How afraid of Trump are the cable channels derided by Trump as fake news and threatened by him in vague ways (and who will not lift a finger for Assange...), but dependent on his antics for ratings particularly by serving as a vent for empty liberal outrage? At all? Or does any real threat simply fail to register, even as the channels refer to Trump as a threat to Jim Acosta or something. Maybe this should be known as "red herring gate"....
I'm pretty well convinced that we won't make it. The evidence all around us is convincing... we're too stupid as a society/culture to manage. Not when China has a middle class that's FOUR TIMES the size of the entire US population. Not as our elected cunts continue gorging on handouts instead of actually legislating for the people... if they ever really intended to do so in the first place...
Matt, I recently read The NY Times #1 nonfiction bestseller Unfreed of the Press by mark Levin. Levin, as you know doubt are aware, is conservative, however his book is well researched, footnoted and scholarly.
Despite his political stance, he arrives at the same conclusions as you on the sorry state of our media, though he believes that the media actively colluding with the democrats/progressives on the political left.
I strongly agree with the conclusion reached by each of you on the failure of our current press, but wanted to know your take on Levin’s “active collusion” hypothesis.
I would certainly like to hear comments from all substack subscribers on this question.
Full disclosure, I believe both of you are correct and that the two of you should collaborate, or “reach across the aisle” , to educate citizen news consumers with ideas for righting this sinking media ship.
I agree with both Matt's take on how the media is just selling cheap and addictive dopamine responses for big money. It's shameful.
As for Levin's take, I haven't read much of him but agree that there is collusion -but it's from both parties and more accurately represents "the established" political powers, both elected and through private and corporate influences.
"Today they still love it, but they try to pretend otherwise, cloaking themselves in sanctimony and pretend-advocacy as they do. This isn’t politics. It’s low-end consumer business – mental cigarettes. Don’t fall for it."
IT. The act.
You know.. "We hate Trump! He's disgusting! Not MY president!!!"
-and then they give him a load of airtime and free coverage because they can sell it to the people who buy the "two party" lie and want a quick fix of dopamine release hearing about how shitty Trump is.
Not to mention the brilliant "Pied Piper strategy," which almost certainly helped Trump get exposure and saturate the airwaves far beyond what his poll numbers warranted at the time.
I was pretty disappointed you didn't make it to The Left Forum. I had your panel circled for weeks. A notice that you wouldn't be attending would have been courteous. Anyways, Disappointed Reader.
I was pretty disappointed you didn't make it to The Left Forum. I had your panel circled for weeks. A notice that you wouldn't be attending would have been courteous. Anyways, Disappointed Reader.
How afraid of Trump are the cable channels derided by Trump as fake news and threatened by him in vague ways (and who will not lift a finger for Assange...), but dependent on his antics for ratings particularly by serving as a vent for empty liberal outrage? At all? Or does any real threat simply fail to register, even as the channels refer to Trump as a threat to Jim Acosta or something. Maybe this should be known as "red herring gate"....
Awesome observation.
I'm pretty well convinced that we won't make it. The evidence all around us is convincing... we're too stupid as a society/culture to manage. Not when China has a middle class that's FOUR TIMES the size of the entire US population. Not as our elected cunts continue gorging on handouts instead of actually legislating for the people... if they ever really intended to do so in the first place...
Better learn Mandarin at least.
When can we expect new content?
Matt, I recently read The NY Times #1 nonfiction bestseller Unfreed of the Press by mark Levin. Levin, as you know doubt are aware, is conservative, however his book is well researched, footnoted and scholarly.
Despite his political stance, he arrives at the same conclusions as you on the sorry state of our media, though he believes that the media actively colluding with the democrats/progressives on the political left.
I strongly agree with the conclusion reached by each of you on the failure of our current press, but wanted to know your take on Levin’s “active collusion” hypothesis.
I would certainly like to hear comments from all substack subscribers on this question.
Full disclosure, I believe both of you are correct and that the two of you should collaborate, or “reach across the aisle” , to educate citizen news consumers with ideas for righting this sinking media ship.
I agree with both Matt's take on how the media is just selling cheap and addictive dopamine responses for big money. It's shameful.
As for Levin's take, I haven't read much of him but agree that there is collusion -but it's from both parties and more accurately represents "the established" political powers, both elected and through private and corporate influences.
Matt must be on vacation?
One hopes that it's just vacation, and not a personal/family issue. But it is disappointing that there have been no recent updates.
As if this could get any worse, Biden appears to be one of Comcast's, I mean, MSNBC's Anointed Ones.
Falling for what?
"Today they still love it, but they try to pretend otherwise, cloaking themselves in sanctimony and pretend-advocacy as they do. This isn’t politics. It’s low-end consumer business – mental cigarettes. Don’t fall for it."
IT. The act.
You know.. "We hate Trump! He's disgusting! Not MY president!!!"
-and then they give him a load of airtime and free coverage because they can sell it to the people who buy the "two party" lie and want a quick fix of dopamine release hearing about how shitty Trump is.
Not fallin' for it.
Sorry, that was meant for Matt
Yeah, I figured that, but it was flattering to be mistaken for him, if only for a second....
Not to mention the brilliant "Pied Piper strategy," which almost certainly helped Trump get exposure and saturate the airwaves far beyond what his poll numbers warranted at the time.
I was pretty disappointed you didn't make it to The Left Forum. I had your panel circled for weeks. A notice that you wouldn't be attending would have been courteous. Anyways, Disappointed Reader.
I was pretty disappointed you didn't make it to The Left Forum. I had your panel circled for weeks. A notice that you wouldn't be attending would have been courteous. Anyways, Disappointed Reader.