The new useful idiots.

Who cares about reality... They live in a self fulfilling fallacy, an inverted reality... Genocide? While the population of Gaza is increasing? When the slogan "from the river to the sea" literally means "let's get rid of the Jews"?

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The Jews say the same thing about the Palestinians! Again, I return to WHY? WHY are Jews - or any ethnic, religious, or racial group - entitled to this - or any - strip of land? Don't bother. It's a rhetorical question. You ALL lived in ancient Palestine. You are descendants of the same tribe. Some stayed and converted to Islam. Oh, and then there's the Christians. Until we understand that the Bible (Torah, Koran, etc) is a man-made book of beliefs and not a God-made book of facts, we shall remain social and emotional cretins, incapable of living in peace. And, BTW: in case you'd forgotten, imprisoning your sworn enemies for decades is the opposite of keeping your own society safe. I'm confident many Israelis and Jews understand this, and no: they're not self-hating. They believe in the true message of Judaism and all faiths. For that, they are being silenced, ostracized and censored.

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Thank you for proving my point - in what kind of reality do you live? Let's live all free together and celebrate peace and flowers? Guess what will happens, Oct 7 should have been a reality check.

Yes, most Israelis want to live in peace (me too by the way), most Israelis are against the current situation and we are desperately trying to find a political partner.... Hamas is certainly not one, I hope you realize this, and with regards to the PA, they never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. They refused peace plan after peace plan, even ones sharing Jerusalem...

I am also aware that certain Israelis are for the great Israel, but this camp is only strengthened by the lack of partners to sign peace. After a while, terror attack after terror attack, you get afraid to give your hand and see it cut...

I am not against peace, I am against confusing idealism with reality, we don't have this luxury

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Striving towards an ideal is not a failure. The establishment of Israel in 1947 was controversial to say the least, and also certainly founded with some level of idealism. The Arab nations have failed the Palestinians, and Israel. There are centuries of deeply entrenched hatred and distrust. Germany has made an effort to own & acknowledge the indescribable horror inflicted on Jews. Israel needs to do the same.The US continues to ignore and bury its own crimes against humanity.) We can keep repeating the crimes/violence/sins of the past. Or we could maybe try something different. The peace accords that have been offered or rejected over the years have either been untenable or broken. And olive branch above the table. A gun underneath. You may discredit me as a novice know-nothing, but having married into an amazing Jewish family, I have explored this delicate subject for almost 5 decades. In the true spirit of Torah, read, discussed and sometimes argued. And always, returned to love. And hope. So. For what it's worth, as they say.

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You are right, having an ideal is a good thing, listen I don't want to fight with you. The people in the video are useful idiots, but I should not have judged you so fast, I don't know you enough.

I also stand with that one must acknowledge reality.

Albert Camus said something like: naming things not correctly adds to the sorrow of the world.

Words count.

Supporting Hamas and describing it as a legitimate freedom movement adds to the sorrow of the world.

Saying that Israel is comitting a genocide is adding to the sorrow of the world.

If you are for peace, you cannot ignore these, you need to say things right.

There will be no chance for peace if we ignore reality, if we let bigots distort it.

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I feel that. AND speaking of naming things: supporting Palestinians does not equal supporting Hamas. A "legitimate freedom movement" would be characterized by.....no violence? Not being snarky. Just.. words matter. And I don't know what "legitimate freedom movement" EVER didn't involve violence, sadly. Not condoning it. Just trying to wrap my head around a dilemma that has lasted for eons.

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So you don't support Hamas but you don't want to do anything about them. They have been running the show in Gaza for 20 years and not only made people in Israel miserable but their own people as well.

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2 years a poll found 77% of Palestinians supported Hamas, whose stated goals are to erase Jews and Israel form the face of the earth. It seems that they are pretty close to the same thing. One thing for certain, Hamas, Gazan's and leftists around the world continue to support a organization that is as evil as the Nazi's were in WW2.

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WHO in the West has ever come to the aid of the Palestinians? This could have been sorted a LONG time ago.

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No, but it would be characterized by no ripping left leaning Jews who support your right to resist out of their homes to butcher them...

Free Palestine.... from Islamism

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Yes. A legitimate freedom movement would not only not involve violence, it would condemn it. Do you listen to what you’re saying before you say it?

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Is, “these are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters” supporting Palestinians or Hamas?

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If you want to babble about crimes whilst ignoring the reality that since israel locked millions of Palestinians in a concentration camp 27 Palestinians have been killed in acts of violence for every israelite, perhaps the crime of the 17th of October committed against Palestinian civilians when a hospital was bombed by israel will make you feel better.

These two vids do not make me feel better because unlike the now disproven allegation of 40 israeli children being beheaded by Hamas, these videos provide incontrovertible evidence that the did IDF bomb & kill many Palestinian children.

I suggest that only those with a strong stomach or those zionists who revel in the evidence of dead palestinians watch these vids though, I don't want to watch these ever again but of course zionists are free to get a hard-on over this awful sanctioned by israel's government (remember how at the start of this carpet bombing of northern Gaza the israelis boasted that every target would be 'cleared' by senior IDF officials) massacre of innocents. Caution these vids are not for anyone who values human life they are bloody and horrible.





Now tell me that zionists are not war criminals. Of course zionists will claim "It wasn't us" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you will lap up & then spout the ridiculous lie that this was caused by islamic jihad's glorified fireworks, not because you believe that but because it is a convenient lie to avoid reality.

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You are right, these are terrible. All good reasons that Hamas should have never started this war in the first place.

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Re: your comment about locking them up. Note where the Philistines (Palestinian today) lived.

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Perhaps you should read this heartfelt description of a former Israeli "peace activist" (just like you) and the loss of his idealism. https://www.thefp.com/p/daniel-pearl-cousin-hamas-idealism

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You've said it perfectly. Unfortunately as long as the Palestinians are run by terrorists, there is no way Israel is going to make a deal with them. Listening to this vengeful mob, it's as if October 7th never even happened. Sort of what they've done whenever the topic of the Holocaust comes up.

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Recently, the Israelis allowed greater numbers of Palestinians in Gaza to cross the border and work in Israel. But as they say, no good deed goes unpunished.

What was the payback for Israel's generosity? Fifteen hundred Jewish babies, toddlers, children, women and men were savagely attacked and slaughtered. Some number of the Gazans working in Israel helped lay the groundwork for most, if not all, the attacks. Unfortunately, the October 7th massacre was an inside job.

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An on the money post! Thank you.

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You're very welcome. Over the past week or two, I've been reading The Spectator, City Journal and watching podcasters, including but not limited to: Douglas Murray, Megyn Kelly, Glenn Beck, and Ben Shapiro to try to learn what I could about the attack. I'm not sure where I heard about the Gazan workers who plotted from within Israel's borders. But they were no doubt a critical part of the evil Hamas mission.

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So you heard something about devious Gazan workers, can't remember where, but felt free to spout "...helped lay the groundwork for most, if not all, the attacks" and it "was an inside job" and "no doubt" they were part... Very critical thinking, Nancy.

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I used to beat my wife all the time. Then I slacked off a bit, and she took a swing at me!! That'll teach me, shoulda kept beating her all along.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

It is unfortunate that the (largely, and it seems mostly unconsciously, hardline Zionist) points of view mostly reflected on this article's comments are as such. Matt is going to have a hard time with this one given his current audience versus actual facts that don't try to pump up Israeli statehood through every propaganda trick in the book.

Most people are falling for it. However, I appreciate your insight, myself.

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The mob in this video does not want a return to 1948 borders. They want every Israeli removed from Israel and all of the territory renamed as Palestine.

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Name the time stamp on that....

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You don't need a timestamp. Just listen to their words.

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“ "Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews," Netanyahu said. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here [to Palestine].’" In Netanyahu's history, Hitler then asked, "What should I do with them?" Al-Husseini replied, "Burn them."”

How do you address the far-Right Israeli government, one that believes in conspiracy theories and has faced charges of corruption and massive protest from Israeli citizens? Seems pretty clear the leader ship on both sides of the problem here.

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https://bible-history.com/images/common/map-7-nations-of-canaan_shg.jpg. Note where the Philistines lived in relation to all of Canaan/Israel.

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Why don't you dispute the comments, rather than just lamenting your perception of the authors?

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Atheists are no more peaceful than any other human beings.

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Perhaps, but they can at least theoretically be reasoned with. If your beliefs are, by definition, based on faith rather than evidence, how can anyone convince you to change them? Faith based beliefs are terrible, and if people would just start treating them with about the same respect as they treat, say, flat earthers or moon landing conspiracists, the world would be a much better place.

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Start with socialists. Their beliefs are equally ludicrous, and actively pernicious as a guide to right behavior.

A true religion has practical value to its adherents. It gives useful guidance to those of us who have neither time nor inclination nor brainpower to reason our way to right action. If your ethical framework must come from outside you, Christianity is a good choice.

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Absolutely agree on socialists, but they're at least making real world claims that can theoretically be disputed. If a belief system is ultimately based on "a supernatural, unprovable entity says that this is right and this is wrong", how do you argue against that? "Killing non-believers who won't convert is right", who is to say that is wrong, and how do you prove it? And a false belief that happens to be useful/practical is not a good thing.

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Christianity doesn’t do that. Ruling regimes that are trying to solidify their positions do that. It wasn’t the Catholic church so much as the church of Spain.

The Spanish crown kept troops in the Italian peninsula all through that period. The Pope had to pick his battles.

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Wasn’t Israel was formed in response to the horrors of the Holocaust, the extensive history of pogroms, anti-Jewish violence and repeated ouster from numerous homelands? In 1939, the European Jews seeking refuge from antisemitism were even refused entrance into the US.

It doesn’t seem outrageous that after WW II, Jews were given a little strip of land in the Middle East that is half desert and appears to have no oil reserves. Israel is surrounded by vast, very wealthy Arab countries. Why this angst and indignation over a relatively small patch of property in a not so desirable neighborhood being granted to a very small group of people with a history of being slaughtered and expelled from other countries?

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Because the people that lived there when the West decided to give the Jews a homeland were driven out! What is so hard to understand about that? We put the Jewish people in the center of the area where the Abrahamic religions were founded, "THE HOLY LAND," surrounded by Arabic nations not inclined to offer them a warm welcome, and then get all verklempt about the reaction? I agree -it's a piece of desert with apparently minimal resources and yet thousands of years later there is naught but death and destruction? Was there literally nowhere else on earth that could have kept the Jewish people safe and sound? Antisemitism is global. Is there a f*cking vaccine for that? I'd sure as hell mandate that one. Sigh.

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Weren't the Jews there, conquered, expelled and killed by the Romans and later Arab Muslims? Judaism existed for thousands of years before Islam even came on the scene, so I think your reductive "you are descendants of the same tribe. Some stayed and converted to Islam" ignores the history of repeated aggression against Jews and its territories.

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Just keep staying the course. How's that working for everyone?

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When a core argument of the Palestinians and their supporters is that Israel is a "colonizer" and is "occupying" their ancestral lands, it's important to have a correct account of history. Without one, this falsehood defines policies and modern antagonisms towards Israel, Jews and the West more generally, which only serve to put any solution further out of reach.

While the status quo is not sustainable in perpetuity, the typical solutions (one state, two-state, etc.) are untenable, in large part, because the lie that the Jews are not home in Israel. We've all seen what this lie allows; the legitimation of extremist rhetoric and Islamist terrorism against civilians as a means of "decolonization" by the vocal supporters of Palestine around the world. What peace will this permit?

Ultimately, Gaza and the West Bank should probably just be repatriated by Egypt and Jordan respectively. These two states can drown out the extremists in Palestine and provide a greater security (both physical and material) to them under their military and political umbrellas. They can be known as East and West Palestine and have their own regional governments that would ultimately be guaranteed by the respective governments and security forces of Egypt and Jordan, such that any violence directed outwards would be the responsibility of the larger countries and thus mitigate its potential. Israel could be encouraged to cede a crescent of desert that runs between Gaza and the West Bank to unite the two territories.

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These books do not leave us in the dark regarding the history of the land, the people, and the times. Israel was booted out by the Roman Empire in 70 A.D, their second temple destroyed, with the Koran being written in 610 A.D. when Muhammed received revelation. The Holy land was given to Abraham in 1500 BC. Because of famine, they became slaves in Egypt for 400 years, until Moses lead them back to the Promised Land, after they entered into covenant with God, a covenant no one has kept but Jesus Himself. The nations that obstructed the entry to the Holy Land were destroyed, but Israel did enter and occupy the land Promised to Abraham and his seed forever. These are ancient history and literature books, and have been for millennia. Readers don’t have to believe to understand.

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Palestine was NEVER and Nation state. It is a territory named to obliterate the land of Israel, Judea and Samaria. Palestinians did not exist as a people until after the nation of Israel was reestablished in their native land. Palestinians are Arabs. Interesting how Jordan and Egypt REFUES to accept any Palestinians from Gaza or Judea and Samaria. They also refuse to oversee any of the territories in Gaza or Judea and Samaria. Why?

If you believe the propaganda of the terrorists Hamas, you need to realize YOU ARE a JEW HATING CRETIN and are embracing the ideas of Nazi’s!

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I keep agreeing with what you write, but then you ruin it by always adding that last nasty, argument provoking line. If you try to stay civil, it could add to discussion .

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One must point out the fact that we are again facing a group calling for the extermination of Jews. I'm sorry you find that my response identifying this sad reality uncivil. It is uncivil to support a pogrom. One must oppose uncivil behavior with overwhelming force to beat it into oblivion. I wish that wan no longer necessary.

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Nice moniker. I want to hear what you have to say....

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In typical colonialist fashion: create a conflict by your presence. Exacerbate it. When the heat is on your own military, pull out, and let the riled up and wronged peoples battle it out. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Except the UN supported eatablishing Israel, what, as a consolation prize for those who managed to survive the Holocaust? And, I've never gotten over how the US (for openers) turned Jews away when they KNEW of the Holocaust. Before we entered WWII. Ach. That's why I feel so powerfully that we must look at it through the current lens: where do we go from here?

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https://bible-history.com/images/common/map-7-nations-of-canaan_shg.jpg Note where the Philistines (Palestinians today) lived, in relation to Canaan/Israel.

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Ancient history is informative for context but irrelevant to me regarding solving these tribal disputes in today's world. If we all go back to our ancestral homes, the world would be in complete chaos, which is what has been created in Israel/Palestine. I've said it before and I'll say it again: no tribe, ethnic, racial, religious or other group is suddenly entitled to reclaim a land, much as we see it repeated. Over what: imaginary lines? Arbitrarily imposed borders? Ethnic purity tests? History happened. We are here. Now. How do we overcome the Forever Wars?Learn to collaborate and share resources? Find peaceful resolutions to disputes? Maybe never. But we could try. Because humanity seem hell bent on destroying itself and what, in the holy books, is heaven on earth. And still we do not see.

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Map of Canaan / Israel at time of Joshua - Note where Philistines lived. (now called Palestinians).


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“Philistine” was an insult by the Romans, who tried to rename Palestine when the Jews were removed, their temple destroyed. Philistines were their ancient enemies from the nations they plundered.

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We didn’t ALL live in the Holy Land, but we are all of the same flesh. In the beginning...

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

I could never have imagined the day when absolute visual proof of atrocities committed against women, babies would evoke not a seconds worth of compassion or contrition. Our country and our world has changed in ways that are profoundly dark. God bless Israel, and all who suffer within her borders as a result of the Saturday massacre.

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Yes, these are dark hours. I do see reasons for hope though. All the best

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Let's look at useful idiots. You state a number of pseudo-facts that are actually fairly debatable about something I doubt you know much about at all. If you want to be a useful idiot, that's exactly what one should do, so. Not sure what your point is other than showing a lack of self-reflection.

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Like the idea that Hamas is in favor of any kind of peace with Jews or would be satisfied with any agreement that allows the state of Israel to exist?

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What a hateful, ignorant, Zionist take.

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"Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews," Netanyahu said. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here [to Palestine].’" In Netanyahu's history, Hitler then asked, "What should I do with them?" Al-Husseini replied, "Burn them."

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If everyone stopped their adult fantasies (aka, religions), a shit-ton fewer people would be killed on earth. It can definitely be done. After all, EVERYONE is an atheist. Don't believe me? Ask a Christian if he believes in Allah. Ask a Muslim if she believes in the Christian God. So everyone doesn't believe in at least some other gods. So just stop believing in your god, and more people will live. That simple.

I have a t-shirt, with the 12 Reasons Beer Is Better Than Jesus on it. My favorite is "They don't force beer on children who are too young to think for themselves," but perhaps the most appropriate is "No one will kill you over your brand of beer." Not even Travis Tritt or Bob Ritchie if it's Bud Light.

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I fully support these dim-wits' right to show the world that they are dim-wits.

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This dim-wits are terrifying. If allowed they can and will do unthinkable harms. Many of Hitler's supporters marching at Nazi rallies were dimwits too.

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Name-calling sure sez a lot. #1A

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Thank goodness their idiocy is in full view

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agree i wish the news would blare this far and wide

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The Hard Left have completely lost their fucking minds.

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Just now they are staging a pro-Hamas insurrection inside the Cannon House Building Rotunda. Call the FBI and arrest them!

(Oh, wait. They're Leftists. It's not insurrection it's "peaceful protest")

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Cool dropping in the profanity to your inane comment.

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Dimwittedness seem to be going around here.

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All Jews could leave Israel tomorrow, forever, hand it to the Palestinians and it would turn into a shithole. News media returns in two years to witness the dysfunction but it’s solely blamed on generational trauma because of the occupation. You know who suffers generational trauma? Jewish people from centuries of antisemitism but amazingly wherever they are, make themselves a success. Go figure.

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Pure, unenlightened sophistry.

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So enlighten us. Please lay down your moral arguments here with all the time you’ve spent on the ground there. Good luck.

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It’s your turn = I have nothing. Bladerunner. It’s not that exciting. Just a highly dysfunctional population that’s kept that way because 1) they are ideologically poisoned 2) they are the useful wedge in the region 3) nobody wants then because they are a problem everywhere they go and 4) their guiding principle is to murder all Jews. Spent any time there? Tell me how that population pivots to success when the Jews are gone?

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No, no---now you're being a pussy. It's your turn. You've already arrived at a timeline (2 years), and an outcome for the Palestinians once the Israelis are cleared out (shithole).

Run us through the Blade Runneresque events that take place over these two years that renders the Palestinian homeland a "shithole," or as the case may be, an even shittier shithole than it already is.

Meanwhile, the Israelis have resettled in Montana and are busy sending well-done Buffalo steaks back to the kitchen.

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what can't the pro-palestinian activists see that the entire population of Gaza is being sacrificed and destroyed by BOTH sides of this conflict? blame Israel all you want but Hamas and Iran are basically offering up millions of Palestinians lives to start a global jihad! no Palestinian passports? closed borders around the Arab world? where are all the "open borders" crowd? it's a slaughter! disgusting...

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Do the Palestinians have any culpability in any of this or are they merely the innocent victims? Who elected Hamas to lead them? Where are their strong voices supporting the right for Jews and Israel to exist? Am I missing something?

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my point was directed at the activists in the video above. I am questioning how much they really care about the average Palestinian vs. are they really just caught up in the ideology of the struggle. as is always the case, the activists and elites seem ok to harm the very populations they say they are trying to protect (see: BLM supporters burning down black neighborhoods and businesses, or defunding police in crime ridden black areas etc).

the reason the Hamas attack were so gruesome was to elicit this exact response from Israel. I believe they want Israel to destroy Gaza in front of the entire world and they are using the Palestinian population as a sacrifice.

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I do believe that will be the end result, like it or not. Actions have opposite and equal reactions. This atrocity is no different.

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And the support of Hamas and barbarity of the Gazan populist means not much of the world cares much about them anymore.

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I agree!

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Israel funded Hamas in the 80’s in order to weaken the PLO. Hamas was “elected” in 2006. Presently, 55% of Palestinians are under the age of 18 and thus did not take place in those elections. Finally, electing radicals should not be cause to murder civilians.

Unless you’re saying it’s fine for the U.S. government to start rounding up MAGA supporters and executing them?

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I think the Girls Scouts of America ought to be tasked with rounding up MAGA supporters and once the girls get them rounded-up put the good MAGA folk to work helping peddle the famous GSA cookies door-to-door. Thin Mints, Samoas, Caramel Crisps, Shortbreads---good PR for the Always-Trumpers, some community service, gets them out of the house for a little exercise---and presents an opportunity to make themselves useful.

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It's actually a good idea. If more left wing Americans met MAGA supporters face to face they might finally get clued in to the ridiculous caricatures being shovelled to them by the mainstream media.

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That was actually my point about Palestinians…

I believe the reactionaries need to take a deep breath, look at how they’re portrayed by the powers that be and then think about how, perhaps, there’s more to this world than what you’re told by said powers that be.

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You have a lot of faith placed in people convinced they are right. These folks have impaired judgement to believe all they are told.

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Israel set up and funded Hamas to micromanage Palestine. Did Hamas ("a creature of Israel"-- Arafat) really turn on their Masters? Did Israel allow the Hamas attack?-- they surely knew it was coming, after being warned by the Egyptians, and moved their soldiers away from the point of attack. It looks like an excuse for genocide or at least more "mowing of the grass".

I don't think anyone seriously disputes Israel's right to exist. Many question the Israeli settlers right to seize Palestinian homes and lands, the illegal atrocious Occupation of Palestine, and a right to an apartheid nation, including many Jews. People of conscience don't want to see suffering on either side, but they want a just resolution (for example):


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"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." That sounds like some serious dispute on Israel's right to exist. Here's some info on the formation of Hamas:


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“"Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews," Netanyahu said. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here [to Palestine].’" In Netanyahu's history, Hitler then asked, "What should I do with them?" Al-Husseini replied, "Burn them."“

That sounds like the leader of the Israelis government engaging in some serious Holocaust denial, conspiracy theory crap that puts the blame for the Holocaust on Palestine in similar way to how old Adolf put the blame for Germany’s WWI loss on a certain group of people…

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Michael, can you provide a source for 'Israel set up and funded Hamas'?

I did some googling and could find a source saying Israel was part of Hamas's founding. I did find some sources stating Netanyahu's government since 2014 tried to use Hamas as a counter to the Palestinian Authority. That could be worthy of criticism but is far from 'set-up'. Also, it requires one to believe the Palestinian Authority would be a better group to deal with than Hamas. To me, that's like saying you're better off handling the Cobra than the Mamba.

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Yes, they're culpable.

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Yeah, you're missing something alright.

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Meanwhile the Big Guys (who claim the cream of the cut) live in Qatar

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Yasser Arafat died a milliinaire, no?

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Right. Iran, with it's innumerable economic woes largely precipitated by it's ongoing international pariah status wishes to further it's slide into national insolvency and risk societal chaos by partnering with a loose band of non-governing terrorists to wage "global jihad."

Son, everyone loves a crank conspiracy theory every now and then---but this isn't the time for one.

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the Substack prophettt

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And why does it manage to have this status? Were it not for oil, they would more look like Afghanistan.

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What part of “occupation” don’t you understand?

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The same thing the US is doing to Ukraine.

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Thanks for posting protests uncensored. A valuable service.👍🏼

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Super disappointed in the comments. Anyone looking For Matt Taibbi’s stance on the world should listen to last weeks Podcast on ironically THE MIDDLE EAST. Him posting a story shows no affiliation, its actually a giant assumption by the viewer and Taibbi has written a book on how we come to hate each other based on lines drawn in the sand by media! You all are making false accustations and the threat of unsubscribing would make this comment section a better place! GO lol

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What depressing scenes. Very stupid people who have jettisoned their humanity - driven by nothing other than cruel hatred. There is no reasoning with these people. I can just about forgive the Muslims in the crowd. They have yet to emerge from a medieval mindset and must be judged by different standards. But the Americans, who no doubt were festooned with university credentials, show the depravity of academia that is churning out such damaged souls.

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We are all judged by the same mindset. Jihad is great in Saudi Arabia and should be exercised there. Keep it in your home country. But when you come to the USA, you need to forever give up jihad, or return to the place where it is welcome. It used to be that all people seeking citizenship swore an oath to the USA. If you decide you no longer want to, you should return to where you came from where it is perhaps welcome.

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Jihad anywhere is disgusting. Your death culture is not welcome. Leave.

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They seem to like it and practice it in the Middle East.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

silly white guilt is stronger than heroin

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Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're a bigoted, retrograde jackass. Ever.

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I don’t believe it was posted for any other reason than to show what these people think and say. You don’t have to watch it.

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This site has posted videos like this on other issues. It is to show you what is happening in a non-corporate media way. Draw your own conclusions. In my case, what a bunch of losers hide their faces and scream. Can't impress me that way.

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And why shouldn't it be shown what these people think and say? Isn't that why they're marching and protesting? Isn't the purpose of them coming out in drove is to say--or rather, blast with a loudspeaker--to the whole world what they think?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

For all those who don't understand why these displays are de facto antisemitism, try to consider the following:

These people seem to be invested in human rights above all other considerations, but...

1) Do any of these people make similar public statements against China's treatment of the Uighurs?

2) Do they make similar public statements against Myanmar's treatment of the Rohingya?

3) Do they make similar pronouncements against India's government related to Kashmir?

4) What about the treatment of women/girls like Mahsa Amini and Malala Yousafzai in their native countries?

Silence on ALL OF THESE points. Why? The supposed "guilty" parties aren't Jewish.

The lack of consistency is the proof of their Nazism.

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My thoughts exactly. Even as this is happening, there's a crisis going on in Armenia and nobody is out on the street protesting about that.

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We've lost our minds as a country. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a simple story of evil Russia attacking the virtuous Ukraine for absolutely no reason. Putin is a modern day Hitler hell bent on destroying democracy and the only way to stop him is to send hundreds of billions of dollars to the most corrupt country on earth.

But the Hamas invasion of Israel is complicated. So they butchered some children? We all make mistakes. It's very important for us to really look into the nuance of the situation and really try and understand why they slaughtered 1500 innocent civilians.

This shit makes me sick

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My biggest takeaway from this is, if those women screaming into the microphones represent the leadership of the Palestinian movement in the USA, then that movement is doomed to failure.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Well I guess we can add three new words to Matt’s Orwellian Dictionary

Genocide- the intentional doubling of a population of people

Colonial occupation- when white people legally move in

Justified migration- when brown and black people illegally move in

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Shocked that you think this video has any value at all. A bunch of screaming violent bigots who want to kill all Jews. Was there a purpose or are you just jumping on the let's hate Jews bandwagon. We Jews have been here before many times. Am Yisrael Chai!!!

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I think There are still a LOT of people who still think antisemitism is "real" from the right and "not real" from the left. I believe this kind of video shows overwhelming evidence that contradicts that narrative.

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The semites are actually the Arabs, not the European Jewish settlers.

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Rabid hatred of the Jews by a bunch of worthless thugs. That's what's on display here.

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If you hear free Palestine as kill all jews then you will inevitably see that. What about the videos by Israelis laughing and mocking at Palestinians who have no drinking water (in direct violation of international law on how occupier nations should behave)?

Israel's 9/11 (and I don't know if you've cottoned on yet that it was allowed/faked to start the war on terror) may have been planned for just this over reaction and ethnic cleansing of Gaza by Israel but it has brought out into the open for many the unsustainability of the US military base in the middle of the Arab world, aka Israel, and their continued violations of international laws and their terrible treatment, according to Gabor Mate and many others, of Palestinians.

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If Israel was planning on a Palestinian genocide it would have been completed easily decades ago.. I think your hat is on crooked.

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Oh. so it's not "kill all Jews." Then how about that march in which thousands of rabid Hamas supporters stormed though the streets of Sydney shouting "Gas the Jews! Fuck the Jews!" You like that one?


And that 41 second Tik Tok video you alluded to was posted by a single individual, "not videos by Israelis" as you wrote. Moreover, satire is not the same thing as slaughtering dozens of babies.

Your video could very easily have been faked and posted by Hamas as false flag propaganda. But even if it's genuine, If Hamas released the 199 Jewish civilian hostages, including babies and grandmothers,the water would once again flow.

Allahu akbar and all that Jazz.

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I am not responsible for what so called supporters of Hamas do or don't do.

I don't think it's very helpful to post these videos that may cause an anti Palestinian response when the mission of the Israelis, 100% supported by UK and US politicians and MSM, is to eradicate the Arabs in Gaza and then in Israel altogether.

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“ For Eliyahu, the event was an opportunity to openly display his far-right position and chant in support of the deportation of Palestinians from their homeland.

“I am feeling joy because we occupied a lot of our country, [but] I feel very sad [we cannot go to Al-Aqsa],” Eliyahu said, before adding that his favourite chant was “Kahane was right”, a reference to the late ultranationalist Rabbi Meir Kahane, who inspired the Jewish gunman who killed 29 Palestinians in Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in 1994, and established Kach, a party that was later declared a “terrorist” organisation in Israel.

“We need to transfer out the Arabs,” Eliyahu said. “We should have flattened Gaza last week.”

“Kahane was right”, along with “Death to the Arabs” was a common refrain from many, but not all, of the marchers, hoisting thousands of Israeli flags and shouting through loudspeakers, throughout the day.”


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What do you think from the river to the sea means?

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“ The boisterous crowds danced and chanted Jewish religious songs outside Damascus Gate as scores of Israeli police stood guard. In several cases, groups chanted slogans such as "Death to Arabs," "Mohammed is Dead" and "May Your Village Burn" as they stared at Palestinian onlookers. Some of the youths wore clothing identifying themselves as members of Lehava – a far-right Jewish supremacist group that opposes assimilation or romantic relationships between Jews and Palestinians”


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I know what videos you are describing and they are despicable. They are individuals who feel the same hatred these marchers have. They are just as dangerous, but they do not have the anonymity feeding this psychosis.

Sadly, you appear to share in some of this hatred. You do not see any moral difference between action/response. That is how we got here.

Hussain Abdul-Hussain had a thoughtful expression of his worry and hope of the Palestinians and Israelis yesterday and suggestions on how to pick up the pieces. It would serve all of us to have a look at what a rational, cogent approach from an Arabic perspective looks like. I don't believe the way forward will come from the West. It needs to come from Arabs themselves.

Due to what has changed over the last 10 years with a few Arab countries and Israel, there is a path forward. They started to do the heavy lifting. You can see it. I NEVER thought that would happen. Hamas threatens that progress. If you can't see that today, I hope you can see it soon.

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What is the path forward that the Israelis or the Arab countries have offered the Palestinians in the past 10 years? Have the illegal settlers left the occupied territories, have they offered the Arab majority fair exchange of land or release from their open air prison? And how did the submissive attitude before Hamas was elected promote this?

You are right the solution will not come from the west, nor the Arab nations who may well be incited to destroy Israel the same way Ukraine has been destroyed by the US proxy war with Russia.

It will end when China and BRICS decide it will end. And they will do it with diplomacy.

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Not to mention, Israelis are the native people for this land. Like Bill Maher asked, who no Woke land dedication for Israel?

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'Natives' because of a thousand year old connection are allowed to settle there when Palestinians who were actually born there are not even allowed to return.

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We have always been there

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georgie&donny... What??

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Antisemitism is hatred of Jews. Look it up in a dictionary.

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Semites are not Europeans

a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

look it up in the dictionary

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Hebrew is not an Indo-European language. It is a Semitic language. After more than a 1000 years naturally Jews living outside of the Levant would intermarry with Europeans. The Jewish people had no home and European politics proceeded to slaughter European Jews.

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georgie&donnie - Take it up with the dictionaries & centuries of human tradition. Antisemitism is the disparaging of Jewish people. Your argument is incoherent.

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A majority of Israelis are now refugees from other parts of the Middle East. They have literally no place else to go.

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Anti-semitism in the U.S. is overwhelmingly the provenance of the usual right-wing suspects---white supremacists, neo-nazis, white nationalists, and more than a few of their less strident fanboys and girls, almost all of them poorly educated. And almost all of the anti-semitic violence in the U.S. is produced by these reactionary, Republican Party-supporting chuds.

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Weird. There seems to be a hornets nest worth of jew hatred on college campuses, both students and professors. Hardly a neo Nazi outpost. BLM and the squad have made their feelings about Jews clear as well.

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"There seems to be..." You've been hanging around Taibbi for too long---you're beginning to ape his gummy style. Careful with that...or this.

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I'm just not as sure as you are. Lots of people have been sure of a lot of things. Pee tapes and laptops and vaccines and wars. You're the kinda guy who is sure, aren't you?

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When it's raining, and I'm outside getting wet from the rain, I'm sure it's raining.

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It shows that the Hard Left have been completely captured by stupidity.

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The "Hard Left" is a hyped up propaganda term, so pretty much the essence of stupidity there. Try instead to actually understand the situation from a fact-based point of view. That will be hard, like for most people, because we've been fed Zionist historical revisionism for the past 50 years, while the perspective of the native Arabs who also live in the land has been almost completely sidelined.

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Do you support Israel's right to exist? Yes or No.

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And there it is. Like clockwork.

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Is that a "yes"?

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Right on script. On to the next, and the next...

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How many TikTok videos did it take to turn you into an absolute moron?

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That is not at all true. For those of us who have lived through this period everyone understands very well the injustice imposed upon the Palestinians. One also understands the Shoah and the rationale for a Jewish homeland.

Israel was attacked by Arab states in the 1960s and 1970s. Egypt and Syria both invaded Israel in 1973 with the intent of destroying the Jewish state.

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Your second oara contradicts the first

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Hardly, both sides have gone to the extreme. I accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish homeland. I also think that the Palestinians have suffered injustice. Continuing to place Israeli settlements on the West Bank is unjust. It is also contrary to international law according to UN Security Council Resolutions in 1979, 1980, and 2016 and the International Court of Justice in 2004. Both sides have to compromise.

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So the Hard Left has been completely captured by the Hard Right? That's disconcerting.

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I'd say the value is showing the nature of the hatred. What it looks/sounds/acts like. It's a view into the nature of mass brainwashing. I think most people in the US have no idea what this looks like up close. The value is seeing it and for many people this is the first time.

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And also...what Evil looks like. It looks like us. So mundane, which is why it is horrifying.

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don't like<revulsed<anger<rage<hatred<evil

To me, evil is the first and last step in dehumanization. When you act on your hatred, you become evil. it's not something you feel, it's what you are. These people that attend the marches..... they're nearly all the way. It's why crowds like this worry me. Attendees are capable of doing anything because of a shared anonymity and hatred/othering.

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The hostility on display at these marches will erupt into violence. There are undoubtedly Palestinian sleeper cells in the US waiting to attack businesses, homes and schools owned or frequented by Jewish men, women, and children.

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Thank heavens for the second amendment.

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Right and because there is irrationality inherent-that’s worrisome and frightening.

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That last exchange we had prompted me to go back and read some of your comments on this thread a bit more closely. The potentially incendiary nature of the Israeli/Palestinian situation warrants a fresh kind of scrutiny for sloppy, careless, slanderous bullshit artists like yourself.

Do you ever go back and read the nonsense you post after you've posted it? Most of it is straight up drivel. Genuine nonsense with very little readily discernible meaning or useful analysis of...anything in particular. And often it's mulingly slanderous. There's an air of Uriah Heep about it too. Subjects are rarely addressed honestly or coherently. An unreasonable portion of it reads like greeting card material written by prison guards who are taking night classes at the local theological seminary. Seriously. In your defense it's not all that different from a good deal of the content scratched and scrawled around here. Which is undoubtedly why it escapes notice.

To wit: "To me, evil is the first and last step in dehumanization. When you act on your hatred, you become evil. it's not something you feel, it's what you are."

Evil isn't a step, it's a vague, netherish, undefined concept. Sticking an ice pick into someone's ear and out the other could be logically categorized as "evil," but it's an action and therefore to qualify as "evil" it requires human agency. Evil is not the first or last step in dehumanization---it's not a step at all. It's a concept that's attributed to people who dehumanize other people. To dehumanize another individual could certainly warrant being called "evil," but who is determining the qualities and definitions of "dehumanization?" I imagine here it's...the guy who goes ahead and decides even though he's both confessed and demonstrated, over and over, to labyrinthian indecision. And clumsy attempts to hide his confusion and lack of grasp with gaseous sentences.

"When you act on your hatred," you become evil." What are you trying to say here? It's not something you feel, it's what you are? Really? I read this and it immediately strikes me as unnecessarily obscure. Like so much angel dust thrown in the eyes. Sounds like something you'd hear in an old EST training session, or maybe on the horoscope page inside The Epoch Times. I'd like to step in here and agree or disagree with the statement but I'm afraid what you're actually up to here is engaging in a bit of backdoor demonizing---"these people."

Mr. Indecisive has played the "these people" card. And now that we've met "these people," let's see what sort of gummy slanders by way of lugubrious innuendo he plans to serve up to "these people."

"These people that attend the marches..... they're nearly all the way. It's why crowds like this worry me." People he doesn't know, all of whom with motives he couldn't possible ascertain nor understand even if he was in a position to do so. Yet they "worry" him. Apparently because "they're...nearly...all the way." Cue Rod Serling? Or maybe Vincent Price? Let us not torture the man further and let us straightaway get the man his clutching pearls because, my word and my heavens, when they're nearly all the way it's why crowds like this worry him.

Because he's a sensitive soul. Yet it doesn't prevent our sensitive commenter from one last foray into injudicious, sophomoric obscurantism.

"Attendees are capable of doing anything because of a shared anonymity and hatred/othering," baldly and sloppily states the slanderous commenter while himself doing a bad bit of hating and othering. I imagine our capably indecisive commenter to be capable of writing anything about anyone---and not just from shared anonymity but due to a lack of...certain cognitive resources...and the moral brakes are probably in need of immediate servicing also.

I intend to flatter you by scrutinizing your future comments a bit more enthusiastically.

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Somebody once wrote a book about the banality of evil.

The title of another book, "Hitler's Willing Executioners." But then, these marchers and screamers aren't interested in books about that stuff.

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Ok, valid point but the narration certainly didn't point me in that direction.

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If Matt had said anything one way or the other, there'd be accusation of him being biased. This is exactly right. These mobs want to be seen and heard. Ok. We See You!!! We See Your True Face!!

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Protesting and condemning cruel, apartheid policies is not, by definition, an act of anti-semitism.

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That's true. Singling out 1 country that is Jewish while ignoring the same responses from non-jewish countries has the whiff of bigotry. Egypt built a 'big beautiful' wall to keep out Palestinians. What do the Egyptians know that we don't? Do you feel keeping people locked in Gaza that way also constitutes an apartheid policy?

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A brilliant history of the Soviet Union/KGB meddling in the mid 20th Century Israel. An absolute must read, written by a retired British Army Commander.


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Thank you for posting this link.

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So funny!

These protesters are very critical of Israel in the United States.

They enjoy the freedom to protest in the US.

Wonder how pro US and Israel demonstrations would go go over in Iran, Gaza,Lebanon etc.?

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"If I had a $million," I would set up Gaza recruitment centers at all of these protests. Sign up to go fight for Palestine, or work for humanitarian groups within Gaza. All expenses paid. No doubt hundreds, no --- thousands would answer the call.

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