This is super-intense reporting. Well done unmasking the sinister and far-flung web of the Deep State / Mainstream Media. The only question is: how do we defeat the spider?
Thanks for some incredible investigative reporting. It was mind boggling just reading it. How are you able to put so many parts of this dystopian web together? It’s the handful of true reporters like yourself that are holding a small candle to shed some light on the Evil Empire. Please keep your candle lit
video at the top needs to have a trigger warning label.
i cringed so hard i almost slipped a disk in my back.
edit: i cannot get over this goddamn thing. i know this has been one of Matt's running themes for a long time, but seriously—the fact that these people can be so earnestly corny is a sure sign that they're complete sociopaths who shouldn't be trusted with an ounce of power. that video is like Triumph of the Will for humorless vegans who watch CSPAN like normal people watch porn.
their toys should be taken away and power mongery needs to be diagnosed as a mental illness. tue governments ability to counterfeit money is the foundation of all this evil. aim for the foundation.
Fantastic Matt, fantastic. One request - more snarky comments like this one "Even the Soviets didn’t write things this dumb: The funder of one fake news operation said the discovery of another fake news operation was sad news, our very serious sources say." I'm not sure of the appropriate snark-to-content ratio, I trust your judgment. And your reporting!
And yet smart capable journalists continue to belittle Trump and see him as a terrible man and leader. In spite of knowing much said about him is fabricated BS
But Trump is Adolph wait, that's not right...Trump is Rudolph, no, no...Trump is Mr. Drysdale...shit...alright...Trump is somebody who isn't named Trump...but that person is Unabomber bad or Russell Brand bad...not Smokin' Joe Rappaport bad...even talking about Trump makes your brain leak...and turns your manhood flaccid & one, but no one, wants a flaccid shriveled hunk of manhood ruining their selfies or their podcasts....children, gripped by progeria like Trump mania, instantly age and turn orange...Putin was driven mad by small glimpses of the imaginary pee tape...drove him into a Ukrainian hating frenzy....young girls, when confronted by Trump, are driven to bury their freshly laundered hairdos into the face of Smokin Joe Tater for safety...the horror my man, the horror...Liz Cheney weeps blood at the thought of a DEMOCRACY killing TRUMP FRENZY returning to the White Hearse...would Liz Cheney lie? Cheney is an ancient Coptic word that means, roughly, "manly looking woman who makes wee in your kisser"....nothing even remotely resembling the phrase "lying bitch" appears anywhere in that translation.
I don't get the loyalty, but I also don't get those infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Other than he's annoying, a narcissist, and hyperbolic, what did he ever do to merit the hatred and contempt, much less the fear. Biden by early 2022 was well on his way to destroying whatever democracy remained in the US. I don't want Trump to be President again, but frankly I'm sick of the relentless Trump fear mongering.
Susan, my post was just me riffing on TDS until my coffee pot beeped. I have no loyalty to much of anything beyond my wife & kids. Politicians have, as Hillary Clinton put it, a public position & a private position. We hear much too much of the 1st & exactly 0 of the 2nd unless something accidentally leaks out.
The idea of a 2024 Trump/Biden rerun has all the appeal of the 659th episode of Survivor. But hey, Americans seem to like staring at the same shite until either their eyes begin to bleed or they keel over with that coronary. If anything our lack of viable leadership is indicative of a country lying around waiting for someone to stick a fork in it.
At this point I'd rather vote in a plumber or an electrician rather than another member of the professional managerial class.
The Democrats love to point out that Trump will "seek political retribution against his enemies" if he's elected. They say this while they spend most of their time seeking political retribution against Trump. So, either their constituents are credulously confused or their constituents are gullibly brain addled.
I've just decided that, rather than allowing this to raise my blood pressure, I'm going to laugh all the way to our red, white & blue graveyard, comfortable with the knowledge that we are, as a country of apathetic overweight windbags who have passively acquiesced to generations of political crapola from 2 parties of crapola slingers, getting what we deserve.
At this point in my life, I appear unable to differentiate humor and irony from criticism. The psy-op has worked on me. I regretfully agree that we are getting what we deserve. Glad you have found a way to come to terms with the shitstorm that is America today. I hope I can find a coping mechanism.
Honestly I still wander into depression on occasion.
It's never a pleasant experience.
I just try to remember that no president, whether it's Joe or Donald or George or Barack or Bill, etc., actually gives a tinker's toot about me & mine.
We need Trump to begin what Ramaswamy may finish--reforming or dissolving the very bureaucratic fiefdoms that are panicking with exposure and ending the security state's function as political hatchetmen.
We need someone to reform the bureaucracy. Why Trump. In his first term, the bureaucracy became, if possible, even more entrenched. Late in his term, he announced he was working on something about civil service protections that could ease removal of senior executive level employees. The little I remember, it sounded promising. But the rot appears at all levels - Elvis Chan, FBI agent responsible for internet censorship, is a Grade 14, not an SES.
I’m hoping that over time many will understand that the Trump attacks are just a part of one gigantic disinformation campaign against him. He has never helped himself though, we must admit.
Absolutely - he is delivering the equivalent of the Gettysburg address every day to large crowds- unifying, patriotic, altruistic - truly on a higher plane…..and yet the media is painting him as unhinged somehow. I can’t figure it out 😊
We now know that no non-American, and certainly no Russian person ever may utter an opinion with regard to American news, politics or policy in any public forum, lest an unsuspecting American overhear and be led astray.
Re: Matt and Michael's subcommittee appearance last week: I couldn't help noticing that while, last time around, Chairman Jordan took issue with the inane falsehoods and nonsequiturs uttered by the Democrat reps, this time he scarcely bothered. It would be superfluous to ridicule people who do such an embarrassingly effective job of beclowning themselves. They clearly have nothing substantive to contribute to this particular discussion and have consigned themselves to irrelevance on the issue, being unable to see far enough past their partisan hatreds to grasp its significance.
Allowing this inept team to continue representing them is a tacit admission by Democratic strategists that they have no defense to offer against the avalanche of facts coming at them from across the floor; so why risk the credibility of any A-team players? Better to sacrifice the subs. It's a sad humiliation for the party, but on the evidence a deserved one.
And now... here comes the kitchen sink!--fresh new deluges of incontestable evidence. By all means shutter the bunker windows, sit in a circle liturgically denouncing Trump, and pretend it isn't pouring outside.
Who’s working on the documentaries to facilitate clarity of the Twitter and CTI Files? They have become so complicated and acronym heavy that they are difficult stories for the average person to follow. I’d gladly contribute to a crowd-sourced effort.
Therein lies the problem. It's like a full time job trying to follow this stuff. Even dipping one's toe in, or wading into the shallow end quickly reveals the density of the swamp. A documentary would be great but I expect funding and distribution would be quite the challenge. Meanwhile the average person knows nothing of these goings on. And I do mean Nothing.
The Global Advocacy team at the Wikimedia Foundation launched a public mapping to collect anti-disinformation initiatives and tools developed at the local level across Wikimedia projects and create a repository of projects—confident that volunteers and affiliates can use it to better understand the movement's resources against disinformation, easily access and implement these to strengthen their own work addressing this challenge, and get ideas on how to continue curbing false and misleading information worldwide.
There's enough false, misleading and obviously politicized information in Wikipedia itself to keep all members of the listed groups busy until retirement. Once a convincing start has been made on tackling that task, maybe Wikipedia's Global Advocacy team can devote an hour or two every second Thursday to worrying about the rest of the world.
This is super-intense reporting. Well done unmasking the sinister and far-flung web of the Deep State / Mainstream Media. The only question is: how do we defeat the spider?
Scoundrels - abject liars, manipulators, and traitors to this nation’s ideals and its citizens. Shameful is not strong enough a word.
Thank you sir. Threads is working great for me and I won’t miss X. Substack is the place for serious journalists.
Everything on X has become "can you believe _________ has done ________? Yes/No
Happily never been on X or twitter.
Will look into threads.
I meant to say Notes, not Threads. Can’t keep the names straight.
Thanks for some incredible investigative reporting. It was mind boggling just reading it. How are you able to put so many parts of this dystopian web together? It’s the handful of true reporters like yourself that are holding a small candle to shed some light on the Evil Empire. Please keep your candle lit
I will have to re-read this at least 7 times and perhaps diagram
The old brain is having a hard time here!
Maybe a book, or several, will eventually come out, pulling together all these things Matt & others have uncovered.
(I'd be happy to help edit it. I'm a decent writer, and if I can understand the end product, anyone can.)
video at the top needs to have a trigger warning label.
i cringed so hard i almost slipped a disk in my back.
edit: i cannot get over this goddamn thing. i know this has been one of Matt's running themes for a long time, but seriously—the fact that these people can be so earnestly corny is a sure sign that they're complete sociopaths who shouldn't be trusted with an ounce of power. that video is like Triumph of the Will for humorless vegans who watch CSPAN like normal people watch porn.
their toys should be taken away and power mongery needs to be diagnosed as a mental illness. tue governments ability to counterfeit money is the foundation of all this evil. aim for the foundation.
I watched two solid hours of MSNBC the other night (so you don't have to) and I'm here to report it's worse than I thought.
well said!
As Robert Malone and others have been asserting psyops for quite some while, it's good to see good factual reporting about it. Thank you every time!
Be careful of Malone...
Fantastic Matt, fantastic. One request - more snarky comments like this one "Even the Soviets didn’t write things this dumb: The funder of one fake news operation said the discovery of another fake news operation was sad news, our very serious sources say." I'm not sure of the appropriate snark-to-content ratio, I trust your judgment. And your reporting!
And yet smart capable journalists continue to belittle Trump and see him as a terrible man and leader. In spite of knowing much said about him is fabricated BS
But Trump is Adolph wait, that's not right...Trump is Rudolph, no, no...Trump is Mr. Drysdale...shit...alright...Trump is somebody who isn't named Trump...but that person is Unabomber bad or Russell Brand bad...not Smokin' Joe Rappaport bad...even talking about Trump makes your brain leak...and turns your manhood flaccid & one, but no one, wants a flaccid shriveled hunk of manhood ruining their selfies or their podcasts....children, gripped by progeria like Trump mania, instantly age and turn orange...Putin was driven mad by small glimpses of the imaginary pee tape...drove him into a Ukrainian hating frenzy....young girls, when confronted by Trump, are driven to bury their freshly laundered hairdos into the face of Smokin Joe Tater for safety...the horror my man, the horror...Liz Cheney weeps blood at the thought of a DEMOCRACY killing TRUMP FRENZY returning to the White Hearse...would Liz Cheney lie? Cheney is an ancient Coptic word that means, roughly, "manly looking woman who makes wee in your kisser"....nothing even remotely resembling the phrase "lying bitch" appears anywhere in that translation.
So please rethink this Trump loyalty.
It's a Big Mac munching darkness at high noon.
I don't get the loyalty, but I also don't get those infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Other than he's annoying, a narcissist, and hyperbolic, what did he ever do to merit the hatred and contempt, much less the fear. Biden by early 2022 was well on his way to destroying whatever democracy remained in the US. I don't want Trump to be President again, but frankly I'm sick of the relentless Trump fear mongering.
Susan, my post was just me riffing on TDS until my coffee pot beeped. I have no loyalty to much of anything beyond my wife & kids. Politicians have, as Hillary Clinton put it, a public position & a private position. We hear much too much of the 1st & exactly 0 of the 2nd unless something accidentally leaks out.
The idea of a 2024 Trump/Biden rerun has all the appeal of the 659th episode of Survivor. But hey, Americans seem to like staring at the same shite until either their eyes begin to bleed or they keel over with that coronary. If anything our lack of viable leadership is indicative of a country lying around waiting for someone to stick a fork in it.
At this point I'd rather vote in a plumber or an electrician rather than another member of the professional managerial class.
The Democrats love to point out that Trump will "seek political retribution against his enemies" if he's elected. They say this while they spend most of their time seeking political retribution against Trump. So, either their constituents are credulously confused or their constituents are gullibly brain addled.
I've just decided that, rather than allowing this to raise my blood pressure, I'm going to laugh all the way to our red, white & blue graveyard, comfortable with the knowledge that we are, as a country of apathetic overweight windbags who have passively acquiesced to generations of political crapola from 2 parties of crapola slingers, getting what we deserve.
At this point in my life, I appear unable to differentiate humor and irony from criticism. The psy-op has worked on me. I regretfully agree that we are getting what we deserve. Glad you have found a way to come to terms with the shitstorm that is America today. I hope I can find a coping mechanism.
I've been there so you have my sympathies.
Honestly I still wander into depression on occasion.
It's never a pleasant experience.
I just try to remember that no president, whether it's Joe or Donald or George or Barack or Bill, etc., actually gives a tinker's toot about me & mine.
I try to return the favor when able.
Yes the 'coping' machine needs some oil.
We need Trump to begin what Ramaswamy may finish--reforming or dissolving the very bureaucratic fiefdoms that are panicking with exposure and ending the security state's function as political hatchetmen.
We need someone to reform the bureaucracy. Why Trump. In his first term, the bureaucracy became, if possible, even more entrenched. Late in his term, he announced he was working on something about civil service protections that could ease removal of senior executive level employees. The little I remember, it sounded promising. But the rot appears at all levels - Elvis Chan, FBI agent responsible for internet censorship, is a Grade 14, not an SES.
very Gonzo!
Now that’s a comment!😊
But you summed up TDS perfectly
Trump is our Emmanuel Goldstein.
I’m hoping that over time many will understand that the Trump attacks are just a part of one gigantic disinformation campaign against him. He has never helped himself though, we must admit.
He doesn’t sugarcoat any thing he says
( one reason I like him)
Absolutely - he is delivering the equivalent of the Gettysburg address every day to large crowds- unifying, patriotic, altruistic - truly on a higher plane…..and yet the media is painting him as unhinged somehow. I can’t figure it out 😊
I can’t get anyone to tell me anything he did that was harmful to them?
Trump makes me laugh- I think of the film “Idiocracy” whenever he speaks.
When Biden speaks the film I think of is “Being There 5”, when Chauncey Gardner is 85, demented and becomes spiteful.
My point above.
This is terrific reporting.
We now know that no non-American, and certainly no Russian person ever may utter an opinion with regard to American news, politics or policy in any public forum, lest an unsuspecting American overhear and be led astray.
Re: Matt and Michael's subcommittee appearance last week: I couldn't help noticing that while, last time around, Chairman Jordan took issue with the inane falsehoods and nonsequiturs uttered by the Democrat reps, this time he scarcely bothered. It would be superfluous to ridicule people who do such an embarrassingly effective job of beclowning themselves. They clearly have nothing substantive to contribute to this particular discussion and have consigned themselves to irrelevance on the issue, being unable to see far enough past their partisan hatreds to grasp its significance.
Allowing this inept team to continue representing them is a tacit admission by Democratic strategists that they have no defense to offer against the avalanche of facts coming at them from across the floor; so why risk the credibility of any A-team players? Better to sacrifice the subs. It's a sad humiliation for the party, but on the evidence a deserved one.
And now... here comes the kitchen sink!--fresh new deluges of incontestable evidence. By all means shutter the bunker windows, sit in a circle liturgically denouncing Trump, and pretend it isn't pouring outside.
Who’s working on the documentaries to facilitate clarity of the Twitter and CTI Files? They have become so complicated and acronym heavy that they are difficult stories for the average person to follow. I’d gladly contribute to a crowd-sourced effort.
Therein lies the problem. It's like a full time job trying to follow this stuff. Even dipping one's toe in, or wading into the shallow end quickly reveals the density of the swamp. A documentary would be great but I expect funding and distribution would be quite the challenge. Meanwhile the average person knows nothing of these goings on. And I do mean Nothing.
ALERT!! Work at RACKET needs to be here.
Anti-Disinformation Repository at Wikimedia
The Global Advocacy team at the Wikimedia Foundation launched a public mapping to collect anti-disinformation initiatives and tools developed at the local level across Wikimedia projects and create a repository of projects—confident that volunteers and affiliates can use it to better understand the movement's resources against disinformation, easily access and implement these to strengthen their own work addressing this challenge, and get ideas on how to continue curbing false and misleading information worldwide.
There's enough false, misleading and obviously politicized information in Wikipedia itself to keep all members of the listed groups busy until retirement. Once a convincing start has been made on tackling that task, maybe Wikipedia's Global Advocacy team can devote an hour or two every second Thursday to worrying about the rest of the world.
Here is a good link for the graphic novels:
Download a pair, watch trailers, even transcripts If the trailers.
Sickening to know our taxes funded this disgusting slop.
This faction is being advised by18-20-year-old boys from their parents' basement.
What can we do to counter this conspiracy? They appear to be really well entrenched.
This is mind boggling! Thanks Matt.
This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long while. Had me laughing the whole time, great humor!! Wait, .... this isn’t fiction? What.....