"They may not have been evil exactly"--

Er-- they did it to retain their money and position knowing millions of people would suffer and die as a result of their blatant dishonesty. Same and withholding and demonizing info and access to early treatment with FDA "approved" remedies they KNEW to be safe and effective. That's evil enough in my book, not to mention humongous crimes against humanity.

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The fact that Fauci, one of the villains, was able to position himself as a hero, is just extra salt in the wound. It would not seem credible in a fictional movie.

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I wonder if Brad Pitt has any regret for towing the line and participating in the great plandemic with his Fauci impersonation? Naaah, he's clearly part of the swamp.

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How dare you qvestion ze Fauci!

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Now that we know how evil they are, do more of us suspect the 2020 election was rigged? Do more of us suspect that J6 was a setup, not an insurrection? Do we doubt that one of their 'plandemic' objectives was a crackdown on individual rights? And how about all those mass shootings with no motive? Would they do that just to attack the Second Amendment? Was 9-11 an excuse to pass the unconstitutional Patriot Act? Was Kent State meant to intimidate antiwar protesters? Was the Warren Report a coverup?

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Is the Ukraine war a battle for democracy?

Is Climate Change hysterics a global con job?

In some cases, yes. In some cases, no.

But in every case it is the centralization of power in an unelected, unaccountable elite and their institutions. A centralization of power that transfers wealth and power from the private sector to the public sector for self perpetuation of the uni-party and their global comrades. Only a large scale social movement with the power to sweep the elections of POTUS AND congress can return us to a constitutional republic. Shutting down the Censorship Industrial Complex is a worthy test of the public's readiness to regain institutional integrity of the administrative state. We've got a long way to go.

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Well said.

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I am always perplexed when I hear folks on this channel talking about climate change as a con job. Haven't you been outside lately?

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

Yeah. It was another abnormally cool spring in the Northeast----not a peep from the media. I know, I know, weather isn't climate, unless there is a heatwave. Please read some history.

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It's summer. But seriously, the climate has been warming since the end of the last glacial period. Whether or not mankind has contributed to that is far from being settled.

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Wait are you saying you think they’re *not* lying to you about climate change?

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They’re not lying to us about climate change.

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Oh sweet summer child. OK. If you say so.

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He said climate change hysterics

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"It's winter, it's supposed to be cold and snowy."

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"Haven't you been outside lately?"

Not for long. It's summer in FL, 90 degrees and 80% humidity.

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It will require a lot of gunfire.

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Out gun the US military?

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Another Civil War is a terrible idea. It would certainly be the end of this republic.

But don't underestimate the firepower the citizens of this country hold. And don't overestimate the devotion of retired vets; and certainly don't expect them to all fall in line with a potential military use against the very people it is sworn to protect.

There are 400 million firearms in this country owned by 80 million people. There are, at any given time, 15 million registered hunters in the US. There are also millions of retired vets and law enforcement officers who are devoted to the ideals of our republic more than they are devoted to its government.

And those 80 million gun owners have trillions of rounds of ammunition for their 400 millions firearms.

Then there are currently serving military who would refuse to take up arms against Americans if ordered by their government (and then there's Posse Comitatus).

There are only 1 and a half million active duty military, and roughly a million reservists in the US. As stated, there are 80 million gun owners. The number of registered hunters alone dwarves the number of active and reserve military combined.

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Secession is more likely than civil war. Unless we get another Lincoln who would use the Constitution as toilet paper and send millions of men and boys into a slaughter to "save the union," which was not worth saving even then. Now the "union" is less worth saving, due to the unchecked centralization of power with the President and with unelected bureaucrats of the various federal agencies currently giving us so many problems. We have been collectively conned into believing that the states are better off "united."

I envision an America much like Europe, but with the Federal government (the equivalent of an elected EU) reduced in size and scope. All constitutional state governance restored--including local taxation replacing the federal income tax--leaving the power to actually declare war to an act of Congress (remember that?) and the defense/policing of the coasts and other points of entry to the feds.

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And hopefully these 80 million gun owners will not underestimate the firepower and battlefield coordination logistics of the US Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

As it stands, most soldiers won't give or follow orders to shoot at civilians, and some may join our side. I know there's pressure from the elites in the Pentagon to change that culture, but it's going to take a lot of time and effort.

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Still waiting on that manifesto from the most recent school shooter. Ha.

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The Nashville shooter? I am pretty sure it's withheld to cover up some potential fault on the side of the school. Of course, that is just a hunch, can't confirm since we are not allowed to review the manifesto and make up our own minds. Funny how that works.

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Just as it took 3 yrs and a smoking gun for a skeptical investigative reporter of Matt's caliber to finally see this truth, it will take another in your face coup d etat to finally distrust all of the institutions. My prediction is Biden gets 186 million votes from his basement to Trumps 88 million while in jail for 9+ months leading up to the fake election. And half the country will still think the dementia patient one fairly while the rest of us stare in shock that they pulled the same level of farce on us again.

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Sounds like you might have an inkling that we should have heeded the warning from Eisenhower.

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It’s exactly this sort of ranting conspiracy lunacy that scientists worry about … it’s almost certainly a very low level of high functioning schizophrenia with all the paranoia …

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Maybe worrying isn't a scientist's goddamned job. Maybe being a goddamned scientist is a scientist's job.

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Goes for journalists too.

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Tell me you’re not a scientist without telling me you are not a scientist. Guess what, they are human facing a 1 in a hundred years pandemic … every human was worried. So no one on the Manhattan project should have worried either?

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

Scientists are human...thx for the stunning insight. What point are u trying get at here, anyway? Because some scientific experts were acutely aware of dangers known and unknown that is/was a reason to lie and misinform, engage in propaganda, and put bureacracy ahead of ACTUAL science? Strange take, if indeed that is your position.

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Notice the silence on the part of Joe. (Both Biden and Substack).

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

I don't want to dogpile on 'Joe' - but what he said is indicative of the over-socialized/under-informed population of mostly liberal people who adhere to a "mainstream" way of thinking. We need to help these people, not shun them.

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The guy running the taco stand on the corner is 1,000x more ethical, honest, and trustworthy than the "scientists" that wrote the "Origins" paper.

Actually if these jerks were running taco stands the death toll wouldn't be as high but I'm pretty sure people would die.

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Joe, maybe you should read it all again.

High up people were involved in financing GOF research in wuhan.

Those same higher ups basically directed these 4 to produce a paper discrediting the lab release theory, which was then used to slam everyone and shut down debate, protecting those who funded and directed the research.

Try again.

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Thank you; I will read again. I still don’t see that the origin is that material. Again many want just to blame just to be anti-Chinese … but that really wasn’t materiel at the time … shouting about who pooped on the carpet doesn’t change the fact there is poop on the carpet that needs dealing with. The lab release people didn’t seem to have any particularly compelling arguments and it did seem to be one of the possibilities just not very likely

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So basically you're saying scientists never lie.

Do some research on the number of scientific journals that have been forced to retract peer reviewed articles because they were written with deception and outright lies.

Or don't, and remain criminally ignorant.

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Estimates are that 90% of peer reviewed papers are garbage

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Having spent 60 years studying and practicing science..first Western medicine as a pharmcist and pharmacologist and then Eastern medicine as a practitioner of Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine for 35 years I can assure you Fauci and the lot of them at NIH and CDC and FDA put “Self” over science decades ago..

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Great comment Dennis. And fauci’s wife was ( perhaps still is) working at NIH. When Rand Paul was calling fauci out about gain of function watching fauci’s body language was revealing.

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And you know - this makes me re-think AIDs. Early in the epidemic, there was a lot of chatter about it having been engineered. But, we were re-assured that it was from African people eating monkeys.

Like how Chinese people eat bats.

And Fauci was neck deep there, too.

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Sure, Joe. Sure.

Carrying water for unknown “scientists” who worry about “conspiracies”… that’s funny.

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And this conspiracy theory turned out to be a spoiler alert. It’s not their job to worry about conspiracy theories UNLESS they’re trying to control the narrative. Same with the government.

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What you call "ranting conspiracy lunacy" is simply an effort by citizens to find the truth in the smog of lies and obfuscation that with few exceptions passes as journalism today. Today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's conspiracy fact, as the coof fiasco is illustrating in no uncertain terms.

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We're literally discussing a massive deliberate coverup being proven to be true. At what point will you admit that "paranoia" may just be "perfectly reasonable skepticism"? Perhaps it is a very low level of high functioning schizophrenia with all the denialism...

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You mean the scientists who sold their souls to the elites to advance their careers? They should be worried, since so much of the "conspiracy lunacy" has turned out to be true.

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That's how science is done, Joe.

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I believe it has become clear that scientists — as a group — do not have impeccable judgement. Therefore their worries do not command my attention or respect.

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And you're exactly the all too common dangerously stupid person that the government counts on when it's conducting all its suspect activity.

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To be fair, millions were going to die regardless of what any scientists had to say about it. Once it was out, the die was cast.

Still, IMO, the most important question everyone should have been asking is how we shut this kind of stuff down because it's only a matter of time until the next disaster. These labs, if they should even exist at all, should be on ships in the middle of the ocean, or on the moon, not in the center of mega-cities. Instead, we had to have a conversation about how saying a viral disease came from China is a racist act. So dumb.

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The truth would have saved many many lives. First of all all the scientists around the world would’ve been working with the actual virus that escaped and not looking for some nonsense. Moreover, we would’ve been listening to scientists like Dr. Kuldorff from Harvard and Battachayra from Stanford and Gupta from Oxford, who are actually the world experts on what to do in a pandemic (not “fringe” and Collins and Fauci would’t have to executed their “brutal takedown!” We would have listened to these real pandemic experts, so the focus would’ve been on the elderly and the infirm— not on young children nor those with prior immunity. Medicines that were made for this exact virus to help people, who really needed it would have mattered. We also would’ve known not to listen to the WHO or anybody involved with Ecl-health alliance nor Fauci nor Collins nor the CDC nor the scientist from Baylor that continued to be on the news every night telling us we needed more and more boosters, who subcontracted his federal grant to his chimeric research in Wuhan. We might have listen to reasonable people like Noorshcam, Makary, Prasad, Hoeg, and Mandrola about teens and myocarditis and about masking young kids and school closures… We would’ve been listening to the truth not lies. Many would live that died. Many would have better language skills, more education, more fun and friends and sports, small family businesses, and less anxious young people, ETC!!!…. It wouldn’t have ALL happened anyway!!!

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How is this not top comment?

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Agree, agree, agree...my thoughts though we’re about primary messaging early in the pandemic. It’s quite likely this article could have been more honest and the outcome would have been the same or even worse.

The point I’m trying to make is that at a minimum a million people were going to die, no matter what. And while tragic, I actually consider that a very small number. But that’s a core part of the problem: in a global pandemic 1M against 8B is very small, but most people can’t hear that number without thinking the literal apocalypse is happening.

It’s sort of understandable with the incessant fear mongering that’s been firehouses at the populace since 9-11-01.

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"Never let a disaster go to waste." - Rahm Emmanuel

Yes, I know, it was "never let a crisis go to waste", but what's the difference really?

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I think Machiavelli was the originator. If, because of reading the quotation, you were inspired to seek out the author, you'd certainly do better with Machiavelli than Emmanuel.

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Jut referring to a recent example, but yeah, most of the nasty political tricks and idioms come from Machiavelli.

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If they built them in isolation--on a ship or the moon-- they'd have to admit the apocalyptic gamble they were taking. Place them dead center in populations and they call you crazy for a conspiracy that claims they would build something so dangerous near people. So Catch-22ish.

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This is not evil, unless you mean it in a Hannah Arendt sense. This is Orwellian doublethink. They were convinced by authority that the natural origin hypothesis was the side of the angels. It takes a strong independent thinker with a mistrust of authority to take a huge risk by biting the hand that feeds you. Cowardice it may be, but the evil comes from the top.

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Arendt called it “the banality of evil.” But it is still evil.

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But less the evil of individuals than systems.

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The evil of systems can not survive without the evil who bolster and operate those systems.

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Yes a natural dissenter, I think there are quite a few of us following Racket and Public. It’s why appreciate both of these teams.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

FDA, NIH, WHO, CDC, DOD, ... and the list goes on. Agencies given power to dictate who lives and who dies. None should have that power. We individuals need to exercise our natural rights (i.e. God given or whatever your belief system dictates) to resist the unchecked authority of others. Resist.

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If they were covering up for China it was treason

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More likely for strange authoritarian bedfellows at CCP and DOD etal.


Sasha Latypova video: Evidence of intent to harm / stockholm rumble.comSasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to HarmPANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES Stockholm, 21st- 22nd January 2023 More event information: https://lakaruppropet.se/international-conference-pandemic-strategies/

Report to DARPA: of Major Joe Murphy USMC Marine Program Liaison August 2021


David Martin video


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Treason is a mild term for what they did. This flu was created to enable mail in voting. Plain and simple. Didn't anyone get suspicious when all the swing states governors just happened to change their voting requirements to allow massive mail in voting as soon as the flu was announced? This was a flu,they made everyone fear for their lives, and then killed them in hospitals with bad protocol. They got to test a bio weapon as well.it's a twofer.

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Correct. This is why we need a Nuremberg Trial solution.

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The best definition of human evil I’ve come across was penned by M Scott Peck, MD. He authored the book, “People of the Lie”. What is notable in my mind is the lack of any need for objective motive in this definition: “militant ignorance”. The other notable to me is that this definition returns the idea to its root as a verb - to ignore, from the more common understanding of the condition proceeding from the act - ignorance. Jesus called this blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, a sin from which even God could not redeem his children. It is the blatant act of refusing to recognize right from wrong and the truth from falsehood. These people demonstrated evil in spades for all humanity to clearly see.

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Unfortunately, virtually total control of venal, ethically bereft mass media by "People of the Lie" makes it difficult if not impossible for vast majority of people to discern truth when they are relentlessly bombarded with massive disinformation designed to obliterate truth-- and critical thinking process required to seek it. If tree falls in forrest but no one saw or heard it...

That's why it's important that leading voices like Taibbi stop dabbling on the perimeter and focus on the nitty gritty. The evidence of Evil is there in spades starting w Kissinger Report (1974), DOD etal long financing gain of function, 20 yr old Caved and vax patents (David Martin), Sasha Latypova / Katherine Watt expositions of DOD bigpharma contracts against humanity, etc. But so far, last of few remaining "honorable" US journalists still ignoring it.

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Richard, don't know if you follow the whole chalupa of the gender epi-phenomenon.

But it pulls in universities, schools, medical community, corporations, foundations......and there are huge abuses occurring. How will they attempt to walk something like that back?

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They don't have to walk anything back. They've banked the bucks, so they just double down and pretend reality is the illusion, and a dangerous one at that. When you control the biggest nodes of information distribution, you control what most people learn about what's going on. Repetition of "black is white" and "wrong is right" becomes tribal reality for those who lack the wherewithal or interest to seek truth. That's why professed truth seekers like Taibbi etal. need to step up their game and stop focusing on the footnotes rather than the big UGLY picture (for which there are tons of credible evidence).

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How did millions of people “suffer and die as a result of their dishonesty”? Show me that link and maybe I’ll come on board. I think that tragic outcome was likely a given, and whether or not lab origin theories got an airing at the time seems to be beside the point, to me. How would that airing have changed things -the course of the pandemic response ? I’m not trying to be contentious; I’m really looking for a rationale that I may be missing. I don’t see it at the moment, and I was in the middle of it all as a Medicaid managed care executive during the pandemic. Thanks.

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You don’t get a link. Do your own research like the rest of us have. They lied top to bottom. They denied Nobel prize winning antivirals could be used. They pushed a vaccine in which they had invested. They threatened dissenting doctors with license removal, shaming, censorship, and cancellation of livelihoods. Wake up.

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Right on Alice. They also locked us down, made children wear masks, closed schools, had to get jabbed or lose your job, on and on. Lots of destruction on the entire planet.

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Mistakes were definitely made. I'm just questioning the comment made that somehow all this unnecessarily resulted in untold millions of deaths. That cause and effect relationship I fail to see.

And in the end, really we're talking about are tradeoffs. Yes, economic disruption, stunted academic development, society-wide mental health issues were definitely not good. More than likely, though, the tradeoffs for avoiding this would have been far more deaths. I suppose one could debate that. But these are value judgments, not immutable realities that exist in a vacuum.

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No, this is wrong. None of that was ever necessary. Not only did the NIH fund the development of covid/19, against US ban of GoF research, they then lied about everything they knew about it bc to admit the Great Barrington Declaration was TRUE instead of “fringe epidemiology,” the harm to society would have been minimal AND we would have focused on actually protecting the truly vulnerable. Our public health system LIED to us for CYA & for politics. You may not understand that the poor world did use every drug to prevent & treat covid that Fauci et al banned. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin. The ones the Dems laughed at Trump for—— it’s horse dewormer!!!! Hahahaha. Yep ivermectin does have a horse dewormer version but the human version is a Nobel prize winner. Instead of telling people “there’s nothing we can do, go to the hospital if you are short of breath “ and then putting them on ventilators ——they killed a lot of those people. Using antivirals could have saved thousands if not millions. And now all the injured from myocarditis, from the forced vax. I could go on & on & on. Andy, they lied to all of us. Blood is on their hands. If you’ve paid attention, you’ve noticed that of the original “covid task force,” all have resigned. Collins at NIH, Birx, Fauci . Only the one they knew they couldn’t pull into their cabal is talking to Congress, Richard Redmont, the former head of the CDC, who thought it was lab derived early on. They kept him in the dark on purpose & he resigned long ago, but not in disgrace like these liars. I hope you eventually get it Andy. I think you’re a true-believer and are now beginning to see. A lot of us have been cynical from the start bc we were reading the journalists and dissenters who smelled a cover-up back in 2020. Good luck to you, hope you see it one day. It’s much bigger than mistakes were made, gosh yes.

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An upvote isn't enough. I personally compliment you on this excellent comment.

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Why thank you Bull😊

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Early inpatients were ventilated. Exactly the wrong treatment. Do your research.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

To me the central point is that our horrifically destructive response to the pandemic--arguably worse than the disease itself--was fostered and legitimated by scientists like these four. People trusted scientists and scientific institutions, and eventually "the science" became a cudgel wielded against anyone who openly wondered if the cure was worse than the disease. That trust, it turns out, was badly misplaced. Open and free inquiry and debate were desperately needed, and these people did more than their part to prevent that.

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What you're missing is those people that either went to the hospital, or other health care facilities died. Those of us unvaxxed and dealt with it at home, didn't. Those in nursing homes did. The protocol that you used killed people. Not the cold.

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Go read RFK Jr book The Real Anthony Fauci. Go read this Spin article showing Fauci used exactly the same playbook against cheap and effective therapeutics to force AZT use that killed as badly as Remdesivir. Except he improved the playbook with the fear, lockdowns and media control.


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Forgot, he amplified the depopulation death impact by 2-3X with hospital protocol murder and nursing home forced spreading murder.

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This came out on 29 January 2021:

"A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived"


It seems to be a legitimate research document, but I have no immediate way of checking on any of it. At the time it did not seem to be noticed. According to the containing web site (zenodo.org), it has no citations and no comments.

"Zenodo is a general-purpose open repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artefacts." [Wikipedia]

Clearly, obfuscation of the origins of the disease would almost certainly detract from our ability to fight it. If a reasonable case could be made for laboratory origin in 1991, and this was deliberately hidden for business or political reasons, a significant crime was committed and must be investigated as such, with consequences.

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Yes, gain of function research is extremely dangerous. COVID-19 should be the canary in the coal mine. The arrogance that enables this risk, just might wipe out 90%+ oh human population.

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" just might wipe out 90%+ oh human population."

ahem, that's the plan :)

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Haha, I knew there would be at least one comment like this ;)

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There's too many people who believe exactly that: we must reduce the population from 8 billion to 2 billion, to "save the planet."

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There are a few different ways of looking at this. The more people we have on the planet, the worse individual quality of life there will be. That's just an opinion of course. I personally believe we need less people, BUT I do not condone underhanded and deviant methods to reduce the population. I think people should try to exercise personal responsibility. I hear people say you can fit the entire world's population in the state of Texas. Ok, but would you want to live with that many people all in one place? Seriously?

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

According to the UN there are over 90 countries with, or projected to soon be, below replacement birth rates, so the "overpopulation" threat is just so much horseshit. Why are so many banging the overpopulation drum when overpopulation poses no problem?

It looks from here like we are also in the middle of a deliberately planned mass migration of the poorest of the world into the wealthiest nations.

There appears to be a colossal social engineering project behind the so-called "green agenda" and the WEF's plans to rearrange the world, enslaving millions to a centralized currency and imposing bizarre, unjust regulations on an all too compliant EU, allegedly intended to stop environmental degradation caused by overpopulation.

Edited for syntax

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Try 500 million or less

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Yes...they demonstrated great cowardice there.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

Not sure what slack messages y'all are reading but in the published ones they didn't do it to retain money and position. They did it out of fealty to a groupthink that held ideas such as "if we don't counteract this narrative, people will be racist towards Chinese americans". Keep reminding yourself, the big picture here is that the global elite *know better* than the rest of society and are quite proud of themselves for that.

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hmm, you bring up good points. However, they might be mindful to not write anything too incriminating in Slack messages. Rather go with a belief system than any other motivation as to not be personally liable. However, money and position are typically the prime motivators for just about anyone. One must eat in order to sustain one's health in order to support a movement or ideology. Do we know which one's were getting royalties from Big Pharma?

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

10000000%. Fauci worst of all, because he and others around him purposely designed around the 2014 ban on gain of function because of their unforgiveable hubris on this point.

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Just as Mr Orwell said it would go. Oops!

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"they joined up with a mechanism that worked to suppress and stamp out the very thoughts they themselves first had."

Their price was met. Funny how the same old pitfalls are fell into in the name of wealth attainment.

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Taibbi does to great lengths in his article to explain how they are NOT acting in self interest. See that and my comment above

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

First WMD, then Russiagate, now this. And the worst part about all of this is that you know something worse is going to happen later on.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

White House Flak: "Ok, fine, have it your way, so the last time it turned out that the Establishment really was lying through its teeth the whole time, and the last few times before that going back at least to Eisenhower's first term, but THIS time, it's different!"

Joe Q. Public "Okey!"

Flak: "Look, over there! Squirrel!"

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The next "global emergency" will be climate change. Any scientist who dares who disagree or present studies that don't reinforce this narrative will get the same full-on treatment that Dr. B. got -- maybe even worse. Michael Crichton in a 2009 book on the environment, State of Fear, added an author's message at the end :

"We desperately need a nonpartisan, blinded funding mechanism to conduct research to determine appropriate policy. Scientists are only too aware whom they are working for. Those who fund research-- whether a drug company, a government agency, or an environmental organization-- always have a particular outcome in mind. Research funding is almost never open-ended or open-minded. Scientists know that continued funding depends on delivering the results the funders desire. As a result, environmental organization "studies" are every bit as biased and suspect as industry "studies." Government "studies" are similarly biased according to who is running the department or administration at the time. No faction should be given a free pass."

This is only a short quote and the entire message is well worth reading.

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Yeah, they keep trying to sell the public on these Malthusian austerity measures, though, and it keeps not working. They can't get that one to stick. I'm wondering if they're really going to try this alien thing. 👽

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The EU is going especially hard in this area. All praise to the farmers of the Netherlands for putting up some resistance.

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Funny how a writer of fiction...oh, nvm

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and a doctor

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"conceding that in media we get lost in the moment a lot and often think what’s happening today is far more important than what happened yesterday... historic stuff"

The big failure for me is media reporters captured in a narrative cult unwilling to press for truth today so everyone is safer tomorrow. The outcome shows us that the narrative cult is effective, and it knows it, regardless of the negative effect on society. History shows this to be quite true decades. The question is how to overcome it.

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The whole point of our Constitution is to protect us from the “cause of the day.” The whole point of the plandemic was to fabricate a “cause of the day” to suspend Constitutional rights.

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The Constitution has been a dead letter for a long time now.

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Phil Donahue and others showed what happens to reporters who don't go along with the narrative.

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And many others along the way, and very recently -

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Yes, the next event that occurs the vast majority of populace will have amnesia and go along with whatever prescription is being touted by the leaders as the unfortunate but necessary cure. It’s unbelievable.

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Yes. The “Memory Holes” in 1984 only work because of the dull complicity of millions of passive drones.

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In today's day and age when the elites control so much of the information ecosystem and the narratives that underpin society, the lazy majority constitutes a real threat to democracy.

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“We’ve given you a Republic, if you can keep it.”

Said some old white guy...

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One of the foremost constitutional theorists of the founding generation, John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”1 He wasn’t the only Founding Father to hold this view. Indeed, James Madison wrote that our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.”2

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Lazy and uneducated in the USA,

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Thanks Randi Weingarten!

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I’m two out of three...so fine!

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023

Can we please quit calling these people "elites" and name them for what they really are - over-privileged?

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I'm afraid the "Memory Hole" has become a Memory Canyon, filled with decades of unpleasant truths about the evil doings of those in power.

But how long before this cultural/political landfill overflows for all to see?

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Fun engineering fact: Most dams don’t fail. They slowly stop working due to the accumulation of silt and debris. Then they’re just useless monoliths nobody cares about except for how they have completely screwed up the natural environment. That’s when people show up with explosives and blow the “damn” thing up.

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Led by the dronemasters at NYT, WAPO, the networks, et al

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Monkeypox fizzled. There's hope.

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That only fizzled because the media dropped it like a hot potato. And they only did that because it came out that the pox largely affected one of the left's prized demographic, and then we saw a couple of stories about it popping up in dogs and children.

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Happening now, the attack on the legal system. A piece was published today at National Review: "The Left Isn't Even Pretending to Work within the American System of Government Anymore." Coming our way, Popular Constitutionalism.

Our votes and lawsuits won't mean much in the wake of harvested ballots and obliterated legal process. Watching the Congressional Dems try to censor RFKJr today from testifying at a public hearing --- ON CENSORSHIP! They are ruthless and have zero shame.

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Sounds not unlike the time they sent IRS goons to Matt's place right when he was set to testify. And not unlike when they threatened Matt with jail time for "lying" under oath. I think that continued support of their ever reliable traitorous lap dogs, the main stream media and big tech technocrats, still give them the illusion they can get away with it, if only they can silence these pesky little voices.

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schiff said. why do we let bigots speak.. oh the irony

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look no further than the Ukraine for that

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Tell me about it. I'm just waiting for "The Day After."

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A lot more people have been inoculated against 'expert-itis' since the COVID fraud and especially the vaccine scam. Whatever "they" have planned is going to have to follow a different script or else they will never achieve the critical mass they need.

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I hope that’s true, but the public has demonstrated a great capacity for selective amnesia as well as an overarching desire to be seen doing the correct thing of the moment. Whatever lessons have been learned, I’m afraid it’s only going to stick with those who are wired for scepticism. The rest just blow with the wind.

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The elites running things are neither united nor are they nearly as smart as they think they are. The trans-rights initiative and the open borders are two policies which are going to backfire. Some of the sheep are beginning to realize that they are being loaded on the boxcars, and they don't like it.

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Well, I definitely agree that often arrogance =ignorance, and elites are the last ones to understand just how wrong and ridiculed they are. At the same time, there are so many areas that they are using to stoke division and rage, that in order for there to be successful opposition, we have to get folks to understand that each issue is only a piece of the bigger problem - that we’ve ceded control to those who would remove our rights “for the greater good”.

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You might need a bigger list than that, and that's just talking about developments since the 9/11 attacks.

There's Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Enron, Tyco, Big Pharma, Big Tech, RussiAnon, "too big to fail" bank bailouts, the housing bubble, COVID, corrupt policing (but not what MSM types like to report), the riots that were dubbed "mostly peaceful protests" and elites jumping onto any social justice cause as a means to make money.

I'm sure others can add to the list.

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Michael, that is so true. Excellent insight. Brace for impact.

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Believe me, I hope I'm wrong.

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Well, they are talking about blotting out the sun...

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Considering how hot it has been this summer, that's not such a bad idea after all.

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Already happening. Climate Change. Sit back and watch it unfold.

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Believe me, I've been watching it unfold. Now I hate summer because it's become so frightening.

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You mean like a war in Ukraine?

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This is exactly why my wife and I refuse any and all vaccinations for our kids moving forward, and are willing to take the slings and arrows from others for doing so. That doesn't mean I'm convinced that they cause autism (jury's still out on that), make me magnetic, or are meant as a population control mechanism. What it means is that, like a cheating spouse, if they are willing to lie about this, then what else are they willing to lie about? So many institutions, but especially medicine, rely on the general population trusting that they are staffed by generally good people, because in living our lives, we don't have the time to read 5 white papers a night, or the specialized knowledge and jargon to parse dense research papers. We implicitly expected these organizations to be run by good people because the vast majority of people we encounter on a daily basis are good, normal people. But it is very clear that I was wrong in thinking that. The people that make it to the upper echelons of places like the FDA, NIH, CIA, FBA are NOT like us. They don't think like us. And we certainly shouldn't trust them to have our best interests at heart.

I don't like that I now instinctively distrust everything I see or hear. It's an exhausting way to go through life. But I'll be damned if I trust them again. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, won't get fooled again."

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I feel 'fooled' too.

Don't know what to think about news any more.

I do want to say that I have had multiple vaccines having been born in Sri Lanka. My sister got polio with only stiff legs and I just had a high fever BUT I have seen people who had Polio it's not nice and it does shorten ones life.

Having said this I have multiple auto-immune diseases as has my sister. I have just been ill for 2yrs and nobody can find out what is wrong! I don't know where these auto-immune diseases came from, they are not genetic!

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My grandfather had polio and had very little function in his right arm his whole life. I certainly appreciate the risks. But on balance I think I'd rather run the risk of catching a very rare disease than the unknown and unquantifiable risk of further vaccination.

As for your autoimmune issues, may I recommend you at least look into a ketogenic diet, specifically carnivore? I'm of course not a doctor (for whatever that's worth these days), but there is a growing amount of admittedly anecdotal accounts of drastic improvements in health. If you're interested, I would listen to Jordan Peterson talk about his whole family's struggles with autoimmune issues, but specifically his daughter Mikhaila. Long story short, she was ailing so bad she slept 16 hours a day and had many, many issues. She tried true ketogenic (whole foods only, nothing processed) and I believe currently only eats lamb, and her symptoms have almost or completely disappeared. Jordan himself is strictly carnivore and credits it with his recovery from severe illness over the past couple of years. Neither of them have financial skin in the game, so just something to consider.

I say this as an extension of the trust issue, in that what we have been told are "healthy" foods and diets have clearly not worked, as obesity, diabetes, etc continues to skyrocket, not to mention autoimmune. Best of luck to you!

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Yes. I had a whole collection of autoimmune diseases and was looking at disability and a reduced lifespan on multiple different medications. Went Keto and now no symptoms, no medications! (Well I’m still Celiac, but all I need to do to avoid those symptoms is avoid gluten.). I can even cheat now and again and have a loaded baked potato or tamari fried rice. But otherwise Keto most of the time and it’s a super tasty way to eat. Lots of wild salmon in cream sauce, butter scrambled eggs, grass fed ribeye and berries and greens.

I’m getting my certifications to be a health coach to help others overcome their autoimmune diseases through diet and lifestyle. The sad thing is most people with these diseases were never told their diet had an impact. They were just given drugs

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Thanks for this.

Pretty healthy diet here in France. Lots of veg. and some meat.

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I highly suggest reading Dissolving Illusions. Polio is not what you think it was.

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I have already decided not to bother with a shingles vaccine (the fact that it can be advertised raised a red flag for me) and will forgo a flu vaccine this year, even though I never noticed a side effect, other than a sore arm.

I say this as somebody who got vaccines as a child (but I was born in 1971, so it was far fewer than what is given today) and did get the two-dose Moderna COVID vaccines, but did not get a booster because I looked more at evidence and saw no reason to do so.

I will not speak for others' experiences with vaccines, but will say I don't blame anybody for not wanting a vaccine any longer given that certain individuals kept changing their tune about the COVID vaccine.

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Having seen my mother's shingles I got the vaccine the first chance I got.

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hopefully it will "protect" you. however. if you ever had chicken pox or a "cold sore". you have the virus.. if you think the shot will help you. I hope so too

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This is definitely a side effect of concentration of authority. As soon as I saw dissenting medicinal doctors and scientist were being attacked for it, it was clear we were dealing with politicians not scientist. Even if they had a background in science. The lesson is always be suspect of those in power, the virtuous rarely ever end up there .

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Definitely a difficult process to go through, but welcome to the club.

Unfortunately, the people that have risen to the top of the pyramid are all likely psychopaths. Check out Harrison’s stack for a deeper understanding: https://substack.com/@ponerology

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Yep. I'm not in the "all vaccines will kill you and make your kid have a zillion issues" camp. I'm in the "well the kids are having lots of issues and people keep saying it isn't the vaccines, but given how much they lied about the safety of this one why on earth should I believe that the others are safe and effective?" I also don't like believing that every anecdotal report I've seen about vaccine injuries are "a bunch of hooey from people who read some thing on some blog and convince themselves of things that aren't true". That's just dismissive. And the past three years have illuminated the fact that maybe "those people" are worth listening to.

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Problem is, you, me, the rest of us have been being fooled our whole lives. The Cold War, Vietnam/SE Asia, the Middle East, NATO....on and on....

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I was 14 when the Pentagon Papers came out. My dad was working at the Pentagon at the time. That was it for me.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

When I saw how excited these science bureaucrats were to be fighting on Twitter, "winning" the daily war on Twitter, getting enemies silenced on Twitter, it made me wonder: is it possible to have a functioning, relatively sane and mature society in the Age of Social Media?

It should be obvious at this point that His Majesty, The Algorithm (which is the cruel tyrant that rules us) wants us all to hate and attack each other, not because of any conspiracy but because it "increases engagement" and really gives the people what they want: a chance to join up with a lynch mob and destroy people who irk or cross us, while pretending we're doing this for a good cause like "Justice" or morality or "ending Hate" (lol).

Social media and its tentacles have plunged us into a constant War of Reformation, where nothing matters but supporting and obeying your tribe while doing all you can to destroy the opposing tribe. It has debased our polity and society and all our cultural and sense-making institutions, who now think and act like deranged crackheads who are happy to wound even friends and family if it gets them to that next hit of self-righteous moralism.

Social media plus smartphones have given our society a wicked degenerative brain disease, and all the things we talk about here—expertise, trust, the integrity of media and academia, etc—are in the process of rotting and dying off. We seem to be in the first days of a very dark age looming up ahead...

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I share your concerns. For some unknown reason, I was comparing in my mind this morning the inventions of social media and contraception. Both technological innovations that resulted in immediate gratification for the individual (sex and likes) but with unknowable long-term negative impacts on society as a whole. How in the world will we deal with AI? We won’t even be able to trust what purports to be Matt Taibbi!

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Keep in mind that these idiots are fighting over the opinions of a small section of the population that are using Twitter. Notwithstanding how many of the Twitter arguments and followers are bots, they're level of self-indulgence is amazing.

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It’s best way for them to keep score, which is what makes the “game” have meaning.

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Well said. In street terms, we’re fucked.

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Between this and the "Actually, racism is worse so go protest," the public health establishment has shredded its remaining credibility with me to a degree I would not have thought possible.

This is absolutely the worst example of malfeasance by the authorities since the Iraq WMDs, and is in fact even worse than that.

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Although I was skeptical all along of their Covid narrative, it was the support of the nationwide protests from all the sources that were shutting down pretty much everything else (church services, schools, hospital visits, what they considered non-essential businesses, outdoor playgrounds, etc.) that finally pushed me over the edge. I will never again trust the CDC or the majority of our so called esteemed leaders.

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It's easy to believe you have moral courage when you don't actually need it. These people faced a test of theirs and failed it.

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The latest example of the managerial class fabricating a false reality and labeling as conspiracy theorists those who failed to attest to its veracity

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Managerial? Scientific/Academic is more accurate, imo.

The real question is who did they fear?

That is who should swing.

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This story (I think we’ve known the essentials for at least a couple of years now, but it’s nice to have it in black and white) has been a watershed moment for me. I used to consider myself one of the sensible ones, and dismissed those who “believed conspiracy theories” and routinely questioned the mainstream narrative as nutters. No more. Never again. Trust is like Humpty Dumpty. “All the kings horses and all the king’s men...”

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If you know the history and origin of the term "conspiracy theory" (which has evolved and may not have explicitly been coined by the CIA during the time of the Warren Commission) you should get a sense that it would be used to prevent inquiry, not prevent disinformation. Conspiracies have been around as long as societies have existed, so to just dismiss anyone's theory about conspiracies, outright, is really shameful.

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100% agree with your whole comment. I too dismissed those people as cranks, and to my shame was even going to get the vaccine when it looked like I would lose my job. I justified it because although I was uneasy, I had a wife and infant daughter to care for, and a man should be willing to take some risks for the sake of his family.

Thankfully my wife had more sense than I and flatly refused to let me. As more info on the vaccine's effects continue to come out, I'm very grateful I had the good sense to marry that woman.

Like you said, NEVER AGAIN. I would rather suffer the consequences of being distrustful and wrong than the consequences of being taken in by charlatans.

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Too many conspiracy theories have been proven true for me to dismiss them out of hand (e.g., you can read about MK Ultra on the CIA's website). But I'm one of those terrible people who does my own research! 😂

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We professional scientists have actually known this for decades but don't talk about it.

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ScIEnCe iS rEAl

The modern Left would have taken the Church's side over Galileo

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Agree wholeheartedly. We are dealing with a new religious zealotry, well, a cult is more like it. Science is a method, not a belief system!!! It is intended to test hypotheses and gain consensus through consistency in results. It is not a political tool to gain consensus through dogmatic devotion!!

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Beat me to it...Asinine statement even without the fact they lie. Pure ignorance.

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Yes. Trust is gone. They should be all be named in all the papers on the front page, like the watergate swindlers- along with the dangerous Dr Fauci. And people should publicly ask all scientists “what is a woman?” That is just the start of it.

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Fauci... most people have no idea about his role in the 1980's with AIDS and AZT testing. It boggles my mind how disinterested most people are about recent history.

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This. These names need to be etched in the memory of the public like Haldeman, McCarthy, Hiss, Agnew, etc. their families should suffer.

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I vote for the obvious, their actions are/were evil

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The BlueAnons foaming at the mouth while denouncing this reporting as “fake news” is either knee-slapping hilarious or deeply troubling. Then again it’s the internet, so who knows if it’s even people.

Great journalism as always, keep force-feeding them the facts.

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Matt - thank you for all the ground breaking reporting! Please consider the option that all or some of the scientists (my guess is Holmes and Farrar) were working with/for the biowarfare industrial complex that most likely created the virus, covered up its origins, created and reaped the gargantuan benefits of the “medical countermeasures” (vaccines) and used the CIC that you’ve exposed, plus what I call the Propaganda Industrial Complex (PIC) to convince the world it was a naturally occurring virus but for some reason the only way to confront it was to shut everything down and wait for a miracle shot - which they conveniently provided.

Many of the scientists and politicians you reference on Covid are in the PIC - their motives are neither scientific nor political. They are conspiratorial! (Covering up the vast biowarfare industrial complex that has ballooned exponentially since 9/11 and how it hijacked the world in March 2020 and still hasn’t let go)

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After 911 we off-shored our "interrogation" of terror suspects, no? 'Don't think it's a huge stretch to think we would off-shore GOF research for the same type of reason. But why to China? Aren't we adversaries? No doubt the research needed to be done for the benefit of "all mankind."

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Exactly the off-shoring out sourcing is

Now the SOP(Standard Operating Procedure) to accomplish something illegal for a US agency to do locally or on their own.

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Well, why not outsource this to China? We outsourced millions of blue& white collar jobs to them. BTW wonder what old Henry K. was doing over there recently?

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I wonder what Nanzi and Obeyme were doing there shortly before the existence of a cold virus scamdemic.

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The medical establishment is dead to me.

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Now that so many physicians have sold their practices, and so many new doctors now work for big healthcare companies; they have become easily controllable by their greedy masters in the Pharmaceutical Healthcare Industrial Complex, which of course is in cohoots with all of the other "complexes" spawned from the original MIC.

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I'm thinking that as the vaccine debacle unwinds, there will be a lot more demand for independent "insurance free" physicians.

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Lets hope so! Not only insurance free, which would be good; but also the problem of so many physicians actually working as employees of large medical provider output where they are essentially paid staff and not practice type owners. That trend makes doctors very vulnerable to losing their jobs if they buck the view of their employers.

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And instead of being slaves of big pharma, answerable to their clientele.

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The silver lining, is that many people (like you) will be taking their health more into their own hands and not relying on the HIC (health industrial complex) to care for them when things happen. Take care of <self> and stay diligent in managing personal risk in the most informed way possible.

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While all true - I'd say more than half tbe population doesn't care, and judging by how absolutely ZERO consequences have been suffered by these people, I assume nothing will change. In fact they are being elevated and celebrated still, in their new positions in academia and whatnot, as opposed to being perp walked down main street and having everyone throw rotten produce at them

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where are the stocks when you need them

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Matt- As information likes this unfolds itself, I think you need to be more straightforward and provide honest assessments- they were evil pieces of shit. Depsicable. DO not hold back. Remember the lies that same cabal tells about you! You are a gentleman, but please do call a spade a spade- or even "a fucking shovel"! Thank you for all your work.

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