The dirty little secret about Democrats is that they don't believe in democracy.

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Seriously. They don't even pretend it's about coming up with a platform that persuades a majority of the eligible citizens to vote for.

It's changing voting laws, lawfare, slander/libel, etc. It's about winning elections through tactics, but not because people want them.

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That's exactly right. Putin recently stated in a speech: "The US elections are fraudulent. Democracy is doing the will of the people". The voice of the people in the US and the west is drowned out by the "cha-ching!" of a trillion cash registers opening in the minds of those "governing".

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Frightening that Putin not only sees it clearly, but says it. Too bad very few voters will hear what Putin says because no media will print it

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Nothing wrong with outside validation to what we already know.

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Let's be clear: the reason Putin understands it is because Putin plays the same game, but is able to do it without the current Democratic "legitimacy dance." And if your concept of democracy boils down to "Whomever gets the most votes wins," then it really doesn't matter whether you get the most votes because you are the most popular candidate or because people aren't allowed to vote for anyone else; you still win "democratically."

So, to edit Putin: ACTUAL democracy is doing the will of the people as freely expressed by those people in open and readily verifiable elections.

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What's frightening about that?

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That the people who live here cannot see it..

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But again, this works on both sides. I believe that the GOP didn’t even produce a platform in 2016? I used to say I voted for a party platform, but can’t anymore.

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I might suggest that the GOP didn't win that election, Trump did, and he was pretty clear about what his agenda was going to be,

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I think it is crystal clear that the GOP had nothing to do with Trump's win.

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That is correct. For the most part the Republican leadership is off course, Trump came in and actually said he would do what most people want to see. Leadership hates that. We don’t really have clear choices any longer. Sad! Lack of truthful & balanced news media causes most problems in society.

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Well I guess that’s my point. I’d like to see every Pres candidate have a platform in writing, or sign on to their party’s platform. Also, Trump could not have won in 2016 without the GOP vote, so…As for his spoken agenda and fealty to it, that’s a book.

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They pretended to support him because they never thought he would win. Both parties were sure that Hillary had it in the bag so they sat back..They will never do that again. The Uniparty stands together against The People.

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Trump had a platform in ‘16 and had one in ‘20 and ‘24. The problem is MsM does everything they can to distort , destroy and manipulate it to the American public. The only way to understand what Trump’s about is to listen to his speeches and read his website otherwise all the general public knows is he’s a nazi, supposedly raped a woman in a dressing room and broken every law in the country. And it’s the same players like reed hoffman that put Carroll up to lying about her case. Hoffman paid for the lawsuit. Trump has got to be the most persecuted man in the world. And the bottom line is the boarder was safer than it’s ever been in my lifetime. I had more disposable income than I had in decades. More people, all people were employed with better incomes than ever before. And we were safer than we’ve been for years. Trumps first speech after taking the oath was “today we are not handing the country over to a different party we are returning the country back to you the American people.” And that’s exactly what the establishment don’t want him to do because they want to be in power endlessly to do to us what they wish while stealing every cent they can from us. That’s why people will vote for Trump again and again. Because they’re sick and tired of being screwed out of our money, our freedom and our country.

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True. He supposedly broke all of these laws, yet Mueller couldn't find one smidgen of evidence. They have had to make stuff up & railroad the guy.

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I believe 2020 was the no-platform year. The platform is always meaningless so I thought it was kind of honest.

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I remember it was so exciting fighting for "planks" thinking that meant something.

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Ann22: Here’s the 2016 Republican Platform —


What you’re thinking of is when they reused the 2016 platform in 2020.

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Ah. That could be. Thank you!

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The RNC tried and failed to keep Trump from getting the nomination in 2016, even canceling primaries in states Trump was likely to win. However, the never-Trumpers dissipated their efforts by failing to unite behind a single candidate, and the RNC could not count on the MSM to act as their volunteer PR outfit.

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The MSM was running their own op to make sure the R party couldn't win by nominating Trump.

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Considerable truth to that. The MSM was promoting Trump in 2016 as he was seen as the easiest for HRC to beat following her anointment and coronation.

To be fair, Trump probably would not have beaten any reasonably foreseeable Team D candidate in 2016 other than the eminently unlikeable HRC.

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Hillary's loss to Trump, one of the most repellent people I've ever seen shows that the elite's attempt at control via narrative won't work. There was simply no way to polish the turd that was HRC and her campaign. They offered nothing that any common person wanted, besides not being Trump.

I think the elite realize this, which is why they are using lawfare against Trump. And while I think Trump is awful, he makes the Democrats insane, and that's not a bad thing.

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"the elite's attempt at control via narrative won't work. " It worked in 2020.

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It is clearly working now and has since 2016. IT was an abberation that he won and they have since taken steps to ensure it won't happen again. Of course in 2020 even with those steps, they BARELY beat him. Which means we still can overcome their op.

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And in '22.

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I can't think of a single Democrat who would have been better.

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Than HRC? Hell, half of Sanders' appeal was that he wasn't HRC.

I have read that Trump's margin of victory in Michigan was less than the number of voters who otherwise voted a straight Team D ticket but then either voted for Trump for president or left the "president" portion blank. People went out of their way not to vote for her.

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He would have gotten even fewer votes.

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Bernie Sanders

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He is a "true believer" in the soviet way. He had no shot, but was popular with the very people leading us in the "wrong" direction. He would get their votes, but far fewer than Hilliary got.

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They take turns to keep people from noticing. These elites work together against the People.

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THIS. The total inaction at the border is proof.

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I remember watching a documentary about Nader's run for president years ago. One of the people on his campaign said the democrats were "the meanest motherfuckers on the planet." It was true then and is still true today.

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Don't forget, they're also greedy motherfuckers.

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Nader voter in the house.

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Me too! I even went to one of his rallies in Long Beach when he ran against Bush. My parents nearly disowned me for voting for him. Imagine if he had actually won?

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I can remember Susan McDougal decided jail was safer than talking against them. We all know now that even jail can't protect you from them today.

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It's not just Democrats. As we should all be aware by now, Democrats don't have a monopoly on vote blocking. Entendu parler d'un Kari Lake?

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But this is about the Democrats. Whataboutism not welcome on this topic.

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Whataboutism is an idiotic and hypocritical attempt to deflect from the truth.

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Mr. Kat--I liked the (ages ago) SNL routine called WHAT IF ELEANOR ROOSEVELT COULD FLY? (Snark can be a good thing.)

We--meaning all those involved in subscription journalism--from put your money where your mouth is subscribers, to SUBSTACK and the actual journalists themselves, are building the healthy American national dialogue we deserve. Everyone involved should be proud.

The American psyche has been under assault for five decades. Part of the psyop's (LIE) tactic is the trap of "them vs. us" ping pong knee-jerk emotionality where the focus is making villains of other struggling Americans and pointing the spotlight away from the actual evil mtr'fker's dismantling the Republic. (As illustrated by Matt's hard work in this report today.) My long winded-- aimed at myself as well--l point: Americans --as is the psyop's goal-- are more than a little beaten up. I've had to ask myself if "yeah but--what about--knee jerkism" isn't a abdication of my responsibility as a citizen of the Republic, and a convenient side stepping of the harsh manufactured hyperreality attempting to bring the free peoples of the world to their knees? "We the people" are the responsible agents in this goat roping. It ain't them. It's us. And Matt is absolutely correct about the distain the elite hold for US!!

The real fight is obvious. Like the printing press that broke control of literacy and spiritual pursuit and blew consciousness wide open to the common man, tech has hurled us all into a new age. Expanded human consciousness (why slaves were denied access to education) is the first fear of totalitarian monarchists and slavers. The grift being perp'd by criminal finance and the D.C. political hog trough is transparent to reality. And you can't fight ever evolving human consciousness. But you can through fascist/totalitarian means cripple it and criminalize it. Hence the desperation of the DNC/CCP/WEF/EU Davos tyranny, the rise and capture of tech by the bureaucratic surveillance state and the assault on civil liberty. Europeans and free peoples across the world are are fighting back!! "We the people" see it -- now we're beginning to believe it.

Because of OUR mutual commitment to transparency and demand for a healthy truth/fact based American/world reality WE are beginning to escape the psyop and are ever more capable of creating the vision necessary to put real solutions on the table. Of -- what the fascists fear most-- healing the willfully fractured American psyche and further expanding the agency and empowerment of the Republic's citizens.

Stay strong. Stay clear. No matter what are who is trying to convince you otherwise: You've GOT CONSTITUTION.

(And thank you RACKET NEWS for another top of the line report on American reality.)

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But, Trump’s team is not innocent in the “rigging the election” at least so far for the primaries. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/04/trump-rewriting-gop-rules-00109842

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All rules are rigged in politics. Hello..............

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Trump is *not* rigging the general election.

Only Dems do that.

Stop trying to equivocate and mis-direct.

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Ah...so this isn’t really news. It’s commentary only.

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Oui, nous l'avons entendu. Le system est pourri jusqu'a la moelle. J'espere de la justice sera rendue pour Kari Lake.

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Oui je suis d'accord c'est pourri jusqu'à la moelle mais en ce moment on combat le totalitarisme démocrate.

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Bien dit! Et ça a l'air tellement cool en Français!

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Mais, ce n'est pas la France! 😀🥸

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We're still standing VT--Just going through a little spiritual reorganization. :)

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The Bolsheviks of the DNC have altered Democracy to fit their totalitarian Leninist agenda. Some folks like to refer to it as Cultural Marxism, but no matter how you define it, it's pure totalitarianism disguised as "muh Democracy."

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No one will really care about this much, but I'm going to tell it anyway. The American Library Association--of which I am a long-time member-- voted in a candidate for our current president who did not state she was a socialist during her campaign (campaign to be president of the American Library Association). She won and that day tweeted that she was a socialist and a lesbian. For the first time in the American Library Association's history, we have whole state library agencies leaving the American Library Association because it is now seen as promoting cultural Marxism. The state of Georgia has filed a bill in the state legislature to cut ties with the American Library association and in that bill a reason given is that the American Library Association is a Marxist association. States that have cut ties already include Texas and Florida.

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I care about this a lot, because this is where the rot in schools comes from.

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The American Library Association has been a solid rather staid organization. We read and recommend books. We give book awards. In all my years I never knew if a president of the American Library Association was a democrat or republican. This president was inartful in her self-characterization, but she is one person, whose term is up in a year.

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Kathleen that’s bizarre. Why make an announcement at all?

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It was very odd. But she is from NYC area /teaches at Queens College. Maybe didn't realize how poorly saying she was a Marxist would be received from the vantage of a national organization. So far Montana, Texas, Florida, Alabama have left the American Library Association because they now see it as "Marxist". Georgia has a bill filed in its legislature to quit as well.

Other states are considering cutting ties. American Library Association is like the National School Board Association. A professional organization that had created guidelines for decades is now under scrutiny.

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Yeayah, but a lot of damage can be done in one year.

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I'm afraid you are right.

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There was an article recently in either the Free Press or Public about the representation of progressive ideas and memoirs of Democratic Presidentsversus conservative ideas and memos of Republican Presidentd. It’s not 100 to 0 but it’s damn close. That’s what I’m talking about. Librarians do make decisions, and if representing only one side of the country’s political opinions of citizens, then they’re no different than the media.

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How can they when the DNC decides who will run. They've made a huge mistake this time.

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Yes, no Democrat primary.

They disenfranchised their voters.

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Welcome to the United Banana Republic of America!

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that's the way they like it!

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I am 75 and get lost between words but I remember 1964 and the GOP Convention. My father detested Ronald Reagan. My father was a reader and read many languages including Yiddish I was 16 and failing school but they said I was a genius at Linguistics.

I just watched A Time for Choosing Ronald Reagan 1964 on youtube.


I went to English Protestant school. Reagan called liberal democracy America's worst nightmare.

I grew up in Montreal . My father loved liberal democracy and taught me to love America and the New Deal. That America is no more. 1964 was Civil Rights, Voting Rights and Philadelphia Mississippi and America chose Reagan and Fred C Koch founder of The John Birch Society.

That is the history I remember and I knew how to fact check 70 years ago.

The South is conservative as it was in 1789.


The South is religious as it was in 1789.


It is time for a two state solution

You can't be for liberal democracy and win in the South

I live in Quebec we had a revolution. Race, gender and religion are no longer legal identities they are human fantasies. We are rich and prosperous after centuries of illiteracy and poverty under church rule.

In Quebec healthcare, education and welfare are HUMAN RIGHTS not American privileges.

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Moe, what are you talking about? Canada is now a totalitarian hell hole that seizes people's assets for daring to challenge the Trudeau dictatorship. Do try to keep up, you are way behind the times in more ways than one.

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Quebec is different! Read and learn?

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But it’s not like they’ve succeeded in seceding from the rest of the country- so how exactly is Quebec any different from the rest of Canada? What revolution are you talking about exactly?

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> In Quebec healthcare, education and welfare are HUMAN RIGHTS not American privileges.

To paraphrase [an internet feline](https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/fundamental-humans-rights-unless), all fundamental rights are rights of non-interference. The right to speech, to association, to bodily integrity, and so on not obligate anyone else to act for you, merely to leave you unimpeded. No one must listen when you speak, or agree, or associate with you if they chose not to.

"Rights" to Healthcare, Education, and Welfare are different. These require that others do things for you. Healthcare does not just appear, someone has to perform it, someone has to pay for it. These are not rights but the forced transfer of value from one party to another.

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Thanks Efferous

This is true but Quebec has a social contract that states the laicity of the state and the rights of the pre-Dead is paramount and the pre-born are in the hands of the creator.

Noam Chomsky is a left wing Libertarian who believes the state has no business legislating private morality. Reagan in his Time for Choosing speech said the government has no business legislating Public morality. Reagan said The New Deal was America's worst nightmare.

America is not United. Isn't it time for some thing other than a one state solution. Houston is half as populous as Quebec and Quebec can leave Canada in a month of a referendum and Greater Houston and the Gulf Coast doesn't look anything like Texas. It looks like America a terribly unequal unjust and unfair place to live.

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Looks can be deceiving. Visiting for a short time tells you nothing.~ In America we have the RIGHT to pursue Happiness, but we have to catch it ourselves~ Benjamin Franklin . We all have the same chances, it is all in the way we have to seek it.

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I am autistic. I didn't choose to be unable to focus on the task at hand or get lost between my ears. I didn't choose to have a PhD vocabulary and be a linguistic genius and a genius in logic at seven but be unable to use a pen or pencil properly or be unable to tie my shoes. I was able to survive because I could speak as well as anyone on television or radio I just couldn't learn how to sign my name.

I went to the same Protestant Schools in the same Jewish Ghetto as Kamala Harris. I recognized her accent. I too grew up near the Jewish General Hospital. When I was growing up it commanded great respect. It is not the accent of money it is the accent of wisdom and education. I could not believe my reaction when I heard Kamala speak. I recognized her ghetto and ran to Wikipedia. Sure enough Kamala's mother was an immigrant and a renowned PUBLIC INTELLECTUAL.

P.S. I also look pretty normal although losing the sight in one eye less than a decade ago has left me rather unbalanced because of my diminished depth perception. I once loved being a professional portrait photographer.

My wife is a PhD who once upon a time received a scholarship from the University of Chicago when it believed in education not the fantasy of economics.

We did not live in Hyde Park. We chose a nearby ghetto where we understood Obama wasn't one of us but by far the lesser of two evils.

I am Canadian. John Ralston Saul understands press freedom . Democracy has died in your darkness. Money doesn't speak it drowns out intelligent discourse.

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We call it home and we find it to be just fine. Just as I am sure you do there. Don't believe what you see on TV, or read in the internet/books/newspapers. It is pretty warm right now down south, come see for yourself. You will have a great time I am sure.

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I have been there but I was a stranger from a strange land and they spoke their truths because I am not the man or his thugs. Only one thing unites Texas and is hatred and diminution of the other. They call it faith and patriotism.

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Do members of the community have a right to defense from foreign enemies provided by the community in the form of the state or by some other means?

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How about clean your own house? Among developed countries Canada is descending into darkness more rapidly than any of its peers.

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(Race, gender and religion are no longer legal identities they are human fantasies.)-

Think you should look around at how your current PM and media have been running the country.

As an asside, my father-in-law is a Quebecer, from Cape Breton Island. Came to the USA for work and opportunity when he was 16 around 1964. That America and World is truly only a shadow.

FYI- Senator Goldwater was the insurgent 1964 GOP nominee, backed by the JB Society.

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Thanks Bill,

Cape Breton is part of Nova Scotia (New Scotland) it is not part of Quebec . This of course or might be satire trying to convince me that all Americans are idiots.

I know who Goldwater was, my father hated the bastard.

Let's start calling what it is today (Fred C Koch's John Birch Society).


Cape Breton is still very religious and very Catholic and a planet away from Quebec its barely part of Nova Scotia. It is a wonderful place. The people will welcome you. It is an 20TH CENTURY Irish fishing village in Canada WITH A FLOURISHING MIDDLE CLASS. Cape Breton was a small Island but now you can drive to Sydney and take the ferry to NFLD. Sydney is where the boat takes you to Newfoundland another wonderful place I visited because I was never afraid of strangers because as The Doors once sang People are strange when you're the stranger..

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No need for a 2 state solution. We have a 50 states with multiple counties solutions. Some things that make sense in NYC, don't make sense in rural Alabama and likewise. For example it is hard to have a boat, a 4 wheeler, and a pickup truck in NYC (where you going to store and use them), and it is relatively hard to get a good bagel in Dothan AL. I bet there are still a few dry counties in AL too.

Most of us down south have no desire to FORCE people in NYC to live a certain way. We really don't much care what they do up there.

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Thanks Orev,

I know Alabama. I am white tall and erudite. I naturally commanded great respect as did my wife a Dr of Philosophy in Educational Administration with a demonstrated competence at the highest level. I am of course an idiot and never learned how to tie my shoes or read simple instructions.

I could thrive in Alabama except I am an imbecile at playing let us pretend I am not a redneck. Alabama has its fair share of genius butt and that is one mighty large butt more than its fair share of illiterate incompetent land owners.

I just got the numeo numbers for world cities. New York is the bench mark at 100 and is number 32 in terms of affordability in Noth America.

There are Zero Canadian cities where the average income doesn't exceed the average cost of living. That is the difference between real liberal democracy and oligarchy.

The ballot box rules in Canada not the banks and the corporations.

Money isn't speech it comeswith strings attached it is called he who pays the piper calls the tune or as in the constitution property rights. If my name is Koch and I bought the GOP and created the John Birch Society I own the Supreme Court even I died in 1967.

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William F. Buckley famously read the John Birch Society out of the conservative movement in 1962. It still exists (I am a little surprised to find) but is a ghost of its former self.

Elite rule is stronger in Canada than in the more democratic US. In both countries, elites wanted the Metric System shoved down the throats of the recalcitrant masses. The elites got their way in Canada, but the people were able to resist in the United States.

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What the fuck are you trying to say?

My eyes are old and my body feeble but your country is insane.

Reagan rode the John Birch Society to the governor's mansion and old Bill the lizard tongued NAZI has been in the ground so long the body is no longer protected from the worms by the alcohol he consumed by the case.

William F Buckley Sr was a Franco Fascist and his children burned crosses in front of Jewish summer resorts for fun and to please the Texas Oil Tycoon and Nazi bastard.



We are a nation of justice not of laws. If laws are unjust they are no longer laws. That was John Birch Society (Koch ) money that was seized and the the justice system provided the proof necessary to find the seizure had merit. We are far more fearful of the Amerikan KKK (GOP) than we are of Russia's red, white and blue for good reason. WE fly the flag of Ukraine next to the fleur de lys and maple leaf. Montreal was the first place America occupied in 1775-1776. We are grateful Benjamin Franklin the greatest OF PATRIOTS who ever lived WHO led the occupation and wished us God speed as America left us to own devices. Sadly the British stabbed us in the back and you stole much of our land under Jay's betrayal of Canada to her former American colonies. JAY'S TREATY 1796

I learned this poem in school long long ago.

It is worth a listen.

You might even read an analysis. It is great satire worthy of Hollywood and California.

Ode to a Louse Robbie Burns




wHEN i WAS BORN IT WAS CALLED tHE fEAST OF sT jOHN TJHE bAPTIST. iT IS OUR nATIONAL holidAY And called Quebec National Holiday. Our society is run by our ethical and moral philosophers under the direction of our ballot boxes and it a joy for me I was born a Jew and was shunned in 1948. When I die I want the day named for my Patron Saint; Benjamin "the scoundrel" Franklin. Franklin conceived of PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS like schools, libraries, post offices and hospitals and the electrical storage battery which because I lived in Chicago I call the Tesla.

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Like Sinclair Lewis’ “Dodsworth”, Fred Koch was a pro-Soviet businessman who saw the USSR as the “New Frontier”, and worked on various projects together with the Soviet government. His outlook on Communism soured after many of the people he worked with were murdered by Stalin. He became a founding member of the John Birch Society, though the founder was Robert Welch. However, his sons were libertarians, not conservatives. One even ran for Vice President on the Libertarian Party ticket, opposing the Republican ticket led by Ronald Reagan. As isolationists and free-traders, the Koch brothers’ influence on the Republican Party was limited.

Calling William F. Buckley a “Nazi” eventually cost Gore Vidal more than a million dollars. Buckley, who fought hard to rid the conservative movement of anti-Semitism, didn’t take kindly to the accusation.

Benjamin Franklin had made himself independently wealthy by his early 40’s, retiring from business to dedicate himself to science and invention, and public service. I don’t think he ever visited Canada.

The American invasion of Canada in 1775 failed, it is said, because the British Empire had just made a deal with the Catholic Church, giving it special privileges, and the Church decided to stick with the devil it knew.

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Nah fuck that. It’s not time for a two state solution it’s time to unite around the things we have in common.

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I agree enterally. It is time for a two State Solution. I love America but it threatens the real democracy we have in Quebec. We have a one two and a multistate solution in Canada. We call it democracy. We can vote to end the Canadian experiment whenever we want to with a trip to the ballot box and demand we write a new constitution for Quebec alone. So can Alberta, Ontario or British Columbia. We control Quebec Highways not Ottawa. Ottawa must deal with America and the Koch money fomenting protests at a border controlled in Wichita Falls Kansas by a family descended from the man whose money founded The John Birch Society.


This from The Guardian.

Don't tell me about democracy in America

He who pays the PIPER calls the tune even at Harvard and the Naval Academy.

He WHO funds our 15% of truckers who protest US border restrictions from Orange County California? Prime Minister Francois Legault controls the Highways of Quebec all Trudeau can do is get on his knees and beg in Washingtoon or Washington ease restrictions at the border just like every other idiot like yourself and I.

Trudeau's job is to keep Canada together and Quebec is a REAL liberal democracy where only living things have rights. Institutions like corporations, churches and even governments have only the privileges we the people see fit to grant them. We can change our constitution in a month by demanding our elected representatives in Ottawa and Quebec City put an end to Canada's Canadian experiment without a shot being fired.

In 1775-1776 Benjamin Franklin led the occupation of Montreal. He believed in liberal democracy. He left Quebec without firing a shot from his headquarters in Old Montreal. He is a national hero in Quebec. He also conceived of the Tesla with his electrical storage battery and his ALL MEN are Created Equal by the Creator. He was not a Christian Doominionist or even a Christian.

America doesn't work for everybody especially we the people.

What says the Admiral of Idiocy?

Benjamin Franklin led the occupation of Montreal in 1775-1776 from his headquarters in Old Montreal. He lefytbecause he believed in liberal democracy. He left without a shot ever being fired. Montreal is not American it wasn't in 1775 and in 2024 we wish to remain a liberal democracy. We can end the Canadian Democracy in two months because the ballot box speaks and bullets only bring fear and silence.

Benjamin Franklin design the Tesla he conceived of the electrical storage battery and PUBLIC SERVICE. He was not a CONSERVATIVE serving the John Birch Society in Withita Falls Kansas. Fred C Koch died less than sixty years ago after Reagan was purchased for 30 pieces of silver.

In 1964 Reagasn called liberal democracy America's worst nightmare.

Watch him speak from his stone cold heart.


He was paid to put end to the greatest College and University Systtem that ever existed. Fred C Koch elected him GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA.

Thank God for Berkley and Kamala Harris a gifted public intellectual who grew up in Montreal in the Heart of Montreal Jewish Intellectual Community where science begins new everyday and ideology belongs with yesterday garbage.

There are no answers in yesterday's ideologies for tooday's real problems. That is what John Ralston Saul said 30 ago when wrote The Collapse of Globalism and the Re-Invention of the World. John Ralston Saul two time elected head of PEN Intrenational is still saying it and Francis Fukiyama who wrote the End of History is still saying his Conservative Mea Culpas.

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Thank you Admiral Glorp Golp

My father in Law was Navy and wanted to be a Navy Admiral he was a scholar and a brilliant scientist who chose his parents rather poorly in Chicago in 1912. I loved America once upon a time; but I remember 1964 and the GOP convention and America has nothing to unite it other than its propaganda and mythology.

Conservatism is about top down governance. The same as it was in 1789.


liberal democracy is 20th century and the opposite of conservative.

In 1964 in his time for choosing speech Ronald Reagan called liberal democracy America's worst nightmare.


Fred C Koch founded the John Birch Society in 1958 and today it is the Republican Party after it paid Ronald Reagan 30 pieces of silver so he could be California Governor.

Give me a break. America is corrupt from its head to its tail. What do you expect ooligan grease.


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Moe: As for Reagan’s “Time for Choosing”, I’m afraid your memory is playing tricks on you. It can be found here:

“This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.”


Reagan does not attack “liberal democracy“, but modern liberalism; that is, elite rule from Washington, based on pervasive regulation and high taxes.

Pervasive regulation is why, when the Federal government told social media what to censor, they leaped to obey. The Feds have almost unlimited power to destroy them.

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Bot check.

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I can assure you I am 100% human. I speak more my heart than from my head. I wish Americans learned real history. Most Americans lived in poverty until the early 1950s and I was reading in 1951. I am deeply disappointed in a country I still love.

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