I saw your headline and subhead, and it got me wondering again ... why does it seem like every news article I read nowadays has stories about 'right wing' groups, but I never see the 'left wing' label attached to people on the other side?
It feels like one big, coordinated effort to label conservatives as 'people way outside the mainstream', while progressives are just good, old-fashioned, mainstream Americans.
One of the reasons the global corporate state merged with the Social Justice theocrats is the desire to place their political opponents beyond the moral pale, thus transforming them from fellow citizens to listen to and compromise with into bigoted "extremists" who deserve nothing more than hatred, demonization and social banishment.
What formerly could be considered a heated PTA dispute is now transformed into a Manichaean moral battle, and with a few sprinkles of Social Justice jargon all dissent is labeled as "hate speech" that needs to be censored to protect the safety and sanctity of the marginalized. (Not to mention some quality fearmongering and emotional blackmail: Do what we say or the children will kill themselves! Your disagreement is literal genocide!)
The goal of course is to place various electrified fences inside the American brain, where disagreeing with any Social Justice dogma reflexively zaps you with guilt and shame and thus leads you to instant capitulation. Seems to be working pretty well so far!
Yep; they put their leash inside your head where you can't fight it and you'll deny it vociferously claiming to have "free will"; you don't, they own you. Just look at the professors, stark raving stupid. Education equals indoctrination more education equals more indoctrination and it's never been more obvious than now. The narcissum of youth has taken over the country on behalf of the ruling classes.
Tell that to the females who have to endure sharing a locker room and bathroom with a male. Tell that to the females who have to compete athletically against a man. Tell that to the females in prison who are raped by a man who claims to be trans. Tell that to parents who don't want their children exposed to pornography and sexual orientation at school. Tell that to the people who have been fired for "misgendering".
Nice deflection, the topic was pride gear, adult swimsuits and a single promotional beer can. It harms nobody. You're not boycotting any of these companies for incarcerating men and women together or subjecting women to male genitilia and being exposed in a change room. The things you're shitting your pants over are just gay and trans people living their lives.
It’s not my job, or the job of my daughter to sacrifice our privacy and language to discuss our immutable biology in order to coddle the delusions of men. Our purpose on this Earth is not to be kind to delusional men. Their issues are not our cross to bear. Men cannot ever become women or girls and I have zero obligation to pretend otherwise.
This misogynistic bull 💩 is being pushed by largely angry dudes with an anime porn addiction who feel entitled to force all women and girls to participate in their sick sexual fetish known as autogynephilia. I’m sorry but he’ll no. If you got a stick, you ain’t a chic.
Said from a misogynistic viewpoint. Trans is trying to eliminate women's rights. A fucking dude with a penis allowed in a women's locker room? Are you fucking kidding me?
Says you, not minding your own business. You’re a douche bag. I actually subscribed to you for a day before I realized how much of a douche you truly are. Well done troll.
More accurately you are giving off the vibes of a dude who wants access to private spaces meant for actual women and girls so you can use us as props to live out your autogynephilic fantasies from your porn addiction. You seem angry that we won’t let dudes with dicks into our private spaces and that’s far beyond good old erasing women misogyny. That’s the actions of deluded autogynephilic MEN. 🤷♀️😘
Even more accurately he wants access to women’s things because he’s obviously not capable of competing physically with men. This is what happens when you grow up on the internet and don’t get laid. What will he do when his parents die and the basement isn’t available?
I was thinking of weighing in on Ford’s expose but after reading all these comments I realized the participants from his film just carried over to this stream. Sad all around.
Yes, I’m sure child groomers want to read stories to kids. That doesn’t mean they should be reading stories to kids. Strippers might like to strip in front of kids too, but adults probably shouldn’t be stripping in front of kids.
This page lists a ton of left wing organizations. Of course the Democrat Party, academia, media, Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, Jane's Revenge, Planned Parenthood, etc. etc. etc.
None of those you mention are anything near left wing. They are the usual boring & inconsequential bourgeoisie who are you differing with over takes on issues you both imagine to be the ephemera of your existence, yet they are fun to argue a side on, even though they are irrelevant to the only conflict that is really occurring - the class war. Happening in 2023 just as it happened in 1823 or 1923.
In the entire western world and no more liberals either. Definitely no labor, class politics as we devolve into impotent warring tribes. You gotta give the ruling classes credit, they play us like a bad violin.
George Orwell disagrees-he said in The Road to Wigan Pier that the right/upper classes were way too stupid to implement a control policy of sugar, alcohol, and soccer gambling on the poor-they just lucked out that these things anesthetized the lower classes.
Now we have fentanyl, DoorDash, and gambling apps….
You poor thing! Perhaps that's because most people--that is to say a majority of citizens--who have acquired a distinct distaste for today's right-wing revanchism and disagree with their bigoted programs and their troll-like behavior, aren't "leftists," but merely "normies" primarily interested in making a living, staying alive, scavenging for food and healthcare for themselves and family---that sort of thing. Hope this is helpful for you in better understanding the society in which you dwell.
That is a coastal viewpoint. You make it sound like the "right-wing" is controlling the narrative----MSM, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, Big Tech, academia, professional sports, the corporate workplace, science, medicine, etc. are in our face daily, pushing the same progressive messages. On the "right" is talk radio and what is left of FOX.
I don't know anything about "controlling the narrative." Sounds like an empty phrase used by sore losers to distract others from their bad arguments and bad ideas that the majority of people want nothing to do with.
I do know that I don't consider myself "left" or "right," but I do believe these days the "right" is most always "wrong," and most definitely the enemy of "sensible," among other less flattering descriptions. But according to the "right," anyone who challenges their program must be automatically a lefty and in all probability a rabid Marxist. Or, god forbid...a stooge for the Democratic Party! Mazel tov!
Right. You don't know anything about controlling the narrative---it's another figment of the reactionary, right-wing mind, despite the list I reminded you of.
If we're sore losers, then the winners are therefore the ones controlling the narrative so you're full of it as usual.
There's an effort to destroy everyone outside the mainstream. And those fucking WOKE Lunatics aren't real Progressives. Well, I suppose they are now since those with the money and power create the culture as well as manipulate the week minded. It's best to think for yourself these days. The Right has been used before as well. These people have no real ideology aside from holding onto their money and power and shutting anyone down who gets in their way. Smoke and mirrors. They will use whatever foolish group is convenient at the time then toss them out like dogshit once it becomes inconvenient.
I've considered myself a Leftist my entire adult life and still do in many respects. But I see the so called Woke Left, Boutique Left, AOC Left, whatever one wants to call them, as a rabid dog that needs to be put down. Very dangerous.
As a SW Ohioan who has seen Cincinnati go blue-and hasn’t seen much “Patriot Pride” activity or whatever-some school board confrontations definitely-I agree w/ this take.
Yes. Flirting with nuclear war, purposefully crashing banks and driving up unemployment "for our own good", shilling a faulty vaccine for campaign donors then driving a massive censorship regime to label anyone who noticed "antivax" after the vaccine drive vanishes a year after the election (vaccine push intensity from 11 to zero in months- people are still dying), oh and pushing a control of the entire media establishment to push a moral panic whose solution involves sterilizing and radical surgery on children - with any questioning treated like open disloyalty to the entire country.
All while openly calling for the disenfranchisement of a third of the country, and a turn on civil rights that would make Dick Cheney blush.
All of that is normal, because the controlled corporate media tells you so. That anger you feel at the misalignment of everything everyone says to you and what CNN says everyone is saying just means you're one of "them": a threat to every good 9 percenter living in a blue city you can't afford.
I thought it was amusing that the left wing crazies referred to the right wing crazies as white supremacist. Other than the Christian group praying that was multiracial, I only saw white people on both sides. The upside for me was all the crazy trans kids events appeared poorly attended, and mostly attended by middle aged women, and men in womanface, the majority of whom also seem to generally avoid working out. The events seemed better attended by people with cameras to record the events, and sometimes the events are well attended by protestors with too much free time on all sides. Fortunately I saw very few actual children being dragged to this sexualized trans crazy which was a relief.
OK, this is going to sound Read Tin Foil Hat like.
This "trans rights movement" really has nothing to do with trans rights. Transgendered people (all .0001% of the population) have always had The Same rights as everyone else. No this, like everything else coming from the Progressive Movement/Ideology really is about the destruction of liberal western society, and replacing it with Marxism.
Yes! And after my organization seizes power I'll rise through the ranks through well-played palace intrigue and more then a few orchestrated "disappearances," seize the titular throne or whatever the hell we decide to call the position, bag the silly Marxist shit, and reveal myself as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
And let me tell you in the name of God Almighty were gonna cut the shit this time around and get down to some serious nut-cutting.
"Yes! And after my organization seizes power I'll rise through the ranks through well-played palace intrigue and more then a few orchestrated "disappearances," seize the titular throne...."
This has happened before. Stalin, Himmler, Every Mafia/Cosa Nosta Capo/Boss you care to name.
As for the 2nd Coming of My Lord & Savior Jesus he WILL return. Maybe Soon..Maybe Later.
One thing I wonder - is bringing kids to an event with all of these hate groups present a good idea? I understand the need for people to feel acceptance and community, but I don't know that these events are accomplishing that goal. It feels more like people looking for a fight to me.
Very true, gets amplified in the online and MSM communities. All of this is not a part of daily life of working, paying bills and tending to life's complications.
You should check out the new woke LGBQ... WA state law that allows the state to keep the whereabouts of teenagers who have runaway because their parents aren't all in on gender identity/trans treatments for their teen hidden. Imagine the parents trying to live through that hell - where's my kid. The state can begin counseling, chest binders, hormone blockers....maybe all the way to surgery while the parents are excluded. And now - a long loved women's spa in Seattle area has to allow trans men who haven't gone through surgery into a nude spa. Gosh, the women mind but alas the judge says too bad ladies - you're just transphobes.
so probably dozens or more women will have to suffer a weirdo wandering around their showers and changing rooms with his dick out just so ONE "trans woman" can "feel seen" and "express their True Self™" that is, work out their mental problems in public...Social Justice in action!
It means a lifetime of medicalization and experimental surgery. When the CODA on this era is written, and it is fast approaching, history will not look kindly on it.
Well, imho, the trans community trying to indoctrinate our youth is a real scary issue. I live in a rural area and neighbor parents tell me there are 18 transgender kids in the small high school. That is not a normal number. I believe there could be a very small percentage of people who experience being of the wrong gender, but it is not 18 kids in a small rural high school. That's fucked up.
Once upon a time in San Francisco, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were a hilarious send up who made me laugh out loud. Now they are weird self-righteous moralists, the new scary clowns for a new generation of little kids. No thank you.
And for what it's worth, it doesn't matter what flavor, no burlesque belongs around little kids. Don't sexualize kids
There's *nothing* inherently sexual about big titty strippers, you bigot. We're simply teaching the kids that it's ok for women to have huge, jiggling breasts, barely covered or sopping wet, reading stories to small, oblivious children so that I can feel morally superior.
Big-titty stripper short fiction is actually a popular genre of fiction. I have a side hustle reading my own original pieces at retirement communities. It's a big hit with the oldsters and very lucrative.
Fair point. Still, that they are willing to play that role makes them worthy of my hate. But I still have leftover hate in my black heart for the ruling classes too.
The politicians are untroubled by our animosity towards them. They carry water for corporate interests. And are well taken care of for doing so. And the captains of industry are also immune to any sort vitriol we might muster on their behalf.
Some sort of physical "presence" is now needed, in my opinion---which is far from humble.
But it's weird how they look like the exact same people we saw at the Capital on J6 ... and protesting on behalf of white supremacy in front of Glen Youngkin's bus during his campaign .... and defiantly marching at countless gay pride events.
And here's the really scary part - these guys never really do anything, they're just there. Almost like a prop for the feds and the media. Kind of strange, no?
So, I’m willing to admit that my skepticism over the emergence of some massive right-wing, white-nationalist movement might have been naive, but it also seems like the same people every time and then there’s the question of infiltration.
What I don’t get is how the left isn’t provoking these guys. The protesters on the right think they’re saving kids, but what do the people on the left think they’re doing? I guess making drag/trans/queer stuff seem normal to their kids? Drag story hour helps kids how?
It seems transparently political and not something (in these cases particularly) that you’d bring a kid to.
I’m certainly not into the Blood Family or Proud Boys, or whatever but I don’t really get why I would be supporting Drag story hour either.
Why would anybody who cares about the safety and innocence of children support Drag Queen Story Hour? It's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I came out as a lesbian in the early 1970's, when drag shows were the only entertainment available in the gay bars. We women tolerated them. The guys enjoyed them, as a form of resistance as well as humor, and they were as filthy as possible. But there were no children in the audience. Never. Ever. It was for adults only, for a reason.
Drag Queen Story Hour helps no child and it's not meant to. It's a queer provocation, designed to normalize the inappropriate, to shock, disgust and destroy. What does a society value more than its children? OK then, we'll corrupt them and take them from you.
And on the other side we have white supremacists waving swastikas. I'm a Jew, and other than Drag Queen Story Hour, it's the last thing I want to look at. What a blight. These two groups deserve each other.
Very well said, Beeswax. Provocation for no reason other than "I wanna see them cry [Woke-MAGA] tears!" annoys me. Whether it's waving swastikas, wearing WTF attire at Pride parades, or carrying rifles into Denny's to scare the hell out of everyday Americans who want to eat their Grand Slams without fear of being shot, political performance art like this coarsens our society. It certainly doesn't change any minds, which is supposed to be the point of public protest.
Amen! It’s wrong to lump LG with the rest of the BTQ(whatever). Just like it’s wront to lump people opposed to tranny freaks reading kids stories with nazis. But this is what we get for reporting these days. IMatt T is usually much better than Ford Fischer.
The thousand dollar question. And fuck these liberal media (I won’t call them reporters) assholes who instead of addressing why trannys need to read stories ti children, focus on some white supremist nut jobs. Cause yeah, there is a huge white neo nazi issue in this country????? Funny cause I’m 53 and spent 20 years in the army and I’ve never seen a Nazi flag or a KKK outfit. And I’m
I’m also from the South and same, I’ve never seen a Nazi flag or KKk anything. I get it might be in small pockets in some places, but not that I’ve ever seen. The trans thing that we’re all fighting against however is everywhere!! And it’s backed by the government, the media, corporations, cities, SJW, and on and on and on. Keep boycotting. The only thing they understand is money.
Why is it so important to trannys to read to children? Would rational parents bring their children to a strip club if the strippers were reading Dr Seus? Just seems really odd to me.
A wasted 27 minutes. No, a disgusting 27 minutes. LGBTxxxx is just one invention to depopulate the planet, planned in the 60s. Funded by Congress, created by the UN founders and they have succeeded. No child has grown up in a mentally safe environment for the last 30 years. Between this, save the planet, and climate dysphoria ... Indoctrination has reached a whole new meaning. All moorings to our natural being and firm foundation have been rooted out and replaced. We are tortured by the Adversary as we abandon our God for hell’s fire.
That is my point. Humanity acts as if there is no God. Now each person is a god unto themself. It has reached a form of mental, emotional and physical madness. Your life is a gift from God and how you live it should be your gift back to HIM.
Gods, plural. We're surrounded by them and they largely have their own interest at heart. Their MO towards we mortals is: what have you done for us lately, the Gods?
The Gods are largely negotiators, always ready to cut a deal. With the right offer, proper negotiating tactics, you can cut a deal with most of the Gods, sometimes a consortium of Gods. They have things we want, and we have things they want. This is important to keep in mind when dealing, or negotiating, with the Gods.
For a completely different side of this struggle, please see Shellenberger et al reporting at https://public.substack.com/p/censor-child-porn-not-citizen-speech, on the Armenian (and Latino) parents protesting in North Hollywood this week, and the Antifa confrontation
Okay, I think I've seen enough. The actors in these scenes are looking for confrontation, and do their best to provoke it. This is the school yard in grade seven, not a noteworthy clash of ideas.
I watched half of the video, more than enough. Anyone who believes that this stuff is organic; I have some swampland in Florida you might be interested in. Like BLM, the Trans narrative and so much more, it's all financed and controlled by the corporation's and the ruling classes. It's the same ol' divide and conquer movie that the ruling classes have used for millennia and the suckers still eat it up. Hey folks; your enemies are on Wall Street and they live in mansions and fly in business Jets while convincing you to protest climate change, just one more scam like the scamdemic. They're using you and the police and even the military and foreign cannon fodder and it's so banal and so omnipresent hiding in plain sight. MAN; the indoctrination industrial complexes and the propaganda industrial complexes are sooo good, PT Barnum and Edward Bernays would be proud of his successors!
Is the point of this rambling video that people who are alarmed about the sexual mutilation of minor children are gun carrying nazis? Isn’t that narrative the staple of MSNBC?
I saw your headline and subhead, and it got me wondering again ... why does it seem like every news article I read nowadays has stories about 'right wing' groups, but I never see the 'left wing' label attached to people on the other side?
It feels like one big, coordinated effort to label conservatives as 'people way outside the mainstream', while progressives are just good, old-fashioned, mainstream Americans.
One of the reasons the global corporate state merged with the Social Justice theocrats is the desire to place their political opponents beyond the moral pale, thus transforming them from fellow citizens to listen to and compromise with into bigoted "extremists" who deserve nothing more than hatred, demonization and social banishment.
What formerly could be considered a heated PTA dispute is now transformed into a Manichaean moral battle, and with a few sprinkles of Social Justice jargon all dissent is labeled as "hate speech" that needs to be censored to protect the safety and sanctity of the marginalized. (Not to mention some quality fearmongering and emotional blackmail: Do what we say or the children will kill themselves! Your disagreement is literal genocide!)
The goal of course is to place various electrified fences inside the American brain, where disagreeing with any Social Justice dogma reflexively zaps you with guilt and shame and thus leads you to instant capitulation. Seems to be working pretty well so far!
Correct. The regime is at its Rwandan Radio stage. What comes next is pretty standard in history
Absolutely Correct!!
I sincerely hope all of you with eyes to see are getting gun permits and hitting the range for practice...
A 3D printer is also a good investment. They will come for the guns next.
Yep; they put their leash inside your head where you can't fight it and you'll deny it vociferously claiming to have "free will"; you don't, they own you. Just look at the professors, stark raving stupid. Education equals indoctrination more education equals more indoctrination and it's never been more obvious than now. The narcissum of youth has taken over the country on behalf of the ruling classes.
I do believe Bud Light and Target are getting the message from old-fashioned, mainstream Americans. Thankfully.
What message is that cupcake? That you're a fucking crybaby?
Yes, I am a proud fucking crybaby that won't tolerate men with full dick genitalia acting like they are women.
Hard to imagine that we have to defend women from misogynistic males, like you, in this day and age.
Why don't you mind your own business and let people do as they please if they are not hurting you?
"not hurting you"
Tell that to the females who have to endure sharing a locker room and bathroom with a male. Tell that to the females who have to compete athletically against a man. Tell that to the females in prison who are raped by a man who claims to be trans. Tell that to parents who don't want their children exposed to pornography and sexual orientation at school. Tell that to the people who have been fired for "misgendering".
Nice deflection, the topic was pride gear, adult swimsuits and a single promotional beer can. It harms nobody. You're not boycotting any of these companies for incarcerating men and women together or subjecting women to male genitilia and being exposed in a change room. The things you're shitting your pants over are just gay and trans people living their lives.
It’s not my job, or the job of my daughter to sacrifice our privacy and language to discuss our immutable biology in order to coddle the delusions of men. Our purpose on this Earth is not to be kind to delusional men. Their issues are not our cross to bear. Men cannot ever become women or girls and I have zero obligation to pretend otherwise.
This misogynistic bull 💩 is being pushed by largely angry dudes with an anime porn addiction who feel entitled to force all women and girls to participate in their sick sexual fetish known as autogynephilia. I’m sorry but he’ll no. If you got a stick, you ain’t a chic.
Spot on!
Said from a misogynistic viewpoint. Trans is trying to eliminate women's rights. A fucking dude with a penis allowed in a women's locker room? Are you fucking kidding me?
The silence from the feminists is stunning.
Says you, not minding your own business. You’re a douche bag. I actually subscribed to you for a day before I realized how much of a douche you truly are. Well done troll.
Ok groomer
You've mistaken me for a catholic priest? Or perhaps a baptist youth pastor? Or ypur uncle.
More accurately you are giving off the vibes of a dude who wants access to private spaces meant for actual women and girls so you can use us as props to live out your autogynephilic fantasies from your porn addiction. You seem angry that we won’t let dudes with dicks into our private spaces and that’s far beyond good old erasing women misogyny. That’s the actions of deluded autogynephilic MEN. 🤷♀️😘
Even more accurately he wants access to women’s things because he’s obviously not capable of competing physically with men. This is what happens when you grow up on the internet and don’t get laid. What will he do when his parents die and the basement isn’t available?
Why make this personal, Elon?
Because he’s a troll douchebag.
I was thinking of weighing in on Ford’s expose but after reading all these comments I realized the participants from his film just carried over to this stream. Sad all around.
Don’t get disheartened by the actors
Amen! All this attention to a few Wack job Hitler wanna he’s but no one addressed the issue of why trannys want to read stories to kids? Hmmmm.
Doesn't everybody with a heart and soul want to read stories to kids?
Yes, I’m sure child groomers want to read stories to kids. That doesn’t mean they should be reading stories to kids. Strippers might like to strip in front of kids too, but adults probably shouldn’t be stripping in front of kids.
FYI: my previous comment was SARCASM.
No need for a sarcastic font there I guess?
There is NO left wng in the US.
Where are real 'left' people in the USA?
This page lists a ton of left wing organizations. Of course the Democrat Party, academia, media, Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, Jane's Revenge, Planned Parenthood, etc. etc. etc.
None of those you mention are anything near left wing. They are the usual boring & inconsequential bourgeoisie who are you differing with over takes on issues you both imagine to be the ephemera of your existence, yet they are fun to argue a side on, even though they are irrelevant to the only conflict that is really occurring - the class war. Happening in 2023 just as it happened in 1823 or 1923.
It may take us a minute but we will win.
Of course.
In the entire western world and no more liberals either. Definitely no labor, class politics as we devolve into impotent warring tribes. You gotta give the ruling classes credit, they play us like a bad violin.
George Orwell disagrees-he said in The Road to Wigan Pier that the right/upper classes were way too stupid to implement a control policy of sugar, alcohol, and soccer gambling on the poor-they just lucked out that these things anesthetized the lower classes.
Now we have fentanyl, DoorDash, and gambling apps….
Wikipedia does the same thing--always labeling people as “right wing” but never labeling the lefties.
You poor thing! Perhaps that's because most people--that is to say a majority of citizens--who have acquired a distinct distaste for today's right-wing revanchism and disagree with their bigoted programs and their troll-like behavior, aren't "leftists," but merely "normies" primarily interested in making a living, staying alive, scavenging for food and healthcare for themselves and family---that sort of thing. Hope this is helpful for you in better understanding the society in which you dwell.
That is a coastal viewpoint. You make it sound like the "right-wing" is controlling the narrative----MSM, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, Big Tech, academia, professional sports, the corporate workplace, science, medicine, etc. are in our face daily, pushing the same progressive messages. On the "right" is talk radio and what is left of FOX.
I don't know anything about "controlling the narrative." Sounds like an empty phrase used by sore losers to distract others from their bad arguments and bad ideas that the majority of people want nothing to do with.
I do know that I don't consider myself "left" or "right," but I do believe these days the "right" is most always "wrong," and most definitely the enemy of "sensible," among other less flattering descriptions. But according to the "right," anyone who challenges their program must be automatically a lefty and in all probability a rabid Marxist. Or, god forbid...a stooge for the Democratic Party! Mazel tov!
Right. You don't know anything about controlling the narrative---it's another figment of the reactionary, right-wing mind, despite the list I reminded you of.
If we're sore losers, then the winners are therefore the ones controlling the narrative so you're full of it as usual.
There's an effort to destroy everyone outside the mainstream. And those fucking WOKE Lunatics aren't real Progressives. Well, I suppose they are now since those with the money and power create the culture as well as manipulate the week minded. It's best to think for yourself these days. The Right has been used before as well. These people have no real ideology aside from holding onto their money and power and shutting anyone down who gets in their way. Smoke and mirrors. They will use whatever foolish group is convenient at the time then toss them out like dogshit once it becomes inconvenient.
I've considered myself a Leftist my entire adult life and still do in many respects. But I see the so called Woke Left, Boutique Left, AOC Left, whatever one wants to call them, as a rabid dog that needs to be put down. Very dangerous.
As a SW Ohioan who has seen Cincinnati go blue-and hasn’t seen much “Patriot Pride” activity or whatever-some school board confrontations definitely-I agree w/ this take.
Yes. Flirting with nuclear war, purposefully crashing banks and driving up unemployment "for our own good", shilling a faulty vaccine for campaign donors then driving a massive censorship regime to label anyone who noticed "antivax" after the vaccine drive vanishes a year after the election (vaccine push intensity from 11 to zero in months- people are still dying), oh and pushing a control of the entire media establishment to push a moral panic whose solution involves sterilizing and radical surgery on children - with any questioning treated like open disloyalty to the entire country.
All while openly calling for the disenfranchisement of a third of the country, and a turn on civil rights that would make Dick Cheney blush.
All of that is normal, because the controlled corporate media tells you so. That anger you feel at the misalignment of everything everyone says to you and what CNN says everyone is saying just means you're one of "them": a threat to every good 9 percenter living in a blue city you can't afford.
If you follow Ford Fischer’s stuff, you’ll see he documents the deranged idiots on BOTH sides ...
There's nothing conservative about the American right or the Republican Party.
Are you John Wayne?
I'm John Wayne.
Because you’re a disgusting fat body!
I know who said that. The fairy-fucking godmother said that.
You're not John Wayne.
The Censor of Taibbi, that is you.
That was kinda whiny and snowflakey, eh?
I don't mind gays/lesbians, but this entire trans rights movement makes me cringe, as they are really trying to eliminate any women's rights.
I thought it was amusing that the left wing crazies referred to the right wing crazies as white supremacist. Other than the Christian group praying that was multiracial, I only saw white people on both sides. The upside for me was all the crazy trans kids events appeared poorly attended, and mostly attended by middle aged women, and men in womanface, the majority of whom also seem to generally avoid working out. The events seemed better attended by people with cameras to record the events, and sometimes the events are well attended by protestors with too much free time on all sides. Fortunately I saw very few actual children being dragged to this sexualized trans crazy which was a relief.
"...attended by middle aged women, and men in womanface, the majority of whom also seem to generally avoid working out."
This is why I haven't been to a mall in years...
OK, this is going to sound Read Tin Foil Hat like.
This "trans rights movement" really has nothing to do with trans rights. Transgendered people (all .0001% of the population) have always had The Same rights as everyone else. No this, like everything else coming from the Progressive Movement/Ideology really is about the destruction of liberal western society, and replacing it with Marxism.
Yes! And after my organization seizes power I'll rise through the ranks through well-played palace intrigue and more then a few orchestrated "disappearances," seize the titular throne or whatever the hell we decide to call the position, bag the silly Marxist shit, and reveal myself as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
And let me tell you in the name of God Almighty were gonna cut the shit this time around and get down to some serious nut-cutting.
"Yes! And after my organization seizes power I'll rise through the ranks through well-played palace intrigue and more then a few orchestrated "disappearances," seize the titular throne...."
This has happened before. Stalin, Himmler, Every Mafia/Cosa Nosta Capo/Boss you care to name.
As for the 2nd Coming of My Lord & Savior Jesus he WILL return. Maybe Soon..Maybe Later.
Feldspar has no idea what awaits him!
You mock well, but there is rarely any substance.
"I don't mind gays/lesbians..." And the occasional jew or negro---as long as they're not seated at the same table...
I'm just glad there's no feldspar in my neighborhood. So there's that.
I'm with ya on that. I'm certainly glad I'm the only feldspar in the neighborhood.
A gathering of morons on all sides, good grief.
One thing I wonder - is bringing kids to an event with all of these hate groups present a good idea? I understand the need for people to feel acceptance and community, but I don't know that these events are accomplishing that goal. It feels more like people looking for a fight to me.
I believe the kids were at the event first. Do you think going to church and then out shopping is a good idea with all these mass shootings?
It really is astounding. ALL of them just look/act like cosplaying dimwits. Wtf?
That’s exactly what it is. Sad, angry people pretending to save society.
Right?! It doesn’t look like many people though?
Very true, gets amplified in the online and MSM communities. All of this is not a part of daily life of working, paying bills and tending to life's complications.
You should check out the new woke LGBQ... WA state law that allows the state to keep the whereabouts of teenagers who have runaway because their parents aren't all in on gender identity/trans treatments for their teen hidden. Imagine the parents trying to live through that hell - where's my kid. The state can begin counseling, chest binders, hormone blockers....maybe all the way to surgery while the parents are excluded. And now - a long loved women's spa in Seattle area has to allow trans men who haven't gone through surgery into a nude spa. Gosh, the women mind but alas the judge says too bad ladies - you're just transphobes.
so probably dozens or more women will have to suffer a weirdo wandering around their showers and changing rooms with his dick out just so ONE "trans woman" can "feel seen" and "express their True Self™" that is, work out their mental problems in public...Social Justice in action!
Is this technique something you've learned or something you teach?
Mocking, no substance.
the lucky parents will be the only ones to pick up the pieces when the "affirming care" turns out not to affirm what the kids actually need
It means a lifetime of medicalization and experimental surgery. When the CODA on this era is written, and it is fast approaching, history will not look kindly on it.
Coda? What coda?
And the $$ bill for whatever room/board/medical they undergo. And also the therapy the family will surely need - yes picking up the pieces.
Weren't we told it takes a village to raise a child? A state-run village at that.
You can always burn it to the ground in order to save it...after a fashion...
Which spa is that?
The Olympus Spa - judge in Seattle ruling
That is disgusting. Do you know which judge?
Seattle District Court Judge Barbara Jacobs Rothstein - You can see the article in today's NY Post.
I looked it up. To voice your opinions, email her at
rothsteinorders@wawd.uscourts.gov or call 202-354-3330. I sent her a very loudly expressed disgust.
haven (at) stanceseattle (d0t) org
Don't start getting any ideas...
So much wasted hatred in America of our fellow citizens that would be far better spent on politicians.
Well, imho, the trans community trying to indoctrinate our youth is a real scary issue. I live in a rural area and neighbor parents tell me there are 18 transgender kids in the small high school. That is not a normal number. I believe there could be a very small percentage of people who experience being of the wrong gender, but it is not 18 kids in a small rural high school. That's fucked up.
Once upon a time in San Francisco, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were a hilarious send up who made me laugh out loud. Now they are weird self-righteous moralists, the new scary clowns for a new generation of little kids. No thank you.
And for what it's worth, it doesn't matter what flavor, no burlesque belongs around little kids. Don't sexualize kids
I support big-titty stripper story hour, but I don't actually have kids.
But it would be an excellent way to address this issue. Better than the "groomer" thing.
Whatever turns you on in private isn't what I was addressing. Unless you invite little kids over to watch
There's *nothing* inherently sexual about big titty strippers, you bigot. We're simply teaching the kids that it's ok for women to have huge, jiggling breasts, barely covered or sopping wet, reading stories to small, oblivious children so that I can feel morally superior.
Big-titty stripper short fiction is actually a popular genre of fiction. I have a side hustle reading my own original pieces at retirement communities. It's a big hit with the oldsters and very lucrative.
Mocking, ........
Try the Yukon. I hear it's trans-free up there in the great white north. Just be careful of the gay reindeer---vicious.
“So much wasted hatred in America of our fellow citizens that would be far better spent on politicians.”
This is as designed.
(and journalists)
NO, politicans are just the tools of the ruling classes. Don't be fooled.
Fair point. Still, that they are willing to play that role makes them worthy of my hate. But I still have leftover hate in my black heart for the ruling classes too.
The politicians are untroubled by our animosity towards them. They carry water for corporate interests. And are well taken care of for doing so. And the captains of industry are also immune to any sort vitriol we might muster on their behalf.
Some sort of physical "presence" is now needed, in my opinion---which is far from humble.
You may be right
Those Feds look very, very, very, very scary.
But it's weird how they look like the exact same people we saw at the Capital on J6 ... and protesting on behalf of white supremacy in front of Glen Youngkin's bus during his campaign .... and defiantly marching at countless gay pride events.
And here's the really scary part - these guys never really do anything, they're just there. Almost like a prop for the feds and the media. Kind of strange, no?
All masked.....what are they afraid of? Covid?
They learned from Ray Epps.
The smoke from a distant fire...
So, I’m willing to admit that my skepticism over the emergence of some massive right-wing, white-nationalist movement might have been naive, but it also seems like the same people every time and then there’s the question of infiltration.
What I don’t get is how the left isn’t provoking these guys. The protesters on the right think they’re saving kids, but what do the people on the left think they’re doing? I guess making drag/trans/queer stuff seem normal to their kids? Drag story hour helps kids how?
It seems transparently political and not something (in these cases particularly) that you’d bring a kid to.
I’m certainly not into the Blood Family or Proud Boys, or whatever but I don’t really get why I would be supporting Drag story hour either.
Why would anybody who cares about the safety and innocence of children support Drag Queen Story Hour? It's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I came out as a lesbian in the early 1970's, when drag shows were the only entertainment available in the gay bars. We women tolerated them. The guys enjoyed them, as a form of resistance as well as humor, and they were as filthy as possible. But there were no children in the audience. Never. Ever. It was for adults only, for a reason.
Drag Queen Story Hour helps no child and it's not meant to. It's a queer provocation, designed to normalize the inappropriate, to shock, disgust and destroy. What does a society value more than its children? OK then, we'll corrupt them and take them from you.
And on the other side we have white supremacists waving swastikas. I'm a Jew, and other than Drag Queen Story Hour, it's the last thing I want to look at. What a blight. These two groups deserve each other.
Very well said, Beeswax. Provocation for no reason other than "I wanna see them cry [Woke-MAGA] tears!" annoys me. Whether it's waving swastikas, wearing WTF attire at Pride parades, or carrying rifles into Denny's to scare the hell out of everyday Americans who want to eat their Grand Slams without fear of being shot, political performance art like this coarsens our society. It certainly doesn't change any minds, which is supposed to be the point of public protest.
Amen! It’s wrong to lump LG with the rest of the BTQ(whatever). Just like it’s wront to lump people opposed to tranny freaks reading kids stories with nazis. But this is what we get for reporting these days. IMatt T is usually much better than Ford Fischer.
A bunch on the "other side" must be feds though. It seems like fake both-sides-ism.
I’ve traveled on four continents, been to over a hundred countries and every state in the Union. I’ve never seen a swastika flag except in museums .
They were in this video. Maybe they stole them from a museum.
video lulz
how do you know it wasn't staged like the one in the canada truck convoy videos?
That’s exactly what it is, a trolling attempt
The thousand dollar question. And fuck these liberal media (I won’t call them reporters) assholes who instead of addressing why trannys need to read stories ti children, focus on some white supremist nut jobs. Cause yeah, there is a huge white neo nazi issue in this country????? Funny cause I’m 53 and spent 20 years in the army and I’ve never seen a Nazi flag or a KKK outfit. And I’m
From the south.
I’m also from the South and same, I’ve never seen a Nazi flag or KKk anything. I get it might be in small pockets in some places, but not that I’ve ever seen. The trans thing that we’re all fighting against however is everywhere!! And it’s backed by the government, the media, corporations, cities, SJW, and on and on and on. Keep boycotting. The only thing they understand is money.
Something much deeper going on here. Something horrible and nefarious.
Why is it so important to trannys to read to children? Would rational parents bring their children to a strip club if the strippers were reading Dr Seus? Just seems really odd to me.
A wasted 27 minutes. No, a disgusting 27 minutes. LGBTxxxx is just one invention to depopulate the planet, planned in the 60s. Funded by Congress, created by the UN founders and they have succeeded. No child has grown up in a mentally safe environment for the last 30 years. Between this, save the planet, and climate dysphoria ... Indoctrination has reached a whole new meaning. All moorings to our natural being and firm foundation have been rooted out and replaced. We are tortured by the Adversary as we abandon our God for hell’s fire.
Only in the western world.
That's true.
If there is a God.
That is my point. Humanity acts as if there is no God. Now each person is a god unto themself. It has reached a form of mental, emotional and physical madness. Your life is a gift from God and how you live it should be your gift back to HIM.
Gods, plural. We're surrounded by them and they largely have their own interest at heart. Their MO towards we mortals is: what have you done for us lately, the Gods?
The Gods are largely negotiators, always ready to cut a deal. With the right offer, proper negotiating tactics, you can cut a deal with most of the Gods, sometimes a consortium of Gods. They have things we want, and we have things they want. This is important to keep in mind when dealing, or negotiating, with the Gods.
For a completely different side of this struggle, please see Shellenberger et al reporting at https://public.substack.com/p/censor-child-porn-not-citizen-speech, on the Armenian (and Latino) parents protesting in North Hollywood this week, and the Antifa confrontation
Lol, Patriot Front. Feds on Parade.
Okay, I think I've seen enough. The actors in these scenes are looking for confrontation, and do their best to provoke it. This is the school yard in grade seven, not a noteworthy clash of ideas.
I watched half of the video, more than enough. Anyone who believes that this stuff is organic; I have some swampland in Florida you might be interested in. Like BLM, the Trans narrative and so much more, it's all financed and controlled by the corporation's and the ruling classes. It's the same ol' divide and conquer movie that the ruling classes have used for millennia and the suckers still eat it up. Hey folks; your enemies are on Wall Street and they live in mansions and fly in business Jets while convincing you to protest climate change, just one more scam like the scamdemic. They're using you and the police and even the military and foreign cannon fodder and it's so banal and so omnipresent hiding in plain sight. MAN; the indoctrination industrial complexes and the propaganda industrial complexes are sooo good, PT Barnum and Edward Bernays would be proud of his successors!
Is the point of this rambling video that people who are alarmed about the sexual mutilation of minor children are gun carrying nazis? Isn’t that narrative the staple of MSNBC?
It's like Matt still can see... Has to pretend..
I weep for my country.
Human debris on parade, the whole lot of them. (Except maybe Arthur, King of the Britons.) Feds included.
Literally all I could think of is does he put this side gig on his Tinder profile?