Have we learned nothing from our benevolent overlords? Of course it's not a left-right thing. Whatever Good People™ do is good, and whatever Bad People™ do is bad. Censorship is just a small facet of that.

Nuance? Hypocrisy? Principles? That sounds like Bad People™ talk.

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Authoritarians versus freedom lovers.

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Orwell would marvel at the modern UK. No first amendment, second amendment, or borders. Americans kicked out their tyranny in 1776, but it has seeped into our institutions as well.

Of course Suella had to be sacked. She is the only competent government minister who seemed to care about the country. The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those that speak it.

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People REALLY do not like hearing the truth. Your namesake had a colorful description of this phenomenon IIRC.

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She's a monster. End of.

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They sacked her because the police could not handle the thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters, at a rate of 100 per officer - young recruits who think you have to "leave them be", according to the old guard.

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"competent government minister who seemed to care about the country"... whatever parallel universe you're living in, it sounds very idyllic.

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Well, sure, Matt, anyone in power has to be watched for this. That's your job! However, in this country, the left has an iron grip on all means of information: MSM, entertainment, universities, and the deep state. Three things for a free society: free speech, EQUAL treatment under the law, and free and fair elections. The left is destroying all three right now here. But that doesn't mean whoever has the power might not do it. I like that FIRE organization. Can't be tolerated.

There are tough areas, though. I want to agree with Glenn Greenwald on free speech on our campuses, however, this oppressor/oppressed crap these teachers have been indoctrinated our children with is tribalism, racism. You can't correct racism with racism. So when huge masses of protestors (who trespassed and did what tons of Jan. 6 people did) swarm the capitol and celebrate genocide, "from the river to sea" stuff, when does all this incite violence? Is it "imminent?" I don't know. I suppose people had free speech to support Hitler. Tough stuff here.

Jewish people get to be both the "oppressor" and the "oppressed" at the same time in history. Lovely to be them. Boy. They can't win for losing.

We can start by keeping our children out of universities until they actually are places for open debate again, stop supporting woke corporations and people trying to normalize things that aren't normal (any adult should live as they please, but leave our children alone), get involved in school boards or home school, but be careful you are teaching your children how to think and not what to think.

People like Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald, and Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson are out there reminding us of civil liberties. Jonathan Turley. Bari Weiss.

But this is a problem of power and journalists were supposed to be the watchdogs, not part of the corruption.

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From the river to the sea is the motto of the Likud party and that is the genocide in play right now... right?

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Not sure about the Likud party, but yes, that's what it means according to several scholars I've heard.

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So it's just a matter of who gets to genocide who... and Israel does have the weapons to do it... like final solution do it.

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Well, Israel is not claiming to wipe out all Muslim people--they are trying to defend themselves against terrorists on their back door. And they are not trying to kill civilians and children. So...

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Hamas is not trying to wipe out all Jewish people either. They are fighting for their independence. For example in an accord signed with Fatah in I think 2015 they accepted the two state solution. And many Jews are horrified at what Israel is doing, including some in Israel. I think you need to do a bit more exploring of the Palestine story. Since 1948 Israel has been ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their land. See the work of Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe. Both Israeli Jews.

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Oh bologna. They slaughtered babies, beheaded people, raped people, and their stated objective is to annihilate the Jewish people. Maybe you need to do more research. Nothing justifies what they did. Period.

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This level of ignorance you're displaying is inexcusable, Judith. Go read the Hamas charter... it's on wikipedia, ffs. Stop being lazy and just read it. It's only 10 pages. Enough to express "we want to kill ze Jews" in many different ways. Much can be debated about Israeli settlements and how corrupt Bibi is, but if your starting point regarding Hamas is to stick your head up your hind quarters and call a whiskey sour chocolate milk, you just make yourself a caricature of the village idiot.

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Judith Brown: Hamas says in its mission statement that its objective is to wipe out Israel and kill all Jews. You can look it up. THAT is genocide.

It is Israel which has done its best to live peacefully with the motley group of Arabs from many nations who now call themselves "Palestinians", and since the 1970s, the population of Palestine has increased five-fold. This is genocide? Please. Perhaps it is you who should dig deeper into the history between jews and Palestinians since 1948.

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"Hamas is not trying to wipe out all Jewish people either".

you make me sad.

Such ridiculous statements people make.

Hamas could not possibly be more clear about their aims, so this all on you, on your reading comprehension and intelligence.

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You obviously haven’t listened to Hamas in their own words, if you believe that. Disclaimer: I can’t imagine how anyone could NOT know that. It’s shocking to me that is unclear at this point. You know who else they want to eliminate? No, sorry, they believe they are driven by Allah to do? Wipe out Americans, homosexuals, uppity women who think they have rights, and the faithless (any faith other than their interpretation of Islam). In their own words. And they have been consistent for decades. I just can’t believe how badly propaganda and indoctrination has affected critical thinking, which in turn affects moral development. That’s how we have “Trump Nazi” kill him and round up his supporters while “Hamas as Charity”. Lol. I don’t know that psychiatric help is even possible at this point.

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If Israel wanted to ethnically cleanse the Arabs, they could easily have expelled every last one of them who refused Israeli citizenship from Gaza and the West Bank in 1967.

Had they done so, the world would already have forgotten, the term "Palestinian" would be a footnote to history, and Israel would not have had to endure 55 years of terrorism AND 55 years of international condemnation. So, y'know, hindsight.

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Tarun: Hamas says in its mission statement that its objective is to wipe out Israel and kill all Jews. You can look it up. THAT is genocide.

It is Israel which has done its best to live peacefully with the motley group of Arabs from many nations who now call themselves "Palestinians", and since the 1970s, the population of Palestine has increased five-fold. This is genocide? Please.

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The two blue lines on the Israeli flag are meant to show that, the Star of David occupying the area between the two blue lines.

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That is 1) insane, 2) false, 3) a slander against jews

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That is a non-sequitur. Makes no sense.

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You’re missing that part where the protestors on November 4, obtained permits prior to doing so. As is the law, as is our right in this country. There was evidently a vandal, which is unfortunate, but that vandal was arrested. Not sure what else you’d want there.

You might not like the idea of equality in Israel, hence your lying about what, “from the river to the sea” actually means. Which is equality for everyone regardless of religion or ethnicity (that includes Christians and Muslims, sorry).

On the other hand, the rioters at the Capitol on January 6 were trespassers and many of them also vandals. Hence why many of them were arrested. They did not obtain permits to enter the Capitol (because they couldn’t have).

These two events are not comparable, you’re letting your own bias cloud you.

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Hmmmm.. more evidence has been forthcoming indicating quite a few of the “trespassers” at the Jan 6 were actually FBI plants there to stir up trouble .(my sister was there-I’ll take her version, thank you) We have the insurrection disinformation hysteria crafted by the Democratic progressives (who will stop at nothing to derail Trump)” in cahoots with mainstream media broadcasting “the true facts” with just the right amount of deep concern ...BTW, hey did you know they are still holding many “prisoners” of this supposed insurrection” without trial or due process fatter 3 years or only just sentencing them to extraordinarily long sentences . (btw, note that many of these “Insurrectionists” honorably served in this country’s military so these charges make no sense.) yep it’s a disgrace and just more fear porn tactics. Because we have to ask if this behavior is not acceptable, why weren’t the pro Hamas folks who stormed the White House arrested in the same manner? Or what about the pass given with all the BLM riot madness. (whose leaders turned out to be more fraudsters than justice seekers).

This is somehow still completely overlooked by Pavlovian Trump haters. The left gets to be violent, disruptive, and inexcusably destructive to their hearts content because “it’s justified” (?).

The movie “wag the dog” could have been (and probably was) the exact script for this Ukraine debacle that has now destroyed a country. Crocodile tears abound. The country is now so divided it’s a wonder if we’ll ever heal--and who benefits from that... well, hmmm: 2023 Xi is soon meeting w/Newsom w/no interface with our President: 2015 Xi meets w/Gates, and no one bothered to bring on our then President. (Note 2016 -Trump raises concern about the outrageous trade imbalance between China & US--so much wealth siphoned out of this country but hey we did get lotsa cheap cheap goods. And American corporate became globalist corporate with no loyalty to US--just keeping HQ here to enjoy the privileges of the US; meanwhile out talking woke greenspeak while doing everything possible with their actual business to avoid costs of US labor, environmental and human rights law).

Looking forward to next installment ; it sounds the same tactical creepy twisting of events we & Canada has been experiencing will be highlighted in this upcoming story. Things smell pretty fishy to me.

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I’m aware of the reports about the undercover FBI agents at January 6 and tend to believe those reports. It doesn’t change the fact the protests on November 4 were permitted (as in legal permits were obtained) and that the ones on January 6 were not permitted (as in no legal permits were obtained).

The rest of your comment is unhinged drivel.

Also: counter point, the protests on November 4 were not pro-Hamas, they were calling for a ceasefire. Please get your facts straight and quit helping divide this great nation.

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Always ad hominems: i.e."unhinged drivel" instead of coherent arguments when a person don't have a good response to points that upset their world view.

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To be clear, the ad hominem fallacy is when someone attacks the others character rather than what they are saying. In this case, I was attacking what they were saying, not their character. Examples of ad hominem are pretty much any of Donald Trump’s debates. He attacks his opponent’s character and not what they are saying.

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How do you know that it is Matt who is biased? It might be you. We all have some bias but differences of opinion should be discussed intelligently rather than using smears and slurs.

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I didn’t even know Lekimball’s name was Matt, I was just responding to their rant because it had some falsehoods. There’s this weird thing amongst conservative circles where they try to mental gymnastics January 6 and November 4.

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BAL:K : Your insistence that "from the river to the sea" just means innocent "equality" is contradicted by who actually uses that phrase, ie Congress members who have shown multiple instances of contempt for Israel and hatred for jews, and crowds of pro-Palestinians who make it plain they want to see elimination of Jews and would like us all to "F... Israel." Nobody here is so naive anymore as to believe that the Squad and their ilk are innocently pro-democracy just because once in awhile they toss out a remark that praises "equality." Their past words and deeds make it plain what they actually believe, and it is nauseating to be perpetually tut-tutted about their supposed dedication to both sides when we have seen all too often what it is they really mean by those words.

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Many many people who support Israel are in fact Jews. Many are Israeli. I have met with many Israeli Jews who oppose Israeli policy who regularly do lecture tours of U.K. and some have moved to U.K. because of Israeli policies that they disapprove of.

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"hence your lying about what, “from the river to the sea” actually means. Which is equality for everyone regardless of religion or ethnicity (that includes Christians and Muslims, sorry)."

What a ridiculous statement.

Its more than clear what most of these protesters mean because many of them have been asked what they mean and they reply NO JEWS.

You are the problem.

Go gaslight someone else, we aren't buying crap today

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I can honestly say that in over 20 years of belonging to Palestine solidarity in U.K. that I have NEVER heard an anti-Jewish or anti Semitic statement. And I have never belonged to a Palestinian solidarity group that did not have Jewish members.

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Maybe you should go and get your ears looked at?

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Except I was actually there. For the entire thing and I got there early enough to where I was I close to the front. That’s how I know permits had been obtained. Not a single speaker, not a single chant, called for what you are claiming. On the other hand, there were calls for a return to peace for everyone. There were thousands of Jewish people there too crying that “never again, means never again for ANYONE”.

The aim of protest was specifically an exchange of our votes for a ceasefire. In other words, “No ceasefire, no votes.” Or “Biden, Biden, come November. All the voters will remember.”

You are ignorant. Whether that ignorance is born of gullibility or bigotry I’ll never know, as I don’t know you. But you are ignorant.

That was my first time in DC, by the way. I’d always meant to go, but never made it out that far before. And while I don’t blindly follow the Federal government as you all do, I definitely felt a sense of patriotism when looking upon the monuments. Disagreeing with the Federal government is not tantamount to hating one’s country. So if you’re going to throw more ignorant talking points at me, you can f*ck right the f*ck off.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

Don’t believe a word you’re saying

So you can take your own advice

Go hide behind your fake name

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Ah, so it's definitely gullibility. Perhaps there's still some bigotry too as those who are as gullible as you tend to also be bigots, but who knows. You're ignorant just the same.

Also, ironic you would throw "gaslighting" out there. Classic projection.

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Classic projection

Every one of your actions.

Still don’t believe anything you are saying.

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"Woke corporations" are as real as Martians, mermaids, and unicorns.

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You wish. What do you call Bud Light, Coca Cola, Disney, don't make me go on. Starbucks seems to be getting smarter. The list is LONG. RIdiculous comment.

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Blackrock, Bank of America, Nike, Amazon, Google--they are politically socially woke and open about it. Not sure what planet you live on. I could go on and on.

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The idiot spoke! Why for you no love Feldspar?

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It's just the usual goalpost-moving of the permanent revolution. Whatever Disney has done to advance the agenda of the left is axiomatically insufficient by the left's standards.

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Yes, demonstrating that the lies that made DIE possible have been a boon to corporate PR. Throw a few bucks at activist organizations, paint your ads with rainbows, exploit the sexually confused by using them as shills, and voila! You are an "ally."

Never mind that the corporate sponsorship of BLM ended up as mansions and fat bank accounts for that organization's leaders. You have to break some eggs to make an omelet, right?

It's all such cynical horseshit, from the critical studies lecture hall to the streets, we live in an era in which the venerable Insane Clown Posse looks mainstream.

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It would be funny if it wasn't getting terrifying. I guess we laughed too long.

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In Quebec corporations have none of the rights we afford living things. Corporations in Quebec have the same rights as the Charmin and Mr Whipple doesn't speak Quebec. Only living things have rights in a secular humanist liberal democracy where race, gender and religion are all ANCIENT SUPERSTITION.

In Quebec HEALTHCARE, EDUCATION and WELFARE are HUMAN RIGHTS not privileges of the privileged.

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Unfortunately the rest of the country ain't that way and it's getting worse, a lot worse where every New government does it's best to exceed the venality, mendacity and malevolence of the prior one and the sheeple turn out in the hundreds of thousands for a sports team who's players were 100% non Canadian. Good luck Quebec, a little island of civilization in a vast majority of sheeple controlled by the worst possible people.

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Some of us remember 1775-1776 when the USA invaded Quebec and Benjamin the scoundrel and patriot led the Occupation of Montreal. Thankfully BonHomme Richard lived in the Communes of Paris and understood Quebec would never become English and Protestant.

In fact after the Quiet revolution Quebec is FULLY DEMOCRATIC and race, gender and religion are ancient superstition and Quebec serves humans and Healthcare, education and welfare are human rights and are not God given and abortion is not in the purview of the voters or their Government.


Bill 21


Just as Benjamin Franklin who wrote instructions on safe in home abortions and my brother Jesus would have wanted it.

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From Samuel Joh\son's dictionary of the English Language where the truth of the constitution lies in plain sight.



Their were no Jews in the English colonies there were no Jews in England's America Jews spoke Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish England had no Jews from the Jew roast in Yorke to celebrate Richards return from Jerusalem until the end of the Civil War between Protestants and Protestants and Calvinism became the religion of America's Jews.

There were no Jews in England when Thomas More wrote Utopia and James translated the Bible from Latin and Greek.

I know Utopia it does not exist. One man's Heaven is another man's Hell. Milton was a Unitarian and Cromwell was a Calvinist. The English Civil War was the bloodiest in English history and in 2023 continues in America.

Netanyahu is an American and an Israeli but I don't believe he understands being a Jew.

The Final Solution began in 1939 in Havana May 27 when Roosevelt and Beaverbrook said one is too many and Jews were sent back to die in Europe.


Jews couldn't even enter Palestine or Gaza it belonged to the English speaking Empire. I know Bibi understands the Final Solution but Palestinians are wandering Arameans looking for a land to call their Zion so they can sing the Heneni like we did in Crimea over 2 millenia ago in our synagogues before Popes, Patriarchs Caliphates and immaculate conceptions.

"Let's stop talking about the Holocaust. We don't want to give tthem any ideas."

Irving Layton 1912-2006

From the Covenant 1977


An image torments me.

I growl like a beast in a cage.

I see his phallus

Ringed in a crown of thorns

And neither beast nor god. I rage

"Rejoice, rejoice , death is no more

For dew is god's semen

And sheaves are his golden hair."

Here is Irving defending dirt and slamming smut over sixty years ago.



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Thanks Alex. It is two thousand years since every Ukrainian is named Alex. I am Alex my great grandfathers great great grandfather was named Alex and we now have Alex's from 2 to 75 as all the older Alexes are gone Ukraine finally has an Alex as head of state after two thousand years of Heneni.

You Want it darker the choir lives two blocks from Kamala old High School in Montreal's most prestigious neighbourhood.


Here is Leonard's friend and mentor Israel Lazarovitch telling the story of antisemitism in 1976

The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth as told by Israel and by my father who grew up and finished High School in Poland and was two years older than Israel the poet.

Sung by Willie Nelson once upon a time in Texas.

My Nashville born wife thinks Kinky's mystery novels are as good as it gets and she is 85 and we spend more on books than on food and we eat like Kings are supposed to eat a fresh healthy nutritious diet of local nourishment.

Here is Willie finding a Pearl in the Snow.


For my Brother Jesus A one finger salute.


My wife taught school in Woodlawn after Kinky had moved to Texas and the once upon a time Jews had fled to Skokie.

It is Snark Hunting season and I am a genius at logic and linguistics and rightly accused of being AI buuuut Big Blue is fast and I run like maple sap in January and this year the beaver is studying Snark and Lewis Carroll taught logic at Oxford.

Jewish American is an oxymoron Kamala is more Jewish than Mr Kamala.

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Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiian. Israel Lazarovitch taught me how and we know the lyrics. And I remember the smiles Brother Iz brought to my face.

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So how do I make it to Quebec?

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Drive, fly, or walk/hitchhike.

Once you get there, look into the Sarcopod. Find one and climb in.

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And yes I sound like AI because I am a genius at abstract mathematics and linguistics and I am autistic. I had a PhD vocabulary at 8 and could not handle a pen or pencil. I've been the very definition of AI for 75 years but computers talk at the speed of light and I am slow even for a human being. I use a keyboard designed for kindergarten and it is still difficult to find the keys. But I talk like a professional broadcaster with a PhD in Astrophysics. I never learned my ABCs I read Shakespeare, and Whitman before I went to school and I still can't follow simple instructions written for ten year olds.

To top it all off I am very shy but when I go outside I am all smiley and laffy and huggy and warm and when I come home I am still the same but I like the face in the mirror.

And damn I love people even if they are too stupid to love themselves.

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Notice they welcome English speaking immigrants. Canada's corporate media is as corrupt as FOX or MSNBC or as JOHN Ralston SAUL SAID IT in his dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense in 1994

CNN A privately owned reincarnation of the Voice of America, except that government funding and an official foreign policy commitment have been replaced by a brilliantly simple financing system.

The CNN formula is to report on public affairs in the manner of a local American commercial television station and to broadcast it around the world. This means choosing a few high-profile international events, which are then reduced to a visual form resembling that of tabloid headliners, all reported from a US point of view. These suggestions of internationalism are then interspersed with soft documentaries on minor topics, such as the closure of a naval base in South Dakota or the spread of venereal disease among blind drivers in California.

The secret to CNN success is the marriage of satellite technology with the power of the American myth--in other words, modern PROPAGANDA. And propaganda can be profitable as well as useful.

We need everyone from nuclear physicists to farm workers and entrepreneurs and we need a million new immigrants to fill all the jobs.

Just to let you know NO CHIK FIL As they are in violation of our Charter of Human Rights.

I suspect they violate our charter of chicken rights.

Animal Welfare


WE still have our share of racists and nationalists but our conservative government makes Bernie Sanders look like a Quebec conservative.

I lived in Woodlawn where Obama lost to Bobby Rush because Obama is far too conservative but it ain't Hyde Park and the property has little value and an Obama Center is so American. I love Obama I just wish he would use SAMUEL JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY to understand the constitution. It is written in English not Latin, Greek, French or Hebrew and it is as Jefferson said an abomination.


In 1820 Jefferson wrote The American Bible for Jews, Moslems and Atheists. The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.

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Well stated!

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At least the Jan6ers are Americans-born and raised. They actually have the right to protest their government and to question elections. Those protesting on university campuses are all on foreign education visas and they can and should be deported immediately. University leaders are against deportation of the radicals who threaten others and destroy property. Can you imagine Americans acting that way in those idiots foreign countries? They would never see the light of day again. Tolerance to the point of a malignant cancer metastasizing across the soul of this great nation.

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Yes, there's truth to this. I am not sure the best way to deal with it--it's the universities who are at fault mostly. But the pro-Palestinian protestors better be subject to the same laws they say apply to Jan. 6 protestors--of course, they aren't. Same with BLM--Harris said they weren't going to stop and shouldn't. Outrageous. But people do seem to want acknowledge that Muslim Americans are different, too, than other immigrants who all wanted to be Americans. They are setting up parallel societies everywhere they go. It's all scary stuff.

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Well if the right hadn't insisted that corporations were people, that money was equal to free speech, and the regulations were bad, that wouldn't have happened.

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And this isn't even touching on the public sacking of Suella Braverman for openly speaking the truth. If they won't even let their government representatives speak in the open, what chances do they have in the hidden internet realm?

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I think Braverman was sacked for unfairly criticising the police. The police were proven right and the demonstration in London was very peaceful.

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She's playing politics. She's no hero. Good riddance to her

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Suella Deville would be right at home in a 2nd Trump administration I should think. She's the type who could readily, on the spot and off the cuff, furnish the rationale for shooting, imprisoning, or deporting just about anyone.

She might even be a little too menacingly mendacious for King Don himself---and Don might also find her diva-like fondness for the Klieg lights a little off-putting, too.

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Well, if an idiot thinks she is awful...

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Suella Braverman...she is nothing but a loud-mouthed right wing privileged idiot.

You do know she wants to ship immigrants to Rwanda?

Not to mention she had decided that people living on the streets should not be allowed to sleep in tents which was suggested by aid workers.

I am glad to not see her ugly face again although I am sure she will pop up again.

One thing I have learned in my life, immigrants who do well don't want other immigrants coming to their country's.

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That she has upset you this much says she's right over the target. People really don't like hearing the truth. You've been conned. Time to wake up.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

Suella Braverman was not sacked for speaking the truth, she is a stranger to the very concept.

She claimed that the Palestine March was a hate march that would lead to the desecration of the Cenotaph. In fact, the Palestine march was entirely peaceful and just about the only people who resorted to violence on the day, were EDL protestors who attacked the police that they had ostensibly come to help protect the armistice day commemoration from a non-existent threat.

It's also worth noting, since allegations of "biased policing" have been thrown around, that the EDL crowd were mostly kept from confronting the main march by confining them to pubs along the march route. Anyone who attended for example, the anti-austerity marches, will tell you that this sort of enforced hospitalitity is not a regular police tactic - a cordon of riot shields in a side street is the usual approach.

So Braverman's op-ed was full of it. She was asked not to publish it by No10 and she went ahead anyway - an act of insubordination that would have had at least the potential for dismissal on its own. Given that the editorial did actually result in a small but fairly nasty riot, she's frankly lucky to have been sacked from her post as Home Secretary rather than being prosecuted.

And as for her open letter. First of all, it reads like a resignation letter, which is a bit odd from someone who was fired. Second, it is full of demonstrable falsehoods about both the contents of the 2019 manifesto and her own achivements as Home Secretary. And finally, is it not bizarre that she should accuse the Prime Minister of betraying a secret pact whose purpose was explicitly the breaking of international law in relation to refugees?

If Suella Braverman represents any coherent strain of thought whatsover then she is welcome to promote it to the best of her abilities. But if she is the best that her faction can do for leaders then I doubt that they are going to get very far.

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You had me from the top even as I kept wishing you'd write the "analog" sentence, which eventually you did write. Thank you for shedding light, once again, on what for me is the most disastrous consequence of all this disinformation—the DNC's cynical and ruthless sabotage of Bernie Sanders even as the same thing was happening to Corbyn at the hands of the Labor Party. This appalling episode (after Obama had broken my heart by turning to the right quite willingly and with seeming aplomb) forced me to finally give up on my country. The fix was irretrievably in. The uni-party (and its unipolar agenda) had won. They have since polarized America financially and politically (because how many of their victims understand why they are victims what with all the DNC sermonizing about gender identity and race?). They have caused the U.S. to plummet from onetime global economic powerhouse (with real political influence) to a puppet of Netanyahu. It's long since time we dismantled NATO (and ended this entirely disingenuous proxy war in Ukraine) and put our domestic house in order . . . if that's even possible at this point. Probably not.

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I am shocked that people still seem to treat Obama with such reverence. He destroyed the Middle East with the help of his henchwoman Hillary Clinton. I will never forgive him for what he did to Yemen, Libya, Syria and elsewhere.

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"...the DNC's cynical and ruthless sabotage of Bernie Sanders" in the 2020 Democratic primaries is a myth-turned-shibboleth manufactured, ironically, by two distinct cohorts of "NeverHillary voters" circulating in the 2020 election. One cohort was a key voting block for Sanders:

"...data shows that Clinton-skeptical Bernie supporters in 2016 were not progressives who opposed Clinton from the left, but from moderate or conservative Democrats who tended to have right-leaning views on racial issues and were more likely to support repealing Obamacare. These #NeverHillary voters also tended to be rural, lower-class, and white."

The other cohort is the bloc of anti-Democrat Party social media mavens who prefer trafficking in conspiracy theories rather than political science and field research.

"...No matter how many times Sanders repeated his passionate defense of universal health care, no matter how often his volunteers went door to door arguing for social democratic policies, the content of the policy messages wasn’t going to convince young people and economically disaffected non-voters to show up in the way he needed."

“Most of the field experiments that I’ve seen — the published work in political science, as well as the internal tests within the progressive community — show that talking about policies and issues does not really spur turnout,” says John Sides, a political scientist at Vanderbilt University."

Turns out the one thing most Americans across the political spectrum share is a distaste for issue-based campaigns and a preference for ire-raising, fight-club-like campaigns---and the media coverage afforded them.

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Your last paragraph sounds unfortunately true.

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The Machine, as I call it, reacts against anything, left or right, that endangers it and it's wants, which is primarily larger government, and government collusion with private and semi-private industry.

And, by the way, in the Friday talk you and Walter wondered who was behind all of this, and the answer is... no one. It is simply the reaction of that class of people, said Machine, or the UCP as you and Walter called them, so share values at this point that there is no need to have a controlling structure. They just react within the parameters of their class, which allows for the destruction of anything one anyone who threatens it's power.

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Ever read the Powell Memo? It’s very enlightening regarding the corporate set’s planned takeover of politics.

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Cribbed from Gore Vidal.

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I generally loath writers from that era and local, and so have gladly skipped Vidal.

The east coast was played by then.

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You must be kidding Arthur Miller was the head of PEN International and we had Steinbeck, and Sinclair and Hemingway and Orwell and Hannah Arrendt and Wittgenstein and Sartre and Camus and we're talking Boston Catholics with pointed heads and pointed hoods and generations of inbreeding. bad times make great philosophers. I don't care for the Huxleys but they presented some interesting ideas. Of course I lived in Montreal's Jewish Ghetto and we had Klein, Layton and Leonard Ha Cohen in addition to Saul Bellow and Mordechai Richler. Irving once said Stop talking about the holocaust we don't want to give them any ideas. Toronto had Glen Gould, Robertson Davies, Marshall McLuhan and Northrup Frye. In Quebec we had Rene Levesque a crusading journalist and philosopher who served in Roosevelt's Army and covered the liberation of Dachau and became Quebec's George Washington. Quebec where the final solution is deciding race, gender and religion are childhood fantasies.

Someone on MSNBC said France would soon become the first nation to legalize abortion. There is no such thing as abortion in Quebec. Citizenship begins at birth and ends with a flat. Citizens must obey the law but can chose their own ethics and morality. Karl Hess III was a far better example of Libertarian philosophy than Ayn Rand a pipsqueak barely superior to William F Buckley Jr son of Franco Fascist William the Oil Baron Buckley who urged America to invade even more of Mexico from occupied Mexico in a State called Texas where before the invasion and occupation 1846-1848 slavery was banned in 1828 and Roman Catholics were first class citizens. I remember the Alamo it was another genocide .Of course George Bernard Shaw and Bernard Russel and Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks and Groucho Marx Robert Heinlein , Isaac Asimov, Orson Wells, Alfred Hitchcock Noam Chomsky, Bernard Malamud Mike Nichols Elaine May Norman Mailer,

"We are standing on the shoulders of Giants." Isaac Newton

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Well, to go down your list, Steinbeck was from CA and Hemingway was from Chicago, so not that place, and frankly as both were pre-war writers, not that time. Orwell was English, Arendt (hey, she was a friend of a family member) German Jew, and we all know that Sartre and Camus (one of my favorites) were French. Anyone from Canada is out, as, once again, not east coast, and after that you kind of stopped making any sense.

So, in aggregate, I have no idea what you are talking about.

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Oh course you haven't got a single clue because I* am me and you are you and there are 8 billion perceptions of the universe on our planet. I am 75 and high high functioning autistic and I am a genius in abstract mathematic and linguistics. I am the definition of artificial intelligence and you are an upright man and I am travelling the universe.

The Bard wrote this joke over two hundred years ago. We need laughter and hugs not a quarrel over metaphysics.

Tell me what you think of this kernel of truth from Robbie.


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"Locale." But which locale are you referring to? Washington D.C.? The Aleutian Islands? New York City? Upstate New York? Los Angeles? And if you both skipped them and "loathe" them, it must be very personal with you.

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Did you know that the inventor of autocorrect died yesterday?

His funnel will be held tomato.

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We’re all in the same boat.. And that boat is sinking.

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What a shame it is that Great Britain doesn’t have a constitution to protect speech and a constitution that allows citizens to arm themselves to defend against the tyrannical government.

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Things are going to have to get a LOT worse before Americans plead the Second Amendment in large numbers. I'm hoping it doesn't reach that point, because I'm not terribly confident in what would come after.

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Not wonderful in the US is it?

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Matt, feel free to run my name through X's files if you thought this was always about suppressing the Right. The common denominator wasn't right or left, it was opposition to the despicable duopoly whose corruption has suffocated our democracy. Everyone who stood up was hammered down, you more than anyone.

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thank you. so many childish partisan trolls in comments, either ignorant, or paid for, to maintain the lunacy of divide.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

Corbyn is not anti-Semitic.

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Have you seen into his heart? Are you a mind reader?

I’ve seen him refuse to call Hamas a terrorist organization.

He sure quacks like a duck.

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Because they’re not.. It’s the IDF that are the teal terrorists.

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Sigh. Yeah, rape is cool if done by the oppressed(TM).

Lovely. Enjoy your Manichaean idiotscape.

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Fake rape.. Fake beheaded babies.. Fake news.. Fake Jews.

🇺🇸❤️🇵🇸 Don’t let anyone tell ya different

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You dropped your copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion dude, proudly return it lovingly to its spot on your shrine next to your prized copy of Mein Kampf.

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dont waste your time with trolls, there is no point.

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Ethnic cleansing is terrible if done anywhere else... but in Gaza not so bad.

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Sorry, I don’t speak hasbara.

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The Black Hebrew Israelites are the "real" Jews, right?

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Thanks for the memory,

When I lived on the Southside of Chicago in Woodlawn I bought my meat at Israel Clean Meat House. My father taught me all religion is the same and he went to Catholic and Hebrew School in Poland. He taught me Black Israelites were as Jewish as the residents of our Montreal Jewish ghetto. When I first entered the store everyone smiled and welcomed a stranger in a strange land. It was always difficult to leave a place you are always welcomed and loved.

I am 75 and high functioning and high most of the time. I grew up in Montreal's Jewish Ghetto and I am not professor Higgins but I know a Montreal Jewish Accent when I hear one. I think Jewish American is an oxymoron . I think Netanyahu an American Kamala Harris is a real JEW she grew up in my Jewish ghetto and it is wonderful watching the walls coming down throughout Quebec. I wouldn't be allowed here 50 years ago before the revolution. The churches are all for sale . In Quebec if we want fantasy we head to Orlando or Tallahassee. Or Washington. BUT VEGAS has Elvis and fantasy BIG BIG TIME.

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They closer to Semites than the Zios ever were.

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At least they have been pushing back against the street level Jew haters in the USA.

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jihadi apologist in da house!!

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Your Jew-hating rabbit hole is like the Hamas tunnels under Gaza.

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Your Jew hating IDF will bury the hostages in those tunnels.

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However a very real genocide in real time!

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Genocide is cool if done by an oppressed group ... everyone should know that by now!

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Chilblain 👍

Viaduct: If it walks like a Duck, Looks like a Duck and goes Quack Quack Duck Soup 1933 America 2023.

I present the Chicolini Defense


I think you might enjoy John Ralston Saul's Doubter's Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense Viking Press 1994

A BIG MAC The communion wafer of consumption. Not really food but the promise of food. Whatever it tastes like, whatever it is made of, once it touches the lips A Big Mac is transubstantiated into the mythological hamburger.

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“I’ll take five and ten in Woolworth.”🤣

I’m decades overdue for a Marx Brothers marathon.

I read that last part as:

“A BIG MAC The communion wafer of [tuberculosis].”

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Hey, I like Big Macs. McDonaldburgers get a bad rap. You don't want them as a steady diet, but they're freaking good! Especially the McDouble!

And how am I gonna find out what I gotta find out if you don't find out what I gotta find out?

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Hamas is Netanyahu's baby!! So why criticize?

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But why would a man's competition/enemies falsely accuse him of wrongdoing?

... wait, hold on.

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People like Corbyn dance around terms like anti-Semitic and refuse to own their agendas as Jew-haters. At least the NYT is honest enough to admit that they hired-and will continue to do so-an unapologetic, in print, admirer of Adolf Hitler.

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lol, also, the sun rises in the West, water freezes at 85 and diet soda is a health food.

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Just another political dirty tricks operation, like Russiagate and countless others going back eons into the mists of time. What is more dangerous now is that from a mixture of affirmative action, DEI, and the astonishing level of dumbing down our population has received in the name of "schooling," there is a never-before-seen level of incompetence in our institutions. Mixed together with the psychopaths who naturally gravitate toward power and the Pilgrims Society puppet-masters orchestrating what goes on in Congress and the Executive branch, (and especially in the UK) we are truly in a dangerous time. Not quite screwed, but close.

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This is just foreplay. Wait ‘til next year.

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I can hardly wait to see what happens. I can probably get good money betting on Trump's assassination.

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Control of Official Narratives has been a powerful tool that the CIA (and no doubt the MI-6) uses abroad to control foreign governments.

They and their allies are now doing the same domestically. "Modernization" of Smith Mundt and the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 makes these Party-in-Power actions legal. Russiagate continues; it was too much of a success to reverse. The suppression of the Hunter laptop story was allowed to come out AFTER the Election, once it had served its purpose. This will be standard operating procedure.

Still have no idea what the "Safe and Effective" Covid mRNA vaccines were about. Just money? Or was the Establishment trying to kill us all or just us Elderly, useless eaters of Social Security and Medicare money?

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I remember being in England when all this fake shit came out on Jeremy Corbyn. I heard what he said and it was not anti-semitic. I can't remember the exact words he said.

He was a leftist nothing comparable in the US not even Bernie Sanders.

Blair turned the Labour party into a party slightly left of the Dems. in the US

Not good days.

Now they have Starmer who has employed Blair for his campaign.....................

Never know what to believe anymore only my own eyes and ears

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Go have a listen to his interview yesterday, although if you're convinced a moral idiot somehow had morals, I'm not sure there's a map in the world that can help you.

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Appreciate you all exposing CCDH. But let’s get one thing straight. Corbyn is an antisemite with a soft spot for Islamonazis. That even if some false stories were pushed against him.

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Palestinians are Semites too y’know.. 🇵🇸

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This is an interesting comment and strikingly to the point. I don't know you or your politics but, your mind is clearly made up on this. And the whole point of the stuff that Matt and Paul are about to to publish is that some of the evidence that formed your opinion might have been faked or manipulated.

So, in anticipation of whatever may yet be published in the UK Files and what stories might or might not turn out to have been knowingly false, why don't you set out your evidence that "Jeremy Corbyn is antisemite with a soft spot for Islamonazis?"

Feel free to refer to the IHRA definition of antisemitism if you want to. I'm geniunely curious to see your evidence. I don't agree with you but, in the spirit of friendly debate, I want to see what you've got.

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Well the latest is he refused to call Hamas terrorists in an interview with Piers Morgan.

Here's assist if you really want to do your homework:


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From that interview,

"At every speech I have make I have utterly condemned the killing of October 7th... it was totally wrong under any circumstances"

"I do not support Hamas"

"October the 7th was abominable and appalling"

"I do not support approve or welcome Hmas in any.. [interupted]"

And no, he did not answer the question as to whether Hamas is a terrorist group. Does that mean that he doesn't think they are a terror group? Possibly. But it could also be that he recognises that the end of this thing is going to be negotiated between the two sides. And if you start by calling one of the sides terrorists and the other the legitimate government of Israel then you aren't going to get to a solution.

To you, that might be a soft spot for islamofascists (and this might be sophistry).

But it isn't evidence that Corbyn hates Jews when there is another explanation available - which is that he wants to see an equitable end to the Israel Palestine conflict in accordance with settled international law.

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B. S.

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OK Mark, thanks for your help

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Read my comment.

I was there and I heard what he said. It was a long time ago but I remember the aftermath.

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Oh no!! He didn't criticize Israel did he???

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Seems the press used to give you two sides to a story, both likely slanted, and let you sort through it and choose what to believe. Now they choose and feed you lies and bullshit

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What's most chilling about all this is that these people simply don't care if they are unmasked by independent reporting, because they know full well that the trad media will suppress or distort everything (they have an uncanny ability to understand what will "play" in publications like the Guardian or the NYT), and treat it as an obscure, inside-baseball story, rather than a full-blown false flag op that materially altered the future of Britain.

Same thing is happening in the US with the Twitter Files. When you have 95% of the media landscape running interference for you, you can basically get away with anything.

I do think that saying this happens "in all directions" is a misleading frame. It may happen TO all directions, but it is FROM one direction that is best described as "left authoritarianism". Its targets are anyone who opposes left authoritarianism for whatever reason.

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