Matt, this is pretty typical left wing behavior these days.
It was mirrored in the left's characterization of anti-vaxxers as white Trump loving racists when, in reality, a huge chunk of the vaccine wary were black folk.
It's also mirrored in the "pro-lifers are white Nazi Republican scum" when, in this crazy place called reality, a hell of lot of black folk were anti-abortion. They understood that those 19 million black babies that have been aborted since the 70s are just another face of genocide.
As far as guns go, if liberals really care about raped women why aren't they pushing for self defense classes in public schools. Or even gun safety classes since, every year, many rapes are prevented because the woman was packing heat.
Either one of these classroom experiences would benefit kids a hell of a lot more than teaching them that "men can get pregnant too."
At the end of the day I think it is quite obvious that the Dems only want victims as their clientele. Victims seem to be much easier to manipulate for votes.
Team D is the class power of the PMC made manifest.
Various victims and grievance groups represent junior partners in the Team D coalition.
Were Team R to break up, or Team D left as the sole national political party, I suspect that the various groups making up the Team D coalition would quickly discover that they do not have all that much really in common, and in fact do not even like each other all that much.
Something similar could be said for Team R, FWIW, although the members of the coalition are different.
This is so true. Anyone that's ever inadvertently experienced a Team D struggle session can clearly see they don't like each other, at all. It's a purity struggle, i.e., who's cobbled together the most comprehensive hollow abstraction of an ideology?
I would say the Team R is far more likely to kill one another. You have the self righteous evangelicals who can't wait to put women chastity belts while the men on Team R are sleeping with hookers every chance they can get. Team R if filled with the most morally degenerate generation of Americans (personified by Trump) and the most aggressive authoritarian Fundamentalists in the world next to the Jihad loving Muslims ruling the middle east. Good luck trying to get the Trump loving psudo masculine adoring men that lead the R team to live by the rules the way Falwell JR did at his university while he was out whoring around to any woman that was taking the bait.
Oh... and they are all funded by the equally hedonistic Oligarchs ... What could go wrong?
The one and only thing that unites them all is that they consume media daily that tells them that no matter what they need to HATE LIBERALS.
You are 100% correct. They are totally willing to make excuses for anything until they get power. But once they have the power the excuses for the common folk end. Killing Roe is the perfect example.
History shows that the evangelicals will always make excuses for their leaders doing anything they want, morality is irrelevant for their leaders in government or of their churches. But for the common folk, they will rule with an iron fist.
That is where the fight begins.. I don't see most R's rolling around with their semi automatic weapons and "toxic masculinity" being told by the Police to start acting like God Fearing Christians.
We can argue details later (Team D cultists are still making excuses for Obama) but that doesn't mean that an internal civil war is more likely to start in Team R vs Team D.
But it wouldn't matter, as Team R and Team D need each other, or there's no excuse not to give their coalition everything they want, now. Or think of it as sports rivals, and how they feed off the rivalry. You can make a perfectly bankable Batman movie without Robin, but you can't make one without The Joker.
Here is where i am going to give you push back. Team R stands for nothing other than hating team D. Team R is very organized and active at a grass roots level which is very powerful. But deep down they don't stand for anything other than HATING THE LIBS. The grass roots is very well organized because they are funded by the oligarchs like the Koch brothers and the Mercers and more recently Peter Theil and Elon Musk.
The D's are organizing but they don't have the Oligarch funding and organizing. So the D's are going to have to organize by compelling and inspiring action over issues that are truly important to supporters. Whether it was protests of George Floyds murder or union organizing at Starbucks and Amazon the left is slowly starting to organize. It will take them longer than the right. The Tea Party was formed in 2008 and by 2016 they got their guy elected President and took over the Republican Party.
With out the kind of funding from Oligarchs the left will take longer to organize, but it will be more authentic because they are fighting for something real not just "Hating the R's". The only D's who's only world vision is to Hate the R's are the CNN /MSNBC watching, Jan 6th trial loving elderly who are dying off anyway.
You are right there will be a battle. I think the next decade will seem much like the late 60's. The George Floyd protests were just the start.
Well, liberal also used to mean sane and fair policy initiatives. Liberal democracy meant rational and reasonable policies benefitting everyone. It's only the last coupla decades where liberal came to mean what most folks think it does now. Same with Conservative; it used to mean rational, reasonable, incremental adjustments/improvements to policy. Now, it's Ted Cruz wrapping his automatic weapon in bacon or what's her face decrying the separation between church and state.
Exactly. Both terms - "liberal" and "conservative" have become utterly meaningless. They have been reduced to sports teams, and most people either firmly root for one or the other, regardless of how morally bankrupt, ideologically inconsistent and blatantly self-serving those labels have become.
You're right about them being "morally bankrupt" ... we have liberals; conservatives; and both neoliberal and neoconservative (I would say those are the labels for RINOs and DINOs except I refuse to give the trumpdiot any credit for the word salad he regularly vomits) which are nothing more than labels they have made up to explain their nonexistent differences.
Very well said, Kurtocracy. I am a liberal, not a leftist, and my definition mirrors how you describe it here: rational, reasonable, and not wasting good bacon wrapping it around a gun barrel as a red-hat stunt.
Yeah, I know. But nobody, as far as I know, has come to an agreement on a suitable descriptive term . I was just proceeding under the assumption that anyone here would already understand the nuances.
Also, that liberal category may describe the politicians but I think most of their foot soldiers and tweeter warriors completely self identify as progressive left.
The left that you're referring to are now seen by those folk as being little more than Republicans.
This song, and these lines were not written to support the assignation of Malcolm. Quite the contrary. It was meant as a put down on the equivocal morals of liberals who condemn and condone the same acts depending on who the target was.
I don't have a problem with your comment, Joy. We should all condemn political assassinations. But that was not Bill Owen's comment. He said that Malcolm "got what was coming!" Let's be very very clear about this, alright?!
He endorsed the assassination of Malcolm X!
If you agree or disagree, say so...
I won't let anyone on this forum get away with saying that about Malcolm!
Bill was quoting a song by Phil Ochs. Please go have a listen to it, as you clearly have not heard it before and have missed the context entirely. It's called "Love Me, I'm a Liberal." I would link to it but I don't know the policies here. It's a great song, as are all of Phil Ochs and you have a treat ahead of you if you do listen to his songs.
Saying you’re sorry when you’ve made a mistake is the sign of strong character.
Maybe the world would be a better place if more people were willing to say things like “I’m sorry, I was wrong” and “will you forgive me for this mistake?”
Not liberals, but people who identify as liberal. Maybe we can call them transliberals? It kind of works because Matt is clearly a member of the privileged and bigoted cisliberal patriarchy.
It's right wing. Get off that Reagan-era crack pipe.
What you see is the end and slide back down of RIGHT WING SECULARISM.
It's like the equivalent to the right wing religious hey day when that cunt Bill O'Reilly commanded market share.
They're losing their grip, and the right wing religitards are rising -if we let them.
Could be that this just cycles back and forth for eternity, but in the middle we may get some fucking common sense in there to help the common good of the silent majority.
So... will you still call Joe Biden, who is to the right of Henry Kissinger, a "Liberal"? He's obviously not.
If I slapped a rainbow flag label on a bomb and took photo ops or tweeted on behalf of the CIA with pride month platitudes would you call that.... LEFT WING?
Independence is needed once again, from the corruption that has happened to the systems that govern over our lives. What can we do to gain that independence back?
This Independence Day we must shift focus from fighting each other to fixing the corrupted systems that govern over all of our lives. This is something we should all agree on, and being the number one problem we face in America today, there is nothing more important:
LOL! Conservatism is based on victimization, from the rephrasing of the Civil War as a War of Northern Aggression to accusing the media of being biased against conservatives. Victimization is the conservatives go-to whine. The problem with the Dems is that they refuse to fight the enemy, the conservatives as the conservatives fight all things liberal.
Conservatives are the enemy, always have been, from slavery to unconstitutionally nullifying women's rights.
You should learn some more about history. Many, many democrats owned slaves, and Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. The Reoublican party emerged in 1854 to combat the expansion of slavery into American territories. To try to blame your political enemies for slavery is not only ludicrous, it's just wrong. Also, to call Dobbs "unconstitutional" shows a profound ignorance of the substance of the Constitution, no matter what you think of the decision.
You should pay attention to history, the problem is conservatism, not the particular party, but their composition. The Southern Democrats were conservative, supported slavery, then Jim Crow, then Separate But Equal and left the Democratic Party due to the passage of the Civil Rights Act at which point they, the Dixiecrats, moved to the Republican Party because of their "state's rights" platform.
The democrats have once again become the party of privilege. They give lip service to caring about regular people, but their actions prove them to be intolerable hypocrites. I'm not an enormous fan of republicans either, but right now, they have more dissenting voices than the democrats.
LOL! The Democrats are the ones who put up bills to help the low and middle class only to have McConnell keep them from a vote and the GOP passed that pro-wealthy tax cut under Trump. You've got to be fucking kidding.
LOL! Really? That conservatism is illiberal by definition has been debunked? That conservatives do not believe in inherent rights by definition has been debunked? If so, then those "conservatives" are liberals.
Hey ya never know Bissy ol' boy, maybe a new Civil War will come out of this and you can get the chance to fight the good fight from somewhere other than behind your keyboard.
I'm sure you'd love that, eh?
If conservatives are the enemy than liberals like you must be the enema.
After the last time that I stepped in a heaping pile of Biss someone told me that Biss is urban slang for "Bitch." Now there's some poetic justice eh pard.
Your name means bitch, you're a liberal with bunched up panties, all you do is bitch like a little bitch.
There might be a God after all buddy.
Toodles boot'ums!
As always I treasure our time together. Every reeking minute of it.
Thanks for giving the Tucker Carlson talking points on this issue..
1. Blacks are only 5% less likely to be vaccinated than whites and that is entirely related to income not opposition. Poor people have been the last to get vaccinated. And, the vast majority of willingly unvaccinated Americans have been proven to be misinformed on vaccines according to the research done by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
2. Pro Lifers are not "white Nazi Scum" I have never once seen that assertion made. The vast majority of Pro Lifers are Republicans. Their views on abortion come as a political position not a religions position as the bible barely mentions abortion. Matt has argued that the current Republican party is Fascist given it's corporate control but that is not the same as Nazi. I don't suppose you know those things do you?
3. Liberals advocate for a large number of solutions to the out of control gun violence problems that only the US suffers from. The gun control efforts are only one solution. They are also supporters of self defense classes against male rapists. As for woman packing heat to prevent rape you clearly are not aware that 70% of rapes in the US are done by someone the victim already knows.
The Bible doesn’t mention abortion, but it does mention God knowing us as individuals in the womb/before birth “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I consecrated you”. Jeremiah 1:5 I’d say that serves as a guidepost for not cravenly killing the unborn.
Matt thank you as always for being intellectually courageous. And for keeping the comment sections a place for discourse!
Independence is needed once again, from the corruption that has happened to the systems that govern over our lives. What can we do to gain that independence back?
This Independence Day we must shift focus from fighting each other to fixing the corrupted systems that govern over all of our lives. This is something we should all agree on, and being the number one problem we face in America today, there is nothing more important:
You can't shift the focus from one another as there are a lot of people who support the Republican Party that has been eroding our rights for decades. Conservatives are the problem and the enemy of freedom as they reject the very concept of rights that liberalism is based on.
The conservative SCOTUS did what it has not power to do, nullify women's rights. Article III provide no such power and Alexander Hamilton stated as much in The Federalist #84. also the Ninth Amendment protects all unenumerated rights, such as a woman's right to control her own life that includes ending a pregnancy without state interference until the fetus' brain develops the capacity for mind, when it becomes a being that has rights too, and the right to privacy, the right to marry who will have you, the right to read the books that you want, to view movies that you want, etc.
To fix the inherent corruption, we need to remove conservatives from office to ensure that rights are secure.
Although I know you're a troll, please tell me how big government, bureaucracy, the administrative state, and limiting freedoms fixes this. And while you're at it, get off my lawn.
LOL! Government is a problem only in that conservatives control it. The conservative court just did something unconstitutional, that it has no authority to do, it nullified a right that women have inherently, that no one has the authority to grant nor nullify. Government's function is to protect rights as explained in the Declaration of Independence:
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
That government has failed to protect rights is due entirely to conservatives and conservatism. This is a perennial problem that requires conservatives to be removed from power.
Since you even admit that judges don't have the right to legislate (which is conservative, by the way), why didn't Obama's D Congress pass abortion into federal law? They had the power, and this would be the ultimate protection of that 'right,' yet they did not. And literally everyone knew Roe was on shaky ground - or there wouldn't be marches and massive fundraising for abortion rights.
I'd say government's function is to serve the people and not encroach on the rights that are enumerated in the Constitution specifically to limit government, but tomato-tomahto.
You need to read The Federalist #84 to see why I am correct about the unconstitutionality of the SCOTUS' decision and the Ninth Amendment that protects all unenumerated rights.
As a member of the feline community, cats and Bastet Herself would approve very much of cat worship.
At least Muslims as a rule are fond of cats. So are Russian people, for whatever reason. Feeding and caring for random cats was seen as a civic duty, and girls would capture and domesticate kittens each spring.
The media has been trying to shove two narratives on minorities at the same time (well, really all of us, but at the moment I'm focusing on minorities):
(1) The government along with all other American institutions are systemically racist and out to kill innocent minorities in droves simply for being minorities
(2) You can trust the government to take care of you if you give up your guns.
We should have a contest to see who can come up with the best examples of doublethink messaging from both sides. How about 1) abortion is evil AND 2) single mothers are trailer trash beneath our contempt.
That's quite a characterization there. People who think abortion is evil don't tend to think of single *mothers* as "beneath... contempt." They might - and I say *might* - encourage those women to put their babies up for adoption rather than try to raise them in abject poverty (if that is the single mother's situation), or they might deplore the decision of a woman to have a baby outside a relationship since parents' being in a stable relationship is so important to children's well-being. Or they might think a woman is "beneath... contempt" for some other reason.
But they certainly wouldn't think the woman is "beneath... contempt" for her decision to have the baby rather than aborting it.
I've never heard that said on the "right-wing" media I read, but I agree we should have a contest because often, even in hyperbole, inconsistencies show up. On the right, I would say (1) abortion is evil and (2) everyone is on their own and we don't need to waste money on a social welfare net because with sufficient motivation anyone can succeed or they can get help from private charities. Granted I don't know a lot of anti-abortion/pro-life people (or at least not absolutists), but those I do know don't describe single mothers as trailer trash.
I love it. This morning I'm accused of being a righty because I'm not sufficiently pro-choice and this evening I think I'm accused of being a lefty ("for you in our so-called educated classes," I'm guessing is what you're trying to say, with "so-called educated" meaning Democrats/lefties/liberals/me) because I point out what I've heard frequently coming out of Republican/conservative mouths.
Well, I would like to disagree, but if we're talking the stereotypical "left" and by "trailer trash" mean white working class or white people left without work in the Midwest because factories went overseas . . . you have a point. Their disgust is almost palpable.
Matt, this is pretty typical left wing behavior these days.
It was mirrored in the left's characterization of anti-vaxxers as white Trump loving racists when, in reality, a huge chunk of the vaccine wary were black folk.
It's also mirrored in the "pro-lifers are white Nazi Republican scum" when, in this crazy place called reality, a hell of lot of black folk were anti-abortion. They understood that those 19 million black babies that have been aborted since the 70s are just another face of genocide.
As far as guns go, if liberals really care about raped women why aren't they pushing for self defense classes in public schools. Or even gun safety classes since, every year, many rapes are prevented because the woman was packing heat.
Either one of these classroom experiences would benefit kids a hell of a lot more than teaching them that "men can get pregnant too."
At the end of the day I think it is quite obvious that the Dems only want victims as their clientele. Victims seem to be much easier to manipulate for votes.
Team D is the class power of the PMC made manifest.
Various victims and grievance groups represent junior partners in the Team D coalition.
Were Team R to break up, or Team D left as the sole national political party, I suspect that the various groups making up the Team D coalition would quickly discover that they do not have all that much really in common, and in fact do not even like each other all that much.
Something similar could be said for Team R, FWIW, although the members of the coalition are different.
This is so true. Anyone that's ever inadvertently experienced a Team D struggle session can clearly see they don't like each other, at all. It's a purity struggle, i.e., who's cobbled together the most comprehensive hollow abstraction of an ideology?
"It's a purity struggle, i.e., who's cobbled together the most comprehensive hollow abstraction of an ideology?"
Exactly. The most "out there" theorist invariably wins. That's how we got Gender Identity Theory.
Purity Struggle is spot on. It's not a big tent, it's a big cage. The only logical destination is to eat their own or end up in Jonestown.
I would say the Team R is far more likely to kill one another. You have the self righteous evangelicals who can't wait to put women chastity belts while the men on Team R are sleeping with hookers every chance they can get. Team R if filled with the most morally degenerate generation of Americans (personified by Trump) and the most aggressive authoritarian Fundamentalists in the world next to the Jihad loving Muslims ruling the middle east. Good luck trying to get the Trump loving psudo masculine adoring men that lead the R team to live by the rules the way Falwell JR did at his university while he was out whoring around to any woman that was taking the bait.
Oh... and they are all funded by the equally hedonistic Oligarchs ... What could go wrong?
The one and only thing that unites them all is that they consume media daily that tells them that no matter what they need to HATE LIBERALS.
I dunno, the evangelicals seem plenty willing to make excuses for Trump and others.
You are 100% correct. They are totally willing to make excuses for anything until they get power. But once they have the power the excuses for the common folk end. Killing Roe is the perfect example.
History shows that the evangelicals will always make excuses for their leaders doing anything they want, morality is irrelevant for their leaders in government or of their churches. But for the common folk, they will rule with an iron fist.
That is where the fight begins.. I don't see most R's rolling around with their semi automatic weapons and "toxic masculinity" being told by the Police to start acting like God Fearing Christians.
We can argue details later (Team D cultists are still making excuses for Obama) but that doesn't mean that an internal civil war is more likely to start in Team R vs Team D.
But it wouldn't matter, as Team R and Team D need each other, or there's no excuse not to give their coalition everything they want, now. Or think of it as sports rivals, and how they feed off the rivalry. You can make a perfectly bankable Batman movie without Robin, but you can't make one without The Joker.
Good analysis
Here is where i am going to give you push back. Team R stands for nothing other than hating team D. Team R is very organized and active at a grass roots level which is very powerful. But deep down they don't stand for anything other than HATING THE LIBS. The grass roots is very well organized because they are funded by the oligarchs like the Koch brothers and the Mercers and more recently Peter Theil and Elon Musk.
The D's are organizing but they don't have the Oligarch funding and organizing. So the D's are going to have to organize by compelling and inspiring action over issues that are truly important to supporters. Whether it was protests of George Floyds murder or union organizing at Starbucks and Amazon the left is slowly starting to organize. It will take them longer than the right. The Tea Party was formed in 2008 and by 2016 they got their guy elected President and took over the Republican Party.
With out the kind of funding from Oligarchs the left will take longer to organize, but it will be more authentic because they are fighting for something real not just "Hating the R's". The only D's who's only world vision is to Hate the R's are the CNN /MSNBC watching, Jan 6th trial loving elderly who are dying off anyway.
You are right there will be a battle. I think the next decade will seem much like the late 60's. The George Floyd protests were just the start.
Not left wing, but liberals. Huge difference.
Well, liberal also used to mean sane and fair policy initiatives. Liberal democracy meant rational and reasonable policies benefitting everyone. It's only the last coupla decades where liberal came to mean what most folks think it does now. Same with Conservative; it used to mean rational, reasonable, incremental adjustments/improvements to policy. Now, it's Ted Cruz wrapping his automatic weapon in bacon or what's her face decrying the separation between church and state.
Exactly. Both terms - "liberal" and "conservative" have become utterly meaningless. They have been reduced to sports teams, and most people either firmly root for one or the other, regardless of how morally bankrupt, ideologically inconsistent and blatantly self-serving those labels have become.
It's been a high school/college rivalry sport since 2000. Gone are the days of compromise.
liberty vs tyranny has much more explantory power on a persons position these dsys.
Agreed. Unfortunately both sides engage in a fair bit of the latter these days, while wrapping themselves in jingoism about the former.
They hate and fear anyone not in their party, and view authoritarianism as the only solution.
You're right about them being "morally bankrupt" ... we have liberals; conservatives; and both neoliberal and neoconservative (I would say those are the labels for RINOs and DINOs except I refuse to give the trumpdiot any credit for the word salad he regularly vomits) which are nothing more than labels they have made up to explain their nonexistent differences.
Very well said, Kurtocracy. I am a liberal, not a leftist, and my definition mirrors how you describe it here: rational, reasonable, and not wasting good bacon wrapping it around a gun barrel as a red-hat stunt.
Thnx much.
“Used to” being the the key modifier.
Yeah, I know. But nobody, as far as I know, has come to an agreement on a suitable descriptive term . I was just proceeding under the assumption that anyone here would already understand the nuances.
Also, that liberal category may describe the politicians but I think most of their foot soldiers and tweeter warriors completely self identify as progressive left.
The left that you're referring to are now seen by those folk as being little more than Republicans.
'woke left' seems to hit for many, just enough daylight there to not incriminate everyone
Best description I’ve found.
Words matter.
Labels matter.
And, "define your terms".
The only way forward.
Phil Ochs knew the score!
I cried when they shot mr. kennedy
As though i'd lost a father of mine
But malcolm x got what was coming
Always preferred Woody Guthrie.
"Left wing, right wing, chicken wing. I ain't no red but I've lived in the red most of my life."
At least I think it was Woody Guthrie. I suppose I could google it but I like living on the edge.
Guthrie was a genius. So yeah.
Malcolm was murdered (assassinated) with the help of the police and FBI, Bill. They covered up what happened for many decades.
He did not get "what was coming," unless you endorse those things.
I don't!
This song, and these lines were not written to support the assignation of Malcolm. Quite the contrary. It was meant as a put down on the equivocal morals of liberals who condemn and condone the same acts depending on who the target was.
Exactly. Thank you.
The enduring mystery: Just with whom was Malcolm's assignation?
I don't have a problem with your comment, Joy. We should all condemn political assassinations. But that was not Bill Owen's comment. He said that Malcolm "got what was coming!" Let's be very very clear about this, alright?!
He endorsed the assassination of Malcolm X!
If you agree or disagree, say so...
I won't let anyone on this forum get away with saying that about Malcolm!
Bill was quoting a song by Phil Ochs. Please go have a listen to it, as you clearly have not heard it before and have missed the context entirely. It's called "Love Me, I'm a Liberal." I would link to it but I don't know the policies here. It's a great song, as are all of Phil Ochs and you have a treat ahead of you if you do listen to his songs.
Listen to the song linked.
Hell! You're right. I listened. My deepest apologies, Bill and Joy. I feel pretty stupid right now!
Please, both of you, except my sincerest apologies. I behaved like a dumb jackass!
I'm sorry...
Saying you’re sorry when you’ve made a mistake is the sign of strong character.
Maybe the world would be a better place if more people were willing to say things like “I’m sorry, I was wrong” and “will you forgive me for this mistake?”
No worries. I should have put quotes.
Not every knows that song, nor should they! :)
I was thinking Phil Ochs all the way when reading the comments about liberals and them being leftists.
the reboot:
Not liberals, but people who identify as liberal. Maybe we can call them transliberals? It kind of works because Matt is clearly a member of the privileged and bigoted cisliberal patriarchy.
What? How?
Yup. Victim is just another word for prole.
Hmmm...I thought victim was another word for nothin' left to lose.
Also yes.
They can cynically use victims to push a political agenda, but not as much if a would-be victim shoots a perp in self-defense.
It's right wing. Get off that Reagan-era crack pipe.
What you see is the end and slide back down of RIGHT WING SECULARISM.
It's like the equivalent to the right wing religious hey day when that cunt Bill O'Reilly commanded market share.
They're losing their grip, and the right wing religitards are rising -if we let them.
Could be that this just cycles back and forth for eternity, but in the middle we may get some fucking common sense in there to help the common good of the silent majority.
So... will you still call Joe Biden, who is to the right of Henry Kissinger, a "Liberal"? He's obviously not.
If I slapped a rainbow flag label on a bomb and took photo ops or tweeted on behalf of the CIA with pride month platitudes would you call that.... LEFT WING?
I wouldn't.
Again, the left wing you're referring to would be called "right wing" by the left wing that you're calling right wing.
Or we can spin & twirl & do si do reach down low and grab yer big toe.
Personally don't give a shit what "wing" they are. I'm just tired of watching them fly in a tight little circle while they shit on my car.
So what are we going to do about it?
Independence is needed once again, from the corruption that has happened to the systems that govern over our lives. What can we do to gain that independence back?
This Independence Day we must shift focus from fighting each other to fixing the corrupted systems that govern over all of our lives. This is something we should all agree on, and being the number one problem we face in America today, there is nothing more important:
Put down the pipe.
LOL! Conservatism is based on victimization, from the rephrasing of the Civil War as a War of Northern Aggression to accusing the media of being biased against conservatives. Victimization is the conservatives go-to whine. The problem with the Dems is that they refuse to fight the enemy, the conservatives as the conservatives fight all things liberal.
Conservatives are the enemy, always have been, from slavery to unconstitutionally nullifying women's rights.
You should learn some more about history. Many, many democrats owned slaves, and Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. The Reoublican party emerged in 1854 to combat the expansion of slavery into American territories. To try to blame your political enemies for slavery is not only ludicrous, it's just wrong. Also, to call Dobbs "unconstitutional" shows a profound ignorance of the substance of the Constitution, no matter what you think of the decision.
You should pay attention to history, the problem is conservatism, not the particular party, but their composition. The Southern Democrats were conservative, supported slavery, then Jim Crow, then Separate But Equal and left the Democratic Party due to the passage of the Civil Rights Act at which point they, the Dixiecrats, moved to the Republican Party because of their "state's rights" platform.
Conservatism is the enemy. They are illiberal by definition and do not believe in rights, only privilege (
The democrats have once again become the party of privilege. They give lip service to caring about regular people, but their actions prove them to be intolerable hypocrites. I'm not an enormous fan of republicans either, but right now, they have more dissenting voices than the democrats.
LOL! The Democrats are the ones who put up bills to help the low and middle class only to have McConnell keep them from a vote and the GOP passed that pro-wealthy tax cut under Trump. You've got to be fucking kidding.
It must be comforting to believe the partisan bullshit. Have fun with that.
This had been debunked so many times. That's the problem with partisans. They will believe any lie that supports their view.
LOL! Really? That conservatism is illiberal by definition has been debunked? That conservatives do not believe in inherent rights by definition has been debunked? If so, then those "conservatives" are liberals.
Now do liberalism.
Yadda yadda blah blah blah Bissy. I don't care.
Hey ya never know Bissy ol' boy, maybe a new Civil War will come out of this and you can get the chance to fight the good fight from somewhere other than behind your keyboard.
I'm sure you'd love that, eh?
If conservatives are the enemy than liberals like you must be the enema.
After the last time that I stepped in a heaping pile of Biss someone told me that Biss is urban slang for "Bitch." Now there's some poetic justice eh pard.
Your name means bitch, you're a liberal with bunched up panties, all you do is bitch like a little bitch.
There might be a God after all buddy.
Toodles boot'ums!
As always I treasure our time together. Every reeking minute of it.
LOL! The incel doesn't care. Go back to trying to blow yourself.
So Bissy are all of the skank ho-bags in your family bumming large now that they can't murder the little retards that tend to fester in a Biss womb?
I guess you'll have to go back to wearing a condom when you prong the grandkids.
Not to worry you can always just make the bitches blow ya.
From what I've heard all Biss bitches excel at cocksucking.
I'm a gonna leave you with a little Malcolm X wisdom.
"The biggest danger to the American Negro is the white liberal groomer."
So true.
OK, so you can't reach yourself and now you're all pissy. Baby.
Beware steaming horse apples. Ew more Biss on the side of the road
You sound like a college freshman.
OK, so it's too much for you. Sorry, I'll dumb it down next time, just for you.
Thanks for giving the Tucker Carlson talking points on this issue..
1. Blacks are only 5% less likely to be vaccinated than whites and that is entirely related to income not opposition. Poor people have been the last to get vaccinated. And, the vast majority of willingly unvaccinated Americans have been proven to be misinformed on vaccines according to the research done by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
2. Pro Lifers are not "white Nazi Scum" I have never once seen that assertion made. The vast majority of Pro Lifers are Republicans. Their views on abortion come as a political position not a religions position as the bible barely mentions abortion. Matt has argued that the current Republican party is Fascist given it's corporate control but that is not the same as Nazi. I don't suppose you know those things do you?
3. Liberals advocate for a large number of solutions to the out of control gun violence problems that only the US suffers from. The gun control efforts are only one solution. They are also supporters of self defense classes against male rapists. As for woman packing heat to prevent rape you clearly are not aware that 70% of rapes in the US are done by someone the victim already knows.
get a clue
The Bible doesn’t mention abortion, but it does mention God knowing us as individuals in the womb/before birth “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I consecrated you”. Jeremiah 1:5 I’d say that serves as a guidepost for not cravenly killing the unborn.
If Black Lives Matter, maybe they should comment on the statistic that more black babies are aborted in NYC every year than are born alive….
Black Mansions Matter!
Matt thank you as always for being intellectually courageous. And for keeping the comment sections a place for discourse!
Independence is needed once again, from the corruption that has happened to the systems that govern over our lives. What can we do to gain that independence back?
This Independence Day we must shift focus from fighting each other to fixing the corrupted systems that govern over all of our lives. This is something we should all agree on, and being the number one problem we face in America today, there is nothing more important:
Quit advertising under the guise of commenting, yo.
You can't shift the focus from one another as there are a lot of people who support the Republican Party that has been eroding our rights for decades. Conservatives are the problem and the enemy of freedom as they reject the very concept of rights that liberalism is based on.
The conservative SCOTUS did what it has not power to do, nullify women's rights. Article III provide no such power and Alexander Hamilton stated as much in The Federalist #84. also the Ninth Amendment protects all unenumerated rights, such as a woman's right to control her own life that includes ending a pregnancy without state interference until the fetus' brain develops the capacity for mind, when it becomes a being that has rights too, and the right to privacy, the right to marry who will have you, the right to read the books that you want, to view movies that you want, etc.
To fix the inherent corruption, we need to remove conservatives from office to ensure that rights are secure.
Although I know you're a troll, please tell me how big government, bureaucracy, the administrative state, and limiting freedoms fixes this. And while you're at it, get off my lawn.
LOL! Government is a problem only in that conservatives control it. The conservative court just did something unconstitutional, that it has no authority to do, it nullified a right that women have inherently, that no one has the authority to grant nor nullify. Government's function is to protect rights as explained in the Declaration of Independence:
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
That government has failed to protect rights is due entirely to conservatives and conservatism. This is a perennial problem that requires conservatives to be removed from power.
Again with the LOLs!
Since you even admit that judges don't have the right to legislate (which is conservative, by the way), why didn't Obama's D Congress pass abortion into federal law? They had the power, and this would be the ultimate protection of that 'right,' yet they did not. And literally everyone knew Roe was on shaky ground - or there wouldn't be marches and massive fundraising for abortion rights.
I'd say government's function is to serve the people and not encroach on the rights that are enumerated in the Constitution specifically to limit government, but tomato-tomahto.
You need to read The Federalist #84 to see why I am correct about the unconstitutionality of the SCOTUS' decision and the Ninth Amendment that protects all unenumerated rights.
PS, I'm also saying if no abortion was such a big deal to Rs, they could have codified it with GWB and an R Congress.
So maybe marches and fundraising and "the most important election of our time!!!!!!!!!!" are the point.
This. ☝️☝️
Are you also a cat? Personally, I hate water.
Arizona wants you....:)
Egypt. Ancient Egypt had the right attitude towards cats.
Might as well go back to cat worship. What’s the worst that could happen?
At least cats do useful shit.
As a member of the feline community, cats and Bastet Herself would approve very much of cat worship.
At least Muslims as a rule are fond of cats. So are Russian people, for whatever reason. Feeding and caring for random cats was seen as a civic duty, and girls would capture and domesticate kittens each spring.
The media has been trying to shove two narratives on minorities at the same time (well, really all of us, but at the moment I'm focusing on minorities):
(1) The government along with all other American institutions are systemically racist and out to kill innocent minorities in droves simply for being minorities
(2) You can trust the government to take care of you if you give up your guns.
The messaging doesn't quite work.
Hey.. if god didn't want them sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep
Will of the sheeple.
This is a Magnificent comment :-)
There are a number of reasons Jesus called us “sheep” and “goats.” They are highly relevant here.
We certainly need a Good Shepherd. We have gone astray, each to their own way.
We should have a contest to see who can come up with the best examples of doublethink messaging from both sides. How about 1) abortion is evil AND 2) single mothers are trailer trash beneath our contempt.
That's quite a characterization there. People who think abortion is evil don't tend to think of single *mothers* as "beneath... contempt." They might - and I say *might* - encourage those women to put their babies up for adoption rather than try to raise them in abject poverty (if that is the single mother's situation), or they might deplore the decision of a woman to have a baby outside a relationship since parents' being in a stable relationship is so important to children's well-being. Or they might think a woman is "beneath... contempt" for some other reason.
But they certainly wouldn't think the woman is "beneath... contempt" for her decision to have the baby rather than aborting it.
Very good statement. Thank you.
I've never heard that said on the "right-wing" media I read, but I agree we should have a contest because often, even in hyperbole, inconsistencies show up. On the right, I would say (1) abortion is evil and (2) everyone is on their own and we don't need to waste money on a social welfare net because with sufficient motivation anyone can succeed or they can get help from private charities. Granted I don't know a lot of anti-abortion/pro-life people (or at least not absolutists), but those I do know don't describe single mothers as trailer trash.
I think we can agree that the brushstrokes are too broad, but oh so convenient for our so-called educated class
I love it. This morning I'm accused of being a righty because I'm not sufficiently pro-choice and this evening I think I'm accused of being a lefty ("for you in our so-called educated classes," I'm guessing is what you're trying to say, with "so-called educated" meaning Democrats/lefties/liberals/me) because I point out what I've heard frequently coming out of Republican/conservative mouths.
There are smart people on both sides.
When either side talks about freedom.
If we're painting with broad brushes, it's the pro-choicers that really deplore trailer trash. I mean, they say it out loud and everything.
Well, I would like to disagree, but if we're talking the stereotypical "left" and by "trailer trash" mean white working class or white people left without work in the Midwest because factories went overseas . . . you have a point. Their disgust is almost palpable.
Only if they voted trump
That's sort of the definition of "trailer trash" for them, isn't it? White people who voted Trump.