
Folks, apologies for the typos - pls check the online version. Apologies, I'm in a bit of a rush before Walter and I tape.

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Hey Mr T-- never apologize-- you are a one man wreaking crew

I’m not a pay per view kind of person-- however I would shell out whatever the price to watch these soulless fools “mauled by bears”! Maybe for a top tier $ we could throw them headfirst into a black hole

Seriously though-- this act is wearing very thin -- leave our FREE SPEECH ALONE

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Amen. Unfortunately, those screaming about the attack on Free Speech get thrown in to the conspiracy camp.

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Or just sent to Hilary’s “reprogramming camp” 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess I’ll see you all there!

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With respect, a/ it's not an 'act' - it's all too real; and b/ for Matt, I fear you're being far too kind.

Our self-described moral and intellectual superiors hope to confine the 'public forum' to state-approved discourse - as China does. A steady supply of sacrificial lamb 'corruption investigation' stories are served up to keep the gullible believing that we've actually got a real shot at influencing outcomes.

Folks like Matt and Walter, with respect, had a chance to promote and vote for a real change agent in 2016 and 2020 and decided instead to sit the fight out with a 'plague on both their houses' cop out, if I understand their positions correctly.

The facts were clear in 2016 and have been since. I can't stand Trump, but his four years of co-operation with Russia re: ISIS etc, strongly suggest we wouldn't be staring into the abyss, as we are now, had folks seriously squared up to the actual stakes involved. 2020 may well have been our last roll of the dice.

Good people didn't and here we are. That's the problem. The 'Amys' of the world are but a permanent feature of the system. Believing otherwise is as bad as trusting the NYT.

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Just one comment about Trump. I have stopped qualifying every good thing I say good about him with a caveat that, "I don't like him, etc, but..." In fact, I have realized he was the best president in decades, no new wars, etc. Now I am an open supporter and also was in 2020. I hate when Matt and others always have to say, "I hate Trump, but he did all these good things against an unbelievable amount of dissent and sabotage from within his own government." With Biden, I hate him with no buts....He sucks at everything plus has dementia. I dread 2024 because Trump will not be allowed to win.

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Yep. It’s the most successful smear campaign in history. Ironically, if they had treated Trump like any other President, I might be one of those who didn’t like him. But the tacky blowhard stood up to the permanent government and for that they tried to take him down. And he still hasn’t caved. Compare to people like Bush and Obama who cultivate an image of pretend compassion while riding herd at the head of the gravy train. Trump may have vulgar taste in furnishings, but he can’t stomach the lying control freaks who’d sell us out without a thought. I like Trump precisely because of who doesn’t.

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Trump's strategic race-baiting rants are impossible to excuse or ignore. His smears of individuals on the basis of ethnicity, religion, and background at rallies, especially in 2015, appealed to the worst instincts within all of us. He owes everyone a very public apology for every smear. And the reluctance of his supporters to call him out for this crap doesn't reflect well on anyone. Trump, btw, is perfectly willing to stomach almost any sort of nonsense if he deems it in his own interest, just like the rest of us. He understands, however, that papering over shoddy work isn't going to prevent a building from collapsing. That's more than can be said for many of the hacks working in the public sector at all levels. Take the money and run in business and the public sphere is the maxim for too many too often.

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Get a grip, dude. I think Barack Obama smeared a lot more people than Trump has. Give me a politician who isn't tacky, who hasn't smeared someone, who hasn't made ethnic smears. WTF, people.

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If you're persuaded by the "what aboutism" replies, fine.

We do not ever need to deploy the slurs "rapist" and "racist" to broad groups of people. The specific word we employ for such statements is "bigotry" and the term "hate speech" also applies.

Excuse or elide Trump's "Mexican rapists" slurs if you like. Wilful blindness applies, but not to me, at least in this discussion. I'm not the one excusing or "explaining" away Trump abhorrent language decisions. Trump employs bigoted language to control news cycles and to earn clicks, and does so fully aware of the kind of fires such rhetoric starts.

Trump's chances of getting elected in 2024, I strongly suggest, might rise considerably if he owned the impact of his indefensible smears on others, and the negative impact such lasting smears have on his ability to win support for his generally excellent policies.

Paying attention, yet?

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"...And the reluctance of his supporters to call him out for this crap doesn't reflect well on anyone."


At this point Trump's MAGA mainline supporters believe Trump himself has devolved into a big pussy for not going far enough---you know, not calling for public lynchings of the LGBTQ crowd, demanding televised defenestrations for women caught having abortions, the liberal application of the bastinado for any American citizen who doesn't think, look, or smell like Jim Jordan.

Trump's supporters, the hardline MAGA-Man, has already crossed the Rubicon. They're IN IT for the smears and are decidedly unapologetic about it. Huzzah!

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It appears he may not be allowed to run. There is a new lawsuit in Colorado to keep him off the ballot.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Yea, fascism/leftism is on the march 😢

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I am with you 💯 % … well 🙂 except for understanding that saying “I hate Trump, but he did all these good things against an unbelievable amount of dissent and sabotage from within his own government,” is berry-berry good for the business and lets them reach and influence many otherwise unreachable.

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Yeah, that was a terrible sentence, I should have left it at but...

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I join you in unqualified support for Donald Trump. I believe that if not for his caustic obnoxious truth-telling, we would not have discovered the frightening scale and depth of establishment corruption.

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Yes, it has bothered me before that people like Matt see where the real threat lies but can't bring themselves to vote against it, stand up to it, because they have never voted for a Republican and/or they dislike his personality. Your post isn't really clear regarding Trump and Russia, however. He's a Putin puppet are you saying? I wasn't crazy about Trump's personality and voted for Rubio in the primary and now I see he would have been a mistake. Trump as charismatic as he is wasn't good at selling policies that have real merit. People can't weigh danger. Leftists always try to sell that the religious right is the big threat (when our constitution clearly protects against state-sponsored religion)--it does NOT protect us against progressive socialists and electing authoritarian regimes like this one. I hope Matt sees that now.

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One of the big problems is the MSM and many so-called journalists have been framing Republicans, conservatives and Red states as bastions of knuckle dragging white supremacists. Much of this is simply projection by Democrats and their brown/black shirt minions. Usually when a leftist with a developed intellect, which people like Amy Klobuchar are missing, meet many conservatives they come away in awe of their grasp of and depth of knowledge of current events and the issues this country faces find they are really good people. It's so sad Democrats can only make their arguments work by intimidation, lies, and misinformation all thoroughly marinated in hate.

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This framing isn’t accidental. Sociopaths don’t care how they win as long as they do

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Republicans won’t save us from this shitshow. The blob is deeply rooted.

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Well, not these bunch of Republicans, that's for sure. Too many elitists in the bunch.

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And so even though I don’t like reparations Kennedy talks about and a few of his policies worry me, if I think he has the best chance of beating Biden and these fascists I’ll vote for him. He’s a uniter and he’s smart and he understands this global threat and the techno corporate threat to our civil liberties. I’ve never voted for a democrat or independent but if he can beat these people I will.

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Lekimball, not saying he was a Putin stooge at all, I totally butchered that sentence.

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Nor does the constitution protect us against reactionary know-nothings---but we'll deal.

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And ps. There is danger in EVERY political ideology if carried to its logical conclusion. Which is why we need a balance. My father was very conservative but when we had talks when I grew up, he pointed out how we needed liberals, too. But leftists pose the bigger threat unchecked. Luckily, our constitution is brilliant and we CAN change it as needed, but fast "fundamental change" which necessitates authoritarian tactics like the Biden Administration has demonstrated is obviously the bigger danger.

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Surely you know that's a false equivalency, and was just going for a, albeit, funny witticism?

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I doubt it. Witticism and humor just mask a bit the real point. Even if it's funny, it makes that point. It's not a false equivalency.

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Right. Spoken by a progressive know-nothing, I presume. All people who want to use our constitution to make changes that are legislated are "reactionary" because we don't want "fundamental change." We have a government that is set up to deal with change rationally and as needed. Nobody is saying they want NO CHANGE. Get real.

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Remember Progressives are just Marxists in a hurry. they do not have the intellect, the patience or the sound arguments to achieve their goals. They need to lie, cheat, steal, and blame everyone else for their lack of humanity.

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Your credibility was trending up, but then you actually admitted that you voted for Rubio. Keep that shit on the dl if you want anyone to listen.

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Bravo MT. I am glad to see the gloves come off. To hell with Ruling Class and their Ministry of Truth.

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"4 years of cooperation with Russia"??? President Trump took strong actions against Russia, which made clear to the Russians that they better not attack any country. He initiated agreements for joint surveillance of the Arctic with Norway and Finland, he ended the funding of Iran started by Obama, which was to include about $10 billion to Russia for nuclear facility construction, he told the Germans not to accept the Nordstrom 2 pipeline from Russia, he provided assistance to Poland and the Czech Republic to protect them from Russian actions, … .

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You seem to have some problem understanding the difference between working with and bending over for a foreign power. Maybe give that some thought.

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I agree with you. Obama and Biden are real bender-overs!

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"I can't stand Trump...but..."

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

See, they use a modern Wikipedia definition of free speech, not the traditional one, which old farts like you and I fashion.

Let’s get on the neo-wagon, Boomer ))

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No need to apologize. I would rather have truth with typos than lies that have been edited to death. Plus, your humor (actual humor) makes the typos a non-issue! Personally, I am offended by Amy being described as funny. That is an afront to anyone with an actual sense of humor. I bet she didn't even come up with that Trump hair joke.

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She's like Paulie Walnuts. "Did you hear what I told him? I said I'd like to see how his hair would do in the snow."

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LOL! Paulie Walnuts.

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It’s gold, Jerry! GOLD!

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Hey Ton, did you hear what I said about these two guys looking like a weight loss ad--before and WAY before?

But the all-time champ is "He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator."

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Agreed, it seemed way to rehearsed to sound off the cuff

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Nah, it’s the talented delivery that does the trick.

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at least until the fifth repeat by her of the same joke

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Never trust anybody who unironically uses a comb as an eating utensil. (The woman ate salad with a fork. FPS.)

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At least it wasn't a spork. Have you ever tried eating salad with a spork?

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oh, sure. yah, yah, you betcha!

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No worries. Typos are okay when the hordes are overrunning the front and one barely has time to reload. I'm considering buying a ham radio and becoming a free outpost, and I'll decide which information source I trust. You are Number One. As a 1960 hardline feminist with a bull dyke brain in a heterosexual body, I've had much practice deflecting the attempts to filter information that some considered too much for my pea brain.

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The de-googled phone guy, Rob Braxman does ham radio! Move over, censors.

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Time for those of us who can, to start a huge ham network. I've been considering for some time and now going to make it happen.

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So you think for yourself then? You are a dinosaur. May you live long and keep it up!

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“I would pay money to watch them all mauled by bears.”😂

Well done sir, well done.

Amy is the Bush Light to Hillary’s Bud Light. JV tryouts evil, but gunning reeeeally hard for the starting job.

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Not bloody likely. Cthulhu was recently cited lamenting the challenge of rivalling HIllary in the "evil" department. Amy certainly doesn't have the wit, wickedness or 50-year running start to catch up.

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But Amy does have a better hair stylist. Nobody has been able to figure out yet, what to do with the mop that's on top of Hillary's head. I have only seen it look good maybe once in the entire 50 years she has been around. Love it though matt, when you are really mad. You are never better

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It's from the salad dressing on the comb that she uses as a spork. Y'know. Inventivelike.

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Hah, she only allows contributors to the Clinton Foundation touch her hair.

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yep, the only way to get 5 decades of skullduggery under the belt is by putting in the time and leaving tons of stiffs in your wake.

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Amy and Hillary? Like two chihuahuas arguing about who is the biggest dog in the room. (Paraphrasing Mitt)

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Dean Wormer: Amy Klobuchar: (pause).

has no grade point average.

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Matt, my daily paper has typos all over the place. I don’t think they proofread anything before going to print. A typo for you is a very rare event. The important thing is your journalistic integrity and accuracy.

What passes for leadership in the West is worse than mediocre. It’s idiots believing they are geniuses.

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I read a bunch of stuff on Substack and constantly find typos and grammar errors, including from Matt. It seems that proofreading everywhere is an extremely endangered skill. With Matt, though, who clearly knows how to proofread, I chalk it up to the pitfalls of writing so much on deadline, and of course the content is what makes it all OK. I was thinking as I read this piece how much funnier Matt is than Amy Klobuchar.

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You never catch the last typo until you hit "Publish."

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I'd chalk it up to not having a proofreader.

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We do have a proofreader. I’m certain circumstances, like when I need something up before the podcast taping starts, I’ll bypass her, with the results you see.

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I'd just like to say that having a typo in the comment about the proofreader is mildly amusing.

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JC Mike give the guy a break. Not many could drive his bus

or operate around his time frame demands.

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Hi Matt,

Great piece . . . not sure if you have made corrections yet, but "candidacy" in the lede should be "candidate," methinks.

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True. Our brain filling in what we intended, or otherwise know ought to be there, makes proofreading yourself impossible.

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I think you’re mistaken. The editors and proofreaders must be graduates of modern day Master/PhD program in journalism.

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Editors and proofreaders are like factcheckers. Nuff said.

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I seriously don’t think they have any proofreaders. Their typos are a regular occurrence. I get your snark, but they probably can’t even afford one.

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I agree. Townhall, for example, which is very partisan and not actually very good, is literally full of typos in every article. I was in the Army and recall in the 80s, there was attention to detail for everything, everything was proofread. In the 2000s, typos in every briefing, misspelled words, all kinds of stuff. I can live with the odd typo from Matt. His stuff is usually the best there is.

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Ever read this Matt,? It’s from Dietrich Bonhoeffer who vehemently opposed Hitler, Nazism and Eugenics even though it cost him his life. The Nazis executed him just before WWII ended. He was a man of great intellect, they couldn’t bear that. We are today plagued by stupidity.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/760019.Letters_and_Papers_from_Prison)

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Exactly. Complacency is consent.

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I believe the Bonhoeffer "stupid/malice" diatribe has been posted a half dozen times in the last six months here.

My response is always the same: if members of one cohort believe members of another cohort are "stupid," it's a safe assumption that...

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Unless it is true. Can you envision such a scenario?

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Me? I stopped leaving the house because of the problem.

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This is great writing Matt. Love how you start off with "no hell hot enough" and end with "to hell with you". You're putting on a clinic these days. Love it when you get worked up like this. Send 'em all to hell. I'll have to read this to my wife tonight. You have to share stuff like this with someone.

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No worries. The headline did make me snort some coffee on my desk though 🤣

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No problem -- auto-dyslexia fixes typos for me.

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And creates them for me.

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It's so easy to post things with typos when you are writing articles nearly daily. And even when I proofread, I don't see them until I push that "post" button.

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It is well known that proofing ones own work is super difficult because you know what you wanted to say and miss things your brain just puts in there as you proofread. It is always better when a third party edits one's work.

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Yep. But it's funny how you read it over, it's all correct and the minute you push that "post" button, you see it.

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Yep, I totally butchered an entire sentence in an earlier reply here.

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“ Hindenburg presidential candidacy”


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Some will claim "fat shaming" over that line....

if the fat suit is too tight...

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Speaking of Amy K, she was the Hennepin County Attorney when Marvin Haynes was wrongly convicted of murder. I wonder how big of a role she played in his prosecution.


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Best line - mailed by bears. I remember SNL's skit of Dana Carvey impersonating Tom Brokaw who announced that Gerald Ford had been mauled by circus lions. They nailed the bullshit media then so well. Too bad SNL isn't funny anymore....

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If people get Rumble and Substack mixed in with the flawlessly accurate reporting of the Washington Post they may start to think for themselves, and we can’t afford that during these dangerous times.

Keep this up Matt and you’ll find yourself in Hillary’s reeducation camp with the rest of the MAGA.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

I'm a Minnesotan (a condition that gets harder all the time). "Funny" isn't an adjective that would ever have come to mind for Amy Klobuchar. "The Marm" was my late husband's name for her. She is self-righteous, smug and self-satisfied. She believes in the vast right-wing conspiracy. She has no accomplishments. I have been baffled for years why Minnesotans keep voting her in by large margins--I don't think she even has an opponent this time. I'm not Republican, plenty of problems there. But I'll vote for them every time against her and her DFL colleagues. She pretends to Minnesota Nice but she's really Minnesota Nasty.

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Oh hey there, fellow Minnesotan here. On behalf of my state, I’d like to apologize for the following, in addition to the hollow, conniving Senator Klobuchar:

1) Jesse Ventura

2) Al Franken

3) Tim Walz (our current governor, aka Covid-Will-Kill-Everyone-You-Know Tim, who is clearly priming the pump for “the national stage” to spread his blanket of errors from sea to shining sea - Lord have mercy, everybody run for the exits)

4) Dean Phillips - ditto above, but props for challenging Biden. I mean Obama. Good luck with that.

5) Row the Boat

6) Tator Tot Hotdish

7) Deepfried Oreos on a Stick

8) “Minnesota Nice” which is just Minnesota speak for I’ll cut you when you’re not looking.

9) Voting for Walter Mondale

You’re welcome for Loons, Snoopy, Prince, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Fargo (just the original movie), Bob Dylan, and Vince Vaughn, Josh Hartnett, and Chris Pratt. And Winona Rider in Stranger Things.

Come visit our lovely lakes and pristine forests but don’t move here. For the love of all that is good, do not move here. 😬

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Tater tots? They're a delicacy. Don't trash the Tots. Laugh. My Father was born on 'the Range" and I still own my Finnish ancestors homestead way up by the Boundry waters.

But why is Minneapolis hellbent on going communist? Can't they tell the difference between the old Scandinavian allegiance to social equality and the current left wing mob?

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Yes, tator tots are absolutely delicious. Which is why smothering them in Campbell’s Cream of Chicken soup is just wrong. Nay, an abomination.

And both our Twin Cities Mpls and St Paul are hellbent on stupid. For a bunch of people who claim to be independent thinkers they sure all look like lemmings.

Critical Theory Mind Virus + Mob Cowardice = Minnesota

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Thank god you understand the Tater Tots. A critical concept of high end cuisine. Only those with the most sophisticated palate appreciate them. Much like fine wine and good hot dogs.

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This made me laugh

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Maybe Ilan Omar?? Voter harvesting suspect

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That’s nice of you, but please don’t make me start a list for California. It would be a Herculean task...

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You forgot Ilhan Omar.

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Rod Carew and Fran Tarkenton were worthwhile.

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The old Met in Bloomington. Demolished and replaced by a Mall. The story of present day America in two structures.

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I may have sparred with you in the past, but I solidly agree with you here.

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Fran is from Georgia

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And Rod Carew is from Panama. Thanks, dipshit.

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That made me laugh.

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Rodney Roundhouse!

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Joe (was not:-) Kapp was my favorite.

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Don't forget Hüsker Dü and Low.

Q: You're sorry for Jesse Ventura but we're welcome for Vince Vaughan? I'd flip those.

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Hüsker Dü's "Zen Arcade" was a good album. Still have that LP.

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We call that "classic rock" in my house.

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Arrgh. I don't want to get into an taxonomic debate, but I'd call that album "post punk". :-)

That was a great era for punk: Black Flag's "Nervous Breakdown", SST Records, man...lots of music.

Husker Du were very distinctive and Zen Arcade is arguably their best work.

I got to see them at First Avenue when I lived up there. They were great live. I have worked with various musicians on various projects and I once met Grant Hart. He was a nice guy...as I just read he passed a few years ago. Man......

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That was a bit of a joke. All that 80s SST stuff is canon. Have you checked out the "You Don't Know Mojack" podcast?

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Yep, Post Punk. An 80s college radio staple.

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And good hockey.

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Ah, great mash up from your neighbor in WI. My husband's family did a big business at the state fair ... they only did the very large state fairs ... and we got to indulge is some of that state fair food. That's all we brought home from MN.

MN Is such a beautiful state but after George Floyd and insane liberal policies, many friends/family moved on out. I'm actually very sad to see what's happened to MN. Many thanks for Prince!

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Tim Walz is a wannabe who is desperate to be on the national stage with Newsom and Whitmer. And no need to apologize for deepfried Oreos!

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Ilhan Omar?

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And for this long-term choir person, don't forget Saint Olaf's Christmas program which is one of the ones I look forward to the best

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I was born in Minnesota. No money could make me live there again. There are two seasons: freezing (10 months) and sweaty.

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Also, thanks for Kevin McHale and the Replacements!

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Full disclosure: I kinda like Jesse “The Body” Ventura.

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He defeated Norm Coleman who then ran for the senate. I lived in Saint Paul when Coleman was mayor. He was a good mayor and I think likely would have been a better governor than senator. He was tacitly the heir to Arne Carlson who was maybe a very boring, milque-toast character but I think also a very effective and efficient governor of the state.

Ventura may have had good intentions but his policies were thoroughly ill-advised. The state's finances were not in good shape when he left office. He declared that he wasn't running for re-election as he had accomplished what he sought out to do. My suspicion is that he would have been run out on a rail. The traditional phrase "heart of gold and a head to match" may have applied to Ventura. Arguably not a bad dude but also arguably well out of his depth.

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Keith Ellison, muslim colonialist from Detroit?

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Deep-fried anything was first done at the Texas State Fair. And who TF would you have voted for instead of Mondale? You remember who ran against him, right?

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Hop over the border to Sodak. 😀

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Every time I hear her speak I struggle to get the "little Hillary" image out of my mind. I wonder if her taste in men tends toward philanderers? As usual, Matt hit the nail squarely on the head.

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Or the railroad spike squarely through his foot..lol

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I read your quote as "little Hitler." Same difference?

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Kinda, although Hitler wasn’t completely phony like HRC.

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She more of a closeted ladies lady

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As a fellow Minnesotan I strongly concur!

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Agree. The biggest presumption is if your for someone your against the other. Great to see a Democrat with sense and wisdom. My best friend accused me of being a Trump supporter cause I’m anti Democrat. There is a major distinction.

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Appalling that one is "accused" of supporting a political candidate as if it's a crime.

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I'm an independent, actually

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Not much. And it’s you’re.

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"The Marm," that's so perfect. Doff of the hat to your husband.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Minnesotans also call her “klobs” (rhymes with “slobs”) which hints at her lumbering boorishness.

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Man, did you hit the nail on the head. Amy K is about as funny as a broken crutch, IMO.

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Madam, I take umbrage!

That’s an insult to the Broken Crutch Community!

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Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. My deepest apologies, Mr. Olmos. Please advise as to how I can make reparations to your community.

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Brake my other crutch and all is forgiven.

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My cousin and her husband left MN as fast as they could upon retirement. They love TN!

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We are on our way to AZ

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Not to mention that whiny, chalkboard scratching voice. Ewww!

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Patty Murray is Washington State's version of Amy Klobuchar, except Murray doesn't have the capacity to even pretend to have a sense of humour. Although inadvertently, both argue fervently for term limits in congress.

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The undercurrent was Kamala was O’s pick, MSM was selectively attributing humor as a qualification for Amy and media outlets on the right were focused on Bernie rallies and the enigma that was Pete. The GOP presidential candidate debates with 17 was a circus. But Yikes, 23 Dems on stage trying to climb to the top of the socialist heap to be the second Hugo in America was appalling. With their answers to the questions they were fielding, I knew it matter not who became the nominee because surely Americans would not support becoming Venezuela. I was right. The aftermath was a ‘thou vigorously protest too much’ and not by Trump but by those espousing “the freest, fairest and securest election ever” – a supreme testament to the value of censorship.

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People tend to like confidence. Even when there’s nothing to back it up. Sad.

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Perhaps it's not confidence. She might be over-compensating for self-perceived personality "deficits." Perhaps Congresswoman Klobuchar is beset by low self-esteem and other rudimentary psychological maladies that often signal the presence of narcissism. Other potential indices include: Grandiosity. Savior complexes. Irregular bathing. Various nervous tics that act as diversions for other, more irritating nervous tics. Foul language in the early mornings and late evenings, that sort of thing.

She's a politician---an AMERICAN politician. She might even be a sociopath. Christ, even a psychopath. In which case she's sure to go after substack with unchecked ferocity, and in all probability even individual substacks. Hell, she might even target individual Racket News commenters! Run!

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"Irregular bathing"

That is gold

And quite an effective indicia, I'm sure

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Credit where credit is due: you can turn a phrase. I've disagreed with you on occasion but I do often enjoy how you write.

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And she failed to prosecute Derek Chauvin when he actually did something

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If you are saying that Chauvin and the 3 rookie cops shouldn't have been prosecuted for murder following George Floyd's death, I agree. At most Chauvin might have been open to a manslaughter charge for not recognizing the severity of Floyd's overdose-induced condition. There is now a new case open in MN--an assistant prosecutor who fought back on the charges against the other 3 says she was the victim of retaliation by the head County Attorney in the office later. She cites the info known to anyone following the story at the time, that the initial autopsy report was "natural causes" with high fentanyl toxicity--and the medical examiner later backed off that when he testified.

Despite the video, it never made common-sense that Chauvin would brazenly murder a black man in front of a crowd, with people taking videos of it. I believe (and I don't assume he's necessarily a sweetheart) Chauvin thought he was taking charge of a volatile situation, going to show the rookies how it was done (according to Mpls Police Training tactics, while an ambulance was on its way) and didn't realise the severity of Floyd's condition. Watch the much longer police bodycam footage to see what went on before Floyd got down on the ground, to see the cops' patience and courtesy.

I wish a journalist of Matt's stature could take this one on, as it transformed society (in a bad way) after that day. I suppose I'll get a lot of nasty replies but this has been a big injustice.

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I agree with you on Chauvin. He was insensitive but as an experienced cop, he has seen every trick in the book from arrestees trying to lie, scam and bluff their way out of an arrest. Floyd pulled the old "I'm claustrophobic" chestnut to avoid being put in the cop car, and even "I can't breathe" is a common way of getting police officers to lighten their restraint, a tactic that has resulted in many a successful break-away.

Cops have a very tough job. Crowds of snotty bystanders videotaping everything do not help them do their very tough jobs, especially when considering that the cops are responsible for the safety of the arrestee AND of the hostile crowds who spill into traffic while "getting the goods" on the cops.

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How about the Jacob Blake arrest in Kenosha, WI sparking riots because he resisted arrest after kidnapping his children while violating the restraining order of his former girlfriend/mother of his children, attempting to steal her car, and pulling a knife on the officers. Three years later, Kenosha has still not recovered.

We don't live in a world anymore where we can all see the just the facts....whether it's Derek Chauvin or the officer in the Blake arrest.

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Floyd pulled the ultimate scam by actually dying. What a huckster!

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Yes well he didn't die because of anything Chauvin did. The most, the very most he should have been charged with was negligent homicide for not getting him help. And police protocol probably can always be improved. However, he was saying he couldn't breathe before he was even on the ground. What they did to Chauvin is criminal. It wasn't justice.

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Glenn Lowry has been saying since the beginning, that Floyd did not die of chauvin's foot. I hope that Chauvin gets another trial and we stop jumping to conclusions before the last breath is taken. Yes, Floyd's quote murder quote did start off a whole string of terrible consequences for all concerned

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Where to even begin...

Did you see the photos? It was a knee, BTW.

And I'm pretty sure the last breath had already been taken when we realized we just watched a cop murder a man.

Put that crack pipe down, dorothy

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Actually the knee was not on the neck. Have you seen the footage from the other angle. You really might want to do some more of your own research after you put your crack pipe down.

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What planet are you from? The left knee is on the back of the neck of a man who is held face down on the street. Chauvin's left knee, just below where his left hand is in his pants pocket. Cops used to get away with this shit all the time. Before cell phone cameras.

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Tucker Carlson did an interesting video on this recently. I see Chauvin being exonerated at some point if there is any justice in the justice system. Except, can you imagine the riots that would result?

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You mean "mostly peaceful protests," of course.

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I honestly don't care how you feel about Candace Owens (as a political commentator) but she did a bang up job on the BLM movie The Greatest Lie Ever Told starting with the death of GF (what was in his car, how they found him in the car, where Chauvin actually had his knee on GF and personal stuff about Chauvin. Looks like Derek Chauvin was the scapegoat.

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So you're saying he was "instructing" the rookies? In what lesson? How to keep the coloreds down? Lynching's not allowed, but watch this...?

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Without looking it up, my guess is she comes from money and or is allied with a particular political dynasty. Power has little to do with intelligence

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Her father was a well-known newspaperman in the Twin Cities, so she had name recognition. She was a prosecutor with some reputation for toughness (some of that was backfiring on her during the 2020 presidential contest). I didn't pay that much attention to her when she was a local figure, so not versed on the details.

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"I'm not Republican," but, but, but....

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what's your point?

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Why instruct the audience that you're not a Republican? My assumption is that you're not a Seventh-Day Adventist or a member of the Odd Fellows either. It's not germane to your argument.

It actually amuses me when Racket News commenters (there are a lot of them, you're not alone) who declaim "I'm not a Republican, but"..."I can't stand Trump, but"...and then proceed to sound awfully Republican or enumerate all the "good" things our former president and future felon did while in office.

Smacks of disingenuousness. It's both trope and tell. One of the oldest and still prevalent theories of independent voters posited by political scientists is that independent voters lean hard toward either one of the two parties but don't wish to make that known, for whatever reason or reasons. I'm not arguing this holds true for you, but...

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Trump has never been a Republican, merely "Republican" because he saw an opportunity there. I was Republican, but find myself truly disliking most Republicans I meet these days, and tend to support independents and moderate Libertarians. The Congress, almost in its entirety, just makes me feel ill, and I could never think Democrat because I find myself truly disliking most Democrats I meet :-) . I'm a Rilke fan, and tend to gravitate to those who lack strong opinions, or conclusions.

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No, many people did not like Trump's personality but that isn't policy and many liked that he exposed this corruption. The establishment elitists couldn't have this upstart outsider in there they couldn't control. But they wish he wouldn't keep shooting himself in the foot. That is not "disingenuous." When it comes to politics all people normally have to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of evils because no political platform or person is perfect. Why would they think he's perfect? Independents, too, often share a lot of Republican values, so nothing wrong with saying you're not a Republican.

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You're not addressing my comment. "Couldn't control." A locution without meaning. The only corruption Trump exposed was his own. Please. Enough with the Townhall and OAN propaganda talking points. Plenty of corruption in Washington and Trump not only added to it, he handily, by a wide margin, out-corrupted the already corrupt. So there's that.

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How could anyone address your comments?

They're so meandering and full of nonsense you've convinced yourself is true that they make no intelligible point.

You seem to think Marxism, wokism and every other bad idea gaining currency in the last 10 years is true. Beyond that, no one can decipher what you say.

And "the problem" is not us ... it's you.

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Well, you're showing a lot of biases there. When I say I oppose the policies Dems are trying to force through, I don't want people to assume I'm therefore a Republican. I'm not, but I'll vote for them as the Opposition. And yes, I do think Trump is obnoxious, but his presidency was much less damaging to the US than Biden's has been.

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Sort of what I was getting at.

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Senator Karen Klobuchar also threw a stapler at her staffer. The embodiment of Fake Midwest nice passive aggressiveness. She reminds me of Dolores Umbradge from Harry Potter. Too bad she was not intersectional enough to get the VP nod.

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I've always thought that "Minnesota Nice" was same as that acid Southern "Bless her heart." but with arctic cold.

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You should try "Hoosier Hospitality" on for size. In Indiana, they'll lock you up for jaywalking and then complain that you're a freeloader with your rent-free cell and free food.

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Has anyone ever travelled to Indiana on purpose?

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You sound like Hillary.

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Yurt, I’m not a fan of the Karen appellation. It seems to me that men and women of all races and gender persuasions can be annoying and do stupid/ biased/bad things. And yet- we don’t have a specific name for each one. I wonder why that is?

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How about Dick? Isn’t that a good enough name?

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Or Richard Skull

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It's because 95% of Karens are 35-55 year-old white women.

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We have "Chad" for male Karens.

What should we call trans Karens?

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How about "Nowhere Man?"

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Go for it.

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Don’t be a Sharon?


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Ooh! That’s perfect!!

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You're a nobody in the political world if you haven't thrown a stapler at an underling. A nobody.

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Maybe that was Ross Perot's failing?

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I hear she's a shitty tipper too.

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Of all the things Trump has been right about, I'm increasingly feeling his #1 insight was this:

'The media is the enemy of the people'.

Matt, you are a rare exception, but your peers truly suck. They are vain, dishonest, destructive, and evil.

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It was only a few years ago that I would have considered the label "evil" to be hyperbolic and melodramatic. Now, even "vain, dishonest, destructive, and evil" seems barely adequate.

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I was struggling because I was always aghast at how stupid these people are, but “stupid” seemed so inadequate a word. Then I came across this and the light went on. From Dietrich Bonhoeffer who vehemently opposed Hitler, Nazism and Eugenics even though it cost him his life. The Nazis executed him just before WWII ended. He was a man of great intellect, they couldn’t bear that. I’ve reposted many times now, and no apologies for it.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/760019.Letters_and_Papers_from_Prison)

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JAE, thanks for sharing this.

I think there are two levels to this question:

*Re: the Media themselves ... I think some are stupid (because they live in an absolute bubble), but most of them are just bad actors, who are blinded by their partisan ideology.

*Re: the public ... I think the media is willfully and purposefully trying to keep the public stupid. Their hope is that enough people will swallow what they say hook, line and sinker, and thereby vote to advance the leftist agenda.

The perfect proof of this is the study Pew research did when they asked self-identified liberals 'how many black people were murdered by the police last year'? Over 45% of liberals answered 'Over 10,000' ... when the actual number was 11. NOT 11 thousand, but 11. And the reason 45% of self-identified liberals answered this way is because the media they consume (CNN, MSBNC, NYT, WAPO, and the old line alphabet networks) hyped up the 'epidemic' of police murdering blacks to such an extent, that it seemed like it was a huge problem.

In that sense, the media has 100% accomplished their aim. They've willfully propandandized a huge portion of America to believe the corrupt narrative they share.

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Years ago, Taibbi himself wrote something along the lines of, The average Democrat has consumed so much anti-Trump propaganda that they are incapable of believing the truth (about Russia or any other conspiracy). As you said, the media did it's job perfectly.

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Isn't it time to accept that "we the people" are the responsible agents here. Klobuchar and the thousand other second rate political poseurs fronting for criminal capital possess no vision or the most remote spark of the revolutionary spiritual fire that illuminated America in 1776. Any shred of human dignity, any concern for the creation of a powerful human future, any ember/spark left, resides exactly where the founding fathers declared it had to be: Inside "we the people"!!

As Matts points out the lie holds a 99% to 1 edge. So why the necessity to surveil and lie? Because (as per our Constitution) the "Creator" that endowed humankind with "unalienable rights" also informs the fact of truthful human reality. And truth is the kryptonite and primary terror of all sycophants and self-aggrandizing narcissists. Ignorance of their own darkness and their fear of light makes them a dangerous and paranoid nest of vipers. No matter what level of material prosperity they attain it isn't enough. Let us be honest with one another. Like all the psychopathic, the greedy assholes rigged the game and wrecked the system while Klobuchar, and political photo op nonentities like her, fronted the grift while standing by and lining their pocket's. As with the Hitler's Jews, Stalin's gulag and Mao's slaughter of millions, their fear and the dark and terrible lie that possesses them (avarice/greed/jealousy/ignorance) is always projected upon the most weak and vulnerable. Who did Hamas kill? Women, families and babies. It's the malignant slaver mentality we fought a civil war to remove.----How insane, fearful, dangerous to human life and visionless is the DNC/WEF/EU Davos crowd? Well. They're betting our lives, and quite obviously, as far as they're concerned, we're not even in the game.

The parroting Klobuchar clone and what we lovingly call the MSM are pissed because their job is to talk over the top of human moral reason and the "deplorable's" won't go along with it. The surveillance state bureaucracy is getting heat from the vipers at the central bank because the American body politic refuses to be pronounced D.O.A. and despite the drawn out object lesson crucifixion of Julian Assange and stage managed persecution of the Orange Man the sun continues to rise on the transparency of their political/financial grift.

Got life? Better fk'n live it because life at gunpoint ain't life and the fascist DNC/WEF/EU/CCP Davos juggernaut is locked and loaded. Like every other fascist totalitarian scheme it's a marriage made for halloween hell. Speak now or forever rest in peace.

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Man. Again. You rock. Yes.

Great quote that in many ways summarizes our quandry:

"An infallible method of conciliating a tiger is to allow oneself to be devoured."

- Konrad Adenauer

I wouldn't grant "tiger status" to the likes of Klobuchar et alia as they're more like the "rasping parasites" referenced by Dawkins, but the point is the same: either resist or be devoured.

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Who says 11?

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FBI statistics.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023

I believe 11 is the number of "unarmed" blacks that were murdered by police last year. Regardless, the OP's point is an important one. Bill Maher made a similar point during the pandemic---41% of Democrats believed that more than half of the people who got the virus required hospitalization. The correct answer was 1-5%

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It's the problem that happens when people think they know better than the general populace and bending the truth is for their own good.

I used to work with NPR, they weren't like that, that I saw back then, though idealistic.

Now they don't read history and are pushing us into repeating some of the worst parts of it.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

JAE…Thanks so much for sharing Bonhoeffer’s great insight. It explains a lot about the current political moment.

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thank you!

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Thank you!

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I agree with you.

I used to feel the media was overwhelmingly 'biased'. But when Obama became President, things began to really change. And when Trump became President, the media totally let down their guard, and just became 24/7 partisan propagandists. And that in itself (willfully lying to advance an agenda) is evil.

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Yes this lust for power, this any means to an end regime has changed the way I see even liberal voters, unfortunately. I used to think just the politicians were evil. I still try not to judge individual souls, but this ideology is evil and these peoples' ACTIONS who support it are evil. I leave souls to God, though.

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That's because they're presstitutes, repeating anything for whoever slides a buck between their legs.

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wow! true

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"These people are the worst. I would pay money to watch them all mauled by bears. Senator Klobuchar, Mr.Bezos, esteemed editors of the Washington Post, to hell with all of you."

A concise mission statement if I have ever read one. On board, one hundred percent.

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Where do I send the money?

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Wow, you still have money in this economy? Good for you!

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I try to use the term “Bidenomics” whenever possible around my progressive friends, the reactions are amusing.

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Indeed, talk about tone-deaf sloganeering.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

Agreed, but we need a functional mission statement as well. These people have been getting away with trampling the Bill of Rights now for over *two decades* and, frankly, we do not have much of a better idea than bitching about it on blogs, which themselves are roped-off from exposure through slander.

What can be our plan going forward?

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Deployment of bears?

Or, if that's more titillation than tactic, then ridicule and tightly-disciplined control of what money and resources we've got. Don't donate to Big Charity, don't purchase entertainment or media from the Disney/Google/Ivy/East Coast-California propaganda machine, and don't ever, EVER vote for Democrats.

We'll deal with the fact that the Republicans are cowardly amoral grifters later. (By comparison, it should be easy. They don't have brain weevils like the Dems and SocJus cultists.)

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Good ideas, thanks!

"We'll deal with the fact that the Republicans are cowardly amoral grifters later." -- Agreed, lower priority

"Don't ever, EVER vote for Democrats" -- I'd suggest we need *two* third parties to actually threaten TPTB: an Alt-Right *and* an Alt-Left, and make sure they stay serious and dedicated. That way, there is no solitary alternative pulling on the Ouija board of undecided voters, messing with the direct confrontation that is needed on *both* major sides. That could actually happen this time around, in fact, if we had, say, Trump-Vivek vs RFKjr-Tulsi vs Dem vs Rep.

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Arm up. And expect to need them.

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I fully support the right to arm bears.

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That's actually pretty good.

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And you assume that Americans will stay civil at all times. You’ve never been in an inner city type riot, have you? You will see the fallen. You will experience hatred of all things, for no good reason, an animalistic behavior few can imagine. And then you have a choice. We are in a war already, on three fronts. One of those fronts requires that hardware I mention. I’m not a violent man. But I am a realistic man. Think of this almost quote from Frederick Douglass. Our freedoms lie in three boxes. The ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. I’ve heard that the soap box was added, but I wasn’t there. Which of those four boxes haven’t been stolen, and corrupted?

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I recognize all this. I'm saying if you don't fight -- and win -- the psychological war, and before the smoke clears, it's all for naught. To do that in 2023, we have to be exceedingly careful, rather than simply giving it all the gusto out of sheer rage and frustration.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

"Arm up. And expect to need them."

Any such behavior, where it is even justified, had better stay completely defensive responses, not the least because we're way behind in both the physical, legal, and especially the psychological war today. Otherwise, we will certainly lose any such direct conflicts. That much has been shown us by the protest clashes between sides the last few years, and of course by the consequences so far of Jan 6.

I'm far more interested in how we win the *psychological* war. Time to get very creative and dedicated.

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The plan is to keep speaking out to friends/relatives/acquaintances. Despite the common wisdom, which contends that we are unable to change the minds of those who disagree with us, persistence DOES have an effect. It's vital.

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Agreed, but I consider it is also a frustrating conflict. It is essentially a trick of psychology, one that works, while logic too often *doesn't* work. It is also a tactic our opponents, who have no interest in the welfare of others, use liberally and shamelessly.

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I hope you were saying or thinking your headline during Klobuchar's despicable attempted take down of Kavanaugh. What an eye opener that was, slander dripping with self-righteousness. At the time I had a similar thought to you: "How much more can we - as a country - take?"

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I remember that clearly. She tried to shame him for his fondness of beer, because her father was an alcoholic.

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She was despicable as well as Kamala and Mazie Hirono during those hearings. They were vicious and it was so enraging.

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"Amy Klobuchar, You Suck"

That was already crystal clear when she and her partner-in-crime Peter Buttigieg abdicated their positions just before Super Tuesday in favor of fifth-place swamp creature Joe Biden in March 2020.

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Oh, you mean Obama's night of long knives? Obama has done more damage to the Democrat Party than any other in a long time.

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Eh, by the time he got there it was already broken.

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it definitely was cracking, but Obama turned the Democrats into wholesale crooks by becoming an extension of Wall Street.

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You're more generous than I am I guess.

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Glad somebody else remembers that. The establishment people dropped and endorsed Biden, while Warren stayed in to syphon away Bernie votes.

That was the day I knew the 2020 DNC primary was rigged just like the 2016 one.

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And Bernie was in on it all along.

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either that, or he is incredibly weak. either way, not fit for the presidency.

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I’m sure they were both promised a turn later

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"These people are the worst. I would pay money to watch them all mauled by bears." Count me in as well

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They will likely now claim he is inciting violence. Sigh. I hate this world now.

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Matt Taibbi, considered a far right extremist by the ADL and Media Matters, took to his Substack to endanger the the lives of the trusted scions of our democracy. Taibbi openly called for viscous and savage attacks to be perpetuated by those most susceptible to such fascist demagoguery, our Ursus citizens.

When questioned to clarify if his comments were meant in the literal sense to provoke a mauling, he demurred and stated "To my Urus friends, if you see any of them in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, in a park, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

According to Ranger Smith of Jellystone Park, "This kind of language from Taibbi is troubling and highly irresponsible. Not only is he putting the lives of the guardians of our democracy at risk, he is endangering a segment of the population already long stigmatized as dangerous. I hope he refrains from such rhetoric in the future".

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Matt Taibbi, stochastic terrorist.

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Thanks for bringing this up. Not saying this about you or "blaming" you but...

While my area isn't stochastic calculus per se, I know at least a bit about it (e.g., Brownian motion as a standard random variable, martingales, some bits of the Ito calculus, etc.).

Basically, "stochastic" means "probabilistic but with dynamics", a time component.

It slays me how the term has been adopted by "wannabe powers that be" simply because it "sounds cool", that almost no-one will know what it means and almost all people won't know how to pronounce it (the "ch" in stochastic is the Greek Chi and is not pronounced as "ch" in "change" but more like a "k").

Of course, the use of "almost all" is itself a probabilistic joke.

The wikipedia page is essentially undistilled gibberish:


The upshot being that the "stochastic" as in "stochastic terrorism" has essentially no association with the established meaning of "stochastic" from mathematics. It just sounds cool. New meaningless jargon.

Thank you, Nowhere Man, for bringing it up as this is a term that belongs in Matt's proposed dictionary/lexicon, not as a traditional term reinterpreted but as a new nonsense term.

Edward Lear, where are you?

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Classic! So nailed it!

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Haha: “long stigmatized as dangerous”

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Awesome, hilarious!

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Technically, he is inciting violence from bears which begs the question whether bears can be incited to violence. While anything is possible in our current world - I agree with your sentiment, by the way - Matt's probably on safe ground.

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Pay-per-view event would clear the National Debt

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When I saw a photo of Amy Klobuchar in Ukraine with John McCain, Lindsey Graham and the Azov Battalion, I knew who she was. She is a Nazi masquerading as a Democrat. She used to be an outlier in the party but now she fits right in. Politicalcompass.org places her in the right wing authoritarian quadrant of the compass.

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Bingo. Such "photo ops" are great litmus test and often show exactly the nature and affinites of these "personalities".

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Thanks Matt for your honesty, your perspective, the articulate way you convey what's going on in the world and for YOUR humor. Literally laughed out loud several times reading this post. So effen grateful you do what you do as I don't know how I would cope with the madness out there without you.

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I don’t understand how government regulating speech doesn’t violate the first amendment. Fuck the bears, let’s maul them with the Bill of Rights.

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The Constitution works pretty slowly. Start with the bears, then throw in the Bill of Rights.

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Well, it appears the Supreme Court is likely shredding the First Amendment currently. Still awaiting the outcome, but their overturning the injunction doesn't bode well.

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"I would pay money to watch them all mauled by bears."

Is this the same Matt Taibbi who so calmly sat through outrageous epithets hurled at him in a Congressional hearing?! I, for one, am happy to see you lash out, Mr. T.

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A strong 3rd place finish -- as in she lost.

One of the few things I can recall from her candidacy was her boast that she had had lots of boyfriends, a few of whom still supported her campaign despite having dated her.

That "joke" seemed to be more on her than them ...

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In last years Super Bowl the Eagles had a strong second place finish.

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LOL. How true!

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Dishonorable mention.

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I'm from the midwest, and trust me, she's not fooling anybody here.

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Matt-Please start covering the excess death and cancer rates caused by these vaccines. Please. We need you.

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Family friend's son just died in his sleep a couple days ago. Mid thirties with no underlying health conditions...

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Awful. Matts done a great job uncovering the censorship angle as far as the covid response--but these vaccines are the reason behind the censorship and they are literally the greatest crime against humanity we’ve ever seen. The masses have no idea whats been done because of the paid for media. We need all the help we can get.

Lets gooooo Matt!

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Check out Andrew Bridgen, John Campbell, Ester McVay, speeches in parliament.

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Pretty soon more people will know someone who died suddenly than died from covid

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The new (ab)normal

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an easy place to start is Andrew Bridgen's recent speech in the uk's parliament

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lots of substackers on this. of different takes and expertise.

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Check out Alex Berenson’s substack

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Yeah i read a bunch of them that talk about the carnage, but those guys arent reaching anyone new. I think Matt has a lot of people in his audience that havent heard of the destruction thats been caused.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

Need to rant here:

My mother has dementia since the jabs, in addition to physical problems. DIL has Sjogren's and rheumatoid arthritis since the vax... SIL multiple mini-strokes and heart problems, local Priest with Bell's Palsy, and a beloved Rabbi with multiple strokes, including one that put him in the ICU.

When I visited the Rabbi in THE* Hospital the first thing he said to me while shaking his head was "we trusted them." "Them" meaning the monied powers that control the purse strings of the Jewish communities around the world. This Rabbi was on the board (Bet Din) that advised the local large Orthodox Jewish community to take the jabs, adding that in the end you should follow your doctor's advice.

Two people I know have died. How much more can we blame this on "climate change?" This was a medical and social experiment that went far beyond Mengele's wildest dreams. The Jews, this time in Israel, were one of their largest subjects once again. I wondered why they didn't force vax the Palestinians and I guess they have out and out genocide in mind for them. Zionism was hijacked from Herzl by later leaders to control the Jews and leverage political power, not give them freedom. Herzl is rolling in his grave as his version of Zionism was for the purpose of removing Jews from any world political or financial power outside of themselves, because he admitted that this power has been detrimental to Jews and for this reason, they needed their own nation so they wouldn't interfere with others. Ironic that modern Zionism is the exact opposite of this. These later Zionists (Achad haAm comes to mind) even admitted, post WWI, that antisemitism is their ally because it will draw the Jews to trust the Zionists. What history has forgotten is that in the 1800s Jews had finally become emancipated from their 1% Kahillah overlords so how could they keep getting blamed for the crimes of the 1%?

Was Hitler an example of problem, reaction, solution being put into practice? We are so busy demonizing Hitler (who was a puppet, much like Biden today), we do not see what was really behind this - desire for corporate power by big pharma, MIC, etc... Look at the pattern, not the specifics that it was the Jews who were singled out. Jews, like anyone else, are capable of repeating the same oppression. If you doubt this, look at the "woke' contingent of the modern Democratic party, a contingent that has gone from oppressed to oppressors. The secret is that it is very easy to make compliant foot soldiers out of an oppressed people. For this same reason, if a Palestinian State is ever revived, it will need therapy because they too are ripe for manipulation (i.e. Hamas is a prime example....an organization with Israeli intelligence at the highest levels according to Jerusalem Post).

We are normalizing Nazi practices of medical experimentation and genocide (now in Gaza), Only this time, it isn't Jews and Gypsies, but the entire world. Consider that before WWII, most of worldwide Jewry firmly opposed the Zionist movement. After the tragedy of Hitler, they became enthusiastic, only to be silently walked into participating in a new longitudinal experiment called Israel...where the indigenous were dispossessed and brothers were turned into enemies. Israel was a "how to" for the NWO that is now taking place world wide...dispossessing and ghettoizing of peoples (15 minute cites anyone?) and we now see what will be done to people in those ghettos what the rich want their hands on. Some of us watch over time and see a larger pattern. We need to call this out now.

We have been trained to think Nazi = antiJews...when the truth is that fascism isn't limited to Jew Hate - they were just the first group picked for the experiment. Consider the modern alliance of AZOV with Jewish Zelensky. It's not about Jews, per se. Corporations want you to hate a particular group so they can sell their product (remember the hate against those who refused the jab?**). Notice how we were programmed since 2016 to hate Russia. Around the same time there was a lot of publicity about the foolishness of anti-vaxers (never telling us that the WHO wanted us to be vaxed with eternal boosters and this needed to be normalized!). Some of us observed that this was to prepare us to go to war and support Ukraine... and to accept that "vaccines" need eternal boosters ever few months...and lo and behold! Anyone who has encountered a NAFO troll (CIA sponsored) will witness Nazi levels of propaganda and hate to Russia and anything Russian. They do not hide that they intend to kill ALL Russians and divide Russia to the Stakeholders. Who remembers calling for non-vaxxed to lose their rights or even be put in camps? Slow drip preparation folks! Why hasn't our media covered this?

Now it is the entire world being controlled by these WEF NAZIS and Jews are largely blind to what has happened to them. They are still being used. I believe that it will be the Jews and LGBT+ who see through this who will be the very people to blow the whistle on this crap. It is the elite vs. the rest of the world. The elite call themselves the Stakeholders, so that is maybe how we should refer to the oppressors. Time to tell the Stakeholders that in the real new age, money or social credit will not buy power or ability to fairly distribute goods and services. The 4th Industrial Revolution completes the fascist control over humanity. AI must not rule us, we must rule it to serve us. The Stakeholders who have destroyed the planet once again want us to trust them to get through Climate Change? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! They are Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. How many times more are we going to be fooled?

Research Jakob Frank and his movement - Frank was an apostate Jew from Poland-Ukraine. He has caused more problems for Jews than any. He was the forerunner of the anti-Christ/Armilus,Dajjal (which I personally believe will be AI ruling over us as a beast, while the prophet and whore of said beast are the human figures). I believe the Frankists control Zionism, and through it the duped Jews. They also took over most of French Freemasonry back in the day. Beware of many conspiracy sites that mix fact with fiction, even when it comes to this topic. Most conspiracy sites are controlled opposition. Beware of any site that blames the Jews for what is actually a most extreme form of anti-Torah and Judaism! Frankists are anti-God and anti-Jew, as in anti Tribe of Judah. They place the Tribe of Simon (Ukrainian Khazars) in the Messiah King's seat. This was one of the major distortions they introduced into Freemasonry that has also carried over into many secret societies to the present day.

Rant over!

*remember when we used to say "the" but have been recently programmed to drop it, as if "hospital" is now not a place, but a state of being?

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Thank you for your "rant". It has helped me understand the difficulty my Jewish friend is going through right now trying to empathize with the Palestinians on the one hand and voicing disgust for the recent barbarous killings of Israelis by Hamas....only to be called a self-hating Jew.

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You state: "Zionism was hijacked from Herzl by later leaders to control the Jews and leverage political power, not give them freedom. Herzl is rolling in his grave as his version of Zionism was for the purpose of removing Jews from any world political or financial power outside of themselves, because he admitted that this power has been detrimental to Jews and for this reason, they needed their own nation so they wouldn't interfere with others."

"...they needed their own nation so they wouldn't interfere with others." The Jews needed their own nation so they wouldn't interfere with others?" I believe that was Hitler's rationale and his preference before he arrived at The Final Solution.

Herzl's zionism was to "solve the problem of anti-semitism" and all that entailed in the modern world.

"...Herzl’s Zionism was purely political in theory and practice: the Jews as a nation did not need a new culture, language, or concept of the messianic era, but only a national polity of their own, whose creation would solve the problem of anti-Semitism both for the Jews themselves and for Europe as a whole."

And it's preposterous to state that "Zionism was hijacked from Herzl by later leaders to control the Jews and leverage political power, not give them freedom." And while Herzl is recognized as the "spiritual father of the Jewish State," he was one Zionist among many Zionists at the time, and was not even the first to articulate a vision for a permanent homeland for all Jews.

"...However, he was not the first Zionist theoretician or activist; scholars, many of them religious such as rabbis Yehuda Bibas, Zvi Hirsch Kalischer and Judah Alkalai, promoted a range of proto-Zionist ideas before him."

Herzl died nearly a half-century before the formation of the State of Israel. His ideas for the Zionist state were ultimately realized in Israeli statehood and worldwide Jewish political autonomy. Herzl's contributions to modern Zionism was substantial, but he was one Zionist among many Zionists working to secure a Jewish state.

There was no hijacking.


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15 month old toddler, no conditions evident, dies from a "heart attack". Happening all over the place. My sister, 80 years old, no serious heart disease (but, hey, she was 80, though seemed fit as a fiddle, a real firecracker..., dies from a "heart attack".

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Buddy of mine passed away in his sleep this past May, mid 30s, from "heart failure". Not sure if he was vaxed or not but I'm willing to bet he was. Also, 2 of my brother in laws came down with cancer not long after being vaxed, highly doubt these are all just coincidences.

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Terrible. 10 heart attacks at an Indian festival yesterday. 10!!! Youngest was 17. Evidence is everywhere. Every heart doctor and oncologist can tell you horror stories—but except for some warriors on substack—nothing on the news or in the papers.

We need Matt to join the fight.

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And wake up on Palestine's history while the WHO grabs worldwide power to decide whatever, by Feb 2024, as these callous billionaire babies do greatest damage to us & the planet.

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More media gaslighting…promoting a candidate who has no chance, as if she could actually win.

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For decades, I (and everyone else) “knew” Biden could never win. He was a nonstarter so many times. Still difficult to believe.

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If Klobuchar and her ilk have lied about censorship , Russia collusion, vaccine safety and efficacy, Hunter’s laptop......why would you believe them when they demand you believe 2020 was “the most transparent and secure election ever”?

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You wouldn't, if your brain was besotted by the half-dozen conspiracy theories you mention above.

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Conspiracy theories? Has the great feldspar learned nothing from these pages?

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Maybe he didn’t “win”?

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Good thing to think when someone succeeds at something despite being cravenly unqualified is that they had help, like a “deadly” pandemic and preferred press coverage and lax voting verification

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Of course Biden didn't win. Can you even imagine a dolt, like him, getting 81 million votes? Fuck no, it didn't happen.

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It took less than 100,000 votes in 5 swing states to “win” the election for Biden.

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I still do not believe that Biden received 81 million votes. Absolutely no way. Especially because so many of the Bernie voters withheld their votes. Nope, no one can convince me that the vote wasn't rigged.

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Easier to “help” Biden in those closely contested swing states is my point. Doesn’t require as many drop box ballots to be counted after the polls close.

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Many Bernie supporters also voted for Trump. After Bernie folded like a napkin the second election in a row, I went in and voted a straight Republican ticket. First time I ever voted straight ticket. To Doohmax, agree, they only needed fraud in a handful of large blue cities in certain states, like Georgia. Works every time, especially when establishment Republicans all rolled over, too. There is no way Biden won in Georgia, just no way.

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Most of the rest of the organized universe, intelligent or otherwise, does not care.

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Biden won by 7 million votes. That's why even talking about "100,000 votes in 5 swing states" is idiotic, and the reason---the only reason--- the Electoral College should be buried with all the other rotten bodies.

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Ah, but all seven million of those votes plus a million more were fraudulent.

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Strongly disagree here. Your point exactly illustrates the purpose of the electoral college. Massive wins in highly populated partisan states is precisely what the electoral college counters.

We are a constitutional republic. It's an amazing, brilliant design.

I'm in Chicago and I'm sure Illinois heavily contributed to the figure you mention. Illinois is sadly corrupt to the core. I am all for preventing mob rule. We do not want a "pure" democracy.

The 2020 Democrat strategy precisely depended on the swing states with narrow margins. The strategy worked.

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Of course as a legitimate candidate, Biden could never win.... but.... as a useful idiot.........

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That is the headline on his resume

Also his selling point

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