I love the show. Bri is the last hope for liberalism because she tends to be ideologically consistent. She does not bother defending Biden or Fani Willis and doesn’t champion lost causes. Robbie is also ideologically consistent. When they agree on conclusions from different point of view (such as Ukraine); it almost makes you want to cry because it helps you realize we are not that far apart as people. Our leaders thrive on keeping us all yelling at each other and ignoring their own extreme limitations.

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I think what is the most amazing thing is that this was very much known in 2016. We have Obama even on a hot mic telling Russians that they'd be able to do more for them after Hillary won. This just proves to me my choice to leave the left was the right choice. They are so emotionally charged they simply can't have intelligence. Either the spy kind or the education kind.

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Oh c'mon Matt, Trump is an existential threat that existentially threatens the very foundations of our democracy by...ummmm...by doing something nefariously threatening, the exact nature of which I will have to get back to you on...

Instead let's look at Trump's time in office where he...did something bad. I know this because Rachel Maddow talked about his badness constantly. She was very emotional about it, even developing a weird series of facial tics that would only surface when she mentioned Trump's name. So Trump must be in a category of extra special bad mofos to garner such a reaction out of a fine upstanding woman like Rachel Maddow.

Also, maligning the intelligence agencies and their methods just makes you a speed bump on truth's highway my man. The intelligence agencies, much like Spiderman, have developed their own version of "Spidey sense" that helps them discern who our greatest enemies are even though there's nothing remotely resembling evidence to back up those claims.

Any true patriot knows that the CIA doesn't need any stinking proof amigo. Evidence is not a substitute for years of experience & a pure, freedom loving heart now is it buddy?

And let's not forget that Putin is an animal. Short men often revert to a vicious, badger like behavior in their declining years although, normally, you can hold them at bay by putting your palm on their forehead & pushing back. Which is why Putin has nukes. President Biden, a brilliant leader, strategist & economic wizard, understands this simple fact & knows that the normal, hand on forehead, method will not work this time because President Zelensky is also an impishly tiny fellow whose arms lack the length to be a good mini-bully deterrent. This is why we must send billions & billions of dollars to Ukraine. It's also what is really meant when government officials talk about "arming Ukraine."

Overall Mr. Taibbi I think that you're whole "the US government can't be trusted as far as an average citizen can spit the state of Wisconsin" ambience does a grave disservice to freedom, democracy & the lubricating power of total corruption.

Good day sir.

And Huzzah!

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Matt -- did you notice that at around 6:30 in the clip, you are suddenly and inexplicably (?) drowned out for 10 seconds or so by swelling theme music of some sort? WTF?

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I like Robbie, but he needs to be more prepared in his responses. He often appears to know what he wants to say, but fails to articulate it well enough.

Brihana can be an insufferable prig at times, often running long in the mouth, so enamored is she of her own Leftist prowess. She’s a smart woman, but she needs to be smarter in recognizing she has one mouth and two ears.

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Listening now… so weird though that the MUSIC was turned up so loud at one point it was difficult to hear you

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Both of the predicates of RussiaGate are preposterous and insult one's intelligence. As far as I can tell, these are the "accepted" truths that became the "authorized narrative."

1) "Russia" somehow stole or rigged the 2016 presidential election, primarily by the "Russian trolls" placing some powerfully effective ads on Facebook. These ads, in turn, persuaded millions of undecided voters to instantly decide they would vote for Trump over Hillary. And/or ...

2) Somehow Russia's cyber experts actually hacked into the hard drives of the voting machines and literally changed the vote totals.

In this recent article, I try to show how preposterous the "Facebook ad" scenario is ...


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Considering that many bureaucrats at our intelligence agencies are progressive woke marxist ideologues they would cherry-pick information and lie like rags to achieve their ideological objectives.

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Calling Brianha Gray Joy an "excellent host" is a mischaracterization that boggles the mind.

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I always get distracted watching these two, because they seem to be trying so hard to play lip service to all kinds of different constituencies that they're unable to hold and advocate for any position consistently or reach some kind of healthy conclusions. I *constantly* find myself distracted from discussions by weird and inconsistent statements that are sometimes even provably false.

It's really frustrating to be listening to people debate an issue and thinking, "But we have proof that isn't true!" I'm sure they're nice people, but I really dislike shows that focus on popularity over accuracy.

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What's with the bizarre music at 6:20 to 6:30? Is that a misedit, or did you want to sound like a Wagner opera?

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Bri is a vile antsemite

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Excellent? Bri is a commie.

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Why did they start playing loud music over you talking about the sources for the fake Russian meddling story? That seems weird to me.

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I'd love to see someone somewhere at some point tie in the handling of the pandemic to the WMD and Russiagate fiascos. Just another page out of the same playbook.

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I don’t trust The Hill but I can’t remember why? Could it be my bluetooth earbuds?

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