Very small correction to the teaser, but in the Federal judiciary at least the title "Justice" is reserved to judges who serve on the Supreme Court. For a Federal district court judge, it's proper to refer to him as Judge Jed Rakoff, not Justice Jed Rakoff.

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There is NO "teaser" correction justified by your silly screed.

Both the title and the very first sentence referred to Jed Rakoff as District Court Judge Jed Rakoff.

Could this inept form of nonsense be the product of the Twitter twits' idea of constructive criticism❔

As Usual,


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“We have mass incarceration for the poor, and it’s totally hands-off for the rich, and that’s pretty hard to stomach.” Justice Jed Rakoff on his new book, and his famous challenge to the system

Read by Jared Moore

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Petty cognitive dissonance prevails, in the absence of meaningful comment.

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Ethan Allen, I agree that it is a minor error ("Justice Jed Rakoff on his new book.."), but that is all Petrean_04 was saying in the comment you responded to, namely that s/he was offering a "Very small correction to the teaser..."

Some writers find such comments helpful, after all, and that certainly seems the spirit of the first comment in this string, to be helpful.

And while I also agree with you that sometimes comments are off the mark, I am betting in this case that Petrean_04 would appreciate a brief apology, for the tone of your comment which perhaps you'll agree got a wee bit personal. We all make mistakes from time to time after all. Aside from that, though, perhaps we can also agree it's time to let "very small" matters rest.

Wishing you a good 2022, free of Twitter irritants and pettiness--

P.S. Cool Avatar!

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@ mirYam ❔✔👍

The avatar is a likeness of an ancestor of mine named Ethan Allen; and beings your intention was likely to bestow a compliment, there is the "very small matter" of the difference between the meaning of "cool" and its vernacular cousin kool.🆗

My mentioning of petty pretentions cloaked in authoritative psycho-babble deserves no repenting, recanting or burning at the proverbial stake.🎯

Pseudo dogmatic proselytizing on/in a Taibbi comment forum is a "wee bit" unkool, especially when it is not invited.☸

"Work is Love made visible."

As Usual,


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