Let's see. The Progressive-Democrat-Media-Academia-Government complex has told us:

Climate change poses an existential threat and we must suspend legal and cultural norms, and give them the power to save us.

The pandemic poses an existential threat and we must suspend legal and cultural norms, and give them the power to save us.

Traditional American values (aka the white patriarchy) pose an existential threat and we must suspend legal and cultural norms, and give them the power to save us.

Capitalism poses an existential threat and we must suspend legal and cultural norms, and give them the power to save us.

Fossil fuels pose an existential threat and we must suspend legal and cultural norms, and give them the power to save us.

Republicans and conservatives pose an existential threat and we must suspend legal and cultural norms, and give them the power to save us.

And of course Trump poses an existential threat and we must suspend legal and cultural norms, and give them the power to save us. (Actually this is the second round of Trump catastrophism.)

Now, what seems to be a common theme, and what can we infer that these people want?

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Apologies for the Blair typo, and it is fixed now in the online version.

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Jan 26·edited Feb 7

"The fix is in. To “protect democracy,” democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet."

Of course, the fix is in. "Muh Democracy Is Saved!" (by imprisoning the opposition and/or banning him from the ballot)

Anyway, the United States is in no wise a "democracy", nor is it a "democratic republic" but an oligarchy featuring lawful de facto political bribery.

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The Left are masters of projection. When caught doing something wrong, immediately they accuse the Right of precisely that same thing. Sometimes they do it before being caught, just in case.

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No wonder the Dems are not upset or scared that they won't win. They already have plans in place to subvert democracy.

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Matt deserves the Congressional Gold Medal for this one!

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Its an amazing technique much like bratty children. Just accuse others of exactly what you are doing.

Do people forget? We had 4 years to see Trump as president , and it didn't happen. The country and the world was far better off. And thats the problem.

The globalists, the WEF , Soros, and the elites are running this criminal Biden show and they own the MSM mouthpiece to deliver the lies.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Funny how what the Dems say really applies to themselves:

Former defense chief Leon Panetta: “Like any good dictator, he’s going to try to use the military to basically perform his will.” - except Biden uses the CIA, FBI, and other alphabet agencies

"“the law is... almost helpless against a president who’s willing to ignore it.” - like Biden ignores enforcing the border, foisting DEI on us, and forgiving student loans.

Of course, the Dems have to destroy democracy to save it!

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Thanks for scaring the shit out of me Matt. How did it come about that what is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, by the people, has evolved into a socialistic/communist government run by oligarchs?

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Truly amazing and enlightening article Matt, thank you for your diligence, honesty and hard work. You’re a journalist who should receive the Pullitzer Prize if it were not such a throughly corrupted award.

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The most dangerous symptom of TDS is the willingness to abandon principles in the name of defeating Trump.

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One of the best things to come out of all this turmoil, is finding voices such as yours that are calm and methodical and, most of all, RATIONAL.

I value your work so much. You provide an accounting of information that is nonbiased and balanced.

I did NOT want Trump to run again, even though I voted for him twice. I knew it would turn into some desperate Kabuki Theater. However, now that all of this is stacked against him....in typical American style, I can't help but root for him. What is being done to him is the most undemocratic of all election shenanigans. It cannot be allowed to succeed. If they succeed, we will never see another honest election...or as close to honest as we have come in the past(pretty sure cheating of some sort happens in all elections).

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Its pretty uncomfortable seeing all these powerful people become unhinged over what was ultimately a milquetoast presidency in terms of policies and accomplishments. Its pretty embarassing seeing the media obediently parrot their conspiracy theories about him to create public fear and anxiety. Using the military to accomplish his goals and crush his political appointments? That's just ridiculous. Ironically, he's out there working his butt off for votes while Biden strategically avoids stairs and microphones. The dude can hardly speak and he is one small stumble away from a palliative care consult.

The very least that the democratic party could have done to win this election is declare that Biden is a garbage candidate and go with someone else. How shallow is their bench that they don't have someone better than Biden? He wasted his entire presidency stuttering about democracy and giving away hundreds of billion dollars to other countries while our domestic economy has steadily but steeply declined. You can't win with a loser twice. Bunch of dumbasses.

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The absolutely frantic reaction to being removed from the levers of power suggests to me they are hiding stuff that will inevitably slither out -- and rapidly --- when they are not able to hold the door shut anymore. Nothing else makes sense, they are so unhinged about not controlling everything in perpetuity.

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The election will be 'fortified' significantly so that Davos Man & friends can triumph:

The Demonic Elite are in grave danger of being thinned out significantly should they lose.

Which means they will do whatever it takes, even if it mortally wounds the American nation.

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Reads like incredibly important information. Thank you Matt.

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