A lot of effort and thought clearly went into this story. It really is excellent. Truly good stuff.

The great demonic possession of our time is on display here too. “I am virtue itself and everything i do is only for the sake of justice.” OK, well, that’s what they’ve said in every pogrom, genocide, persecution, pillage, sack and subjugation throughout history. So is it different this time by these people? Haha ahahaha ahahahah. It’s not funny but it’s almost funny.

Many generations of the best this nation has produced would not have done this, thought this way, acted this way or rationalized it. We are lost. Lost,

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You’re crazy like a fox. We are lost, aimless, distracted, divided, incurious and frighteningly dumbed down.

The marginalization of using unspeakable events to create feral frenzy is horrifying. Fifty migrants bused to Martha’s Vineyard being compared to the Holocaust is indecent. A senile man with balled fists in full. blown Fuhrer mode naming half the American populous “ fascists”. The irony is staggering. Accusing people of “ White Supremacy”, the Klan, domestic terrorists, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Jim Crow, voter suppression, violent extremists… by an immutable lack of pigmentation . That qualifies as racism, White Fragility, inequity, wanting to “put y’all. back in chains”… Uh, that would be Biden. We’re supposed to bow down, flagellate and apologize to people who hate us that we owe only civility, but it isn’t reciprocal.Fuck it! My family suffered Nazism , Stalinism and Ceacescu’. Half my husband’s and my family perished in ways too gruesome to ruminate. Our family is multi-racial, comprised of 4 separate religious factions, different sexualities throughout and we love each other. We have political ideological differences, but none are extreme.I’m sick of the whole damn cabal and the created divide. I don’t owe anything to a political party. The political class owe us. We put them in powerful. Wrongfully, in most cases.

Our vaunted leaders aren’t working for us.They put on a show of histrionics, but behind the curtains, wink and shake hands, grease each other’s palms and laugh as they sell us down the river. A combination of corrosive, out of touch and in too many cases, stupid.

How many are in bed w/ the WEF, Bilderberg Group, DAVOS,UN,World Bank, China, the war machine, MB, BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet / Pharma and the Great Reset NWO? More than we can imagine. And only DeSantis, Gabbard, Tulsi,Gaetz,Ron Johnson and the “conspiracy theorist fringe”. You know,” We The Red-Pilled”

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We are 1930’s Germany…or pre-Cuba Castro.

WEF is not conducive of Freedom or Rights. The Constitution separates powers and wisely defines a restricted government but promises of something for nothing by the Left lull people into going along, with the result totalitarianism.

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The 'left?' There is no Left in the USA. In Europe, the Democrats would be considered a Right-wing party. Sanders, The Squad, et al would be smack-dab in the middle. You wouldn't know a true 'leftist' if you tripped over one.

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Agreed. Early 30s. It took 100 years for the Spanish flu to reintroduce itself as covid. 100 years for invasion of Poland to reintroduce itself as invasion of Taiwan.

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Yep. Hope so. But we’ll see. Ignoring this abuse and selective law enforcement seems ok? And Biden sounded tolerant and grandfatherly to you? IRS needs to be armed like a swat team? Old men rousted out of bed in the dark of night?

Supreme Court justices and families intimidated? Rioting winked at if by Antifa, but zero tolerance by MAGA’S?

NYT and WaPo has you anaesthetized?

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Gee, seeing as how you and your family have all this horrible experience with Fascism, it’s too bad you don’t even recognize it when it’s right under your nose, happening right in your own country. Let’s just say it like it is: Today the Trump Republican Party is FASCISM clear as day. You know, the Proud Boys are mighty fine people and “we love you!” We are in the early innings of The Long Now, and things are gonna get way worse before they get better. Let’s hope the MAGA fringe nut cases in Congress don’t ever become the majority or you just might join your family being subject to treatment too gruesome to mention. The Republican Party enthusiastically welcomes anti-Semites and worse. Ya, most of the politicians on both sides are corrupt, but the Trump nuts cases are seriously dangerous. But you just keep worrying about old Sleepy Joe.

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Didn't read it, did you? He just accused BIDEN'S DOJ of full-on fascism - without using the word.

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Taibbi makes a good case that it has been a tool used to harass opponents of Presidential administrations since 2001. TDS brought about by their total humiliation and exposure as partisan whores has led the press to cheerlead the DOJ's depredations:

"In Trump-related cases, the DOJ has pushed the tactical envelope in all the same ways it has with other types of unpopular defendants over the years, only it’s done so with a disturbing (and perhaps correct) presumption that the public wants them to color outside the lines more than ever, and deal even more cruelly with targets. The DOJ has political winds at its back it lacked even in the early War on Terror days as it campaigns openly to replace an adversarial system with Judge Dredd style, guilty-when-charged, one-stop-shopping justice.

Not just the Justice Department but multiple federal enforcement agencies have cheated and bullied in countless cases involving the Orange One, without inspiring a whit of outrage from traditional civil liberties defenders."

It's beginning to look like Trump is merely the excuse and "traditional civil liberties defenders" are now showing their true colors. They "defend the liberties" of their preferred faction. Either that or their irrational hatred for Trump is so great they're willing to abandon their ethical standards altogether to see him railroaded into prison, since his reputation is apparently unassailable.

What else are we to think, given the excessive, monomaniacal zeal that infects Trump-haters?

America has been Fascist since the Citizen's United SC ruling.

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I read this an my eyebrows kept rising towards my hairline. It was skillfully written to be catnip to Trump supporters. IMO that will blind everyone from ant-Trumpers to America First patriots to think this is about Trump. It isn’t about Trump. It isn’t even about the Dems persecuting Republicans or vice versa. If true, it appears to be about the DOJ’s war on the enemies du jour through extra-legal, coercive means making the DOJ a mighty political weapon in the arsenal of whichever party controls the federal administrative branch.

The legitimacy of the seizing of Trumps Mar-a-Lago materials has long been a question mark to me and now it makes me think about the Hunter Biden investigation. I always thought that was legit but now I’m wondering.

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Agree, but who got the ball rolling on this whole party? Ashcroft in the Bush administration. Republicans! Matt cites three instances where it seems abusive over a twenty year period. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that criminal activity took place at Mar A Cheeto when documents are spread all over the place in desk drawers and closets with big orange TOP SECRET warnings plastered all over them. Why is a Special Master required to make sure Trump’s “rights” aren’t being violated? Based upon what was found, I say the government has every right to examine ANY AND ALL documents in Trumps possession. Even his love letters to Stormy Daniels! He a dangerous cheap carney barking crook. Everybody in New York has known this for thirty years. He doesn’t deserve the benefit of doubt in any matter. Throw him in jail and throw away the key.

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You are exactly the kind of idiot Taibi is warning against. You think people's rights should depend on whether you like them or not. Dangerous TDS fool.

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The Cheney administration ramped this up to 11. It's why Liz is such a horrid human being as well. Like Father like Daughter, and both should hang.

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There is no Republican or Dems are right here. They are both complicit in trampling rights, first with Bush, then administrations that followed. Don't kid yourself, the government is not your friend. The bureaucracy exists to feed itself.

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Either he didn’t read it or selectively applied dyslexia. Matt put personal ideology aside because people of integrity are more interested in truth.

There’s also a failure across the spectrum to realize the targeting, persecution and censorship encompasses ANYBODY who dares challenge the narrative!

When Democrat Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar spoke out about the border insurgence… Cuellar, a Mexican- American, was raided by the FBI.For some bullshit collusion with Azerbaijan. Cuellar does not support the Azarbaign corrupt, despotic government, he supports those who are calling it out. Who has been profiting from illicit deals with Azerbaijan? Hunter Biden, Joe Biden James Biden, John Podesta and a host of others. But they’re immune.

As per Ukraine, Trump’s mistake was solely calling out Hunter.

Ukraine is a cesspool of US corruption. Trump would have done a tremendous service by taken on EVERYBODY involved. Both parties. Pelosi, Hillary, Kerry, Bush, Cofer-Black, Romney, Soros, Loefgren,Fiona Hill, Bolton, Vindman , Epstein, Schiff, Mueller, Lindsey Graham, MCCain, Rick Davis, Doug Schoen, Brennan, Chalupa, Klobuchar, Leahy, Chris Murphy,Epstein,Lanyard Davis , Sid Blumenthal,Ted DeVine, Bernie, Atlantic Council( Burissma Lobby), Kent, Atkisson, Brookings Inst, Military Industrial Complex, DodPentagon,Bulger, Treasury, State Dept, Jake Sullivan, CIA, Nuland, Faustus,BleachBit, Crowd Strike, Yvonovich, Issakoff, Comey, GlennSimpson. And this is the tip of the iceberg.

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Hi Gail...I agree in part with your analysis...Corruption is EVERYWHERE, it is a HUMAN TRAIT...so, other than the ones you cite (a very long list as tip of a corrupted iceberg...), WHO do YOU TRUST ? Which Party, if any ? 2 Wrongs do not make a right, BUT in my opinion, Biden SEEMS better than Trump...Of course, some issues are common to both parties, no matter who is in power...But again, would love to hear your thoughts on who YOU TRUST and WHY ?...Thank you...

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Ya, I read it. Matt has gone down the rabbit hole with the rest of the QAnon nut jobs. I suppose all you Trump heads think it’s just fine that an ex-government employee has top-secret documents spread all over his freaking house? If anybody else did that they’d be in prison right now. But I guess you don’t see any problem with the cleaning lady picking up top-secret documents. Actually, Trump probably already sold em. Trump is the biggest idiot to ever inhabit the White House. He’s an autocrat in the making. If he somehow gets back in the White House, he’ll never leave. Just like his buddies Erdogan, Xi, Putin, Orbán and Jong-un. Oh, I forgot THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN! Whah, whah, whah, whah! That’s what happens when you dumb down education and you have an ignorant electorate.

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You just repeated every leak the FBI would hope that their useful idiots would buy. I hope you rest easy knowing what a government dupe you are.

BTW, Matt must laugh reading comments. I just criticized for having anti trump rhetoric by inferring that he's unpopular and "the public wants DOJ to be even more cruel. Half the country would say bullshit. If you think taibbi is a QANON sympathizer you are deranged. TDS level 10.

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"I suppose all you Trump heads think it’s just fine that an ex-government employee has top-secret documents spread all over his freaking house?"

Here we see a credulous consumer of corporate press lies and innuendo.

Do tell, what do these "top-secret documents" contain? Or are you waiting for the DOJ's latest leak to find out?

You're right about the "ignorant electorate." I'd go further and call it wilful ignorance, since you choose to believe spoon-fed innuendo.

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What information do you think Obama has? Or even Hillary let alone Bill. The fact of the Matter is that our President's get the whole list. What they have in documents is absolutely NOTHING compared to what they have in their heads. You would do better to think about your comments, and perhaps maybe educate yourself more.

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Aw, poor little innocent Trump is being picked upon by the big meanies at the DOJ….

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Trump would have saved us all from a lot to argue about if he had just turned it all over to the National Archives when he was advised to, by his own White House counsel.

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"and you have an ignorant electorate"

That'd apply to the Elites on the coasts who thought going to an Ivy or similar (Stanford, MIT, etc.) post-secondary conferred wisdom on them. I.e., the Democrat Party+Bernie and the rest. AOC a case in point: Boston University (far less worthy than Boston College, but Coastals really don't get that) got a degree in Econ. She is certifiably stupid - her schtick is social media performance art. No depth, nothing but seeking clicks and followers - ya know, the part of the Electorate that William counts as his friends.

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What has any of your blather got to do in the slightest with the topic under discussion? That’s another Trump trick; smear the opposition with vitriolic name calling. Deride anyone with intelligence and an education. Just keep spewing lies at every turn. The man has the attention span and emotional intelligence of a two year old. He spent 4 years in office doing nothing but watching TV and trying to figure out how he could become King Donald I. “I expect loyalty form everyone in my administration.” Didn’t work out so well for him. HE LOST - fair and square. Even his own crooked Attorney General said all the election histrionics were BULLSHIT! Ya, like everything Trump does is bullshit; including carting boxes of Top Secret documents to Mar A Cheeto. And what about the boxes of documents he was seen hauling onto a jet bound for his New Jersey home in the days after the original request to turn over documents belonging to the government? Ya, he was probably just trying to protect his right to privacy. Wouldn’t want any incriminating documents to get “leaked” like say, for example, the details surrounding a real estate transaction in which Trump received a record $95 million from a Russian oligarch for a Palm Beach home worth a fraction of the price. Ya, Trump the Boy Scout. Nothing to see here folks. Leave poor Donald alone and let him play make believe King in his castle at Mar A Cheeto shuffling his Top Secret documents around his play office. No harm in that, is there?

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"ignorant electorate" - ah yes, you are one of the washed, gently educated types that knows what's best for the rabble. Election was stolen was said out loud by Democrats and Republicans alike (it's all there for you to see if you did a little research - HRC proudly claims her election was stolen, go back to Bush/Shrub, same story). If you don't want Trump back in the white house, stop making everything about Trump and prosecuting him continuously. You're just growing his base. Do something righteous, protect people's rights first, elect candidates who believe in the constitution. Stop cheerleading for the two morally bankrupt parties. Not that long ago, the Royalty saw the colonies as "QAnon nutjobs" - how dare they insult King George. etc. etc.

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Hey, you can play DOJ by creating your own top secret file folders, too. https://www.amazon.com/SECRET-Self-Inking-Rubber-Stamp/dp/B018J17YOQ

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Where do you get those talking points? I hear them from other outlets - you know MSNBC, CNN, etc. I'd like to get on the mailing list!

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LOL. DOJ troll alert, y’all.

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I think the problem is that a lot of people use terms like fascism without actually knowing the signs. What this article describes almost exactly, is fascism. Are Republicans in power guilty of shifting there? Absolutely, but my 2 times voting for Obama's happy change beautiful world led us further towards that than about anything in my 5 decades in this blue world we are about to decimate.

The Dems are exhibiting a GREAT deal of Totalitarianism, and Fascism. Trump Republicans are probably a bit too nationalistic which I guess could lean more Nazi. Both are bad, but sadly, as a life long Democrat who's voted Green for the last 7 years, I may be willing to let the Repugs have a go at it for a while to balance out the woke insanity we are living under now.

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Let me just say fergy, the Trump umbrella is a massive one. Yes it does , I admit have q people, some white nationalists, but it's in the under 5 % range. I'm a small business owner so I hang with others who engage in similar stuff. All we Care about is being left alone really. Don't tax us to death, force a jab down our throat, threaten to or force our business to close, leave our guns alone, apply the law fairly to everyone including corrupt politicians, don't put us in unnecessary wars 10,000 miles away for absolutely no good reason, let us eat meat if we choose, basically try to stay out of our lives as much as possible.

I dont consider that nationalistic ferg, just maybe following what the founders envisioned. Please vote the democrats out. Txs.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

I can agree, and empathize with much of what you said here. But when Repugs put forth someone like Trump, and people like MTGreen…do you really expect anything Matt’s talking about to change? Or should I say, to do you really expect reform? He felt DOJ ought be his personal attnys. Trump is just another wealthy grifter, out for himself and his ego, like so many others. He’s no populist that’s for sure.

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No I don't expect change or reform, I expect things will get much worse. Forget trump. He's just a figure head, a face to put on a movement of people who are upset about not being left alone and in fact increasingly violated.

DeSantis =trump......different face, same result. Ron is tapping into peoples frustrations. Frankly Ron is a better politician and should frighten lefties more. As far as MTG, mehhh, congressional seats are wanky. I mean look at the squad, two socialist Muslims and a marxist Latino. Congressional seats more accurately represent that small swath of people in their district and its indicative of the incredible diversity we have in a country of 350,000,000.

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The most dangerous thing in this country are biden and deep state apologists like you. You will make a wonderful nazi someday. May a 1,000 Marjorie Taylor greenes, descend upon your house and raid your underwear drawer, you stupid fuck.

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“Deep State” “Nazi” “Marjorie Taylor Greene” Hey, why don’t you go consult your nut job friend Q? Whatever happened to Q? Where is Q when we need him to reveal the ultimate truth of the Nazis in the deep state who are all giving poor Donald such a hard time? Hey, I bet Marjorie could find Q for us! Let’s ask her. Delusional is the best word to describe “stupid fucks” like you maggots.

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The correct term is MAGATS.

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You are so repulsive that a punishment of MTG is exactly what you deserve. You will be subdued , tied up and read Q theory until you start bubbling at the mouth .

Why do you pay 5 bucks a month to Matt's stack and take a beating? Psycho.

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Oh puhleeze! The Proud Boys leader is an FBI informant.

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Go stand in the corner with the QAnon nut jobs!

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Did I say I loved Trump? No, I didn’t. Matter of fact, if both parties imploded and a “ We The People” party of sanity , minus the ideological purity requisite loyalties formed, I’d be ecstatic. The requirements would be putting Americans first, loyalty to country and each other, the Constitution, and abolishing several agencencies, auditing and purging the rest,term limits, no perqs or qualified immunity for politicians, bureaucrats , forced retirement, no lobbying, NGOs,no more insane interventions, the ability to fire federal employees, no unions within the federal government, a flat tax, abolishing the UN or at the very least, withdrawing from it altogether. We need a representative government, not an “ Us vs Them”.

Trump is not the answer. Biden is not the answer. And Trump has been sabotaged, but it has been from every facet and he stoked much of it with his lousy judgment in appointments, rhetoric, ad hominem attacks and lack of impulse control. The stupid tweets, nicknames and instead of draining the Swamp, expanding it.

Regardless, his personality isn’t a criminal offense. He hasn’t committed any crimes, but he has been the victim of crimes committed by an increasingly corrupt, weaponized , terrifying entity that is a leviathan of authoritarian terror. It’s long been toxic and corrupt, but now there is no way to fight back

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Well said

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Hi Gail...Again, I agree with most of your views and assessment...BOTH PARTIES are corrupt to varying degrees, IMO...Putting ALL AMERICANS FIRST, agreed...Helping the most in difficulties while having a PROGRESSIVE TAX CODE (Richer people can afford to pay more & no more Tax Breaks for Stadiums, Oil Companies, etc) BUT again...One question...HOW DO YOU KNOW that Trump hasn't committed any crimes ? Were you present at the WH for his presidency ? Were you the meetings ? Who do you believe ? And Why ? Why believe one newspaper/website/podcast over another ? What are your sources ? Would love to know so I can understand your thought process...Best !

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Well for 6 years they investigated him. They spent nearly 100 million dollars investigating him and couldn't indict him on one thing Kaan . It is also fact now that they actively tried to remove him from office(Russia gate). So while the diehard trump haters hold on to hope from the mar a Lago raid, the smart money is on betting on the fact this is again........purely political to try and spin the mid terms. I mean why else the timing? He's had these docs for 18 months.

I hope this helps and if trump wins the nomination, I look forward to your vote in 2024.

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Thank You Confucius Cypress, it does help...BUT my question remains the same...How do you know that 100 Million Dollars was spent investigating him ? How do you know "as a fact" that they (who is THEY) tried to remove him from office ? Also, isn't everything in politics by definition political ? I mean, while Trump was in office, didn't he want to go after his enemies, draining the swamp, kicking out immigrants, separating the children from their parents (or is that also a Media fabrication, if so, how do you know that it is, were you at the borer to witness it for yourself?), and as for the 18 months, why didn't he give them earlier to avoid this "political stunt" as you say ? Also, thank you for asking for my vote, but I look forward to yours for BIDEN/WARREN/BERNIE/POLIS/BUTTIGIEG/ HARRIS/CASTRO/O'ROURKE/AOC 2024 !

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Are you serious?! Trump and his associates have been investigated to death. If anything, I now believe that Trump is the most HONEST President we’ve had in my life.

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Thank you for clarifying that point...(Sarcasm added) But again, NONE OF US were there to be a part of the investigations and read the documents, or have you ? Also, THE MOST HONEST...Great use of hyperbole but I would have gone with "THE GREATEST BESTEST MIGHTIEST HONESTEST MANNESTEST" President in ANYONE's LIFETIME EVER ! I mean why stop in just this lifetime...Also, again, how do you know ? As Michael Cohen famously once asked about polling in 2016, "Who says ?" You ? Fox News ? Newsmax ? OANN ? Ben Shapiro ? Ann Coulter ? The GOP ? His Sons ? His Daughter ? His workers at MAL ? The Contractors ? Please let me know your sources for your thoughts, SERIOUSLY...And what are your thoughts on Clinton ? Obama ? Biden ? And why ? Again, none of us were there so...Just wondering...

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The programming worked well on you I see

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I have vivid memories of what Ceasccescu wrought and it was ugly. My family is from Hungary and I lived there before the wall came down. It was not pretty. I suppose that is all ypu nred to not even need a "Red Pill".

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Tulsi Gabbard is well-disguised WEF.

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Where was yours fried at. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. One post you're a Trump voting Republican. Another post you're a true blue Democrat. Which means you're just a troll, and a lousy one at that.

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Bull shit!!!! You're in the biggest tribe. The one that's in power. First it was Trump. Now it's the Biden tribe.

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What policies specifically??????

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What? That makes you a centrist? Cool *safe* position….

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Biden's not doing shit. He couldn't optimize his own diapers carrying capacity.

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Yeah, he kept Putin-Puppet Trump's ambassador to Moscow, John J. Sullivan (who just resigned recently).

And he's finishing Trump's wall, continuing the recognition of Juan Guaidó as the coronated president of Venezuela and still hasn't re-joined the treaty Obama made with Iran. The kids are still in cages.

So are these right-wing policies the good things that Biden's continuing?

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Here's a 52-second video of Biden being decisive, "crushing it" -- but hey, if he's your boy, who am I to disparage your taste in leaders?


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Yes excellent effort by Matt! Such as…”because these people are fucking crazy. They’re capable of anything.”

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I disagree.

Every generation of Americans has done this. Salem witch trials, Alien and Sedition act, Japanese interment camps, Red Scare, the list goes on.

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I disagree with your comment. These examples were all before NSA, metaverse, social media, spy satellites in sky worldwide. The list goes on.

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Not to this degree. We’ve had terrible episodes that deserve recognition and assurance they cannot and will not ever happen again in the US. 2022 and we’re living in fear of questioning elections, “ pandemics”, criticizing the government and supporting an opposition party? We’ve been corrupt as hell for 75 years, but this is 1984,Brave New World, Fahrenheit, I Robot, Animal Farm, The Island Of Doctor Moreau, Minority Report, Stepford Wives,and Soylent Green rolled into one big lethal injection.

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True, but there were others who opposed, and the opposition eventually became the consensus and then the norm. That norm is now under assault.

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The new norm is The Final Solution and this time, we’re all Jews.

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You are overstating the case. There is no plan to exterminate anyone. It’s the same old game. The plan is to create clear separation between the Ruled and the Rulers. With the clear beneficiary being the Rulers

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One could easily make a case extermination is the plan(albeit in a more devious way. Forced gene therapy resulting in excessively lower sperm

counts with each booster shot(read studies done). Causing global chaos with food that will certainly starve millions. The richest , most powerful people in the world think we are vastly overpopulated. I could ask how is partial extermination absolutely not part of the plan?

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Global Population 4Bn is the plan, roughly. Also, getting rid of the Europe/USA west as the leaders of that world even though the people that will have control are the worst parts of those cultures. The WEF is an incredibly vile organization, and they are the reason for all of your news, and they groom most of your leaders that Main Stream media fawn over.

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Depopulation is not extermination. Terrible in its own way but not the same. Also I do not see it as (completely) intentional More “collateral damage” while pursuing a great good. Lot of that going around these days

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Well, I hope you are wrong, but hope isn't much to pin the future on.

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OH, so that makes it all right? I see.

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Sorry, I must be too subtle. No, I don't think this is a good thing, but only that it has been going on for the history of our nation, and is something to constantly challenge and overcome.

Human nature is not easy to defeat though.

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We were lost 3 decades ago. I've been saying for a long time that this just gets exponentially worse with every new administration. The simple fact that it continues over and over and over, and nobody seems to care is testament to how well the people that ACTUALLY run this nation, and likely the Western World cover their tracks.

Everything that is happening now is controlled demolition. It's the only way this all makes sense. If you actually apply Occam's Razor to everything that has happened since Bretton Woods in 1971, and assume a higher order of things globally, it's the only way to make sense of all of the events and responses. I mean seriously. Davos Man isn't even hiding anymore. They are spewing their disdain for humanity on YouTube and nobody even bats an eyelid.

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I agree - the work that must have gone into this is staggering. It's excellent and infuriating. I'll read both parts again. I wish this had a larger audience. Unfortunately, people are more likely to watch a dopey 30-second dance trend on IG than make the time to read important information like this.

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Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always to observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and to be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Prince

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I mean, I think I agree with the sentiment of your comment generally, but I don't think "we" are lost and I personally am not willing to give up. If we were all "lost" we wouldn't be here having this discussion. Small shit, sure, but it's still shit.

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"Americans need to ask themselves what’s more dangerous: Donald Trump, or a federal law enforcement bureaucracy prosecutes people for the same rules it breaks, regularly argues that national security is harmed by allowing you to see the case against you, and appears ready to start using its vast power to punish political offenses? Is getting Donald Trump worth tossing out constitutional protections? Because that’s where this is all headed.": Masterful, Matt. Simply masterful.

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Show me the person and I’ll find a crime.

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EXACTLY how the Bolsheviks worked, and Stalin's Regime following them. Our Country was designed for better than this, and it is being stolen from us. This has GOT to stop.

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Yeah, I agree, but the idea that we protect norms because the norms are what protects us has been around since men have been debating governance. Or so I thought...

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What would the political media situation be today if not the pandemic and mass mail-in ballots?

It is a simple question and of course the complete answer is impossible to know. However, the likelihood is that the Democrat machine would have gone to war internally over the loss and thus fractured and weakened and the Republicans, always more constrained in how far they are willing to bend their moral filters for politics, would have at least given us a less radical and less politicized Justice.

History of the US is rife with crucible events that both weakened, but ultimately strengthened, the national ethos. We have been terrible at critical-thinking-proactive-accuracy in policy making, but massively effective of righting the ship in reaction to the previous mess made that if not corrected would have sunk us.

However, today it seems different. It seems that the media, the once reliable 4th branch of government, has become so hopelessly corrupt in supporting the weakening mess, that we will sink. I don't think the people are so much different in their fundamental underpinnings for waking up to getting it right after getting it wrong... I think the forces that have taken over the media are simply influencing the people to chronically and tragically delay that awakening.

If you were an enemy of the US and you had decades to consider how to defeat the US, you would know that direct conflict would never prevail... so you would consider that weakening the US from within would be your only option. Weakening the US would require that you cause chaos and conflict within... pitting neighbor against neighbor by inflaming the emotions of group resentment. You would need to get to the education system and media where the people can be propagandized and manipulated. Then you would need a lot of cash to offer up to political and business leaders to accept and promote your plan.

This is where we find ourselves today. The education system, media and much of our elite ruling class has been bought and paid for, and corrupted to promote anti-American attitudes. The Democrats are feeling empowered to give the finger to Americans and American principles of morality and even the law itself.

We have two choices to save the republic. Elect leaders that will directly combat and defeat this enemy, or else fight in the coming violent civil war. Or, we might need both.

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As long as we continue to support the two-party oligarchy, nothing is going to change.

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Couldn’t agree more and we’re hardly alone. Ideally, I’d prefer a third party of pragmatic , patriotic Americans, regardless of race, creed, religion, lack thereof, sexual identity minus hatred and extreme ideology, left or right.

However, it’s not an option due to the entrenched bureaucracy, establishment, donor owners, puppeteers, globalists and police state. The Democrats have way too much power, but the Republicans have no spine and no energy.

Perhaps a Unity ticket of two straightforward, savvy candidates who can merge from left of center to center to right of center, minus wedge issues. Experienced, but not corrupt , no warmongering , foreign lobbying, NGOs, Military industrialist funding, corporate multinationals, hedge funds unless without ties to WEF,China,BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet/ Carlyle/McKinsey/Bloomberg/Goldman Sachs/ JP Morgan/Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford/Tides Foundations/Atlantic Council/Brookings/Aspen/Getty/Soros anything /Religious orgs/PP/Pharma/Tech ( unless start ups with government entanglement.

Maybe DeSantis/Gabbard, Miami’s Mayor Suarez and a female with the same energy, charisma and smarts. And continue running candidates as R, but not the old, stodgy, clueless Rs we’ve suffered. Modern, Independent , diverse, And a PURGE.

As of late, I’ve enjoyed engaging with people who I believed would never reciprocate. Prime example, Matt. But also Kim Iversen, Russell Brand, Bret Weinstein, Naomi Wolf, Glenn Greenwald AND Glenn Beck, Rogan , Jordan Petersen,Raheem Kassam ,Asra Nomani,Jamal Attamini, Trevor Loudin, Neal Oliver,all the fabulous medical professionals, Zuni,Tyrus,Walter Kirn, Steve Kirsch, Jimmy Dore… we’re all in this together, period. And with these new coalitions, there’s an irony in how much we have in common and are willing to put aside ideological grievances.

Russell Brand really nailed it with representative community government, not one size fits all. We need to build communities, we need each other and we need to expand , put up a united front and take them all down! Expose the bastards! We have advantage of curiosity and delving. We have the advantage of joining together and destroying the bullshit mantra. We have the advantage of knowledge. And with knowledge, power!

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I disagree there is a two-party state. I think there is only one, the "Deep State" for lack of a better term. The political appointees come and go, but the Deep State remains.

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OK. But come election day this life-long Dem is going to attempt to stop the bleeding by voting Repub. Is it a cure? Hell, no. But our vote is supposed to still matter and the Dems would be quite happy to federalize elections. The Shadow really wants to federalize voting. Don't let that happen.

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They want to centralize it . A NWO fiefdom ruling over medicated, surveilled, microchipped transhuman serfs

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It was sealed for me when that group of reporters was escorted away from the Davos meeting by "WEF Police" with actual assault weapons in Switzerland. Like, how does a WEF Police force have any legal grounds to operate on the sovereign ground of Switzerland?

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The most cute part about this is that you think Voting will change it. Voting hasn't matter for some time. I even contend that they purposely put Trump in office to sow the seeds of what is going on now. We so hate each other that we don't pay attention to the real destruction going on, nor the people that are actually doing it.

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Elections are for public theater. To make us believe we actual have a system where our votes are counted and our candidates represent “ We The People” . Kinda like 1984’s Big Brother was just an exaggerated work of fiction vs a simile

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Absolutely. We don’t have an elected representative government. We have a duopoulous UniParty doing the bidding of a permanent kleptobureautechnocracy doing the bidding of an elite group of globalist sociopaths ruling from DAVOS. The UN is the hub of hell and the Establishment makes sure they prevent a change agent from toppling their kleptocracy.

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There is an awful lot of money in it if you get close to the spigot in our financialized world. But the financial system is still under stress, so those who control it want to control us lest they lose in the storm to come. In fact, we can see the disaster on the horizon. Look over there, it’s the Ukraine proxy war. That’s one conduit for the cash. But the game is changing before our very eyes. This winter will be the tell. What will our dear leaders do when their populations get desperate? Who will be left standing once the music stops?

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"Ideally, I’d prefer a third party of pragmatic, patriotic Americans, regardless of race, creed, religion, lack thereof, sexual identity minus hatred and extreme ideology, left or right." Totally agree but I don't see any inclination of that happening. An alternative is to try to build a movement in one of the two major parties: stand up candidates in the primaries and be ready for the expected ruling class shenanigans to put it down by any means necessary.

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Yup. Easier to do in the GOP. They don’t have the savvy , creativity , backbone or energy to fight back if enough of us hone in. Purge and rename the party.” We The People”

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It won’t happen unless we organize and grow a movement too big to be beaten down. This is no longer a system where unique standouts , i.e Pat Moynihan and Barry Goldwater , regardless of differences can find a central common ground bigger than their personal differences. That would be protecting America with honor. They forged quite a friendship. Both despised corruption and political opportunism . They were my favorites. Both hated the CIA, UN, party politics, NATO expansionism, authoritarianism,coverups , bad judgment, bureaucracy and globalism

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"The Justice Department’s Espionage Act case against Trump is based on the notion that improper possession of “national defense information” by an ex-president — a walking biological repository of state secrets — can only be stopped by the FBI, the soul of organizational rectitude and the only body we can trust to secure classified material.

Now, Trump’s behavior is eccentric at best and even some sympathetic defense lawyers I talked to suggested this case involving classified material raised “interesting” questions about the difficulty of dealing with such issues in an ordinary criminal court. But the argument that the ex-president needs to be jailed posthaste is a little hard to take seriously when FBI sources are, once again, illegally leaking secrets about their investigative targets as they pursue Trump for… mishandling secrets."

These two paragraphs make a pretty good summary of this whole outrageous and stupid situation.

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The leaking of information by the DOJ & FBI is a constant. Yet NOT one prosecution or even serious investigation by DOJ IG. If some leakers were caught they might implicate their higher ups and actual DC. rats going to jail is not in the cards. DOJ & FBI have become criminal organizations utilizing the cover of law to conduct their illegal activities. That is a Civil Rights violation but it is never even considered for prosecution except if it is some bigoted cop in a city far from D.C. A few high profile prosecutions and some jail time would put a quick stop to this pernicious practice by the Federal govt. We will see!!

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I was a prosecutor in a small county. I would have never dreamed of leaking case info. The prosecutor would have prosecuted me. The irony is rich that the press hyperventilates over Trump possibly having secret information...all the while the press benefits from leaks of secret information.

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Likewise a rural county prosecutor. A prosecutor's signature on a search warrant application is his/her bond. If a judge thought I had misrepresented or stretched the truth to get a warrant, there would be payback --- loss of reputation, possibly loss of evidence.

In Illinois there are (or at least, used to be) ethical rules prohibiting prosecutors from releasing any but certain basic info to the press. Shouldn't the Bar Association care about the DOJ and FBI leaking? Not holding my breath.

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The DC bar just ignored a felony conviction (for literally lying to the court) of one of its members. What do you think?

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I rest my case. Laughing emoji

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

Leaking information is in many cases a criminal offense. The DOJ & FBI utilize this illegal action from many reasons. Often it is to deny an individual a fair trail or force a plea bargain. All this is a perversion of justice and the Press is complicit more often that not. If this continues at the current pace these institutions will become more and more distrusted until Americans start urging their elected officials to DEFUND or reform these governmental agencies. Since it is a CRIME, the individuals engaged in this practice are criminals and NO ONE is obliged to pay attention to or cooperate with said agencies. They are criminal enterprises and the innocent and guilty are well within their rights to not cooperate or pay any mind to them.

The organs of Communist governments since 1917 have been illegal govt. agencies and their citizens are under NO obligation to assist or obey them. We currently have a government that appears to violate the law at will with NO consequences or pushback by the elected representatives currently collecting their pay check while supposedly representing the Citizens of a particular State. Far as I can the liberal wing of Democrat Party is on board with these illegal activities, arrests and searches.

Whether you hate Trump or the GOP and still vote for these criminals it makes you a co-conspirator. From what I am hearing from leftist Democrats they are on board with all this corruption as long as DJT is the focus of the illegal activities. Hatred is NO excuse for allowing what we have seen over the last 6 years. If you think the results are worth the law braking just wait until they come for you then it will be way too late. Since when does the ends justify the means --- that is an assassins credo.

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It’s disgusting. Trump didn’t help his own cause. He made lousy appointments, took lousy advice, eschewed good advice and created so many self inflicted injuries.Yes, he was sabotaged from every angle, but his impetuousness, compulsiveness and churlish name calling and ad hominem attacks for perceived insults only fueled the fire and he has himself to blame.If he was as smart as he claims to tout, he’d have attempted to make friends instead of creating more animus.

The stupid nicknames and tweets, boorish insults, and unnecessary public airing of dirty laundry combined with bullying and lack of restraint or taking responsibility for his own poor judgement while demanding loyalty didn’t fare well.

I liked most of his policies and objectives, but he finally wore me out.I was disgusted by his attacks on Elon Musk, DeSantis,Nancy Mace, Murkowski, his constant self aggrandizement without giving credit where credit was do or standing up for those unfairly targeted, persecuted and imprisoned while they remained loyal.

Id rather a more measured, straightforward messenger.

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As Matt said, this goes before and beyond Trump.

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You're not alone.

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What I got most out of this article is how tremendously important the separation of the 3 branches of government is.

The DOJ is an executive agency, and from what I gather, has been shitting on established legal (i.e. in the realm of the judiciary) rights for years now.

I really hope that this goes to SCOTUS and a ruling comes down to stop all this.

40 years ago as a new cop in the NYPD I completely despised defense attorneys and the limitations on us in making collars.

But at least I knew, while grousing left and right, that w/o those SOB's, the USA would be, and I actually used the expression, a 'Banana Republic'. I was not the brightest light, but I instinctively knew from the fact that I carried a the power of life and death on my hip at work that my own authority needed to be reined in.

That's gone, man. Gone.

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Masterful piece. Privately Taibbi must fear being raided for daring to put these truths on paper. 9/11 brought us the Patriot Act, written LONG before 9/11 and then passed by congress just 5 weeks later. Not suspicious at all. Shakespeare was right…and America is fucked.

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"Americans need to ask themselves what’s more dangerous: Donald Trump, or a federal law enforcement bureaucracy prosecutes people for the same rules it breaks, regularly argues that national security is harmed by allowing you to see the case against you, and appears ready to start using its vast power to punish political offenses? Is getting Donald Trump worth tossing out constitutional protections? Because that’s where this is all headed."

Yep, when you strip away all the media spin - all the government BS - all the hype and lies and screaming on both sides of the aisle ... it's really a simple question, isn't it? Do we have a constitution, and constitutional protections, that apply equally to all Americans, or don't we?

In their lust to 'get Trump', so many people and institutions have plunged into insanity. Groups like the ACLU, who one moment not all that long ago courageously stood up against everyone to fight for the right of the Nazi's to freaking march in Skokie because it was damn well their right even though everyone hated them ... alas, they've sold out in ways I never would have imagined.

Very sad times.

And a truly GREAT article by you Matt. Thank you.

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Matt I read this article with open mouthed astonishment. I have to compliment u and tell u that your article was worth the entire years subscription. Now you have to start looking over your shoulder because you've just made a lot of powerful enemies. They are out to punish Trump and they don't care how they do it. The fix is in and they will get their man but also rip this country apart at the same time.

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While I consider myself "socialist adjacent" and found tRump to be an idiotic buffoon and failed game show host I was horrified to see the reactions to a sitting Federal judge appointing a Special Master coming from ostensibly left or liberal attorneys.

I didn't even bother to mention the unconstitutional behaviors I've seen grow in frequency and scope since 9/11 as they were so blinded by their disdain they might as well have never gone to law school. My own success in law school, despite working 60+ hours per week while also trying to help my wife raise four children, was largely based on having the learned ability to honestly view the other side of legal matters. To see so many attorneys I once respected abandon reason and their own legal training in favor of a twisted, self-serving view of the world was beyond disappointing.

That said, at some point I think it's time to talk about what the corporate lackeys in our government are trying to distract us from while they continue to give away our blood, sweat and tears to the highest bidder. While I saw only truth in your article the ultimate big picture involves the question -"WHY?" Why are they so busy distracting us? Why are they so busy spinning an insane narrative that far too many accept as true? Why aren't the American people able to come up for air long enough to see the dystopian future storming towards? Is any of it even worth fixing?

In a sea of faux-journalists mindlessly reading their teleprompters you remain a true journalist and, as is often true, yours is one of few voices in the wilderness of hope.

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I’m a retired journalist, and I have to say I feel pretty much the same way about seeing so many colleagues abandon objectivism for team play. I used to think it was just the Washington crowd who were so enamored with the federal government that they participated fully in its rites. I remember a colleague and I who sat across from each other sharing a distressed stare during the Iraq invasion build-up, when the latest unnamed government sources were trotted out to impugn yet another critic. “Hey, when we let folks use anonymity, isn’t it usually to protect regular people from the people in power, and not the other way around?” he said. We both just shook our heads and felt thankful we’d both decided to stay at a good major market paper outside D.C. or NYC.

I will never forget a college bar conversation with a social work major who informed me that “behind every great fortune is a great crime.” I’d never heard the expression before. This mild-mannered fellow delivered it with the hard gaze of the true believer, and I don’t recall my reply if I had one. But I think such certainty is common and is a detriment to any journalist who cares about disinterested reporting. And BTW, here is the translation of Balzac’s original expression, according to Quote Investigator: “The secret of a great success for which you are at a loss to account is a crime that has never been found out, because it was properly executed.” See why it’s been truncated to its more familiar form? I think it’s called “moral clarity.”

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"[T]he whole concept of attorney-client privilege, as well as the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments — guaranteeing rights to free speech, against unreasonable searches, and to due process and legal counsel, respectively — were created to bar exactly this kind of behavior..."

Quaint notion.

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You realize that every one of us leaving a comment here in support of Taibbi's report may end up on the receiving end of some DOJ attention. They may just go to the web server/backbone to gather the info - without bothering to notify us that our info is being sought - so we can never use judicial process to block this abuse.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

I know I’m on many lists. I will go out on my feet, thank you very much.

I can’t fathom letting these assholes win to the point where I will turn my face from the truth for fear of being punished for beholding it.

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“They” gotcha when fear & paranoia take over your thoughts. Suggest freedom of speech like we do on TK news is of utmost importance! Now more than ever.

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Fuck them if they do. Clear violation of every notion of American government prior to 911. Not to mention our tattered constitution. The fourth amendment has been dead letter for some time now. An entire generation has grown up under the national security state and doesn’t understand they are supposed to work for us.

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That thought has occurred to me many times.

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Yes and add to it that our payment info will or has been swept up

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Excellent! Many thanks. The notion of a permanent state of war against the citizens, all of whom are guilty until proven innocent, under-pins the entire debacle. My "liberal" friends have no idea that the paranoid fascist they fear is staring at them from the mirror every day. Civil liberties can and must be defended to protect us all.

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Things are spinning out of control so fast that, without you and others, Matt, I'd think they were standing still. It's a crazy, crazy time.

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The "Justice" Department...that's a good one.

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Excellent article except it's only half the story. If the Biden and Clinton families were investigated at least half as much as the Trump family they'd all be sitting in jail now. If you haven't watched DOPESICK yet, do so to get a taste of how our government agencies are politisized and operate quid pro quo without regard to the destruction they cause.

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Yes, DOPESICK is an excellent film and exemplifies much about what MT wrote, especially intimidation.

Also, Matt has said from the beginning of this maralogo debacle to be(a)ware of the danger to us all.

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"No one expects the [Secular] Inquisition!"

Re-posting Monty Python comment I made about a year ago.

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