This was NOT a “far-right” protest. I am not far-right and was considering attending that event. Why didn’t I? Because I was afraid of the government NOT the protestors. The EXPLICIT repeated message to Everyone planning to attend was DO NOT wear or carry or bring any election, political or issue related messages other than Justice for J6 or American flags or flag-related clothing. There were up to several hundred J6 PEACEFUL protestors in attendance. These were not all “Trump supporters, nor were they all federal agents.” Most just want the unconstitutional imprisonments to end. FYI J6 rallies are being held in several states this weekend.

Couching this as a “Trump” thing diminishes the importance of the issue AND feeds right into the lying sensationalist and partisan narratives.

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Aren't those J6ers political prisoners at this point? Keeping politically inconvenient types in jail under bad conditions is a bad look.

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You think this corrupt administration cares about bad optics? The DOJ gets rebuked for trying to keep exculpatory CCTV video from the public, the southern border is on fire and Jen Psaki laughs it off, they outright lie about whips deployed against Hatians, droned innocent people, are getting ready to push us off a debt cliff, can't quite get the COVID vaccine story right and Biden complains about the treatment he gets from the US Press, as if he could have stood up to one day of the TDS press, Hunters emailed were true showing that the Biden family is corrupt AF and the mainstream media is mostly yawning. P.S. I still hate YouTube and won't click on their links. Please crosspost to Rumble!

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In fairness, the last three corrupt administrations before this one droned innocent people and didn't care about bad optics.

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I’m not sure if political prisoners is quite the right term, but in this country, with a functioning court/justice system, it is difficult to get mass rioting charges to actually stick-like in the Waco biker shootout. Specificity of proof/intent is very hard to prove in these cases-and both judges and juries expect it if they take their duties seriously.

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Sep 25, 2021
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Just because GWB says something doesn't make it so. Admittedly he's a mouthpiece for the NeverTrump diehards.

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I remember something about GWB terrorizing the Harvard goalposts when he charged them during the "game". After starting and committing to a $2+ Trillion war under false pretense (there were no WMD), he should stop talking about anything related to politics or terrorism and try retiring harder.

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Guess W’s mad because his sh*tty paintings are t getting as much press as Hunter’s blow dart art

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He also has long been and continues to be an idiot. As the guy who invaded Iraq on the false WMD premise and the “He tried to kill my daddy” canard, “Bush The Stupider” really has no credibility.

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In reality GW is the terrorist!

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Did you see the video of that "counter terror" squad wrap up that protestor in Australia?

Our "war on terror" has led to the creation of some incredibly efficient and totally amoral state enforcers, and the frog has throughly been boiled when it comes to Posse Comitatus.

Yeah, shit's fucked my dudes. Good luck out there. Even to you boomers, commie fucks, and turbo autists.

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One question, since you referred to morality, as in “amoral state enforcers”; am I wrong in thinking they are immoral state enforcers, given the fact they are ignoring/violating standing law? It would be different if, for example, Posse Comitatus had been legislatively disposed of by Constitutional means.

I realize it doesn’t change the end result but it might change an opinion or two if it were seen as immoral.

Just a thought.

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That's an interesting question. TBH I didn't really parse the difference when I posted my comment. I would say that amoral fits the individuals of these units since they're a pretty mercenary lot, and immoral would fit the application of these units by the powers that be. But, I'm no school good so hard for me to say.

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I guess I am one of those commie fucks. I agree with your message fully.

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You can't protest them usefully. If you show up in large numbers, they will use state-controlled provocateurs like Enrique Tarrio to make the whole thing look lawless, despite 99.9% of the attendees being peaceful. If you show up in tiny numbers, the state-controlled media will make fun of your ineffectualness due to the small numbers showing. It's a no-win situation.

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That is a bit of a self-created conundrum at this point, isn't it ?

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It is not clear what you mean.

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I mean, for the J6ers, its the price you pay for the games you play.

It is like taking on the Mafia and then whining because they play rough.

Military Strategy: Don't start a fight that you should know you can't win.

Like that.

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Interesting you compared the US government to the Mafia. Yep. They also tortured people for their own interests.

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You also took the wrong interpretation with that. See why I don't waste time in fantasy land with you ? I will make one last attempt.

For the Mafia reference, replace with: "If you fu&k with the bull, you get the horns." See how differently that "reads" ?

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Let's leave the provocateurs and the dumb ones they got involved in their little riot that the government colluded in out of this.

The people who attended that day had, by and large, no intent toward violence and were prepared to go home empty handed. They've been called insurrectionists since then. None of them deserved that or deserve that now. A representative government shouldn't be in the business of invalidating what they had to say, rather responding to their issues.

Reminds me of what Weimar used to do to groups they didn't like; squelch through control of the media, insinuate intelligence agents into; compromise and in general make look bad. Hell, it's how Hitler got his start with the DAP - he was a paid agent surveying the underground Munich political scene.

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"no intent toward violence". I see. So they were climbing the wall of our National Capitol because they had apparently missed gym that day ? Or did you mean that they had no intent toward violence until Trump started his televised "rabble rousing" ?

Again, however, it doesn't matter. "When you fu&k with the bull, you get the horns." We ALL learn that at some point in our adult lives. Perhaps some sooner than others.

So, my friend, it is all on video, and the chips are now in the process of "falling where they may". Further analysis at this point seems rather anti-climactic to me. Its now up to the Courts.

What the J6ers didn't deserve was a President who had them "walk into the fires of Hell", and then, typically, "forgot" he ever "knew" them. Their own major folly was in following an empty suit for a leader. They were not "drafted", with a gun up the rectum, they did not *have to follow. Actions have consequences. Whether or not that seems "fair", that has ever been the way of the world.

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Good thing you weren't George Washington's advisor.

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Admittedly, I kind of agree with Atma about that part. If you want to fight the government, you need to fight the government and stop pretending the government is responsive to you in any way.

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"This was NOT a “far-right” protest." Are you sure? In Europe it suffices to have noticed that Islamic sharia is illiberal and to have come to the conclusion that Europe could do with far less immigration from Muslim countries to be considered far-right. Far-right has become a more-or-less meaningless pejorative to be hurled at anyone right of center who proposes any idea that the bien pensant elites want to declare to be beyond the pale. (As for example, in this case that January 6th was not, in fact, an insurrection, and that treating people whose worst offense was getting selfies taken in parts of the Capitol not normally open to the public as terrorists is a perversion of justice by the Federal Government.)

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If you are to the right of Karl Marx, you are "far-right". Didn't you get the memo?

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I'm not really picking on you, but all this team choosing stuff is tiring. It just supports the hate factory that props up the existing party structure that serves the elite. Every time you identify as some team or another, you're basically helping them out.

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Also - the organizers hired their own security team (men in red shirts) to assist in case of any problems.

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Thanks for the link. I've contributed to several J6 campaigns on Givsendgo.

My first thought on visiting Look Ahead America was, 'Good stuff. Maybe I will kick in $25.'

My second thought was, 'Is the site really being run by the FBI?'

Sad, I know.

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It’s sad AND completely understandable. I can tell you that Matt Braynard is the founder of the organization. I didn’t look further into it because I’m not really a joiner. Someone here referred to the fact that these people are political prisoners now. And for me THAT is the only thing about this that matters. I think the site might have info about the state rallies around the country and you don’t have to donate to go. There’s one tomorrow 11am-1pm in Trenton NJ

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What was the unconstitutional imprisonment? I watched the whole opera bouffe on my screen, and what was most shocking was all the marchers in military gear clearly designed to intimidate people who disagreed with them. I'm totally ok with locking them all up until they learn to exercise their First Amendment rights in jeans and tee shirts.

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Now we're locking people up for wearing the wrong clothes?

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Probably has no idea what a totalitarian asshole he sounds like. Also a huge wuss.

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Yup, wearing camo and helmets 5 years, shared with the BLM rioters. Carrying a gun and walkie talkie, deportation to China or Afghanistan. The crime, which you don't get, is intimidation to overthrow an election, and all the military paraphanalia deserves an increased sentence. Much love from a totalitarian asshole and wuss.

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Still a fucking totalitarian pussy, and paranoid too. You'll be happy to know that the Weimar authorities thought like you did and banned uniforms. Helped a lot, as we can all see. Like banning pot leaf bumper stickers and roach clips to stop drug use.

Paranoids usually get what they wish for, though. Especially the thoroughly propagandized types.

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Not a fan of habeas corpus or due process?

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You're easily intimidated. I'm sure people are quaking in their boots when I wear my DCU or ACU boonie hats while mowing my lawn.

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That was the whole point. The Dems (I am not registered with either Party) are probably very disappointed. Let's see if BLM in NYC and in TX (Haitians) are covered as carefully.

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Yes. As I commented above they are very disappointed. But they've moved on to the Gestapo with the whips.

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>"I am not far-right and was considering attending that event."

When you get to the edge of 'far-right' there be dragons, Lorri. When you get to Trump Towers, you've gone too far.

*I considered going with a local woman who had advertised on CL to go the original 1/6 insurrection/coup in an RV byob .. . but, alas, I was not far-right enough.

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The left right split misses the point. Trump was an unauthorized president, he gamed the system. The elite lost control and will do anything to avoid it happening again.

That’s why they are so fluid and changeable , they are on any side of any issue. That’s why sometimes it looks like the lefties are totalitarian‘s and other times it’s the right wingers that look like authoritarians.

It’s just the elite controlling the narrative - infinitely malleable and all feeding and grunting together at same arm industry donator throughs. Note vote of both DNC and GOP politicians for one more $1B to apartheid Israel to replace ammunition spent on bombing the open-air concentration camp, Gaza.

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Well put. Before I realized what kind of game was afoot, directly pre election 2016, I emailed a friend who had seen the light far earlier than I. A former socialist turned 3rd Party guy who lives basically on the fringes of society, his words ring so true nearly 5 years later:

"Bernie Sanders was the rightouis (sic) Prophet like Jeremiah - crying in the wilderness for the dispossessed . The Dems killed him . they sabotaged his campaign as confirmed by Wiki leaks . the Clinton machine suppressed the Attorney General , got to the DOJ , etc the last man standing is Trump . he is the Angel of death that will come to clean the land of the aristocratic new world order - Bushs, Clintons, Paid off media etc. The Angel of death is not the answer but the reset button . like when our computers screw up we turn them off and it resets."

This man, a prophet unto himself, who predicted Trump's election sanguinely in late October of 2015 also predicted his victory in 2020. I hold no allegiance to either party myself, but I now believe with near certainty that there were indeed malicious and deep voter fraud machinations afoot in the run up to and during the November 2020 election. The elites COULD NOT HAVE another 4 years of Trump.

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S Smith. I agree the elites killed Bernie’s run twice. Not a fan of his but DNC killed him twice. And our actual deep state with the help of democrat corporate media tried to ruin Trump for four years with little success. They stuffed the machines with paper ballots in four key swing states and now we have the real Insurrectionists, the Biden administration!

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S Smith. I agree the elites killed Bernie’s run twice. Not a fan of his but DNC killed him twice. And our actual deep state with the help of democrat corporate media tried to ruin Trump for four years with little success. They stuffed the machines with paper ballots in four key swing states and now we have the real Insurrectionists, the Biden administration!

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Interesting ideas in your post, although I suspect that your second theory about election fraud being the cause of Trump's loss will not logically withstand his reelection as President in 2024.

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I tried to say this above to the paid troll, but as usual I get to read down and find someone that can actually write coherent thoughts, and make more sense. Not my strong suit. LOL. Thank you for being able to write!!!

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Excellent analysis, yes.

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Correction: troughs

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I tend to agree. The system is irretrievably broken. Nothing in DC makes sense anymore. Complete disconnect from the public. The polarizing messages are dividing the country into two countries. Red vs. Blue. Once people understand the real issues, there is 60-70% agreement. For example, taxation. Most voting to "tax the rich" have no idea who pays the taxes. Most for invading Iraq assumed "they" were right about the reasons for invasion. They weren't. That's why they want out. Never mind the 20 years and $2.4 trillion. Most people are ok with reasonable gun ownership (not for criminals). We are polarized around phony details.

I've posited this before, not as elegantly as Matt of course. Until the $ are removed from elections / public office / campaign funding this will continue. Each party has a war chest. If you don't "bend" to their rules and voting requirements (see Nancy Pelosi), you don't get re-elected to the cushy $million dollar job with the best benefits on the planet (check every re-elected Senate or House reps wealth before and after getting elected). They don't pay for health care, they have automatic pensions, they have "junkets" so they can travel when / if they want, and they accumulate massive wealth as long as they "vote" based on the requirements of Part A or Party B. The framers of the constitution didn't see this one coming. I don't know how to fix it. Because the people that have to fix it...are the people in charge.

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I know the solution, and you do too. It's bloody and does a great deal of harm to everyone. Sentence 2 of your post encapsulates it nicely.

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Correct. Only the plebs vote against their own self-interests. Congress does not.

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Boris, I appreciate your first paragraph, yet respectfully disagree. Trump was the unauthorized president, yet was allowed to win in order to sell mass vaccination to the right down the road. (Yes, the mask falls. I’m a hardcore conspiracy theorist.) If Hillary had won in 2016, she’d be the one flogging vaccines in 2020 and the corporate regime would lose half the population; only the blue mob would now be vaccinated. With Trump you get Operation Warpseed, the MAGA jabs and so many more punters for the vaccines. The whole Mueler/Russiagate charade, like the White Water charade before it, was a knout used to flog an unauthorized, cowboy president into compliance.

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I don't think Covid was even a glimmer honestly. I do believe Trump was allowed to win, but only the Republican nod. Remember, it was proved out in the e-mails that were leaked (yes, leaked, not stolen) that they wanted either Trump or Carson, and used the media to make that happen. It just all backfired spectacularly.

I can't speak to national vote rigging, but there does at least to be some smoke there, I just haven't found a burning fire yet, but we absolutely know that the Party nominations are largely decided in house, and insanely so on the Democratic side. Delegates are bought, and Bernie Sanders learned that the hard way which is why the door got opened to the DNC, because a large group inside were disenfranchised personally finally, and spoke up.

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Not at all convincing but I like your alias name ;-))

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I don’t want to be the person who doesn’t stand up for what’s right. Nothing is going to change in any of these situations; the border, race-baiting, corruption, the castration of the military, the blatant lawlessness of the President of the US, the demoralization of law enforcement, the co-opting of the public education system etc. it’s never going to change unless people make heard the collective voice.

It seems we are all waiting for “someone” to fix it. WE ARE THE SOMEONE.

I’m ashamed of myself and ashamed FOR all of us who sit and raise our fists in frustration and engage in red-faced intellectual analyses of these issues.

I love Matt’s work. He is doing his job - compelling thought and inquiry. I love this forum (yes even the mean trolling intellectually deficient loons) Unfortunately in these times, more than thought is required.

There have been many times in my life when I felt our country’s leaders were/are simply f’d up. I worried for the future. This time? I believe the country is in mortal danger.

If this is the push for The Globalist agenda WHY not just be transparent about it? Give people a chance to express their choice.

WHY is this guy the “President” not in handcuffs?

Serious question - maybe someone here knows: does a President have to be impeached before or in lieu of criminal prosecution? Even as a puppet, he is the one breaking laws AND violating The Constitution.

Ugh - I need a nap and a place to live in Uruguay or Ecuador

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I agree with you. Our angry muppet of a president and his band of fools are tanking our Country with great purpose. He leads us to one man made disaster after the next. Afghanistan, open borders and vaccine mandates. Soon we will have a healthcare crises with so many nurses and other healthcare workers quitting! Not to mention the gutting of our military’s finest with the mandates and CRT. Hundreds of Navy Seals are saying NO! Many officers, not the woke Generals, are saying No! China and Russia are literally laughing at the Clowns in charge.

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I suffered an ear injury and the soonest appointment was in...November.

Pretty soon, we will be left with the dumbest of the dumbest in charge of everything.

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@Another Mark

We are well on our way to *that already ! In *all fields and walks of life.

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I don't think they are doing it on purpose, if that is what you are suggesting. There are ideological blinders, certainly, but those get less important the further from Inauguration Day we get. The problem is, far as I can tell, that Biden just expects people to do what he says, and doesn't want to hear the details. That's a great way to get a string of failures as a leader, and he's getting them. His advisers are conditioned to protect him from incisive criticism, press contact, all the things that would otherwise act to improve his performance. And, he's old and infirm, which is not getting better. Look at the Biden of say, 2010 and the Biden of today. No comparison.

Anyway, don't assume malice when incompetence will serve.

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They aren't transparent about it because it's coming from the top down. American citizens are opposed to most of their agenda.

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Sep 25, 2021
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I wouldn't be so sure. The current political polarization is going to lead to break up of the country. Red vs Blue. The extremes are running the show. CRT/BLM riots or Jan 6 style anger at lack of aggressive voting surveillance/investigation. Open borders (catch and release) vs controlled immigration (ask the Germans or Dutch how they feel about "open borders"). Sensible representative government doesn't exist. There is no center.

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Chris Hedges would agree with you, if you've watched today's USEFUL IDIOTS podcast.

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Sep 26, 2021
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Thanks, good read. Definitely needs an update, especially as regards wielding power with the cooperation of the media in constitutionally limited republics or other forms of democracy ;-)

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Sep 27, 2021
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I had only read "Technology and War" by him. Used to show up in the B&N bargain bin a lot, to my reward.

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It was a good read, thank you.

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wow "despise" is pretty extreme even for a troll. Just knowing you put so much energy into thinking about my "analytic" skills and "rhetoric" made my day!


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b o r e

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Sep 25, 2021
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Right - people on all sides of the issue need to move on from talking and increase their harassment of public officials. Oops, I mean only people on my side should make officials "very uncomfortable"; that tactic should be prohibited to the other side. This is how to make democracy work better - everybody shout louder and do "whatever it takes" to coerce rather than persuade. If we harass politicians by deliberately tying up their phone lines, we can force them do what we want. No chance of backfiring.

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They hate phone calls. HATE them. If 100 people called their representative or Congressman all day every day, they'd be pissed.

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They create a non existent enemy to rally against. So 1984 and Emmanuel Goldstein.

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Two minutes Hate every night on the Rachel Maddow Show

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I’m laughing the feds arrested one of their own! I’m not laughing at their incompetence.

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Was anyone ever arrested in Portland or Seattle for attacking the police and burning down buildings? Kinda makes you wonder whose payroll they were on.

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Many were arrested, but charges were invariably dropped in the vast majority of cases, including severe crimes. Bail was often arranged by third parties. Much more violence than January 6, with no consequences. Biden creates chaos in Afghanistan, then blames the Afghans. He creates chaos on the border, and blames the Border Patrol. What country are we living in?

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"Much more violence" over months, not a single day.

Does anyone here not see that this was the first time in Our History that a group protesting outside the Capital building decided it was okay to head on inside? I'm not talking about a handful of yahoos who sneak in and disrupt a hearing, that is ubiquitous. I mean a mob, however peaceful and sight-seeing their intentions, forcing their way into the place. The fact that some folks here don't have a problem with that is more symptomatic of trump dissonance syndrome.

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Reminiscent of Madison, WI Capitol in 2011. That was more than a handful, for more than a handful of hours.

I have problems with both of them (mostly because they are ineffective for all except those that can use them for political advantage). And with the hypocrisy of "leaders" (of both sides) gushingly tweeting approval of one of them while decrying the other.

Does it only matter to you that it was the US' Capitol?

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I agree, Mark. I had a problem with protestors entering the Capitol building as well. Given all the warning and hoopla, I'm surprised the Capitol police weren't better prepared, but the protestors went too far, just as they do almost every night in Portland.

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@Mr. Konty

Well SAID, indeed. However, "most people" commenting here have absolutely *no intent, (if even the ability), to employ critical thinking.

The apologists for the insurrectionists are simply attempting to place *lipstick on a pig ! "They were there for a picnic, y'all, and got furious when they didn't remember to bring the mustard." Right. Makes as much sense as the other B.S., especially the "It didn't even *happen y'all ! It was created by Pixar Studios !" The Courts will either apply some justice to this reality, or they will not. Either way, absolutely *no big shock anymore.

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by Margaret Bayard Smith, an eyewitness:

"[Washington] March 11th, Sunday [1829]

Thursday morning. . . Thousands and thousands of people, without distinction of rank, collected in an immense mass round the Capitol, silent, orderly and tranquil, with their eyes fixed on the front of that edifice, waiting the appearance of the President in the portico.

The door from the Rotunda opens, preceded by the marshals, surrounded by the Judges of the Supreme Court, the old man with his grey locks, that crown of glory, advances, bows to the people, who greet him with a shout that rends the air, the Cannons, from the heights around, from Alexandria and Fort Warburton proclaim the oath he has taken and the hills reverberate the sound. It was grand, - it was sublime!

An almost breathless silence, succeeded and the multitude was still, - listening to catch the sound of his voice, tho' it was so low, as to be heard only by those nearest to him. After reading his speech, the oath was administered to him by the Chief Justice. The Marshal presented the Bible. The President took it from his hands, pressed his lips to it, laid it reverently down, then bowed again to the people - Yes, to the people in all their majesty. . .

The south side of the Capitol was literally alive with the multitude, who stood ready to receive the hero and the multitude who attended him. . . When the speech was over, and the President made his parting bow, the barrier that had separated the people from him was broken down and they rushed up the steps all eager to shake hands with him. It was with difficulty he made his way through the Capitol and down the hill to the gateway that opens on the avenue. Here for a moment he was stopped. The living mass was impenetrable.

After a while a passage was opened, and he mounted his horse which had been provided for his return (for he had walked to the Capitol) then such a cortege as followed him! Country men, farmers, gentlemen, mounted and dismounted, boys, women and children, black and white. Carriages, wagons and carts all pursuing him to the President's house. . . . [W]e set off to the President's House, but on a nearer approach found an entrance impossible, the yard and avenue was compact with living matter."

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Mark - respectfully take issue with this. I can't say I support the riot at The Capitol. I STRONGLY OBJECT to the severity of the actions taken against the 'tourists' who seemed to be escorted by capitol police who came off looking like tour guides.

I say we go beyond J6 or even the Bret Kavanaugh hearing protests where Chucky Cheese the self hating Jew who was a leader in the charge to stop official confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee. Protest? Fine, perfect, welcomed!! Even if one disagrees with the purpose. Protest itself is necessary to the survival of the democratic republic.

But I go back to the 1960s and 70s Weather Underground bombings of the Capitol and the Pentagon, and 23 others. How many went to prison? Though many were designated as fugitives none were locked in solitary, beaten by guards and denied access to legal representation or contact with family?

Whatabout-ism not intended - i see it as compare and contrast. It is also a really good illustration of how the SJWs are following the extremists' handbook and how this has been in the works for decades. We dismissed the 'small' things time after time and all of Yuri Bezmenov's warnings to America went unheeded. Look where we are and check out interviews with him from the 1980s - they are/were on YouTube.

I hate the idea of referencing something called "groovy history" but it was better than the FBI site and it provides an arguably concise and accurate accounting


and talk about virtue signaling - NY Gov Cuomo gave the Weather Underground his SJW stamp of approval just before fleeing Albany


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Actually he’s more of a one-note Joey - “<fill in the blank> is because of the previous administration”

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Yes. One arsonist who set fire to the police station was sentenced to 8 or 9 years. It’s a start.

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Um, yes.

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At some point the lying media will face the truth and like a vampire facing the sun they will just dissolve into nothingness. This gathering of Americans who were concerned about the illegal detention of individuals from Jan 6 was universally described as "rightwing protesters." Many people are sick of the media and gov't acting as censors and spinning narratives that are wholly untrue and designed to divide and demonize decent working Americans. We usually don't have revolutions utilizing violence and guns but come election time maybe the ballot box will be more effective in getting rid of the mini-tyrants trying to run our lives.

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They won't face it until a large enough segment of people care about the injustice. And the harsh truth is that most Americans don't care because they view January 6 arrestees as "unworthy victims." Martin Niemöller wrote a poem about this 70 years ago.

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I don't know if they view them as "unworthy victims" or not but I think not. These people's lives were ruined and the obvious fact that undercover agents can ruin theirs too if they show up for a demonstration and are accused of a crime. People are frightened and with good reason.

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yeah .... these are things most citizens think about *before they defile the U.S. Capitol trying to hang a sitting Vice President. All criminals are "sorry" when they get caught. That more citizens don't want to join the original mob behind bars is hardly shocking.

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If they had only remembered to bring some guns to this Unarmed Insurrection. Damn it, why wasn't anyone arrested for a gun violation. I know, I know these are just idiot, unbalanced QAnon members. You can't expect them to remember things like that. Or even properly organize a riot. As noted in this NY Times piece https://archive.fo/g1iX9

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As they were being interviewed by the FBI, rioters were asked that same question. As if the answer was rehearsed, they bragged about all the guns they had in their cars, but dodged the question regarding lack of guns at the Capitol. So, best guess, "someone" spread the message to leave the guns in their cars. Probably easier when the remainder of the Capitol Police and *all of the National Guard were "temporarily" AWOL when called to stop the Insurrection.

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As I recall, the "movement" was clear on DC gun laws. Those attending were told if you carry in DC, you can/will be arrested, so don't do it. At least that's my recollection.

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Yeah, cause you don't need those to have an insurrection.

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Where was the rope?

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Gawd, aren't *you precious ? You don't think somebody's belt would do the trick ? Don't bother me picking your impotent nits.

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"like a vampire facing the sun they will just dissolve into nothingness"

"come election time maybe the ballot box will be more effective in getting rid of the mini-tyrants trying to run our lives"

I admire your optimism.

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That kind of optimism really *is kinda precious, isn't it ?

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It is, but I think it's necessary. I, personally, could use some of it.

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I apologize. I took your comment above to be facetious.

I think we all love the optimism of the youth. We all greatly benefit from that. Many of us will recall the optimism of our *own youth. At my present vantage point of 73 years, I still love optimism, but I am also *acutely aware that there is a *huge difference, as my own generation learned, between "optimism", and just pure, straight-up "magical thinking".

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No apologies necessary.

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Sadly DC changes then more then they change DC

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I haven't read every comment, but what about the reason for the "protest"?

Is it valid journalism to cover the treatment by the criminal justice system of those arrested Jan. 6? Or as "Trump deplorables" and "insurrectionists" is their treatment not worthy of remark?

What are the facts? Is that treatment how we want American jurisprudence to operate?

How does it compare to the way Antifa/BLM provocateurs and rioters were treated, including those who sought to destroy police precincts and potentially murder police officers?

Maybe that's a very different post, but covering this thing like it's a comical football game that ended with both teams tied at 0-0 kind of glosses over some of the big issues here.

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There is peaceful protest, and then, there are crimes. No matter the location, Portland, Seattle, D.C., the *second a protestor participates in crime, they cease to be a legal "protestor".

The second they become criminals, nobody *cares why they were "protesting", in the same way that nobody cares that they perhaps did not get their favorite cerals at home as a kid. Just STOP tearing up my U.S. Capitol Building. And, if you *don't cease and desist, that is what the Capitol Police and the National Guard (those who had not been bought off for the day ) are for.

Breaking windows, punching people, aiming guns at people, setting fires, ripping up the interior of the U.S. Capitol Building, such people *forego any definition of "protestor", and instantly become *criminals. Criminals get prosecuted. Its the U.S. Legal System, like it or not.

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p.s. than last paragraph seeks to indict *all criminals at *all protests, and I neglected to include the biggest crime of all committed under the guise of "peaceful protest", which is looting. ALL looting is criminal. Period. Also *glaringly illegal, is cops shooting members of the Press in the face and other body parts, with rubber bullets just *because they are members of the press. This *SNOWJOB strategy that involves covering *crimes with excuses of "peaceful protest" just could not BE more transparent.

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Just another day in Joe & Kammy's "peace and unity" police state, comrades.

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The FBI is a domestic terror organization. Anyone who denies this has not caught up with the truth and history of the FBI…

They need to be shut down. The idea that they do more good than harm is pure denial…

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed:


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Totally agree. FBI/CIA is a danger to America

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The funny thing is that the FBI and CIA hate each other and spend time and money doing it. Your tax dollars massively squandered. You are... not safer.


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@DavidGosselin thanks. This read sparked my interest in looking further into this perspective.

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It was a setup and no one came. Reminds me of “Luke it’s a trap!”

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Trump told everyone to stay home. Only the provocateurs came.

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Protest or not, it is a complete disgrace how the political prisoners are being trested

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@ Madjack ❔🤣

How does one "trest" a prisoner❔

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“Disgracefully,” . . apparently.

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Douche remark.

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Fat fingers!!

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@ M Snow 😊✔

I'll have a magic brownie, please🎯

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Sep 25, 2021
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Now that they are being *very properly arrested for their actions, almost to a person, the answer to the question of "Why were you there?" is "Because the President told us to come." Do you think they all rehearsed that answer ? Because *now, all of the people crying crocodile tears for the J6ers *deny that Trump told the J6ers to attack the U.S. Capitol, even tho the WORLD watched Trump do *exactly that on TV !

Trump denies that he told them to go, and the gaslighting goes on. The problem with Trump's lies, however, is that they are *always so unsophisticated that they would not fool a child, and *that "beat" is ALSO going on. "You can't fool all of the people all of time", Lincoln's famous words, have finally come home to roost for these folks. J6 apologists can't just tell people that they did NOT see what they very CLEARLY saw. Not all of them ! J6 apologists have yet to learn what all Citizens learn if they ever cross swords with the IRS. Individual Citizens CANNOT win in a battle against the IRS. Unfair, illegal, cry what buckets you will, just TRY to "whip" the IRS. Even if you take the IRS to Court, the case is heard IN IRS COURTS ! Adults know that this *cannot be done.

Adults ALSO know that defiling the U.S. Capitol on INTERNATIONAL TV while sending your mother selfies is *EVENTUALLY going to cost you. Duh ! J6ers do that, and THEN attempt to hide behind the protections of the LAW? If nothing else, J6ers shat upon the Symbol *OF America for every citizen watching. Sniveling and whining when they get arrested? Adults think of that shit *before they ever commit the crime. So now the J6ers are whining over the fact that "Actions Have Consequences"? Yeah. That's called life in the real world while they were cosplaying soldier boys. Whine if you will, but like the individual bucking up against the IRS, it is *NOW time to face that "audit".

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Does this mean you can’t go to The Capitol and take selfies? If the cops responsible to stop that behavior DON’T stop it does that mean no law is being broken? Or are do they just have shitty training? Might be the latter since the guy who actually shot someone was investigated for leaving his loaded Service weapon on a restroom sink. Following your logic every illegal act that occurred last year between June and December can be layed squarely at the feet of Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris Ted Wheeler Lori Lightfoot on and on. Again this right/left Trump is Machiavelli is vapid

It’s an attempt to abuse Amend XIV Sec 3

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Don't expect me to engage in fantasy land with you. We have it all on video.

The Legal Machine will now do what it does.

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Who was there? There were many people without any prior criminal history who got caught up in the vibe, were let in by the police and respectfully stayed inside the velvet ropes, and probably at the time didn’t realize they were going to be in big trouble. Some probably though they were going to protest peacefully inside — just as as others have in different political situations there inside the Capitol over the decades without any significant legal consequences.

There were also nutjobs who had no political agenda other than chaos — we saw them on video. There appeared to be some hard core LARPERS who didn’t realize they were LARPing in the wrong place at the wrong time — such as the late Ms. Babbit. Their judgment was poor and they shouldn’t have been there. Maybe there were several FBI informants too. It was a complex situation with several separate and distinct animating energies and constituent parts.

Dumbing it down for vitriolic political advantage is very sad to see, but that’s how it’s been framed by almost every major media outlet and mainstream politician I’m aware of. The word “insurrection” is an absurd characterization. Although maybe a few of the LARPERS were delusional enough to romantically see themselves that way, raised on grade-school stories of courageous American patriots defying British tyranny.

Einstein had a famous piece of advice to physicists about physics, “Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

By analogy, nearly everything reported and claimed in media and mainstream politics about the Jan 6 capitol meelee is “simpler”, it seems to me.

We should see it for what it was in all its complexity and call its parts by their proper names. Framing it all as one thing and all the people there as part of that one thing is inaccurate and misleading.

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Well, if there is anything coherent to emerge from this, it is now in the process of taking place. If not, we have another farce on our hands to equal both of the Trump Impeachment efforts.

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Sep 26, 2021
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Serious question @e.pierce - why are they able to get away with blocking due process and perpetrating abuse on prisoners? Is this the protocol for all "domestic terrorists" now? My main interest is the violation of civil rights. Wouldn't all of that be wrong regardless of who or why?

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Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says.


Of course the US military is just too danged honest & above board to do this.

Although I will say that, if this a psyop, we citizens have shown the powers that be that nothing could be easier than persuading liberals that elemental human rights are examples of white privilege.

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the determination by the left leaning media to gin up continued outrage over January 6th through to the midterms is going to backfire - people recognize what is going on and they aren’t biting- the optics of what happened that day were terrible and distressing- but we do know now despite media protestation to the contrary, that it was not a coordinated subversive attack on our government and thank god for that! I am a democrat ( although I hardly recognize my party) and I am appalled by the lack of due process for the arrested participants- and every one who values a liberal democracy should care about that too!

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>"-the optics of what happened that day were terrible and distressing- but we do know now despite media protestation to the contrary, that it was not a coordinated subversive attack on our government and thank god for that! I am a democrat.. . "

It was a well-advertised 'Stop the Steal' Trump rally gone astray. Some ppl in my neck of the woods were going up in tailgate parties w/ beer kegs.

I thought it was an 'impeachable' offense (interfering in the gov. election 'process') .. . unlike the Ukraine affair-impeachment when they impeached Trump for the sins of Joe Biden. imo.

But Trump was all but out the door, so why make a mountain out of a mole hill? Strike 2.

Yesterday the Arizona official 'recount' was published showing Biden won by an even greater margin than originally reported .. . but I'm not sure if that instills confidence in the integrity of the election they think it does.

*imo, if the only choice was between Trump and Biden .. . the election was stolen a long time ago. (i.e. before there was vote.)

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IMO The mountain is being made from the molehill in order to substantiate the use of Amendment XIV, Section 3 should Trump decide to run for re-election. I'm writing it here not to be condescending but to give the gist:

"No person shall...hold any office, civil or military...having previously taken an oath...to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in Insurrection or rebellion against same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two thirds of each house remove such disability."

If Trump 'created' the 'insurrection' he couldn't hold office unless 2/3 of House AND Senate say it's okay. Even if Republications take control of both houses, a 2/3 majority in both would be impossible.

This is just my hypothesis.

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IMO, from a constitutional standpoint, Trump U should have been enough to disqualify Trump from any political office. .. and, fyi, the crook still owes me/my sub-contractors money.

To the extent that (1/6) was an 'insurrection', or a rebellion, Trump created it. As I mentioned, it was well-advertised.

I received a personal invitation from the Don myself (text message). I suspect they culled my name from Greenwald/Taibbi MAGA hat reader lists .. . lol.

*note. in fact, I strongly cautioned all my friends it was a fools errand. .. at best.

Notwithstanding Amendment XIV 3, I've been in the middle of a couple of coups/insurrections. That (1/6) wasn't it. .. e.g. see the Taliban.

Amendment XXV seems more promising .. . but Biden doesnt' have a leg to stand on.

*the Peace corps is still looking for a few good men. .. but they're scarce as hen's teeth, IMO.

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What lack of due process? You know how I even know that they arrested and charged someone for that craziness, because of the public records of their arrest, arraignment, booking, pretrial, etc. etc. etc.

Personally, I think most of those people were guilty only of being pathetic, but the one's who did property damage or attacked policy should be held accountable.

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I wonder who the Fedbois around here are. Probably just lurkers.

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I'm working here undercover.. . bahhummingbug is not my real name.

*you can call me bah. .. for short.

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LOL... the left still desperately trying to manufacture hysteria over a farce long since debunked, and their sychophantic media lapdogs doing their damnedest for relevance and revenue have become caricatures and clowns. Sadly, they scarcely warrant more than a sidebar here and there. The world has largely dismissed if not forgotten them for crying wolf once too often.

Midterms oughtta be fun

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I think the midterms are already decided. Some time during the past 8 months I heard a talking head say something that stopped me in my tracks. At the time some new ugliness was revealed and it was pointed out that the Dems had no response, no reaction (maybe it was the start of the invasion) as if they were blind to what was happening. The point was - people act that way when they know they have nothing to worry about and they don’t seem worried about 2022

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Sep 25, 2021
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For Democratic losses to occur, the Republicans have to get their act together. Their incompetence and inability to take advantage of this far-left looney government is almost as hard to understand as the Democratic agenda.

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Why aren't the Washington Generals dunking on the Harlem Globetrotters? I mean, look, that guy's spinning the ball on his finger! How about some defense?! Wait, now they're bringing in a ladder? Isn't that against the rules? Where's the ref?

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Sep 25, 2021
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As an American of Irish heritage, I would like to enter a formal objection to the insult of comparison just made above to the Druids. ;-D

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