As a Californian, I have a special relationship with Kamala Harris. I decided to search the LA/OC Weekly archives to see what had been written prior to her Vice Presidency. This is just the beginning of information that I assume most Democrats would prefer to be forgotten. Here's one article I found interesting, with a revealing quote.


“At best, Harris displayed a pattern of striking ignorance about scandalous misconduct in hierarchies that she oversaw. And she is now asking the public to place her atop a bigger, more complicated, more powerful hierarchy, where abuses and unaccountable officials would do even more to subvert liberty and justice for all.”

Given the state of the Presidency, she seems perfect for the job.

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Harris' refusal to do interviews is a MAJOR RED FLAG. Having entered the U.S. Senate in 2017, and then serving as VP for nearly four years, nothing should be more routine for her by now than taking policy questions. The fact that she won't take even one friendly interview now as the party nominee, with the election just weeks away, hints that something is seriously wrong.

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There's just not enough days left in the campaign to highlight all her documented screwups and vulnerabilities. Which I guess was The Plan.

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Today I read a comment to a story in American Spectator that was very interesting. The whole, "Biden, gone, Harris our candidate" makes you think how she was so in on it all along. Barack's little sister. One point the commentator made is how the rally venues were booked so fast, how media was all in no questions asked, so fast. National and state organization, really fast. Obama generals moving to her campaign, fast, again. But yet, according to Anita Dunn, Obama had nothing to do with it! Just, wow.

Anyway, now obviously, it was The Plan. Who is running the US of A? Apparently not an important enough question for anybody with a platform to ask.

Did you know that in about 15 days the County Clerks in Illinois are obligated under law to send out absentee ballot applications to all "registered voters?" Most of the voting may be over with in October.

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That Atlantic article is from 2019. That was three or four Kamala’s ago and is completely irrelevant today.

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What? How many personalities does she have?

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The only difference between 2019 and now is she more beloved than she has ever been because of all those great things she has accomplished A Heartbeat Away.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

Off topic, but just read a send up of Bari Weiss on the NYT, then perused the comments.

Found it highly amusing that MT's name came up in the comments as a "far right wing" boot licker, along with Michael Shellenberger.

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Germany has an official governmental designation of "extreme right" which justifies all manner of outrageous (from a US perspective) official interventions and interferences. The UK's not far behind.

As with so many things it's in the definition. In these cases "far right" just means "people we don't like".

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Interesting that no Dem is ever labeled "far left."

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I made that observation on a more liberal comment section once...

it didn't go well.

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I spent a couple days trolling Democrat Underground about a dozen years ago. Twitter at its worst is congenial by comparison. If I had to describe it, I would say it's the plain text equivalent of watching The Boys, with over the top extreme rhetoric in place of grotesque ultra-violence. And that was before Trump and TDS. I don't want to imagine what the place is like now.

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They are in more conservative circles.

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I'm talking about corporate media. They also play a game that I call "find the party." For example, if an Republican is arrested for a DUI, he/she is referred to as a "Republican Congressman." If a Democrate is arrested for a DUI, he/she is usually referred to as a "congressman from <insert state>." They will label judges as "Trump appointed" to imply a decision was biased, but when they agree with decision, they rarely point out that the judge was "Obama (or Clinton or Biden) appointed."

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I figured you meant that, but it wasn't explicit.

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They completely wore out “racist”, switched to “Putin apologist” and didn’t gain traction, so the latest is “far right winger”. Yawn. Wake me up when they can articulate an argument.

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Appears anyone to the right of Stalin is "far right wing" these days.

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If he weren't effective and accurate, they'd have no need because he'd be irrelevant. Anything right of socialism is far-right these days.

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The Taibbi name also came up, for balance, in this comment:

@John Mitchell And also revealing that it skirted around the contributions in the Twitter files series of Michael Schellenberger and the great Matt Taibbi. It’s clear whom is a threat to whom.

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All of us far right wing types need to stick together. 😁

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Far right? when it’s pretty clear his favorite national politician is Bernie Sanders? This sort of labeling reminds me of Stalinists and Maoists in history labeling people they didn’t like (and would eventually kill) with various -isms: right-opportunism, far-left revisionism, Trotskyism, capitalist-roadism, etc. etc. Something in human nature must like to think that way.

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I often wish journalism, as a professional best practice, would outlaw adjectives.

It's fun to read something like an NYT piece without the adjectives.

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then how would they fill up all that empty space?

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More cartoons!

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that's what the New Yorker is for

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Matt secretly has a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" stashed away in his closet.

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Great! Enjoyed your Talk w/Tucker Matt

Looking forward to 8pm!

Don’t forget Elon & Donald Trump as well

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“Election Integrity Project” on steroids is what they’re running now. https://www.brookhines.com/p/how-the-conspiracy-to-unseat-trump

ETA—thank you for the weekday updates! It’s a necessity for my week.

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Thank you to MT and WK for these "Mystery Science" look-ins. They are much appreciated!

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Matt and Walter,like all of us, have their own political views.

They do an excellent job of keeping those views private in all of their writings and on America This Week.

The difficulty starts when they do objective reporting that happens to reflect negatively on democrats and the left.

The left immediately go into attack mode on people fairly and factually reporting a story and then those reporters are called all sorts of names and characterize as something they are not.

In other words,the left lies and engages in a smear campaign.

Such is the left in America today.

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It’s probably intrinsic to being Left, as Sowell describes them as self-anointed visionaries of “What Is to Be Done,” as opposed to the Tragic vision, more characteristic of what has been labeled Right.

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Yesterday, Dana Bash sanctimoniously informed JD Vance that "There aren't media lies.". Then, in the height of irony, possibly sitting in the same chair only a few hours later, Jonathan Karl lied that Trump never denounced Nick Fuentes. So public retractions are due from both Karl and Bash, I think. (links below)

Jonathan Karl story:


Dana Bash story:


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I’ve never felt as connected to Walter’s opinion as I was as he described his reaction and concept of the JOY repulsion.

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Same. Walter is definitely GenX as evidenced by that statement alone. Such a punk! Love it!

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Let's get real.

The first major foreign interference in a US Presidential election was in 2016 when the UK government allowed or encouraged Christopher Steele to prepare an oppo research report for the Clinton campaign. It is inconceivable that Steele, a former senior MI6 official, did what he did without approval from the highest level, which means No. 10.

Several times over the last few years, the Democrats reached out to the EU and UK asking them to censor things they (Democrats) could not censor themselves. The EU has now passed the legislation the Democrats asked for, and today we saw it's first implementation. This is no surprise, and was teh purpose of a multi-year program.

To think that the disruption at X tonite was anything other than sabotage or a DDOS attack is hopelessly naive, especially after the problems with the DeSantis interview. Not believable X did not take measures to avoid a repeat of the DeSantis fiasco.

We live in an internationally coordinated security state. There is no doubt about it.

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It kind of cracks me up when we get all butthurt at foreign countries interfering in our elections. Like we would never meddle in the elections of other countries. Haiti, Nicaragua, Ukraine, etc. ad nauseum. I get a lot more pissed off at bad domestic actors meddling in our elections.

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"Road to Damascus moment" was 3 months for me for me--July-October 2016. First HRC servers in her home and Comey's Speech; then attending an October HRC rally in Tampa (live). Like WK's Montana on-the-ground report about the DJT rally reality vs. reporting--the local Tampa news reported the event as large, and it just wasn't.

Have not felt so disillusioned since told truth abt Santa Claus.

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What about Santa Claus?

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My completely ad hominem comment on the photo: who dresses these people?

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You guys have fallen into the same trap as MSM--you're treating this as a binary election. I remember last summer's podcasts, when you discussed Stein, West and Kennedy.

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I agree, being heartily sick of the uniparty. I'm all for as many people as possible being on the ballot, being discussed in media, and debating each other.

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Unfortunately, in this election, it really is binary unlike ever before. More often than not, I have voted third party. This year, that is a total waste of a vote.

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Apparently the best way to neutralize Republican criticism of Kamala not giving interviews is to make giving an interview toxic.


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Walter: "This is an exploding planets movie."

That's our current world in a nutshell.

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"You may fire when ready," someone in sci fi Nazi uniform says in an English accent with rolling 'r's.

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Anyone else expect the Teletubbies to appear as part of the joy campaign?

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Kamala Kameleon!

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