Only for you Matt will I watch this show.

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Step on Bill’s wiener

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Great Idea!!!

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with golf spikes

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with tree-climbing foot gear

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I hope you kick ass tonight. Thanks for all you do!!

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Ditto that! Love Matt's work and also respect Bill Maher's voice. Should think the two of you have a lot in common.

One thought: maybe wait and do the edible AFTER the appearance? Then you can do two!

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Right? 😬

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The problem with being on Maher’s show is fighting for time to say anything. I hope you do and you’re successful.

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He Didn't. Matt's not enough of a dick to compete with the jackwagon's Bill brings in from the left. I mean, Bill has a massive ego, but he brings in some of the holiest of holy's from the left and they just never shut the $%#$ Up.

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I think Matt is more comfortable writing in front of a screen than being ON a screen, especially in a situation that insists you fight for time if you’re going to be heard.

Maher’s show is good for careers, so it’s a no-brainer to accept an invite. However, it’s usually a cockfight between guests to get screen time. The other invitee seemed comfortable with that format, Matt never really does.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

If your wiener is long enough to step on - you're in the wrong business.

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Bill was somewhat prickly last appearance, but don't forget that he said he "always reads" Matt's writing, which is high praise from him. I don't get the Taibbi v Maher construct that some comments are setting up here; these guys are on the same team (actual liberals).

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Meh. Maher is not an actual liberal IMO. Sometimes he is. He certainly makes noises about speech and considers himself a matryr for being canceled from network TV (despite it having nothing to do with speech and also being the greatest thing to ever happen to him).

But those that disagree with him are morally defective which means any means necessary is acceptable. This is not a very liberal IMO.

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This is great. BM is a sane sort of liberal who seems to have thought through most of the issues he talks about. He also strikes me as fearless, which is an awesome trait in public these days. I look forward to tuning in to the conversation.

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Ah but he is still hung up on trump in every show - even when Trump has done nothing worth talking about. His anti-trump obsession undermines the good things that he does say - and that is too bad. Bill is also a snob - if he has a guest with whom he disagrees, he either ignores them - interrupts them or demeans them. As one person wrote - Bill is of the liberal elite and he is mad because trump exposed the elites - Bill wannts liberalism back but only if he remains a member of the liberal elite. -

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I don’t think Matt and Bill are on the same page at all. I wrote the substance of what follows in 2018. Someone tell me if it doesn’t hold up. I haven’t watched Maher more than a few times in the last 4 years:

Maher is the quintessential limousine liberal ($1,000,000 donation to Obama, etc.) who has made a career out of slandering Islam and its adherents, and propping up the Democratic Party by playing the part of its disgruntled family member. His intellectual cowardice in this respect is typified by his only ever inviting, for example, Sam Harris on his show to discuss Islam, bur never Chris Hedges (who speaks Arabic, has lived in the Middle East, and has read the Koran). I don’t recall Glenn Greenwald ever being on the show since he had to explain to Maher why universal government surveillance was not okay, and of course Matt himself was a regular until he became a vocal skeptic of Russiagate.

This is all of a piece with his cynicism. Maher is quite aware of his “opinion-shaping” function, which he has offhandedly alluded to from time to time. He knows that there are voices (a la Chris Hedges) who could either bring a genuine critical perspective from the left to bear on, say, U.S. imperialism (which would help explain Islamic fundamentalism), or refute any number of fictions espoused by the Democratic and Republican parties and their media sock-puppets, including but not limited to Russiagate, but he avoids them — without question knowingly and willfully. While he has to be given a certain amount of credit for modeling talking to one’s political enemies, with his right-wing guests and so forth, the possible benefit that this could confer on the public discourse is severely hamstrung if not neutralized completely by his acting like every other mainstream media latrine when it comes to permitting the left to be heard consistently. At best, he’s an exemplar of Chomsky’s brilliant observation of where the media allows the lively debate to take place, and where it does not. At worst, he could only have the effect of validating soft liberal bigotry and morons and moral idiots.

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I agree even if I agree with his opinion on Islam.

I see him as a Bill O'Reilly of the left. He allows his liberal audience to feel as if they are something more than liberal hacks because he reserves a bit of his sermon for the craziest elements of the left. The audience feels "independent" while simultaneously reinforcing their own dogma.

Beware of any show where the audience responds with clap-laughter.

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100 percent on point, accurate and succinct thanks for writing this

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He is exactly like trumobin so many ways.

The only thing that is really consistent about him is "those that disagree with me are dumb."

His is a shitty and lazy comedian, an intellectual lightweight, and a smug out of touch asshole. Other than that is pretty good.

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He’s right on so much, I worry less about how utterly addicted to trump he is, and how hopeless married to the democrats he is, the pelosi move gained us nothing, and lost us a giant environmental seat at chinas table. Say what you will about what they say and what they do, but all of that has been nixxed because of this pigheadedly unnecessary Taiwan visit. It’s clear Taiwans ‘autonomity’ is only important to us because of their economic position regarding the semiconductor bill we just signed, incompetency at ta finest

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“…and lost us a giant environmental seat at chinas table.” With all due respect, if you think that ANYBODY is at that table who is not a member of the CCP - you’re delusional.

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How is he fearless? He is a rusty weathervane that says "edgy" shit only when it is obvious and consensus.

He is about as "fearless" as SNL. Examples: his struggle session with Ice Cube and his embarrassing "come along to get along" over the vax (you think he is actually vaxed?)

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Too wrong to even comment on. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it.‪™‬

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He's not fearless. He gets close at times.

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Lis Smith, the queen of vapidity. She's the Bizarro Taibbi. Good luck Matt.

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Jesus, this woman is a fucking moron.

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I’m glad I not the only one watching thinking she was a campaign ad for Mayor Pete

Wonder when he’s off maternity leave?

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She sounds like a valley girl that grew up into a wine mom.

Her "you think there is a chance?" analysis of abortion impact on mid term is laughable. The blind spot of her KS analysis is that it is signaling that voters just want to be left alone which does not bode well for dems ("the party of freedom LMFAO")

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Enjoy the edible.

Hey, maybe you could retroactively include an edible in your subscription package.

Better than a coffee mug and a t-shirt combined.

Print a little TK News logo on the wrapper.

Just a thought.

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You're going to kill it tonight!

Plus, congrats on finally getting Elon Musk's attention.

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Musk replied positively to one of Matt's articles on Twitter yesterday. Not sure if it's the first time ever but it's the first time I noticed it. In May 2020, when Musk was on Joe Rogan's podcast, Musk asked which journalists Joe most trusted to deliver truthful reporting, and Matt was at the top of Joe's list. Musk responded that he hadn't heard of Matt. So... nice to get some extra exposure from Musk, who comes with a huge political following that may not yet be familiar with Matt's work.

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How can you live in this world and be curious about why and read things that you find pretty fascinating how could you not know a guy like Matt Taibbi?

That blows my mind and it’s a sad state of affairs who are not familiar with Matt.

Everybody I know that’s a good friend of my kids my siblings my friends from high school my friends from photography my friends from nursing my friends from healthcare I tell everybody about Matt Taibbi and I always say oh I love him so I just don’t get this where Elon Musk has no knowledge of a brain like Matt Taibbi?

That really makes me question how well rounded he must not be. I don’t know; anyway rock on Matt Taibbi you are a rockstar from the word go!!! God bless

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Just do what you do best: call out bulls*** when you see it. Good luck!

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Will be the first time I’ve watched Maher’s show in over a decade. Hopefully that edible helps!

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I was thinking exactly the same thing I’m just gonna have to catch it on YouTube because I don’t think I can go through Bill right now although I’d love to see Matt I’ll see him in a minute or two couple days on YouTube.

You are so funny Jennie! Brilliant minds think alike, correct? I think so.

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Bill stepped on your wiener last time. It's payback time.

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‘First edible’ you are a riot. You’ll be great, too bad I dumped cable

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Matt, step into it. Last time you were too deferential.


A fan

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