Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022


Thank you for your voice. I don’t always agree with your take, but your ability to view both sides critically is, unfortunately, rare these days. Please keep doing what you do so well.

A Fan

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I am an old man. I never could use a cell phone and I am a dumb Canuck. I have trouble writing passwords never mind remembering them. Its been years since we used googlephone and our landline doesn't text. Our grandson helps us set up Zoom. Our phone works fine and I have lots of questions like how come no one looks at Quebec. We had a revolution. The church has crumbled into dust our corporations have fled to friendlier climes. We don't recognize race, gender or religion as identities. Families are created by notaries working for we the people. Families may not be traditional but in Quebec the family is what we are all about.

Why isn't someone questioning why we are the healthiest society in the Americas?

Five hours north when you get off the Long Island Ferry.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Does Quebec still prosecute English on signs? Also, I saw online the Montreal police driving through neighborhoods with their loudspeakers blaring, ordering people to get inside at a certain hour.

I recommend watching Viva Frei on YouTube to learn what the CBC doesn’t show viewers.

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It is no longer an issue. We are a democracy and democracy is a never ending journey not a destination. Right now ameliorating climate change is number one on the agenda and Greta Thunberg is our most cherished celebrity because we are globalists when the problems are global. Our economy is booming but we will end fossil fuels in 2030. Stop signs are not a consideration as our Premier who leads a nationalist party reminded the zealots recently. Arguing about getting new buckets while the barn is burning seems rather illogical.

Thirty years ago John Ralston Saul said cynicism was democracy's greatest threat. Ninety four years ago the Thomas Theorem told us perception is real in its consequences. Realizing the Injustice Seekers will always find injustice allows us to have peace order and good government.

Irving Layton 1912-2006 was the bane of Toronto and Montreal's intellectual establishment elite. Last week the Sherbrooke Police arrested a man and while he was restrained he needed an ambulance. The story in the Montreal Gazette (founded with the aid of Benjamin Franklin American scientist, philosopher and public intellectual) reported the story as did our local Sherbrooke La Tribune. I trust the news I get from independent journalists. I trust the CBC to tell me of their perceptions but French Language CBC and English Language CBC have different binoculars and like Irving Layton named one of his books it all looks different through improved binoculars.

Sherbrooke is the city Canada wants but all they see is this foreign enclave where they speak a strange language.

Those megaphones the police used are our megaphones and those warning were our warnings those police actually do what we want then to do. We are a democracy.

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Democracy is mob rule. We to your south had a republic for a while because of that, mob rule sucks.

Climate change is fake news. Greta Thunberg is a (literally) retarded child.

You should not be proud that restrictive pilice state actuon is the will of the people, you are already lost.

Enjoy your war with Eastasia. I hear you've always been fighting them.

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We have democracy we have peace order and good government. It is better serve in Heaven than rule in Hell.

I've switched to Siberian heirloom seeds because our winters are warmer and our summers are cooler. the caribou are moving south and the deer are moving north. We call this empiricism. When the police are you and you are the police we call that democracy. Our perception is that this is real freedom. We even trust our press to tell us the truth because we are the press and the press is us.

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It turns out we have had a definition of democracy for thousands of years, and that ain't it. Police have existed for far less time than democracy has. You are describing something else entirely, almost like willful mass self hypnosis.

Or fascism. Democratic

fascism even.

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Mick, you've been gaslighted. You are living in an other century. We are primates and democracy is older than we are. Apes have many ways of disposing of incompetent leadership. What we have is a technology that allows idiots, incompetents and fiends to subjugate the demos.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

I appreciate your answers. I grew up an hour away from Ottawa on the U.S. side, and before 9/11 Canada wasn’t the foreign country it is now. Drive into town and Canada was right there across the river. We haven’t been over to Canada for dinner since 2019.

The CBC is not the CBC I grew up with, more agenda-driven now.

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You must have grown up south of Ogdensburg. I remember when Ogdensburg was rich and Harrowsmith Country was farmland. Looking at them now it is hard to believe that NY21 was the richest place on the planet and Harrowsmith Country was not the Hamptons.

The CBC archives are still there to remind me how savage and ignorant Canada's intelligentia used to be. A tyrant is a tyrant is a tyrant.

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A representative republic is a form of democracy, and anyone who claims otherwise is selling you snake oil (and would fail any decent civics class in the country).

Climate change, on the other hand, is not snake oil. It's quite real. Not only that, it's arguably the most serous threat to human civilization in our lifetimes. Greta Thunberg is not a child, not retarded, and is also one of the most inspiring advocates the climate crisis has ever seen.

Democratic control of police forces is what keeps us from descending into a police state.

None of this is Orwellian, and if you think otherwise, you don't understand Orwell.

In other words, ever single thing you posted is wrong. You're the one pissing on people's legs around here.

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"Almost no one who has fervent ideas has a good epistemic basis for the amount of certainty they hold. There is a decoupling, between the amount of certainty they have, and the amount of certainty they SHOULD have, through right process."

--Daniel Schmactenberger

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Schmactenberger is the unPeterson. Schmacterberger understands science. Only Peterson would call himself a scientist.

I understand why Peterson is a high priest he is brilliant but Schmactenberger will never be popular he asks all the right questions to answers we will never hear on Jeopardy.

He is one great kabbalist.

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Thanks Chris. I don't like using democracy just as I don't want to argue theology with anyone who won't tell me what their God looks like.

Everyone knows Americans all believe in democracy but nobody know what it looks like. Democracy existed in America when the Civil War ended in 1688 and Parliament assumed power under a symbolic ruler. Athens was a democracy and Russia is a democracy. I don't use liberal democracy where liberal is a noun and is so subject to interpretation.

Mick has learned his Newspeak rather well he is obviously an A student.

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Pine Cones, no need to delete your comment I still saw it. When you make a comment on a public forum you ask for others to insert themselves, that is the whole point of the public forum. I am also generally snotty when people are pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

The internet has worked this way since at least 1990, welcome, enjoy your stay, and don't go to 4chan.

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Well, Mick, I didn’t delete any comments to you, besides being rude, you are also paranoid.

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Apparently, Mick, you’re looking for a fight where you won’t get hit.

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Not especially.

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Imagine someone told you five years ago that Democrats would be eagerly embracing Dick Cheney.

Loathe Trump all you want. He never controlled most of federal law enforcement and the intelligence services were bound to destroy him. He was never as dangerous or malevolent as Dick Cheney.

If you vote D, looks like you're voting for Dick. That's the road you're on.

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One small, but important detail, Dick Cheney was cultivatd by and is still a member of the Republican Party. Both parties are corrupt, Trump is corrupt, years of lesser evil voting have produced a bipartisan police state. I used to advocate for a 3rd party but it feels more and more like a snowball in hell.

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Divided government, with Republicans in the presidency. That way the parties rip each other apart, but the judiciary doesn't go woke, and the executive branch is at least somewhat restrained.

I believe in the short and medium term, if you care about freedom, that's that best we can reasonably do.

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Bush Jr. cut taxes for the wealthy while launching two wars; his admin oversaw the Patriot Act and the NSA and torture. How does an R in the WH = restraint?

The conservative Supreme Court is anti-labor laws and anti-abortion and pro dark money in politics. How is that better than woke?

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OMFG, do we have to go through this again? Who voted for these things to happen and who voted for the reauthorizations? It's not a D v R thing, get it?

BTW, hard to cut taxes for anyone but the "rich" since tyhey pay the freaking taxes. Bill clinton was the ultimate union destroyer by allowing China into the WTO and simply taking all the union jobs, except the corrpt government unions.

Get some depth.

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Dear Depth,

Yes both sides suck. My comment was not in defense of Democrats. It was criticism of the idea that one side is better than the other. They should really be called It: one big group of wealthy elites taking everything and making life nearly unbearable for the rest of us.

May your gasket self-seal.

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It is not hard to see that both major parties are working for the same people. Look at who voted for the NDAA. The question does not require some deep theory of conspiracy. It's right out in the open.

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For what it's worth, New York just passed into law that 800,000 non-citizens will be allowed to vote in NYC municipal elections. Both parties suck, but go with the Republicans for now.

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The Republicans, like the Democrats don't show any interest in freedom for anyone but billionaires.

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I saw it when Reagan was President and I was the crazy uncle. It is hard being Cassandra and rubbing it in that I told you so when you are all in such great pain. I was far from alone but we were the crazies. Nothing really changes we have not evolved in 70,000 years and we have created a technological revolution and an antihuman environment.

We do not recognize gender, race or religion as anything but human construction. Marriage is defined by our notaries not by our churches and our notaries serve only we the people.

you know all about Honduras, Venezuela, Bolivia and Brazil and know nothing about Quebec. They won't even tell you this is where your Vice President grew up and received a privileged education in a privileged upper middle class ghetto in a Province where 80% were French speaking Catholics. This isn't Haiti we are healthier, wealthier freer and better informed than America but America is so much better than Quebec when Quebec is never mentioned. We are that social democracy Bernie talks about but we are here to study examine and probe and we are therefore cancelled.

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Anything that might serve as an example of another way to self govern is ignored or attacked. The US government is at war with any attempt that people might latch onto as an example of what is possible. Blockades, coups, mining harbors, disappearances.

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2 things come to mind about this Cheney tour: The Democrats are desperate to find anti Trump allies in advance of 2022 elections , and there’s very little difference between neocons and neolibs.

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I don't have any apple devices, but would like to contribute the following:

In addition to your excellent article re Dick Cheney and 1/6, I'd like to remind everyone that the leader of the Proud Boys group is a protected federal informant who regularly cooperates with the FBI and DEA. This is not a conspiratorial claim by any means, even the NYT has an article about it.

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If you really like conspiracy theories the Proud Boys originated in Canada's military and Canadians have conclusive evidence. But of course George Soros runs Canada.

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Fuck dude. Take your meds or up the dose

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You guys are hilarious.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Didn’t know that…🤔 His name?

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Since when did the NYTimes become an arbiter of truth?

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I think it's more like, "Even the NYT admits this."

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Just want the name so I can look elsewhere. No, the New York Times is not a truth source to me.

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Dude. Google. Try it. It is not other commenters' job to keep you informed, it isn't difficult.

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Instead of trying to demean try to inform


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Thank you, Moe. I appreciate this link.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Gee Mick, thanks for inserting yourself and being snotty. Dude

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Callin only supports Apple's walled garden, it appears. iOS is 57% of the market here in the U.S., but what about the remaining 43% of us?

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Web-based would also be nice. I'm sitting at home with my good stereo. Approximately 100% of everyone online has a web browser.

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I scratch my head. However, Matt is a big enough name that he certainly puts the fledgling Callin on people's radar. A multi-cast would be great, but I'm guessing Callin is a captive platform; no piping your video/audio to Rumble (for instance) while also using the Callin app.

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Great publishing on that one Matt. Like Tim Dillon you are a national treasure.

The picture of Cheney and Powell from 1991 there is a good call back for you there.

FYSA, the app required to listen on the show doesn't work on Android. Is there a dial in option? If not, can you record it?

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So what's up with the CDC?

Finally admitting that the hospitalization & death rates are overblown and inaccurate. That 75% of the deaths had at least 4 co-morbidities which I believe means that they had one foot in the grave & the other foot on a banana peel.

Once the smoke clears will we find out that the country was hysterically panicking over a slightly more severe flu?

Saying what the CDC is now saying would have gotten you censored as early as last week.

I wonder if die hard Covid hysterics who spent years wrapped in PPE bubble wrap while cowering in their Purell coated basements are feeling incredibly stupid yet?

It must sting to know that their big smart brains weren't as big or as smart as they thought.

Or that those noxious "conspiracy theorists" are actually right sometime.

Even CNN is in Cover Yer Ass mode. Mr. Reliable Sources - The Story Behind The Story Brian Stelter has dropped the bacon double cheeseburgers long enough to play act at being a journalist.

It has to suck when your paid propagandists start questioning the propaganda.

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There's a much simpler explanation for these sudden epiphanies...the 2022 midterms. The insiders know that their time is up, and the only strategic question is how fast they can shift the narrative without their base noticing. Get ready for some next level gaslighting from the likes of Vox, The Atlantic, etc. over the next few months.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

My weekend assisted care job has also moved beyond surreal. We're currently in our 3rd wave of Covid. Many more folk infected.

I worked the weekend of 1/1 - 1/2. On 1/3 test results came back Covid + for one the clients I had just spent 2 16 hr. shifts being in close proximity to. At one point he became belligerent and tried to pull the TV off the wall. While trying to redirect him he managed to put a 2 inch gash in my face with his nail. So up close & personal.

My employers never notified me that I was exposed so contact tracing isn't happening.

On 1/4 my sons started having cold-like symptoms. Neither one wanted to wait for 3 hrs. for a test. They're 18 & 24 so it's their choice not mine.

I went back to work on 1/8 to find that one client was positive. No one informed me that I'd been fully exposed the previous weekend. Didn't find out until 1/9 at 10:30 PM when the 3rd shift guy came in and informed me.

They had no clean room set up for PPE this time. The infected client was mingling freely with uninfected clients.

They were down 19 staff so the place was a ghost town. In order to keep some semblance of staff coverage they were bouncing agency staff from red areas to green areas to yellow areas and back all weekend.

As for my old ass, this is the 3rd wave I've been through in the last 2 years and still not so much as a sniffle.

Both of my sons are now fine.

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I posted this before...

Democrats as a species seem to need a constant flow of validation that they are righteous and good. They are needy that way. Possibly because they know that they are neither, but more likely because they just own those baked-in personality flaws. They would be easy to manipulate because of this malady if only their wrongness did not risk the end of the free world. It does.

It seems that all someone has to do is tell them that their politics are pretty and the love will flow. But slip up and tell them the truth... that those jeans make their butt look fat... and the evil claws come out and they will not rest until they scratch out your eyes and leave you bloody and dead on the ground.

The Cheneys use to tell the Democrats that their butts looked fat, but now they tell them that their politics are pretty. So the love flows.

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Are you implying that the Cheneys moved their way or they moved toward the Cheneys?

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Boo to this not be available except to iPhone users!

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Whydo I have to give my phone#? Can’t I just listen?

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Apparently not.

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Stuck here in rural America with a land line. Dick Chaney and his artificial heart. Still going, like the Energizer butt head. He suspended the constitution with his patriot act. He also went around to big city law enforcement and told them, in closed meetings, that it's okay to bust heads if people start complaining loudly. Is Liz ready to round up the moneyed Dems and start her own Patriot Party?

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Some busted heads are more equal than others

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The energiser butt-head's got a shit-load more brains than that idiot Biden. As well as any dipshit who voted for him. U spelled Cheny wrong,butt-head. If u wish to face me while I repeat ur inadequacies,I'm happy to confront u physically,Don Bell. Bell's a gay-ass name,isn't it? Judging from ur pic,u dont look manly,Don.

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Is Dick your uncle or something?

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No, he just wants Dick to be his "daddy," IYKWIM,AITYD.

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Great discussion Matt- congratulations. You have come a long way from Christmas of 2017 having to defend yourself against an un named erstwhile Senator

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Group therapy 🙂

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I don't see 9-11 and the Bush years as the turning point. The end of anything resembling the possibility of a functional constitutional democratic republic was finalized when the CIA, with help from the FBI and Military, murdered Kennedy. Everything after that is a facade, and the insider deep state alliances cultivated by MIC, Corporations, IMF, have taken the reins of executve power and proceeded to pack the courts and buy the congress with ever more open bribery. As to torture, disappearances, death squads, etc., that has been going on since the early days of the CIA: Vietnam, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, operation Condor, Indonesia against southern European socialist parties etc.

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So they armed Oswald with $20 worth of gun and scope.

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I don't believe there is much in the way of historical truth in the bible it is allegorical truth at best and at best allegorical truth is as true as it gets. Eating of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is either a comedy or tragedy and we are only writing today's chapter and only we have dominion.

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Wanted to add my two cents from today’s call.

What’s so amazing is the Democratic party’s co-option of basically the entire “minority”/historically oppressed label: Domestically, Democrats are supposedly (and often are) fighting for legal protections for people of color, Black people, indigenous people, women (50% of population), and all of the LGBTQ+ communities (5-20% of the population, by most estimates). The sum total of these groups is well over 50% of the American population, so it makes it very difficult to vote “against” an encumbent (or new) Democrat as a member of one or more of these groups — even if you vehemently oppose that very Democrat’s backing of corporations & hawkish foreign policy.

Importantly, Republicans are often fighting *against* such legal protections for historically oppressed domestic minorities — but in perfect alignment with those same Democrats’ support for corporate interests and hawkish foreign policy.

I think this is the bind many voters (including myself) find ourselves in — how can we possibly defy corporate interests & foreign human rights abuses, when both parties are in perfect alignment on these issues, and we’re basically whittled down to voting on our side of the culture war?

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You can start by asking yourself what path is really the most likely to improve the human condition for the most people over the long haul. Dividing people into these victim groups and attempting to top-down engineer society to benefit some groups over others is not only NOT going to result in better circumstances for the overall human condition, it is bound to fail because it is a false front in political strategy that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If the Democrats get their political power from the narrative of victim groups, then they cannot allow those victim groups to believe they are no longer victims. This is their fatal flaw.

I ran a Y2K project and told all of the workers participating in that project that they were working to successful end the need of their employment. That would be the right mindset for a committed social justice leftist... that their agitation for cause was only a temporary project with finite goals and that they would need to go do something else once achieved.

But the social justice left is a money and power-making industry today. So if you align with that, you are either an insider trying to get money and power from it, or you are supporting what is an industry that needs to perpetuate the misery, or the programming of people to believe they are miserable, in perpetuity.

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"The business of America is business," that is, trying to get money. There does not seem to be any way of changing that using largescale electoral politics. Some kinds of local action which embody different principles may accomplish something.

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I know the fix. It needs to be:

- Term limits.

- Restrictions in affiliation for government officials.

- Massive increase in conflict-of-interest and self-dealing rules and limitations for politicians and government officials.

- Small government in general.

- Enhancements in economic policy that give incentives for small business over large business, because large business always benefits from increased regulation and lobbying collusion with the law and rule-makers... by destroying all upstart competition.

- Changes to campaign finance rules that measure media and tech business influence and rule that the media or tech business is no longer media or a liability-limited platform, but a political action business and thus apply campaign donation rules and restrictions to that media and tech business can apply.

- Enhanced libel and slander laws that allow fast-track damage awards for media that lies and harms people with the lies.

- Voter ID

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Vote out the establishment. Vote in people that are not career politicians and are real problem solvers. You know, the opposite of the 2020 election.

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I don't know what left means in America. I live in a secular humanist liberal democracy. I have no clue how Americans perceive democracy. we have banned religion from all public discourse and this has made both our extreme left and extreme left very upset. Bill 21 was a product of a center right government think Barrack Obama center and think of Obama never invoking celestial blessings.

Social justice is a societal responsibility of all of our society. We are not that far from NYC. We share a border with Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York. Come up for a visit and try to find people ready to die to change the way we are governed. We are a real democracy and it is hard to hate your government. The Church has crumbled into dust and the corporations have fled to friendlier climes. Leaving us in charge of our new found democracy. Our citizens are doing a wonderful job of providing peace order and good government. All we demand is to be given no reason for cynicism.

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It does seem to get convoluted. I think because each side projects itself onto the other for political purpose. Also, I think politics is very tribal today and people that side with left or right don't really fit in ideologically but claim allegiance with the standards of the tribe they believe they belong to. Thank politicians and media for that. They are first making, and then milking, tribal conflicts for their power and money gains.

I subscribe to the view that there is one primary continuum of ideological difference that defines the amount of government control over people's lives. Everything else is just personal opinion that, frankly, gets over-used to divide us into political tribes. For example, most people siding with the left tribe believe that the government is right to mandate vaccines to protect lives, but not right to mandate the right to life of a fetus. But some people claiming membership in the right tribe are supportive of some or all abortion rights, and also see a justification for government putting requirements on the people for the good of humanity in general.

Religion is also not a good test. There are devout followers of Christ who are very liberal (the Pope for example), and conservatives who are atheists. However, I do think the level of religious practice and believe within the culture is an important component of our worldview tilt (explained below).

It is the tolerance and desire for government control that I think defines the left or right.

At the very extreme right is anarchy. At the extreme left is totalitarianism. We all fall somewhere on that continuum.

A right-leaning worldview is one of the father (tough love, self-determination, freedom, independence, individualism, individual opportunity, responsibility, directness, objectivity and pragmatism, and consequences for behavior). A left-leaning worldview is one of the mother (caring, unconditional love, emotionalism, relativism, myth logicism, groupism, expected outcomes, cooperation, rules, saving people from themselves, collectivism).

My worldview is more of the father. I define myself as being a libertarian paternalist. I agree that we need rules but want limited government and smaller set of framework rules that people are free to pursue their own interest within. However, within that framework I want strong law enforcement to serve justice on those that go outside the framework of laws. I expect people to have a moral framework and to control themselves from going outside the rules. But if they do, I want them to be caught and punished for it.

This gets back to the problem of a secular society, and also a society that is rife with cultural diversity. A society without binding and common set of cultural beliefs and practices means there is no reliable foundation of morality other than individual interests regulated by what government lays on us. Left people tend to push secularism. They tend to push open borders and don't value traditional American values. This leads to a sort of lack of moral control of our fellow residents as anything goes because they just moralize their own interests.

This then leads to chaotic results in society... and then a demand to increase our laws and law enforcement to get back to some level of control. Then the mothering tendency of the left revolts over the perceived unfairness of it and demands that law enforcement stands down (ironically starting to advocate for anarchy, but since that is anathema to their mothering desire for government control, the father is disingenuously blamed for being immoral.)

The problem is this tug at extremes and political tribalism, when we should be debating where is the optimum position on the continuum to best ensure an overall health of the human condition. The pursuit of social perfection is the enemy of the good. No system is ever going to be perfect, so we should be constantly striving to only make it the best it can be. And the left and the right should always debate the pros and cons of their ideas... and not lock into some tribal war of left vs right extremes.

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Empirically you seem to grasp the situation particularly well.

Quebec has gone from patriarchy to matriarchy in 50 years and that is why we call it a revolution.

Right now matriarchy is looking very very good especially for most of us males. Right now Iceland looks a much better leader than the USA.

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I do question the meme that society ruled by men leads to violence, and that if ruled by women would be more cooperative and peaceful.

My view is that much of old Europe has always been more mothering in social construct and world view, and has caused both of the last two world wars that demands alpha males to fight and die in.

Maybe I am wrong, but it appears to me that the experiments in Quebec and Iceland are living on the borrowed time bought and paid for by the alpha males that came before and created the relatively peaceful and prosperous times we live in today. If I am wrong, I don't care that women rule. However, I think I am right that the collectivist, socialist direction is one that is unsustainable because human nature is set at a baseline path of evolutionary development that is much slower than the progressive's "revolutionary" desire to engineer society to their softer version. Just look at crime in the USA. The mothers said we should get rid of those alpha male police and replaces them with mothering social workers. How is that working out?

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One might see collective behavior as retrograde or reactionary rather than progressive, imagining of course that in liberalism-capitalism we are in the midst of 'progress'* and not just running off a cliff. Many of the accounts of premodern social behavior indicate that it was necessarily highly collective and that individualism was either non-existent or a rare luxury, produces for a lucky few.

I must add that given the history of the 20th and 21st century I don't see much reason to believe that women are naturally more peaceable than men.

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Matriarchy looks good to beta males. But also leads to eventual collapse as there are not enough alpha producers and fighters... only looters and moochers looking for the soft life and constant soft embrace from a mother.

Look around. Everything that you can claim provides this new soft life was built by the fathers and the system that valued that worldview. Giving it over to the matriarchy will result in a decay of those things built and eventual collapse of the system.

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Being am Empiricist I cannot comment on the future, for the moment we have peace order and good government and the injustice seekers keep getting angrier and angrier while our economy both public and private shows no sign of slowing down.

I was never smart enough to love sloth but we do best when we can do the things we love to do. I still remember the teachers who loved teaching. We don't need the Ted Cruzes , Donald Trumps and Mitch McConnells they can stay home and play Peter Pan.

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Can only listen on iPhone? This is dumb

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Christopher Lasch chronicles where all the Rockefeller Republicans went in his "Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy". And long long ago, Jefferson warned us that there would always be a battle between the aristocrats and the democrats. Last week's group hug at the Capital looked to me like an in-your-face warning by the aristocrats to the rabble.

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Matt, is love you to check you out on Callin but I have an iPhone 6 and my iOS is short of 13, which Callin requires. I’m cut off behind the lines, and missing your new venue!

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Matt - I enjoy your articles and I thought your callin shows are always well done. I'm not one who is brave enough to ask questions on a show like that - is it ok if I ask a question here instead? You mentioned that you don't like doing election integrity stories because they are so hard to investigate or prove. I get that - especially right now when no one is allowed to discuss it. I was listening to a podcast that was talking about how Georgia is starting to officially investigate and subpoena people regarding some footage of the drop boxes which was taken between the hours of 1 and 5 in the morning before the 2020 election. When I hear people who are on the republican side report this I find it interesting but I wish that a more independent journalist would consider it and cover the story. The truth is that if people like you don't investigate our elections because they are too difficult, then what hope do all of us from both sides have of believing we know what happened and having confidence in our system? I know it is not fair to ask it of you, but I am throwing it out there anyways. Thanks

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The article and the podcast were both excellent. I loved the Q and A of your show. So many smart thoughtful people. It meant so much to me personally as a Trump supporter to hear the concern expressed for the hatred ginned up against us by our fellow Americans.

When someone is able to wear a MAGA hat anywhere in the country without fear of being beat up we will know that free speech and personal liberty is back in America.

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Damn, gotta love this Apple only app crap. I had time, but not the means. Loved your article, though.

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Detroit Lions are on a roll. .. so anything is possible.

omg. Et tu Ahab! All this Chamberlin-esque Trump appeasement talk will not end well. .. with half the country still fighting like hell to 'Stop the Steal', y'all are just asking for it!!

Lord only knows why the Democrats really had Dark Lord Cheney in chambers to reminisce on the 1/6 'insurrection' - strange - Up to no good, no doubt. Certainly not to talk shop on "the botched war on terror" (btw, the very idea of a war on 'terror' is botched.). The Democrats are fully invested in the bipartisan global war on terror. .. Obama signed the paper work.

The Trump monkey Apostle is more a result of Dark Lord Cheney's dystopian 21st century horror show, rather than any sort of answer to it. Trump is not the answer to anything. .. all hat and no cattle.

It may have been a poor, pitiful 'insurrection' (#freeTheQnonShaman!), but there is no question 1/6 was a well advertised rather crass *attempted coup* by a sitting president to overturn the newly elected government. .. heck, he's got hands on his feet and it ain't over 'til the Trump monkey sings.

Of course, the evil genius of Dark Lord Cheney succeeded successfully. He "would do it again" (snarl.). He was groomed by the 'Turd Blossom' himself. The 2001 Space Odyssey 9/11 coup passed 98-1 (Feingold).

*'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.'

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Always keep on the sunny side of life.

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I realize, at first glance, some of my tightly packed rumblings may be difficult to fathom, dingo.

*try going 'snake eyes' .. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx0zC22C4RM

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(i) (i)

^snake eyes

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At this point in our imperiled democracy I am willing to accept any mitigation attempts, however slight the source is, including Cheney's.

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Might be too much traffic on the thread, but your comments are acting fucky today. Not seeing the same issue on other stacks.

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It's actually making my whole phone act fucky, goes away when i close the internet, comes back when i come to this comments page.

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Callin link does not work. It lets you listen to a few minutes and then demands a phone number + verification. Why would I want to do that?

Why is the individual Matt Taibbi supporting the institutions of Callin (and huckster capitalism) against the individuals who subscribe to and appreciate his exemplary journalism? 😀

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Matt Taibbi and Bill Maher have become the darlings of Fox News

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And the American public thought Reagan would strengthen their democracy and Trump would bring truth back to America.

I thought democracy was dead but I think Trump has actually given it a pulse.

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trump would like to destroy all thoughts of democracy

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Great format. Many of your readers are engaged with good ideas. Still needs a little work with platforms to expand access but a good step forward. Thanks.

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it would be nice if they explained how this works somewhere

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The Magicians are still at work.

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I clicked on the link signed up and heard nothing.

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You libtards make me laugh so hard. Cheney's considered "authoritarian",but a-holes like Obama & Biden spied on journalists who exposed FAST & FURIOUS,as well as the illegal Obama Uranium-1 deal. Cheryl Atkisson was jailed by Obama. Why didnt the many media lib-whores cry & scream like bitches,then? You dickheads do about everything else. That's why I hate Dems; The pty of bitches (that's just the men). Eat Covid,Matt. You're a typical Democrat "journalist"; a liar,a fraud & a publicist for the corrupt DNC crime-organisation. I'm willing to fight you publicly on FACEBOOK-LIVE. The proceeds go to the winners (my) charity. Reply with a time & place for our match.

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So having your constitutional protections stomped on by Republicans is better been having them stomped on by Democrats? Who do you think are the good guys? The problem seems to be both parties are against the people.

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You must be new here.

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Kind of dumb. Might be a bot.

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Looking forward to the call in show.

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Nancy Pelosi = Paul Ryan.

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Follow the money.

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I know the answer to that: Yes. I listened to the prior episodes that way. Use the link above. I'm not sure exactly when they show up, but they do.

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Yeah, I saw the same thing just now. Very frustrating. I'm going to delete my message. It worked for me last time, but that was a few days afterward. Screw it. I'm not going to use a phone in any case. If it's not a podcast format available on a browser, I'll pass.

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Mostly I just use YouTube. For the ones that aren't on YouTube, I use whatever they have. I use browser bookmarks I keep in a "Podcast" folder. And, if listening to any particular podcast requires too much hassle, I don't bother. There are a lot of fish in the sea.

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