address? What method of communication do you suggest?

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Look up my substack and you can get me through there. The Prowe Report.

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Forgive me but I don't know what a "substack" is. All I see is a way for me to obtain a paid subscription to your report.

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Choose the free one.

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So refreshing to have an independent thinker.

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I just joined as a founding member because I have benefitted from your reporting for many years. I am very excited about your future reporting unshackled by co-opted editors. One topic I hope you will investigate is whether the bond vigilantes (foreign governments who hold $7.1T in U.S. debt) are preventing the federal government from approving new stimulus (which is diluting the US dollar due to diminished US productivity). China announced in mid-July if the Federal Reserve continues to dilute the US dollar they would sell US debt now. Congress let PUA expire in July and PPP expire in August, with all payroll subsidies expiring the end of October. If our creditors start selling US debt it would drive down the purchase price of the debt and force up the blended interest rate on the debt. A one point increase on our $27T in federal debt would consume the federal budget and force a monetary default. If my suspicion is true, the Fed chair and Treasury Secretary may be negotiating a sovereign work out with our creditors that will allow the Fed to print more money to subsidize the economy without the risk of our creditors selling our debt. The implications of a US government sovereign work out is profound. America's first in line uncapped claim on global resources would likely be materially affected. 2020 is the year of COVID-19. 2021 will be the year of Economics 4.0 (barter, mercantilism, capitalism, ???).

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Took my monthly Bernie donation and split it between you, Greenwald and Sirota. I tried to include Aaron Mate. Still hoping to add him. I'd like to add two lefty independent podcasters, but this get's expensive even at $5/mo. My hope is you all find a way to work together so the funding can further. Anyway, proud to be a supporter of all of you.

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Last night was either a debacle and/or a drinking/ribaldry event. I had watched the debate from 9:30 or so till just before 11, then lo and behold katie halper and matt taibbi appeared on my pc requiring technical expertise to comment with sound, shit show and you're drinking beer and katie with her white wine. I got that bong treatment; sly like a Siamese, I am bemused. Red on the face like you had a spliff. When you laugh ( raucously ), it was joyful for me. From the beginning of both shows I consumed a mug of merlot purchased at walmart. I'm born and raised in nyc; gypsy rose, swiss up, thunderbird ( what's the word ) were haute brought to you by the local vintner ( swill shop ). A pint was 67 cents. 2 people would get down on a pint. This am I listened to the stones, david bowie, chuck berry, johnny cash, the boss from new jersey and I got righted into a new day. I will follow you on media for I can't afford the publishers $$$. Maybe if I wait a 2-3. few more years...Waiting for the next stimulus check. Got an e-bike in my sights. Ciao.

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Please don't hire some social-media FAANG hierophant out of a gamer house, unless he/she dresses appropriately, like that suit-jacket/necktie chap from "The Matrix" films

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So, Taibbi, did you ever find someone to help you? In "technical" issues? How about an editor?

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Matt, I know how to edit video. How can I help?

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It is exciting to be able to support the last remaining real journalists left...you and Glenn Greenwald!! Truth doesn't have a political party!!

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I’m sure you’ve already found someone, but if not I’d be very interested, and honored as a fan, in working with you on your web development goals. Either way, thanks for the work you do!

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I did not know you could customize substack landing pages. I guess adding different media and content types to the prefab template is the deal. Good luck, I appreciate your crap-cutting articles and look forward to a richer experience here!

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