This is truly terrifying. And what’s more terrifying is just the sheer number of people I personally know that have no idea that this is going on. I have family members and friends that look at me like I have 3 heads whenever I start talking about the censorship industrial complex. It’s unclear to me if they’re willfully ignorant to what’s happening or simply afraid. One thing is for sure, they don’t have much interest in looking too closely under the covers. They would rather order everything they need off of Amazon & watch the real housewives of Beverly Hills. God help us all.

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They’re basically telling us “our totalitarianism will be the BEST totalitarianism—no worries about that!”

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Wow. My penultimate job in the Navy (ca 2003) was serving as Carrier Strike Group Info Warfare commander (IWC). Lots to explain about what the meant - I'll skip it - but bottom line is that I watched from the second row as Navy and DoD migrated toward this hybrid warfare concept. I've read (literally) hundreds of articles on IO/IW, but this is the first one that drills into the core issues (the rationale for traditional kinetic-warfare services migrating the fight to a much more interconnected info environment) that make this so critical. Bottom line: first time anyone (as far as my literature review goes) has connected the dots in the way that reveals some of the truth. Latter is there, hiding in plain sight, and this outstanding piece is a UV Light/Luminol test. Not going to thrill some folks...

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War is Freedom

Slavery is Peace

Ignorance is Strength

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This is an amazing work of journalism.

Thank you!

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“We are guided by the irrational.”

Luis Buñuel

The opposite of freedom is also freedom. I don’t mean that ironically. Being terrified of freedom, the condition of most Americans, means that you are in a perpetual quest for leaders. Having no freedom means that you are freed from making decisions, and thus freed from responsibility. That’s the main infrastructure of fascism, and religion as well, which is fascism by divine proxy.

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This is a GREAT piece. Absolutely excellent.

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Hard to narrow it down to just 50.

I read that the US government now has so many institutions dedicated to "perception management" and regulating "disinformation" that it created a new agency within the ODNI to oversee all of them.


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Holy cow - this is SO MUCH research! Very much appreciate the work that went into this. Phew!

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There seems to be a news black-out on Comer's press conference this morning, laying out the details of the Biden money-laundering scheme.

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An absolutely brilliant and indispensable piece of reporting. I'm awed at the work done here and the service it will provide to future journalism.

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Eisenhower knew first hand how things could get out of control. His CIA director, Allen Dulles, organized a coup in Guatemala, leading to years of civil war. Dulles was at it again in Jakarta, Indonesia. He failed with the Bay of Pigs, and some believe he was involved in JFK's assassination.

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In the coming years I will often refer to this article when debating what I call the 'TV people'.

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The people who most need to read this are in the cult of believing everything they're told - doesn't matter whether it's from LA Times, CNN the FBI or the PTA.

Can this be turned around? I don't believe it can. There are too many people not questioning this cultural rot. Look how un-American so many of us have become. Too arrogant to admit we got things wrong and too pig headed to see that we don't have to be anymore.

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Wow, Matt, this is is the gold standard of investigative reporting.

Watch your back. They will, at some point, be coming for you. All of us here are eyewitnesses to your courage.

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In 2023, NOT watching the news is one of the best ways to be informed, or at least, not disinformed.

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