Man, this was dope. I’m genuinely happy that this platform gives you the opportunity to go after these types of subjects, you can feel your excitement for the topics through your writing.

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Great interview! Glad to hear Chomsky agrees with me on nothing much having changed the Propaganda Model - I was pressured by my publisher to add a separate chapter to my wannabe-update to Manufacturing Consent on how the internet and social media have changed so much, but I resisted. I'd love to get a blurb from you on the book, if you're game - regardless, I think you'll find it useful in writing "The Fairway: Thirty Years After Manufacturing Consent, How Mass Media Still Keeps Thought Inbounds." It contains citations to most of the relevant academic research on media effects and political economy of media. Send me an email (pbeattie@cuhk.edu.hk) and I'll reply with a copy of the manuscript.

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Great preface Matt, and I'm really looking forward to the rest of your book!!

It would be great if you could touch on ways the model could be expanded or updated for the modern era and/or review some of the work that has been done and is underway by the Project Censored folks. They sometimes also examine how Chomsky and Herman's Manufacturing Consent apply to the present era - and have even taken a few attempts at updating aspects of it as well - e.g., https://projectcensored.org/post-truth-world-reviving-propaganda-model-news-digital-age/ - and/or listen to the podcast - https://projectcensored.podbean.com/e/project-censored-022018/

And, if I could make a humble request/suggestion :D it would be great if there was a chapter, afterward, or supplemental resource in your book investigating that looking at how we can be effective news consumers and/or producers in the modern era - with all of the propaganda/manufactured consent/fake news/etc... that we are all swimming in these days. Potentially you could create some 'pro tips' for your readers. Additionally, it would be interesting to review some of the solutions/efforts being worked on/proposed by other groups - such as Critical Media Literacy - http://gcml.org/the-global-critical-media-literacy-educators-resource-guide/

Keep up the great work,


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Hi Matt, great interview! I can't wait for this new series and the newsletter. I wrote an article on my blog about TBSODD, I don't have many followers but I really wanted to do my part to spread the word about the story. Here's a link down below


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I reread once again this great interview -- thank you so very much. I learned a lot.

I respect you even more because of your obvious respect for Noam's great work.

Please don't get discouraged -- as Noam is saying -- nothing much has changed except that now we are close to two catastrophes -- nuclear war and climate change-Earth destruction and its beautiful life 6th extinction

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So excited about this medium! Keeping making press appearances about this work. People love what you do and will support you.

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This was uber-boring. I did not finish it. I did not follow it – I am not that smart.

Lest you conclude I am some red MAGA trucker hat moron – I’m not. I come at journalism through the David Simon angle.

I loved “…Drug Dealing.” You are an awesome writer/journalist.

I get why you are so over-the-moon with Chomsky. Many journos are. I guess I just don’t get it, though.

I look forward to your next project.

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