Matt, Matt, Matt. Shit son, I'm VERY disappointed in you. How could you leave out "existential threat"? As if Camus was on the ballot.

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Chef’s kiss!

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Not to mention Kierkegaard or Sartre…

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Could end up w alcohol poisoning!

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You'll be black-out nighty-night in an hour.

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He's watching MSNBC. I GIVE HIM 20 MINUTES.

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That's a good 15 more more minutes than I could stand.

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Disagree. It could be really fun to watch tonight

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Andy Warhol gives him 15.

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I tried....

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Joy Reid and Nicole Wallace. Nicole says J.D. Vance is part of the Putin wing of the Republican Party. I'm out.

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J D is the anti-neocon. So of course all peace loving Dems (who apparently would send American's to defend Ukraine's borders but not our own) call him a Putin lover.

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I give him a medal!! 🏆

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an hour?! You, sir, must have a tolerance level that would put Richard Burton to shame.

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I've been training all my adult life for this event.

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I didn't train for six years in college to let it go to waste now.

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I thought it was seven years?


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They told me no math would be involved.

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You beat me to it!

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I'll pass on the drinking game -- I'm not interested in dying tonight, Matt!

Sure is a shame that our presstitute media never mentions that Democrats literally boosted MAGA candidates during the primaries because they would be 'easy to beat' in the general election.



“I do want to win these races, but it makes me worried,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) told Politico in July. “I just really worry about promoting election deniers and this idea that we’re going to be able to control what voters want at the end of the day.”


This is the perfect encapsulation of American politics: support something with your actions while decrying it with your words.

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What makes this even more ridiculous is that Hillary Clinton’s campaign did the same exact thing in the 2016 presidential election by elevating Trump over his Republican opponents. We know this because of a document found among the tens of thousands of emails to and from John Podesta, Clinton’s chair, which were released by WikiLeaks. They referred to it as the “pied piper” strategy: Intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates, hoping to turn them into the new “mainstream of the Republican Party” in order to (try to) increase Clinton’s chances of winning.

The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee called for using far-right candidates “as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right,” insisting that Trump and other extremists be “elevated” to “leaders of the pack” and media outlets “take them seriously.”


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Yep! The good people at Malignant Army special made me a meme for it (bottom of post)! :)


My favorite thing about that story above is that Clinton is basically directing the media for her own personal gain -- and she just assumes they'll listen. (Or rather, she KNOWS they'll listen) This is very informative of the entire relationship between government and media these days. (Obviously present company excluded, since we've been excluded!)

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Yup, and she thought she was so effing brilliant with the Pied Piper scheme, she could phone in her campaign from The Hamptons!! 😂😂😂😂

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Not many people remember her DEMANDING that the on-the-ground troops abandon 'surprisingly close' races in order to 'fool' Donald Trump into campaigning in Iowa or running up the score in blue strongholds. Perhaps the greatest campaign blunder ever.



Everybody could see Hillary Clinton was cooked in Iowa. So when, a week-and-a-half out, the Service Employees International Union started hearing anxiety out of Michigan, union officials decided to reroute their volunteers, giving a desperate team on the ground around Detroit some hope.

They started prepping meals and organizing hotel rooms.

SEIU — which had wanted to go to Michigan from the beginning, but been ordered not to — dialed Clinton’s top campaign aides to tell them about the new plan. According to several people familiar with the call, Brooklyn was furious.

Turn that bus around, the Clinton team ordered SEIU. Those volunteers needed to stay in Iowa to fool Donald Trump into competing there, not drive to Michigan, where the Democrat’s models projected a 5-point win through the morning of Election Day.

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There only one kind of politics now… DIRTY. We’ve reached a new low.

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On the one hand she was conspicuously absent from the campaign trail -- and went months between even giving press conferences. On the other hand nobody really wants to hear her speak. She's about as inspiring as an insurance seminar.

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But she keeps a bottle of sriracha sauce in her $15,000 Hermés Burka handbag… woman of the people!!

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I told my VoteBlueNoMatterWho friend that Hillary put her old buddy Trump up to running against her for the very reason you mentioned: "easy to beat", and she looked shocked and denied it. But she works for NPR, and when I told her that it is mainstream media, she got a second shock. The conversation didn't go well.

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It is difficult to get a (hu)man to understand something, when his/her/their salary depends on his/her/their not understanding it.

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This is what put the coup de grace on the whole J6 debacle. It was flailing from the start, but when you deliberately take the people who are supposedly the greatest danger to democracy, and elevate their chances, well, fuck of with that shit.

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Exactly. You don't get to boost MAGA candidates in the primaries and then complain how many MAGA candidates are on the ballot in the general election.

This is the stuff media should be pointing out every single time Biden opens his mouth about 'dangers to democracy'. Too bad they're just paid shills at this point.

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Right. Telling me I am the worst person your daughter ever dated, and then slipping me a strip of condoms under the table is a bit of a mixed message.

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just so you know, I am stealing this for future use

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This is genius writing.

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That did not stop Biden from referencing Jan 6 last night.... that is some serious deceit right there.

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Ah yes, good ol' DNC spending millions in support of MAGA candidates, but "we" still can't afford healthcare.

I'll have a drink in your stead tonight.

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Ultimate irony will be Democrats not even being able to beat these hand-picked candidates.



Democrats have played a risky game this election season, meddling in a number of GOP primary races across the country in hopes of bettering their odds of winning next week's elections. With four days until Election Day, it's looking like their bets paid off as Democratic candidates lead the polls in a series of races where they're up against a MAGA candidate.

Newsweek previously reported that Democrats had spent at least $43,885,000 in six states to boost far-right election deniers who were running against more moderate Republicans. Of the GOP candidates that Democrats funneled money toward, more than half won their primaries and will be on the ballot Tuesday.

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I'm assuming some of these bucks were spent in PA before the Republican primary. We had a very crowded primary field and the Donald's man, Doug Mastriano won, thus assuring a Democrat victory, and further assuring that all efforts at updating PA election laws will be vetoed for four more years.

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They know they have failed so miserably that the only thing they have to run on is shrieking, "EXISTENTIAL THREAT" and "DEMOCRACY ITSELF IS ON THE BALLOT" so they needed to be able to decry the lunatics. I personally am rooting for the lunatics. At least that will be funny.

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And regarding the Dems and their "fund the worse candidate" approach, I swear there are some of those types still doing it.

There are ads for Dennis Pyle, a Republican who ran as an independent for Kansas governor, and Democrats went out of their way to collect signatures for Pyle. The ads paint Derek Schmidt as being weak on illegal immigrants, while touting Pyle as somebody who supports building the wall.

I don't know for certain if the Democrats are behind those ads, but it wouldn't surprise me if they are.

And I'm the type of person who thinks major party candidates blaming third parties for their woes are just making excuses for nominating bad candidates -- but the whole thing the Dems did with Pyle was ridiculous. It was just another example of Dems not being comfortable enough with just backing Laura Kelly, who, while far from perfect, has been smart enough not to back "defund the police" or lecture parents that they have no business knowing what their children are being taught.

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I'd suggest drinking water, unsweetened tea or anything without alcohol, sugar or excess caffeine in it, but then I realized we'd be using the bathroom so much, our water bills would probably double in a single night.

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I remember that, during the 2016 campaign, someone posted the DNC spreadsheet and they were sending regular donations to Donald Trump.

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Imma take 2 Fukitols and check out the scorecard tomorrow.

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Can you get those over the counter, or do you need a prescription?

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I believe medical Fukitol is on the ballot in a few states…

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It’s legal in Cali !

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That's what I'm doing. In fact, I think that I now have an addiction to Fukitols, since I've been relying on them for the last year or so.

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If Team D does badly, we will hear "something, something Muh Democracy Is In Peril".

If Team D does well tonight, we will hear "The Boots Of Freedom Are On The March!"

No, I am not a Team R supporter, either.

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BTW, the dire warnings of "Russian interference" (as if Putin had superpowers bordering on psychic mind control) are a sure sign that the poll numbers are looking dire and it's time to foam the runway.

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Yeah for a country without a functional military they sure are scary

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If Team D does badly, it will be all Putin's fault, all Elon's fault, all Trump's fault, all DeSantis' fault... all anybody's fault but Team D, who are the proud defenders of democracy by telling you there is only one choice.

(Sarcasm up to 11 here.)

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The boots of Storm Troopers.

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I've got Maddow blaming Musk for Walker in the first 30 minutes OR Professor Plum in the lounge with the candlestick

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Col. Mustard / in the conservatory / lead pipe

Watching MSNBC is out of the question.

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Nah. A woke professor of color? Never.

Blame Colonel Mustard, the old white guy.

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I'll take the under on that one

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Lmao. Thank you Matt! Perfect list for the theater we endure

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This just an inhumane set of rules. DUI’s, self-stabbing by samurai sword, stumbling off of curbs causing grievous bodily harm, public urination, loss of eyesight caused by people gouging their eyes out with dull sporks, etc incidents are going to go ballistic over the next 12 hours. And it will all be Matt’s - Russia’s - and the evil diabolical Trump’s fault!

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If I followed these rules, I'd be in the hospital for alcohol poisoning ...

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Thank you, Matt for all your efforts !! GOP RINOs are equally hopeless as Democrats – a uniparty serving ONLY its arms industry donors.

- Republicans Are Largely Faking Their Opposition to Ukraine War “Aid”

Michael Tracey -- 11/7/2022 https://substack.com/inbox/post/83176177

- Congressman Can't Answer Simple Question About His Own Bill, So Accuses Me of Working for the Russian Government – M. Tracey – Nov. 1 -- https://substack.com/inbox/post/81873356

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The Tracey piece was great.

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Yes. He spoke directly, plainly and earnestly to a politician and the politician’s uselessness is just laid bare. Naked. Could be any pol today.

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Great links, thanks for them. Should the "red wave" occur (I have my doubts), the Repubs have 2 years to deliver something new and different or the Dems will own the US for years.

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I honestly think they supported MAGA candidates in hopes they will win so they have someone to share the blame with when it all comes crashing down this winter. It's going to be bad and in this game of musical chairs, you don't want a seat when the music stops. You don't even want to be in the room.

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Highly improbable. They don't plan on taking the blame in any case. The operating philosophy of the DNC is win elections by any and all means.

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Yes, also - it allows the Dems to cancel Joe Biden, have him resign.

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Careful - Uncle Joe resigns, we get Que Mala.

But it fits my conspiracy theory - Joe resigns, Kamala ascends to the throne, appoints HRC as the new VP

and then the "suicide" watch begins

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I’d almost want Hillary to have her disappeared if that came to pass. Kamala is an inexcusable moron for her position. She’s a fucking idiot. It’s painful to listen to her talk.

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But then…Hillary

Not sure who has worse cackling

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Actually, I think the palace intrigue would be to have her appoint Gavin Newsome, since Lady Macbeth Pelosi is related and can continue her manipulations.

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It’s good to see dems destroy each other. Let the games begin.

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Like. Also, love conspiracy theories.

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I had not considered this as a motive. But I sincerely believe the "fix" is in, no red wave is coming, and Biden's merry band will play on. Hope I'm wrong.

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When I voted this morning, I didn’t even see Democracy on the ballot. Am I being disenfranchised?

Also, with respect to last week’s story about Big Brother mailers on voting records, yesterday I got a text message addressed to my 18 year old son noting that he didn’t appear to be registered to vote. Can these busybody scolds please jump off a cliff?

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Alas, I'll be at work so I'll miss the fun. But it's all good anyway, I wouldn't last 5 minutes watching MSNBC. I'll be watching Politico for results. The commentary wasn't ridiculous last election I watched on there, but it was hard to keep up with as the software was so wonky.

Pelosi seems to have accepted finally that she's going to get slaughtered, and says the attack on Paul changed here plans. Oh, so that's what it was about then, she has an easy out.

Hope you'll give us a piece tomorrow or soon so we can hash it all out.

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Now that I think about it, the Paul attack thing has a Jussie Smollett kind of vibe.

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Interesting, tho Jesse was unharmed, save some chlorine bleach fumes inhaled and skin irritation from leaving the noose around his neck for several hours. Pelosi got his skull fractured.

First hand reporting done by Mike Shellenberger et al suggest that the attacker was a complete wingnut/drug addict, so it is possible he was recruited for this operation, but he doesn't seem like a very reliable operator.

What's most strange is whether anyone verified that Pelosi answered/opened the door and then went back towards his intruder rather than escaping and letting the cops do their job?

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The timing and every aspect of that event is almost too bizarre to not have been a set up. My guess is the perp wasn't actually supposed to clunk him that hard. It's always suspect when the security apparatus beefed up to protect VIPs (Epstein) completely fails at the exact moment the extraordinary event happens. We will never know but damn, sure makes good theater.

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Your guess is as good as mine. The public has been so gaslit on this from every which way on this I doubt we'll ever know anything definitive.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

The whole thing has a Hunter Biden laptop vibe to me. A bit of pre-election creepy weirdness where the DNC & all of their media quislings quickly leap to attention and shriek "Nothing to see here & if you insist there is you're just a nazi trump loving anti-vaxxer Putinist poopy headed bastard who wants to see democracy flushed down big fat toilet."

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Changed her plans, omfg

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If she loses the House

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A perfect exit for the Speaker of the House.

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The capstone to Fancy Nancy's career ought to be getting roofie'd by Benny Mardones and whisked away on his magic flying carpet.

ROCK VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTRaRQQGOVY , possibly the most unintentionally (?) amazing one MTV ever ejaculated. Mardones is like some crazed djinn, or the guy from THE ROOM before THE ROOM.

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Wait, what? Mama Bear is finally going to go? That's worth at least a double shot in itself. Or maybe a double bottle. (She's probably doing a double bottle herself, so why not join her?)

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Conspiracy memes being teed up in Maricopa County already. Something like 20% of machines not working. If somebody brought this to me as a script, I'd say "get outta here with that!. The person responsible for Arizona elections CAN'T be the Democratic candidate, too!"

How can this be distinguished from open taunting of the proles and deplorables? Never underestimate the incompetence, but seriously? This insults the intelligence of 90% of the bell curve.

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They don't care we know or are insulted. No person, governmental agency, or court will stop them. So why care about us Fascists, Nazis, deplorables, roaches?

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*Mega MAGA is the term du jour

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Like button not working

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OK, so I left the country and moved to Mexico. I didn’t do it specifically to flee the US. Consider it a side benefit for a decision I had already made.

So I can’t watch the returns from Oaxaca, but I want to participate in spirit. How about if I kill a bottle of Mezcal and call it good?

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If Dems win, send me the worm to feed my family.

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The worm thing is a bullshit marketing ploy. I’ve never seen a bottle here with a worm. Sadly, you need an alternative for feeding your family.

What is true, however, is that Mezcal doesn’t cause hangovers -- at least not harsh ones -- since it is made by all-natural processes. So I will dodge the consequences that everyone who plays Matt’s game will be facing.

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Au contraire mon frere - I've eaten said worm a number of times. Monte Alban Mezcal Con Gusano is my poison. Never a good way to end an otherwise fine evening.

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Not saying you can’t find a bottle of Mezcal with a worm. I am saying that I have toured three different distilleries in Oaxaca, including one that used the strictest traditional methods.

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I have also seen how Mezcal is sold in Oaxaca. No worm. I have also asked specifically about the worm and was told it was begun as a marketing ploy. You are drinking a Mezcal marketed for the export market.

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hmmm...I've been in Mexico for about 30 years, and I've seen plenty of bottles of Mezcal with a worm.

Mostly in the tourist traps though, not for general consumption.

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Correct. Not for general consumption. I have toured a distillery that strictly uses traditional methods. No worm. And I asked someone knowledgeable about the worm. Marketing ploy.

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The mezcal I drank during my time in Mexico was smooth as silk, but had no worms. However, it certainly gave me a hangover. It came in a plastic bottle, so maybe that had something to do with it. Still, I wish I had some for tonight.

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Also worth mentioning. On Election Day weekend it’s illegal to sell alcohol in Mexico. And believe me, they need it more than US does.

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Iffn they are drunk, how are they going to remember who passed them cash/food/etc for their vote?

Got a keep a clear mind

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I'm guessing a bottle only gets you through #8...

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If I’m watching MSNBC tonight I gotta hit the liquor store again...

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There’s nothing more enjoyable than watching overwrought TV personalities watch their dreams crumble in front of them live on election night. Doesn’t matter what channel, it’s always the best.

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