OK- this triggered me. I saw an article on cost overruns in the new Acela Train Sets in Trains Magazine Dec 2023 Pg 7. I am being very specific because the article references an October OIG report (paragraph 3) where the amount of cost overruns are REDACTED "due to their sensitive nature!" Why is this being concealed and by an inspector general no less? It brings to mind over classification, the use of redactions to hide incompetence, and of course anonymous sources. I have been complaining about them all for quite a while because I think they are all manipulative most of the time and designed to conceal corruption, incompetence, the lack of veracity or integrity of a source, just plain laziness, or a manufactured story (like the circular Russia-Gate and other stories where the source makes up the story is involved in such and then comments on it or acts as a confirmer. Similarly the alleged need to protect sources and methods usually is in reality being used to protect weak or corrupt sources and corrupt or otherwise questionable methods.

I think it is worth creating a file for every time something like this happens- redactions to conceal the truth, unnamed sources who turn out to be not objections, stories that turn out to be manufactured or gross mischaracterizations, and other things like that. Answering and attacking these types of things are also critical to free speech- it is very important to note that it is not just speech that people do not like that is being suppressed but most importantly the truth or at least the search for the truth.

Finally, over classification needs to be dealt with- very few things actually need to be classified- the chemical makeup of composite wings in a stealth bomber. Nuke codes. Battle plans. Programming code for weapon systems. Sensitive technology. Not which generals and political leader F'ed up the Afghan withdrawal. Not who was entrapping George Papadopoulos. I could go on but...End Rant.

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Amtrak is the greatest train system in the world! :)

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Edit: Psyched your going to be adding Rumble next time. YouTube is part of the Censorship Industrial Complex after all.

Of course I’ll be attending though.

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I hope there will be a transcript.

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big second to this idea, a 5:00pm eastern live event isn't accessible to a lot of folks with work environments or requirements that don't allow it, or family obligations. even a video or audio recording that we can pick up off hours would help. it sucks to be really interested in these discussions and see issues we're passionate about highlighted, and to miss that content because of scheduling. and i know the people who make this content want the widest audience. increase the means of distribution, expand the impact and awareness!

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I just need transcripts because I am deaf.

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PFM= not really news. That attribution should be purged from "news."

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Good point!

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PFM ? Pink Floyd Meddle :) sorry what is that PFM

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People familiar with the matter...

in other words - we're making this up but if we put some vague but important sounding attribution in it, most people will believe it

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My favorite is the claim that "Occam's razor" supports the idea that Russia sabotaged its own pipeline, at enormous cost to itself, in order to incite NATO to enter the war (via an unspecified chain of events), which is something it has no reason to want in the first place.

Occam, somewhere: "Wait, what?"

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I think that was Robbie Suave.... not a very good libertarian really. Or was Saagar, another sketchy dude.

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"Looking under the hood of the world's dopiest attribution"

I'd say it's second to "Experts say" in terms of the world's dopiest attribution.

The Babylon Bee hit peak 2023 with this:

“Experts Warn Swift, Kelce Relationship Might Not Make It If Trump Wins Presidency”

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John Robson does a lot on the “experts say” meme regarding climate nonsense at his site.

If you like your take downs with snark, read his blog posts, you’ll be there a while


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Looking forward to it!

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I’ll be there!

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Hi Matt,

I want to point out that the video Orfalea did on the Nordstream Pipeline implies that Saagar Enjeti of Breaking Points was reporting at the time that "Russia did it", (see time stamp 5:26 and 5:40) when, in fact if you listen to the actual Breaking Points segments in their entirety and don't just take a tiny snippet out of context, he was pointing out that we didn't know who was responsible and we needed to be very careful about attributing the sabotage to Russia without any evidence (see Breaking Points shows from 9/26/22 and 10/3/22). Just wanted to point that out for the record. Thanks for all you do!

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Orf - you are amazing on those videos! Thank you!!!!!

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All I have to say is Trump/Carlson 2024! Spread the word.

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So will we be able to listen to it later after it's finished? Asking for a friend that will still be, like, at work.

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Wouldn’t hold my breath on that. Look at what happened to Tucker just for airing more Jan 6 footage.

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Yes please to Rumble or other youtube alternates.

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From Zerohedge today...

Outrage Ensues After No Charges Likely In Biden Classified Document Scandal


Of course...

Following a 'thorough investigation,' special counsel Robert Hur is unlikely to charge anyone in connection to President Joe Biden's classified document scandal, according to multiple reports citing sources familiar with the matter.

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