The banksters are selling us a fantastical product; fractional reserve Fiat banking. Conjuring money out of nothing and charging you money to borrow what they just conjured with a few key strokes. Now this requires absolute ignorance of how the system works on the part of the population and a trust in the system by the masses including the ? intelligentsia who are fed their pieces of silver so they don't question the system. Stealing people's money from $100 bucks from a trucker supporter to tens of billions from Venezuela to hundreds of billions from RUSSIA ultimately will cause a loss of faith in a faith based industry. The media has replaced the church in the mind manipulation business and they are starting to loose the faith too. The lumpenproletariat sheeple have been dumbed down and the professional managerial classes bought off but the whole system based on fraud and corruption is heading for a very bad Fall.

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No mention of Tulsi Gabbard’s devastating takedown of the Democrats? Common Sense didn’t mention it either. Am I seeing a pattern here? If so that’s a shame; Her “I’m quitting the Democratic Party” speech was magnificent. And no, she not joining the Republicans. She’s an independent. She absolutely savages the Dems:


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I think she should have done it a lot sooner. They've been smearing her as a Russian asset and such for two years.

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I agree. They have no viable rebuttal to what she says so they attack her character.

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Dear Matt;

While I do appreciated all your work , I’m asking you to have a discussions on Iran and those opportunists who in US and in west in general are taking advantage of the situations to turn a very legitimate demand by Iranian women relevant to their human rights into a regime change.

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Bizarre to me that the mainstream position is that a socially conservative midwestern bakery should be required by law to produce a congratulatory wedding cake for a gay couple but that some nameless middle manager paypal employee who doesn't like the cut of your jib shouldn't be required to give you your own money.

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In a commercial society, money is essential for survival. To obtain money, one must work, and the monetary compensation for your labour belongs to you alone: you are responsible for managing whatever you've earned competently enough to ensure your survival. For governments and banks to interfere with your ability to do this strikes at the very heart of implicit social agreements (and in law explicit agreements) that have guided western life for centuries.

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Biden has taken your monetary compensation and put it into someone else's pocket who doesn't like to work by making the IRS a Welfare Redistribution center of "EQUITY"

He has imported 4,000,000 migrants to lower our standard of living and disintegrate western culture. Wages are contingent on supply/demand and who will work for the least creating the SLAVE society communists love the most.

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"We seem to have lost some essential leverage in the world, and it’s unclear how and when that happened."

This is tongue-in-cheek, right? Asian, Indian and European economies have been chipping away at America's post-WWII political and economic preeminence for half a century, a rebalancing process to which Americans themselves have contributed in full measure. A subsequent redistribution of 'leverage' was inevitable, and appropriate.

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"We have to update the global rules of the road, and we have to do it in a way that maximizes benefits for everyone, because it’s overwhelmingly in our interest that China prosper, that Mongolia prosper. We have to " level the playing field.”

“You mean, Mr. Biden, you are more concerned about making sure China and Mongolia prosper than  American workers?"


Joe/Hunter China business needs looking into before we are totally SABOTAGED.

Education has been placed on the sacrificial chopping board in the name of "EQUITY".

We are imploding. Other countries are not the culprits. US Big Business investing in cheap foreign labor and disinvesting in the US killed US!

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Oct 15, 2022
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He did the same thing to UKRAINE. He was paid by Burisma $83,333.33 (along with 2 other people) for 6 years. In order to pay Hunter and friends, Burisma increased energy rates on the people of Ukraine.

His father is conning the US and raising the energy rates here. Did he pau US taxes on it?

Hunter poor communist filching the US tax payer.

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Oct 15, 2022
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Good thing, since we have close to 3 MILLION additional illegals in the US interior that will also use it.

Between the border the Haitians, everyone from Afghanistan, and everyone else Biden is letting stay in the US, we will need a lot more of everything.

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All the on going problems are a result of policy decisions. Whether by design or incompetence energy, immigration, crime, inflation and foreign policy and every other cluster f*** is a result of Biden’s administration actions. The road to socialism and eventually a dictatorship is achieved by creating a financial collapse and controlling the media.

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Speaking of the banksters… I believe the way the Fed traditionally tweaked the money supply was raising or lowering deposit requirements for banks. The higher they raised the requirement, the less money that could be “printed.” But the banks didn’t like that. So instead we penalize savers by raising and lowering interest rates. It’s pretty clear whose ox is being gored when the bank goes from 3% mortgages to 7% mortgages.

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Never thought I’d see the day when the US President getting pantsed by the Arabs would be so hilarious...in a very macabre sort of way.

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" They were accused of charging blacks and Hispanics more for mortgages than white clients. "


1. Credit Score,

2. A 30-year fixed mortgage will often have a higher interest rate than a 15-year fixed rate mortgage.

3. Work & Financial History

AD: Best Bad Credit Loans With Guaranteed Approval: Get No Credit Check Loans From Top Payday Lenders.

"Trump was the ultimate boss for America. He was the frankly Scorsese-an character who said, “We’re the big dogs. Let’s act like the big dogs."

Trump had no Big Dogs on his side and NO government agencies, No media as they were plotting against him the day he took office. He was a loner. He had 1/2 the cash in his war chest as Biden. Look at Biden donors. Look at the Biden Mandates and Gestapo Executive Orders against the Constitution. Was Kirn even in America when Trump was president and is he here now?


KIRN: "if after the election we went full Game of Thrones, and the White House becomes a place where there are heads of Republicans mounted on each one of the gate-ends and it’s covered in spray paint. "

It is Biden crumbling the forefathers and historic statues and defacing the Lincoln and Jefferson Monuments, not Trump. It is Democrats spitting and burning the US FLAG. For what country would they fight, Mexico, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Russia, or China?

I don't believe Kirn has any Idea what's happening in the US! OBVIOUSLY!

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On a podcast think Kirn stated he lived in MT in the country.

KIRN did not mention GOT’s, Matt did.

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Oct 15, 2022
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The FHA would go broke in a year.

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Oct 15, 2022
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4,000,000 more Title 1 residents plus all the people P00Ping in the streets already, all the Vets who have been passed over for "Refugees" in hotels getting prepared meals and medical will have to be accommodated. NEVER HAPPEN.

We need Deportation raids.

"Tax Base"?

Only 152,000,000 income tax filers 2021. Total population 334,000,000. Top 20% pay 87% of taxes, bottom 60% in income tax workers get back more than they paid in deductions and CREDITS.

10% of the total population paid 87% of the taxes. Obviously that's not working well!

We have passed the point of NO return.

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Oct 15, 2022Edited
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There is no property tax on Public Housing where all the unemployed and welfare reside and why the cities have and will always have, such lousy schools and infrastructure. There is no property tax in slums and they are growing.

There are 9.5 M children born to Unauthorized in the US. It costs $12,600 to educate one child for 1 year X 9,500,000. = $119,700,000,000.

For 13 years public education cost = $1,556,000,000,000. . That's TRILLION not counting free birth, pre and post NATAL, Complete Welfare for the whole family due to one citizen born to a family here UNAUTHOTIZED. They paid $11,740,000,000 in taxes - $119,700,000,000= --107,960,000,000 in the hole


There is no money left, not even enough to aid in a crisis.

We need mass deportation raids because w had a mass Importation Raid on the US! Think of all the jobs it will generate.

The IRS should be checking legal status before returning any money to Unauthorized. They should NEVER get a pathway to Citizenship after entering here ILLEGALLY. I don't care if they lived here for 20 years. The more you violate the Immigration Law the more you will be compensated? What the hell is THAT!

DACA went before an immigration court and was determined deported because they were unable to take care of themselves The average income for a DACA-eligible individual is just $17,300 per year. However, once granted access to an education, we find that DACA-eligible people with at least a college degree see a dramatic increase in their incomes, making $30,000 per year on average (6% graduation rate from college). They have spawned 260,000 kids. Can't find out how much the US spends in subsidy or the illegitimacy rate.

Cost of education is $12,600. Average child per DACA household is 2.6 = $32,760. $17,300 average income per single DACA . Over 1/2 of all Hispanic children are illegitimate. They can't even pay for their children's education.


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Mandating financial things simply does not work. Government fucks up every single thing it touches. Why do you want to give them more control?

You know who can't afford to buy a house? People who live like adolescents, with multiple baby mama's and daddies, who don't show up for work 5 days in a row, and absolutely refuse to do the things that allow one to buy a house.

Housing prices increase because you list it, the fucker sells FAST!

There is no problem here to be solved.

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It seems like the banks have become the new behavioral police. God help us! Be afraid when cash is gone, because it will be so easy for banks to cut us off with a digital delete. As for the insane economy, we will see what happens when the BRICS nations create their new currency, backed by tons of gold. The G7 might live to regret kicking Russia out of the G8.

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"We seem to have lost some essential leverage in the world"

I'm having trouble seeing how that's a bad thing. The US doesn't deserve to have any leverage at all with all of the countries we've invaded, with all the coups we've staged, with all the people we've killed and imprisoned who did nothing to deserve it, etc.

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Wtf is wrong with Germany and the rest of the EU? They got conned into playing the US vassal role in the invasion of Afghanistan and now they’re asking how high are they to jump?

William Blum’s America’s Most Dangerous Export: Democracy should replace all Gideon’s Bibles, worldwide. And all other Holy Books.

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«Wtf is wrong with Germany and the rest of the EU? They got conned into playing the US vassal role in the invasion of Afghanistan»

It is not complicated: USA sanctions extend to those who break them, so the EU governments have to choose between complying with USA sanctions against the Russian Federation, or being sanctioned by the USA. So between access to RF markets and raw materials supplies, and access to USA-controlled markets and raw materials supplies, they must choose the latter, for it is the lesser damage.

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Is the US sanctioning Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Israel, India or even Hungary?

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All but India are probably about to be sanctioned.

Any country that disagrees with Biden’s vision or doesn’t let the US choose their leaders are n his list. (“Seven ways to Sunday to get even”).

He hates Hungry because of its leader, hates Israel, now he’s having a conniption because Saudi didn’t do as he wished. Biden thinks he rules the word.

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Very disappointing. Someone has to act in the interests of the planet and stand up to bullying.. America as by far the words biggest polluter, per cap, is hardly a role model for anything.

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China, for example, generates around 30% of all global emissions, while the United States is responsible for almost 14 percent. ( May of 21)


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Puleez! This has to be corrected for population. What it suggests if there is no correction is odious. Because with that approach it seems to be suggesting that an American has the right to pollute per person, twice as much as a Chinese. Surely you don’t mean that.

The US pollutes twice as much as China per person and has been by far the biggest polluter since the Industrial Revolution.

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All I can guess is: Germany has a strong Green Party which was already pushing to eliminate fossil fuels. And Germany has been notoriously frugal with national defense expenditures as a NATO state. They do need US military support for defense. They probably feel that they have no choice.

I seem to recall a doctrine in the past about globalism. Something like, "The more intertwined and connected our economies, the greater our chance of preserving world peace."

But these Russian energy sanctions seem to make that into a lie. It seems we're completely willing to destroy our economic connections if we want war.

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Start by boycotting the worlds biggest polluter. At the very least stop poodling.

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Kind of tangential, I know, but you do realize that Patrick Bateman never actually killed anyone? He's a classic unreliable narrator who switches seamlessly between his real life of being a rather unimportant investment bank employee who isn't taken seriously by his coworkers and his fantasy life of being a serial killer. It's how he makes himself feel important. Anyone who missed the point earlier in the book should have realized something was amiss when one of his victims reappeared alive and well.

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It’s slightly left up to interpretation but even so, I don’t think it matters in the scheme of the book — whether he’s imagining it or it’s real or represents what he dreams of being, in his telling he doesn’t distinguish between one world and the other, which is what makes it funny. He describes his facial routine in the same voice as the murders.

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It was the part at the end of the book where he said something like "it was a bad week. I had three vaginas in my locker". Where the whole book fell apart for me. I suppose i prefer bit less over the top for my satire. Rapiers over sledgehammers.

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«So we entered a new age last week, of frank social engineering»

That happened a long time ago with thatcherism/reaganism and the "property owning democracy" fueled by rising real estate prices, but that was not as "frank" as contemporary arguments. As to "frank" contemporary arguments here is one in "The Guardian" of an eminent "journalist", a loud, passionate call for widespread preventive censorship by "North Atlantic" governments:


«There have always been Alex Joneses spreading poison from the world’s soap boxes and pavements. As a boy I used to listen to them at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. We would turn away with a grimace from their rubbish, while a couple of police stood by in case of trouble. Their lies never made it into newspapers or on to the airwaves.

Free speech went only as far as the human voice could carry. Beyond that, “news” was mediated behind a wall of editors, censors and regulators, to keep it from gullible and dangerous ears. [...] Justice can avenge lies – but not prevent them. [...] an ex-president with a fantasy can lead followers towards a coup in the capital of world democracy. [...] But if freedom is to be protected and treasured, this means the US and Europe acting in concert.»

That includes what is not even just an admission, but a "frank" boast, by a knowing insider, that mainstream media have been and are managed by “a wall of editors, censors and regulators”. Never mind the smug satisfaction that thanks to that “Free speech went only as far as the human voice could carry”.

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The banks have always been self serving and crooked. I got a survey from my bank and one of the questions was “ did the bi feel I was important to the bank”. Of course I answered no. That the bank was in business to make money not be nice to me. And if it helped their bottom line they would run over me with a truck. I’m not saying that’s wrong but stop the hypocrisy

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"This whole de-banking thing, in my recent memory started with the Canadian trucker protest, when Canada started separating various supporters of that protest from their accounts. The MyPillow guy account was closed for his Trump support and his “election denial.” Now we have Kanye West, whose greatest sin seems to be that he’s becoming an overt and evangelizing Christian, besides being a Trump supporter. He made a couple of antisemitic remarks which were pretty much nothing on what Louis Farrakhan has built a career saying. I recommend that Kanye find out where Farrakhan banks and move his accounts there. The idea of banks as moral enforcers is kind of a new one."

Don't forget Alex Jones. Although he hasn't been de-banked, he's been attacked by the corporate media and pilloried by a judge and jury for cruelty to the grieving, which evidently needs nearly a billion dollars to ease, despite his numerous public apologies beforehand.

As part of the larger purpose of engineering correct political opinions, "de-banking" is just the latest feature of American and Canadian Fascism.

In the US, we've been living under Fascism since the Citizens United decision, and the consolidation of Fascist elements in the US is accelerating, or at least becoming more apparent, with the willing part social media/"big tech" plays in silencing the opinions of enemies of the current regime and the use of federal agencies to harass opposing political factions.

Of course the Democratic Party is the faction accelerating total Fascist control, and they do not need a strong-man President as a Mussolini-like figurehead because they have the Social Justice Warriors and the Trans/Gay lobby working tirelessly to coerce conformity with the ethos of their regime: Since you have no fixed identity, we can dictate to you the identity you should have, so pick one from this grab-bag of personae and pantomime your fantasies while you live in a box, eat insects, and spend all your time ferreting out your enemies and denouncing them publicly so the system can work out on them, divesting them of what little they own and making them disappear.

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