If there were a marketplace where one could short a generation, I’d push all of my chips in on this one. I see heavy starvation & drug addiction in their futures. And a lot of breakdowns, with no one to fix anything.

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I am requiring all of my Drs be over 40. and these are the people managing things when we retire? That dream is gone.

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I like mine over 50. I want them firmly in the Gen X category.

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Me too. I prefer older doctors; they actually look at their patients as people. Younger doctors just go by the book. They are not scientists like old school doctors…like my dad. He graduated med school in 1931. To him, each patient was an individual…a new science project.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Good for your dad, and I certainly saw that new school doctor behavior with my mother, and quite often. She had Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. During her stay at a hospital a doctor standing by her bed said to me, but not unkind, why I just didn't let her go. He thought she was 100 since some fool asked her during her admittance how old she was and that's the number my mother came up with, but unbeknownst to me, and they even put a sign on the door of her hospital room which of course I was going to take down, but thought it was funny. I told him someone has to go and maybe it's the person who asked a woman with Alzheimer’s what her age was when they had her chart in their hands. She was 76.

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I wrote in haste. Each patient was an individual. You can't just treat them by the book. He saw them as people - their medical conditions were mysterious and did not always conform to what you would read in a book. Medicine is a science; that requires curiosity and inquiry.

One of my most prized possessions is a letter I received in late December 2 years after dad died. I was a hearing officer for child support and it was unusual to get a letter from an absent parent (father) in a case where I imposed a child support order. The man thanked me for being so kind and informative.

Then he wrote that he told his mother about the experience. She recognized my last name. My father was the doctor who delivered him. When he was born, HIS father was in a hospital with tuberculosis and his mother asked if she could be discharged from the hospital early because they could afford much. He wrote that when my dad heard that, dad waived his fee.

I told my mother the story. We still had dad's medical records in the basement and my mother had acted as his secretary for many years. She find the file for that patient. In the case notes, in the place for the doctor's fee, my dad had written, "forget it."

So I don't think it is fair to say dad was like Josef Mengele.

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I think the problem is also made worse since doctors now have become so highly specialized, their diagnostic skills are worse. It's like the old story of the blind men trying to describe an elephant. Their perspective becomes limited, and of course they are nothing like the doctors who lived in your neighborhood, or even across the street. To them you were a person.

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Physicians have always been "specialized"---they're called "specialists."

Those who are not specialists are called "general practitioners," "internists," or "primary care physicians." If you require a physical or treatment for a common ailment, these are the people you see.

If you have a bunion, a neurological condition, or a mysterious lump on your lung, you see a specialist.

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That's also how Mengele looked at his patients. What a coinkydink!

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Careful with generalizations. I am in my 60s, and have two docs, one a specialist…both are amazing, kind, make me think they have all day to talk to me, and excellent physicians. Both young women are in their 30s. Wouldn’t trade em for anything.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

You're lucky Ann, and I wish I could say the same in terms of my encounters with doctors. I loved my old doctors, and if you can believe it my favorite gynecologist was 90 and retired at 93, and I just loved him. Wouldn't want him to operate on me, and I know he gave that up, but he related to you in a caring way which made you feel he was your friend, and he was.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Sometimes I think it’s our medical system that requires physicians to see X number of patients a day, X number of new patients and work according to a 15 min/30min stop watch. I’ve had discussions with younger docs about how much they hate this, much of it doing with insurance companies.. So perhaps it’s this drill that makes them “stick to the books” and less able to relax during appts than seasoned docs.

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Somehow seeing a doctor who considers me a “new science project” doesn’t inspire confidence.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

See my comment above. That's what I get for writing in haste. Medicine is a science; patients are people. You need a combination of science and compassion to be a great doctor.

Dad believed that you had to help a person with compassion as much as with science. He went in with the Red Cross to help survivors in China after the Rape of Nanking in 1937.

After spending several years working as a doctor in the Far East, he was amazed at how effective some folk remedies could be. No scientific reason for those remedies...other than the placebo effect.

Oh...dad got fired from a major hospital because the doctors there were inflicting chemotherapy on cancer patients in cases where the drugs were not expected to help. The hospital administration wanted to collect data to confirm that the chemo was ineffective for these cancers. Dad was horrified. Why rob a patient of their last few good months by starting them on a routine of chemo that would immediately destroy the quality of their lives.?

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Just want to add: Medicine is Science and an Art.

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I agree but I have notice some slippage in myself since 50 so extending the pool a bit.

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Mine is in her 60's. I like doctors who are adept at diagnosing things and figuring out possible solutions that do NOT involve automatically dispensing pharmaceuticals.

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Well, med school students demand an Ivy League Organic Chemistry Professor’s removal. The class is too difficult. Nevermind the Professor authored the textbook, universally accepted as the quintessential gold standard. Nevermind the Professor has been decades respected and warmly received by the students. It’s just too damned challenging. Exit stage left! Don’t left the door hit him on the as on the way out! Let the whining, subpar miserable spoiled brats kick his ass with steel toed boots.

Yeah, that’s who I’d seek to remove a brain tumor.

“ First do no harm” has become, “ Don’t expect to see your family again , pay up front, and don’t give me any crap. It’s not like you got hammered last night. And it really was your last night. Racist!”

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Organic chemistry is used to weed out the future failures before wasting time on them in med school. I'd say we figured out who a lot of these folks are going to be.

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Of course! For whatever reason, OC so piqued my interest, I added the course in lieu of a requisite aligned with my major.

“ These folks”, comprise our vaunted elected representatives. Once you realize they’re all extraordinarily ordinary, albeit some are endowed with vicious, toxic, criminal shrewdness…. What’s the axiom described the gates of hell? All hope is gone.

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Medical Schools are (and have been) reevaluating the necessity and utility of organic chemistry as a requirement for most students in medical school--indeed, "if it should be a determining factor in whether a student is able to pursue a career in medicine."

In fact, Bill, organic chemistry's role within the med school curriculum to, in your words, "weed out the future failures" is now seen as counterproductive in many instances.

"Traditionally, a premed student must complete 1 year of biology with a lab, 1 year of inorganic chemistry with a lab, 1 year of organic chemistry with a lab, and sometimes biochemistry courses. But some outside thinkers in the world of academic medicine are wondering whether organic chemistry should be an absolute requirement for all pre-med students. In fact, they suggest that requiring organic chemistry might exclude some very talented and bright students from continuing on the pre-med path."


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Medicine is both a science and an art. Organic chemistry is difficult in part because it anchors the science portion of the profession. In 2015 my oncologist saved my life when I had to give up radiation, which was destroying my GI system. He switched me to a drug for which there was no scientific reason to believe it would work, but he had a feeling it would. The "feeling" is part of the art portion of the profession. In my opinion, it actually is a subconscious use of knowledge links arising from patterns the physician isn't aware exist. But he couldn't do that unless he had an unshakable core scientific anchor.

Organic chemistry measures a student's commitment to rigorous pursuit of knowledge. Pick one: A, the physician without rigorous pursuit of knowledge, or B, the physician with rigorous pursuit of knowledge. The physician has your child's life in her hands.

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I don't have to pick one because expertise in organic chemistry does not measure "a student's commitment to rigorous pursuit of knowledge." It demonstrates proficiency in organic chemistry.

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Organic chemistry is being rolled back because so many students are too undisciplined (or just stupid) to succeed in it and someone has paid top dollar for that GPA. The quality of med students has been deteriorating for quite a while now.

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Impressed that you've taken the time and trouble to lend the nation's medical schools your expertise (considerable, no doubt) in what must be a consuming and exhaustive process for you---researching and cataloging over the years the progress (or decline, as you would have it) of our future physicians.

Organic chemistry is not "being rolled back." Medical schools and their faculty and administrators are questioning the utility (and necessity) of requiring all med school students to take organic chemistry as a prerequisite for gaining entrance to med school.

By the way, organic chemistry demands the development of a unique skill from students---any idea what this skill entails?

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I think it was NYU. Alan Dershowitz had a podcast about it.

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Your frequent presence on the TK comment threads (always enjoyed) suggests that, like many commenters here, you might harbor certain suspicions of the New York Times (where the piece on the professor and his disgruntled scholars first appeared) and the accuracy of its editorial content.

To this end I would only say that I'm sure there is a good deal more to the story than which appears in the Times piece. Rather hasty to draw conclusions, hoist an opinion, and assign fault with one or more parties in the dispute, especially when one is demonstrably on the outside and looking in.

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I require mine to be either older or foreign - educated. Many smart Nigerians in health care these days, and they often share my belief system.

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The young docs are called 'cookbook docs' by the older docs. BTW, best medical advice?: Don't get sick.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

> If there were a marketplace where one could short a generation

Perhaps by borrowing a huge amount of money, overextending the American military empire, and failing to maintain institutions in ways that would create temporary benefits in the here-and-now but result in long-term problems?

I'm 34 and not big on blaming previous generations for my problems, but for people 50+ to sit back and shake their heads sadly as if they had nothing to do with any of this is a bit too much even for me.

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You make a fair point but having come of age in a time with double digit unemployment and inflation which gave us a 15% prime rate as well as gas shortages, i just do not have a whole lot of sympathy. I guess we could have pointed a few fingers. I remember people saying that our generation would never be able to afford our parents house. But that isn't what happened. I would say the difference was that despite all of that and the many other short comings of our country that we were well aware of, we actually liked the place and wanted the country and ourselves to succeed and make it a better place for all.

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No to pile on but the people in these videos aren't exactly bearing the brunt of the problems you accurately describe.

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And what a wonderful job you did.

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but forgive me my rants - I live in a very blue eco system and this is one of the ver few places I can vent.

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No, fair enough. And thanks for your tolerance as well.

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and to be fair to myself, it is venting. I may live in a blue eco-system but I like where I live and the people in my life even though we disagree on some stuff. There is too much to life to enjoy together to let this divide you and for the most part blue or red we all live and work together in a reasonably civil way. But, per this article, what I am deeply troubled by is what is being pushed at our universities. Been doing tours with my youngest this fall and the places are full of agitprop. They seem much more like indoctrination centers versus the open minded, liberal places I attended in the 1980's. And my blue family does not notice it at all, it's not even worth pointing it out. So here I am.......venting.

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deletedOct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022
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a very good question. Though I do not think things are as bad as they were in the late 70's, three is still time for those in power to make things worse, But we got here the same ways, ignoring the past and assuming that "this time is different" because of course the elites who got us into this mess are smarter mostly as they are "better educated." ("Better educated" seems to be a phrase to denote that they are better than everyone else and in not inclined to listen to any other POV.)

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This has been well planned and insidious. Like a long term poisoning. Each subsequent dose is a tiny bit more than the previous dose Once symptomatic, make amends with loved ones and get your affairs in order.

There were warnings. Huxley,Orwell, Welch, Moynihan, Serling, Bradbury.. Huxley held an event at UC Berkeley in 1962 , frantically imploring the students to take heed. He outlined the most inexplicably succinct coming technocratic feudal Central Government , the Last Revolution before a transition from humanism to transhumanism. The Great Reset aka Build Back Better. Loosely translated.. genetically modified merger of human/ techno/ engineered/ medicated useful slaves, an elite, tyrannical cabal of socio/psychopathic megalomaniacs lording over the lower caste, , a greatly reduced population free of “ useless eaters”

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"US president from the annus horribilis of the second decade of the 21st Century, a man later deleted from history books by the Presidential Decency Act of 2036 (PDA-36) and thereafter known only as the Orange Menace, used “winning” as his mantra.

Since the PDA-36 had also bravely “dismantled the white supremacy culture in math classrooms by visibilizing the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture by creating the Culturally Sustaining Math Space and Ethnomathematics,” no one in America seemed to be capable of counting to hundred any more. Or noticing that the US had its 43rd, 44th, 46th, 47th and 48th presidents, but not the 45th, for all that it matters. The number 45 has hurt many people’s feelings so it was therefore put on an Exclude List, f.k.a. “blacklist,” a term also banned, where it now resides with the Orange Menace in a deserved eternal shame."

And that's just the start :)


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Sad indeed.

But they probably know, without a doubt that America is the home of systemic racism. Ugh

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In preparation to transition,I ceded ownership of all . material goods and finances to the “oppressed”

Still consumed by White Privege, Fragility and Guilt”, I created a vegan cat ‘nine tails of bare, thorny dried rose branches dipped in muriatic acid with a trio of cactus arms.Though hardly equitable, I self flagellate 12 hrs.daily, bare-assed on a platform of white-hot coal.The coal in its natural ebony pigment is symbolic of the oppressed, the residual white ash seared into my skin represents my hateful white supremacy , atop the coal, reminiscent of the weight of oppression I wielded. Alas, I will forever be indebted.

Obama made it his mission today, to add fuel to the embers. This White right-wing conspiratorial rage I’m harboring, though without recollection of this systemic, embedded hateful racism.

Sayeth the spoiled, privileged prep schooled son of a Lily white birthing person , raised by doting, alabaster grandparents in a beachfront Hawaiian luxurious villa.

Without allowing for breathing time, the stuttering , vapid, pallid corpse took the mic. Launched into a screaming tirade to drive the message home.

When somebody finally is driven to react terribly, , which is the goal, it will be the game changer. Martial Law. And yes, I’m terrified.

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I’m not certain what your message is, but I like your collection of words.

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Jan - that figure you wanted me to translate was an image of Baby Yoda. Look at whole image on large screen.

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I’m attempting to repent for my Original Sin and subsequent sins

1- Having been born

2-Surviving birth

3-Having been born white

4-Not acknowledging my racism, albeit I never before realized it and am still confused

5- Bearing two children and expanding my carbon footprint

6-Having the audacity to believe that a horrible adolescence under the iron fist of an abusive stepfather,after being thrown out of my home at 16 without a penny in hand, working 2 jobs to share expenses at a friend’s one bedroom crap apartment and managing to graduate high school in Miami, the most culturally, ethnically, racially diverse city , long past the strife being purposely reinvented today-I’m not claiming victimhood. Quite the opposite. It was a learning experience. Made me stronger and proud of achieving every milestone

7- Still alive 56 years later

Ergo, I am compelled to apologize, subjugate myself to every insult and punishment, genuflect to the altar of Government Is god, the WEF Great Reset is a gift to humankind and eating bugs, asset forfeiture, war, famine, fuel shortages, an illiterate, albeit sexually radicalized and racially segregated education curriculum , mandated lockdowns, mask mandates,unsafe mRNA vaccines are good for society as a collective whole, censorship and political persecution and prosecution is justice at its finest… and much deserved, violent recidivist crime perpetrated on innocent people is deserved and the perpetrators are the victims…. I’m still in the learning process, but will continue apologizing and punishing myself… until I’m human compost. And it will be good riddance for all the harm I’ve caused. By having been born

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Ask almost any dedicated public school teacher how "education reform" has reverted the entire educational process back to its 18th-century roots where its purposes were the installation of only such reading and math skills as were required to perform work efficient and unquestioning obedience to authority. Which in our modern world also includes designated "experts".

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

I can speak to the educational reform in the sciences, since I teach that subject. If anything there has been a significant effort to increase critical thinking in students. Go back decades and most curricula didn't even have labs which enhance the student's thinking skills. Science if anything has moved beyond the rather authoritarian stance where the teacher simply is a source of information, along with the provided texts, which encouraged little if any exploration of the subject by students, on a number of levels. Now the teacher pretty much keeps her mouth shut. Liz I don't know why you perceive it this way, so maybe you could elucidate further on this issue.

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Be happy to. Like too many people these days, you equate your personal experience in a particular location with the universal experience. It's not. In fact, I suspect you'd learn there aren't any such amenities in most schools in inner-city and poor rural school districts for the simple reason they lack the tax base to pay for them. For the record, my high school had an excellent science lab; it was built in 1960. There's also the point that the whole basis for "education reform" was that the US was falling behind in STEM, so failing to finance infrastructure to address that alleged problem would have given away the game. Finally, no one can learn true critical thinking skills if the only place it's tested is a single class. Critical thinking requires a solid knowledge base across the board, including history and literature, and that's not happening.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

You make baseless sweeping generalizations, instead of presenting your argument with fact based information. Also let us know what your expertise in this field is. "Finally, no one can learn true critical thinking skills if the only place it's tested is a single class." I never said this.

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The Ethnomathematics part was extracted from here. We all are underestimating the level of insanity & indoctrination.


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From page 56 of your link:

"Offer a variety of ways to demonstrate thinking and knowledge.

• Verbal Example: Show your thinking with words, pictures, symbols.

• Classroom Activity: Have students create TikTok videos, silent films, or cartoons about mathematical concepts or procedures.

• Professional Development: Practice with math colleagues how to answer mathematical problems without using words or numbers"


From page 58:

"• Professional Development: Review all the ways that word problems and context show up in the curriculum. Limit or eliminate references to money, especially when transactional."

Oh yeah. Because nothing is more Empowering for the students than being sheltered from any exposure to the existence of the concept of Compound Interest. Much less learning the basic principles of how it's calculated.

"Ethnomathematics." Huh. And to think that all this time I've been under the impression that mathematical operations are entirely denotative, governed by universal principles expressed as Laws. But apparently the new arbiters of the STEM curriculum contend that there are no right or wrong answers, only "different" ones. And showing the work- the set of steps by which the solution to a math problem is achieved (or not achieved, thereby allowing the ability to pinpoint where a mistake was made, in order to correct it)- is to be dispensed with as an Unjust imposition. Especially since Ethnomathematics is now Centering "group participation" in math problem solving, rather than assessments of individual skills competency:

"White supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when independent practice is valued over teamwork or collaboration.

While there is some value in students being able to complete work independently, when this is the only or most common avenue for learning or practicing, it reinforces individualism and the notion that I’m the only one. This does not give value to collectivism and community understanding, and fosters conditions for competition and individual success, which perpetuates the idea that if a student is failing it is because they are not trying hard enough or that they don’t care.

Instead: Co-construct knowledge in the classroom.

• Verbal Example: Let’s get into partners and do a think-pair-share. We will incorporate everyone’s ideas and try to synthesize them."

I have to admit: as a way to raise group math scores on standardized achievement tests, that approach does have its merits. If that's the only result that matters.

Who thinks that anything resembling this conceptual revolution in pedagogy, Ethnomathematics, is being taught in the math classes of schools in Barbados, or Ghana, or Bolivia, or Pakistan? Who thinks that the teachers and students in countries like those are just yearning for the lasting scholastic benefits of this revolutionary new paradigm?

The Emperor's New Clothes- it's not just for Monarchs any more! It's a Publicly Subsidized Outlet Franchise, for the Common People!

Such a deal: "They pretend to teach us, and we pretend to learn."

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The crux of the problem lies with our “ elected representatives” who either are unable to articulate icogently, are too cowardly, don’t quite get it or are corrupt, complicit sadistic psychopaths. Or a combo platter.

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Where is this offered? Is it widespread? Is it a requirement for teaching certification?

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Agree. Website won't allow me to leave a like.

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I confess I enjoy giving a youngish person something like $1.01 to pay for a .76 item and they can't figure out the change without a computer to figure it out for them.

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“youngish person.”

Careful grandpa—all that pawing for change in your pocket can only aggravate your rheumatoid arthritis…

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Did you read the article he linked?

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Believe everything you read? Good to know.

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It’s a good practice to open your mind to opposing opinions.

You may be surprised to learn something of value.

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I don’t believe that.

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The “good guys” have redefined what it means to be “good.” Reminds me of Orwell:




I side with the people who don’t shut down debate, infringe on free speech, don’t spit and curse at people, and who don’t assault people for otherwise peaceful activity. I stand with those people even if I can’t stand their politics, which surely true of that Gavin fellow.

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So you oppose Gavin McInnes, then?

Seriously, why is that asshole entitled to a platform? He’s a gigantic bigoted dick and there is no shortage of bigots or dicks around saying the same thing. Also, he would absolutely have his goons out beating up any liberals giving speeches so let him and his fanboys be on the sticky end of violence for a little while.

If he shows up to speak here in Austin I will demonstrate and throw dogshit at any Proud Boy I can find.

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People like you are the problem, not the solution. Try to learn something from other points of view rather than immediately trying to 'cancel' them or resorting to violence because they 'trigger' you.

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And what should one "learn" from the likes of Gavin McInnes?

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That nothing will happen to you if your ears hear something you don’t agree with.

That there is almost always two sides to an argument.

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Ah, that's sweet. But I'm here to tell you---everytime my ears hear something I don't like, an Angel loses its wings.

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Considering your propensity for rudeness no wonder you don't understand Tim's reply.

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I find your name “Karen” to be quite ironic. Please, please, please, do not touch dog shit. I’m begging you, dogs will eat and chew on anything including other dog shit. Just keep your hands away from it. Further, you are not good. I know you have convinced yourself that you are good and righteous but you are just a different flavor of the people you claim to hate. The proud boys suck. So does ANTIFA. Violence begets violence and you can not control what other people think and feel, just like they can’t control what you think and feel. Throwing dog shit at them isn’t going to solve the problem you see. It just causes more problems, more hate, more division, and more importantly, more insufferable assholes.

In this country, people get to have and share opinions that suck. If you don’t like that, move to China. Move to Canada. I’m not going to give up these rights, the rights that make us unique, just because you don’t like them. Gavin isn’t my guy. But Gavin isn’t trying to shut people up, so I guess in that sense we do have something in common.

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“insufferable assholes”

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The Biz is right. You, Karen et al are the mirror image of the people you profess to hate.

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Probably from Indiana.

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Bravo !

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We fight bad speech with more speech.

There is no other option.

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Gapin’ McAnus on his Pout Boys: “We will kill you”

“Fighting is fun! Fighting solves everything”

“I want violence. I want punching in the face. Im disappointed in Trump supporters for not punching enough.”

I've heard enough speech from this cornflake. As far as Im concerned, hes out of options.

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Wanna bet?

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You really are a Karen, Karen!

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Please give examples of where Proud Boys (whom I don’t support) made unprovoked attacks on liberals. I’ll respond with (perhaps hundreds of) videos showing Antifa attacking conservatives and anyone who disagreed with them. We can compare and contrast.

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Having lived in the most liberal city in the U.S., rocked by over 100 straight nights of "protests" that were in actuality just antifa attacks, I can attest that you won't have any trouble finding the videos.

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or maybe you will have trouble....they may have been identified as "misinformation" and blackholed

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Yes. The authoritarian left is violent. The idea that white supremacy and violence are our nation's defining problem is laughable.

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Easy to laugh in your Mommys basement, Nazi. Come to Oakland. We’ll tckle ye.

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But if I stay in the basement long enough, maybe I can become the most popular President, with 810 million votes, or 472%.

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Gapin’ McAnus on his Pout Boys: “We will kill you”

“Fighting is fun! Fighting solves everything”

“I want violence. I want punching in the face. Im disappointed in Trump supporters for not punching enough.”

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There is no Antifa. It's not an organized movement or organization. Just ask the FBI. Oh, wait---the FBI is "woke!" Hey, maybe the FBI is "Antifa!" Or is antifa the FBI? Woke World is so confusing these days!

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All those we refer to as “antifa” have had their category switched to WHITE SUPREMACY by the FBI.

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Good to Know. Seems as though that should be reported to the Better Business Bureau.

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McInnes is entitled to a platform just the same as you are. The power you wield in a free country is the choice to listen to or ignore his message. The real fascists are the students taking that freedom away from others.

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His message wasnt ignored, dumbfuck. Its being answered.

Gapin’ McAnus on his Pout Boys: “We will kill you”

“Fighting is fun! Fighting solves everything”

“I want violence. I want punching in the face. Im disappointed in Trump supporters for not punching enough.”

Even then, the violence came from your entitled friends. His supporters were met with fuck you, and the responded with violence.

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Sorry, Scotty---how ill-informed you are. Nobody has a right to an "audience" or "platform."

And the 1st Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

You and I? We're both free within the confines of the law to tell each other to shut the fuck up or get the fuck outta here.

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Because no one is entitled to suppress another's person's speech, period. If you don't want him to have an audience, quit showing up. Feed the trolls and they grow bigger and stronger.

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Nobody has a right to an "audience." And the 1st Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

You and I? We're both free within the confines of the law to tell each other to shut the fuck up or get the fuck outta here.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Who decides who is entitled to a platform? Isn't that the essence of free speech, that all of us are, even those whose views we may despise?

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"Who decides who is entitled to a platform?"

Karen does, clearly.

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I thought it was Nina Jankowicz?

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That cornflake isnt in jail for his treasonous violent threats. Thats free speech. Where in thge first amendment does it say youre entitled a protected platform paid for by others to engage in it?

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Nobody's entitled to a platform. Period.

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Why are you entitled to a platform? All you have to offer is hate. Hate and bigotry.

I mean, that is the entirety of your point, that you feel someone is bad ergo they should have no voice. Well, I think YOU are bad. So, under your rules, lets remove you. I will give you that you aren't a dick, but cunt covers the same ground for the distaff.

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Obnoxious people are entitled to a platform because letting them spew their bile is the most efficient means of being able to counter it. Why is that so hard for the "I don't want to hear that, so you aren't allowed to say it" crowd to understand?

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Because that crowd is lazy and stupid.

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In the U.K., both genders are called cunts. Or perhaps I should say "all" genders, lol.

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Trotting out the “C” word, eh?

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I support your right to do that. (not sure about dogshit if there is a local ordinance against such actions). I also support his right to speak. If you cannot hold both views at the same time, this is how democracy dies.

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He doesn't have a "right" to speak. Nobody as a right to speak.

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Do you read your own posts?

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Yes, why do you ask?

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I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually. In the meantime, I’m just gonna enjoy that last one.

It’s like a little monument.

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He has a right to speak. You have that same exact right - to speak. Every person has the right to speak.

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Speaking is not a "right." It's a function. Like shitting. I don't have a "right" to shit--I just shit. Or not.

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Oh, sweetie! Speech is only like shitting when you do it.

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Stop. Please stop.

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At least when you talk about how bad they are, how violent, how bigoted don't use words like asshole, dick, or call them goons, and say you would throw dog shit at them, because you come across as worse then them, and as angry and bigoted as you claim they are.

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The left has made obscenity fashionable with their political discourse. I admit to over-indulging in profanity myself when I get my blood up. It just sort of comes naturally as part of my informal, spoken diction.

Though it isn't aimed at me, your comment shames me, and I will try in future postings to avoid the temptation to use profanity. At least I will try to edit it into more tasteful insults when it comes time to vent more outrage.

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Not that I don't use profanity once in a while, but my mother would always tell us not to use dirty words since they will interfere with our vocabulary. Never really thought about but I rarely curse. Good luck. Habits are hard to break.

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"Entitled to a platform." Good parrot. Here's a birdie num-num.

Wash it down with some Kultural Kool Aid.

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Bull, buddy, I thought I'd run into you! Come on Bull---you're a smart guy. This is a legal issue, and quite a tedious one at that---a question of codified law! If you can secure a platform to recite the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in Yiddish, go for it!

Meanwhile, I have the right to heckle you mercilessly! That is, until I'm ushered out of the auditorium for being a disruptive nuisance and general pain-in-the-ass.

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Heckle away! Give the first idea to Ari Shaffir and be sure to watch his upcoming YouTube comedy special, "Jew," airing Nov. 2.

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Karen is a Bot guys. don’t get sucked into her comments like I did...

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Karen serves an enormously useful purpose: galvanizing many in support of not being a raging cunt.

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Callow to the end...

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Going to bat for Karen?

Seriously. That must be your alt.

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Much anger in her, do I see ...

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Translate please. I can’t tell what it is.

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I think it’s a text picture of Yoda?


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BLM and antifa do the same and I don't see the dims or the left criticizing them. BLM rioted and looted and you dims called it peaceful. You dims even denied that antifa even existed.

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Oft repeated quote around here:

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

HL Mencken

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Gen Z is both the smartest and the stupidest generation ever. This is what happens when a generation of parents made "safety" their principal motivation. Words are now defined as more authentically violent and threatening than actual violence. It therefore follows that the response to those words be proportional to the supposed threat perceived.

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Gapin’ McAnus on his Pout Boys: “We will kill you”

“Fighting is fun! Fighting solves everything”

“I want violence. I want punching in the face. Im disappointed in Trump supporters for not punching enough.”

If you stand for these twats, dont complain to me after youre lying on the ground, because its all you’ve been asking for. The people who wanted him gone pay an extortive amount of money to not have their campus turned into a Klan rally. Your little buddy who maced them doesnt even pay his child support.

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Nobody is "entitled" to a platform. Especially, in my opinion, a creepy bigot-grifter such as Gavin McInnes. Let him chant and mumble on a street corner. Or in a rowboat in the middle of a lake.

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Ummm...so we hate alleged "Neo-Nazis" when they're at Penn State but we fund real Nazis when they're in Ukraine?

Sorry, just trying to get all of my swastika wearing white supremacist ducks in a row.

Whether you like Stein or hate him he displayed some wheel barrow sized testicles when he waded into that crowd of rhetoric spewing whiners.

I bet that each & every one of those kid's parents are supremely happy their miserable children are away at school and not spoiling their meals with this shit.

I will say that this is literally the absolute best documentary dealing with why retroactive abortions should be legal.

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"Sorry, just trying to get all of my swastika wearing white supremacist ducks in a row."

Great line, Spiderbaby!

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Yeah, Putin is really a good guy, standing up for Christianity and fighting Nazis. Yeah ... no. Nice to know the right is every bit as enthralled with propaganda as the left.

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If you can’t grasp that people who aren’t buying the rah-rah Ukraine bullshit don’t necessarily fanboy Putin either, you’re too dim to be commenting on grown up topics on the internet.

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Hear Hear

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If you can’t grasp that y’all’s buying of Putin fighting Ukraine to get rid of Nazis is pure propaganda then I’m not the one who is dim, brother.

I did enjoy being likened to a libtard though. That was a first.

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I don’t believe any of them about anything, because I’m not a bored go-team!!! pennant-waving dipshit who is desperate for a cause to align myself with. So there’s that.

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I don't buy anything from anyone as it's being sold. I simply agree with the notion that because you don't buy one pack of lies, you must therefore buy the other.

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Here's a wacky factoid. In 2016 Russia introduced a resolution at the UN entitled, "Combating glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance."

3 countries voted against it. 2 of those country's names begin with the letter U.

Would you like to guess who those 2 countries were?

The US cited free speech issues as the reason they didn't give the resolution a rousing "Yea" vote. That sounds good if you're a rube. I suspect it had more to do with the fact that we were funding Nazis in Ukraine at that time and had developed a soft spot for the little goose steppers.

What is most amusing is how the USA is apparently deeply concerned about the free speech issues of Nazis in Ukraine & elsewhere around the world while people they label "Neo-Nazi" in America don't enjoy that same protection anymore.

Maybe the US needs to get all of their swastika wearing white supremacist ducks in a row.

You may not have noticed but I never defended Vlad the Impaler. In my opinion Ukraine was dumb enough to listen to the United States. They, in my opinion, deserve what they get for being that stupid.

Maybe you need to try some of that non-binary thought that liberals apply to issues of sexuality & spread it onto other areas of inquiry. Just because I don't agree with Joe The Empty Headed doesn't mean I'm aching for a Vlad The Impaler signed coffee mug for my book shelf.

I realize that this is a concept that 21st century liberals are having trouble getting their minds around mainly because they seem to be wearing blinders that continually filter out any uncomfortable facts about reality that may cause them to tantrum uncontrollably or have to admit they were wrong.

My advice would be to try harder.

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Well said.

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So you are one who buys Putin's line that the Ukrainian government are hard core nazis?

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No, I'm one of those people who's been watching the Ukraine since the US engineered a coup employing neo-Nazis blatantly wearing Nazi insignia and declaring their adoration of Stepan Bandera to throw out the democratically elected president and replace him with its puppet of choice, per Victoria Nuland.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Gee I don't remember typing any of that. Let's look...nope, no hardcore Nazi porn in my post.

Actually what I did do was read old news articles where they talked about how the US was funding Nazis in Ukraine. They were allowed to do that whole "tell the truth about Ukraine/US relations" before Putin invaded.

It's funny how no one accused those journalists of being pro-Putin. That seems to have been added retroactively. Weird, huh? It's almost like the US government knows that the average liberal democrat moo cow is so completely corralled by Trump fear/hate that they'll never have the guts to veer from the herd and do any research or engage in anything so retro as independent thought on their own.

I say good for them.

A big fist bump & a loud "MOO!" for liberal cattle everywhere.

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Yeah, kinda like the average republican Trump cultists are completely corralled by Biden fear/hate that they’ll never have the guts to veer from the herd and do any research or engage in anything so retro as independent thought on their own.

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Not a Trump cultist.

Never voted for him.

Not a Republican.

Never voted Republican.

Y'see the difference in cult membership comes down to power & who wields it. At the moment, whether you've noticed it or not, it's the Democrats who hold all of our chains.

They are the side colluding with big tech & the media & the MIC & the intelligence agencies to demonize & silence the other cult at every turn. In fact, they haven't stopped with demonizing the Republicans, they have undertaken an extensive marketing campaign whereby anyone who criticizes their policies will be labeled using one of the DNC's marketing labels. These include the marketing labels anti-vaxxer, white supremacist, Trumper, MAGA cultist, Putinist, domestic terrorist, etc., etc.

While the Republicans may also demonize Joe "My head is a vacuum" Biden they lack the required power to do a goddamn thing about it.

Since both of these parties are corrupt to their core it should disturb any sane person when either one of them manages to become as powerful as the Democrats are at this moment in history.

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I hope no one tells Putin about Operation Paperclip.

That’ll be awkward.

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No, that was classic Hunter...

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That was the POTUS’s junkie son who did that all on his own.

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There are almost 100,000 students enrolled at Penn State University. So not all of them are at Happy (?) Valley, but still it takes what 100-150 students showing up instead of studying to close down what should have been a lightly attended ho-hum event. These are certainly the kids about to flunk out anyway, as they are too stupid to realize they brought publicity to an event they abhor, when it likely would have been like a light fart at a football game otherwise, completely unacknowledged.

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I doubt anyone flunks out anymore. This generation couldn't handle it.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Moreover, despite the mob's small size, the college administrators go out of their way to accord them credibility even while chiding them mildly for their rude manners. As a result, the mentality that cancel culture is valid and powerful gets implanted in all the others, who will keep their heads down and chain their minds to avoid the mob's wrath.

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They understand who provides the tuition dollars that pay them for being useless

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The students should burn down the buildings. Then they can really get their money’s worth.

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Nah, smashing the face of a violent trespasser will suffice.

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of course the people that cant obtain a degree despise the students!

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Uninformed, violent slacktivism is a new student activity bred from the proud tradition of American university leftism. It's a bit more obnoxious than getting branded with the symbol of your Soul Brother fraternity, staging segregated graduation ceremonies, barfing at a kegger, etc.

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But they are in control and they will not flunk out. They may never graduate and be there for 10 years, but never flunk out. However, those doing nothing have made themselves heard also. Its called cowardice

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I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

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We have thousands just going to waste

The world needs more parking lots

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It's what people who can't get a date on Friday night, do.

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Within my adulthood, Matt, I have witnessed pretend American Nazis march through Skokie, a small suburb just north of Chicago with a large Jewish population.

The ACLU back then was a force to recon with when any of our Constitutional protections were about to be violated. Now, the ACLU is more likely to fight for a prison sentence if they know you used the incorrect pronoun while addressing another person.

Today, as I watched this video, I once again saw how successful have been forces within our society that have trained useful fools supporting players hidden within academia, large corporations, and large unions.

I see among the protestors young people who might not even know how different they are from Dr. King and his followers who were willing to be beaten and even killed for their cause.

I long for the time in my young and middle adulthood when as a conservative I could also say I was a classical liberal who was proud to live is such a diverse and powerful nation.

Today, as a rapidly approach my 8th decade as an American citizen, I am still a proud classical liberal with very strong conservative views.

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Yes, Ira Glasser, Director of the ACLU at the time of Skokie said it perfectly,

We fight bad speech with more speech.

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Too bad the ACLU has been poisoned with neo-Marxist identitarian ideology.

They have ruined any sort of trust with the working class and no longer defend the Constitution but protect and advocate for those who would wipe their asses with it in the name of their crackpot politics of "liberation."

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I agree.

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Just two days ago, I started my ninth decade. I agree. I remember the Skokie incident. I recall my Jewish father was proud to support the ACLU's readiness to back even those idiot Nazis planning to march in Skokie. As the ACLU changed, his support came to an end. Mine has never begun and won't.

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Yeah, in a crazy kind of way, defending the right of neo-nazis to march in Skokie was perhaps the high water mark of American civilization...it's been mostly downhill since then.

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You and I share the same opinion of the present day ACLU, which seems to have developed dementia in its old age.

Thank you for your comment, Jonathan.

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Happy belated birthday. Stay well.

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My law school professor for Political and Civil Rights was David Goldberger...the Jewish ACLU Attorney who represented those pathetic neo-NAZIs at Skokie. He put principles above partisanship.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Oops. Duplicate post.

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Having grown up in the cold war era I read a lot about the Soviet Union and the insanity that was required to be a (barely) functioning citizen. The two thought I always had were 1. Despite all of the problems in our society, how can some people see moral equivalence in the systems? 2. At least that insanity could never happen here.

Its happening here now.

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A most troubling trend, DMC, and unfortunately becoming more powerful.

Thank you for your comment.

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Thank you for your live and for your beliefs. I pray you live a long time and convince many people.

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I appreciate your thoughts, Huge.

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I find it interesting that A) paper masks are still being worn for an aerosolized particle; and B) the students are telling themselves that they were forced to put themselves in danger in order to get the event canceled. Police protecting free speech is lost to them. Seeing themselves as a violent mob is lost to them.

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They no longer wear the masks for particle protection, it is now for anonymity. They are the socially acceptable version of the Guy Fawkes mask.

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Right? Those were my thoughts, as well.

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Oh. Thanks both of you.

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They need to defund the universities and professors creating this intolerant woke atmosphere. I can't imagine hiring any of this kids. They aren't capable of anything rational.

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100% The state university system should be dismantled entirely, allowing private colleges to fill the need for advanced study in anything but the "humanities."

Build a neo-Marxist institution from the ground up instead of continuing to parasitize existing ones, and let it compete with universities founded on Christianity and/or classically Liberal "missions."

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RA, they are guaranteed jobs with FANG companies.

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The overwhelming majority of students were not there and were likely totally unaware of the event until those few fools created chaos -- probably studying, playing beer pong or both. I doubt the over all population is much different than it ever was. There was no shortage of fools when I went to school in the 80's. I don't think any conclusions can be drawn about the Penn St. student body as a whole from this incident much less about an entire generation

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In a lot of ways, these students are pathetic, as well as terrifying. Pathetic in their absolute spoiled brat faith in and reliance on the goodwill of the society they at the same time trash. They know nothing much will happen to them, at the hands of the cops, the college authorities, parents, anyone. Their reliance on rage and the F-word is a way to mask their actual helplessness and dependence on the good will of others with a rhetoric of fake defiance. They are truly lost. Wandering the streets looking for a target to pretend to care about. No way of knowing what they will morph into next. It's not good.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Campuses need to develop a Free Speech policy witch is similar in structure to the Title IX due process afforded to males accused of sexual harassment. In other words, zero tolerance for any justification of squashing free speech and expulsion from the University.

I know...fat chance.

Having said that, Title IX needs to be dramatically modified.

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So it's a college campus and "Fuck you, fascist" is their most eloquent phrase, and "Nobody likes you" is their best argument.

I think it's time to defund the universities, or at least the ones that can do no better by their students than this.

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20 years from now I wonder if these students, nestled in their segregated pod with a belly full of bugs and an arm full of mandatory daily flu shot, will look back fondly to the night that they stopped racism and fascism.

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The fruits of decades of radical Marxist indoctrination using our education system, they don't even understand the country in which they live.

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Someone give them a dictionary and a thesaurus.

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And a copy of the Constitution while they’re at it.

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Yes, What is Tolerance? What is Free Speech?

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Toleration is what has made the tiny-but-growing faction of neo-Marxists powerful. That and instant worldwide communication.

Toleration is the built-in death program of Western Liberalism.

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One last bit and I'll mosey...

When I was growing up, if you spit on someone, there were only 2 possible outcomes. You would have to kick someone's ass or you would have your ass kicked. There was no 3rd option. Being spit on is primal as is the response.

This leads me to believe that the young lady who spit on Stein has never had anyone push back on her bullshit. Ever. She appears to be a fucking poster child for privilege. Maybe she "needs to buy a mirror and some bailing wire and bail wire that mirror to her head so she can see what kind of an asshole she's trapped with."

Probably wouldn't help.

I give Stein much credit for not breaking her nose & then the way he flipped it into a sex fetish that turned him on was pretty damn brilliant.

While I'd like to think a broken nose would have taught her a valuable lesson I know it wouldn't have taught her anything. Zealots are often much too thick for lessons to penetrate.

Still, one can wonder...

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Women rely on the embattled chivalry of the few real men who remain, and "women" like the spitter capitalize on this vestige of civilization to abuse men with impunity.

Besides, I'd be willing to bet that Saliva Sally is one of these idiots who refuses to define "woman."

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and some people just need a punch in the throat - regardless of declared gender

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Makes sense. Have a hole in your soul from soaking up all that higher ed Postmodern mind poison and feel depressed as a result? Introspection is too hard. Finding an ethical scheme, a world-view, a way to confront the world on your own is even harder. Pop a Prozac and the mess won't seem so messy because all your negative emotional affect is washed away. Embrace intersectional liberation politics because of all the positive strokes you get from classmates and colleagues.

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Quite so.

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Another cringeworthy protest lifted from the pages of Bonfire of the Vanities. And I wasted 10 minutes of my life on it. The gravitas of the voiceover was funny, though.

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Fisher claims the speaker was “fleeing” when in reality, they were just leaving the the campus as the spineless admin canceled the event due to crying children throwing tantrums.

Fisher 100% knows the English language and how for

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His biggest gripe is that the police didn’t help him after he was maced. Nothing about students canceling free speech.

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Who said anything about “canceling free speech”?

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