Matt is going to sleep late due to a historic journalistic opportunity. I just drank half a bottle of bourbon, put together some toys, and ate Santa’s cookies.

You decide who the hero is.

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You're the hero these troubled times need

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Blessed are the bourbon makers.

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Was the bourbon for Santa too? We used to leave a beer and a shot for him growing up.

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Comic exaggeration, well done!

Correctly measured dad-drinking, problem bingeing.

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That decision is self-evident, my boy.

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The bourbon-makers?

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Merry Christmas Matt! And all the other TK News gangsters 🎅🏻🎄

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Merry Christmas to you.

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Merry Christmas, Matt- you're doing more for your family than you can imagine. (Just like you're doing more for all of ours.) You (and the others on this story) are truly the journalists of a generation. You have risked everything for a story that should rock the world.

If there is any righteous courage left in the general population, we might have a shot. If this story doesn't motivate dramatic change, I cannot imagine anything that could. If we, as a nation, choose to let this go unanswered, we have crossed a line from which we cannot return.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

This is the real issue, tho, isnt it? Do We (royal We) have that power to decide? Or have we been asleep so long that We have abdictated that decision making power?

Snowden, Assange, et al pulled the curtain back awhile ago. And Ellsberg and others prior to that. Nothings changed except the mechanisms. We do not have the abilities to make that decision. Which is not an accident. Not particularly cheery rantings on a Christmas Day, but reality none the less....

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So easy to play games with votes... Look at Arizona- oops the printers... Nah.. couldn't happen.

As long as there's food at the store and high speed internet at home we will slide right into Bolshevik 2.0

Be a refusnik

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Bolshevik? Really? That´s the problem with all you Righties, you are still tossing around McCarthyesque phrases which have no relevance to today´s world. Read some history and weep!

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The tyrants still struggle fiercely to suppress the story. It's up to us to spread the word.

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"...tinpot regimes..."

Bro, they are dictatorships. Call it what it is. Mayve there is a velvet glove over the iron fist, but this here USA is a dictatorship.

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Not to mention those tinpot regimes are typically installed by the US anyway 😅

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...and armed.

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I prefer the phrase banana republic. What a disgrace this government has become.

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Be careful. Banana republic is now on the “naughty” word list. We don’t want to impugn the shining beacons of democracy in nations that happen to grow bananas. There must be some out there.

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Incredible post. I am so grateful for your work. Thank you so much. God Bless America.

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Enjoy that rest, buddy! You did us proud, Matt!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Merry Christmas! God willing you are saving the Republic.

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Merry Christmas. Thank you for another year of outstanding reporting.

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Matt, we so look forward to the time when this all gets tied together. This department run by that agent doing the crazy assed thing all over the place. That is what we want to know. Is this pervasive at every level or are these rogues? And the Who? It seems every reveal reveals more of these questions. But one thing is absolutely certain and that is collectively we are feeling a little less crazy and are starting to hope we can relax sometime soon. Thank you.

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If they were rouge, the agencies would be calling them out. Instead, they're silent at best.

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Right! The rouge ones are the whistleblowers.

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Not so sure in insular agencies. They prefer to keep the spanking in-house. But you are correct. No one believes this is rogue. And the proof is coming out. I can’t even imagine the complexity of key word searches and what will never be found because of not asking the right question. No matter what, it is unimaginable the task ahead. And I cannot even fathom how it will be done.

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Voting sure doesn’t seem to be working.

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They should be looking all the way back to the Obama administration, and the Arab Spring. Obama wanted to install Mohammed Morsi, and needed social media to help, because you can't have a color revolution without being able to control the narrative. When Morsi was elected, he started doing what tyrants do and started outlawing everything. The Egyptian citizens caught on and the military came in and got rid of Morsi. I would love to see those documents.

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I have seen probably dozens and maybe more on Twitter alone suggesting things that need to be examined - like this. If Twitter had the resources of the fbi it would still take months. Now? Matt and company can’t keep living like this. It is going to have to become more systematized and adjusted tot the actual scale. They are bailing the titanic with a thimble.

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Yeah, I'm still waiting to see who set up the secret payment system for the Congressional abuse fund, and who used it.

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We could all recognize our existence inside our Tom Clancy world of intrigue. Starting with todays intelligence community, the Fauci coverup and the Ukrainian grift as we send debt and rockets to be siphoned off to other third world actors. Go deeper into history and take note of US heroin traffic coinciding with our “liberation “ efforts in Afghanistan and Vietnam. Organized crime in the name of democracy. Who wouldn’t trust our government to protect the free world amirite?

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"Quite a few people in NSA are into illegal activities of one kind or another. It's taken to be one of the fringe benefits of the job. You know, enhancing your pocketbook. Smuggling. People inside NSA got involved with the slave trade." - Perry Fellwock, the UR NSA whistleblower


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We will have to part company on this one. Count me among the Ollie North republicans who get this is money well spent. Say, if you are confused about who Russians are go look at the moderate ex “president” of Russia, Medvedev and his New Years “wish list”. So funny those guys.

Now I am not exactly sure when the “conservative” mob formed its circular firing squad with Zelensky and Biden in the center while screaming “corruption” like this is the first time they ever heard of it. But I do have to say it is a real head scratcher. Cuz oh my goodness it all seemed to spontaneously combust at once, didn’t it?

Ever heard of Stalin? Remember when he was one of the Allies who helped us to defeat the Axis? Do you think anyone bitched about the cost? Nah. They pitched in every way they could.

You see, the thing is while everyone is wanting to know down to the penny where this money goes, Ukraine has offered to cooperate with any audit. And crickets. So I hear a lot of big talk about corruption but the only evidence I have seen is on Biden, not Zelensky.

And last time I checked it was his country that was having missiles and phosphorus cluster bombs rained down in its civilian population and infrastructure. His country is being systematically leveled. Now, bear in mind he is not fighting this war from Poland. He lives in Kyiv and travels his country from frontline to liberated village to military hospital.

So to insinuate that he would then take the ammo others provide to help save his people defies humanity - and credulity. The ridiculous cherry on top is that he would then turn around and sell it to his enemies to use against him. Seriously?

It only has legs in some creepy conspiracy theory that fails to recognize what has happened to Ukraine and happens to this moment. It also fails to recognize the threat to Europe from USSR 2.0. And then to us.

It seems people need to keep learning it is better to fight tyrants in their front yard, not ours. And if you fail to recognize they are intent on ultimately acquiring your yard, let them have your neighbors yard without a fight and see what happens. Again.

So - “amirite?” Not on this one.

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I hope you enjoy your war. Your holy war, one of so so many.

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Not saying we shouldn't support the Ukrainian effort. Or that Z is subterfuging his own efforts - just that corruption on his and our sides have their hands in till. But if you look under that flag you'll find things you weren't supposed to see. I think Russel captured this effectively.


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It's a war on Russia.

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Thank you for your work 📰🎄🎁

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Thank you Matt for the hard work, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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First. Merry Christmas!

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Keep it coming. Legacy Media cannot ignore forever.

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The thing is, everyone should start ignoring "legacy media," better known as the propaganda arm of the gangster state.

Merry Christmas everyone, but the gangster state and its sycophants.

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Right. By cutting NYT and WA Post and Atlantic I had money to sub. to TK News and become a founding member.

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I've been ignoring them since 1968

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Sure they can. Until no one reads them at all. See WaPo readership lately?

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Legacy media need not ignore forever, just long enough to be "old"news, which these days might mean less than a week. Even if the Twitter files keep dropping, at some point it becomes exhausting and everyone will go on to the next thing. Meanwhile, down the memory hold it goes.

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They'll write about it differently when it is historical. And they'll pretend their role in it was entirely different.

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Bravo and thank you, Matt, for your key role in the epic journalism revealing the disgraceful and unacceptable Twitter goings-on. Enjoy your much-deserved break and Merry Christmas!

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You are a good man Matt. And what the world needs now is more good, honest men like you and Glenn Greenwald who can’t be bought.

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Sleep well, you deserve it!

Soon we start the pushback.

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