The identification of citizens standing up for children as "right wing" is simply wrong-headed in every respect. Children should be shielded from adult themed entertainment. If you took a child to a strip club, not many people would defend that and child services would view it dimly. Can the drag performers elicit the purpose of exposing children to drag show entertainment?

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

"Right wing" is now a meaningless smear term for anyone whose thinking deviates from progressivist dogma in any way. Unfortunately this gives cover to those who are truly far right.

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Another meaningless slur, Fascist. Government trying to control all aspects of life via media and industry, narrating correct thought. It's a slow process but we are certainly living it today.

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Spot on.

I’m a bird watcher on the Twit, and was trying to find an article to counter the liberal talking point, ‘The GOP is Fascist.’ I searched for a good 5-minutes, couldn’t find one; I even used alternate search engines.

The thing is, for the past 3 to 4-years, the govt has been run by democrats, and we are (as the Twitter Files laid bare) being ruled by a fascist government. But, it’s not (just) the Repubs.

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And the crowd calling "FASCIST", and calling themselves anti-fascist, are obscenely hypocritical .. succumbing to the pharma narrative, despising anyone who has a problem with pharma owning and experimenting on most of the world. Loving the experimentation of the covid injections in the name of protecting the vulnerable, and loving the experimentation on children in the name of affirmation and inclusion .. And hating free speech while claiming to be for diversity ...

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I never considered myself right wing nor considered most of my opinions particularly right wing but in recent years I've been informed that some of them apparently are so I don't know, maybe? During the Iraq war days it seemed like the right was making the least sense, and in the Ukraine/COVID days it certainly seems like the left makes the least sense. Come to think of it, I usually just root for the team that isn't using the media to shove their ideology down my throat as much as possible.

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In that case, you have been rooting for the GOP for a very long time. Media is hopelessly left wing, and has been for quite some time.

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Media isn't left-wing. "Liberal" is a better adjective.

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Like it or not, the conservative take on a lot of issues is today the correct one. Don't feel ashamed that some call it "right-wing". Embrace your inner conservative.

I left the idiocy of Liberal Island in 2014, when it became clear that Obama's admin was helping millions of foreign workers get jobs over US workers (OPT and H-1B visas), when his housing policies led to millions losing their houses, and when his early open-door policies on immigration led to millions arriving from Mexico. Today, under Biden, the entire Dem party is completely insane on almost every issue of importance.

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I know, I felt the same thing as I watched. It is amazing to me that society is even having a debate on this subject. That Matt states "The News2Share cameras take no position on events" also seems deaf to me. I guess I/we have to at least be satisfied that a self-described left leaning journalist is at least reporting on this stuff. Thank you Matt

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That seemed like a journalistic point to include regarding describing how the journalists were treated. I took it to mean they weren't holding a sign for one side or the other. 'News' shares current events without adding bias. It used to be a thing. I like it.

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In my opinion, when you add narrative, and you say the words "right wing" 10 times, and the words "left wing" one time, it's unbalance., I will admit that somebody from my perspective is a little gunshy and looking for the bias, but really not a big deal though, At least they are reporting it and that is a victory these days

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I found it fairly fact based, this is happening, that is happening. Some places the LGBT protecters outnumbered the child grooming protesters. I found it interesting to see that things have escalated that badly in the US. UK was getting violence around the 'TERF' claims when women.protested opening restroom and changing rooms to anyone claiming Trans status.

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I think it says a lot that the protestors on both sides automatically assume that all journalists have picked a side as opposed to simply finding out what's going on. A sign of the times.

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Yes, that was why my first comment was a little snarky. 'News' used to be a thing - and I still like the concept. ;-)

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Why is it deaf to you? Isn't the "Just the facts, you decide" style of journalism something to be lauded? If you want someone to tell you what to think there's plenty of that on cable TV.

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In my opinion, it's deaf because he is stating that there is balance, but by me listening to it, there is not. Just commenting that in my opinion, it doesn't seem to be Purely unbiased. Not a big deal though, at least he is reporting on it

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The narrator seems shocked that the right were invited to show up armed. He made Another mention of the right being armed. Then towards the end, he says the left is more heavily armed than the right. He must have felt the fool.

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That's the thing with somebody with our point of view. We can spot bias From10 miles away now. Muscle memory lol

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Drag Shows are great, adult fun all about pushing boundaries and subverting norms. nothing wrong with that...in an adult environment.

what would we say to Childrens Happy Hour?

our Strip Club story time?

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Can you explain the difference between Blackface and Womanface? I really want you to. That’s not a rhetorical question.

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haha, that’s a good question. I see where U are coming from.

for the record, I am a man and therefore drag queens don’t offend me. but I can empathize if they do for some women.

what I find interesting is that, up until a few years ago, I never heard any woman finding offense with drag queens. it seems they are deliberately pushing the line and trying to provoke a response from the other side. that way, when the protestors show up, they can cry bigotry and use that as evidence for their cause.

but I digress, I honestly can’t say what the difference between Blackface and Womanface.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

I’ve always ignored it, it’s not worth making a fuss about because you’re always the bad guy for being offended. Gay men wearing exaggerated versions of our skins are seen as more oppressed and marginalized. It’s not different than blackface. It’s just the acceptable kind.

You have to pick your battles, and they used to stay within their lane. As long as it was in adult night clubs, whatever.

Men that demand access to other peoples children are predators and pedophiles. Doesn’t matter how that man decorates himself.

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You didn't hear us complain because it wasn't shoved in our faces. I've always found it offensive but it was rarely a topic of discussion.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

Notice Antifa was there as they were during the BLM marches which in my mind were orchestrated by the democrats. This is the kind of thing the democrats encouraged during the Trump years in order to show just how bigoted his base was. Notice homophobe was screamed out several times, yet the protest had nothing to do with that issue. I think they are purposely conflating the two so those who are against young children attending drag shows are perceived as homophobic.

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They admit to being paid and funded by Open Society and George Soros IS a top Democratic Party donor. He and his goulish children are driving the gay conversion and sterilization industry out of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood formerly offered good woman centered health care for low income women, now full of men in drag pushing hormones to minors.

Yes, Antifa are the Jackboots of Democratic Party billionaire donors.

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Planned Parenthood is and was always about eugenics. It's just that in addition to aborting people from the wrong socioeconomic class or with the wrong skin color they also will gladly sterilize them.

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One of the best comments ever posted since internet posting became a "thing." Really. Kudos.

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I noticed quite a bit about Antifa that day. I walked among them for hours before they attacked me. I stepped out of street activism after the Baltimore uprising, and then pushed out of The Left for being a TERF. So, Antifa has changed a lot since OWS, or perhaps I see them differently now. I walked among them comfortably for hours because they used to be “my people”.

What I witnessed was a WrestleMania performance with what seemed like stunt actors. Even the hits were like stunt hits, all sound no contact. That protest was run by white people who travel from protest to the other, military types who get paid to whip up the brown street kids.

Those street preachers were surreal in the sense that they too seemed like performers. I got there early and all the opposing protestors and press crew knew each other by name, as if they were all gearing up for a performance they all knew well.

I was in shock most of the time, because it felt like being in the middle of a fabricated event. Unreal. That was like no protest I ever attended. Astroturf on both sides.

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I mentioned before I had a brother who was gay, and unfortunately died if AIDS in the late 1980's. Young. I always knew my brother was different, excepted it, as did my mother. My father didn't, but he was a SOB all around, and so was his sister who spit in his 6 year old face half covered in cake and snarled like a beast, "How does it feel to be a little homosexual boy?" Their mother, my grandmother, never said anything that hurt him. Go figure. I saw all the prejudice, and how it hurt him psychologically. Hard not to be accepted. However, why would men dressed in drag draw in children? No doubt they would say to encourage tolerance, but that's not what is happening. I don't think you should use children to further your cause as an adult, not to mention creating clashes in the streets filled with hate. Why should adults put children in the middle of an issue that adults straight, or gay don't seem to be able to handle? We don't let kids, drink, smoke, drive cars, etc, why drag them into this? No pun intended. Oh, Woman in Purple sometimes I think this world just sucks.

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I'm familiar with the term "blackface," but "womanface" is a new one.

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No. Just no. Kids are kids. Adults are adults. I think parents thinking this is OK for kids are either very uninformed or turning a blind eye to the exaggerated (for lack of a better term) sexuality and the grotesque parody of feminine, of the whole drag thing in order to be “accepting” of the “person” each drag Queen is. Well, I can and do accept accepting the person, but I don’t know of many, let’s use strippers for example, who run around in pasties and g strings. It’s hard for me to see the person when their face is painted and they are wearing 40DD cup falsies.

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Parents should be deciding what’s right for their children, not thugs cosplaying as Rambo.

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Absolutely. If you don't want your kid participating in child porn, no one is forcing you. If you don't want your kid involved in child prostitution, no one is forcing you. If you don't want your kid working in a sweatshop, no one is forcing you.

There is increasingly no difference between child traffickers and liberal trannie dupes.

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You think a drag performance, no matter what is happening or how modest the costume is inherently "adult entertainment?"

You think a drag artist in full nun's habit, long sleeves, neck to ankle coverage sitting and reading *Where the Wild Things Go* is just like a strip show?

No, calling people like you right wing reactionaries is completely fair and reasonable.

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Just. Shut. Up.

If you don't want your kids to go, nobody is forcing you.

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But Matty , do you think parents should be able to bring kids to drag shows? It’s adult entertainment isn’t it? Laws prohibit kids in taverns, clubs and R rated movies. Is this any different?

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It's not adult entertainment. Why would it be?

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Absolutely. If you don't want your kid participating in child porn, no one is forcing you. If you don't want your kid involved in child prostitution, no one is forcing you. If you don't want your kid working in a sweatshop, no one is forcing you.

There is increasingly no difference between child traffickers and liberal trannie dupes.

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I'm not a liberal, and this isn't child porn.

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Drag is a perverted attack on women, full stop. Women's stereotypic characteristics and manners are satirized in drag, in a cruel and vicious manner. Some like it, mostly perverts. What is unacceptable, completely, is allowing children under the age of 21 into the events. Pictures of 6 YO girls putting money into the underwear of adult men with fake breasts should lead to arrest and conviction for sexual contact, not the celebration of Democratic alphabet activists.

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This is a fact often overlooked in discussions of this bizarre social contagion. Male homosexuals in general are hostile to women, and drag is not a "tribute" to womanhood but a fetishization of a few old-time Hollywood starlets and a way to demonstrate that any homo can be as cartoonishly feminine as Mae West or Marilyn Monroe or Jessica Rabbit.

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Uhhh..."Male homosexuals" hostile to women? Domestic violence/murder (and let's not forget about "honor killings") along with rape and everyday harassment of women for just walking down the street can be blamed on straight men, not gays. Seeing men in drag may not be to everyone's liking (including mine) but it is an ancient tradition, including in Shakespeare's times when women couldn't perform onstage...and even before then.

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Since women could not perform on stage, it was NOT DRAG. This is so obvious that I am amazed to see you say it. DRAG IS A PERVERTED SATIRE. In Shakespeare's plays, the men played women straight.

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Amazed that you ignore the most obvious point about who commits real harm against women. As for "drag" many indigenous groups celebrated men who dressed as and danced as women. And don't forget the ongoing Afghan "tradition" of straight men forcing boys to wear dresses and makeup, then forcing them to dance before raping them. Look it up--"dancing boys of Afghanistan."

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Men who have sex with males are not straight. Men who have sex with boys are pedophiles. Men who rape their partners are rapists. Men who rape boys are gay pedophile rapists.

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Nice to know you have everything wrapped up so neatly and labeled. Real life is a bit more complicated. Men in prison have sex with other men but out of desperation, not preference, and consider themselves straight. Pedophiles are attracted to children whether boys or girls--or both. Being gay means identifying with a social group, not just sex. And young men from Islamic cultures often engage in sex with each other because women are off limits...but they would never identify as "gay."

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OK, you didn't understand my point about the stupidity of your point about Shakespeare. You appear to be so open=-minded your brain long ago ate turf. Like most liberals, you're just not intellectually well-equipped.

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Tyrebyter calling on the Bard.

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Steve, the two are not mutually exclusive, although I would say generally speaking gay males are less hostile to and certainly way less violent to women

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Whataboutism, Steve. Shoddy fallacy in argumentation.

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I had a brother who was gay and died of AIDS. I was closer to him then my other two brothers. I have never found that to be true, quite the opposite.

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Statistics about who harms women (demonstrating hostility) are exactly the point. Saying that most male homosexuals are hostile to women is demonstrably false.

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Check your pants, buddy, and what you find may explain why you don't know what it is like to be a woman. Not that all gay men hate women, but there is a special kind of gay misogyny that women experience. And most straight men don't hate women, either.

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Perhaps you're mistaking misogyny for a sensible distaste for shrill, dyspeptic, brow-furrowed harridans. A characteristic shared by men of all sexual tastes.

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OK, so some fraction of straight men hate women in general as well. This is true. This changes nothing about homosexual men and their general attitude toward women.

Public hangings and witchcraft were also ancient traditions. Longevity does not confer wholesomeness or value.

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What about Duracell batteries?

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I don't disagree with the first part of your statement, and don't care if adults, male or female, go to drag shows, their choice, but to introduce children into this arena is not right. Children can't drive, buy cigarettes, buy alcohol, they are not allowed into movies that are x rated, adults can't engage children in sexual acts, etc. There have always been limits, and there should be. If these types of encounters do anything they just create division, and a backlash generating more animus towards homosexuals. which you are responding to.

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Yes, there have always been limits but it's the responsibility of kids everywhere to push those limits.

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Push them so they can go to shows? If that's what you meant, I couldn't disagree more. If you really understand kids, you know they want parents, teachers, the adults in their lives to set limits. It's a scary world out there when your a child, especially if there is no adult to say no.

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I would have agreed with you about adults going to drag is none of my business up until a few months ago. Due to the clear misogyny with the trans movement silencing women who speak out about the need for our own sports, jails and private spaces, I now believe drag is part of it. I can't think of one other show that caricatures another group and have it applauded as kitschy. I know regard it equal to blackface. It is meant to denigrate us and "put us in our place".

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I don't disagree with you Laura. I believe in boundaries, and don't think it's okay to allow a biological male to participate in female sports, or to use women's bathrooms. I don't care if men want to dress up in women's clothing and do their thing, but not with children. Our whole society is in the throws of destroying boundaries, just look at our border. I believe in immigration overseen by the implementation of rules and regulations. I don't think Adam Schiff should be dictating to Twitter what it can and cannot print, The democrats during the Trump years thought they could remove an elected president from office, talk about ignoring boundaries. Yet they are all a twitter when there is a riot at the Capital, but hundreds of folks were let in through the front door by the Capital police. They came with no weapons, the old and the young, yet they are accused of wanting to overturn the reins of our government. Nonsense. Yet all those who were so upset, senators and congress people alike, thought nothing of giving a thumbs up to destroying whole countries, killing millions in the Middle East, and not giving a thought to their boundaries. .

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"Children of Drag" is the new "Children of the Corn."

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Being an ancient tradition (if indeed it is) does not justify it. Genital mutilation of women is also an ancient tradition. Does that make it right?

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Fuckin' pedophile, right here.

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Seems Bananas Foster is outing himself...right here.

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Just look at the interchange below. I think it makes my point.

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I have been told directly from someone that was a gay male drag queen that he was a misogynist and any gay man that says he isn’t is totally lying. I was shocked because at the time I had several gay friends that I never felt that from. I never forgot that conversation though because even if he was wrong about others, he felt strongly convinced it was true.

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In reference to the male drag queen who engaged you in conversation, all I have to say to him/her is, "Mary....get a grip!" You will find misogyny in gay as well as straight culture, although I would have to note that it's probably less about hate, and more about rejection/jealousy. I have seen gay men rag on straight women because they were attracted to the woman's partner. The onus is on them, however.

Sounds to me like your "gay male drag queen" is also a bitter one. The major reason why one would come to terms/accept their queer identity is not because of animus towards women, no more than all lesbians are so because they hate men. That is a childish (and inaccurate) over-generalization. Girl....someone has some issues.

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Yeah, I am glad to hear that, but you are right it happens in many arenas. It just kind of caught me off guard. I felt like he was trying to give me a reality check. But, you are also right, he was a little bitter I think. We never became close enough for me to understand, you know because he hated my gender and all. Thanks for your perspective.

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Sad that your drag queen friend felt that way; I can assure you that many women have close, enduring friendships with gay men--and it's mutual. If there's an element of "jealousy" it might stem from a gay man wishing he could have the same number of opportunities to play around (or be in a relationship) that women do, even if they choose not to.

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"Many women have close, enduring friendships with gay men."

These women were called "fag hags" by gay men in the pre-PC days (still are, for all I know). It's definitely hostile, but human relationships, thank god, frequently occur between gay men and straight women, just like they do among everyone regardless of sexual orientation or even, sometimes, politics (tho this is getting rare).

Which just demonstrates the stupid, divisive nature of neo-Marxist intersectionality and its movements of "liberation" that make one's personal relationships political. People represent their social category within the power hierarchy and their individuality is either irrelevant or counter-revolutionary or "racist" (the latter if you happen to have been born white).

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Well I don’t even think about someone’s sexual orientation unless it becomes an issue (like they want me to acknowledge, validate them or defend myself for saying something wrong). I don’t really think about people according to their race... I mean if I were describing a black man or a trans person I might have to use descriptors but in my head I’m not thinking “my black friend” or “my trans friend”. I mean I know it is impossible not to have some bias according to your life experience or comfort levels, but I guess I just don’t understand why all of this has to be a topic according to either... can’t it just be adult entertainment and leave it at that? I can appreciate their artistic liberty, expression and rights without wanting it to be for underage people. Developing minds... but I’m not gonna say these places should be shut down and everyone jailed. Do I think it’s the healthiest lifestyle? Who cares what I think. But do I need to fall in line behind some pc BS... trample on my rights to free thought to protect others rights to feel good about themselves? Our government also has a right to pursue restrictions on businesses based on outcry from citizens. Not everyone is going to think this is a safe environment no matter if you wear left or right. 🙂 back to my rock

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Don't insult queer men, please....it's most un-Christian.

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That's OK, I'm not a Christian.

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Your request is noted. Wait, who did I insult?

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Apologies. Mis-directed reply.

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Thank you for mentioning this. The current culture climate is an equal

Opportunity for the expression of hatefully exploiting women, based on human rights campaign backed by degenerate billionaire men. It’s ok to talk about the way gay men have created a hostile environment for women, they can’t simultaneously claim to be the most oppressed people on the planet AND claim the civil right to wear our skins in public and make everyone play along.

Matt is too busy covering for Glenn Greenwald, so he’s NEVER going to point out that Glenn used his own internalized homophobia as justification for force teaming Leftist Anti War activism, with corporate backed synthetic sex identities of DNC billionaire donors. Just not interesting enough. Glenn destroyed The Left because he thought it was OK for gay men to wear womanface and make everyone play along.

A constitutional lawyer who worked with the biggest trans activist on the planet, to the point that they talk in the same cadence, didn’t mention that the work he’s doing and the ideology he’s promoting completely erases 100 years of womens sex based rights. Mr “I’m a constitutional lawyer”, didn’t mention that. What he DID do, is post garbage propaganda from HRC. Glenn knows more than anyone how Amnesty International and HRC function, and that’s what he chose to support his arguments.

He says his support for Manning was personal, and clearly it was. Women, lesbians, mothers, every type of leftist tried to explain the ramifications and consequences of what he was promoting, the conflict of rights. For years he ignored women, and every single activist journalist in his orbit has referenced Glenn Greenwald when asked to report the contradictions of gender theory. He dumbed down an entire generation of journalists because of his own ego and his own internalized homophobia.

Glenn loathes women. The only women around him are there because they know their place.

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"Glenn used his own internalized homophobia as justification for force teaming Leftist Anti War activism, with corporate backed synthetic sex identities of DNC billionaire donors. Just not interesting enough. Glenn destroyed The Left because he thought it was OK for gay men to wear womanface and make everyone play along."

I've never heard Greenwald discuss the trans lobby or its politics. Can you explain what you mean by this with maybe an example?

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Go back to the time period around OWS and when Manning was arrested. He has pieces in Salon, The Guardian and The Intercept, in addition to all the video interviews. You can search “Glenn Greenwald Bradley Manning” and look back starting from 2009.

I’m referencing 10+ years worth of his vague indirect propaganda. I include all the He-Man Woman Haters at Wikileaks too. This is a “death by a thousand paper cuts” situation. Glenn uses gaslighting, DARVO tactics, weasel words and straw men to frame his stance when it’s emotional, not factual. He argues like a shady lawyer when he’s wrong.

I’ve been following Glenn since 2007, I loved his work and trusted him because of his OCD diligence to updating his Salon pieces with new facts. I know how this animal hunts.

If you follow Glenn you also know you can often be rewarded with an explosion of hot links to support his arguments. Glenn can’t handle being wrong, so he aspires to always be right. His pieces in support of Manning were written out of character and his assertions were not hot linked with supporting facts, because there are none. What few he did provide, HRC is one, a NGO propaganda outlet that Glenn is well aware is a propaganda outlet. He used HRC exactly the way the Obama administration and its billionaire donors who crafted that junk data, intended. Glenn applied no journalistic integrity. Not at all, and not in keeping with his approach to every other subject. He noticeably abandoned journalistic integrity on this issue. He stated in one piece that his support was personal.

During this time period Glenn began his affiliation with his good buddy Chase Strangio. If you’re familiar with Chase you may notice she speaks in the same awkward cadence that Glenn speaks with. I do know that Chase represents Manning, and Chase works for the ACLU. I know that ACLU donors who are funding gender theory propaganda and legislation, are also top democratic party donors who directly profit from this campaign. The ACLU has been actively seeking the erasure of womens rights on behalf on these donors in the name of this junk science homophobic misogynistic ideology. What I don’t know is how much Glenn applied his legal services in opposition to womens sex based rights and the institutionalization of gay conversion therapy. I’m hoping a curious journalist wants to find out.

There is so much more, and I’m gathering all the evidence as much as I can’t stand listening to his stupid voice. I was deeply immersed in leftist politics at the time, married to a cross dresser that idolized Greenwald and Manning. What those two men did was like a slow moving bullet to my life that I had to watch as it hit me. So it’s difficult to return to that era, now that all the censorship aid starting to crack and the pod people are waking up. I’m still gathering to support what I witnessed and what I lived.

If you care to, look at his interviews with Katie Halper. Kim Iverson, Briahna Joy, Katie Herzog, when all of these women in GGs orbit are asked to comment on trans issues, these women referenced Glenn Greenwald as their response. All of these women couldn’t define themselves as women without checking in with Glenn. Abby Martin may have done this too, but I couldn’t bear to see the degradation. He’s dumbed down everyone in his orbit regarding anything trans related.. Everyone that calls him “friend of the show” (besides Tucker) got Trans issues completely wrong in the same way Glenn got it completely wrong.

The same man that wrote this


Gave this revisionist interview in which he giddily played dumb. Women have been pleading with Glenn to see the conflict of rights for over a decade. I start to hyperventilate when I try to break down all the revisionist lies in this interview.


I’m bitter AF, I lost everything because of this cult. So I’ll continue till I die.

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That's quite a comment. You do know that Greenwald is a pederast, don't you? It's what led him to Brazil.

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That comment is the door to Narnia. No, I didn't know that. He has a lot of rumor swirling around him, including shady dealings with a cabal of gay billionaires. The only bit of gossip I do "know" is that he is a former pornographer, and that is.... basic.

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I see nothing in the Guardian article that suggests Greenwald is on board with transgender political orthodoxy. I read his defense of Manning before his adoption of a woman's appearance as a criticism of the organizers of the SF "gay pride parade" that Greenwald accuses of being paid by corporate donors to ostracize Manning the whistleblower. It also praises Manning for leaking what he did.

I appreciate your zeal and what motivates it, but I'll reserve judgement until I read something of Greenwald's that explicitly demonstrates he's advancing the trans/gay political agenda.

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Yeah, I think this requires a bread crumb trail.

I have not seen your other posts, I don’t know how much information you have about the gender industrial complex, the corporate capture of the LGB liberation movement by big pharma after HIV/AIDS and the need for a new “campaign” after gay marriage was finally legalized. These circumstances play a role in the adoption of T to the LGB.

Glenn takes note of the corporate corruption of Pride, it’s true I’m assuming that he knows all about the corporate capture of LGB liberation. One would assume he does. This is a force teaming with those corporations. Those corporations are exactly who has been driving this, as they’re all invested in ESGs.

Glenn is setting up a false narrative as fact, these are all logical fallacies. If Glenn was being factual, there would be hotlinked evidence. The subject he’s speaking of in glowing manipulated terms, has little to none. So he’s manipulating his audience for emotional reasons about a completely fraudulent corporate backed medical cult.

I don’t want you to just believe me, though I would appreciate it if you’d keep considering it as you learn new information. You WILL learn new information.

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Please stick to biting tires you homophobe.

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Gee, must have touched a nerve. Ick!

Getting this kind of response is like counting coup - my total increases of "perv points".

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Whatever the fuck that means....

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Jesus, you don't know shit do you?

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Please, please, please - do not throw the word "Jesus" around...particularly when you include an expletive in the same breath. If you were a genuine follower of Jesus, you would embrace ALL MEN as your brother. Go back to church, and learn something.

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Personally, o don’t think Jesus was/is that sensitive.

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Which parts were homophobic? Please paste them in your response.

Calling attention to Glenn Greenwalds hatred of women isn’t homophobic. Calling attention to the psyop he ran with Bradley Manning to groom and force team the anti corporate- anti war movement to accept billionaire backed and marketed synthetic sex identities isn’t homophobic.

My point is that Glenn is homophobic. He is the one that’s been fighting for medical heteronormative veneers for gay kids. Glenn has been supporting the medicalization of gay kids. Glenn has been promoting an ideology that serves democratic billionaire donors for the last 10 years.

I just think he’s a garbage human being on his own merit. His sexual orientation is not the basis of my hatred, but it IS the basis of his own activism. His own self hatred and shame that he imposed on everyone else to suffer for.

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Glenn Greenwald is mentally unstable. This much is evident. Everything else about Greenwald is rather beside the point.

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None of what you said is true at all. A lot of the people that enjoy drag and spend money to see it and watch Drag Race are straight women. And women don’t see it as cruel or vicious, we see it as hilarious and something we want to laugh at and celebrate. If you say everything is perverted then the term becomes meaningless, just like how people call anyone they disagree with Hitler. If you go to a typical drag show there aren’t children there because it’s an adult show and we don’t want our kids there anyway. You don’t want your kids at the club lol stop projecting your own sensitivities and fake outrage on women!

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I don't care what amuses bored women. Drag is homosexual entertainment that parodies women. Just don't tell me that painted drag clowns reading stories to children before bumping and grinding and flashing crotch is the same thing as the Stepford Wives laughing at fat cross-dressers over mimosas. If a grown woman finds that amusing, fine.

"Drag Queen Story Hour" (the absurdity of the phenomenon seems lost on many) is now obviously being used as a way to introduce children to homosexuality and trans-sexuality with the aim of "normalizing" these conditions. Some call this "grooming" because it is, just not necessarily with consummation, since public scrutiny is intense at the moment. To the trans/gay political lobby, toleration of what should be one's private sex life is no longer enough, but total sexual disinhibition seems to be the goal. "Live and let live" is now "Look at me and praise me or you are a trans/homophobe." It's a process that is evidently succeeding, too, as the numbers of children declaring themselves to be gay or trans-sexual has increased exponentially over the last few years, while the number of Western births has declined.

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I’m not reading the ramblings of a sad angry man, I just hope you can one day redirect your bitterness into something productive.

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How do you know I'm "sad" and "angry" or "bitter" if you don't read what demonstrates my sadness or anger or bitterness? Are you psychic?

What comments of mine do you disagree with and why?

Yes, I am angry about the lies advanced by the trans/gay lobby and its dupes and theorists, and such forums are a way to clarify my thinking on the issue. If there's anything I may be missing about the theory and intent behind the trans movement or its impact on our culture (or what's left of it), I'd be glad to be informed of it.

Sadness and bitterness? Hell, no! I'm having a fine time. Bitching about politics and the decay of Western culture is a sort of hobby you might say, one that takes up two or three hours every morning after breakfast.

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That's statistically ballsy of you Bull---that linkage of declarations of "gay or trans-sexual" taking place in elementary school cafeterias to the decline in "Western births."

Sounds rather Goldfingerish to me...

"...As a result of 50 years of emancipation, feminine qualities were dying out or being transferred to the males. Pansies of both sexes were everywhere, not yet completely homosexual, but confused not knowing what they were. The result was a herd of unhappy sexual misfits... the women wanting to dominate and the men to be nannied."

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There should be a requirement that every woman-face drag pervert festival have a black-face cakewalk. Black-face and woman-face are the same, and both are unacceptable. Your endorsement of perversion is duly noted.

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You know, there are many credible scientific studies that show that men who have the most negative reaction to homosexuals are likely homosexual themselves.

Just sayin' George.

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GOOOGODOODOAHAHAHA - this is a coded slur against me that I may be homo? Thanks for the laugh. Nope, not a pervert.

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Nothing coded about it. Hahahaha

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Straight out completely stupid is all. You probably think you have attacked me. Just made me spill my beer, sonny.

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So which is it Tyrebyter? A requirement or unacceptable?

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More fallacies from George Qbert! How predictable, your lack of imagination is duly noted.

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You don't get to speak for all women. Drag is just another way that men denigrate and silence us, just like they do when we insist on our right to private spaces, sports, and jails. I would have agreed with you until recently, but now absolutely not. Now I see it as an attack on our womanhood and I don't condone it at all.

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Abortion rights?

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I didn't say I spoke for all women, just women who love and enjoy drag like myself. If you changed your mind once on drag, chances are you'll do it again. My advice is to not take everything so seriously, you will feel a lot better!!

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No, once people see the how it's just like blackface they usually don't go back in the other direction. Some people really do believe in their own inferiority and oppression. There a lot of women out there that believe they are subset of their own sex class and a concept in a mans head, so it's not so crazy that you find this just fine. But those people should not make decisions for the rest of us.

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This is nonsense. Twenty-five years ago I attended a drag show at Finocchio's,, a now defunct but famous drag nightclub in San Francisco. I had no interest in going but I was required to because it was a work related event organized by the doctors I worked for, some of whom were gay. The show was amusing. However, after it ended, I felt terrible because I realized it was clearly mocking me and all the other women in the room. Any straight woman or gay woman who enjoys drag is as clueless as a black person who enjoys a minstrel show.

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Required work event? Geez, that's terrible.

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Vanessa, can you please explain the differences between womanface and blackface, and why one is offensive and one is a stunning and brave entitlement for men?

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I see no difference, except that liberal chuckleheads love savage and demeaning portrayals of women. There is a lot of anger in drag toward women.

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You're attending the wrong drag shows, George.

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I don't attend woman-face shows. I'm not a pervert. Sounds like you are, however.

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I can't speak on blackface because I'm not black. I'm a woman and I'm not offended by men in drag because I don't take everything so seriously and I think drag queens are hilarious and amazing. Can you please explain why you are asking me stupid questions?

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What would you call a black person that loved blackface performers?

It's clear you don't understand why others are offended, and want to extend your own consent to everyone else. That's how we got here.

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That's how YOU got here.

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Well blackface in entertainment ended a long time ago because people decided it was offensive so those people that loved blackface performers are probably dead now. The drag entertainment didn't have the same issue so it has gone on for a long time and is still going strong. I have never heard of people being offended by "womanface" until recently but based on what you and others are saying it sounds like it's just one more stupid thing to get outraged about in a world where we have nothing better to do than get outraged over dumb shit. So good job continuing this annoying and stupid trend of being offended for absolutely no reason. Any other dumb questions for me?

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There is a huge proportion of the population that is of the firm belief that drag is perversion. Trans and drag bullies have forced them into silence. That is changing.

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Which people decided blackface was offensive? Was it white people or was it black people? What is being performed and represented by white people when they perform blackface?

You didn't answer my questions that I asked previously. What do you call a black person that loves black face minstrels?

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"Some like it, mostly perverts." At first, I thought you were weighing in on MLB's designated-hitter rule and I was ready to agree with you, but then I read on.

So, George: your answer, to this drag thang, is to fill up our nation's jails and prisons with 6-year old girls? This is a capitalist nation, George. These girls, as far as I can tell, are not violating any laws when they, in your words, put "money into the underwear of adult men."

I think it's ill-advised, certainly. At least a lotto ticket or two offers the chance, however slim, of some sort of "return." But it's their money and no doubt hard-earned money, and it's theirs to spend however and whenever they want, as long as they're not running afoul of the laws.

But jailing them is not only draconian (in my opinion), it also has the stench of BOTH socialism and authoritarianism about it.

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Flat-out sexual contact to 6 YO girls. I guess you are good with men having sex and sexual contact with 6 YO girls. Those men should be on the sex-offender list, and probably are already.

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Keep me posted, George---that's all I ask of you. And I recommend getting rid of the Mobius strips in your attic apartment too.

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Are you a feminist?

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I'm trying to picture the 2023 me somehow being able to talk to the 2010 me as I explain that, by 2022, people will be fighting in the streets over drag queens.

I also can't imagine myself as a child being excited to sit through a slog of poorly executed show tunes performed by men in pancake makeup while all I really wanted to do at that age was read comics & play baseball. Heck, I'm an adult and I can't make it through more than a minute or two of Ru Paul's Drag Race & that's only the commercial. The actual show looks about as appealing as every other shitty reality game show on TV.

It's hard for me not to see this as little more than the antics of lefty parents who are far more interested in virtue signalling their "open mindedness" on TikTok & Facebook & Tweeter & Instagram than they're interested in entertaining their kids. Their kids are little more than their parent's social justice props.

But hey, the world is full of asshole parents. Not exactly news.

Parents never seem to learn that forcing an ideology of their children often leads to them eventually adopting the opposite ideology.

As far as grooming goes, given the fact the FBI has prosecuted no elite Epstein clients and probably never will, I'd say that groomers are here to stay. Groomers seem to have very friendly ears in the corridors of power.

It all makes me glad that my youngest is 18 & 6'5" and long past the being groomed stage.

Maybe, with a little luck, the left wing can also remove the stigma around cannibalism & coprophagia.

While it may not be a brave new world we're heading into it will be a very, very weird one.

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We are heading into a brave new world because the autogynephile fat cats who fund "transgender" activism ultimately seek to push transhumanism.

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Make it two gold medals. Highly recommend Jennifer Bilek’s Substack blog. All of her articles are eye opening, but her profile of Martine (formerly Stephen) Rothblatt especially so. Rothblatt is into robotics now,and is now and has created his/her 48th prototype of his/her wife. Not quite to Stepford Wives quality, but getting close.

Damn terrifying.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

Here's another article about little old Martine,. By the way his "dead name" (real name) is Martin. Enjoy.


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This comment deserves a gold medal

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We call them Munchausen Moms. The most notable is Susie Green, former head of Mermaids. The drag kids moms remind me of the women who write to serial killers, but they too fall in that category.

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Ugh. When did protecting children become a "right wing" thing? Learn to identify a Fascist! Let kids be kids.

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Proud Boy showing up with guns to intimidate people they don’t like is a Right Wing thing. Don’t you agree?

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It should be a criminal thing, as I've seen people seriously injured with paintballs. Almost as criminal as an Antifa loser bashing a cop in the head with a bat (Portland, OR).

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They are both criminal. I am glad we agree.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Yet the Proud Boys is a Gavin McInnes practical joke that was given life by the corporate press, which is always looking to stir up resentment and conflict. Their actions are a colossal troll of the left and its cheerleaders in corporate "journalism." Anyone taking them seriously from either end of the spectrum is . . . uh . . . misguided, to speak with restraint.

Antifa has roots in Europe, forming when actual Fascists held power in Italy and Germany and Spain. It's American imitators are politically incoherent and the club is a vehicle for twenty-somethings LARPing with politics, acting on half-digested neo-Marxist critical theory. Unfortunately, they are serious in their intentions, however dimly conceived, and are busy making themselves political laughing stocks while making life miserable for everyone in greater Portland.

Edited for grammar

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Our constitution and bill of rights assures us freedom of association-As long as you and the association are not breaking any laws. The 2nd amendment allows citizens to be armed. „Right wing“ is not a punishable offense. Even your hatred of the proud boys is not breaking any laws. Your fear is your problem, not mine.

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Fucking stupid, really. The main terrorists in today's USA are the antifa fascist blackshirts. Add in the BLM terrorists, and this pretty much encompasses the lot. Just like Mussolini's black-shirts, the antifa blackshirts beat up "fascists". They should immediately be arrested on terrorism charges.

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Sounds like an opportunity for George Q Tyrebyter to make a few citizen's arrests and save the republic.

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I've never understood the appeal of drag. If you like women, fine, go to their performances. If you like men, go to theirs. If you like hermaphrodytes, seek them out. Otherwise, a man dressed as a woman calling himself "she" and "a girl" while lip synching for dollar bills must, from my perspective, be an acquired taste. I don't want advice on how to acquire it.

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Have fun, guys, but without me. I don't watch soap opera or CNN either. ;-)

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Today's so-called drag shows look about as entertaining as Joe Biden reading Rodney Dangerfield jokes off a teleprompter for the first time.

My Mom took me to see the show at old Finocchio's Club in San Francisco in the early 70's when I was 20 or so. It was hilarious and fun, if adult-only. The entertainers had real talent, could sing, could dance. Some were transvestites, some were gay, some were just working a gig. It was all very campy, risque, and satirical. But that was the point.

Now, the entertainment is gone, and all that left is just offensiveness.

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Like every other good thing co-opted by the neo-Marxists to advance their idiotic intersectional politics, drag has been enlisted to "subvert heteronormativity" and "grind glitter into the carpet."

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Couple things about neo-Marxists, first they know little of Marxism, as they're just in it for the power over others. Secondly, that which they cant control they seek to destroy. Oddly enough, that which they can control, they destroy as well. Kinda like human locusts. Or fire ants.

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A reading of Marx is not required. To over-simplify the matter, neo-Marxism abandoned the class struggle for the "liberation of oppressed minorities." Adorno and Marcuse are the main neo-Marxist political theorists. Critical studies is its vector within universities, outside the academy from K-graduate school, DIE policies in HR departments everywhere and the trans-sexual/gay political lobby are the main areas where the theory is put into practice.

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You people have it all wrong. If you want a generation to grow up despising Neo-Marxists, introduce Marcuse and Adorno into the 5th-grade curriculum.

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Gotta admit, that would do it.

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Of course if you "deconstruct" these theories further, its all just one person thinking they know best about how other folks need to live their lives. The justifications are endlessly recycled through academe. It is second oldest profession. And not 2nd by much.

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There are plenty of great campy drag shows in San Francisco today, at The Oasis and Asia SF. I wonder if Proud Boys are going to start showing up with guns to try and intimidate patrons.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

If the activists and their idiot "progressive" parents don't try to bring their kids, I doubt it.

Besides, who in their right minds ventures into SF at night now anyway? Last time I was there I kept flashing on "Escape from New York", and I ain't Snake Plissken.

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Also this:

What are the median and average incomes in San Francisco? top

The average annual household income in San Francisco is $167,663, while the median household income sits at $119,136 per year.

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The working class people who serve these rich pigs can't afford to live in the city, but must commute from as far away as Gilroy.

Their mealy-mouthed rulers don't have the sense to pour piss out of a boot, and together they have created a hellscape in which your six-figure citizens live in fortified compounds with full video surveillance, avoiding the chaos and street encampments in places like the Tenderlolin, going from renovated Victorian to Chinatown for dinner via Uber, carefully avoiding panhandlers and human feces between the curb and the entrance.

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Maybe if these enlightened patrons of the arts bring their minor children . . . but surely antifa will be there to protect them.

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I went to a live drag showing of the Rocky Horror Show at the Oasis and it was fantastic. 21 and up of course, because it’s a bar.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

To my point. I'll bet that was entertaining and campy as hell. Given the material it would kinda hafta be.

On another related topic, you ever get the chance to go see "Beach Blanket Babylon"?

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Yeah it was great. Yes I saw Beach Blanket Babylon twice. Too bad it’s not still running.

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So many memories.......

I miss me a walking crab cocktail, and some abalone or sand dabs!

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Nonsense. Nothing good comes from prepubescent children put before men dressed as grotesque female characters reading stories laced with perverted sexual innuendo or performing vulgar stripteases (with the kids often encouraged to "join in" on stage).

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I brought my teen daughter to a showing of Rocky Horror Show and she liked it. Who are you to tell me how to raise my children?

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No, I'm saying you probably shouldn't HAVE children

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Are you in favor of eugenics in general or just people who have political opinions that are different than your own?

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No. The problem isn't with the genetics of your daughter. It's with the way her parent is raising her.

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I saw RHPS as a teen. I thought it was bizarre. I would have probably enjoyed it more if it wasn’t centered on a drag man... it made me feel pervy as an inexperienced young woman. I just imagine even younger kids being a tad confused. But I don’t think anyone should make decisions for YOU. I would think if someone is a drag Queen doing it for artistic purposes only and to make a living-- why would they want kids there? Kids just need to enjoy childhood. But again, I wouldn’t tell a mom how to raise her kids... but I might express my opinion to her.

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You wouldn't even need to make this judgement if drag had not been co-opted to advance an evil and corrosive political agenda. It's got to the point where presumably educated adults are afraid to define "man" and "woman."

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I don't know anybody who isn't afraid to define "man" or "woman." It's potentially paralyzing.

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Stop. You're digging yourself into an even deeper hole.

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Your point? I'm sure many minors would find a trip to a strip club absolutely fascinating. That doesn't mean we can't discuss how good it is for children to engage in such activities.

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Discussions are great. Men with masks brandishing firearms aren’t there to talk things out.

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A teen is not a "prepubescent."

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1. There is plenty of video evidence showing pre pubescent children engaging in these activities

2. It's not good for adolescent children either.

Adult entertainment is for adults. Exposing kids to sexually explicit material and behavior is what pedophiles do.

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Where do you store those videos? The basement or attic?

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You're a degenerate pervert to even joke about such a thing.

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Exactly right.

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Joke? I'm dead serious, chum. Come clean, Mr. Nobody---basement or attic? Of course I knew a guy who stuffed his "no-no" videos into two huge golf bags he kept in the trunk of his Buick Regal.

And I know a few people who might tell you that I was a degenerate pervert long before I even posted that comment. But then they're not exactly Chamber-of-Commerce types themselves.

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Hard to argue with that assessment.

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This is only important in the context of elites fostering these battles as 1. A pretense of disagreement between the parties when they work for the same imperial puppeteers and 2. These battles take all eyes off the elites who are plundering our vast public wealth for empire and endless war.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

No, no, no. Millions of children are now being brainwashed to reject their physical sex. They being set up for a lifetime of misery with cross sex hormones, mutilating surgeries. compromised health, and shorter lifespans. It's all being orchestrated by a group of autogynephile billionaires (Pritzker, Stryker, Rothblatt) in the service of capitalism, high tech medicine and "transgender" perversion. This shit is now being spread all over the world. Follow the money:


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Yes, thank you for posting this. See also this resource documenting the truly alarming and expanding teaching of transgender ideology in many of our nation's public schools. This deserves wide circulation: https://caroldansereau.substack.com/p/the-anti-science-disaster-of-gender.

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The elite private schools are even worse.


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Thank you for the link. This indoctrination program, in which DQSH plays a key role, is whack job insane. It shows how the inmates have now taken control of the whole asylum. And if this demented garbage is being promoted in the public schools in 2023, I shudder to imagine what the next ten years will bring.

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Horrifying. Schools should not have this much power. I didn't let my son get his sexual education in school because I knew it was a very progressive middleschool (Portland OR) and the notification was vague. I kept him home that day. He was not outraged by this. He is not homophobic or troubled. He understands the biology of sex. He understands that some people are not heterosexuals.

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Good for you for keeping your son home that day.

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A friend of my wife has an autistic daughter. Poor social skills, few, if any friends, etc., etc.

Her gender was never an issue until they bought her a phone & she started on TikTok.

Not long after her introduction to the wide wonderful world of narcissistic TikTok-ers she announced that she was really a boy named Ezra.

At one time I would have thought "just a phase" but now I know that kids like her are under enormous social pressure. Being heterosexual & white is literally like being human excrement in certain circles.

A kid like that, hell any teenager, doesn't have the strength to resist that kind of ostracism.

Then, once they flip, the love & acceptance pours in. To an autistic girl who has known little social acceptance from her peers, that must be like a drug.

That, of course, would be bad enough but behind it all is a huge transgender industry of doctors & pharmaceutical companies & media talking heads poised exploit that poor kid's utter confusion in the name of profit. Their profit, not hers.

Ultimately the only people in this equation that actually care about the kid are the parents and they are often the ones who are shut out of the process.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. Children with autism are especially vulnerable to "transgender" brainwashing. The parents should stop using the phony name and pronouns. They should take away her phone immediately and replace it with a flip phone. The parents should also remove her from school and educate her at home. If need be, they should move out of their state.

Those may sound like extreme measures but it's the only way to save their beloved and vulnerable child from being processed though the "transgender" meat grinder.

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Well, they have an older daughter who was a sweet kid till she went away to college. Came back completely changed. She left for school close to her Mom, came back from college wanting to break all ties with both parents except for, of course, monetary assistance.

She blindsided her Mom with a long accusatory letter about things that her mom did not understand. Neither did my wife & I because we know her. She's one of those moms who wouldn't hesitate for a minute to walk into a burning building for her kids. She's always been supportive & loving.

The Mom has tried to be understanding but it is obvious from how the girl talks that someone got to her. A therapist, a professor, someone fed her a lot of bullshit.

Then her husband got very sick & had to be placed on oxygen.

In other words, she has her hands full & her options have shrunk.

It's not that I disagree with you I just don't know if any of that, other than pulling the phone, is feasible.

I know that people doubt that universities have become indoctrination centers but something happened to that older girl at college. Something very very odd.

Thanks for the concern though.

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My very first boyfriend, now deceased) sent his four brilliant and lovely daughters to Brown University. Two of the daughters are "transgender" female to males with double mastectomies and male hormones. The third daughter wears a ring through her nose (like Elmer the cow), uses they/them pronouns and calls herself nonbinary. I suspect they're all on the autism spectrum.

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This is all fostered by elites and is self mutilation and criminal acts by greedy doctors and medical facilities but it’s distraction and destruction. The elites could care less about this issue other than serving to divide and confuse the population. People are realizing the contradiction that one’s sex is how one feels about themselves but yet is actualized via superficial costly risky drugs and self mutilation to mimick the opposite sex--mostly poorlly, stereotypically and futilely and with no evidence of mental health improvement.

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I agree that dividing the working class is one of the ruling class's motives, but it is not the only one. This is a huge profit-making enterprise for the Big Pharma/Medical Industrial Complex. There is always division within the ruling class, but the predominant factions are pushing this for their own ends, and not merely to divide and conquer. The Eleventh Hour Blog has documented this pretty well, as have others.

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As someone who works in healthcare, it is astonishing the amount of pre-teens and teens that are undergoing hormone blockers and gender modification. It just seems too young. These therapies and surgeries are covered by Medicaid in my state.... for children. I don't get it.

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There will be profiteers, of course, but to the truly powerful the discord amongst us and the distraction from their genocidal, endlessly greedy imperial aims are the goals. The profiteers predictably keep the fight going and the fights appear to be exactly chosen for their endless sustainability. Destruction of tradition is also a goal of authoritarians so as to replace with their own dictates.

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I had almost finalized a deal with George Soros who had agreed to supply my Antifa cell with a cache of weapons and explosives---IEDs, AK-47s, MANPAD surface-to-air missiles---all the good shit---and at the last minute dude makes the shipment contingent on us producing three high profile Drag Shows in major U.S. cities.

We all said fuuuuuuck that.....

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Just when I begin to adjust to late stage capitalism a group of autogynephile billionaires show up at my door.

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See, THIS is a good comment.

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I love now Gen Z has found a way to freak out their square parents. The funniest part is that you can’t realize that the gender bending comes from their peers and is not due to some kind of indoctrination from outside. I guess you can’t admit that little Timmy might be queer.

The more hysterical your freak out, the happier the adolescents become. Do you really not remember being 16 and pissing your parents off?

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I remember 15 better than 16 champ. That was the year my buddy dragged me to the apartment of an older guy, late 20s or early 30s, who promised us booze & weed.

After a few hours of drinking my buddy passed out, something he was prone to when inebriated.

As I sat their attempting to navigate the simple fact that I was fucking hammered I happened to glance at the older guy. He was sitting with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, staring at my buddy as drool dripped off the end his smoke. When he noticed that I was staring at him he stood up, left the room & returned with a copy of Hustler magazine which he proceeded to dump into my lap. He then sat down next to me, asked me if I saw anything in the mag that I liked & then shoved his hand between my legs.

So I broke his nose. Well, actually, I broke his nose, grabbed a butcher knife from his kitchen, came back & popped him again, then put the knife to his throat, stared him in the eye & told him if he ever touched me again I’d kill him. Then I kicked my buddy awake dragged him outside & rammed that butcher knife right into that guy’s apartment door. A few years later I saw the guy’s name in the paper. A gang of teenagers had beaten him to death. I imagine that he tried the same shit with one of them only they weren’t as gentle as I was in their response. You’ll have to excuse me if all that story elicited from me was a hearty chuckle. Maybe even a short guffaw.

About 10 years later my wife, then girlfriend, dragged me to a party with her co-workers. One of her workmates was a gay man. He seemed a bit melodramatic but otherwise okay. So, for whatever reason, I spent much of that party drinking & chatting with him & his lover. I don’t remember what inspired him but, at one point, he started telling me some very strange hook-up stories where he’d meet a guy in a bar, go back to the man’s apartment or hotel room only to find 3-4-5 other guys there who were intent on raping him. He would literally have to fight his way out of the room. He said this was not an uncommon occurrence.

My point is that your party line that it’s all “teeny bopper rebellion” & homophobic parents unwilling to accept “queer little Timmy” seems to be one huge pile of disingenuous horseshit that conveniently ignores the fact that there are predators everywhere. Predators who are quite aware of the confusion and tantrum like angst of the average teeny bopper doofus. Predators who are quite willing to exploit their adolescent confusion for their own, often nefarious, purposes.

This may shock you but teeny boppers aren’t filled with wisdom. They’re filled with hormones that confuse & mindfuck them. That’s it. Of course, this being America, entire industries have cropped up to exploit their confusion for profit.

Even the GAO & the Dept. of Education have acknowledged that 10% of all the children that pass through the public education system will be molested by school employees. That inconvenient factoid is always conveniently overlooked by liberal zealots in their dipshit zeal to prove that their motives are pure & above reproach. Yep, pure as the driven slush.

Another great memory from my 15th year involved me sitting in a hospital room with my bawling mother as we stared at my unconscious father who, over the course of 2 days, had 4 heart attacks. I didn’t give a fuck about pissing off my parents. All I wanted was my dad back. Sorry to disappoint you buddy but I had a great relationship with my parents. I miss them both. I understand that’s probably an unfashionable thing to say to a teen angst voyeur like you but, to be honest, you sound like an old codger desperately trying to prove that he/she can still think young. As if anyone cares.

Seriously, could you be more superficial if you tried really fucking hard?

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The left has framed the issue as if we aren't discussing sex at all, but some sort of fashion or "lifestyle choice."

Your really interesting comment is a reminder that gay/trans liberation politics has the aim of not mere toleration of homosex or cross-dressing but the normalization of homosex and pedophilia.

The hysteria of the trans liberation movement has crippled gay toleration, thanks to their absurd claim that sex can be reduced to a performance and secondary sex characteristics are just so much fashion and one can change sexual orientation as easily as one changes clothes, can "choose" to be male or female. (I refuse to write the word "gender" except when pointing it out as gay/trans political cant.)

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

There is a group called Gays Against Groomers who have been defunded by PayPal & other monetary organizations. From what I've seen of them they do not like the standard LGBTQ party line at all.

Much like black Trump supporters they're not allowed to have their own opinion if that opinion deviates from the party line.

Honestly Bull I regret my long comment. I spent all day yesterday thinking about shit I haven't thought about in decades including my buddy who got lost in a crack/heroin vortex about 20 years ago.

Made a few attempts to find him over the years but, for all I know, he's taking a dirt nap.

Most of the "normalization" attempts aren't too surprising. Even the guy locked in his locker with his underwear pulled up over his head secretly dreams of being the BMOC.

Humans and their sexual quirks are legion.

When I was younger & sold weed & hash with my buddy, one of our clients was a dominatrix.

She was cool as hell. None of her services actually involved sex in the traditional sense. For example, we stopped by one night to make a delivery and she told us she had a black client there who was paying her $200 an hour to be treated like a slave. He was currently in her backyard cleaning up her dog's shit. She offered us $50 each to go back and kick his ass. She said he'd love it. We declined.

She would do things to other clients like call them at 3 am in the dead of winter & order them to stand outside in the freezing cold in their underwear until she called back. Then she'd bill them. At $200 an hour it was obvious her clientele was made up of successful men. They all just ached to be belittled & punished. To working class white trash like me it was just funny.

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Don't regret the length of the comment--it's interesting and relevant.

I worked with a guy in the late '80s, a sheetrock subcontractor, who was a heavy drinker like we all were, and also he smoked a lot of pot. When he discovered crack, that was he end. He became totally useless as a worker and gradually vanished, never to be heard of again since his last known whereabouts at a fleabag weekly-rate hotel. We'd all dabbled with cocaine--it was everywhere and cheap in the late '80s--but he was the only one of our circle who went overboard.

Anyway, the world has always held people with sexual kinks and perversions, only now each peculiar fetish can whip up a fake "community" online with the miracle of the Internet, so I think the number of weirdos like your masochistic wannabe slave is exaggerated, and we wouldn't hear about this insanity were it not for social media.

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It has nothing to do with pedophilia, but just like Anita Bryant and legions of gay haters, you can't resist the slur.

Just because you can't use the word "gender" doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You just chose to ignore the cultural aspects of it.

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Of course there's also the whole "evolutionary dead end" aspect to it all. If everyone were gay the human race would be extinct in a generation.

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This reads like the prologue to one of the racier volumes in the Left Behind series.

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Sorry, I'm not a true believer. Never read any Left Behind books. My idea of an afterlife consists of me being turned off like a light bulb for all eternity. Anything else will be one big fucking disappointment.

If you think its fiction that would be your right. I have neither the energy, the time or the interest in arguing with you.


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Interesting stories. Sorry that happened to you.

Straight men having sex with and raping underage teen girls is a far bigger problem than anything gays do, but they are both terrible.

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I never said the guy I met at 15 was gay. I saw him as something predatory. That specific night he happened have two boys in his apartment. The next time it could very well have been a girl.

I've never had any problems with gay people. What consenting adults do is their business. As long as the business doesn't involve children or animals I just don't care.

I had a childhood friend who came out to me as gay. I told him that I wasn't. After that deep discussion nothing much changed in our relationship. We were still friends. I don't remember any of his peers actually caring either. The 3 people who rode the poor boy like a donkey were his mom & 2 sisters who I came to refer to as the 3 harpies from Hell.

His mom once told a girl I was dating that she should "watch out for me" as if I was in some kind of stealth gay mode because I stayed friends with her son. I knew this woman since grade school.

I can still remember standing in the funeral home after my friend hung himself as his sister disingenuously prattled on about something or other. The desire to punch her was so overwhelming I had to leave. I got shitfaced drunk instead.

My point isn't gays are horrible. My point is that predators are chameleons who are quite adept at camouflaging themselves.

Right wingers say everyone is a groomer while left wingers say no one is a groomer. I'm sure that reality lies somewhere in the middle. In my opinion we should always err on the side of protecting children.

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Why are you so eager to defend men who rape boys?

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By the way I apologize for the initial hostile snark.

Put it down to a shitty weekend & little sleep.

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No problem at all! I appreciated you telling your story unvarnished and all. I am glad you were able to defend yourself.

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Yeah but parents are taking their kids to these drag shows so it’s not a propo. Parents are out of it, generally--drag shows are kind of outdated with 0 shock value since ages ago. Gender non conformity has been a source of bucking stodgy conservatism for a long time but I’d say even that is not deliberate rebellion but just a fact that men and women have huge crossover in behavior etc and people aren’t all pushovers.

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Our rebellion washed out in the shower. This is medicalized self harm. It doesn’t seem like you should be dishing out parenting advice to people who lived through the Glam Rock and New Romantic eras.

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Did it though? It looks like we won gay marriage and it's not going to go away.

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"Gender bending comes from their peers"?

And these "peers" have spontaneously come up with all the nomenclature and the intricate hierarchies of oppression and the rhetoric? Riiiiiight.

The transgender social contagion is not merely a matter of adolescent rebellion that is abandoned with adulthood and independence.

This latest sort of "rebellion" involves drastic plastic surgery and hormone treatment in a vain effort to become the opposite sex, creating legions of Frankenstein's monsters who are neither man nor woman.

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Teens don't get drastic plastic surgery, it just doesn't really happen to any degree. Maybe you think adults should not, but I think it's not your business what someone does with their own body.

Hormone treatment is a complicated topic which I think I addressed in another post, but can summarize here. I would not allow my adolescent daughters to do this treatment and I think in general it is a drastic step and should not be taken lightly. But I think it should be the choice of the parents, adolescents and physicians and psychiatrists to decide. I don't think it's the governments job to step in with these kinds of matters.

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Gender Dysphoria is under an umbrella of other body integrity disorders. These include trans babies, trans disabled, trans fictional character, trans animals, anorexia, etc.

The top comorbidities for Gender Dysphoria and the others are Autism, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Trauma,

How would you apply a blanket policy of affirmation for the other manifestations of this disorder, while ethically addressing their psychiatric disorders?

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"Teens don't get drastic plastic surgery, it just doesn't really happen to any degree."

Girls as young as 12 are now getting their healthy breasts removed. And they're not even teenagers yet.


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Street "fighting" ain't what it used to be.

Anyway, I support the opposition to trans/drag-queen grooming. It's sexual abuse, and none of the trans/gay lobby's idiotic arguments can change that demonstrated fact. They've pushed normal people too far, as the video demonstrates. And the intelligentsia that advances their ideology, whether any front-line, cross-dressing freak is aware of it or not, is determined to "grind glitter into the carpet" and "subvert heteronormativity." They admit it openly. "We are coming for your children" is not the vaporing of a lone psycho, but the motto of a social movement designed to normalize the notion that there is a real sexual alternative to male and female. There isn't.

The days of trans-sexuals simply living their lives privately and quietly are over. The mental condition has been made into another "movement of liberation" that, with the encouragement of "drag queens" and other true believers, has attracted the confused adolescent floundering for a place in our atomized world.

Run-of-the-mill transsexuals should divorce themselves from this disgusting, demonic political movement if they're really interested in living their lives privately and unmolested.

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Gen Z has escaped the bonds of your oppressive gender roles and aren’t coming back.

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And how exactly is it oppressive to think a girl can play football and climb trees and play with trucks and grow up to be an engineer, and still be a girl/woman, and a boy can paint and dance and play with dolls and grow up to be nurse, and still be a boy/man? How is does it "break the bonds of your oppressive gender roles" to think that gender non-conforming (how I hate that term, but I'm trying to communicate with you) children don't need to be turned into lifelong, sterile medical patients? Please explain.

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correction: How does it break the bonds . . . to encourage gender non-conforming children to become lifelong, sterile medical patients?

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They don’t. Teens can play with their sexuality and piss off their parents and not take puberty suppressing drugs. If my non binary 13 year old wanted then I would say no.

I don’t feel like I know what the right thing is for every kid in every family and while I would certainly advise any of my friends to study hard the long term side effects, I wouldn’t want to pass a law telling them what to do.

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Some serious stupid going on with you

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Thoughtful and well reasoned comment. Thank you for all the hard work that went into this.

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They're not my "gender roles." At maturity, men and women develop secondary sex characteristics that attract their opposites (hair and hardness and man smell/smoothness, softness, and woman smell). Men impregnate women and women give birth and nurture us through our most vulnerable period. Human societies have found ways to optimize all this. It's how we keep the human race going. (I can't believe I need to explain this to an apparent adult.)

How decadent or bored or jaded or broken do you need to be to find the sex you are born into "oppressive"?

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Sex and gender aren't the same thing. Mostly I agree with you about sex, though I don't know how you explain away people with Klinfelter syndrome and intersex people.

Gender roles are the ones that society pushes upon us with varying degrees of coercion. When and where I grew up if you were a sissy you were socially ostracized, physically assaulted, pressured by your family, and considered a freak generally by society. This was Wyoming in the 70s so perhaps an extreme example but still true in many places to day. There was overt and covert pressure to adopt a more traditionally masculine role of being violent, not showing emotions (other than anger and perhaps lust), playing sports, avoiding reading and other academic pursuits, . Men are far more violent than women, use drugs more, take more risks, commit suicide and die at far earlier ages than women. That seems pretty oppressive to me.

I can talk about the oppressive nature of gender roles to women but you should be able to figure some of this out yourself.

Gen Z is playing your bullshit game anymore. They figured out that it's not to their best advantage and they are experimenting with different kinds of gender roles. Good for them.

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I'm sure theirs will be the generation that ushers in the unisex utopia.

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This is one more step towards mainstreaming the idea that pedophile is just a normal condition and is ok. If you keep messing with people's children and the divisions in our country will become irreparable chasms.

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Drag shows have nothing to do with pedophiles--those are usually the friendly and trusted "uncles" or coaches that parents are least likely to suspect. Oh, and priests....

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I respectfully disagree. Most drag shows do not but the lines are being blurred and there are advocates of pedophilia involved as well. See https://www.city-journal.org/the-real-story-behind-drag-queen-story-hour.

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Before long, if we're not careful, we won't be able to distinguish our Drag Shows from High Mass.

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You ignore the mote in the eye of the church and Boy Scouts, which are huge breeding grounds for pedophiles. The churches even buy legal insurance now because the risk has gotten so bad!

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No I don't. Just because pedophilia is fostered or enabled in some churches and the Boy Scouts, that doesn't DISPROVE that it occurs in other settings, like DQSH.

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I believe that's the point. Chaos and division.

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I'm still trying to figure out how there got to be so many people on that side of the Chasm

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

The Stryker family has $14 billion. The Pritzker family (one member is the governor of Illinois) has $32 billion. They spend many millions to fund the capture of all institutions (healthcare, education, media, government). Ever wonder why the ACLU no longer promotes free speech? Ever wonder why Planned Parenthood is the second largest provider of estrogen to men and testosterone to women? This "transgender" shit is a cancer that keeps spreading.


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Does garlic offer effective protection from these people? Because I can tell ya right now I ain't poundin' no wooden stake through no goddamn transgender heart.

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This is up to the parents to choose how to raise their children. I wouldn’t take my child or grandchildren to such an event. I wouldn’t go myself either because I find it unappealing. But that’s me. Someone else might make another choice for themselves or their children.

I viscerally dislike Drag Queen Story Hours but as long as attendees/parents know what they’re getting into, its on them. They’ll have to deal with any unwanted results. Protests and violence just make for entrenchment and martyrdom.

Now when it comes to gender-affirming care to children without knowledge of parents? That’s my line. When it comes to men receiving awards for being “women” of the year, yeah that is worth protesting. This, not so much.

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So, you're good with sex-offenders on the sex offender list having physical contact with children? Gee, that's not a good thing. No one should support perverts interacting with children.

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Uh where did you get that from what was said?

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You gotta read for meaning, Nate.

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Ah I see ,find what you want in the letters .Kinda like how people use the bible to justify whatever they need...

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You mean like at a Catholic church?

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I suspect you are correct, George. (A fellow Firesign Theater fan, I suppose?) However, as someone somewhat interested in this issue, I have sometimes found it difficult to find well-documented instances of such abuses. If you have any at your fingertips, I would be genuinely interested in getting my own hands on them.

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There are many crimes in which men who dress as women attack and kill women and children. They just don't get reported in the mainstream press because it doesn't fit their "transgender" agenda.




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Right, I am aware of this, but I was asking more specifically about offenses taking place specifically within the context of DQSH. I do have some sources, including the article I cited elsewhere, but the issue is being debated in an organization I belong to, and I am kind of collecting evidence. But thank you, Nancy, I really appreciate your comments on this thread. You really have a sound grasp of what is going on! There is a cancer, as you've described it, and people need to wake up to the reality of it.

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You're very welcome, Richard. And thank you for your kind compliment.Here's a article I recently wrote for Jennifer Bilek's 11th Hour blog.


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Pretty fascinating read, and well researched. Thank you! I am a supporter of the 11th Hour Blog and/or Jennifer Bilek (maybe I donate monthly to both, I can't remember offhand). I am also a member of the Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights, an organization of mostly renegade feminist Greens and allies, as well as former Greens like myself who left that formerly feminist party when it violated its own internal rules and went off the rails over this issue. I also support Women's Declaration International - USA, WoLF, Kara Dansky, Reality's Last Stand and other organizations and journalists fighting the good fight.

I am currently working on a project to combat gender-identity ideology in our public schools, which is why I keep trying to promote Carol Dansereau's excellent work on that subject. I expect that this will soon include filing suit against the Illinois Board of Education to challenge its statutory adoption of the so-called "National Sex Education Standards," which requires teaching gender-identity ideology to K-12 kids. If this interests you, or if you want to continue this dialogue, please feel free to e-mail me at richwhitney@frontier.com.

It is very important for people to recognize that resistance to this agenda is NOT coming exclusively from conservatives and the Right. There is also a Left/Feminist resistance. Like so many other things, just because it isn't being covered by the corporate media, it doesn't mean that we don't exist.

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How do we know these murderous "men who dress as women" are not, in fact, aliens from a distant planet? Culling the human population for an eventual invasion?

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Open your eyes, Feldspar. You're being played for a fool.

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What about perverts interacting with other perverts? As long as it's confined to a fully moated medieval castle far removed from any elementary schools?

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Do you think parents ought to be able to take children to x-rated movies and strip clubs? Can't you see that drag queen story hour harms children by sexualizing them, leading them to doubt their own physical sex, and promoting harmful cross-sex drugs and mutilating surgeries. It's part of an intentional, well funded campaign pushed by perverted autogynephile billionaires like Stryker, Prizker, and Rothblatt.

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Perhaps you have heard of this thing called the internet. Kids are watching porn whether you like it or not. But no, they should not be allowed in X rated theaters, who mostly exists for the facilitation of anonymous sex, at least as far as I can tell.

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There are ways to make that not happen....so your argument is a red herring.

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I generally feel the same as you except these story hours are taking place in libraries and schools, so where's the choice then?

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Legit question. First, let’s decouple schools and libraries. Schools and libraries have this in common: They are tax-payer funded and serve an educational role in communities. Here’s where they are different: Schools have an in loco parentis obligation that libraries do not have, and schools are a required activity whereas libraries are not.

I would have an issue with schools having a required assembly for children for the viewing of a drag queen story time. If it was after school, or with special permission from parents, I wouldn’t have an issue with it because it is explicitly parental choice.

No child is required to attend any library story time or event. Libraries would not spring a drag queen story time on their regular story time attenders. (They would advertise to that group, however.) Once again, it would be parental choice.

Parents make bad choices all the time. I certainly did. For good or ill, parents, for the most part, should be able to raise their child with the values they wish to teach and instill. If parents want to provide that experience to their children then I’m okay with that.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Oh I get it. As long as four year olds have a note from their parents, they should be allowed to attend strip clubs. Right?

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Remember the Boy Scouts?

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A lot of Boy Scouts have a very hard time not remembering the Boy Scouts.

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Great point

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Drag shows in libraries, a reflection of most manufactured self-righteous faux hysteria today, as intended by the puppet masters controlling it, smokescreens the actual American horror. We are no longer a literate people. And, the willful destruction of literacy is the point. The ability to read and write (cursive is no longer taught in most public schools) has long been a poor childs' forward path and the American library provided the gateway. (A pause to remember the "dowdy" little librarians who were the first to stand up against Patriot Act surveillance state thugs attempting to silence knowledge of their prying into the reading habits of private citizens.) Like ancient citizens in Egypt who witnessed the loss of the Library at Alexandria, Americans are witnessing the political slow burn of access to knowledge and the expanded destruction of free speech and thought. The American library system should be, but obviously is not, inviolable.

No one cares if you're a man who digs wearing panties or if you are a lesbian heavily invested in rubber goods. Sleep with who you want. Stick it where you want to. That battle was fought and won decades back. Ignoring that Marxist 'woke' has politicized and weaponized modern sexuality is another thing altogether. And who pays Marxist 'woke'? Totalitarian finance. Only a fool would pretend there is no ongoing totalitarian capture and subversion of American literature and education. It is the right think P.C. prelude to the insertion of the D.E.I. commissariat into our library system. Protestors on both sides are pawns. The IMF/WEF/CCP Davos boys don't give a flying f'k. --- But, they are f'king you.

Chaos serves totalitarian finance. American citizens are being beaten emotionally senseless and the violation of human reason is the bludgeon. We're being forced into a mal conversation whose outcome guarantees an inhuman, sterile and dystopian future. Drag queens push transgenderism. Feminist plead toxic masculinity and want Hemingway banned. BLM wants TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD banned as racist. And, both the far right and the left have a burn list long as your arm. They're all a bought and paid for airball distraction meant to confuse, distract and run cover for the looters. Hence, the intentional manufacture and ascent of the illiterate American.--- Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Recent victory by subscription journalism and the ascent of a new truth based American national dialogue can be seen in the Twitter file revelations. (Where would Musk have turned?)The new Republican House now has enough political strength to demand an accountable Speaker not totally compromised and subservient to K Street. On the home front, people actually concerned about the survival of the American library system might actually visit one. For the first time in a long time there's light in the room.---Remember what the dormouse said.

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If we're no longer a literate people then it seems to me that Drag Shows in libraries are perfectly sensible.

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I believe it was Mark Twain who pointed out that people who can read and don't have no advantage over people who can't read at all. Some crippling of human spirit and consciousness, loss of imagination and intuition, connection to history and human experience is being lost. Books made that connection and kept those doors open for me. --- People playing dress up. I could care less. I'm just not sure a public library is the place for it.

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Wasn’t it Christians that burned the library at Alexandria?

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Mike, my brother - you just made George Carlin smile from the Great Beyond. Bravo!

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At last! A blood pressure raising, 'battlefield' issue I can afford to ignore completely.

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Is anyone still confused why Putin wants a buffer from the West?

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I assume you're referring to the TK News comment threads?

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Identity politics has killed the ethic of being an American citizen. The feeling of unity is sadly gone. We have been divided and conquered. Division and hatred rule.

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This country was never United. We have always been a people of different and opposed interests.

And it’s ok. We will persist or we won’t.

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But we always accepted our differences peacefully with a knowledge that our country was a melting pot. It was a point of pride. We were proud to say the pledge of allegiance together.

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The pledge of allegiance was a way to force kids to swear an oath of loyalty after the civil war.

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I'm not a fan of child beauty contest either. Let children be children. There's no place for children in these environments, it's similar in its lack of decency to the children wearing face makes while the adults do not, or hey, giving them a vaccine for a sickness that only truly harmed adults. Now where are they? Broken hearted. Our society is symbolicly representing its underlying sickness. Heartless, selfish, indifferent, cowardly. Drag shows for kids, shouldn't be an issue in a healthy community. It's another symptom. They shouldn't have unfettered access to all the internet offers either, but they do. The only way I've found is to try to teach mine as best I can to filter, discern, be picky, be able to listen to intuition. If it feels wrong, walk or run away. Curiosity killed the cat. I don't know if it's worked, but one of them talk to me about lots of the things they are exposed to. The other one, not so much, but he cleans his room regularly and gets good grades, no nagging needed, so it's all I can ask for. I'm sorry for the younger children. I'm a generation xer, and I'm all too familiar with parents making it all about themselves, latchkey kid and all. Those same ideals have formed the world we have inherited now. For better or worse, it's all we can do. Prepare them. What makes someone want to take a child to a strip show, regardless of gender or confusion of gender or switching of gender or WHATEVER? I don't know really. It's not much worse than a child beauty contest though, if I'm being honest.

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This is idiotic. I couldn’t quite understand how drag and drag queen story hour became such touchstone in the culture and transgender debate. Traditionally, drag has very little to do with sex or the current philosophies undergirding transgenderism. In fact, if the right wing hadn’t started attacking drag queens, I can guarantee that the woke left wing would have thrown them under the bus. Drag contradicts the gender essentialism pushed by the transgender ideologues, and drag generally looks like mocking and appropriation of the female gender. It isn’t woke. It’s basically gay men playing princess dress up. Therefore, it makes a certain amount of sense that small children would think it was fun to have a story read to them by a dude in a silly costume. It isn’t sexual grooming. Drag isn’t about traditionally about sex. It isn’t stripping unless it is mocking strippers. There might be outliers, but I haven’t seen examples. I certainly see how conservatives might find it offensive if they are adamant about traditional gender roles, but the actual specialization in drag is fairly tame compared to the general culture in the US.

After watching the video, I realize the fight has nothing to do with drag. Neither side seems to care or understand what drag is. This just another way for people to separate into tribes and fight.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

I WOULD agree with you, except that we are no longer dealing with "traditional" drag here. The lines have been blurred and the transgender and/or queer ideologues have invaded that territory. Quoting Christopher Rufo of the Manhattan Institute (go here for the links: https://www.city-journal.org/the-real-story-behind-drag-queen-story-hour):

As the movement behind drag shows for children has gained notoriety and expanded its reach, some drag performers have let the mask slip: in Minneapolis, a drag queen in heels and a pink miniskirt spread his legs open in front of children; in Portland, a large male transvestite allowed toddlers to climb on top of him, grab at his fake breasts, and press themselves against his body; and in England, a drag queen taught a group of preschoolers how to perform a sexually suggestive dance.

Scenes from drag events hosted across the United States in bars, clubs, and outdoor festivals have been even more shocking and disturbing: in Miami, a man with enormous fake breasts and dollar bills stuffed into his G-string grabs the hand of a preschool-aged girl and struts her in front of the crowd; in Washington, D.C., a drag queen wearing leather and chains teaches a young child how to dance for cash tips; in Dallas, hulking male figures with makeup smeared across their faces strip down to undergarments, simulate a female orgasm, and perform lap dances on members of a roaring audience of adults and children. Newspaper headlines have also announced abuses: “Tucson High School Counselor Behind Teen Drag Show Arrested for Relationship with Minor”; “Houston Public Library Admits Registered Child Sex Offender Read to Kids in Drag Queen Storytime”; “Drag Queen Charged with 25 Counts of Felony Child Sexual Abuse Material Possession”; “Second ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Reader in Houston Exposed as Convicted Child Sex Offender”; “Drag Queen Story Hour Activist Arrested for Child Porn, Still Living with His Adopted Kids.”

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It is a weaponized assault.

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Again. Division is the point.

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Precisely. It's how a fringe ideology becomes a "lunatic fringe"....

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With the right, my friend, the fight rarely has anything to do with the subject. It's all about the fight. It's one long hissy fit about whatever's fit to hissy fit about: clogged sinks, people with purple fingernails, long-haired cats, Lutherans, dodgeball, miniature golf, the next-door neighbor's funny-looking Oldsmobile, the moons and rings of Saturn, etc.

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