This type of thing only works with a completely captured mainstream media who will not only refuse to report about the censorship industrial complex, they will actually DEFEND it -- perhaps because they know they'll never run afoul of the official narrative, what with being presstitutes and all.

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Things have changed for the 2024 cycle because now Harris/Walz are self censoring and won't even go on Face The Nation with Martha and they can just ignore the Nation. What they won't say tells us more than what they would say. Just saying...

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its not important to win votes when the election is rigged. usg is rigging news, education et.al. why not elections, too. after all the cia has decades of experience rigging elections in other countries. how stupid would we be at this point to not conclude its not being rigged here.

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We got what we deserve. It's the result of decades of neglect. How many election cycles can the same sets of teeth and coiffes of hair repackage the exact same lies so everyone can say, "Yay! They said just what I wanted to hear again!"?

That's why we're here. I'll bet many of our hairdos are just as shocked as we are. I believe there was probably a conversation over drinks between a few of them that went something like this: "They actually expect us to do what we say?!? Are they fucking crazy? How the hell am I supposed to do that? They elected me to SAY the thing, not do it!"

Welcome to the new world order.

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Aug 12Edited

They have to, one tough question and the whole facade crumbles.

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Yep, and it's up to us in the independent media to do it, since the MSM won't. I just wrote about this yesterday!


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as if.

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Monks don't talk. This is the new faith in the unsaid.

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Presstitutes. Hmmm ... very good.👍

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I saw whorespondents recently too, and I loved it.

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That’s been around awhile already…

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We need to improve our language. "Narrative" is superseded by "Reality." Democrats seek to control reality.

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They can control what we see, but they can't control reality. Eventually it's going to bite 'em in the ass.

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If you can't believe your lyin' eyes, what is your reality?

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Yes, but as I like to say -- reality has a nasty way of forcing itself into the conversation. Remember Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal?

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That was 3 years ago already. Democrats have been lobotomized of that disaster. My brother-in-law just last week was saying how the iconic Trump photo from the assassination attempt had been "Photoshopped." I told him no, that's wrong. He said the flag had been inserted into the image digitally. Apparently that lie is so big that Zuckerberg had to contact Trump personally to explain/apologize. A Democrat is a person who will believe what they are told to believe, without regard for the truth. What chance do the rest of us have if there is no alternative to the lie? Narrative is a woefully insufficient term.

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If you really believe that Trump is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler or even Satan himself, you would do anything to keep him out of office.

The relentless campaign to demonize Trump and the MAGA movement has brought us to this. If he manages to regain the White House who knows what the disloyal opposition will do? Their media toadies have already pretty effectively memory-holed an assassination attempt, and a frightening number of DP dupes/True Believers believe it was "staged" to begin with. It's far more plausible to assume the SS and FBI deliberately allowed the sniper to get off his shots, given the history of previous efforts of current and former feds to oust him, from the Russia lies to the "pee tapes," though incompetence and stupidity are the more likely reasons for one murder, one attempted murder, and the maiming of two other audience members.

The whole "election cycle" is surreal and sinister.

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I continue to be shocked that people believe this phenomenon is isolated to Trump. It's not. Look at how Democrats are going at JD Vance. They did it to Desantis. Hell, they did it to Tulsi. EVERY person who represents a threat to their power is worse than Hitler. That's the playbook. That incessant fear-mongering keeps the cultists from entertaining stray thoughts, like when my mother-in-law questioned why Lollapalooza was "safe" to put on in 2020 during the height of covid but you would die if you went to church, or when my father-in-law (yes, all my in-laws are Democrats) asked rhetorically after Walz signed Minnesota's unlimited abortion law, "Why do they have to be so extreme?" If all Republicans, and really, any meaningful opposition is the the Fourth Reich then Democrats don't have to do much work selling their own candidates. The new reality makes such democratic necessities obsolete.

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I see your point, though I had not noticed any similar DP corruption prior to Trump's 2016 campaign and his subsequent election. I've just assumed that his election caused it. Any examples prior to 2016?

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“C’mon man! That was like 3 days ago!”

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There are a few problems with defining a Democrat as such.

First, Trump surely fits that definition, seeing as he's out posting claims on social media that his political opponent has 'used AI' to photoshop big crowds into pictures of her rallies. (which implies she must have also used AI to generate countless 'fake' videos posted to various web platforms like YouTube verifying the existence of said crowds)

Also, considering the near-constant stream of lies that fly out of Trump's mouth or dribble out of his keyboard, and the cult-like acceptance of these lies by his base, against any and all external evidence to the contrary, it would stand to reason that the MAGA base is also composed of Democrats.

That would mean Trump, the Democratic party, and the MAGA base are all Democrats. Which is a sign that the above definition, shall we say, "leaves something to be desired."

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The obvious problem with this characterization is that Trump is largely his own vehicle. Democrats have a massive advantage in terms of scale and capacity to influence people because almost every person in media is liberal. The media strategy has shifted this month; they are ignoring Trump except to pile on to a few stray comments. The AI crowd thing is innocuous, but so are most of Trump's "lies."

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You didn't seem to think lies of this nature were 'innocuous' when your brother-in-law was spouting off about the flag having been photoshopped onto Trump's post-assassination-attempt pic. And I presume your brother-in-law isn't running for the nation's highest office.

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I plan to plagiarize presstitutes shamelessly and often. And, you're absolutely correct. I don't mind a liberal media; it's a partisan one I can't tolerate.

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Note: I didn't originally coin this phrase -- though when trying to track down who actually DID coin it, I came across another one of my favorite terms........whorespondent.

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I think it was Rush Limabuagh

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Presstitutes see themselves as social justice warriors, informers of the unwashed, and social engineers. Sure they take money from corporations interested in preserving the status quo, including the Deep State. But theirs is not to question why. Eliminating Trump will solve all problems and let them walk downtown again because the oppressed won't be doing weird shit any more. The next generation George Floyd's can sell loosies but in a calm way.

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Charlie Gardner was murdered selling loosies. You can think police brutality is a problem, small depts getting military surplus gear is a problem and still believe in Law and Order.

Gardner was less of a criminal than George Floyd and certainly didn’t deserve to be strangled to death on the sidewalk for selling loose cigarettes.

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When can we stop blaming the press, politicians corporations etc and blame Johnny lunch box for most of our woes. The American people are virtually worthless self serving retards. Where’s that reporting? If retard offends you I’m talking about you

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Two job Johnny Lunchbox, on the freeway two hours before dawn, is the glue holding the American Republic together. Despite escalating rents, food prices, inflation, a gutted national economy and the sewer called the DNC, he continues to believe in self and country. Despite living a precarious life built on providing shelter and food for hungry children, not knowing if he will eat today or not, escalating fuel prices and living inside the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history he must also carry the scorn and censure of the effete and disaffected.

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On what grounds do you believe in self or country? You have described a shit hole country. And a sucker. Looking to blame the DNC? The great transfer of wealth was started by republicans and exacerbated under Clinton. It’s a uniparty sport. Because the average American had way more contempt for poor people suckling at the teat than the greedy cocksuckers at the top raping the common good and blaming immigrants. Two jobs? Hungry kids? High fuel prices so you can drive to work and make some other cunt rich? Maybe you need to wave your flag a little harder. Also, be sure to support those troops murdering brown people for the military industrial complex. But hey, victimhood looks good on you. Not like those dirty immigrants or goddamn democrats.

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Good morning to you Chuck.

There is no DNC, GOP or XYZ. No capitalism or communism. No left/right. There is the American Republic, the Constitution and the free citizen. Everything else is psyop. The Republic and the Constitution are informed by the fact of the forces, sacrifices, and the human moral reason, of the free citizens who put them in place and, who continue to defend and support them. The best reflection of the millenniums long struggle for liberty, human dignity and freedom. An inborn natural evolutionary force true to all humanity, not a piece of parchment under glass.

Your confusion, frustration and anger are understandable. Everyone feels it and their lives and circumstances are bearing witness to it. I suspect your anger is at the seeming abdication of the actual citizen responsibility that should have prevented many of the horrors you describe. Misplaced trust has allowed usurpers to capture the American Presidency and foul our Republic. But, everything comes in polar opposites. I suggest that it is WE the peoples duty to hold both realities and to be overcome by neither. To see those trapped in the circumstances both our comments describe as brothers, not enemies. Hate, division and the lie being the psyop's main weapons. We either stand together or perish alone.

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I broadly agree with everything you’ve said. My anger is in the finger pointing and lack of self awareness or the ability to accept blame where it’s appropriate. I don’t want to rub Johnny lunchpales nose in his idiocy for fun. Frankly, it’s the only thing we haven’t tried yet. Asking the rich or the poor to be less horrible hasn’t worked. And when this country has prospered the most is when we have an educated middle class willing to hold those who are draining the collective accountable for their behavior. Suddenly it’s a food fight while rich people giggle. That made me angry 10 years ago. I’m well on my way to apathy.

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I take it you aren't an American. I hope you aren't from the UK, Germany, France, Australia, or New Zealand, since people of these benighted nations will soon be getting on boats to come here.

Whether you are a self-hating American or not . . . fuck you.

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I’ll mark you down as retard.

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Mark me down where? In your nonexistent "Substack"? I can't think of a better enemy.

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Can you make a case for how typical Americans are not brainwashed retards? Or do you just want to be enemies? FYI I’m an American and a veteran and historically brainwashed. I choose to be brainwashed by Matt T currently but am sure that will end as badly as any other news source.

Johnny lunch pail could fix this. But someone has to explain that he was supposed protect it from breaking in the first place

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It also works well because they're all a bunch of pussies!

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Aug 12Edited

The fact that the censors are desperate to cloak their actions is a tell, even they know there is a certain bullshit to what they are doing hence the need for less transparency. But the greatest threat is their utter contempt for voters and citizens as unable to make a rational vote or choice. If your willing to censor and suppress for the greater good you are capable of plenty of other horrors .

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You are committing yourself to any and all other horrors.

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Yep. Everything is exactly what it appears to be. It's not something else. If there is doubt, there is no doubt. The mindf'k is the perps ability to convince the mark not to trust his own senses. The DNC/EU/WEF/ "I've always considered myself a God." Davosphere has clearly departed the political and entered the realm of pathological totalitarianism. The nausea plaguing the American psyche, the queasy vertigo that strikes moral reason numb at the sound of the cackling whoredom, is human intuition telling self-preservation it is in the presence of a disease.

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Well said, and history is too full of examples.

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Election Integrity Partnership =CENSORSHIP

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Let's put the obvious simply: They're ALL TOTALITARIAN ASSHOLES!!! PERIOD. They want to prevent anyone from hearing or reading anything which they don't approve. All the pseudo-sophisticated verbiage in which they wrap and try to hide their FASCIST SHIT are just rivers of verbal diarrhea. These are actually VERY DUMB, VERY, VERY INSECURE ASSHOLES!!!

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I think we're all feeling a little insecure Sir. That's the point of the psyop. "Everything means everything so nothing means anything." The DNC holds no political legitimacy whatsoever. In fact, there is no DNC. No GOP. No capitalism. No communism. There is the American Republic, the Constitution and the free citizen. Everything else is psyop. Depart the psyop and live.

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One of my friends told me excitedly how she was joining the EIP. When she described it, I was immediately suspicious. "Aren't the states supposed to control elections?" "Oh, no", she chirped, "this is about protecting the right to vote, by increasing accessibility and participation and by encouraging more early voting initiatives." LOL, right.

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Big government creating bigger government to “protect” the people from wrong think- what could go wrong?

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United Police States of America..If you think we aren't already, start counting up just how many police agencies we now have. Starting with your local/state/county/feds..

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Coordination was on full display over yesterday's Musk/Trump interview on X.

1. The EU sends a threat to Musk over simply having a conversation with an ex-President and current presidential candidate for the US. This means that free speech is non-existent in the EU. The EU demands that all public airways and Internet content be subject to their stamp of approval. So, gay porn is okay but Trump interviews are verbotten.

2. The top UK cop threatens to arrest Americans over "inciting" speech, as the UK government defines it. Again, free speech is non-existent in the UK now. And clearly, the US government is planning on allowing the UK to be a proxy Stasi against American's right to free speech in their own country, because no one in the US executive branch objected to the vile threat from the UK top cop.

3. X gets a DDoS attack right at the beginning of the interview. What are the odds it was a state run agency that did it or a proxy for one paid for by US taxpayer dollars in one way or another?

4. The coordinated US press all come out with similar headlines to the affect that the interview as "delayed by glitches" and "rambling". What 2 hour interview is not "rambling". The entire point is to discuss a myriad of topics. And when was the last time Biden or Harris agreed to a two our unedited interview over the airwaves or Internet? Answer: Never... Not now nor ever because in Biden's case, it would be a travesty of dementia on display and in Harris' case, she'd out herself as a far left ideologue.

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This is not surprising. Combating evil as they see it is worth sacrificing transparency, integrity, and fairness. Trump and his supporters are the minions of Satan, committed to racism, sexism, and enforcing student loans (the scariest evil). It has become a war effort. And democracy itself is at stake so undemocratic tactics must be deployed to protect democracy.

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The one thing not mentioned very often is the people in these huge bureaucracies are afraid of getting their jobs eliminated if too many people like Trump get elected. It’s self-preservation.

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Correct!! That fact is ONE factor skewing and preventing the healthy American national dialogue we the people deserve. Fear that what is happening to those already falling into the void below will happen to them. Fear. Cancellation. The elephant in the room no one can talk about. Ultimately, the poor Jew or Soviet citizen stripped of dignity waiting for the knock on the door. Then cataclysm, chaos, collapse and all the incidentals in the haversack of war.

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Since the dawn of agriculture and one farmer could produce more than he needed; elites rose up to cream off the the surplus and they did it with "stories" which the producers believed because of the flaw in the human genome that allows absurdities to be believed. Nothing has changed in the human condition, only the technology for indoctrination industrial complexes. NO more, just a few priests, now it's trillion dollar industrial complexes. In the Old day's, the ruler's were powerful enough to forgive debts from time to time. That ended with the Greeks and the Romans. Xi Jinping has accumulated enough power in China and the financial system is under government control so they are cutting back on corruption including punishing the guilty and making life better for the people. IF you believe that spending an hour every few years to put an X on a piece of paper will change anything, I have a bridge you might be interested in!

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This shit is mind-numbing, which is exactly what a good mis/disinformation "expert" counts on.

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This is important work, thank you!

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The federal government and the media are your enemy ... just like they were in the Soviet Union.

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The idea that there's going to be some entity capable of dictating what's true or not is so insane, I can't believe anyone could buy into it. But perhaps it has to do with politics becoming a religion for a lot of these people, and only their sacred beliefs are admissible.

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The people who mean to control it buy it completely.

This why the small government "crazies" have been right from day one.

We need to starve the federal government of funds and drown it in the bathtub

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Anticipatory preparation for “election disinformation” wow - such dedication to controlling the narrative. Is this what journalism curriculums in the university settings funded by Gates are teaching? How does “election disinformation” differ from another opinion and what criteria are used to define “election disinformation” and how can we expand the definition to control “all disinformation”? Once upon a time opinions appeared on the editorial page of the newspaper and just “factual” articles appeared in the rest of the newspaper. Now it is opinion in all articles when deemed “necessary to counter disinformation” when it is not an actual advertisement presented as if it is an article. Brainwashing 101 intro to journalism at the University of Disinformation.

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It’s analogous to the label of “hate” speech and “hate” crimes. First we accepted it, because it applied to obvious evil groups, like Nazis and KKK. But since then, it has coalesced into a weapon of the dominant political class via law enforcement. I don’t know where this will end, but there is always the danger of “scope creep” in such concepts.

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The political whoring of the ACLU has helped quite a bit in this perversion of meaning.

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The ACLU is a sad story, once a bulwark against a lot of injustice here.

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"Election disinformation" is a usage quite similar to "election meddling." Both were formerly called "politics." The former: telling lies about a political opponent; the latter: expressing opinions regarding one candidate or another. As far as "meddling" goes, I never have understood why a Russian's (or anyone's) opinion of a Presidential candidate should be taken so seriously, whether from an actual person or a "bot."

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We're supposed to hate Russians, haven't you heard? So that gives anything Russians do a particular weight.

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Right. The fact that the DP has been trying to make everyone believe that Putin's Russia is the equivalent of Stalin's is maddening and extremely dangerous. They are responsible for queering negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, and their warmongering is trying to start another cold war . . . as far as I can tell, it's part of their effort to demonize The Great Orange Satan, seeing as how he had normalized relations and managed to take a personal diplomatic approach with Putin. Anything Trump did or planned to do during his term was by definition Wrong and Evil.

The more I see of the DP's totalitarian hysteria, the more nostalgic I become for the Trump years and the more I dread the prospect of that asshat Harris getting shoehorned into the White House.


Can you imagine either Harris or that brain-dead fuckwad hiding somewhere in the bowels of the WH taking any personal diplomatic initiatives with anyone? Now that I think of it, why aren't any journos asking what the hell Biden is up to now that he's been shoved into the wings?

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Thank you, Matt Taibbi!!

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Thank god our universities are teaching something. Too bad it’s censorship and domestic spying

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