More evidence of decline; we’re not even good at cheating anymore. Joe Kennedy would have this fixed in a Massachusetts Minute.

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So true!! It was long before my time but folks my parents age assure me JFK’s graveyard votes were counted within 12 hours of the polls closing (and my parents swear everyone knew it at the time which is, um, disconcerting).......... Considering the technological advancements the incompetence is staggering. I haven’t a clue how much, if any, cheating is going on in Arizona and Nevada, and I doubt 99% of the election workers do either. What I do know is a huge number of people in this country will fall for the most absurd semantics gymnastics used to justify the unjustifiable and demonstrable false, in every aspect of life (Covid, gender, race, merit, energy, education, economy, etc), and then convince themselves they are super moral for being completely gullible to the MSM narrative of the day. How Stalin longed for a population so susceptible to 💩shit as the United States today.

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Well said.

There are people who have pointed out that, in 2016, certain MSM outlets were complaining about election results taking too long and, now, they are acting like there's nothing wrong with them taking that long.

Others have pointed out that Brian Kemp oversaw the 2018 Georgia election, despite running for governor, and certain Democrats complained about that. Now we have Arizona governor candidate Katie Hobbs, the current Arizona secretary of state, overseeing the 2022 election there and Democrats are like "nothing to see here, move on."

One does not need to demonstrate any other election-related point to know that this is true: Those currently with the most power and influence are crying "foul, no fair" when results aren't going their way, but when the results do go their way, they declare everything is on the up and up.

When you cannot keep your reasoning consistent and shame those who dare to raise a counterpoint or just shout them down, that's how a system actually fails.

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Bob- you are talking about Republicans! Right?

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Right on, NCMom...you are one of the clearest thinkers on this site.

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Pacific is

Does that mean NCMom regurgitates what she hears nightly from Sean Hanity and, in your mind, that makes her a clear thinker!

“Stop the Steal” your form of “clear thinking! Right?😂😂😂😂

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Piketty, your childish tone reveals you have nothing of substance to say.

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NCMoms comments were rooted in no truth or insight and align with conspiracy mongering right wing media that had zero claims of election fraud when Trump won in 2016 and yet they magically appeared when he got crushed in 2020.

It is the stated goal of authoritarian states that wish to destroy democracy to use propaganda and lies to so confuse voters that they don’t know what to believe.

That is how you end the use of objective truth in a society.

It is an objective truth that over a dozen judges, many appointed by Trump himself, so thoroughly rejected the evidence Trumps legal team presented as proof of rigging that not a single trial was scheduled.

This Trump’s false claim the election was rigged qualifies as a lie, the exact same type of lie uses by authoritarians not to get to truth but to convince simple minded voters that there is no truth.

The Truth is Trump lied ability winning the 2020 election and the only people questioning results in the 2022 mid terms are the simple minded voters that fell for Trumps lie in 2020.

They were wrong then and they are wrong today and their “free speech” reveals them to be traitors to this nations Democratic process and tradition.

NCMom is a traitor...

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Since you have access to Matt’s Substack I assume you saw this:


Kinda’ puts things in perspective, eh?

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Maybe your parents are fucking idiots?

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😂😂😂. Bless your heart. Let’s see - trust my journalist father who was offered a job at the New York Times before his 30th birthday or some random incel that sounds like a 6th grade boy in womanface on a comment thread - tough choice. 😂😂😂

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I don’t think “Druzus” understands the whole Lincoln/Douglas thing...another fine example of modern American public education.

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Ironic considering that JFK ran for office 60yrs ago but in the last decade GOP legislatures like South Carolina’s have been fount GUILTY of illegal voter suppression and absurd gerrymandering.

You have to go back 60yrs to defend GOP corruption?😂😂😂😂

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Loss in institutions happens too when they are captured by a quasi-religion, and objectivity is destroyed. We have medical associations advocating for the double mastectomy of gender confused 16 yr olds girls. And they are getting away with it. Because if you object, you are the problem. You are a “witch” who must be burned at the stake.

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Actually no. Humans have done all kinds of crazy shit in all kinds of societies and wrapped it up in pretty semantics gymnastics to get the gullible to destroy. Take child genital mutilation - it’s been done for thousands of years, every culture that does it convinces people it’s for some moral upstanding reason and every time it’s just really cruel to mutilate the genitals of children (even the parties to celebrate the mutilation aren’t unique to the west). Communist/ Socialist ideas date back to at least Plato/ Socrates but in practice they bring about misery and starvation regardless of the continent trying it. Gullible humans have long been unable to distinguish between education and indoctrination. Covid isn’t the first virus people did dumb 💩 that couldn’t possibly work for mitigation to their own detriment, though it’s the first time societies around the globe opted to sacrifice their own children in mass for dumb 💩 that physically couldn’t work.

It’s not “meaningless” and “loss of trust” is based on loss of trustworthiness. People don’t just wake up one day not trusting something or someone they did they say before. Trust is lost when it’s broken. Loss of trust is acknowledgement of societal collapse. The degree of collapse is all that remains to be determined.

It’s funny that people will avoid demanding transparency in elections on the basis of some idiotic notion that elections, and elections alone, should be “trusted.” It’s like some never even consider the possiblity that, with billions on the line and taxpayer funds being dumped into bottomless unaccountable pits, there could be actual fraud. This despite it being common knowledge there are people that kill for small amounts of money, some even kill loved ones for relatively inconsequential amounts in the big picture, yet these same people find it to be nothing more than a “meaningless” loss of trust to note it’s very possible there is fraud going on with hundreds of billions of money on the line?

The “west” was once a high trust society because it valued transparency and the free exchange of ideas to find the best. That society is dead. Transparency creates trust. When people in any society play semantics gymnastics they are being intentionally opaque. When things are constantly being redefined it’s for the same reasons. It’s generally being done to hide the nefarious and wrap it up in cute language across basically all human societies throughout history.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

"The “west” was once a high trust society because it valued transparency and the free exchange of ideas to find the best."

Where did you get the notion that the West was ever such a nirvana of transparency and free exchange of ideas? Those certainly were ideals, but never the reality. Governments, politicians, corporations, and social institutions have routinely obfuscated and lied throughout history, and free exchange of ideas was only allowed if those ideas didn't conflict with the cultural narrative. Ideas that conflicted were suppressed by government or gatekeepers in private media, and their proponents were jailed, fired, or harassed without mercy.

Promote socialism today and you might get socially cancelled, that's about it. If you promoted it in the 20th Century, you got arrested, blackballed from employment, or hauled before Senate committees. Gay rights? What gay rights? You stayed in the closet or you were thrown in prison, beaten, murdered, or drummed out of your job. Women getting the right to vote? That certainly was a calm and free exchange of ideas ... oh, wait. "No Jews or Irish need apply," "Colored water fountain," "Whites only," all were cultural norms enforced by law. Speaking up against culturally unpopular notions was dangerous to your health.

Government transparency? Since when? We can't even pass a law that requires campaign contributors to make their names public. We don't know how much money the military actually spends, and on what. If government was transparent, there'd be no need for FOIA laws to force them to release information to the public that owns it.

Free speech and government transparency were and remain the American ideal. But realty was far, far darker.

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I disagree. “It’s always been like this “ is up there with “Its different this time” in contrived propaganda lines that get uncritical people to accept the unacceptable from totalitarian regimes. Thousands of historical documents and historical newspapers you can find at any public library negate your assertion. Reading the Federalist Papers alone negates your assertion. Conflating the historical imperfect implementation of our free speech ideals with the modern day complete rejection of free speech ideals is pure gaslighting.

Until this century this country largely rejected fascism and totalitarianism. No amount of semantics gymnastics or Orwellian claims makes your claim that there has never been the fee exchange of ideas in this country true. For hundreds of years that was the entire point of our university system. For hundreds of years papers saw questioning and exposing corruption of those in power as central to their core purpose. For hundreds of years the population promoted and embraced the free exchange of ideas and merit driving decisions. Delude yourself into thinking otherwise all you want but I still believe my own eyes.

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"Delude yourself into thinking otherwise all you want but I still believe my own eyes."

You might want to see an eye doctor, because your vision is cloudy.

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Matt's column today backs up my notion completely:


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If you question election outcomes and you are on the right, you are labeled an idiot. I have been listening to Taibbi and Kirn discuss the many election irregularities, why it takes so long to count in certain localities. There is suspicion in their voices. Maybe we are getting somewhere. State legislatures need to clean up their early voting laws and counting procedures. Maybe then we can restore a little trust.

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The declining trust is a function of a declining middle class—middle classes serve as the fundamental glue that engender social trust between the strata of society. But you’re 100% correct that technology is the prevailing cause of its disappearance; I would only add that it’s not just the social balkanization caused by the rise of network technology, but also the fact that societies have not found a replacement for the wage relation as the recycling mechanism between capital and labor. It is a vestige of the logic of the industrial machine and industrial labor relations, and no longer works in the present postindustrial era. What is needed is a way for people to monetize the new form of labor output, which is personal data. Right now it is just appropriated by social media firms without remuneration.

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Jesus man. You ever think about switching to decaf?

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Oh shit!

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You haven't even seen the grandest yet. The House is going to end up barely D controlled. I'm also on record that Democrats will be as hated as Congress has been for the past decade plus, yet will win the presidency and a super majority in '24. Polls say even Democrats don't like the direction of the country, yet people still vote Democrat in droves. It's amazing if it weren't comical.

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Yep it’s unfolding clear as day

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That would be insane. Possible, but crazy. Republicans have secured or are leading in at least 222 House races at the moment (not sure what to do with current rank voting gin AK). If a full week after the election, they suddenly lose at least 5 of those races.................... our nation will not be a nation within the decade.

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We are sort of on our way there now. Look at Trudeau and Canada. Look at Australia. The US is soon. The WEF will win it all.

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True... the Democrat voters can’t stand leaders like Biden, Clinton and Pelosi.. and STILL the GOP can’t put more compelling candidates out there to get the unhappy Dem voters vote.

That is how horrific the GOP have become... they have found new lows in serving their corporate over lords. Even more than the Dems.... and that was no easy feat

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Dems don’t like the direction the country is going because of Trump and his malingering influence.

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Democrats have been running the show now for 2 years, and really 4 since they started the trials. I want to be clear. I want Trump nowhere near life let alone our politics, but the facts are the facts. The D's are riding the ship into the ground. It's why Youngkin is the Governor of Virginia, and why people keep moving out of New York and California. The problem there is that they move out of those states and then vote Democrat in Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, and Nevada. In a few years they'll be looking to move again and not be able to figure out why things changed like they did.

I'll take your argument that they both are, but useless trials and showboat panels directed by Hollywood Directors is not getting work done for the people.

I've said it here, and though I may be wrong about D's taking the House in 7 months when they finish counting, they will win a super majority in 24, and by 28, Texas will be a Blue State.

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Old man Joe would have had them tied to a cinderblock in the bottom of Boston Harbor.

Speaking of New England, is it just me or does this Joe Gloria character look a bit too much like Peter Griffin? You can almost hear the laugh.

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Free speech used to be considered a pillar of democracy and fundamental to its basic function, but now we're constantly told by the powerful that it is one of the major threats to it. Similarly, transparent elections were always considered vital, but now questioning or even acknowledging irregularities is considered "insurrection," and "election denying." The truth is, if they had nothing to hide, they would welcome transparency, both before and after the fact. The fact that instead of allowing transparency they instead attack those who asks questions pretty much confirms all suspicions of wrongdoing.

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its very simple. we live in a billionaire corporate oligarchy. not a democracy. When 6 media outlets control the entire media machine, when 4 tech firms control the entire conversation to make free speech "safe" (for themselves) then we need to get away from calling whats happening in the USA a democracy.

This country is going to divorce this decade. if not 24, definitely 28.

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Indeed. A trick as old as the naked emperor and the swindlers that made his suit of the finest of silks - so fine that anyone who couldn't see them was CLEARLY unfit for his or her position...

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No! Directing your supporters to loot the Capitol and threaten elected leaders is considered insurection.

Lying to and convincing voters about winning an election you lost destroys democracy... but it can happen with Social Media...

It’s not about ending freedom of the press it’s about reducing the power of LIES on this new media.

This isn’t the first time we have seen Authoritarian’s manipulate a new media to over throw democracy.

But it’s the first time misinformed Americans can so easily reveal to the world how pathetically misinformed they really are.


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Of all of the things that we're doing to make our elections complicated, I'd think that allowing transparency would be one of the least problematic from a security standpoint. And any claim of security without transparency presumes that everyone involved in running the elections is behaving correctly. But we all know that the main source of electoral fraud is in fact those running the elections. This has always been the case, everywhere. (Stalin's famous quote about how who gets to count the votes in an election is the only thing that matters gets directly to this point). If there's no transparency, then we don't know if the counting has been done correctly, if the ballots haven't been tampered with or replaced, if any of the cast ballots have been destroyed, etc. So I'd say that an electoral system without transparency has essentially zero security, since it relies on the good will of the election officials. Who are notorious for not being trustworthy.

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To clarify, Emmanuel, how to you define "transparency" in elections, and how would you achieve that?

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The US presidential elections are ranked among the most honest in the free world and have been for your entire life time.

Let’s face it, the only people calling for more “transparency” are Americans that were shouting “stop the steal” after 20 judges, many appointed by Trump himself threw out every single case Lying “Don” and his trained chimp Rudy brought to court!

Who are you kidding with, “transparency”?

It’s Republicans that have been convicted in court for voter suppression and Trump that lies about “stop the steal”

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Matt you nailed it again. If they got nothing to hide then they should have nothing to fear with some transparency, right?

If the systems that govern over our lives CAN be corrupted - which both parties have made claims of over the past ten years many times - then that is the real threat to democracy. Even if the system isn't corrupted, if the people think it is then that means distrust with the system which puts us all in danger. Why not have live cameras on all locations counting ballots, and total transparency so the public can see exactly what is going on? What we need is a transparency movement. Transparency is the anecdote for corruption. Like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/what-we-need-is-a-transparency-movement

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Actually, there were live camera feeds in the counting rooms in Nevada that the public could follow. When one of the main feeds went down for about 8 hours, county officials released the security camera footage for the locations.

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As long as the FBI, that Mueller completley corrupted after the 2001 Patriot Act, is not manning the cameras there is a scintella of hope of even handedness.

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What do the people of Arizona and Nevada gain from this 💩 show? Why was this not an issue in these states until the most recent few election cycles? In the 2020 elections, and based on early data again this year, the voter participation rates in NV and AZ were in the bottom quintile. It was known following the 2020 election these antics don’t increase voter participation rates. Why would the people of Arizona and Nevada reject a functional, transparent, efficient system like the majority of other states when transparency and efficiency shouldn’t change the outcome but do increase trust and perhaps even participation? If not fraudulently impacting the outcome of the election, then what is gained by dragging out the process which knowingly sows distrust and exemplifies incompetence?

Transparency requires fewer people, not more, based on what I’ve observed in 30 hours of being a pol observer in NC in the 2020 and 2022 elections in one of the largest counties in NC. NC urban counties are smaller than the largest county in both Arizona and Nevada, but NC urban counties are much larger than all other counties in both Arizona and Nevada. Having actually been in the room, there appear to be far fewer people per capita at county election offices election night in NC than what I saw on screens in both Arizona and Nevada (by a lot per capita). Yes, we have both workers and poll observers from both parties. NC also has mail-in absentee voting for any reason, early voting, and the ability to cure ballots that are incomplete or otherwise need to be cured via both the mail and provisional ballot process. This is true for many states in addition to NC. It makes no sense that election officials simply prefer to be jackasses that are like little kids throwing a fit that they don’t want a process to count ballots election night, just because they don’t want to, even though nearly everywhere else seems to be able to figure it out and up until Covid so could past officials in both AZ snd NV.

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A question: My understanding about Arizona's Maricopa County is that they combined precincts and were printing ballots on site.

How does North Carolina handle on-site voting? Has North Carolina combined precincts in areas that have higher populations?

I'm curious if Arizona might be putting its energies into the wrong areas to improving its voting system and if North Carolina, if it notices there are issues, has figured out an approach to properly address them.

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NPR did a little explainer about why it's taking so long this time around. As you said, might be time for AZ to invest in areas that make the count quicker but still accurate.


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You need transparent systems, not more people

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It's always certain places and certain elections. Totally predictable.

Unless we go back to paper ballots, verified voters, mainly election day voting, and hand counts subject to observers, we might as well abolish elections and just have acclimations, whoever screams loudest.

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For as long as I've been alive we've needed to change elections to a weekend. Not one day in the middle of the work week, a Friday at 6PM until Sunday at 8PM. All in person, all with providing proof of who you are, and all counted as it goes.

The current system has been devised through the use of a world wide Pandemic to change the system that they hate. Electoral college voting was deemed no good, but they couldn't find a way to abolish it without calling themselves out, so they found another way. Boxes of ballots that all seem to go the exact same way. I mean.. maybe there are that many people that want the Democrats way of life... Maybe I am too old now. I've been a Democrat for most of my life until the last 8 years or so. I guess it's what it is. I feel bad for the children though. They are truly too dumb to realize what's coming.

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The kids are the proverbial frog in hot water. It’s just about reached boiling.

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Looking at all the shit coming down the road in the near future, the Democrats better be careful what they wish for, because they might get it. They won't be able to blame Trump, the Republicans, or the Russians for the Empire coming unraveled. Are they going to spend their way out of hyperinflation?They won't be able to throw Biden under the bus, but will have to defend him. We will be deprived of the Hunter hearings, but what are the Dems going to do, keep dragging in anyone within ten miles of the Capital on Jan 6 and shouting that anyone who disagrees is a fascist? It gets old after awhile.

As the Greeks would say, "Those whom the gods wish to destroy, first they make lucky."

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Too many of today's "highly educated" youth believe Krugman and Keynesian philosophy are the greatest evolution of life. Today's kids don't actually want to work. They want to be "influencers" and get rich quick. Too many believe that a basic living wage should just be supplied no matter what you want to do with your chosen profession. The issue is there is just never enough. If you give them $800 a week, they'll complain that they can't have $1,200 per week and so on.

Identity politics won. I applaud the Dems and their corporate masters. They've accomplished in 20 or so short years what the Republicans in 40 or so couldn't even dream of. It used to be the Republicans that served the corporate masters... then Billy Boy bought into Wall Street, and Obama solidified it when he threw out the true liberals from Occupy Wall Street, and that most highly educated generation just didn't bother to care. They see D and just assume it means god and move on.

Mao never had it so easy that is for certain.

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I never EVER forget the Cheney Administration. I was a Dem back then. I hated Cheney. What he did was advance the systems that one day the party I thought cared about me would use against me. I voted Obama twice. He and his group of criminals put the knife in me. They didn't fix what Cheney did, they improved upon it and subjugated us even further.

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The real problems go much deeper. Remember democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. Basically family as godhead. The Romans adopted a monotheistic sect as state religion, as the Empire was solidifying out of the ashes of the Republic. The Big Guy Rules.

The logical fallacy of monotheism would be that a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The light shining through the film, than whatever the images on it presume to be doing.

Ideals are not absolutes and assuming them to be creates an inherently conflicted culture, as the various ideologies to rise in the shadow of monotheism have to insist they are universal to be taken seriously. Subjectivity is dismissed as relativism.

To culture good and bad are some cosmic conflict between righteousness and evil, while in nature, it's the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental.

The 1/0 of sentience. Because it's the function of culture to synchronize the community into a larger social organism, but organisms exist in ecosystems and when they become cut off, they die, like a scab of skin drying up and peeling away.

I could go on, but the point is the conceptual issues and fallacies, of which the current situation is the point of reductio ad absurdum, really go to the core of Western civilization.

We are monists in a dualist reality.

Synchronization pulling in, as harmonization radiates out. Like galaxies; Energy out, structure in. Both entropic.

The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement. Heart and head, motor and steering.

That the powers that be are doing their very best to destroy all faith in the system, under the presumption they will still remain on top when it falls, might actually be a very useful proposition. As Trotsky put it, useful idiots.

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This was a lot of word salad to get to the point, but I did get the point. LOL

My wonder has been for some time what the ultimate goal of the WEF is. This is all the WEF at this point. They are the richest globalists by far and it is their game we are playing here. Your last paragraph is simple enough. I keep thinking it has to be something more, but it's not. It's just that simple.

See, the WEF voter is mostly a city dweller, and this holds true in all of Western Civilization, from Europe to North America. When supply chains die and food production stops, it's the city dweller that will be the first to feel the effect. So my problem has been for some time that the WEF game is going to kill off their followers first. Maybe that is the play. The rest of us out here in Rural America will just move on with our lives. The WEF elite keep their power, and change back to being what they used to be. Daddy Warbucks Republicans. It's actually kind of brilliant.

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Lol. I could make it a lot more word salad, but I did try to edit as much as possible.

When the ecosystem collapses, the top predators are among the most vulnerable. It's the little critters in the bushes that have the best shot.

I live on a farm in northern Baltimore county and am mostly rebuilding old farm machinery now. Figure it's a safe occupation. Hopefully the winds will be blowing east on the day World War 3 occurs.

We will all be Amish, soon enough.

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An honest assessment of how we got to where we are now demands that we recognize the Republican Party is every bit as responsible as the Democrat, indeed to the point where one might say they are responsible for ensuring the triumph of the radical progressives, partly because of neo-conservatism end-of-history nonsense and partly because of neo-liberalism replacing real social order with market economics in everything. The Bush 2 Republicans created the ideological world in which gender-fluidity, for example, is equated with human emancipation.

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Actually I think it was the collapse of the job market, making lives spent in school, both learning and teaching the reality for too many people, to the point the inmates have taken over the asylum and now even puberty is politically incorrect.

I don't think the real problem is so much gender fluidity, as adulthood.

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Gender fluidity is indeed perpetual adolescence.

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Both sides have gone adolescent. Look at Trump.

The mother of all reality checks is in the mail.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

this should be pinned to the top. Right on. The undoing of this uniparty cabal will be economic calamity wrought by hyperinflation. in 1986, a brand new Hyundai was $4995. Today the cheapest car starts in the 20K range. There isn't much inflating left before truckers throw in the towel & let Rome burn.

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My sister had a Toyota Corolla back in the 70's. The joke was to fill it up with oil and check the gas.

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Every national election, there are more and more anomalies and they all end up favoring the Democrats. But it's all coincidence and if you disagree, you'll be labeled a right-wing extremist and put on a terrorist watchlist by the completely non-political Department of "Justice."

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

Free speech is censorship.

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So ridiculous

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you're troll sucks. you make dumb GOPs look good.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Mail ballots still coming in while the other votes are being counted. What could go wrong? So every election there will be Republicans leading, then the vote count comes to a halt, then the mail ballots drip in and the Democrat starts gaining and wins by a nose. Yeah, that's not gonna make anyone suspicious. Even if they're all legitimate ballots -- which I don't believe -- that's no way to make people trust the system.

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I am sorry to say.. they are legitimate. The problem that nobody seems to want to investigate is where those mail in ballots come from. Does anybody actually do a small sample and go out to the homes those ballots come from and verify? Nope. It's amazing that now that we allow this type of voting we have the highest voting percentages in history. And amazingly all of the mail in ballots essentially vote the same way.

Maybe that's the way it always was, but it just seems awfully convenient.

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the people that benefit from mail in votes and ballot harvesting coulnt care less about concerns of loser over voter integrity. They control the corporate press and the FBI & thats all the power you need to win elections. The eggplant in the white house & the stroke sufferer with the huge goiter both won their races, with no democrats questioning how that makes any sense.

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"every election there will be Republicans leading" -- except, by way of example, for Arizona in the last U.S. Presidential election, where Trump narrowed Biden's lead as the later vote count came in, or any number of other races at all levels in this year's elections. where Republicans either overtook Democrats with later results, or widened their leads.

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They could at least pretend to be embarrassed at how poorly they are doing their jobs, and at what a total mess they have made of what was (and should be) a simple, rapid system.

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Embarrassed!!! Hell no they're not embarrassed. The system rewards failure with a better job. I think they call it failing up.

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judging how CNN coddled them when they couldn't commit to any endpoint, is it any wonder why?

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Maybe we should go back to the good old days when schools and Sesame Street taught kids math. Unfortunately, bigpHARMa and woke ideologues have captured most institutions. Now we have drag queen shows at schools and Big Bird and Elmo promoting the jab. RIP common sense, freedom of speech, basic math, children’s innocence, body sovereignty and DEMOCRACY. Arizona and Nevada are a joke and a national embarrassment.

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Democrats preach about My Body My Choice, but when it comes to Big Pharma they fall in line. Because someone says Science, they just buy right in. Good for them. Don't bother to pay attention to the actual statistics. It's like they don't even remember that scientists once used to say Cigarettes were safe too if they were paid well enough.

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Aren’t xx and xy chromosome variances also science?!?!

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I don't think they exist anymore actually. It's hard to tell. Let me consult the latest "Science" book on the subject.

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Morgan Freeman was on Electric Company…..he’s not down with the new woke-industrial complex…..

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Morgan Freeman promoted the vax https://youtu.be/RU43V0Zt2gA

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So what are we going to do about it?


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Contrary to what today's progressive wing thinks. Most people who are independents or Republicans care about the country too much. We'll bend over and take it like good Comrades.

It's what is both sad and comical about today's society. The Progressive wing is the violent side of politics. They are also the best at projecting what they are to others, and making the gullible believe that D is the only salvation.

While I fully agree that R's are despicable as well, what are we going to do? We don't have 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th parties like most modern Democracy/Republics. We have a Uni Party that is in lock step with each other.

Tuesday, you'll get to see it on full display as Trump will announce his intention to run in '24, and Congress goes back to trying to make us believe they are trying to incriminate him. They are trying to do nothing of the sort. They are just whipping up the moronic citizenry into believing the existential threat to our society is a billionaire reality star. The threat is already in the building fortified in it's position and will be their with the cockroaches after we plebs are LONG gone.

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I don’t buy the nonsense about progressives/Dems being the “violent wing”. Republicans were running campaign ads in which they tote and/or shoot assault-like weapons, sent me Christmas cards of their families..shining, smiling little children with smiling dad and mom clutching assault-like weapons, and stormed the Capitol threatening to hang one of their own, and Trump...urging supporters to beat up or throw out hecklers, telling the Proud Boys to stand by. Both parties support and participate in wars, unfortunately. And Congress needn’t incriminate Trump, he does so on his own...in clear view.

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Arizona is apparently worse.

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The house always wins. The Democrat House. By any means. And I think you know what I mean.

Speaking of Vegas- Whatever happened with the Vegas mass shooting?

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Yeah...what "Vegas mass shooting"...down the memory hole...

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It was the same person who placed the pipe bomb on Jan 5, leaked the SCOTUS decision, sabotaged the Nordstream pipeline, and swears climate change will kill us all tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that.

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They win with the compliance and complicity of the Establishment UniParty duopolous GOP elites.

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it is interesting that there is no memorial at the site. Vegas does not want this tragedy echoing into eternity.

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It seems nobody wants to know anything about anything.

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So how does that voting conspiracy where the “Democrat House” always win work exactly, especially given the election of a Republican who beat the incumbent Democratic Governor?

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Because the GOP Establishment is complicit. They do not want fresh blood who would expose their corruption and shit policies. The warmongering globalist kleptotechno corporate multinational monopolist paid to sell us out. Their hands are soaked with American blood and their pockets lined with foreign and Pharma dollars.

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There are plenty of corrupt, crappy governors as well. And then there are the fundamentalist crazies. Thing is, the GOP/RNC is almost as culpable as the Dems.

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"Thing is, the GOP/RNC is almost as culpable as the Dems."

Yeah, this is one of the hardest things to grasp, how much of the Rep "opposition" is working with the Dems.

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I despise DeWine. Everything about him. He nauseates me.Ditto Tate Reeves,Graham,Cruz, Hawley,Blackburn,Mitch,Mitt,Crenshaw,Burr,Lee,Kellyanne,Don Jr, Cassidy,Ivey,Patrick,Abbott,Issa,Langford,Mullins,Schmitt,most of his appointments, endorsees and can’t stand another minute of him. For every lousy appointment he dismissed, he replaced with worse. For every good appointment he selected that were obscenely targeted, he did nothing to stand up for them.

For every avoidable, self inflicted wound, he blamed others and took no responsibility.

He ignored the crossover grassroots movements who were instrumental in getting him elected. Instead, he pandered to the fundamental right wing religious zealots and ignored the advice of the incredible medical experts of his panel. They were dismissed behind his back and he did NOTHING! Had he done the right thing, Covid would have ended before it started.But he allowed himself to be led by Fauci, Birx,Redfield,Bill Gates,Zuckerberg,Pence,Bourla,Bancel and the UniParty apparatchiks.

The whole thing is truly anathema.He had Atlas,Alexander,Battacharaya,Kuldorff,Ionnides,Ladapo,Levitt,Zelenko,Hatfill,Gold,Andersen,Smith,Oswui,RFK Jr as a civilian activist.. All well aware of Fauci’s history of corruption and coverups before Risch,Malone,Makary,Kary Mullis,Kory,Montagnier,Mercola,Mikovits ,McCullough,Ortleb,Shiva were brought to the forefront… among these names are Nobel Laureates. Yet Trump doubled down and allowed himself to make the worst possible decisions.

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His best remains appointments were Kash Patel,Grenell,Mark Morgan,Ajit Pai,Amanda Millian,Morgan Ortagus,David Friedman,Paris Denard,Niger Innis,Robert O’Brien,Dr.Paul Alexander… the people you never got to see or hear from.

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It was probably due to Bush in some way, right?

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You seem to have forgotten that Trump barred people from China coming into the country immediately… And then fools like you called him xenophobic.

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Kudos! And it was created in the good old USA

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Fox sucks. Removing Trish Regan,Lara Logan,Chris Farrell,Dobbs,Brandon Straka,Scott Pressler,Dr.Robert Epstein,Dr.Zudhi Jasser,Walid Phares,Naomi Wolf,Sharyl Atkisson,Asra Nomani,PastorsScott and Burns,Isaiah Washington,Gen. Tata,Diana West,Gaffney,Allen West,Raheem Kassam,Kristy Alley,James Woods, Robert Davi,Niger Innis,Paris Denard,Steve Wynn,… anybody who could shine a light on the corruption and the WEF, Bilderberg,Soros,Bloomberg,Zelensky,McStain, Wray,Deace,Bill Burns,Kerner,Graham,Fauci,Collins,Issa,Burr,McMaster,the Atlantic Council, Brookings Institute,Tides Foundation,Aspen,Ford/Rockefeller/Clinton,Bill and Melinda Gates,Getty,Romney,Sedona Foundations,Carnegie Institute,CAIR, McKinsey,Bloomberg Philanthropy,Democracy Now, J Street,SPLC,ADL,Catholic Charities,Open Society,Confucius Institute,Quincy Institute,NAACP,ACLU,and what they really are. The UN….The money laundering anti-American organizations they actually are.

Unfortunately, some once stood for noble causes. No longer. Now they are fronts for the worst of humanity. As a Jewish American, I’m appalled by the ADL.once the Anti-Defamation League, now the Anti-American Democracy Liaison. The NAACP is now the New Alliance for the Advancement of Communist Propaganda,ACLU is the AntiCivil Liberties Union, the SPLC is the Soros PAC Leading Chaos,Catholic Charities is a child trafficking front,and all receive government funding courtesy of the taxpayer. How rotten and corrupt to the core is the American Experiment? The Quincy Society was co-created by Koch and Soros.

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The UK and France both have paper ballot systems. The count is given THE SAME NIGHT after the voting closes. Counting happens in the local polling place - not some huge centralized location. Under the eyes of the local population. That is how the USA worked in the 1950s before computer voting machines came in "to speed up the process".

We need to get rid of the voting machines and go back to paper ballots with local hand counts. Observed by both parties plus independent citizen observers. And signed off as fair and correct by them. Before a copy of the tabulation is send to regional and then state centers. Written paper records. Chain of custody. Hand to cheat. Easy to check was fair.

This is the way to get citizen trust back.

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yeah but that would hurt the uniparty, who protects democracy. & keeps free speech "safe"

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We will need well armed observers in the Democrat hellholes

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Ya it’s pretty clear Dems are stealing the senate. But let’s all pretend it’s not happening. USA is a third world country .

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third world countries run better than blue america.

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Which ones?

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Just like in 2020, you don't have any proof and just like in 2020, no one believes you.

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"RepoopliKKKunts"? are you twelve years old?

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And you know this because .... ?

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you do know that genocide is only a few short steps from your hateful anti-right screeds.

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Slightly … well, quite a bit … off topic, but your invocation of Hastert brings to mind one of the pivotal points that have led us to where our politics find themselves today: the so-called “Hastert Rule”.

When he was Speaker of the House, the only legislation he would bring to the floor was the one that could pass with only Republican support. If any Democrats signed on, that was a bonus but otherwise irrelevant to his calculations. Since then, his innovation has been followed by both sides to the detriment of seeking his-partisan solutions and compromises to our many problems.

If only both parties would reject the “Hastert Rule”, I suspect the electorate overall would be happier. After all, our Congress should be trying to address and solve our bread and butter issues without checking their Twitter accounts.

Anyway, that’s my thought for the day.

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I thought you were a Trump Republican?

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Have you thought about sucking on a tailpipe?

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

At this point, the outcome is as certain as a board meeting vote knowing full well the views of those who hold the majority of stock. The US Republic is kaput and despite these type of investigative reporting pieces, nothing is going to change. I hope Matt has a quick exit plan, his time working in the Soviet Union should come in handy. The system is rigged, the outcomes are forgone and trust in the system is not needed. The future choice for Americans are two options either genuine support for the cooperate progressive or silent desperation while exercising Ketman. Maybe in 20 or 60 years we'll be able to look honestly at this period. I doubt it. Like Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, the "lie has become not just a moral category but the pillar industry of this country." In this case it's the political sector we are speaking about but the greater lie has crept into all of our institutions. We are doomed. The Republic is over in all but name.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

You're overlooking another option (which, of course, can't be done from the comfort of your couch): to stand up and revolt.

Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary (it's not what you think) and read From Dictatorship to Democracy, the book by the late Dr Gene Sharp. You can buy a copy on eBay or from the Einstein Institution in Boston MA.

He tells us how to pull off a successful nonviolent civil resistance.

It calls for energy and strength of will. At this time, the only energy I observe in Americans is in driving their car to the mall to do some (more) shopping, and their strength of will is expended on supporting the football team/political party of their choice.

That's why they say things like "we are doomed"; it's easier to quit before you've started while sitting on your couch.

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If you think corporate progressives will let grass roots organized resistance occur please point to why. They control the access to the town well. They have already coopted the institutions where the resistance a la 2016-20 occurred. They define the narrative and the "truth." The ability to create a legit resistance while fighting domestic agencies using patriot act tactics on domestics "extremists" under the guise of COVID emergency protocols is as likely as the leftwing antiwar movement showing up to protest our meddling in the Ukraine/Russian conflict. In other words zilch. The only thing one does now by getting organized against the power structure running this country is to ensure they are identified as a target.

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We don't need anyone to "let" us do anything. We need to learn how to decentralize and organize. Everyone should read the book The Starfish and the Spider. Decentralization and transparency are the answers. What we need is a TRANSPARENCY MOVEMENT. Like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/what-we-need-is-a-transparency-movement

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I'll read your resources if you'll read mine.

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Once again, I have a rebuttal from a person who didn't even bother to review the resources to which I directed him, since you responded within minutes of my answer. The documentary is over an hour long.

In other words, you haven't a clue when you aren't even familiar with the ideas that you are criticizing. How much faith would you put in the New York Times book review if the reviewer hadn't even read the book? That's about how much your inane rebuttal is worth.

Go do your homework and then we'll talk. All of the answers to your questions are in the material you have ignored.

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deletedNov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022
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You missed the point entirely. Was this deliberate, or can't you help yourself?

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"We are doomed. The Republic is over in all but name."

Hansenius, your analysis is depressingly spot on, but we cannot give in to despair, not quite yet.

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Congress is going to stay Democrat, and they are going to push to pack the Court, and double down. Democrats will win super majority and the Presidency in 2024. Book It now. Then, you'll either submit to Big Pharma and Black Rock or you'll be sent off to learn how.

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So what are we going to do about it?


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I don't know.. Perhaps you should figure it out. The idea in this article is so naïve it is almost laughable.

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Race! Race!

Don’t look up.

Russians! Russians!

Don’t look up.

Insurrection! Insurrection!

Don’t look up.

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I live in Austria. As a non-Austrian business owner, I can vote in Chamber of Commerce elections. My wife and son are Austrian citizens, and vote in all political elections. The process is the same in both. You go to a polling place, show an ID and 10 minutes later you've finished voting on a paper ballot. Within a day, all the paper ballots in Vienna - a city of two million people - are counted by hand with in-person witnesses.

It ain't rocket science. It is totally scalable and would be cheaper per voter in the US due to some economies of scale.

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