As bad as this is, there's two things that make it worse:

1) It's still going, if not GROWING.

2) The censorship complex started with capturing the media, so they won't touch the story.

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It's growing because only the populist-right and libertarians are even questioning it at all, which is frightening.

What I also find remarkable in all of this? How paid off the "left" in America is regarding the censorship-industrial complex. To me, the fact that the neocons are fully immersed in this nonsense isn't a surprise at all. It seems they've always been on the bleeding edge of hegemonic, state-funded shenanigans. What has been completely surprising to me is how the "progressive-left" with which I was at one time loosely aligned, as found censorship incredibly appealing and a useful, bullying tool to push forward what I would argue the majority of people find to be a quite distasteful agenda.

It has sent people like me into a weird political nether-regions where the populist-right and other populists or even anarchists come together (i.e. folks like Paul Kingsnorth). All the things that appealed to me about the left, that RFK Jr. is fortunately revitalizing to some extent, are completely gone. So I wait, with millions of others, in this unsettling nether-region, ready to be cancelled or otherwise censored for saying uncomfortable truths, ESP. about the insane, money laundering, despicably short-sighted, empire ending U.S. intervention in Ukraine.

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EXACTLY. Most of the left haven't yet realized that they're the party of endless war, Wall Street, media censorship, "lockdown" corporations such as Amazon/WalMart, Big Pharma and Big Tech.

Many of them HAVE realized it but don't care because they're "in power".

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Andrew Lowenthal

It's madness. I originally joined the left because I felt like they had the balls to speak to power, especially the horror of apartheid in South Africa in the late 1980s, the awful interventions in Latin America, Big Pharma. Now it seems most of them don't give a shit--esp about Ukraine, which about makes my head explode. It's almost this palpable shifting of political tides beneath ones feet the last 5 years.

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What happened was the liberals got the whip hand.

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I guess I shouldn't be surprised. When the neocons and the militaristic rednecks got the whip hand during GW's reign they became intolerable assholes. I never actually felt this creeping sense of unease that the woke and the liberal-left give me, though. Perhaps this has to do with being an apostate and dissenter from my own political realm. These were once MY people. Now they bow down to Big Pharma and defend indefensible corporations like Target. But most off-putting is their warmongering. It hurts my soul.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

If you want to see someone's true character, give them power.

The difference between the Dubya-era neocons and today's oh so very politically correct imperialists and totalitarians is not just the relative thuggishness (today's liberals will censor, manipulate and push for aggressive war after war, but are always careful to respect your pronouns), it is that the PMC is the hegemonic class, in the sense that PMC values are deemed normative.

So the liberal version of totalitarianism feels that much more overbearing. If Dubya's press secretary were to say something asinine to the effect that freedom of speech and press require state-sponsored censorship (something I heard from a goodthink liberal journalist), the MSM and PMC would be vociferous in tut-tutting their unanimous disapproval.

But coming from a Biden press secretary, the same malarkey is treated as Received Wisdom, as if God Almighty somehow forgot to include a Commandment when He was handing down the law on Mount Sinai.

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And suddenly they stopped being liberals.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Yup, they miraculously transmogrified into dour, humorless, finger-wagging scolds so uptight and priggish, they made The Church Lady look like G.G. Allin by comparison.

Meanwhile, the transgressives, the pranksters, the speakers of Forbidden Truths and the incisive social critics are to be found on the Alt-Right, and to some extent on the Dirtbag Left.

This is not because of any natural open-mindedness on the Right or any natural censoriousness of liberals, but because of their respective relationships to power.

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It's like Johnny Rotten said (he supported the same leftism I am talking about). "I used to support Labour, but not this lot."

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Rotten was often errant with his advice. For instance, one must ALWAYS remember the bollocks. Always.

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The cult is a hard habit to break.....

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Trump should be easy enough to jettison at this point. By contrast DeSantis, who at this stage is quite obviously a psychopath, is unquestionably not cult leader material.

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DeSantis is neither. He's a money and power-hungry Yalie, who has figured out a way to get elected. He is dependent upon the donor class, and they know he will do their bidding.

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Every politician is dependent on the donor class. No politician is not dependent on the donor class. If you should encounter a politician who is not dependent on the donor class, be patient while they eventually become dependent on the donor class.

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And in some cases, they deny they actually have "power" because, for example, they aren't a government official, corporate CEO or other high-ranking position.

But they do have power, in the sense that they are able to influence those who hold such high-ranking positions.

In other words, power isn't just about what position you hold in an agency, whether public sector or private sector.

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Just look at when Trump was president. Who had the power then, the guy who was supposed to have it, or the people lying to him and going behind his back every single day?

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There is that.

But I'm also thinking about people who gain influence through social media. There are people in Washington and corporate America who spend all their time taking cues from the most popular social media influencers without a second thought.

That's power, too.

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Case in point is that stupid young "influencer" pair that is literally being paid by the DNC to shittalk the GOP.


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So now, continually reiterated, Blinken is clearly responsible for election interference as a perpetrator of Russiagate off dictating terms for the Israel/Saudi agreement ??? Meanwhile, chaos ensues keeping everyone off balance while the right hand slitters around establishing who knows what kinds of policies as he gets ready to head to China....Where are the brakes?? And who in the name of all things upstanding bars the door?? Who freezes the screen?? Who outlines the priorities? Can anyone offer a suggestion for next and immediate steps??

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Ah, but it's being exposed. That's always the first step.

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Sounds more like RightsConvention of Assholes. Or RightsConclave of Ballsuckers.

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3) And most importantly, one of the last sentences in the long article, "Many more lost their way and acquiesced to and often enabled much of the new censorship regime". None of this is possible without them..

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So now, continually reiterated, Blinken is clearly responsible for election interference as a perpetrator of Russiagate off dictating terms for the Israel/Saudi agreement ??? Meanwhile, chaos ensues keeping everyone off balance while the right hand slitters around establishing who knows what kinds of policies as he gets ready to head to China....Where are the brakes?? And who in the name of all things upstanding bars the door?? Who freezes the screen?? Who outlines the priorities? Can anyone offer a suggestion for next and immediate steps??

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So now what we’ve had continually reiterated is Blinken, clearly responsible for election interference as a perpetrator of Russiagate off dictating terms for the Israel/Saudi agreement ??? Meanwhile chaos has been injected into the system to keep everyone off balance while the right hand slitters around establishing who knows what kinds of policies as he gets ready to head to China....Where are the brakes?? And who in the name of all things upstanding bars the door?? Who freezes the screen?? Who outlines the priorities? Can anyone offer a suggestion for next and immediate steps??

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Matt, whenever I read stuff like this, I wonder, "Could Matt possibly still naively believe this isn't what it obviously is?"

IOW, the "conspiracy theorists" have been right about... well, basically, everything - so at what point do we start to understand that the immigration policies to military shitcanning of those who wouldn't take the jab policies to the abandonment of prosecuting crimes in the cities policies to the taking your guns policies to the trans men are women policies are NOT just "coincidental" to the digital suppression policies.

Know what I mean?

Thomas Jefferson would have long since appreciated that the Tree of Liberty's roots are getting very, very thirsty.

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Indeed, can we please start with the stolen election?

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Exactly. This is from almost a year ago, and I gotta say -- I nailed it.



If there were worse images out there from 1/6, we would certainly have seen them (over and over). Yet the media doesn’t seem to be interested in getting to the bottom of 1/6 OR the underlying issue: the 2020 election. And thanks to Alex Berenson and others, we know that the government is in regular communication with giant social and traditional media outlets about the ‘proper’ narrative to follow. I love Alex, but if they are in communications to squash a little fish like him, they are CERTAINLY in communications to squash the most important stories of the day. There’s no doubt that (if we were allowed to see the communications of our public servants) we’d find ‘don’t cover this story’ or ‘ban this guy’ memos surrounding both the coverage of Election 2020 AND the coverage of 1/6 — just like we’re (still) learning about the Hunter laptop story.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Andrew Lowenthal

Edelman’s involvement needs sunshine. Years ago I worked for another PR firm which at the time was the biggest in the nation. That experience has helped me today, to identify total BS messaging ploys by many of the characters featured in Matt’s articles.

I want to know a *lot* more about what Edelman does for these elites.

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he deletes references to "Epstein Island" in their press releases.

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I thought the entire week of insurrection at the Kavanaugh hearings was much worse. All were invited and incited by Democrat Politicians. The occupied the Congressional Office Building and obstructed members of Congress trying to get on elevators and make it to meetings. All at the behest of Democrat members of Congress.

The 1/6 event was organic with the exception of the state operatives in the mix. For me it was like a very tame metaphoric imitation of the Storming of the Bastille.

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You're completely correct, but the context in the article was Joe's claim that MAGA Republicans pose a unique threat to the Republic -- a claim that lies upon 1/6 being "insurrection" and the 2020 election to be "the cleanest ever" (even though the election was "stolen" in 2016 and we introduced a massive number of integrity holes for the 2020 election).

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I agree. My comment was more of a side note on 1/6.

Yes, we need to get past the cognitive dissonance, but that won't happen. They still deny Hillary's server was an issue and they don't even like her any more. These things just don't see the light of day until years too late.

I like the idea of completely auditable elections. Check out my essay on what I want to see. I want a receipt.


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"...They still deny Hillary's server was an issue and they don't even like her any more."

Once you have the image of Hillary kneeling on your chest in the middle of the night biting down on an Angelo Campolin stiletto, you'll deny anything.

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Nailed what, exactly? The confluence of two of your favorite conspiracy theories? Or three? It's difficult to separate and tabulate all of them these days.

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LOL what is false? Media is not interested in getting to the bottom of 1/6 or the 2020 election? Government is in communication with social and traditional media outlets about the proper narrative? We'd find "Twitter Files" surrounding 1/6 and the 2020 election (that's already happened!)?

If you're going to troll, you're gonna have to step up your game.

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Don't feed the troll.

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That is always Finster's come back - getting the last words.

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The Deep State is listening. Go on.

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He fixed it.

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I caught that mistake, too. BlackWater is now known as AcademI, unless they've changed their name again. I often confuse BlackRock and BlackStone, like which is which, again? I think the similar names are probably deliberate. For all the wealth of detail in this report, such errors are pardonable, but obviously shouldn't occur in the first place...

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Like CISA and CIS

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I have often wondered what that name symbolizes. Diamonds?

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BlackStone and Blackrock were once one, but parted ways in 1995.

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Go me perplexed for sure.

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I would add to your list of conspiracies, the possibility that COVID was intentionally released. Was it worth that much to them to get rid of Trump? And then I feel embarrassed by even thinking something like that.

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Have you seen Event 201? Just saying....

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It certainly worked out well for them.

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Nowhere in the Constitution does it carve out a spot for secretive bureaucracies that never have to answer to the public. https://www.libertarianism.org/columns/deep-state-tyranny-endures

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I wonder if the U. S. could function in the world by being 100% transparent, and not engaging in deceit abroad. It has come home to roost. Surely other nations will continue deceiving us and their own. Could we truly become a model society which does not engage in deception and encourages full transparency? I don't know.

Is it worth trying? I don't know.

Would it be dangerous? Probably.

Perhaps we need more courage and less cowardice. Our founders risked everything. Perhaps we risk everything by not trying.

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Constitution? These people own the constitution.

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We own the Constitution. We also own the government. Those are OUR employees acting as if they own it. The question is how to take it back.

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You mean that "living" document that can be reinterpreted in any way that the powers-that-be want.

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For a number of years, I've been reading Sundance (Conservative Treehouse), who has used a graphic for the same number of years. It depicts a maze of tree roots under the Capitol. What astounds me is the massive network of people making money off of this trash, and our taxpayer dollars funding and participating in all of it.

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The Constitution has long been a dead letter.

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Never surrender your individual rights voluntarily.

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Unfortunately, it didn't ban them, either.

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1 in 800 is the most accurate frequency of adverse events according to multiple studies across the entire time we’ve used the vaccines—their estimate of 1 in 10,000 was wildly off-base AND YET that number should’ve been plenty to give pause; to ask what commonalities exist for those injured; and to provide guidance to doctors/pharmacists to keep their pts safe.

THANK YOU for the continued work to get the truth. It matters.

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Thank you for this quite incredible investigative piece. I am only on paragraph 1 and saw this: “facilitate collaboration now between the expanding community dedicated to understanding and protecting trust and safety.” Oh yes - more meaningful word salad phrases which could translate to anything they wish to protect since they changed our language. Who isn’t sick of this? Now to the rest of the article. Thank you, kind sir.

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How exhausting. To think that none of this would be necessary if government and the corporate press simply stopped lying about everything to begin with.

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It's been taken over by the intel community. See "Operation Mockingbird". Both anti-war liberals and Rush Limbaugh were pointing this out 15 years ago.

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Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive, but in regards to our Gov and their many inventions for interventions in public affairs these last 60 years, its paid off handsomely. Every avenue possible to reduce the populations is now in full force and applauded by the zombies educated over the same period.

And media, been on board much, much longer. Hid FDR's WC, JFK's EMA and illness, Carter's incompetency, Bush41 support for China, the Clinton's criminal activity, Obama's hatred of the US, Biden's doubling down on Obama's hatred.

It's the 25% of Christians that believe the bible as written, and not some watered down God loves everyone so sin away, and those with a fire arm or two that have yet to be disarmed.

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Matt, you are doing amazing work while having to deal with all of the defamation the power centers are directing against you. You are, unfortunately, a lonely voice crying out against the tidal wave of censorship engulfing the world. Thank you. I hope you can keep going.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Andrew Lowenthal

Under Racket News, this piece was created by Andrew Lowenthal. Just a FYI

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Comment deleted
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Good idea!

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“ …the expanding community dedicated to understanding and protecting trust and safety.”

Interesting way to describe totalitarian repression…

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When government officials talk about safety, it's always about their own safety, not yours.

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I remember realizing things weren't as they seemed a couple of years ago after falling for Literally. All. Of. It. It took a couple of creepy interactions as a reporter and a lucky search result based on a gut feeling to break through the wall of positive press about all this stuff.

What's crazy is that doing basic background research on these orgs is very difficult - a lot of the important details you wrote about aren't so easy to come across in a standard Google search. It's frustrating, and I'm so, so glad you guys are doing this work. 🙏🏼

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Seriously well done.

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"Mr. Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder, The Blackstone Group, a private military company notorious for its record during the Iraq invasion and occupation"

Schwarzman is CEO of The Blackstone Group, which is a private equity investment firm that split off from the public BlackRock.

You're confusing Blackstone Group with Blackwater, a mercenary group involved in many conflicts including Iraq. The two are not related.

Hope Matt Taibbi catches this backhanded attempt to justify "a trustworthy internet".

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Thank you. This has been corrected. Apologies and I appreciate the quick catch.

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Blackstone is a public company and actually initially funded the founding of BlackRock. It was not a spin out from BlackRock.

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NOT related? Really?

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Yes, really.

Also not related to Blackfriars Bridge, in London. Nor Black & Decker power tools.

Strange, isn't it?

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Well somebody has to tell us all what to do, to think, to eat and drink, and how we're doing.

It's FOR YOUR OWN GOOD dear subjects.

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We are human beings and despite the USA we will do what we think best.

I don't need Govt. to tell me if I can abort a child.

I don't need a govt. who tells me which god I should believe in.

I am my own person..........fuck off out of my personal life.

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Very telling comment.

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They claim disinformation while canceling real information.

The claim book banning while banning text in books.

They claim protection from dangerous ideologies while pushing dangerous ideologies.

Some people will argue that "they" are not all the same people. However, I would beg to differ. They might have slightly different agendas, but they are all partners in these things... part of the Great Reset globalist project.

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That look on Marco Rubio's face says a lot. Remember when Rubio was the young firebrand, all knees and elbows, eager to please and ready to save the world? Now his eyes look dead, he always seems weary and talks in a monotone. It's like the Washington world stuck a spigot on his spinal cord and drained all the life out of him. He's become what Scott Adams calls an NPC (non-performing character). He still gets the high-level invites, but he's just another demoralized political zombie now.

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That was the first thing I noticed. Downtrodden. Void of everything.

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He now looks like Orwell's Winston at the end of the story.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

You do realize, don't you Andrew, that from the point of view of these establishment aristocrats you're just no-name riff-raff kicking mud on the wheels of their golden carriage as it rolls by?

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I wish it ere not so!

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T'were ever so. "They [i.e., we modern peasants] lack a hold on the present because the most important of the factors which decide on their livelihood and social position, and the prospects of both, are out of their hands; and there is pretty little or nothing they can do, singly or severally, to bring these factors back under their control. The localities inhabited by them and other people in a similar plight are but airfields on which magnificent flying machines of the global fleet land and take off according to their own, unknown and inscrutable, flight schedules and itineraries; and it is that capricious air traffic on which they have to rely for survival." --Zygmunt Bauman

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and herein lies a Tale. Don't trust what you see but trust your judgement.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Since it's hard for anybody's judgment to be more reliable than the information that informs it, censorship should be the most non-partisan of issues. I don't understand why so many purportedly liberal Democrats currently seem unable to see this, or how the Twitter Files releases managed to get politicized in the first place. It's a sociological mystery.

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They said the same thing about Ida Tarbell

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Scots-Irish, like me. What a formidable intellect and life of achievement (unfortunately not so like me).

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In their eyes we all are.

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One conclusion is that the Atlantic Council-types have way too much time on their hands. Another is that "disinformation" is their business, and they want to maintain a monopoly over it which random discourse over the Net somehow threatens. Elite Paranoia, like these people don't have Meds for that!

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